Alaska Wells Group RP: CTU Operations Overview: 1.0 Purpose/Scope

March 26, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

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Alaska Wells Group RP: CTU Operations Overview Formerly: Rigless Operations Manual: Coiled Tuing Tuing Operations !e"tion: Overview


NSU ADW Wells Oerations S!ervisor 



Wells: Coiled T!#ing T!#ing

$o"ument Control Administrator:

NSU ADW Wells "ngineer  Doc!ment Control Secialist

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 Alas)a Wells *ro! +W",S-

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()* Purpose+!"ope T0is section rovides an overview of t0e coiled t!#ing e!iment for t0e Wells Prod!ction "ngineers t0at are s!ervising coiled t!#ing !nits on t0e Nort0 Sloe2 &ote: !e"tion , "ontains -essons -earned .rom t#e .ield)

/)* $e.initions CTU 3 Coiled T!#ing Unit P" 3 Wells Prod!ction "ngineer  4OP 3 #lowo!t reventors

0)* General Re1uirements T0is section rovides information on o n t0e e!iment and recommended rig ! roced!res  roced!res for coiled t!#ing oerations on t0e Nort0 Sloe2

2)* 3ey Responsiilities Well Oerations S!ervisor is: 

To designate t0e erson to !date man!al as necessar% to incororate new olicies o orr roced!res

Wells Prod!ction "ngineers are: Resonsi#le for identif%ing and s!#mitting c0anges to t0e roced!res and met0odolog% #ased on new tec0nolog% and new and #etter wa%s of erforming wor) Udate t0e man!al #ased on c0anges as a res!lt of Root Ca!se 5nvestigations 

4)* Pro"ess 4)( %ntrodu"tion 5 Coiled Tuing Overview

6P Con.idential and 7 / /**8 **8 6P Ameri"a %n") Control Tier: / 3 W,S Revision Date: 67(.7&((8 Doc!ment N!m#er: UPSUSA9ADWW,SADWDOC(((/// Print Date: 17&/7&(1 PAP"R COP5"S AR" UNCONTRO,,"D2 UNCONTRO, ,"D2 T;5S COP< =A,5D =A,5D ON,< AT T;" T5>" O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

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T0e coiled t!#ing !nits !sed in Pr!d0oe 4a% 0ave #een secificall% designed and o!tfitted to do t0e wor) re!ired in t0e field w0ile oerating !nder t0e 0ars0 weat0er conditions of t0e Arctic2 A standard Arctic Arctic design of coiled t!#ing !nits !sed at Pr!d0oe 4 4a% a% is deicted in ?ig!re 12 All t0e comonents are mo!nted on one large float for more raid delo%ment in t0e field' rat0er t0an several s)id mo!nted sections2 T0e A Arctic rctic design eliminates t0e need of a crane to ic) ! t0e 4OPs and in@ector 0ead #% !sing !sing a 0%dra!licall% oerated mast2 T0e mast incororates a 0%dra!lic trolle% and 0eav% winc02 T0e trolle% is !sed !sed to delo% t0e 4OP 4OP22 After t0e 4OP is flanged to t0e rod!ction tree swa# valve' t0e in@ector 0ead is inned to t0e trolle%' moved over t0e 4OP and connected connected to t0e 4OP !s !sing ing a l!#ricator2 l!#ricator2 T0e entire str!ct!re str!ct!re #ecomes relativel% rigid for maim!m sta#ilit% d!ring a @o#2 T0ere are weat0er related limitations to #e considered w0en rigging ! or rigging down t0e coiled t!#ing !nit2 T0ese limitations are a f!nction of wind and7 and7or or am#ient temerat!re and are disc!ssed in t0e Coiled Tubing Rig Up and Well Entry  section Entry  section 4)/ Coiled Tuing Unit Components T0e ma@or comonents of a Pr!d0oe 4a% coiled t!#ing !nit are as follows: -ong9 #ig# "apa"ity .loat  .loat   to transort t0e mast' wor) dec)' engine 7 0%dra!lic ower ac) room' coiled t!#ing reel 0o!se' and oerations control ca#2 T0e float incororates &. sets of  o!triggers to maintain sta#ilit% and s!ort for t0e massive load d!ring rig ! and rig down2 T0is also eliminates t0e ossi#ilit% of load im#alance im#a lance d!ring oerations if a tire s0o!ld r!t!re2 Mast5 s!orts Mast5  s!orts t0e trolle% #oom +BTB #ar- and t0e in@ector 0ead winc0 as well as t0e in@ector 0ead itself2 T0e mast 0as a wor)ing 0eig0t 0eig0t of ! to  ft2 T0is allows allows t0e !se !se of a l!#ricator l!s 4OP w0ic0 w0ic0 is made ! to t0e to of t0e rod!ction tree +flanged onto t0e swa# valve-2 T0e !sea#le lengt0 of t0e l!#ricator deends on t0e 0eig0t of t0e rod!ction tree and t0e well 0o!se2 6low Out Preventors  0%dra!licall% and man!all% oerated' consisting of t0e following' in order' from to to #ottom of t0e 4OP stac) +wit0 +wit0 a maim! maim!m m wor)ing ress!re of 1('((( si: - 4lind 7 s0ear com#ination rams +to c!t coiled t!#ing and seal- 4lind 7 s0ear com#ination rams +to c!t coiled t!#ing and seal- Coiled t!#ing slis +sied to 0old t0e secific coiled t!#ing !sed- Coiled t!#ing ie rams +sied to seal aro!nd t0e secific sie of coiled t!#ing !sed- T0e CTU #low o!t reventors' l!#ricator' and in@ector 0ead assem#lies are s0own in ?ig!re &2 &ote:   T0e 4OPEs &ote: 4OPEs and l!#ricator are rated at 1('((( si wor)ing ress!re ress!re #!t t0e !min s!# and well0eads are ((( si wor)ing ress!re so t0e maximum working pressure of the well control equipment is 5000 psi  +limited  +limited #% t0e well0ead and !min s!#

