Albatross - Regs QB

July 22, 2016 | Author: topgun320 | Category: N/A
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Albatross - Regs QB...


.From Stllirufu's Question CBanli,. fl-4. qufranwa£:J .Jlppt J43f

• _.

~'-hru. Petroleum in bulk- means :fuel in receptacle more than 900 Jb& in capacity


The minimum age for the issue of CPL IS : 18 years


The maximum number of landings by a pilot in one day a) b)

is not restricted for trainin9 fiying but if training is conducted after a scheduled flight the maximum number of landings is six c) for a scheduled flight maximum of six landings ~_._-_all are ,correct .



A pilot involved in an aircraft acCident .can ~tart flying .again a)

~ c)


When ever detailed by the operator .,_ When cleared by the OGCA for flying after a corrective flying training if necessary

When ever he is medically fit,


The operational control consists oL.initiation, continuation. termination and division of a flight.....


A Cessna 152 & a Boeing 737 are on a converging course at same altitude. Which aircraft has the right of way a)


Y 36.

Ught aircraft (Cessna 152) ,

Heavier aircraft (Boeing 737)

The aircraft o.n the right

ATIS is a ...repetitive and continuous broadcast of VHF. which gives METAR and status ~f non visuallanding aids... ........ ATI:S: A..Jo~,·c.. TeJ\ ~~ L~ ~hk" Flying an aircraft in a manner to cause danger to a person or property is punishable with.



b) c)

~ '-"'

'­ \.....--,

Imprisonment up to two months or fine or both Imprisonment up to six months or fine or both .imprisonment up to two months or fine of Rs 1000/- or both Imprisonment up to ~ix months or fine of Rs 1000/- or both.


38. . For f1ying.;a non scheduled aircraft of foreign registration :n to India for non traffic purposes the permission must be obtained from a)

~ c) d)



c! b) c)






Distress/' Urgency

Indication of danger

. Clear to Take Off

Clear for landing Taxi ­

Extricate persons or animals whether alive or dead

Bring it to a place of safety .

Prevent inconvenience/otstruction to public

All are correct

The maximum flying a pilot can do in one year is

A b) c) 46.

Operator & approved by DGCA


The wreckage of a crashed aircraft can be tempered with or shifted to a) b)


8000 meters

$eries of green flashes directed towards an aircraft means a) b)



5000 meters

A series of projectiles fired at an interval of 10 sec means

Ab) 43.

You turn right to avoid collision

Turn leftto~avoid the collision

There ;s no fear of collisioll

The aerodrome operating minima is given by



Aerodrome officer of the airport of landing

An officer authorized by the ~ntral Govt

VFR Flying below 3000 feet AMSL in a controlled aerodrome'the ViSIbility is a)




During a night cross-country. on relative bearing of 270 you see the red light if an aircraft ..

a) b)



1000 hrs 1500 hrs


When an aircraft is being refueled, the refueling must be stopped if a jet aircraft crosses with in a distance of



6 a) b)




Anti collision lights are mandatory for

.,.at b) c) d)


)* c)

All flight time in IFR AU flying time when the flying is done only with reference to instruments

Only when flying in clouds

Area of operation where no ADC is required a)

A1f c) d)


Aircraft AUW> 5700 Kg "

Aircraft AUW > 1500 Kg

Any aircraft carrying passengers

All aircraft

Instrument flight time is a)


15 meters .

30 meters

-" 43 meters 45 meters

Local flying area Within 5 nm of an aerodrome

Control zone

Control area

. What information is to be iocluded in the third ~ection of an Air report a) b)


Air Temperature, Icing, Turbulence Spot Wind,lcing, Cloud above Spot Wind. Air Temperature; Icing. Tu..bul~nce

vS1. . Navigation charges'are baSed upon ''-,

a) b) c)

Airspeed Flying time over India A\) VJ : AU Distance flown -etr AUW 52. Destruction of buildings & trees on approach path is mentioned in

~ c) d) 53.

