Alarm Clock Assembly Code
Short Description
Assembly code for the implementation of a digital alarm clock using 8051....
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Copyright (C) 2001 Samuel Barnes. ; All rights reserved. ; ; Name : Samuel Barnes ; Login : barnsa ; Homework # : 6 ; Date : 11-26-01 ; FILE NAME : barnsa.ASM ; TARGET MCU : C8051F000 ; DESCRIPTION : Timer program, will count three things: count seconds after you hit MOM0 ; a simple stop watch, will count how long you hold down MOM0 in seconds, and ; will count how many times you press MOM2, MOM1 is a reset. No LATs on is stop ; watch mode, LAT0 on is hold down mode, and LAT1 on is count button press mode, ; if LAT0 and LAT1 are both on nothing will run. ; ; ; NOTES: ; (1) Memory usage: ; Bytes: ; R7, R1, R2 = Clock Registers R3->R4 = Alarm Registers R5->R6 = Total Timer Value R0 = (indirect addressing) ; ; 08h = Clock 1/20 of a sec byte ; 09h = Blink Delay byte ; 0Ah->0Bh = Set mode display bytes ; 0Ch = Timer delay byte ; 0Dh = Alarm delay byte ; 0Eh = Alarm time limit byte ; 0Fh = Old time value ; 10h->11h = Old display bytes value (used so it is only updated when they change) ; 12h = Set Display mode ; 13h -> 15h = Current Chrono Values ; 16h -> 1Fh = indirect addressing bytes ; 20h->22h = Instant timer value ; 23h->25h = Old Instant timer value ; 26h = Old Chrono Value ; 27h = Chrono delay byte ; 28h = Bit values ; @29h = Saved for future bit values ; 2Ah = Tenths of second chrono bit ; 2Bh = Alarm on off byte ; 2Ch -> 2Fh = Un-Used ; ; Bits: ; 40h = Alarm startStop bit
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
41h = Display on off bit 42h = Timer alarm bit 43h = Chrono StartStop bit 44h = Set Alarm Alarm bit 45h = Alarm on off bit 46h = Alarm oscilate bit @@47h = Un-Used 48h->4Fh = Saved For Now (2)
To Do: Write alarm sound
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; EQUATES ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------$include ( D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 MOM3 MOM2 MOM1 MOM0
; Include regsiter definition file.
P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 EQU EQU EQU EQU
P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 P1.4
P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.0
P3.0 P3.1 P3.2
; VARIABLES ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; RESET and INTERRUPT VECTORS ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Reset Vector cseg AT 0 ljmp Main
; Locate a jump to the start of code at ; the reset vector.
org 000Bh ljmp Timer0_Int org 001Bh ljmp Timer1_Int org 002Bh ljmp Timer2_Int org 0073h ljmp Timer3_Int ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; CODE SEGMENT ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------Code_Seg segment CODE rseg Code_Seg ; Switch to this code segment. using 0 ; Specify register bank for the following ; program code. Main:
; Disable the WDT. (IRQs not enabled at this point.) ; If interrupts were enabled, we would need to explicitly disable ; them so that the 2nd move to WDTCN occurs no more than four clock ; cycles after the first move to WDTCN. mov WDTCN, #0DEh mov WDTCN, #0ADh
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;Cyrstal initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;XOSCMD 110 ;XFCN 101 mov OSCXCN, #65h ;11100101 mov OSCICN, #18h ;00011000
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;Port I/O Crossbar Initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mov XBR2, #40h ;disable weak pullups mov xbr2, #0C0h ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;DL6 Board Initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mov PRT1CF, #0 mov PRT2CF, #0 mov P1, #0FFh mov P2, #0FFh mov P0, #000h ;turns off all LED's mov P3, #00h ;clears port 3 mov PRT0CF,#00h ;set's P0 as push-pull ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;Memory Initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mov SP, #30h mov 08h, #14h mov 09h, #04h mov 13h, #00h mov 14h, #00h mov 15h, #00h mov 20h, #00h mov 21h, #00h mov 22h, #00h mov 23h, #0FFh
