Albert Pike To Mazzini, August 15, 1871 - Three World Wars - Conspiracy Archive

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Mdakrt ^hik tj Lmzzhfh, Mueust =;, =35=2 _crkk Ujrdo Umrs: AX _KQQX LKDMFWJF µ LKDMFWJF µ BMF[MQX =>, 1>=;

ay _krry Lkdmfsjf, Jgt. ;tc, 1>=> Jr, cjw  Lhgcmkd Cmupt smho, tcmt  Uhddhml Euy  Gmrr smho, tcmt

Gmrohfmd Gmrj y Qjorheukz j`  Wmfthmej, Gchdk smho, tcmt _ck  smho, tcmt Gmusk j` Ujrdo [frkst  smho, tck gjf`kssko cjmxkr Emarhkd Bjemfo-^meãs mim Or. Amtmhddk mim Dkj _mxhd smho majut Mdakrt ^hik mfo Ehuskppk Lmzzhfh hf Dk ohmadk

mu SHSk shãgdk, v. HH, =381-=38?, p.


0>; (aut mgtumddy pp. ;8?0>0). Ejt ht: 


ojf‘t okrhvk mfy smths`mgthjf `rjl m okaufihfe. H rkmddy ojf‘t. Ohsgjvkrhfe tck trutc hs m rkwmro hf htskd`.

Cmvhfe m ifmgi `jr ektthfe tj tck ajttjl j` m tchfe mdsj ckdps whtc lmhftmhfhfe grkohahdhty. Chstjrhjermpcy hs mljfe jtckr tchfes gjfgkrfko whtc sjurgk grhthghsl. Mfo wchdk H‘l fjt mf mgmoklhgmddy trmhfko chstjrhmf, H ml quhtk mwmrk tcmt jfk scjudo strhvk tj gjfsudt tck prhlmry sjurgk ms jppjsko tj rkdyhfe jf tck wjro j` skgjfomry jr kvkf tkrthmry mggjufts. _ck lmttkr mt cmfo okmds whtc mf mddkeko —tcrkk wjrdo wmr“ prkohgthjf `rjl `mlko Lmsjf, Wgjtthsc Qhtk Wjvkrkhef Ermfo Gjllmfokr Mdakrt ^hik. Uhddhml Euy Gmrr wms tck iky purvkyjr j` tck tmdk wchgc, tj lk, wms susphghjus tj smy  tck dkmst. J`` mfo jf H‘vk akkf wjrihfe mt ht. Mfo H‘vk `hfmddy grmgiko tck gmsk.

_ck —_crkk Ujrdo Umrs“ wkashtk mfo Gmrr  Dkt‘s akehf whtc tck ljokrf pjpudmrhskr j` tck ^hik/Lmzzhfh, =35= —dkttkr.“ Hf 1>>7, mf Kfedhsclmf ay tck fmlk j` Lhgcmkd Cmupt  Cmupt Y`he =\  =\ dmufgcko dmufgcko  Y`he 1\chs 1\ chs wkashtk tcrkkwjrdowmrs.gjl tcrkkwjrdowmrs.gjl hf  hf rkspjfsk tj Bhcmohst tkrrjrhsl mfo tck  Mlkrhgmf hfvmshjf j` Hrmq. Amgiko ay 


tck ifjwdkoek edkmfko `rjl m gjfsphrmtjrhmd vhkw j` chstjry mfo mf javhjus hlpkfohfe gmtmgdysl, tck wjros j` Uhddhml Euy Gmrr, mttrhautko tj  Mdakrt ^hik, skklko tj prkghskdy prkohgt tck ohrk ghrgulstmfgks uf`jdohfe hf tck Lhoodk Kmst. Jfk lkssmek tcmt Mdakrt ^hik rkgkhvko `rjl chs —sphrht euhok,“ mfo wchgc hf rkmdhty wk ifjw tj ak m okljfhg vhshjf, ck oksgrhako hf m dkttkr tcmt ck wrjtk tj Lmzzhfh, omtko Mueust =;, =35=. _chs dkttkr ermpchgmddy jutdhfko pdmfs `jr tcrkk  wjrdo wmrs tcmt wkrk skkf ms ms fkgkssmry tj arhfe majut tck Jfk  Ujrdo Jrokr, mfo wk gmf lmrvkd lmrvkd mt cjw mggurmtkdy ht cms prkohgtko kvkfts tcmt cmvk mdrkmoy tmikf pdmgk. _chs hs fjt akgmusk tck okvhd cms pjwkrs j` prjpckgy, aut  akgmusk chs mekfts cmvk ufokrtmikf tj lmfhpudmtk pjdhthgmd kvkfts tj gdjskdy `jddjw chs okshefs. @jr m scjrt thlk, tchs dkttkr wms jf ohspdmy hf tck Arhthsc Luskul Dharmry hf Djfojf, mfo ht wms gjphko ay Uhddhml Euy Gmrr, `jrlkr Hftkddhekfgk J``hgkr hf tck Qjymd Gmfmohmf Fmvy. —_ck @hrst Ujrdo Umr lust ak  arjuect majut hf jrokr tj pkrlht tck Hddulhfmth tj jvkrtcrjw tck pjwkr j` tck Gzmrs hf Qusshm mfo j` lmihfe tcmt gjuftry m `jrtrkss j`  mtckhsthg Gjllufhsl. _ck ohvkrekfgks gmusko ay tck —mekftur“ (mekfts) j` tck


Hddulhfmth aktwkkf tck Arhthsc mfo Ekrlmfhg Klphrks whdd ak usko tj `jlkft tchs wmr. Mt tck kfo j` tck wmr, Gjllufhsl whdd ak auhdt mfo usko hf jrokr tj okstrjy tck jtckr ejvkrflkfts mfo hf jrokr tj wkmikf tck rkdhehjfs.“

Wtuokfts j` chstjry whdd rkgjefhzk tcmt tck pjdhthgmd mddhmfgks j`  Kfedmfo jf jfk shok mfo Ekrlmfy  jf tck jtckr, `jreko aktwkkf =35= mfo =383 ay Jttj vjf Ahslmrgi, gj-gjfsphrmtjr j` Mdakrt ^hik, wkrk hfstrulkftmd hf arhfehfe majut tck @hrst Ujrdo Umr. —_ck Wkgjfo Ujrdo Umr lust  ak `jlkftko ay tmihfe movmftmek j` tck oh``krkfgks  aktwkkf tck @msghsts mfo tck pjdhthgmd Rhjfhsts. _chs wmr lust ak arjuect majut sj tcmt Fmzhsl hs okstrjyko mfo tcmt tck pjdhthgmd Rhjfhsl ak strjfe kfjuec tj hfsthtutk m sjvkrkhef stmtk j` Hsrmkd hf ^mdksthfk. Ourhfe tck Wkgjfo  Ujrdo Umr, Hftkrfmthjfmd Gjllufhsl lust akgjlk strjfe kfjuec hf jrokr tj  amdmfgk Gcrhstkfojl, wchgc  wjudo ak tckf rkstrmhfko mfo ckdo hf gckgi ufthd tck thlk  wckf wk wjudo fkko ht `jr tck `hfmd sjghmd gmtmgdysl.“

 M`tkr tchs Wkgjfo Ujrdo Umr, Gjllufhsl wms lmok strjfe kfjuec tj akehf tmihfe jvkr wkmikr


ejvkrflkfts. Hf =8?;, mt tck ^jtsoml Gjf`krkfgk aktwkkf _rulmf, Gcurgchdd, mfo Wtmdhf, m dmrek pjrthjf j` Kurjpk wms shlpdy  sh lpdy  cmfoko jvkr tj Qusshm, mfo jf tck jtckr shok j` tck wjrdo, tck m`tkrlmtc j` tck wmr whtc Bmpmf ckdpko tj swkkp tck thok j`  Gjllufhsl hftj Gchfm. —_ck _chro Ujrdo Umr lust  ak `jlkftko ay tmihfe movmftmek j` tck oh``krkfgks gmusko ay tck —mekftur“ j` tck —Hddulhfmth“ aktwkkf tck pjdhthgmd Rhjfhsts mfo tck dkmokrs j` Hsdmlhg Ujrdo. _ck  wmr lust ak gjfougtko hf sugc m wmy tcmt Hsdml (tck Ljsdkl Mrmahg Ujrdo) mfo pjdhthgmd Rhjfhsl (tck Wtmtk j`  Hsrmkd) lutumddy okstrjy kmgc jtckr. Lkmfwchdk tck jtckr fmthjfs, jfgk ljrk ohvhoko jf tchs hssuk whdd ak gjfstrmhfko tj `hect tj tck pjhft j`  gjlpdktk pcyshgmd, ljrmd, sphrhtumd mfo kgjfjlhgmd kxcmusthjf…Uk scmdd ufdkmsc tck Fhchdhsts mfo tck mtckhsts, mfo wk scmdd prjvjik m `jrlhomadk sjghmd gmtmgdysl  wchgc hf mdd hts cjrrjr whdd scjw gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs tck k``kgt j` masjdutk mtckhsl, jrhehf j` smvmekry mfo j` tck ljst adjjoy turljhd. _ckf kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks memhfst tck wjrdo lhfjrhty j`  rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd


kxtkrlhfmtk tcjsk okstrjykrs j` ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck ludthtuok, ohshddushjfko whtc Gcrhsthmfhty, wcjsk okhsthg sphrhts whdd `rjl tcmt ljlkft  ak whtcjut gjlpmss jr ohrkgthjf, mfxhjus `jr mf hokmd, aut whtcjut ifjwhfe  wckrk tj rkfokr hts mojrmthjf,  whdd rkgkhvk tck truk dhect tcrjuec tck ufhvkrsmd lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck purk ojgtrhfk j` Dugh`kr, arjuect `hfmddy jut hf tck puadhg vhkw. _chs lmfh`kstmthjf whdd rksudt `rjl tck ekfkrmd rkmgthjfmry  ljvklkft wchgc whdd `jddjw  tck okstrugthjf j` Gcrhsthmfhty  mfo mtckhsl, ajtc gjfqukrko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko mt tck smlk thlk.“

Whfgk tck tkrrjrhst mttmgis j` Wkpt ==, 1>>=, wjrdo kvkfts hf tck Lhoodk Kmst scjw m erjwhfe ufrkst mfo hfstmahdhty aktwkkf Bkws mfo  Mrmas. _chs hs gjlpdktkdy hf dhfk  whtc tck gmdd `jr m _chro Ujrdo Umr tj ak `juect aktwkkf tck twj, mfo tckhr mddhks jf ajtc shoks. _chs _chro Ujrdo Umr hs sthdd tj gjlk, mfo rkgkft kvkfts scjw us tcmt ht hs fjt `mr j``. ‗ Lhgcmkd Cmupt, — Ucj wms  Mdakrt ^hik:“ ^hik:“ (Buf >5, 1>>7 Y`he 7\)9 7\ )9 Yg`. tck gurrkft pmek\ pmek\

Fjthgk tck qujtks mttrhautko tj Gmrr,  wcj hf turf hs suppjskody ghthfe ^hik


 vkramthl.  Mdtcjuec tckrk hs fj ghtmthjf `rjl Cmupt, k.e.  ajji mfo pmek fulakr, ht wms prktty  kmsy tj trmgi  ojwf `rjl  wckrk ht cmo jrhehfmtko. —_ck @hrst Ujrdo Umr lust…,“ —_ck Wkgjfo Ujrdo Umr lust…,“ mfo —_ck _chro Ujrdo Umr lust…,“ hs m pmrmpcrmsko  m pmrmpcrmsko  kxgkrpt  kxgkrpt `rjl  Uhddhml Euy Gmrr‘s ajji, ^mwfs ajji, ^mwfs hf tck Emlk,, pp. xv-xvh (m rkprhft j` tck =8;3 Emlk kohthjf). Jfdy Gmrr ojksf‘t usk qujtks tj shefmd m ohrkgt qujtk `rjl tck dkttkr, ms Cmupt cmo okklko fkgkssmry tj hfskrt mdd ay chlskd`. _ck `jrlkr ojks hfokko gdmhl tcmt tcrkk wjrdo wmrs wms prjpckshko hf tck dkttkr, aut ck ojksf‘t mgtumddy ej sj `mr ms tj put qujtmthjfs qujtmthjfs mrjufo  mrjufo ht sj ms tj ok`hfhthvkdy mttrhautk tcjsk spkgh`hg  wjros ms jggurrhfe vkramthl vkramthl hf  hf smho dkttkr. Gmrr lmhftmhfs m gurhjus lhoodk erjufo. Jaskrvk tck `jddjwhfe2 Aktwkkf =3;8, mfo =35=, ck wjriko jut tck oktmhds j` m lhdhtmry adukprhft, `jr tcrkk wjrdo wmrs, mfo tcrkk lmbjr rkvjduthjfs wchgc ck gjfshokrko wjudo `urtckr tck gjfsphrmgy tj hts `hfmd stmek ourhfe tck twkfthktc gkftury.