ngine Room +ower ac)-  contains t0e main diesel engine +F&( ;P- and 0%dra!lic !m to ower t0e in@ector 0ead' reel' 4OP s%stem' mast' and ac)off e!iment2 5t also contains a small diesel fired' 1( )W ) W generator to s!l% 11(v AC ow ower er to t0e control ca# anels' o!tlets' etc2 T0e acc!m!lator #ottles for t0e 4OP s%stem are normall% 0o!sed inside inside t0e engine room2 %n;e"tor " O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

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!nits are 6('((( l# caacit% drives' caa#le of o f moving t0e coiled t!#ing at seeds ranging from (21 to &1( feet er min!te2 in@ector2 5f t0is in@ector is !se !sed' d' t0e weig weig0t 0t &ote:: At times & .78H &ote .78H coil ma% !tilie an 8('((( l# in@ector2 cells and weig0t indicators m!st #e c0anged so t0at t0e range of t0e larger caacit% in@ector can #e acc!ratel% meas!red2 Pa"k5o.. Assemly  a 0%dra!lic seal assem#l% @!st #elow t0e in@ector 0ead t0at forms a 0ig0 differential ress!re seal aro!nd t0e coiled t!#ing via a istonact!ated lastic ac)off wit0 #rass g!ides and retainers retainers t0at are slig0tl% larger larger t0an t0e coiled t!#i t!#ing2 ng2 As t0e w well ell 0ead ress!re +W;Pincreases' more ac)off ress!re re!ired to isolate t0e W;P W;P2 2 Pac)off ress!re is )et at a minim!m to red!ce wear onist0e ac)off d!e to ecess friction2 To f!rt0er red!ce friction drag t0ro!g0 t0e ac)off' t0e coil is l!#ricated wit0 diesel immediatel% a#ove t0e ac)off w0ile r!nning in t0e t0e 0ole2 Wit0o!t s!c0 l!#rication' t0e ecess friction can ca!se eno!g0 0eat to soften t0e ac)off elements so t0e% will comletel% gri t0e coil and and revent movement2 Oerating wit0 ecess ac)off friction will also wear o!t t0e ac)off elements ver% !ic)l% +in one tri in or o!t of t0e 0 0ole-2 ole-2 P!ming large vol!mes of 0ig0 temerat!re fl!ids' i2e2 0ot oil' will 0ave t0e same effect on ac)off elements2 -uri"ator  a 0ig0 ress!re +1('((( si-' cold weat0er and ;&S rated riser assem#led in vario!s lengt0s wit0 t0readed B!ic)connectB connections' to rovide a ress!ried area #etween t0e 4OPs and t0e CT ac)off2 T0e l!#ricator allows r!nning and !lling tool strings of vario!s lengt0s w0ile oerating wit0 a ositive ositive W;P2 Wit0 t0is t%e of s%stem a well does not 0ave to #e B)illedB rior to rigging ! tools to r!n in 0ole +R5;-2 Pump5in !u  a 0ig0 ress!re +((( si wor)ing ress!re-' cold weat0er' and ;&S rated sool' wit0 flanged connections t0at is made ! #etween t0e #ase of t0e 4OPs and to of t0e rod!ction tree tree swa# swa# valve2 5t 0as an integral flanged &B o!tlet wit0 wit0 two +&- flanged &B ((( si valves' to allow circ!lating ! or down t0e #ac)side of t0e coiled t!#ing +i2e2 #etween t0e rod!ction t!#ing and t0e coiled t!#ing-2 Fluid Pump  Pump   a 0ig0 ress!re' medi!mvol!me' trile !m caa#le of generating ! to /(( 0%dra!lic 0orseower2 0orseower2 T0e fl!id !m is mo!nted at t0e rear of t0e tractor and is owered #% t0e tractor tractor engine2 Power is tr transferred ansferred from t0e tr!c) engine to t0e fl!id !m via a secial transmission arrangement2 arrangement2 >aim!m flow rate is generall% aro!nd /2 4P> at .6(( si2