;moves stack pointer up out of the way ;sets clock bit to 20 base 10 (have to have this) ;sets blink delay byte ;sets Chrono bytes to zero ;clears actual timer bytes
;sets old actual timer byte so display will be refeshed ;as soon as you switch modes mov 26h, #0FFh ;sets old chrono value so display will initially refresh mov 28h, #00h ;clears bits
mov 0Ch, #01h ;timer delay byte mov 0Dh, #01h ;alarm delay byte mov R0, #00h mov R1, #00h mov R2, #00h mov R3, #00h mov R4, #00h mov R5, #00h mov R6, #00h mov R7, #00h mov 10h, #0FFh ;Indirect adressing for my clock display mov 16h, #030h ;0 mov 17h, #031h mov 18h, #032h mov 19h, #033h mov 1Ah, #034h mov 1Bh, #035h mov 1Ch, #036h mov 1Dh, #037h mov 1Eh, #038h mov 1Fh, #039h ;9 ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Interupt Initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------setb EA setb ET0 setb ET1 setb ET2 ;must clear interupt on timer 2 and 3 manually mov EIE2, #01h ;enables timer 3 interupt ;mov IE, #20h ;makes timer 2 (clock timer) high priority ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Timer Initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mov TMOD, #010h ; Timer Mode Register timer 1 and 0 16bit mode mov T2CON, #004h ; Timer 2 Control Register 16-bit auto re-load, turns it on ;mov TMR3CN, #004h ; Timer 3 Control Register 16-bit auto re-load, turns it on mov RCAP2H, #76 ; Timer 2 Reset Register High Byte 19,457 (76 * 256 = 19,456) initial value so timer takes 1/20sec mov RCAP2L, #1 ; Timer 2 Reset Register Low Byte 19,457 (19,456 + 1 = 19,457)
mov TMR3RLH, #076 ; Timer 3 Reload Register High Byte mov TMR3RLL, #001 ; Timer 3 Reload Register Low Byte MOV TH1,#076 MOV TL1,#01
;High byte of timer 76 (makes 1/20 of a sec) ;Low byte of time1
;High byte of ;Low byte of ;starts timer0 ;starts timer1
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Headphone Initialization ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------mov REF0CN, #03h mov DAC0CN, #084h mov DAC0H, #016h mov DAC1CN, #084h mov DAC1H,#016h
; DAC0 Control Register or 80, 84 left or right alligned ; hertz 260 to 512 ; DAC0 High Byte Register ; DAC1
;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Start of Prgram ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LCALL init_lcd Clock: jb jb jb jb
SetAlarm SetClock SetTimerL TimerModeL
LCALL RefreshClock
jmp Clock TimerModeL: ljmp TimerMode SetTimerL: ljmp SetTimer SetAlarm: ;mov TMR3CN, #004h mov 12h, #03h
;starts timer 3 ;sets display set byte
jb MOM3, AddHourA jb MOM2, AddMinA mov 0Ah, R3 mov 0Bh, R4
;moves alarm registers to display bytes
LCALL Refresh_Set
;calls set mode refresh
jnb LAT3, GoClockL jmp SetAlarm
;turns timers off
AddMinA: jb MOM2, AddMinA mov Acc, #1h add A, R3 mov R3, Acc mov Acc, #3Ch subb A, R3 jz WrapMinA jmp SetAlarm WrapMinA: mov R3, #00h jmp SetAlarm AddHourA: jb MOM3, AddHourA mov Acc, #1h add A, R4 mov R4, Acc mov Acc, #17h subb A, R4
;wait for button release ;incriments the minutes on the alarm ;(60 base 10) checks so when you get to 60 you wrap ;if A is zero wrap the minutes
;wait for button release ;incriments the hours on the alarm ;(23 base 10) wraps when hours get to 23
jz WrapHourA jmp SetAlarm WrapHourA: mov R4, #00h jmp SetAlarm GoClockL: ljmp GoClock ;end set alarm
SetClock: ;mov TMR3CN, #004h mov 12h, #01h
;starts timer 3 ;sets display set byte
jb MOM2, AddMinC jb MOM3, AddHourC mov 0Ah, R1 mov 0Bh, R2
;moves clock registers to display registers
LCALL Refresh_Set
;calls set mode refresh
jnb LAT1, GoClock jmp SetClock AddMinC: jb MOM2, AddMinC mov Acc, #1h add A, R1 mov R1, Acc mov Acc, #3Ch subb A, R1 jz WrapMinC jmp SetClock
;may have to make a new GoClock function...