Y…\ ^hik‘s pdmf wms ms shlpdk ms ht cms prjvko k``kgthvk. Ck rkquhrko tcmt Gjllufhsl, Fmzhhsl, ^jdhthgmd Rhjfhsl, mfo jtckr Hftkrfmthjfmd ljvklkfts ak jremfhzko mfo usko tj `jlkft tck tcrkk edjamd wmrs mfo tcrkk lmbjr rkvjduthjfs. _ck `hrst wjrdo wmr  wms tj ak `juect sj ms tj kfmadk tck tck Hddulhfmth tj jvkrtcrjw tck pjwkrs j` tck _zmrs hf Qusshm mfo turf tcmt gjuftry hftj tck strjfecjdo j`   Mtckhsthg-Gjllufhsl. _ck _ck oh``krkfgks sthrrko up ay mekftur j`  tck Hddulhfmth aktwkkf tck Arhthsc mfo Ekrlmf Klphrks wkrk tj ak usko tj `jlkft tchs wmr. M`tkr tck  wmr kfoko, Gjllufhsl wms wms tj ak  auhdt up mfo usko tj okstrjy jtckr jtckr ejvkrflkfts mfo wkmikf rkdhehjfs.  Ujrdo Umr _wj, wms tj ak `jlkftko ay ushfe tck oh``krkfgks  aktwkkf @msghsts mfo ^jdhthgmd Rhjfhsts. _chs wmr wms tj ak `juect sj tcmt Fmzhhsl wjudo ak okstrjyko mfo tck pjwkr j` ^jdhthgmd Rhjfhsl hfgrkmsko sj tcmt tck sjvkrkhef stmtk j` Hsrmkd gjudo ak kstmadhscko hf ^mdksthfk. Ourhfe wjrdo wmr twj Hftkrfmthjfmd Gjllufhsl wms tj  ak auhdt up ufthd ht kqumddko hf strkfetc tcmt j` ufhtko Gcrhstkfojl. Mt tchs pjhft ht wms tj  ak gjftmhfko mfo ikpt hf gckgi  gckgi  ufthd rkquhrko `jr tck `hfmd sjghmd gmtmgdysl. Gmf mfy hf`jrlko pkrsjf okfy Qjjskvkdt mfo Gcurgchdd oho fjt put tchs pjdhgy  hftj k``kgt:


 Ujrdo Umr _crkk hs tj ak `jlkftko `jlkftko  ay ushfe tck oh``krkfgks tck mekftur j` tck Hddulhfmth sthr up  aktwkkf ^jdhthgmd Rhjfhsts mfo tck dkmokrs j` tck Ljsdkl wjrdo. _ck  wmr hs tj ak ohrkgtko hf sugc m lmffkr tcmt Hsdml (tck Mrma Ujrdo hfgduohfe Ljcmllkomfhsl) mfo ^jdhthgmd Rhjfhsl (hfgduohfe tck Wtmtk j` Hsrmkd) whdd okstrjy  tcklskdvks wchdk mt tck smlk thlk tck rklmhfhfe fmthjfs, jfgk ljrk ohvhoko memhfst kmgc jtckr jf tchs hssuk, whdd ak `jrgko tj `hect tcklskdvks hftj m stmtk j` gjlpdktk kxcmusthjf pcyshgmddy, lkftmddy, sphrhtumddy mfo kgjfjlhgmddy. Gmf mfy ufahmsko mfo rkmsjfhfe pkrsjf okfy tcmt tck hftrheuk fjw ejhfe jf hf tck Fkmr, Lhoodk, mfo @mr Kmst hsf‘t okshefko tj mggjlpdhsc tchs okvhdhsc purpjsk: ‗ Uhddhml Euy Gmrr, ^mwfs Gmrr, ^mwfs hf tck Emlk (G^M Emlk (G^M Ajji ^uadhsckr rkprhft f. o.9 cjwkvkr Gmrr shefs chs hftrjougthjf Jgt. =7, =8;3), p. SP Y`he ?\

 Ms hs javhjus, tcksk mrk fjt ohrkgt qujtks, rmtckr jfdy m gdmhl. Mfo tckrk hs fj ghtmthjf `jr tcksk rkvkdmthjfs, khtckr2  Uckf kxmgtdy oho ^hik suppjskody dmy  jut chs lmstkr gjfsphrmgy: Mfo wckrk gmf jfk rkmo tck gjlpdktk ufkohtko jrhehfmd: Jf tck fkxt pmek, cjwkvkr, tckrk hs hs m  m slmdd qujtk `rjl tck lystkrhjus mddkeko


dkttkr omtko Mueust =;, =35=2 Jf Mueust =;, =35=, ^hik tjdo Lmzzhfh tcmt m`tkr Ujrdo Umr _crkk hs kfoko, tcjsk wcj msphrk tj ufohsputko wjrdo ojlhfmthjf whdd prjvjik tck erkmtkst sjghmd gmtmgdysl tck wjrdo cms kvkr ifjwf. Uk qujtk chs jwf wrhttkf  wjros (tmikf `rjl tck dkttkr dkttkr gmtmdjeuko hf tck Arhthsc Luskul Dharmry, Djfojf, Kfe.)2 —Uk scmdd ufdkmsc tck Fhchdhsts mfo Mtckhsts, mfo wk scmdd prjvjik m `jrlhomadk sjghmd gmtmgdysl wchgc hf mdd hts cjrrjr whdd scjw gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs tck k``kgt j`  masjdutk mtckhsl, jrhehf j`  smvmekry mfo j` tck ljst  adjjoy turljhd. _ckf kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks memhfst tck wjrdo lhfjrhty j`  rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd kxtkrlhfmtk tcjsk okstrjykrs j` ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck ludthtuok, ohshddushjfko whtc Gcrhsthmfhty, wcjsk okhsthg sphrhts whdd ak `rjl tcmt ljlkft whtcjut gjlpmss (ohrkgthjf), mfxhjus `jr mf hokmd, aut whtcjut ifjwhfe  wckrk tj rkfokr hts mojrmthjf,  whdd rkgkhvk tck truk dhect tcrjuec tck ufhvkrsmd lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck purk ojgtrhfk j` Dugh`kr arjuect `hfmddy jut hf tck puadhg vhkw, m lmfh`kstmthjf wchgc whdd


rksudt `rjl tck ekfkrmd rkmgthjfmry ljvklkft wchgc  whdd `jddjw tck okstrugthjf j`  Gcrhsthmfhty mfo Mtckhsl,  ajtc gjfqukrko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko mt tck smlk thlk.“

‗ Uhddhml Euy Gmrr, ^mwfs Gmrr, ^mwfs hf tck Emlk (G^M Emlk (G^M Ajji ^uadhsckr rkprhft f.o.), p. SPH Y`he ;\

Ckrk wk cmvk m ohrkgt qujtk `rjl tck kdushvk dkttkr, mfo memhf, whtc fj prkghsk ghtmthjf ‗ jfdy tck msskrthjf tcmt ht hs ckdo hf tck Arhthsc Luskul.

Gmrr, Qjorheukz mfo —_ck Gmusk j` Ujrdo [frkst“  Mppmrkftdy, Gmrr wms gmddko jut jf tchs, `jr hf chs dmst ajji puadhscko pjstculjusdy hf =8;8, ck `hfmddy rkvkmds chs sjurgk2 ^hik kxpdmhfko wcmt hs hftkfoko tj cmppkf hf m dkttkr ck wrjtk tj chs ohrkgtjr (Lmzzhfh) j` tck U.Q.L.  Mueust =;, =35=. _chs dkttkr hs qujtko kdskwckrk. Ht hs gmtmdjeuko hf tck Dharmry j` tck Arhthsc Luskul, Djfojf, Kfedmfo Y8\ Y8\mfo mfo cms akkf qujtko `rjl mfo rk`krrko tj ay ojzkfs j` mutcjrhthks mfo stuokfts j` tck U.Q.L., hfgduohfe Gmrohfmd Qjorheukz j` Gchdk. (Wkk pmek ==3 j` _ck Lystkrhks j`   @rkklmsjfry [fvkhdko , =81;. Kfedhsc trmfsdmthjf, =8;5.)


Y…\ Y8\ _ck Y8\  _ck Ikkpkr j` lmfusgrhpts rkgkftdy hf`jrlko tck mutcjr tcmt tchs dkttkr hs FJ_ gmtmdjeuko hf tck Arhthsc Luskul Dharmry. Ht skkls strmfek tcmt m lmf j` Gmrohfmd Qjorheukz‘s ifjwdkoek scjudo cmvk smho ht UMW hf =81;. ‗ Uhddhml Euy Gmrr, Wmtmf2 Gmrr, Wmtmf2  ^rhfgk j` tchs Ujrdo  (po`  (po` sgmf ay  sgmf ay  Cmupt), p. 11

Dkt‘s gjfsudt Gmrohfmd Qjorheukz‘  ajji tj phf ht ojwf `urtckr. Ckrk mrk tck rkdkvmft pmssmeks2 Hf _ck Gmusk,, Gmusk tck wjri j` Ljfskhefkur Bjuhf, gjfgkrfhfe tck ^rjtjgjds, mfo tck  wjri j` Uhtgcd, mrk ehvkf tck fmlks j` mdd tck Bkws wcj cmvk  akkf hf tck ejvkrflkft j` tck tck Wjvhkt mfo tcus ht hs scjwf tcmt tck Bkws mrk rkmdhzhfe tckhr pdmf, `jr  wchgc tcky gjuftko jf Lmsjfry Lmsjfry ms m adhfo mfo skrvhdk hfstrulkft. _ck jtckr hfohgmthjf j` tck pmrthghpmthjf j` Lmsjfry hf tck Qkvjduthjf mfo tck prkskft upckmvmd hf Qusshm hs m dkttkr hf Dk hf Dk


Whãgdk (=380),  Ohmadk mu SHSãlk Whãgdk (=380), mttrhautko tj Mdakrt ^hik, —Wjvkrkhef ^jfth`` j` [fhvkrsmd Lmsjfry“, msshstko ay tkf Mfghkfts j` tck Ermfo Djoek j` tck Wuprklk Jrhkft j` Gcmrdkstjf tj tck vkry  hddustrhjus Bjskpc Lmzzhfh, omtko  Mueust =;, =35=. Ucmt H cmvk smho j` tck ojgulkft prkvhjusdy  lkfthjfko, _ck ^rjtjgjds, ^rjtjgjds, H smy j`  tchs jfk2 Mutckfthg jr fjt, tck dkttkr cmo akkf puadhscko djfe kfjuec ak`jrk tck kvkfts, fjt tj ak mf hfvkfthjf mggjlljomtk mggjlljomtko o pjst   `mgtul.. Hts puadhgmthjf hs  `mgtul gmtmdjeuko hf tck Arhthsc Luskul j` Djfojf mfo tck pdmf mttrhautko tj ^hik hs mdsj hf pmrt hf Dk hf  Dk  ^mddmohslk J` Lmrehjttm, p. =30  ^mddmohslk J` puadhscko hf =38;. Ht hs m pdmf tj okstrjy Gmtcjdhghsl, tj tcrjw tck ^jpk jut j` Htmdy mfo `jrgk chl tj skki rk`uek hf Qusshm9 mfo tckf,  wckf tck mutjgrmthg mutjgrmthg klphrk cmo  akgjlk tck ghtmokd ghtmokd j` ^mpmd Gcrhsthmfhty, —wk,“ gjfthfuks tck mutcjr j` tck dkttkr, —scmdd ufdkmsc tck Fhchdhsts mfo Mtckhsts, mfo wk scmdd prjvjik m `jrlhomadk sjghmd gmtmgdysl wchgc hf mdd hts cjrrjr  whdd scjw gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs fmthjfs tck k``kgt j` masjdutk mtckhsl, jrhehf j`  smvmekry mfo j` tck ljst adjjoy  turljhd. _ckf kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks memhfst tck wjrdo lhfjrhty j` rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd kxtkrlhfmtk tcjsk okstrjykrs j`  ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck ludthtuok, ohshddushjfko whtc Gcrhsthmfhty,


 wcjsk okhsthg sphrhts whdd ak `rjl tcmt ljlkft whtcjut gjlpmss, mfxhjus `jr mf hokmd, aut whtcjut ifjwhfe wckrk tj rkfokr hts mojrmthjf, whdd rkgkhvk tck truk dhect  tcrjuec  tcrjuec tck ufhvkrsmd lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck purk ojgtrhfk j` Dugh`kr arjuect `hfmddy jut hf tck puadhg vhkw, m lmfh`kstmthjf wchgc  whdd rksudt `rjl tck ekfkrmd ekfkrmd rkmgthjfmry ljvklkft wchgc whdd `jddjw tck okstrugthjf j`  Gcrhsthmfhty mfo mtckhsl, ajtc gjfqukrko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko mt tck smlk thlk“ (_ck (_ck Gmusk, Gmusk, p. 55 ``). ‗ _ck Gmrohfmd j` Gchdk, _ck  Lystkrhks j` @rkklmsjfry [fvkhdko  (Gcrhsthmf  (Gcrhsthmf Ajji Gdua j`   Mlkrhgm, 1>>0), pp. pp. ==;-0 Y`he Y`he 0mfo 5\

H wms pdkmsko whtc tck ohsgjvkry tcmt Gmrohfmd Qjorheukz prjvhoko mokqumtk ghtmthjf `jr `urtckr hfvksthemthjf. Wjlk j` tck fkw hf`jrlmthjf edkmfko hfgduoks tck `mgt, tcmt =) Gmrr qujtko ohrkgtdy  `rjl Qjorheukz‘ lkmerk jfk-pmrmermpc kxgkrpt9 1) tck dmttkr lkfthjfko fjtchfe majut m prkohgthjf j` tcrkk wjrdo wmrs9 mfo tcmt 7) Gmrr wms gjf`usko majut kxmgtdy wcmt wms —gmtmdjeuko“ hf tck Arhthsc Luskul. @urtckrljrk, ht mppkmrs tcmt Gmrohfmd Qjorheukz wms mdduohfe tj Dk tj Dk Ohmadk mu SHSãlk Whãgdk ‟ —hts puadhgmthjf“  ‟  ‟ ms akhfe gmtmdjeuko mt tck Luskul, fjt tck dkttkr htskd` (ms jur fkxt sjurgk gjf`hrls).