U" Ue..~- 1. -& ~ I'"

D".. . . . .

Aircraft rules 1937 Aircraft rules 1954

'Aircraft rules 1976

Aircraft rules 1996

Lateral separation to be maintained when crossing a 'holding point'

~ c)

15 nm from the Nav aid

5 minutes

5 nm from the Nay aid'

On an international flight the maximum number of' hours flown and the number of

landings in a day are

f r 913







A unit set up to provide air traffic control for aerodrome traffic is




Aerodrome control service Aerodrome control tower Area control service

The most effective way to use eves at night is a) b)












Aircraft manual

Aircraft Rules 1937

AIC : AehJ:>~~ ~~.~ ((~Lu,

As in 'a' & the maximum daty time for domestic operations is limited to 11 hours

Minimum rest period after domestic flight duty is a) b)

.71 61.

Apron/, .

Movement area

Maneuvering area


. The flight duty time limitations are raid down in a)


High - )."~"




A portion of the airport reserved for loading. off loading of cargo, passengers,.parJciog of aircraft & for small maintenance except for taxiing is called



when approaching to land on a flat darkened or flat snow covered surface, the approach might appear to be


58. .

Focus only at dim lights at a distance Flutter eyes rapidly Scan slowly to center off vision . / Focus only on bright lights .

Twice the duty time performed

Twice the flight time performed

As in 'b' but not less than 8 hours

The maximum number of hours that can be flown by a pilot in consecutive 30 days ar~









The Maximum number of hours that can be flown by a pilot in consecutive 7 days are a)


8 b) c)





At an aerodrome the aerobatics can be:carried out above 6000 feet





A/ ,d) 64.

Flying in Danger area is a) b)




Beyond 4 nm of. nearest perimeter of aerodrome Beyond 2 nm of nearest perimeter of aerodrome Within 2 nm of nearest perimeter of aerodrome Within 4 nm of nearest perimeter of aerodrome


Permitted above a certain flight level

Allowed if permitted by A TC ~ Allowed if permitted by DGCA

Flying in an aircraft. below 3000 feet AMSL in a controlled airspace, the minimum horizontal separation from clouds is a)

300 meters


500 meters

1500 meters/'

1500 feet


An aircraft wants to indicate assistance will do so by


a) b)


tne difficulties which eomp'el to land without requiring

firing red pyrotechnically lights , firing red & green pyrotechnically lights firing white pyrotechnically lights or by repeated switching ON & OFF-of the Landin!J light of navigation ligh~ ,

67. 'Aircraft is he;:lding North & sees green navigation light'of another aircraft at bearing of045 the aircraft

a relative '





;*rr c)

are on a collision course

are not on a collision course

Could be on a collision course

Above f1~ght level 290 the vertical clearance between aircrafts on reciprocal tracks is a)

ff c)

1000 feet 2000 feet 4000 feet

Lateral separation using VOR is

~ b) c)


15 degat distance of more than 15 nm. 30 deg at distance of more than 15 nm 10 deg at distance of more than 15 nm

The wreckage of a crashed aircraft 6n RNJ can be removed a)

extricate dead animal & persons



extric::lte animals & persons. dead or alive

to pennit movement of other aircraft



An aircraft lands atan uncontrolled aerodrome can take off again .with the permission of OGCA

without any permission of PGCA./

only if there is no injU/.y.-lo:any one·




c) Z2.

Changes in the aeronautical services which are likely to last for more than 2 hr~ are· given in NOTAMS


Series A/ Series B


b) c)


On board a civil aircraft the Airl=orce, Army, "Navy personnel can a)

, A h\ ....


not carry arms at all

carry arms with the pennission of DGCA

.,s::arry anns with the permissjonolcentraJ.Go.vl.