;wait for button release ;incriments the minutes on the timer ;(60 base 10) checks so when you get to 60 you wrap ;if A is zero wrap the minutes
WrapMinC: mov R1, #00h jmp SetClock AddHourC: jb MOM3, AddHourC mov Acc, #1h
;wait for button release
add A, R2 mov R2, Acc
;incriments the hours on the alarm
mov Acc, #24 subb A, R2 jz WrapHourC jmp SetClock
;24 wraps when hours get to 23
WrapHourC: mov R2, #00h jmp SetClock ;end set Clock
SetTimer: ;mov TMR3CN, #004h mov 12h, #02h
;starts timer 3 ;sets display set byte
jb MOM2, AddMinT jb MOM3, AddHourT mov 0Ah, mov 0Bh,
R5 R6
LCALL Refresh_Set mov 21h, mov 22h,
R5 R6
jnb LAT2, GoClock jmp SetTimer AddMinT: jb MOM2, AddMinT mov Acc, #1h add A, R5 mov R5, Acc mov Acc, #3Ch subb A, R5 jz WrapMinT jmp SetTimer WrapMinT:
;moves timer registers to display bytes ;calls set mode refresh ;moves timer registers to actual registers ;actual being the ones that count down, R5, R6 hold total value ;may have to make a new GoClock function...
;wait for button release ;incriments the minutes on the timer ;(60 base 10) checks so when you get to 60 you wrap ;if A is zero wrap the minutes
mov R5, #00h jmp SetTimer AddHourT: jb MOM3, AddHourT mov Acc, #1h add A, R6 mov R6, Acc mov Acc, #17h subb A, R6 jz WrapHourT jmp SetTimer
;wait for button release ;incriments the hours on the alarm ;(23 base 10) wraps when hours get to 23
WrapHourT: mov R6, #00h jmp SetTimer ;end set timer GoClock: ;mov TMR3CN, #000h mov 10h, #0FFh mov 11h, #0FFh ljmp Clock
TimerMode: jb MOM0, TimerMode LCALL Refresh_Display
;stops timer 3 ;writes FFh to old display bits so display will refresh ;as soon as you go into set mode
;waits for button to be relased
TimerModeLoop: ;so the wrong jb MOM0 won't get selected jb MOM1, StartStopL jb MOM2, ResetTimerL jb MOM0, ChronoModeLR jb LAT1, ClockLL jb LAT2, ClockLL jb LAT3, ClockLL ;move timer memory 20h->22h to display******* ;comapre old instant values (23h->25h) with new to see if you update display
mov A, 23h ;compares the seconds cjne A, 20h, UpdateTimer mov A, 24h cjne A, 21h, UpdateTimer ;compares the minutes mov A, 25h cjne A, 22h, UpdateTimer ;copmares the hours jmp
StartStopL: ljmp StartSTop ClockLL: jb MOM0, $ mov 23h, #0FFh
;if values are equal no need to refresh display
;wait for button release ;sets old instant timer value so display will be refresed ;when they switch the mode back
ljmp Clock ResetTimerL: ljmp ResetTimer ChronoModeLR: jb MOM0, $ mov 23h, #0FFh
;wait for button release ;sets old instant timer value so display will be refresed ;when they switch the mode back
jmp ChronoMode UpdateTimer: LCALL Clear_LCD LCALL Cursor_Home mov 23h, 20h mov 24h, 21h mov 25h, 22h
;update old instant timer values
mov 0h, 22h LCALL Refresh_Display mov A, #':' LCALL Write_Text
;hours ;colon
mov 0h, 21h LCALL Refresh_Display mov A, #':' LCALL Write_Text
;minutes ;colon
mov 0h, 20h LCALL Refresh_Display SETB EN CLR RS MOV P0,#0C0h LCALL WAIT_LCD CLR EN
;seconds ;moves to second half of display