 Mt mfy rmtk, Dk rmtk, Dk Ohmadk mu SHSãlk  WhãgdkY_ck  Whãgdk Y_ck Okvhd hf tck =8tc-gkftury\ hs tck tcksjurgk sjurgk j` tck mddkeko dkttkr. [f`jrtufmtkdy, cjwkvkr, Qjorheukz jlhts wchgc vjdulk ‗ Amtmhddk (Or.), Dk (Or.), Dk  Ohmadk mu SHSk shãgdk, shãgdk, 1 vjdulks (Okdcjllk & Arheukt2 ^mrhs-Dyjf, =381-=38?), =3>>pp ‗ dkt mdjfk wchgc pmek jr pmeks. _ckrk`jrk, H cmo fj jtckr gcjhgk aut tj gjfsudt tck skgjfomry   wjri gmddko —_ck Gmusk.“ Jf p. 3 hf tck m`jrklkfthjfko kohthjf j` _ck Lystkrhks j` @rkklmsjfry [fvkhdko , jfk kfgjuftkrs m ckdp`ud skgthjf kfthtdko —Qk`krkfgks mfo  Maarkvhmthjfs.“ Htkl fulakr =8, rkmos2 —_ck Gmusk j` Ujrdo [frkst  =81>“  Y`he 3\. 3\. ^utthfe ht lhdody, ajtc Gmrr mfo Qjorheukz wkrk cmrody mlhgmadk tjwmro tck Bkws, mfo tck fkxt sjurgk hs fj kxgkpthjf tj tck rudk. _ck Gmusk j` Ujrdo [frkst  hs  hs m gjlphdmthjf j` mrthgdks tcmt mppkmrko hf tck Djfojf tck  Djfojf Ljrfhfe ^jst  hf  hf Budy j`  =81>, hf tck wmik j` tck Ajdsckvhi  rkvjduthjf mfo tck puadhgmthjf j`  tck ^rjtjgjds tck  ^rjtjgjds j` tck Dkmrfko Kdokrs j`   Rhjf.. Ucjkvkr pkffko tcksk tkxts  Rhjf  whscko tj rklmhf mfjfyljus. Gkrtmhf rkskmrgckrs rkskmrgckrs,, cjwkvkr, gjfgduok tcmt hts lmhf mutcjrs wkrk Hmf Gjdvhf, kohtjr j` tck pmpkr C. M. Ewyffk, mfo Fkstm Ukastkr. _ck jrhehfmd =81> gjpy j` tck ajji, ms  wkdd ms m rkgkft rkprhft j` ht (prkghsk


omtk fjt spkgh`hko), rkvkmds tcmt Gmrohfmd Qjorheukz wms hfgjrrkgt majut tck pmek fulakrs. _ck hf`jrlmthjf jf tck ^hik dkttkr hs `jufo `rjl pmek ;> tj ;1, ms jppjsko tj —55 ``“2 Hf tck ykmr =380 tckrk mppkmrko hf ^mrhs m gurhjus puadhgmthjf gmddko Dk gmddko  Dk Ohmadk mu SHSk Whãgdk. Whãgdk. Ht  wms mf mttmgi upjf @rkklmsjfry, @rkklmsjfry, mfo gmlk jut hf pmrts, hddustrmtko  whtc erjtksquk mfo rkpudshvk kfermvhfes. _ck fmlk jf tck thtdkpmek hs Or. Amtmhddk, aut ht hs stmtko hf tck Arhthsc tck Arhthsc Luskul Gmtmdjeuktcmt Gmtmdjeuk tcmt tck rkmd mutcjrs  wkrk Emarhkd Bjemfo-^meãs mfo Gcmrdks Cmgis Y_L2 tchs kxpdmhfs tck —gmtmdjeuko“  aushfkss\.. _ck ajji, whtc kvhokft  aushfkss\ ifjwdkoek mfo m scjw j` mutcjrhty, skt jut tj trmgk tck gjffkgthjf  aktwkkf @rkklmsjfry mfo rkvjduthjfs, aut hts skfsmthjfmdhsl mfo tck kxtrklkdy ojuat`ud gcmrmgtkr j` sjlk j` tck ojgulkfts prjougko arjuect ht hftj ohsrkputk. Ht hs fjw `jrejttkf, mfo ykt ht gjftmhfs m ejjo okmd tcmt gmf ak  vkrh`hko `rjl jtckr sjurgks, sjurgks, mfo sjlk tchfes mdsj wchgc skkl tj ak  vkrh`hko ay rkgkft kvkfts. Hf pmrthgudmr tckrk hs m dkttkr ‗ jr mf mddkeko dkttkr ‗ smho tj cmvk akkf  wrhttkf ay Mdakrt ^hik, tck —Wjvkrkhef ^jfth`` j` [fhvkrsmd @rkklmsjfry,“ msshstko ay tck _kf  Mfghkfts j` tck Ermfo Djoek j` tck tck Wuprklk Jrhkft mt Gcmrdkstjf, tj —tck vkry hddustrhjus arjtckr“


Ehuskppk Lmzzhfh. _chs dkttkr hs omtko (hf Lmsjfhg stydk) Mueust =;, =35=, mfo skts `jrtc mf mfth-gdkrhgmd pjdhgy wchgc Lmzzhfh hs tj `jddjw hf Htmdy. _ck lkmsurks prjpjsko, hfgduohfe skgudmr kougmthjf, tck kxpudshjf j` tck rkdhehjus jrokrs, mfo sj `jrtc, fkko fjt oktmhf us.  Ucmt hs tj jur purpjsk jggurs tjwmros tck kfo j` tck dkttkr, jf pmek 0>; (vjd. hh.). _ck wrhtkr kxpdmhfs tcmt jwhfe tj tck wjrihfe jut j` tchs pjdhgy tck ^jpk lmy ak orhvkf mt sjlk `uturk thlk jut j`  Htmdy, mfo tcmt kstmadhscko rkdhehjf  whdd tckf `hfo hts dmst rk`uek hf Qusshm. Mfo tck dkttkr prjgkkos2 —_cmt hs wcy, wckf tck mutjgrmthg Klphrk j` Qusshm whdd cmvk akgjlk tck ghtmokd j` ^mpmd Gcrhsthmfhty  (mojfmêslk pmphstk), wk scmdd ufgcmhf tck rkvjduthjfmry Fhchdhsts mfo Mtckhsts, mfo wk scmdd prjvjik m `jrlhomadk sjghmd gmtmgdysl,  wchgc whdd okljfstrmtk gdkmrdy gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs, hf mdd hts cjrrjr, tck k``kgt j` masjdutk ufakdhk`, ljtckr j` smvmekry mfo j` tck ljst adjjoy  ohsjrokr. _ckf, kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks memhfst tck lmo lhfjrhty j` rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd kxtkrlhfmtk tcksk okstrjykrs j`  ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck ludthtuok, ohshddushjfko j` Gcrhsthmfhty, wcjsk okhst sjud whdd up tj tcmt ljlkft  ak whtcjut gjlpmss, tchrsthfe `jr mf hokmd, aut fjt ifjwhfe wckrk tj  akstjw tckhr wjrschp, whdd rkgkhvk


tck _ruk Dhect, ay tck ufhvkrsmd lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck purk Dugh`krhmf ojgtrhfk, mt dmst lmok puadhg, m lmfh`kstmthjf wchgc whdd mrhsk `rjl tck ekfkrmd ljvklkft j`  rkmgthjf `jddjwhfe tck okstrugthjf j` Mtckhsl mfo Gcrhsthmfhty, ajtc mt tck smlk thlk vmfquhscko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko.“ Fjw tchs dkttkr hs mt dkmst ms jdo ms =380 (h` ht hs m `jrekry)9 h` ht hs ekfuhfk, ht hs ms jdo ms =35=. Ht lust tckrk`jrk ak gjfshokrko rklmrimadk, wcktckr ms m `jrekry jr ms m ekfuhfk ojgulkft. @jr ht prkohgts wcmt cms cmppkfko hf Qusshm, mfo ht gdmhls `jr hts mutcjrs tcmt tcky wkrk prkpmrhfe tj arhfe majut wcmt cms cmppkfko. ‗ C. M. Ewyffk (ko.), _ck Gmusk j` Ujrdo [frkst  (fj  (fj omtk, fj puadhsckr, fj HWAF spkgh`hko Ygjvkr ‗ `he 8\), 8\), pp. ;>-;1 Yskk `he =>,, == => ==,, =1 =1,, ms wkdd ms =7 =799 mdsj, mf JGQ ^O@ sgmf j` tck jrhehfmd =81> kohthjf\ kohthjf\

Fjw wk‘rk ektthfe sjlkwckrk. _ck jrhehfmd ajji, vjdulk, mfo pmek fulakr `jr tck dkttkr cms `hfmddy akkf hokfth`hko.  Uk‘dd djji mt tck mgtumd —dkttkr“ akdjw. @jr fjw, cjwkvkr, ht whdd su``hgk tj gjllkft jf twj tchfes2 =) tck gjf`ushjf jvkr m gmtmdjeuk hf tck Arhthsc Luskul cms akkf sjdvko9 mfo 1) tck —Fhchdhsts mfo Mtckhsts“ qujtks mrk fkmrdy hokfthgmd trmfsdmthjfs `rjl Gmrr


tj Qjorheukz tj tck —mfjfyljus“ mutcjr hf _ck Gmusk. Gmusk. (_ckrk mrk m `kw lhfjr ohsgrkpmfghks, aut tchs hs surkdy ouk tj Qjorheukz‘s ajji akhfe trmfsdmtko `rjl Wpmfhsc tj Kfedhsc.) —_ck Gmusk“

Qjorheukz (=8;5


Kfedhsc kohthjf)

—scmdd ufgcmhf tck

—scmdd ufdkmsc tck


Fhchdhsts mfo Mtckhsts,

Fhchdhsts mfo

mfo wk scmdd prjvjik

 Mtckhsts, mfo wk

m `jrlhomadk sjghmd

scmdd prjvjik m

gmtmgdysl wchgc hf mdd

`jrlhomadk sjghmd

hts cjrrjr whdd scjw 

gmtmgdysl, wchgc whdd

gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs

okljfstrmtk gdkmrdy 

tck k``kgt j` masjdutk

tj tck fmthjfs, hf mdd

mtckhsl, jrhehf j` 

hts cjrrjr, tck k``kgt

smvmekry mfo j` tck

j` masjdutk ufakdhk`,

ljst adjjoy turljhd.

ljtckr j` smvmekry  mfo j` tck ljst

_ckf kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj

 adjjoy ohsjrokr.

ok`kfo tcklskdvks

_ckf, kvkrywckrk,

memhfst tck wjrdo

tck ghthzkfs, jadheko

lhfjrhty j` 

tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks

rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd

memhfst tck lmo

kxtkrlhfmtk tcjsk

lhfjrhty j` 

okstrjykrs j` 

rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd

ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck

kxtkrlhfmtk tcksk


okstrjykrs j` 

ohshddushjfko whtc

ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck

Gcrhsthmfhty, wcjsk


okhsthg sphrhts whdd ak

ohshddushjfko j` 

`rjl tcmt ljlkft

Gcrhsthmfhty, wcjsk

 whtcjut gjlpmss ,

okhst sjud whdd up tj

mfxhjus `jr mf hokmd,

tcmt ljlkft ak

 aut whtcjut ifjwhfe

 whtcjut gjlpmss,

 wckrk tj rkfokr rkfokr hts

tchrsthfe `jr mf hokmd,

mojrmthjf, whdd rkgkhvk

 aut fjt ifjwhfe

tck truk dhect tcrjuec

 wckrk tj akstjw 

tck ufhvkrsmd

tckhr wjrschp, whdd

lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck

rkgkhvk tck _ruk

purk ojgtrhfk j` 

Dhect, ay tck

Dugh`kr arjuect


`hfmddy jut hf tck

lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck

puadhg vhkw, m

purk Dugh`krhmf

lmfh`kstmthjf wchgc

ojgtrhfk, mt dmst

 whdd rksudt `rjl tck tck


lmok puadhg, m

ekfkrmd rkmgthjfmry 

lmfh`kstmthjf wchgc

ljvklkft wchgc whdd

 whdd mrhsk `rjl tck

`jddjw tck okstrugthjf

ekfkrmd ljvklkft j` 

j` Gcrhsthmfhty mfo

rkmgthjf `jddjwhfe

mtckhsl, ajtc

tck okstrugthjf j` 

gjfqukrko mfo

 Mtckhsl mfo

kxtkrlhfmtko mt tck

Gcrhsthmfhty, ajtc mt

smlk thlk“

tck smlk thlk  vmfquhscko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko.“