4)0 Coiled Tuing Unit "NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

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si 0%dra!lic ress!re2 5n 0ig0 gear it can !ll onl% 18'((( l# wit0 t0e same 0%dr 0%dra!lic a!lic ress!re2 T0erefore' one s0o!ld not attemt to !ll o!t of t0e 0ole in 0ig0 gear !ntil t0e string weig0t is less t0an 18'((( ,4 for t0is model in@ector 0ead2 A common forceress!re conversion factor for t0is 0ead is 12./ ,4 !ll7!s0 er si of in@ector 0ead ress!re in low gear2 5n 0ig0 gear' it generates onl% 6281 ,4 er si' #!t t0e seed is 0ig0er as stated a#ove a#ove22 T0e ot0er 0%dra!lic circ!its ower t0e reel' mast and levelwind' level wind' 0%dra!lic 0ose reel' and 4OPs2 T0e coil reel circ!it is rated at 1/ *P> and incororates a &(( &(( si ress!r ress!re e relief s%stem2 T0e mast7levelwind circ!it is rated at &G *P> and also 0as a &(( si maim!m2 T0e 4OP circ!it is rated at 1( *P> and .((( si2 4)2 Coiled Tuing Tools T0e following is a #rief descrition d escrition of t0e coiled t!#ing tools t0at are commonl% !sed on t0e Nort0 Sloe2 T0e tools are rovided rovided #% eit0er t0e CTU contractor or #% one of t0e rental tool comanies located in Dead0orse2 a." Connector 3 T0e coiled t!#ing connector allows t0e #ottom 0ole assem#l% +4;A- to #e connected to t0e coiled t!#ing reel2 T0e commonl% !sed t%es of connectors are a rollon connector and a dimle connector +!ses set screws to attac0 connector to coil and an IOE ring to effect a seal #etween t0e connector and coiled t!#ing !." D!al c0ec)valves  C0ec)valves are r!n as art of t0e tool string in most o oerations2 erations2 T0 T0e% e% revent an !ncontrolled #ac)flow of fl!id into t0e coil2 T0e c0ec) valves !sed are flaer t%e c0ec)s t0at allow a #all to ass t0ro!g0 t0e c0ec)s2 c." ;%dra!lic Disconnect  A tool !sed for disconnecting t0e tool string down0ole2 A #all is droed down t0e coiled t!#ing from t0e s!rface2 T0e #all seats seats wit0in t0e tool2 Press!re is




#." h."