mov A, #' ' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'t' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'i' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'m' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'e' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'r' LCALL Write_Text jmp TimerModeLoop StartStop: jb MOM1, $ jb 40h, Stop setb 40h mov Acc, 22h jnz Skip1 mov Acc, 21h jnz Skip1 mov Acc, 20h jz TimerModeLoopL Skip1: SETB TR1 jmp TimerModeLoop Stop: clr 40h CLR TR1 jmp TimerModeLoop
;wait for button release ;check StartStop bit to know weather to start or stop ;changes StartStop bit ;checks to see if timer has run out
;won't start the timer if there is no time on it ;starts timer
;changes start/stop bit ;stops the timer
ResetTimer: jb MOM2, $ clr TR1 clr 40h
;wait for button release ;stops the timer ;changes the start stop bit
mov 20h, #00h mov 21h, R5 mov 22h, R6 jmp TimerModeLoop
;resets seconds to zero and ther rest to default
TimerModeLoopL: ljmp TimerModeLoop
ChronoMode: jb jb jb jb jb jb
StartStopC ResetChronoL ClockL ClockL ClockL ClockL ;13h -> 15h Current Chrono Values
mov A, 13h cjne A, 26h, RefreshChrono
;26h = Old Chrono Value ;checks to see if display has changed and then updates
jmp ChronoMode ResetChronoL: ljmp ResetChrono ClockL: jb MOM0, ClockL mov 26h, #0FFh ljmp Clock RefreshChrono: ;LCALL Clear_LCD LCALL Cursor_Home
;wait for button release ;sets old instant timer value so display will be refresed ;when they switch the mode back
mov 26h, 13h
;updates old chrono value since we are refreshing
mov 0h, 15h LCALL Refresh_Display
;write hours to display
mov A, #':' LCALL Write_Text
mov 0h, 14h LCALL Refresh_Display
;write minutes to display
mov A, #':' LCALL Write_Text
mov 0h, 13h LCALL Refresh_Display
;write seconds to display
;moves to second half of display
mov A, #' ' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'c' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'h' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'r' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'o' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'n' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'o' LCALL Write_Text jmp ChronoMode StartStopC: jb MOM1, $ jb 43h, StopC setb 43h mov TMR3CN, #004h
;wait for button release ;check to start or stop timer ;chrono start stop bit ;starts timer 3
jmp ChronoMode StopC: clr 43h mov TMR3CN, #00h
;stops timer 3
jmp ChronoMode ResetChrono: jb MOM2, $
;wait for button release
mov TMR3CN, #00h clr 43h mov 13h, #00h mov 14h, #00h mov 15h, #00h
;stops timer 3 ;changes the startstop bit
jmp ChronoMode jmp ChronoMode
RefreshClock: mov A, R7 cjne A, 0Fh, Refresh jmp ExitRC Refresh: mov 0Fh, R7 LCALL Clear_LCD LCALL Cursor_Home
;check to see if display has changed
;updates old time counter
;hours mov 0h, R2 LCALL Refresh_Display mov A, #':' LCALL Write_Text
;colon ;minutes
mov 0h, R1 LCALL Refresh_Display mov A, #':'
LCALL Write_Text ;seconds mov 0h, R7 LCALL Refresh_Display ExitRC: RET
Refresh_Set: mov A, 10h cjne A, 0Ah, ContinueUpdate mov A, 11h cjne A, 0Bh, ContinueUpdate jmp ExitRS ContinueUpdate: mov 10h, 0Ah mov 11h, 0Bh
;compare 0Ah and 10h ;compares 0Bh and 11h
;uses display bytes (this timer used for multiples sets) ;updates old values because display is refeshing