,).ility is less than

(0) a) b)


None (or 7700)

5Km 5NM 1.5Km 2 Krn

127. The highest point on the landing area is called:

/a} • b}


aerodrome efevation. Apron elevation. Center circle of the runway.

128. Anti collision light is a light: a}

b) .

~ d)

Green in colour affixed on to the runway. A red fight on the port wing of the aircraft. A red Light visible' 30 deg above and below the horizon of the aircraft Which is visible in all directions. The navigation lights of any aircr;3ft are also called anti- collision lights.

1./1'29. The pilot of aircraft A sees a Red navigation' of the aircraft B at a Relalive Brg of 270..

~ c)

There is no risk of collision and both the al,traft-should"Continue. Aircraft 8 should alter its course towards left. . The pilot of aircraft A should alter its cOurse towards right to avoid collision.

..----1.30, An aircraft croSsing your course Hfrom your left on right angle. You will be able to".see

Us: a) b)



Red light.

White light

~reen light.

131. A NOTAM which relates to some repair lasting for more than 2 Hrs would under:

~ c) d)


A: Series. B: Series.

C: Series.


132. A horizontal red square panel with one yellow diagonal means: a) b) c)"


All VFR are suspended and IFR have been declared compulsory. Landings Prohibited. . Aircraft are to land Take off & Taxi on runways and taxi ways only" Special precaution while tanding should be taken because of the bad state of the Maneuvering area.




The visibilitY minima for those Airfines who have not filed their own Minimum with the. . OGCA for an airport for Non Precession approach is: a)



1500 meters.



3.7 Km..


134~ VFRflights outside a controlled airspace at a 'height abOve 5000' should not be

carried out if the visibility falls below:



b) c) d)


8Km 8Nm



135. The lateral separation using DR Navigation a)

~ d)

15 deg at a distance of 15 nm or 'ess

. 45 deg at a distance of 15 nm or more

30 deg between aircraft of 15 nm or more

30 deg between aircraft of 15 nm or less

136. In class A airspace. a)



all flights are permitted

only VFR flights are permitted

only IFR flights. are pennitt~d.

137. .In class C airspace· a)

b) c)

IFR & VFR flights are permitted & are subjected to Air Traffic Control IFR flights are separ~ted .from other lFRflights & from the VFR flights & receive' information in respect of VFR flights" . VFR flights are separated from IFR flights & receive information about other VFR flights all are correc~

138. In class 0 air space a) b) c)






IFR & VFR flights are permitted & all. flights are subject to Air Traffic Control IFR flights are separated from other lFR flights & receive information in respect ofVFR flights VFR flights receive traffic information about other flights all are correct

139. In class E airspace a)

b) c)

IFR & VFR flights are permitted all flights receive traffic information IFR flights are subject to Air Traffic Control & are separated from other IFR n~h~

all are correct


In a class F air space






a) b) c}


lFR & VFR flights are permitted IFR flights receive air traffic advisory service

all flights receive fl:ght information service on request

all are correct .

141. The minimum number of'Stewards/air hostesses to be carried yon board if the passenger canying capacity is 63







142. Pilots logbook is to be preserved for a)


5 years from the date 'of starting the 109 book

5 years from the date of last entry

till the pilot retires

'143. Two white crosses on a signal square indicate a)




area not fit for the use of aircraft

gliding in progress

take permission before landing

14:4. Information ,nas been received that an aircraft is about make a forced landing. It is a} b)


alert phase

uncertainty phase

distress phase

145.. ' Talking about,theATS routes in India W means ~a)

b) c)

domes:tic routes

international routes

any of the above

146. Position report is required·to be given when

a,.. b}


crossing an FIR

over a compulsory reporting point

if so required by ATC

all are correct

147. Check rides are not counted when

. a)


aircraft is phased out of service when on a test flight for flying club training aircraft

all are counted

148. Aerodrome data and facilities are given in

~ c)

Aeradio AlP Notams



As regards, Air services transit agreement India a signatory

~ b)