alied to t0e coiled t!#ing w0ic0 s0ears ins in t0e disconnect and allows t0e tool to come aart' releasing t0e coiled t!#ing from t0e 4;A2 T0e #all and seat are are recovered and a fis0ing nec) remains as t0e to connection on t0e tool string string left in t0e well2 T0e 0%dra!lic disconnects are normall% inned to s0ear at a differential of .(( si2 5t is recommended t0at t0e s0ear val!e is verified wit0 t0e service coman% rior to r!nning t0e 4;A2 5n order to disconnect' t0ere m!st #e eno!g0 circ!lation to allow t0e #all to #e !med  !med over t0e goosenec)2 Circ!lating S!#  T%icall% r!n in t0e tool string #elow a 0%dra!lic d disconnect2 isconnect2 T0e circ!lating s!# 0as a ort w0ic0 can #e oened o ened #% droing a #all and al%ing ress!re to t0e coiled t!#ing +similar to t0e 0%dra!lic disconnect-2 T0e #all !sed to act!ate t0e t0e circ!lating s!# is smaller t0an t0e #all !sed for t0e 0%dra!lic disconnect2 Circ!lating s!#s often 0ave a r!t!re dis) t0at can #e s0eared if t0e #all does not s0ift t0e sleeve and oen t0e circ!lating ort or circ!lation is not ossi#le t0ro!g0 t0e t0e nole2 T0e r!t!re dis) is is !s!all% set to s0ear at a#o!t /(( si w0ile w0ile t0e circ!lating ort is set to oen at a#o!t .((( si2 T0e circ!lating s!# is !sed to esta#lis0 circ!lation if t0e nole l!gs or t0e t!#ing is st!c) and circ!lation t0ro!g0 t0e coil is not ossi#le +5f t0e t!#ing is l!gged' oening t0e circ!lation ort7s!# will onl% #e ossi#le if t0ere is a r!t!re dis) dis) #elow t0e #all seat in t0e circ!lating s!#s!#-22 A circ!lating s!# ma% also #e !sed in t0e tool string to allow circ!lation or for sotting fl!id a#ove an inflata#le ac)er2 >otor ;ead Assem#l% Assem#l% 3 a single assem#l% t0at 0as d!al c0ec) valves' valv es' a 0%dra!lic disconnect and a circ!lating s!#2 T0e 0%dra!lic disconnect and t0e t0e circ!lating s!# 0ave different sied #alls to s0ift t0e aroriate sleeve and f!nction f!nc tion t0e tool2 Down0ole >otors  Down0ole Down0ole motors are similar to a m!d motor as t0e% are  owered owered #% !ming fl!ids down t0e coiled t!#ing and t0ro! t0ro!g0 g0 a t!r#ine w0ic0 is art art of t0e motor assem#l%22 T0e 0ig0 tor assem#l% tor!e !e motors are !s !sed ed in milling and !nderreaming oer oerations2 ations2 ,ow tor!e motors ma% occasionall% #e !sed in fis0ing oerations2 Drill 4its7>ills  A variet% of #its and mills are availa#le to drill cement' o#str!ctions' formation' or metal2 T0e #its are rotated rotated !sing a down0ol down0ole e motor2 5nflata#le 4ridge Pl!g  A temorar% or ermanent isolation tool !sed in a well#ore to isolate flow #etween ones' or rotect ones from ot0er wor)over activities2 T0e tool is r!n on coil

6P Con.idential and 7 / /**8 **8 6P Ameri"a %n") Control Tier: / 3 W,S Revision Date: 67(.7&((8 Doc!ment N!m#er: UPSUSA9ADWW,SADWDOC(((/// Print Date: 17&/7&(1 PAP"R COP5"S AR" UNCONTRO,,"D2 UNCONTRO, ,"D2 T;5S COP< =A,5D =A,5D ON,< AT T;" T5>" O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