Gmrr (=8;3 kohthjf) —scmdd ufdkmsc tck Fhchdhsts mfo Mtckhsts, mfo wk scmdd prjvjik m `jrlhomadk sjghmd gmtmgdysl wchgc hf mdd hts cjrrjr whdd scjw  gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs tck k``kgt j` masjdutk mtckhsl, jrhehf j`  smvmekry mfo j` tck ljst adjjoy turljhd. _ckf kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks memhfst tck wjrdo lhfjrhty j`  rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd kxtkrlhfmtk tcjsk okstrjykrs j`  ghvhdhzmthjf, mfo tck ludthtuok, ohshddushjfko whtc Gcrhsthmfhty, wcjsk okhsthg sphrhts whdd ak `rjl tcmt ljlkft  whtcjut gjlpmss (ohrkgthjf), mfxhjus `jr mf hokmd, aut  whtcjut ifjwhfe  wckrk tj rkfokr rkfokr hts mojrmthjf, whdd rkgkhvk tck truk dhect tcrjuec tck ufhvkrsmd lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck purk ojgtrhfk j` 


Dugh`kr arjuect `hfmddy jut hf tck puadhg vhkw, m lmfh`kstmthjf wchgc  whdd rksudt `rjl tck tck ekfkrmd rkmgthjfmry  ljvklkft wchgc whdd `jddjw tck okstrugthjf j` Gcrhsthmfhty mfo  Mtckhsl, ajtc gjfqukrko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko mt tck smlk thlk.“

—DK ^DMF OKW GCK@W WKGQK_W“ Ht wms prkghskdy 1 ykmrs mej tcmt H cmo mgquhrko tck dmst sjurgk hf tck trmhd. H ojf‘t usumddy oj tck hftkr-dharmry tchfe2 tcky ehvk lk tck ruf-mrjufo, mfo kfodkss kxgusks. H purgcmsk ajjis jfdhfk, ljstdy tcrjuec skgjfo cmfo okmdkrs, mfo Dk mfo Dk Ohmadk mu SHSãlk Whãgdk ‟ mfy vjdulk9 mfy kohthjf ‟ wms m dhttdk tjj rhgc `jr ly adjjo. Ejjedk Ajjis cms hfokko sgmffko tck  vjdulk, skmrgcmadk tcjuec prkskftko  vjdulk, jfdy hf sfhppkt vhkw. Mt jfk pjhft H  akgmlk mwmrk j` Lhgckd Akrgclmfs‘ Dk Akrgclmfs‘  Dk  Ohmadk mu SHSk shãgdk2 Dm lysth`hgmthjf ou Or Amtmhddk Y_ck Amtmhddk Y_ck Okvhd hf tck =8tcgkftury2 _ck Cjmx j` Or. Amtmhddk\ (Lmrmajut, =857), wchgc hfgduoks dkfetcy kxgkrpts mdjfe whtc m grhthgmd hftrjougthjf. M`tkr ektthfe tck ajji hftj ly cmfos, cjwkvkr, H quhgidy `jufo tcmt tck `mlko =35= dkttkr `rjl ^hik tj Lmzzhfh wms uf`jrtufmtkdy jvkrdjjiko.


_ckf, m `kw wkkis mej, H cmo mf hokm.  Ucmt h` H typk hf —=; mjùt =35=“ hf tck sfhppkt skmrgc bust ekt m skladmfgk j`   wcmt pmek 0>; j` tck vjdulk rkmddy  gjftmhfs: Wurk kfjuec, ht wms tckrk. tckrk.  Mfo `rjl tcmt thfy sfhppkt vhkw, H edkmfko mf kfthrk skftkfgk2 —=; mjùt =35=, ãrk vudemhrk.“  Xju gmf prjamady `heurk jut wcmt ly  fkxt stkp wms. H ejjedko ht hf tck cjpks tcmt sjlkjfk, sjlkwckrk ‗ surkdy ay  fjw ‗ lust cmvk trmfsgrhako mfo pjstko pjrthjfs, jr cjpk`uddy tck kfthrk mddkeko dkttkr.  Pjhdî!!  Pjhdî Kxgkkohfe tcmfis tckrk`jrk ejks tj —Ckrgudk“ ‟ mt m Qkffks-dk-Gcátkmu rkskmrgc `jrul j` mdd pdmgks! ‟ wcj, m`tkr rkgkhvhfe ht hf mf klmhd, pjstko tck kfthrk gcmptkr `jufo hf Dk hf Dk Ohmadk, Ohmadk, v. HH, tcmt pkrtmhfs tj tck =35= ^hik/Lmzzhfh kxgcmfek. H quhgidy sfmtgcko up tck tkxt, gjfsjdhomtko ht, mfo gjlpmrko ht skftkfgk ay skftkfgk hf tck skmrgc ajx prjvhoko mt tck Ejjedk ajji sgmf. Ht wms m dhtkrmd trmfsgrhpthjf. Dkt‘s prjgkko tckf, whtc m trmfsdmthjf j`  tck twkdvk pmeks hf quksthjf ak`jrk rklmrihfe jf tck lkrhts jr vmdhohty j` hts gjftkfts jr dmgi tckrkj`. *** _ck Okvhd hf tck =8tc-gkftury, =8tc-gkftury, ay  Or. Amtmhddk, Pjdulk 1, Gcmptkr


SSSP, pmeks ;8?-0>0. Yp. ;8?\

—_ck ^dmf j` tck Wkgrkt Gchk`s“  Mt tck akehffhfe j` Mueust =35=, tcmt hs tj smy dkss tcmf m ykmr m`tkr tck kstmadhsclkft j` ^mddmohsl (Wuprklk Qhtk), tck —dkmrfko Dugh`krhmf ^jfth``“ Mdakrt ^hik rkgkhvko mf hlpjrtmft dkttkr `rjl Lmzzhfh. _ck pjdhthgmd mgthjf dkmokr `jr [fhvkrsmd @rkklmsjfry  hfvhtko tck suprklk ojelmthg dkmokr j` tck skgt tj ormw up m gdkmr pdmf whtc m vhkw tjwmro tck okstrugthjf j` Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl. —_ck ufhty j` Htmdy, ck smho, wms fkvkr gjfshokrko m ejmd, rmtckr m lkmfs.“ Hf tck sjdklf cjurs, Mdakrt ^hik msskladks chs tkf movhskrs, lklakrs j` tck Ljst Wkrkfk Ermfo Gjddkek j` Klkrhtko Lmsjfs, mfo sualhttko `jr tckhr gjfshokrmthjf tck quksthjf rmhsko  ay tck vkry hddustrhjus arjtckr Ehuskppk Lmzzhfh. _chs lkkthfe j` tck kdkvkf checkst dulhãrks j` tck hf`krfmd skgt, tchs kvhd gmamd wchgc dmstko skvkf omys (`rjl Mueust 8tc tj =;tc), m`tkr gmrk`ud Yp. ;8;\ okdhakrmthjf, hfsphrko fj ojuat ay Wmtmf chlskd`, dk`t tck `jddjwhfe


ojgulkft (trmfsdmtko `rjl tck jrhehfmd Dmthf tkxt)2 —_ck Wkrkfk Ermfo Gjddkek j`  Klkrhtko Lmsjfs, gjfvkfko ufokr tck gcmhrlmfschp j` tck Ljst Hddustrhjus, Ljst ^jwkr`ud mfo Ljst Ohvhfkdy Kfdhectkfko Arjtckr DHLL[O-KFWJ^C, Gustjohmd Ermfo Lmstkr j` tck Wmgrko ^mddmohul, Wjvkrkhef ^jfth`` j` [fhvkrsmd @rkklmsjfry, rkgkhvko whtc rkspkgt tck Fjadk mfo Ohefh`hko Mrgc `rjl tck ljst hddustrhjus, Ljst ^jwkr`ud mfo Ljst Kfdhectkfko Arjtckr KLJ[FMC-WCKLKO, Ckmo j`  ^jdhthgmd Mgthjf, Erkmt Ohgtmtjr mfo ^rkshokft j` tck Wuprklk Kxkguthvk Ohrkgtjrmtk, omtko tck `hrst omy j` tck Ljjf Ma, khectkkftc omy j` tck `h`tc ljftc j` tck ykmr j` tck _ruk Dhect >>>35=, mfo ufokr tck kyk j` tck  Mdlhecty Ohvhfk Lmstkr KSGKDW[W KSGKDWHJQ, mdd tchfes gjfshokrko, kxpjsko mfo ohsgussko hssuks j` suprklk hftkrkst, mfo m`tkr okdhakrmthjf, cms oktkrlhfko tck dkehthlmtk rkquhrklkfts tcmt tjomy whdd  akgjlk dmw. —Qhcma Wmaam, Mctm Mctfmfjg Lmdje Cgsjrkl, Dugh`kr.  Mddkduhm!“ —_ck okstrugthjf j` `kkadk Gmtcjdhghsl, gmffjt ak mggjlpdhscko mdd mt jfgk, mfo


krkgthfe ejjo Gmtcjdhghsl mdsj rkquhrks m djt j` dmajur, wjrihfe hf tmfokl, wchgc scjudo ak pursuko shludtmfkjusdy, sj tcmt,  wckf tck tklpdk j` Mojfmh, ufokrlhfko jf mdd shoks, hs rkmoy  tj gjddmpsk hf tjtmd ruhf, tck smlk hlpudsk tcmt mffhchdmtks whdd ohsgjvkr tck tklpdk, chtckrtj chookf `rjl jur Ohvhfk Lmstkr, prjpkrdy prkpmrko hf tck kyks j`  lmfihfo. —Ejo-Ihfe Dugh`kr whdd cmvk tck  wcjdk wjrdo gjfskgrmtko mfo  wjrschpphfe chl9 chs rkdhehjf whdd tckrk`jrk trudy ak Gmtcjdhg. —_ck thtdk j` Gmtcjdhg ojks fjt, hf `mgt, akdjfe tj Qjlmf supkrsththjf. _crjuec rkvkdmthjf, ht hs gkrtmhf tcmt hts fulakr whdd fkvkr rkmgc, mt hts mpjekk, m qumrtkr j` tck wjrdo‘s pjpudmthjf9 ht hs wrhttkf hf _ck Ajji j` tck Ckmvkfs. Jf tck jtckr cmfo, tck rkdhehjf j` Mojfmh mgchkvko tcmt ojlhfmthjf, mfo ht hs javhjus tcmt sck hs okgdhfhfe. —Ht hs fkgkssmry tcmt wk gjfshokr tck rkdhehjus shtumthjf j`  culmfhty, h` wk wmft tj sm`kdy  prjgkko whtc tck wjri j` twhgkjvkr okstrjyhfe tck tklpdk j`   Mojfmh mfo auhdohfe tck tklpdk j`  Dugh`kr. _chs prkdhlhfmry djji whdd ehvk us gjurmek mfo cjpk hf tck rkmdhzmthjf j` jur ohvhfk pdhect9 `jr wk scjw tcmt tck `uturk hs


jurs, mfo tck thtdk Gmtcjdhgs hs rkskrvko `jr jurskdvks. Yp. ;80\ —Jfk ahddhjf, `jur cuforko lhddhjf hfcmahtmfts, tchs hs tck pjpudmthjf j` tck edjak. J` tcksk, Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl cms jfdy twj cuforko mfo tkf lhddhjf `jddjwkrs. —Cjwkvkr, wk lust gdmssh`y  rkdhehjus `jddjwkrs ay erjups. —_ck Gcrhsthmf erjup hs tj ak suaohvhoko ms `jddjws2 Qjlmf Gmtcjdhgs, twj cuforko mfo tkf lhddhjf9 ^rjtkstmfts, jfk cuforko mfo twkfty lhddhjf9 Jrtcjojx,  wcjl tck pjpk j` supkrsththjf gmddko sgchslmthgs, khecty lhddhjf. —_ck Hfohmf erjup hs suaohvhoko ms `jddjws2 Auoochsts, `jur cuforko mfo twkfty lhddhjf9 Armclmfhsts, jfk cuforko mfo shxty lhddhjf. —Uk lust put mshok `jr tck Ljcmllkomfs, twj cuforko lhddhjf. —Jaskrvk tcmt tck trutc hs ifjwf tj tck prhksts j` Pkohsl (Hfohmf Erjup), mfo tck Ljcmllkomfs,  whtcjut ifjwhfe tck trutc, cmvk cmo m dmrek fulakr j` tckhr prhksts hfsphrko ay ht. —_wj cuforko mfo tchrty-tcrkk lhddhjf hojdmtkrs, `kthschsts jr  wjrschpkrs j` vmrhjus hojds, whdd ohsmppkmr mdjfe whtc ghvhdhzmthjf, fjt hfohvhoumddy aut ms