True False

150. In the above question the privileges are ..........,

Permission to fly across its terdtory without landing. Permission to land for non traffic purpose

c) d)


151. The aircraft registratiOn and marking procedures are given in ICAO Annexure a) b)








152. The navigation lights on an aircraft-are a)



right green 1.2 Mach .... _..... ,. .... . Hin Chal)~les in the frcquenciesllC}Calion of Nav Aids arc notified by a) b)



AIRAC System

AlP amendments

Aeradio amendments

161. Displaced threshold .. .is due to WIP at some part of beginning of RfW cant be used for landing a~d a fresh threshold is marked further ahead .... 162. On t~esame aircraft you are making another flight on the same day.

~. a fresh ADC clearance is required

a fresh ADC clearance is not required

c) no ADC clearance is required

. b)

163. VVhaJ doe~ the following-marshalling signal indicate .. a)

b) c) d)

e} f) dear

. eith~r arm & hand level with should~r hand across tnroat & palm downward.s ...Cut motors ... :.......... arms repeatedly crosses above head ....... Stop....... . arms-down, palms facing outward. swing arms outward ... remove chocks .. arms palms facing inward. swing arms inwards ...... .insert chocks ...... ~ .... . . arms down palm towards inward. swing arms inwards ... slow down........ arm down palm towards ground & moved up & down se~a! times ...... all

164. The lateral separation between aircraft VOR is a)

~ c) d)

15 deg at a distance of 15 nm or less

15 deg at a distance of 15nm or more

30 deg at a distance of 15 nm or more .

30 deg at a distance of 15 nm or less

165. The lateral separation between aircraft using NOB is a) b)


15 deg at a distance of 15 nm or tess

15 deg at a distance of 15 nm or more

30 deg at a distance of 15 nm or more

30 deg at a distance of 15 nm or less

166. In a class a)




IFR & VFR flights are permitted

all flights receive flight information setvice on request

both are correct

20 167. In class B air space a) b}


IFR & VFR flights are permitted all flights are ·subject to Air Traffic Control & are separated from each other both are correct

168. Non scheduled flights cal' be made in India with a notice of a) b)


24 hrs

36 hrs


169. A person coming from Cholera infested area can enter India a) ~


Without any medical certificate 0.1 vaccination With a certificate of vaccination '. If accompanied With an attendant

170. Dead body of a person can be carried in an aircraft a)


If sealed in a wooden box

!f hermeticoth are correct

210. looSe sheets of paper containing printed matter can be. dropped(from an aircraft with

the permissiof) of




commissioner of police

both are correct

211. In India the IFR & VFR flights

~ c)

separated from each other

not separated

not separated but information is given to other aircraft

212. A new flight plan is required to be filed at an


~ 213,

,uncontrolled aerodrome if a flight is delayed by more than 30 minutes

controlled aerodrome if a flight is derayed by more than 30 minutes

controlled ;3erodrome if a flight is delayed by less than 30 minutes

Displaced threshold is indicated by a) b)


white lights in a row

red lights in a row

green Ii~hts in a row .

. 214. DistressSignal'is

rif c)

dropping of red parachute flares firing of white pyrotechnical fights in

firing -of g(een pyrotechnicallights in succession

215. Series of projectiles fired at an interval of 10 second~ on 'bursting showing red 7 green . a) b) c) ~


stars or lights indicate , aircraft is in distress but no immediate assistance'in .required

aircraft is in distress and immediate assistance is required

aircraft is flying over or in the vicinity of a prohibitecl'af-ea .'

aircraft is flying over or in. the vicinity of a prohibited area, restricted are-a or danger area.

Weather minima VMC'below 3000 feet in a controlled air apace is


~ d)

visibility 8 Km

visibility 5 Km

visibility 1,5 Km

visibility 300 meters


217. While taking off from the same RIW or parallel RIW at less than 760 meters apart, a light or a medium aircraft taking off behind a heavy aircraft, the separaljon minima Is

~ c)

2 minutes

3 minutes

5 minufp!::


-, ..'