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t0ro!g0 t0e rod!ction t!#ing string2 string2 T0e #ridge l!g is inflated #% droing a #all and !ming t0ro!g0 t0e coiled t!#ing2 Contin!ing to increase t0e !m ress!re ress!re disconnects t0e coiled t!#ing from t0e #ridge l!g2 i." 5nflata#le Pac)er  A temorar% isolation tool !sed in a well#ore to isolate flow #etween ones' or rotect ones from ot0er wor)over activities2 activities 2 T0e tool is r!n t0ro!g0 t0e t!#ing string' and can #e inflated7deflated and moved mo ved wit0in t0e well#ore !sing t0e coiled t!#ing2 Some inflata#le #ridge l!gs are an inflata#le infla ta#le ac)er wit0 a l!g inserted on t0e #ottom2  $." Noles  A variet% of noles are availa#le to !se wit0 coiled t!#ing2 T0e most common are:





down or side @et' @etswirl' reverse +or #ig 0ole-' cement7com#o2 noles can #e designed for secific !roses2 >an% sies are and availa#le for !sing inSecial a variet% of oerations and t!#ing sies2 Selective Stim!lation T Tool ool  Similar to inflata#le ac)er' #!t consists of two searate ac)er elements to isolate s0ort intervals ! to 1 ft2 f t2 T0e tool is r!n t0ro!g0 t0e t!#ing string' and can #e inflated7deflated and moved wit0in t0e well#ore2 T!#ing Tail Tail ,ocator  A mec0anical or 0%dra!lic tool for locating t0e t!#ing tail and7or niles in a t!#ing string2 T0e TT, 0as sringactivated arms t0at ca!se an increase on t0e weig0t indicator w0en !lling t0ro!g0 a restriction2 A TT, is !sed !sed to more acc!ratel% ma)e a det0 correlation wit0 coiled t!#ing2 Underreamer  A secialt% drilling tool !sed to drill a larger diameter 0ole in t0e casing t0at is #elow a t!#ing tail or restriction restriction +! to t0e casing 5D-2 T0e !nderreamer JJarmsB collase or fold' allowing t0e tool to #e r!n t0ro!g0 t!#ing2 P!m ress!re will activate t0e arms' and t0e% will etend o!t to near f!ll#ore diameter2 Underreamers ma% #e !sed to cleano!t cement after a s!eee so t0at a well can #e reerforated or comleted in a deeer one2 $ars 3 Down0ole tool w0ic0 rovides a means to deliver a s!dden s0oc) or imact to t0e

4;A2 $ars ma% #e ! @ars or #idirectional2 a#sor#er' t0e accelerator is !sed iin n o."  Accelerator  Wit0 action somew0at li)e a s0oc) a#sor#er' con@!nction wit0 @ars to accent!ate @arring action #% increasing @ar moment!m2  p." Centraliers 3 Centraliers Centraliers are !sed to center t0e toolstring toolstring in t0e casing or t!#ing2 T0ere are two t%es commonl% !sed3 t0e mec0anical' #owsring t%e and a 0%dra!lic centralier w0ic0 is act!ated act!ated #% !ming t0ro!g0 tt0e 0e coiled t!#ing a#ove a minim!m rate2 T0e orifice sie in t0e 0%dra!lic centralier determines t0e minim!m rate2 &." Swivel $oint 3 T0e swivel @oint allows tools to #e made ! w0en tools are delo%ed into t0e well#ore wit0o!t a l!#ricator' l!#ricator' i2e2 etended lengt0 erforating or w0en it ma% not #e desira#le to rotate tools' e'g' fis0ing oerations2 r." ;%dra!lic Overs0ots and Sears 3 t0e most common are t0e *S sear and $DC overs0ot2

=)* 3ey $o"uments+Tools+Re.eren"es 4P *etting ;S" Rig0t 4PEs *olden R!les of Safet% 4P Drilling and Well Oerations Polic%  Alas)a Safet% ;and#oo) Nort0 Sloe "nvironmental ?ield ;and#oo) Wells *ro! Rigless Oerations >an!al 4P Alas)a P" >an!al  ARCO Alas)a Alas)a Wells *ro! Policies' *!idelines and Reso!rces Reso!rces >an!al Wells Stac) Anal%sis Reort Reort   anal%tical reort of t0e Keta >odel anal%sis for >P,(1 well intervention stac)2

,)* -essons -earned Furt#er -- in.ormation "an e viewed in Team-ink y using t#e -- tra"king numer) (> Team-ink -- ? =/*9 Wells Coil Tuing9 @une /**,)