rkdhehjfhsts. _ck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg lhsshjfmrhks wmft tj whf tckl jvkr9 ykt ht whdd ak Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl htskd` tcmt ohsmppkmrs kvkf ak`jrk ht mttklpts tck gjfqukst hf m lkmfhfe`ud wmy. —_ck Bkwhsc rkdhehjf cms skvkf lhddhjf mockrkfts9 tchs slmdd erjup cms fj tkfokfgy tjwmro gjfvkrshjf tj Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl9 rkvkdmthjf cms prjlhsko ht tj us. —@hfmddy, stmthsthghmfs ksthlmtk tcmt twkfty-khect lhddhjf okhsthg `rkktchfikrs mrk sgmttkrko tcrjuecjut tck edjak, wchdk mtckhsts cmvk twj lhddhjf. Mdd jtckrs mrk ljstdy ok`kgtjrs `rjl jtckr Gcrhsthmf erjups. —Aut ht hs fjt mpprjprhmtk tj gjfshokr tck wcjdk Gcrhsthmf erjup ms akhfe mdhkfmtko `rjl truk dhect tj tck smlk okerkk. ^rjtkstmfthsl, hts vmrhjus `mgthjfs, kxgkpt m thfy lhfjrhty, mrk gjlpjsko j` `jddjwkrs j`  rkmsjf, wcj ufokrstmfo mfo gjfthfujusdy skki trutc, mfo, tckrk`jrk, `hfo ht9 hs `rjl tckl tcmt wk `hfo tck ljst fulkrjus `jddjwkrs j` tck Ejo-Ejjo. Jf tck jtckr cmfo, tck Jrtcjojx sgchslmthgs `kdd prky tj tck prjlhsko Kvhd-Ejo, ms wrhttkf hf tck Ajji j` tck Ckmvkfs. Aut  wckf Jrtcjojxy hs rkufhtko whtc Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl, tcky fulakr


dkss tcmf tcrkk cuforko lhddhjf mockrkfts. —_ck gjfvkrshjf j` ^rjtkstmfts tj tck _klpdk j` _ruk Dhect whdd ak ermoumd, smyktc tck rkvkdmthjf9 tck `mtk j` tck Ljcmllkomfs whdd ak kfthrkdy oktkrlhfko ay m dmrek mfo ufkxpkgtko kvkft jggurrhfe ufokr tck shxtc sjvkrkhef pjfth`hgmtk j`  ejjo Gmtcjdhghsl. Ht whdd `jddjw  `rjl tchs tcmt ‗ `mr `rjl akhfe ojjlko tj tck gursko omrifkss j`  supkrsththjf ‗ tcrkk cuforko twkfty lhddhjf sjuds whdd ak kfdhectkfko. —Mggjrohfe tj tck rkvkdmthjf, Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl whdd mdwmys ak hf okgdhfk9 Yp. ;85\ khtckr okskrthjfs jr gjfqukst j` sjuds  whdd hfgrkmsk tck fulakr j` `rkktchfihfe okhsts, mfo wk ifjw tcmt tcky mrk hf m stmtk j` trmfshthjf  wchdk wk mrk `hfmddy prjlhsko. —Jf tck jtckr cmfo, wk fkkof‘t  wjrry majut trmfshthjfhfe tck stmtk j` tck Hfohmf erjup, `jr hts prhksts mdrkmoy pjsskss truk dhect. —_ckrk`jrk, mt tck mppjhftko cjur hf tck Ajji j` tck Ckmvkfs, tcmt hs tj smy, wckf Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl rkmgcks hts lmxhlul fulakr j`  `jddjwkrs tcrjuec ay ufhthfe whtc Jrtcjojxy jr sgchslmthgs, ljrk tcmf jfk ahddhjf Dugh`krhmf Gmtcjdhgs whdd ak `jufo hf jppjshthjf.


—Gjfskqukftdy, tck hssuk ajhds ojwf tj tchs2 wk lust ak rkmoy   wckf wk `hfo jurskdvks m ahddhjf jr ljrk, `hfmddy whtc jur amffkrs `dyhfe chec, prjoughfe mf kxpdjshjf tcmt whdd tjppdk tck _klpdk j` Mojfmh9 sj, hf jtckr  wjros, supkrsththjf scjudo ak  wkmikfko mfo ruhfko, sj lugc sj tcmt hts `jddjwkrs whdd tcklskdvks lkrek hftj jur rmfis, ‗ wk mrk prjlhsko tcmt omzzdhfe lhrmgdks  whdd jpkf tckhr kyks ‗ mfo tcmt, h`  mt tcmt thlk sjlk jasthfmtk prhksts mrk dk`t sthdd hfshsthfe upjf prkmgchfe tck Ywjro j` tck\ KvhdEjo, tckhr kxtkrlhfmthjf gmf ak mggjlpdhscko whtcjut oh``hgudty. —Cjw, tckf, scjudo tchs ufmvjhomadk kfo-omtk, ak ohrkgtko mfo mrrhvko mt ermoumddy mfo pkmgk`uddy: —_j spkmi ckrk j` tck Gcrhsthmf erjup, tmgthgs whdd vmry ms wk lmfkuvkr hf gjuftrhks ojlhfmtko  ay tck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg kdklkft jr hf gjuftrhks ojlhfmtko ay tck ^rjtkstmft kdklkft. —_ck lmhf wjri hs jfk tcmt mhls tj trmfs`jrl tck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhgs hftj `rkktchfihfe Okhsts. Uk fkko tj mppdy mdd jur strkfetc, mfo whtc tcmt, pkrsumok lmfy. Kxpkrhkfgk cms scjwf tcmt tjj-`kw mrk tck prhvhdkeko sjuds wcj dkmp `rjl tck mayss j` jasgurmfthsl tj tmik


tckhr ajdo `dhect hftj tck ktckr j`  ohvhfk mfo hfvhejrmthfe dhect. —@jr tchs ck lust gjfqukr tck skmts j` ejvkrflkft j` chs pkjpdk9 tchs hs kvkrytchfe. Ucktckr hf tck rkpuadhgs jr tck ljfmrgchst stmtks, wk lust kfmgt dmws, okstrjyhfe kvkrywckrk tck hf`dukfgk j` tck prhksts j` tck supkrsththjf mfo tckhr muxhdhmrhks, tck ljfis wcj lhfedk whtc tck pkjpdk mfo tck fufs wcj lmhftmhf tck sjud hf krrjr, ay tck gdjmi j` `mdsk gcmrhty. Ht whdd, `hrst,  ak tcrjuec tck prkss tcmt wk hfsphrk wrhtkrs, okljfstrmthfe cjw tck mdlsehvhfe j` tck KvhdGmtcjdhgs hs okermohfe tj culmf ohefhty, mfo tchs ay scjwhfe tcmt tck hfohvhoumd cms tck rhect tj  wkdd-akhfe tcrjuec sjghmd rk`jrls mfo fjt ay rjuthfk gcmrhty9 mfo, skgjfody, tcmt `jr pmrdhmlkfts jr dkehsdmturks tj ohspkrsk ufpjpudmr gjferkemthjfs, tj sihdd`uddy okstrjy  tcjsk prkbuohgks Yp. ;83\ rkquhrks sthdd, hf m wjro, `hrst tck rkljvmd j` kvkry ljfi jr fuf. —Hf tck hftkddkgtumd spckrk, kspkghmddy, tck fkutrmdhty j` tck puadhg sgcjjds lust ak skgurko sj tcmt ht hs fj djfekr pkrvmoko ay  prhksts, fjr mfy j` tckhr mekfts9 tckf, kmrdy hf tck stmeks j`  fkutrmdhzmthjf, wk ohvkrt mfy  tcjuects tck pmrkfts lmy cmvk tj ehvk tckhr gchdorkf m Qjlmf


Gmtcjdhg kougmthjf jutshok j` tck fkutrmdhzko sgcjjds. Hfokko, ikkphfe fkw ekfkrmthjfs `rjl cmvhfe tckhr hftkddhekfgk jadhtkrmtko ay tck dhks j` kvhd ojelm hs grughmd. Aut mt tck smlk thlk wk lust tmik skrhjus stkps tj kfsurk tcmt `jrlmd kougmthjf hs fkutrmd mfo ojks fjt `mdd hftj mtckhsl9 fkutrmdhty hs su``hghkft, tcmt hs tj smy tck supprksshjf j`  mfy tkfokfgy tj hfshfumtk yjufe lhfos hftj tck `mdsk ojelm j`  mojfmhtks. Hf `mgt, tckhr kxhsts hf tck culmf sjud mf hffmtk skfsk tcmt puscks tck hfohvhoumd tjwmro m ohvhfk hokmd, wchgc lmiks chl hfsthfgthvkdy ufokrstmfo tck kxhstkfgk j` m Wuprklk Akhfe, tck supkrfmturmd `mgtjr, tck jremfhzkr mfo orhvhfe `jrgk j` tck ufhvkrsk.  Uk‘dd dkt tchs skfthlkft okvkdjp `rkkdy, tcmt hs tj smy, whtcjut grhlhfmddy ohrkgthfe tckl memhfst supkrsththjf, tck rkdhehjf j` tck Kvhd-Ejo, aut hlpjrtko `rjl marjmo hf tck cmd`-dhect j` m vmeuk okhsl, aut ufgjftmlhfmtko ay tck pksth`krjus arkmtc j` Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl9 mfo wckf tck cjur j` tck Ejjo-Ejo lmfh`ksts, trudy   wjrtcy j` culmfhty‘s wjrschp, tck gchdorkf turfko lkf whdd moorkss tckhr msphrmthjfs tj Chl9 mfo sj,  ay rkljvhfe tck gchdocjjo mfo mojdksgkfgk j` Mojfmh, wk okvjtk jurskdvks tj Dugh`kr, shlpdy ay  fmturmd hfgdhfmthjf mdjfk, mfo tck


lmturhty j` fkw ekfkrmthjfs. Ht hs tckrk`jrk masjdutkdy fkgkssmry  tcmt tck mtckhst tkmgckr gdkmrdy ak rkljvko `rjl sgcjjd, dkst ck try  tj hftrjougk Ychs jwf ojelm\ m`tkr wk cmvk mdrkmoy orhvkf jut tck mojfmhtk prhkst, mfo tck hfstrugthjf ajjis, pdmgko hf tck cmfos j` gchdorkf m`tkr akhfe pureko j` tck dyhfe ojelms j`  Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl, pjsht, aut  whtcjut prkghsk ok`hfhthjf, tck kxhstkfgk j` m Wuprklk Akhfe. —Uchdk tck fkw ekfkrmthjfs cmvkf‘t ykt akkf ljudoko, mojfmhsl lust ak `juect hftkddkgtumddy ay mdd sjrts j`  puadhgmthjfs okljfstrmthfe cjw  ljfstrjus mfo rhohgudjus tck hokm j` tck ohvhfhty j` tck prhksts j`  supkrsththjf hs. Hf tchs strueedk,  wk lust fjt jvkrdjji tck pmlpcdkt, smthrk, mfo ljgikry,  wchgc m``kgt tck lmssks kmshkr tcmf dkmrfko ohsskrtmthjfs. Uk lust fkvkr `jrekt tck ejjo tcmt  Pjdtmhrk oho `jr jur gmusk, ay  gjvkrhfe tck rhohgudjusfkss j`  Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl. Aut ht hs fjt `jr `uf mfo dmuecs tcmt wk‘vk mojptko tchs pkr`kgt tmgthg2 hf ohsgrkohthfe `mdsk ojgtrhfks mfo tck gudt j` tck mojfmhtks, wk ohsgrkoht tck lhfhstkrs j` tchs oktkstmadk rkdhehjf9 wk mrrhvk ermoumddy tj tck okskrthjf j` hts gcurgcks. Yp. ;88\


—Hf k``kgt, wk scjudo fjt rkdy  sjdkdy jf tck jutgjlk j` kfmgtko dmws9 `jr h` wk lmfmeko tj tjtmddy  okprhvk tck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg gdkrey j` stmtk-ermftko suashohks, tcky wjudo jatmhf `hfmfghmd gjlpkfsmthjf kxtrmgtko ohrkgtdy  `rjl tck `mfmthgs wmddjwhfe hf mf hfgurmadk grkoudhty. Cjwkvkr, ay  ohsgrkohthfe mdd tck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg hfsthtuthjfs, ht ojks okgrkmsk tck fulakr j` tcksk uf`jrtufmtk kxpdjhts9 ht hs fkgkssmry `jr hfohvhoumds whtc mfy  skfsk tj rkmdhzk tcmt, rkgjursk tj supkrsththjf smgrmlkfts hs rhohgudjus9 hf tchs wmy, `jr `kmr j`  ljgikry, tcky lmy arkmi tck cmaht j` gjfsjrthfe whtc hlpjstjr prhksts. Ht hs tckrk`jrk ejjo tj ehvk dmthtuok tj gcmrdmtmfs j` tck wjrst sjrt, tck orkes j` `mdsk prjpckts,  wcjsk aushfkss hs mf javhjus sgml9 hfsphrko ay us, tck prkss  whdd lmik gjlpmrhsjfs aktwkkf tckl mfo tck prhksts j` Mojfmh, gjf`jufohfe tck twj whtc rkprjamthjf mfo rhohgudk. —Jf tck jtckr cmfo, tcrjuec dkehsdmthvk lkmfs jr jtckrwhsk, rkgruhtlkft j` tck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg prhkstcjjo lust ak rkstrmhfko. Ht wjudo ak akfk`hghmd tj ehvk yjufe prhksts mgtumd ifjwdkoek j` sjghmd dh`k, `mdskdy  pjrtrmyko ay tckhr tkmgckrs. Ht whdd  ak fkgkssmry tj cmvk gjf`hokft  wjlmf wcj okvjtk tcklskdvks tj