26 218.

Which aircraft may::be on a collision coirrse .

~ c)

aircraft on the right with red navigation light in sight aircraft on the left with red navigatiotl light in sight aircraft on the right with white navigation light in sight

219. The green navigation light is visible through

~ c) d)

.220. \"...-

110 deg from tail to the right .


A ~ight aircraft departs behind a medium aircraft the time gap between the I~o is



~ '''--.-

HO deg from forward to therigbt 110 deg from "forward to the left


c) d)

1 mt


3mts 5mts

221. Cabotage of traffic refers to


"'" b)

c} d)

operation of a commercial Ale -of a contracting state to carry passengers/cargo between two points within thi; territory of another contracting .state op~tion of· a commercial Me of a contracting slate to carry passengers/cargo between two points outside the territory of another contracting slate . operation . of a. commercial. A1CQf a co!'tracting state 10 c;;:S{fY, passengers/Cargo to the territory 'of another C9ntracting state operation of a commercial Me of .a contracting state to carry passengers/cargo out from the territory of another contracting state

222. Thresh hold is a} .


beginning of the runway beginning of that part of the runway usabl~ for landing . a pOint where taxy ways meet

223. When refueling an aircraft. a} b} c}

No unauthorised person within ... 15 mtrs..•.• No naked flame with in ....••30 Mtrs......... . No smoking with in ............30 Mtrs....:.: ...... .

224. A red flag on the ATe indicates ..... f1ying in progress ... '" 225. To an aircraft a red flag on the ATe indicates...... Nothing...... 226. At Bombay over Ma'~bar hills flying is not pennitted within a distance of a) b)



1 nm


227. The air space over Mathura refinery is a

. 27



A steady white light di~ected towards an aircraft an fight means


a) b) c)

;J1 229.


exercise caution while landing

takeoff is prohibited

fanding- prohibited

landing prohibited and prohibition is likely to b.~~P.wJAO.wid

letter "C" in black against yeflow background means a)

~ d} 231.

land at this aerodrome & proceed to the apron

landing prohibited

return to.the starting point


On the ground a red square with two yellqw diagonals means a) b) c)


restricted area

prohibited area


accident reports to be made here

reports concerning air traffic services to be made here

flight plans to be colleded from here

all the above are correct

Two digits in black: 'colour against a yel/ow back ground, di~I?'yed yel1iepJlyjndicates a}

/f5} c} d)

OOM Direction for take off

Wind direction . ­ OOR for landing'

An aircraft can' fly over danger area



~} c)

Above flight level 290

If cleared by ATC


Tokyo Conven~ion is valid for


.4 b)

c>. 234.

AU International flights

All dO(l1estic flights

All local flights

The authority to detain an aircraft is given in a)

~ d) 235.

The threshold of the Runway is a)


Rule 8 of rules 1957

Act 8 of aircraft Act 1934

Rule 8 C Aircraft rules 1937

Rule 8 0 of aircraft Act 1934

The point where the aircraft lines up

That point in the beginning of the Runway used for landing




28 c).

The beginning-efihe Runway

2360 A report received from an aircraft giving its regular position andlor met report is called a) b)


Met report

Position report

Air report

237. A ste£'ldy red light projected to an aircraft in flight means give way to other aCT donT land for the time being....


238. A steady green light projected to an aircraft on the grounq/air means. clear to take off 239. A cross with a Single co!1spicuous colour. preferaoly white on the maneuvering area means............ area unfit for use by aircraft....................


During flight as a pilot you are subjected to unlawful interference in discharging your .duties. On SSR 'you should endeavor to set

,Af} b) c) d)

7500 mode A

7600 mode A

7500 modeC

7700 mode C

241, On an IFR flight plan but in VM
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