/ **8 6P Ameri"a %n") 6P Con.idential and 7 /**8 Control Tier: / 3 W,S Revision Date: 67(.7&((8 Doc!ment N!m#er: UPSUSA9ADWW,SADWDOC(((/// Print Date: 17&/7&(1 PAP"R COP5"S AR" UNCONTRO,,"D2 UNCONTRO, ,"D2 T;5S COP< =A,5D =A,5D ON,< AT T;" T5>" O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

Page 6 of 8

W0en #leeding or PTJs of t0e >;A on coils' a nig0t ca will #e installed on t0e 4OPJs2 T0is will revent an% lea)ing fl!id f l!id from silling if t0e v valves alves do not 0old roerl% roerl%'' rior to t0e ress!re test2 /> Team-ink Team-ink -esson -earned ? (*/=(9 @uly /** CTU wor)ing off7wit0 t0e WWPL needing acc!rate and ! to date data on t0e wells 4;P #efore t0e floro and #asic )ill weig0t fl!id is !med for 0%drostatic conditions2 A drift r!n is alwa%s re!ired #efore starting off t0is t%e of wor)2 Consider !sing S,4Es s!# t0at can #e r!n +at no etra c0arge- t0at will record t0e 4;P and 4;T giving !s immediate acc!rate data2

Revision -og Revision $ate $an!ar% &&' &((& Decem em# #er &1' &((/ >arc0 .(' &((6

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Approving Aut#ority Steve Ross#erg Do!g Cismos)i $err% ,2 4i#%

Custodian+Aut #or   Andrew Pfaff

Wells Oeration S!ervisor 

Ad Adde ded d &.7 &.78H 8H coi coil and and remov emoved ed *P4 *P4 secific references2 Revised Aroving A!t0orit% and C!stodian2 "tended net review date2 C0anged SOP to RP RP22

Wells Oeration S!ervisor  And% 9ir) Wel ellls Oeration S!ervisor  Wells Oeration S!ervisor  Well Oeration S!ervisor  And% 9ir)

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Revision $etails Original 5ss!e

+or' see attac0ed email  Aroving A!t0orit% signat!re signat!re


/**8 **8 6P Ameri"a %n") 6P Con.idential and 7 / Control Tier: / 3 W,S Revision Date: 67(.7&((8 Doc!ment N!m#er: UPSUSA9ADWW,SADWDOC(((/// Print Date: 17&/7&(1 PAP"R COP5"S AR" UNCONTRO,,"D2 UNCONTRO, ,"D2 T;5S COP< =A,5D =A,5D ON,< AT T;" T5>" O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

Page G of 8

?ig!re 1

>ast 5n@ector ;ead

Coiled T!#ing


,!#ricator  +1('((( si-

Control Room P!m Room

4OP Stac) Well ;ead

Prod!ction T!#ing


"ngine Room

Coiled T!#ing

Coiled T!#ing Unit

/ **8 6P Ameri"a %n") 6P Con.idential and 7 /**8 Control Tier: / 3 W,S Revision Date: 67(.7&((8 Doc!ment N!m#er: UPSUSA9ADWW,SADWDOC(((/// Print Date: 17&/7&(1 PAP"R COP5"S AR" UNCONTRO,,"D2 UNCONTRO, ,"D2 T;5S COP< =A,5D =A,5D ON,< AT T;" T5>" O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 


Recommended Practice: CTU Overview

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?ig!re &

5n@ector ;ead

Pac)8Off  Coiled T!#ing ,!#ricator 

4lind7S0ear Rams

&H 9ill ,ine O!tlet Sli Rams Pie Rams

P!m85n S!# w7 &H O!tlet +((( si Wor)ing Press!reProd!ction Tree Swa# =alve +((( si Wor)ing Press!re-

Coiled Tuing 6lowout Preventer9 -uri"ator9 and %n;e"tor " O? PR5NT5N*2 T;" CONTRO,, CONTRO,,"D "D ="RS5ON O? T;5S DOCU>"NT CAN 4" ?OUND AT  AT  0tt:77eortal2#we#2#2com70se 

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