tck akfk`hts mfo hfhthmthjfs j` tck Ejjo-Ejo. _ck rksudts jatmhfko hf tchs wmy whdd ak `ruht`ud9 `jr jfk j` twj tchfes whdd cmppkf2 khtckr tck mojfmhtk prhkst, jfgk ck cms tmstko tck swkkt bjys pmpmd  amramrhsl `jramok, whdd rkshef `rjl tck gdkrey, tcus okljfstrmthfe tj tck puadhg tcmt fmturk gjfoklfs, masjdutkdy, systklmthg gkdhamgy9 jr ck whdd rklmhf hf tck prhkstdy gmstk, skgrktdy whtc us, fjt ms mf mddy aut kfthrkdy jurs, rkfokrhfe tck ljst  vmdumadk skrvhgk tjwmro ufokrlhfhfe tck _klpdk j`   Mojfmh. —Hf mfy gmsk mfo hf mdd ghrgulstmfgks, wk lust grkmtk m  vmguul mrjufo tck Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg prhkst, mfo ht hs mdsj fkgkssmry tcmt tck gdkrey, m`tkr  akgjlhfe ljrk mfo ljrk oksphsko, cmtko, mfo sgjrfko, ak ohlhfhscko hf fulakr, mfo tj stjp mt fjtchfe tj jatmhf tchs rksudt. @hrst, wk hfgrkmsk sjghkthks, ghrgdks, fjf-rkdhehjus `ksthvmds, ktg., `jr tck pdkmsurk j` uramf mfo rurmd tjwfspkjpdk9 mfo skgjfody,  wk movjgmtk ajdody mfo kvkrywckrk, dhik m ojgtrhfk, tck mfth-Qjlmf Gmtcjdhg ljttj2 –Fj prhkst mt ahrtc! fj prhkst mt lmrrhmek! fj prhkst mt okmtc!‘  wchdk `mvjurhfe tck grkmthjf j`  mfy mssjghmthjf kstmadhscko hf sjdhomrhty whtc tchs prjerml.


—@hfmddy, wk scjudo pjhft jut, sgmfomdjusdy, rkmoy-lmok `mgts mutcjrko ay m prhkst j` Mojfmh,  wchgc lhect ak dhmadk tj ohsgrkoht tck prhkstcjjo9 tcmt hs, m `mgt fjt oktrhlkftmd ay htskd`, aut hf ms lugc ms ht Yp. 0>>\ gjftrmohgts tck grukd dmw j` gcmsthty sj prktkfthjusdy msskrtko ay ^mphsl,  wcj gdmhl tckhr gdkrey mrk majvk fmturk, mfo hf tchs gmsk, ht whdd ak movhsmadk fjt tj lmik m fjhsk majut ht ufdkss tck j``kfokr hs gjfshokrko hfgmpmadk j` akgjlhfe jur skgrkt mekft. —Mfo tcmt whdd ak tck wmy `jrwmro tcrjuecjut mdd gjuftrhks j` tck Gcrhsthmf erjup. —Hf pmrthgudmr, wk lust pmusk m ljlkft mfo gjfgkftrmtk jf Htmdy. Ckrk, tck @rkklmsjfs, wchdk `jddjwhfe tj tck dkttkr tck pjdhghks  wk cmvk jutdhfko, whdd cmvk m outy  tj wjri thrkdkssdy whtc tck erkmtkst zkmd, tj rkpkmd tck dmw tcmt pmssko tcrkk ljftcs mej jf wchgc tck Gchk` j` ^jdhthgmd Mgthjf cms gmddko jur mttkfthjf. Uk akehf ay  mttmgihfe mt tck jutskt tck systkl j` twj sjvkrkhefthks hf jfk gjuftry, hf jfk gmphtmd9 wk whdd checdhect tck oh``hgudthks rksudthfe `rjl m oumd ohpdjlmthg gjrps, cmd`  j` wchgc hs tck Htmdhmf grjwf hf m stmtk j` pkrlmfkft gjfsphrmgy  memhfst tckhr jwf cjlkdmfo. _chs gmlpmhef j` Htmdhmf lmsjfry 


scjudo ak suppjrtko ay lmsjfs j`  jtckr gjuftrhks tcrjuec mf mlamssmojr tj tck supkrsththjus Qjlmf ^jfth``9 tj `hdk ljthjfs `jr tck rkljvmd j` tckhr klamsshks9 mfo jf tchs pjhft, wk wjudo klpcmshzk tck `mgt tcmt tck kxhstkfgk j` smho pmpmd klamsshks okpkfos jfdy jf tck lmefmfhlhty  j` tck Htmdhmfs wcj wkrk whddhfe tj rkgjefhzk m gudt dkmokr, fjw   whtcjut m dmfo, mfo tck fmturk mfo prkrjemthvks j` tck sjvkrkhef. _ckf wk mttmgi tck hlpruokftdy  ermftko smfgthty j` tck kggdkshmsthgmd gjferkemthjfs `jrlhfe tck chec sphrhtumd molhfhstrmthjf j` tck Wuprklk Ckmoqumrtkrs j` tck Qjlmf supkrsththjf. Ht whdd prjvjik gjf`dhgts aktwkkf tck pjdhthgmd mutcjrhthks mfo mfy dkmokrs ufokr pmpmd mutcjrhty. Uk whdd spmrk fj jppjrtufhty tj mrjusk tck pjpudmgk memhfst tchs pkrsjf, kvkf j` tck jggupmft j` tcmt gursko skmt, sj tcmt, h` ck omrko dkmvk tck  Pmthgmf, tckrk wjudo ak ufrkst. Ht scjudo akgjlk tck cmahtumd puadhg jphfhjf j` Htmdy tj rkemro ms m omfekrjus klamrrmsslkft tck prkskfgk j` tck ^jpk hf tckhr gjuftry. —Uckf puadhg jphfhjf hs rhpk tj mggkpt tck ^jpk‘s kxpudshjf pmssko ay m pmrdhmlkft gjlprhsko j` m Lmsjfhg lmbjrhty, wk scjudo


prjpjsk m ahdd mihf tj sjlktchfe dhik `jddjwhfe2 —Mrt. = ‗ Htmdy rkgjefhzks fj stmtk rkdhehjf. —Mrt. 1 ‗ _j gjfthfuk tj cmvk tck rhect tj kxkrghsk hts gudt, tck Gcrhsthmf Gcurgc, `jrlkrdy ifjwf ms Gmtcjdhg, scmdd ak hf Htmdy  kxgdushvkdy Htmdhmf. Yp. 0>=\ —Mrt. 7 ‗ Hts ahscjps mrk mutcjrhzko tj lkkt hf tck fmthjfmd gjufghd mfo mppjhft sjlkjfk ms tck ^mtrhmrgc `jr tck ^kfhfsudm, Wmrohfhm mfo Whghdy. —Mrt. ? ‗ _ck prkskft pjpk hs kdhehadk `jr tchs ohefhty, prjvhoko ck rkdhfquhscks mdd supkrhjr mutcjrhty jtckr tcmf tck Gcurgc hf Htmdy. —Mrt. ; ‗ _ck Gcrhsthmf ^mtrhmrgc j` Htmdy cms fj sjvkrkhef stmtus, mfo fj `jrkhef mlamssmojr gmf ak mggrkohtko tj chl. —Mrt. 0 ‗ _ck Wmgrko Gjddkek j`  Gmrohfmds whdd gkmsk tj kxhst, mfo tck Gjferkemthjfs gmddko tck Cjdy  J``hgk, tck Gjufghd, j`  ^rjpmemfom, j` Qhtks, j` tck Hfokx, j` Hfoudekfgks, mfo, hf m  wjro, mdd kggdkshmsthgmddy supkrhjr Gcurgc gjllhttkks whtc m vhkw  tjwmro ufhvkrsmd molhfhstrmthjf, khtckr sphrhtumd jr `hfmfghmd. —Mrt. 5 ‗ _ck thtdks j` Gmrohfmd mfo  Mrgcahscjp mrk majdhscko9 vhs-î-


 vhs tck ghvhd pjwkr, mdd tck Ahscjps mrk jf mf kqumd `jjthfe, whtc tck kxgkpthjf j` tck ^mtrhmrgc, wcj hs tck `hrst Htmdhmf ahscjp mfo wcj, hf j``hghmd stmtk gkrkljfhks, tmiks chs pdmgk mljfe tck ^rkshokfts j`  Wuprklk Gjurts mfo tck ^rkshokft j` tck Gjurt j` Muohtjrs. —Mrt. 3 ‗ Kmgc ahscjp molhfhstkrs chs ohjgksk ufokr stmtk gjftrjd9 Yp. 0>1\ tck Ahscjps lust rk`kr tj tck ^mtrhmrgc hf hssuks purkdy j` m sphrhtumd jr dhturehgmd fmturk. —Mrt. 8 ‗ Mfy mgt j` tck ^mtrhmrgc, gjllhttko hf vhjdmthjf j` tck prkskft dmw, whdd rksudt hf hllkohmtk ohslhssmd mfo  amfhsclkft. —Mrt. => ‗ Kvkry ahscjp wcj hs `jufo gjlpdhght hf vhjdmthfe tck dmw whtc tck ^mtrhmrgc, scmdd hfgur m pkfmdty j` hlprhsjflkft hf m `jrtrkss, `hvk tj tkf ykmrs, mfo hs mdsj culhdhmtko hf tck prkskfgk j`  pkjpdk msskladko jf tck puadhg squmrk jr tck gjurts j` tck gmtckormd j` chs ohjgksk. —Mrt. == ‗ _ck Gkftrmd Gjllhsshjf j` Gudts, gjlpjsko j` tck skgudmr lklakrs j` tck ohjgksk, mfo wcjsk lklakrs mrk mppjhftko ay tck ^mrdhmlkft, gkftrmdhzk mdd rkpjrts j` tck ghvhdhmf mutcjrhthks jf molhfhstrmthvk mgthjfs jr jtckr ojgulkfts rkdmtko tj tck ohjgksks


mfo `jrl m pkrlmfkft Wupkrhjr Gjufghd tj skttdk mdd ohsputks  aktwkkf tck ahscjps mfo tckhr kggdkshmsthgmd suajrohfmtks, kxgkpt `jr sphrhtumd jr dhturehgmd lmttkrs  wchgc mrk suabkgt tj tck kxgdushvk suprklk burhsohgthjf j` tck ^mtrhmrgc. —Mrt. =1 ‗ _crjuec skgrkt amddjt, ^rhksts whdd ak kdkgtko ay tck `mhtc`ud wcj rklmhf hrrkljvmady  mttmgcko tj tckhr pmrhsc9 gurrkft prhksts, okgdmrko kdhehadk ay tchs  Mgt, tcjuec fjt hlpjsko jf tck `mhtc`ud, whdd sualht whtchf shx ljftcs `rjl tchs omtk m gjf`hrlmthjf j` tckhr pjshthjf mfo thtdk, vjtko jf `rkkdy ay tckhr pmrhschjfkrs. —Mrt. =7 ‗ _ck Ahscjps mrk mppjhftko ay tck ^mtrhmrgc upjf prkskftmthjf j` tck ejvkrflkft‘s gcjskf tcrkk gmfohomtks9 fkvkrtckdkss, tck prkskft ahscjps  wcj mggkpt tchs rkdhehjus rkeudmthjf, whdd rklmhf hf j``hgk9 tcjsk ahscjps fjt mggkptko whdd rklmhf shlpdk prhksts, mfo whdd ak prjvhoko whtc m rurmd pmrhsc hf tck  vhgmrhmtk ay chs suggkssjr ms ckmo j` tck ohjgksk, aut chs jwf  vhgmrmek whdd `jrkvkr rklmhf jut j`  rkmgc. —Mt tck smlk thlk tck ahdd hs tmadko mt tck Gcmlakr j` Okputhks j`  Htmdy, m gjpy, wchgc wjudo cmvk prkvhjusdy akkf skft tj mdd


hf`kgtko gjuftrhks j` Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl, mfo tj fkwspmpkrs  wrhttkf ay us, whdd sjjf ak puadhscko kvkrywckrk, mfo mggjlpmfhko ay chec prmhsk. M  gjfgkrt j` mrthgdks whdd gkdkarmtk tck whsojl j` Htmdhmf dhakrmds, grkohthfe tckl `jr cmvhfe `jufo m ejjo sjduthjf tj tck rkdhehjus quksthjf. Uk‘dd mttklpt tj hddulhfmtk tck masurohty j` tck shtumthjf up ufthd fjw2 cjw   wrjfe ht hs `jr Htmdy tj cmvk jfk j`  hts ghthzkfs gjfsphrhfe memhfst tck cjlkdmfo, wchdk mt tck smlk thlk tck cjdojut hs tck ckmo j` m rkdhehjf gdmhlhfe tj ak ufhvkrsmd mfo prj`ksshfe tj pdmgk chlskd`  majvk tck gjuftry‘s dkehthlmtk mutcjrhthks9 cjw wrjfe ht hs `jr jtckr fmthjfs tj cmvk mddjwko m  vkrhtmadk stmtk whtchf m stmtk, whtc mf kfthrk stm`` j` prhksts wcj mrk hf rkmdhty skrvmfts j` m `jrkhef sjvkrkhef. Fkwspmpkrs whdd gmdd upjf prjerksshvk okputhks `rjl jtckr gjuftrhks tj prjlptdy  sualht m shlhdmr ahdd, kxtkrfmddy  klmfghpmthfe tckl `rjl tck fmthjfmd gdkrey j` tchs gudt gmddko gmtcjdhg, tj gjfsthtutk m dhakrmd prhkstcjjo j` m rkdhehjf wchgc tck `mhtc`ud cmvk fjtchfe hf gjlljf Yp. 0>7\ whtc tcjsk prmgthghfe tck smlk grkko hf mfjtckr gjuftry. Erkmt ufrkst whdd jggur hf vmrhjus gjuftrhks whtc fulkrjus `jddjwkrs j` Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl,


mfo, ay dkemd lkmfs, tcrjuec m ekfkrmd merkklkft klmfmthfe `rjl @rkklmsjfry, wk prjgkko  whtc tck ohshftkermthjf j` tck rkdhehjf j` kvhd. —_cksk kvkfts whdd fjt ak `ud`hddko hf twkfty fjr tchrty ykmrs9 wk  arhfe ht majut wckf Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl cms akkf tjtmddy  ohsgrkohtko, wckf jdo wjlkf mfo m `kw hfgurmadk `jjds mrk hts sjdk suppjrtkrs, mfo wckf wk cmvk skgrktdy mgquhrko m shefh`hgmft pjrthjf j` hts gdkrey. Uckf ghrgulstmfgks mrk `mvjurmadk, ouk tj hfgrkmsko dkemd rkstrhgthjfs hf jfk gjuftry jr mfjtckr, cmvhfe mdrkmoy gjlpdktkdy majdhscko tck `hfmfgks j` tck gudts mfo rkougko tck hfgjlk j` tck prhksts j`  supkrsththjf tj lkrk j``krhfes j`  tck `mhtc`ud, hf tchs gmsk, ht whdd ak usk`ud hf sugc gjuftry jr gjuftrhks, tj rkstjrk stmtk `ufohfe tj lklakrs j` vmrhjus gdkrey, kvkf tj tck pjhft j` akhfe ekfkrjus tjwmro tck prhksts j`   Mojfmhsl wcj mggkpt tck fkw  shtumthjf. Uk‘dd tckf prjgdmhl djuody tcmt tck Wtmtk, tryhfe tj prjtkgt rkdhehjf mt tck ljlkft  wckf ht gkmsks tj ak mf kxgusk `jr m `jrkhef gjfsphrmgy, jfdy skrvks tj lmefh`y tck smgkrojtmd ajoy. Fj lkmfs scjudo ak jvkrdjjiko tj kfsurk tck ohshftkermthjf j` tck rkdhehjf j` Mojfmh mfo tj wkmikf hts hftkrfmthjfmd gcmrmgtkr. _chs,


hf k``kgt, hs wcmt whdd klpjwkr us tj kxthrpmtk ht gjlpdktkdy mfo pkrlmfkftdy. _cus ht hs fjt pjsshadk tj ak jvkrzkmdjus hf tck strueedk tj mgchkvk tchs hlpjrtmft rksudt, whtcjut kvkr akhfe ohsgjurmeko ay tck oh``hgudthks j`  tck kftkrprhsk. —Ljrkjvkr, wk lust furturk hf jur ckmrts fjt jfdy cjpk, aut kvkf tck gkrtmhfty tcmt tck suggkss`ud ohshftkermthjf j` mojfmhsl hs fjt m gchlkrm9 `jr ht hs prjlhsko tj us  ay tck rkvkdmthjf hf tck ajji Jf  Qkoklpthjf hf  Qkoklpthjf  hf tck Mpmofj. —Ht hs mdsj smho tcmt tck ^jpk j`  supkrsththjf, amsko hf Qjlk mt tck thlk j` hts ohsftkermthjf, rk`usko tj mgquhksgk tj tck fkw shtumthjf hf chs Gcurgc9 mfo ck whdd dmufgc chs fjw pjwkrdkss tcufokrajdts memhfst ejvkrflkfts pmrthghpmthfe hf tchs erkmt wjri j` sjghmd smdvmthjf. Hf tcjsk omys m ludthtuok j` prhksts hf vmrhjus gjuftrhks whdd mamfojf tck gcurgc, jwhfe tj tck `mgt tcmt lmfy cmvk mdrkmoy akkf wjf jvkr Ytj jur gmusk\9 mfo cmvhfe akkf kxpkddko hf Htmdy, tck ^mpmgy whdd  ak gursko, wmfokrhfe, mfo `jrgko tj `mdd hftj omrifkss9 akgmusk ejvkrflkfts whdd hlpjsk cmrsc skftkfgks memhfst tcjsk wcj scjw  gjfthfuko suppjrt mfo wcj gjfsphrk whtc ckr.


—Aut ht hs mdsj wrhttkf tcmt, tck  Umfokrhfe ^jpk, pmstjr j` m sgmttkrko `djgi, Yp. 0>?\ tck ckdpdkss vksskd j` Gkpcms Y^ktkr\, mfo shxtc suggkssjr j` culmf skd`prhok, wchgc gjddmpsko ufokr tck tklpjrmd pjwkr j` tck hf`mljus pjfth`hgmtk, whdd ak smvko, m`tkr fulkrjus kxpudshjfs, ay tck Wdmvhg mutjgrmts wcj whdd akstjw  upjf chl erkmt cjfjurs.  Mojfmhsl whdd tckf mttklpt tj rkgjfsthtutk htskd`9 tck Umfokrhfe ^jpk akhfe gdjsk tj okmtc hf Qusshm, whtc tck hlpkrhmd mutjgrmt prjstrmtk mt chs `kkt, tck fmthjfs  whdd gjfvkrt tj jrtcjojxy, tcmt hs tj smy, tck sgchslmthg Kmstkrf rkdhehjf, rmddyhfe quhgidy tj tck gmusk j` jdo Qjlmf Gmtcjdhghsl pureko `rjl Htmdy. Jf chs okmtcako, tck Umfokrhfe ^jpk  whdd ak cmppy tj whtfkss tcksk fkw   akdhkvkrs rkpdmgk tck Ukstkrfkrs  wcj cmo jfdy rkgkftdy skpmrmtko `rjl chs gcurgc, mfo whtchf tck fmthjfs wcj‘vk tmikf pmrt hf tck ohshftkermthjf j` mojfmhsl, sjlk j` tck `mhtc`ud rklmhf, chookf `rjl vhkw sj ms tj kfemek hf tck gjfoklfko prmgthgks j`  supkrsththjf9 ak`jrk oyhfe, ck whdd gjfvkfk mf Kphsgjpmtk whtc tck  ahscjps j` tck Kmstkrf sgchslmthgs, mfo kstmadhsc mljfe tckl Erkki mfo Qusshmf Gmrohfmds. Chs suggkssjr whdd ak m Wdmv9 tck skmt j` tck mojfmhtk


^mpmgy whdd ak kstmadhscko hf tck fjrtckrf ghty j` ^hkrrk, whtc tck hftkfthjf j` rkgjfqukrhfe Qjlk. Aut ht whdd ak hf vmhf tcmt tck hlpkrhmd mutjgrmt, hf tck cjpks j`  kxtkfohfe chs rudk, akgjlks m grusmokr `jr mojfmhsl9 chs k``jrts ufsuggkss`ud, tck `jrlkr Qjlmf Gcurgc whdd rklmhf `rmelkftko hf tck fmthjfs j` Ukstkrf Kurjpk. _cus, Qusshm hs tck dmst rk`uek mfo  amsthjf j` mojfmhsl gdmhlhfe tj  ak gmtcjdhg. —Hf Ukstkrf fmthjfs, jfgk tck fkw  rkdhehjus rkehlk whdd ak dkemdhzko, ht whdd ormsthgmddy supprkss tcksk omfekrjus prjpmemfohsts wcj gmdd tcklskdvks lhsshjfmrhks mfo prkmgc tj jur arjtckrs hf Mshm, mfo mljfe tck ckmtckf hf M`rhgm mfo Jgkmfhm wcjl wk lust gjfvkrt, gmrryhfe `mdskcjjos mfo pjhsjfjus skrljfs. Ejvkrflkfts scmdd prjchaht, ufokr skvkrk pkfmdthks, tcksk oktkstmadk klhermthjfs, wchgc mrk dhmadk tj prjvjik hfgkssmft gjf`dhgts whtc  Mshmf fmthjfs, wcjsk `mhtc cms  akgjlk sj pkr`kgtdy hddulhfmtko  ay tck k``jrts j` tck whsk _haktmf prhksts, ufhtko whtc jur muxhdhmry  lmsjfry hf Hfohm mfo Gchfm, mfo okskrvhfe j` rkspkgt. Mfo whtcjut  wmhthfe `jr tck mppjhftko thlk j`  tcksk kvkfts, kvkry Lmsjf cms m outy tj `hect, tcrjuec tck pkf mfo tck wjro, tck sj-gmddko Gmtcjdhg lhsshjfmrhks, mfo trulpkt


tcrjuecjut tck skgudmr wjrdo gjftklpt mfo hfkxthfeuhscmadk cmtrko. _cksk lhsshjfmrhks mrk jur ljrtmd kfklhks. Mfy  @rkklmsjf, wcj rk`usks tj `hect,  whdd ak okklko m trmhtjr9  wcjsjkvkr bjhfs tckl jr suppjrts sugc mgthjf whtc puadhg prmhsk,  whdd ak akmtkf tj okmtc. —@hfmddy, ht hs usk`ud tj lmhftmhf hf tck djwkr gdmssks j` mfy fmthjf, tck `krlkft j` rkvjduthjfmry  hokms, kvkf tcjsk sjghmdhsts prjfk tj kxtrklk vhjdkfgk. Mtckhsl hs  amo hf htskd` mfo tj chbmgi hts truk purpjsk mfo wjri tjwmro culmfk mfthgcrhsthmf rkstjrmthjf, Yp. 0>;\  wk fkko tj gcmffkd ht mfo lhx ht  whtc tck ljst kxmeekrmtko sjghmd ojgtrhfks, wchgc mrk oksthfko `jr `mhdurk, jggmshjfko ay m ljlkftmry ohsrupthjf, hllkohmtkdy `jddjwko ay mf kfkrekthg rkmgthjf. —Hf tck dmst stmek, cjwkvkr, `hrst  wk ohsgrkoht tck supkrsththjus tckjry j` ohvhfhty hf sugc m wmy  tcmt tcjsk stkkpko hf mojfmhslk oktmgc ermoumddy mfo kvkftumddy  fj djfekr akdhkvk mt mdd, tck dmst prhksts j` mojfmhslk krjoko mfo `rmelkftko whdd ak kfthrkdy wjf hf tck krm j` tck fkw rkdhehjus rkehlk, wchgc whdd ak m stmtk j`  trmfshthjf, dhik `rkk-tchfihfe okhsl9 skgjfody, wk‘dd tmik gmrk tj fjt suookfdy wrkst `rjl tck


ludthtuoks tck akdhk` hf tck supkrfmturmd Ejo, aut, mt kvkry  jppjrtufhty, wk‘dd rklmhf gjftkft tj prjgdmhl tck kxhstkfgk j` m Wuprklk Akhfe, whtcjut mffjufghfe puadhgdy ykt jur trmohthjfs mfo jur lysthg rkvkdmthjfs. Wj smyktc tck EjoEjjo. —_ckrk`jrk, wckf tck mutjgrmthg Klphrk j` Qusshm whdd akgjlk tck ghtmokd j` pmphst mojfmhsl, wk scmdd ufdkmsc tck rkvjduthjfmry  fhchdhsts mfo mtckhsts, mfo prjvjik m `jrlhomadk sjghmd gmtmgdysl,  wchgc whdd okljfstrmtk gdkmrdy tj tck fmthjfs, hf mdd hts cjrrjr, tck k``kgt j` masjdutk ufakdhk`, ljtckr j` smvmekry mfo j` tck adjjohkst ohsjrokr. _ckf kvkrywckrk, tck ghthzkfs, jadheko tj ok`kfo tcklskdvks memhfst tck lmo lhfjrhty j` rkvjduthjfmrhks, whdd kxtkrlhfmtk tcksk okstrjykrs j`  ghvhdhzmthjf9 mfo tck gjuftdkss ohshddushjfko mojfmhtks, wcjsk okhst sjud cmvk up ufthd tcmt thlk rklmhfko whtcjut m gjlpmss, tchrsthfe `jr mf hokmd, aut fjt ifjwhfe wchgc Ejo hs wjrtcy j`  trhautk, whdd rkgkhvk tck _ruk Dhect, ay tck ufhvkrsmd lmfh`kstmthjf j` tck purk Dugh`krhmf ojgtrhfk, mt dmst lmok puadhg, mf kvkft tcmt whdd mrhsk `rjl m rkmgthjfmry ljvklkft `jddjwhfe tck okstrugthjf j`  mtckhsl mfo mojfmhsl, tjektckr


mt tck smlk thlk vmfquhscko mfo kxtkrlhfmtko. —_ck ahrtc j` tck rkdhehjf j` tck Ejjo-Ejo Dugh`kr, kstmadhscko mfo ufrhvmddko jf tck kmrtc, gmffjt ak mf hfstmftmfkjus jpkrmthjf, fkhtckr hf jfk ykmr fjr m gkftury. M dmsthfe mgchkvklkft hs tcmt wchgc hs grkmtko ay sdjw  prjerksshjf. _ck fhfktkkftc gkftury smw tck gjfgkpthjf j`  truk mfo ejjo Gmtcjdhghsl9 tck twkfthktc gkftury whdd ak tck gkftury j` ekstmthjf, mfo gdhlmxhfe whtc pmrturhthjf mt m `hxko kfo hf tck Ajji j` tck Ckmvkfs (Wkptklakr 18tc, =880  MO wckf gjlpdktko). —Urhttkf mfo okdhvkrko ufokr tck Wjdklf Mrgc, mfo shefko mt tck `jjt j` tck Wmgrko ^mddmohul, ay  tck Wjvkrkhef ^jfth`` j` [fhvkrsmd @rkklmsjfry, mfo ay tck tkf kdokrs wcj gjlprhsk tck Ljst Wkrkfk Ermfo Gjddkek j` Klkrhtko Lmsjfs, mt tck Wuprklk Jrhkft j`  Gcmrdkstjf, hf tck gckrhscko  vmddky j` tck Ohvhfk Lmstkr, tck 18tc mfo dmst omy j` tck Ljjf Ma,  ykmr >>>35= j` tck _ruk Dhect (Mueust =;tc, =35=, krm vudemrhs YPudemr Krm\) Yp. 0>0\ _chs hs tck skgrkt pdmf mfo `jrludm wchgc sullmrhzks tck


tmgthgs mfo tck msphrmthjfs j` tck Lmsjfhg mfo Dugh`krhmf skgt. Hs tckrk fj akttkr wmy tj gjfgduok tcmf tj prjfjufgk tck lystkrhjus rkspjfsk j` tck smgrko wjro j` tck Ifhects j` Imojsc: —^cmrmsgcGcjd“ Kvkrytchfe hs kxpdmhfko. Kxmgtdy wcmt  Uhddhml Euy  Gmrr wms tryhfe tj pudd, H‘dd fkvkr ifjw. H`   yju‘vk amrko ht ufthd tck kfo, pkrcmps yju‘rk ohsmppjhftko tj cmvk `jufo fjtchfe majut m prkohgthjf j`  tcrkk wjrdo wmrs, Gjllufhsl, Fmzhsl mfo Rhjfhst Hddulhfmth ‗ jr mfytchfe j`  tck sjrt. M skmrgc tcrjuec tck kfthrk  ajji, uthdhzhfe rkdkvmft wjro gjlahfmthjfs, turfs up fjtchfe khtckr. Hfstkmo, wcmt ht trudy rkprkskfts hs tck sgurrhdjus `mftmshks, mfo lhdhtmft mfthGmtcjdhghsl j` hts mutcjr2 tck hlpjstjr Dkj _mxhd mim _mxhd mim Or. Amtmhddk, wcj prj`htko cmfosjlkdy wchdk cmvhfe m lhddhjf dmuecs mt tck kxpkfsk kxpkfsk j`   j`   ajtc Gcrhsthmfs mfo Lmsjfs9 Lmsjfs9  wcj gjf`kssko gjf`kssko tcmt  tcmt chs kfthrk kfthrk  gjrpus j`  mfth-Lmsjfhg wjris ‗ wjris ‗ spmffhfe twkdvk  ykmrs mfo rkprkskfthfe tcjusmfos j`  pmeks (hfgduohfe tck trmfsdmtko kxgkrpt majvk) ‗ wkrk m gjlpdktk


mfo uttkr uttkr  `rmuo `rmuo99 m gjdjssmd  ykt rhohgudjusdy  `mrghgmd  `mrghgmd cjmx cjmx.. Ht hs kfjuec cmvhfe scjwf tcmt tck sjgmddko ^hik/Lmzzhfh dkttkr gmlk `rjl tck _mxhd cjmx mfo tj cmvk prjvhoko m `udd trmfsdmthjf j` ht. Cjwkvkr, h` tck rkmokr hs sj hfgdhfko, tckrk mrk pdkfty j`  rksjurgks tj akgjlk `mlhdhmr  whtc mdd`mgkts mdd`mgkts j`  j` tck Dkj _mxhd gmsk hf tck majvk klakooko dhfis. _mxhd akfk`htko `rjl tck mtljspckrk hf @rmfgk mt tcmt thlk, wchgc wms hfokko rh`k whtc mfth-gdkrhgmdhsl, jggudthsl, mfo jutrhect Wmtmfhsl. Wmtmfhsl. _ck pjkts mfo mutcjrs j` Qjlmfthghsl cmo mdsj djjiko upjf Wmtmf mfo Dugh`kr ms m ckrj, mfo  akgmlk ljrk jutspjikf ms mfthgdkrhgmdhsl akgmlk tck fjrl. —_ck Okvhd cmo m gurhjus rkahrtc hf tck fhfktkkftc gkftury,“ wrhtks chstjrhmf Bk``rky Aurtjf Qusskdd. Gjfskrvmthvk Gcrhsthmfs j` mdd okfjlhfmthjfs gjfthfuko tj  akdhkvk hf chl, aut ck wms mdsj rkvhvko ay Qjlmfthg wrhtkrs, sjlkthlks ms m `heurk j` cjrrjr,  aut ljrk j`tkf j` sylpmtcy, sylpmtcy, jr kvkf m ckrj. Qjlmfthgs wcj suppjrtko pjpudmr rkvjduthjfs `rjl =538 jfwmro lmok Wmtmf m sylajd j` dhakrty. H` rkvjduthjfs  wkrk memhfst ihfes mfo prhksts, Qjlmfthgs molhrko Wmtmf ms tck kfkly j` tck erkmtkst ihfe mfo ^rhkst j` mdd, Gcrhst chlskd`. ^krlutmthjfs wkrk fkmrdy hf`hfhtk.


Hf jfk erkmt pjkl, Phgtjr Cuej pjrtrmys Wmtmf ms m djfkdy ckrj, gmst jut `rjl tck wjrdo, `udd j` djvk mfo djfehfe, tcrust jut akyjfo tck pdmfkts mfo stmrs hftj tck klpty  gjdofkss j` spmgk. Mt dmst ck gmf skk jfdy tcrkk stmrs9 ck strmhfs chs  whfes mfo gjurmek tj rkmgc m rk`uek, aut jfk ay jfk tck stmrs ohk jut mfo ck hs dk`t hf uttkr omrifkss. @jr sjlk Qjlmfthgs, Wmtmf wms m rkokklkr wcj ajuect culmf dhakrty mt tck gjst j` chs jwf ruhf. ‗ hf _ck Wmtmfhsl Wgmrk, Wgmrk, Arjldky, Akst mfo Qhgcmrosjf (kos.), Mdohfk _rmfsmgthjf, =88=, p. ?5

_ck dmtk chstjrhmf j` tck jggudt, Bmlks  Ukaa, cms m oktmhdko gcmptkr jf tck gjfohthjfs hf @rmfgk ourhfe tck pkrhjo,  wchgc hs checdy rkgjllkfoko2 _ck Jggudt [fokrerjufo , —Phshjfs j`  Ckmvkf mfo Ckdd,“ (Jpkf Gjurt, =88>), pp. =;7-=8>9 tckrk‘s mdsj m sugghfgt jvkrvhkw j` tck _mxhd m``mhr, pp. =??-5. ^rj`kssjr Wtk`mf-Duowhe Cj``lmff oksgrhaks _mxhd‘s `jrtuhtjus shtumthjf quhtk wkdd2 Ht hs jfdy pjsshadk tj ufokrstmfo tck cystkrhm gmusko ay _mxhd‘s —rkvkdmthjfs“ hf Ekrlmfy, @rmfgk, Htmdy, mfo Akdehul h` wk tmik hftj mggjuft tck gjftklpjrmry pjdhthgmd gjf`dhgts aktwkkf gcurgc mfo tck stmtk. _mxhd‘s cjrrjr stjrhks wkrk  wkdd suhtko `jr mf krm hf wchgc


pkjpdk ykmrfko `jr jtckrwjrdody  kxpkrhkfgks akyjfo tck ohskfgcmftko ljokrf wjrdo. Ourhfe tck `hfmd tchro j` tck fhfktkkftc gkftury, Kurjpkmf sjghkthks vmghddmtko aktwkkf ljokrf jggudthsl mfo tck akdhk` hf lhrmgdks, jf tck jfk cmfo, mfo tck  akdhk` hf Ahdoufe mfo prjerkss, jf tck jtckr. _mxhd‘s wrhthfes hfhthmddy  smths`hko tck fkkos j` mfthgdkrhgs mfo suaskqukftdy tcjsk j` tck gdkrhgs. Hf tchs wmy, ck pjpudmrhzko tck gjf`dhgt aktwkkf dhakrmdhsl mfo pjdhthgmd Gmtcjdhghsl, mpprjprhmthfe lmfy hokms tcmt cmo djfe ghrgudmtko mljfe tck Gmtcjdhg pjpudmthjf majut —smtmfhg“ djoeks, ms wkdd ms hokms majut shfhstkr Gmtcjdhghsl ckdo ay tck skgudmr mfo ^rjtkstmft Aôrekrtul hf Lmsjfhg djoeks. Hf jggupyhfe ajtc dhakrmd mfo Gmtcjdhg pjshthjfs, _mxhd ljahdhzko mfo hftkfsh`hko tck prkbuohgks j` ajtc shoks. Jfdy hf tchs wmy gmf wk kxpdmhf chs kfjrljus suggkss, ms  wkdd ms tck ekfkrmd pjpudmrhty pjpudmrhty j`  mfth-Lmsjfhg mfo mfth-Gmtcjdhg pmlpcdkt dhtkrmturk aktwkkf tck =33>s mfo tck @hrst Ujrdo Umr. ‗ _ck ^jdhthgs j` Wjghmahdhty2  @rkklmsjfry mfo Ekrlmf Ghvhd   Wjghkty, =3?>-=8=3 ([fhvkrshty =3?>-=8=3 ([fhvkrshty j`  Lhgchemf ^rkss, 1>>5), p. =?7

_mxhd, `jr chs pmrt, cmo molhttko molhttko hf  hf typhgmd `jrl2


—_ck puadhg lmok lk wcmt H ml9 tck mrgc-dhmr j` tck pkrhjo,“ gjf`kssko _mxhd, —`jr wckf H `hrst gjllkfgko tj wrhtk memhfst tck Lmsjfs ly jabkgt wms mlusklkft purk mfo shlpdk. _ck grhlks H dmho mt tckhr ojjr wkrk sj erjtksquk, sj hlpjsshadk, sj whokdy kxmeekrmtko, H tcjuect kvkryajoy wjudo skk tck  bjik mfo ehvk lk grkoht `jr jrhehfmthfe m fkw dhfk j` culjr. Aut ly rkmokrs wjudof‘t cmvk ht sj9 tcky mggkptko ly `madks ms ejspkd trutc, mfo tck ljrk H dhko `jr tck purpjsk j` scjwhfe tcmt H dhko, tck ljrk gjfvhfgko akgmlk tcky tcmt H  wms m pmrmejf j` vkrmghty. —_ckf ht omwfko upjf lk tcmt tckrk wms djts j` ljfky hf akhfe m Lufgcmuskf j` tck rhect ihfo, mfo `jr twkdvk ykmrs H emvk ht tj tckl cjt mfo strjfe, aut fkvkr tjj cjt.  Uckf hfohthfe sugc sdusc ms tck stjry j` tck okvhd sfmik wcj wrjtk prjpckghks jf Ohmfm‘s amgi whtc tck kfo j` chs tmhd, H sjlkthlks smho tj lyskd`2 –Cjdo jf, yju mrk ejhfe tjj `mr,‘ aut H ohof‘t. Ly rkmokrs kvkf tjji ihfody tj tck ymrf j` tck okvhd wcj, hf jrokr tj lmrry m Lmsjf, trmfs`jrlko chlskd` hftj m grjgjohdk, mfo, oksphtk tck lmsqukrmok, pdmyko tck phmfj  wjfokr`uddy wkdd. —Jfk omy wckf dkgturhfe mt Dhddk, H tjdo ly muohkfgk tcmt H cmo bust cmo mf mppmrhthjf j` Fmuthdus, tck ljst omrhfe m``rjft jf culmf grkoudhty H cmo sj `mr rhsiko. Aut


ly ckmrkrs fkvkr turfko m cmhr. –Ckmr yk, tck ojgtjr cms skkf Fmutudhus,‘ tcky smho whtc molhrhfe edmfgks. J` gjursk fj jfk cmo m gdkmr hokm j` wcj Fmuthdus wms H ohof‘t lyskd` aut tcky mssulko tcmt ck wms m okvhd. Mc, tck bjddy  kvkfhfes H spkft whtc ly `kddjw  mutcjrs cmtgchfe jut fkw pdjts, fkw, ufckmro j` pkrvkrshjfs j`  trutc mfo djehg, kmgc tryhfe tj jutoj tck jtckr hf jremfhzko lysth`hgmthjf. H tcjuect H wjudo ihdd lyskd` dmuechfe mt sjlk j` tck tchfes prjpjsko, aut kvkrytchfe  wkft9 tckrk hs fj dhlht tj culmf stuphohty.“

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