LCALL Clear_LCD LCALL Cursor_Home mov 0h, 0Bh LCALL Refresh_Display mov A, #':' LCALL Write_Text
;hours ;colon ;write the acc to display ;minutes
mov 0h, 0Ah LCALL Refresh_Display mov A, #' ' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'S' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'e' LCALL Write_Text SETB EN CLR RS MOV P0,#0C0h LCALL WAIT_LCD CLR EN
;moves to second half of display
mov A, #'t' LCALL Write_Text mov A, 12h dec A jz Display_Clock ;subb A, #01h dec A jz Display_Timer ;subb A, #01h dec A jz Display_Alarm Display_Alarm: mov A, #' ' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'A' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'l' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'a' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'r' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'m' LCALL Write_Text jmp ExitRS Display_Timer: mov A, #' ' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'T' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'i' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'m' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'e' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'r' LCALL Write_Text jmp ExitRS
;12h = Set display mode byte ;choses to write Set Clock, Set Alarm, or Set Timer
Display_Clock: mov A, #' ' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'C' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'l' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'o' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'c' LCALL Write_Text mov A, #'k' LCALL Write_Text jmp ExitRS
ExitRS: RET ;-----------------------------------------------------; Interupts Code ;-----------------------------------------------------Timer0_Int: push Acc push B push PSW push 00h
;Alarm Timer
MOV TH0,#0E7h MOV TL0,#000h
;High byte of timer0 0E7h (perfect annoying alarm pitch) ;Low byte of timer0, 00h
;if alarm LAT is turned off, turn off alarm
LAT0, AlarmOff
djnz 0Dh, Alarming mov 0Dh, #0FFh dec 0Eh mov Acc, 0Eh jz AlarmOff ;alarming stuff**************
;probably need to change this******* ;decriments alarm time byte and checks it
Alarming: djnz 2Bh, Flash cpl
;turns the beeps on and off
Flash: jb 45h, Exit0
;turns beeps on and off
jb 46h, TurnOn ;ocilates the sound ;Turn Off cpl 46h ;cpl P0.0 mov DAC0L, #00h ; DAC0 Low Byte Register mov DAC0H, #00h ; DAC0 High Byte Register mov DAC1L, #00h ; DAC0 Low Byte Register mov DAC1H, #00h ; DAC0 High Byte Register jmp Exit0 TurnOn: cpl 46h mov DAC0L, #00h ; DAC0 Low Byte Register mov DAC0H, #016h; DAC0 High Byte Register mov DAC1L, #00h ; DAC0 Low Byte Register mov DAC1H, #016h; DAC0 High Byte Register jmp Exit0
AlarmOff: clr TR0 clr 42h clr 44h jmp Exit0 Exit0: pop pop pop pop RETI
00h PSW B Acc
;turns alarm timer off
Timer1_Int: push Acc push B push PSW push 00h djnz 0Ch, Exit1 mov 0Ch, #20 mov Acc, 22h jnz Skip mov Acc, 21h jnz Skip mov Acc, 20h jz TimerAlarm Skip: mov Acc, 20h it is jz ZeroSeconds djnz 20h, Exit1 ZeroSeconds: mov Acc, 21h jz CheckHour dec 21h mov 20h, #59 jmp Exit1 CheckHour: mov Acc, 22h jz Exit1 dec 22h mov 21h, #59 mov 20h, #59 jmp Exit1 TimerAlarm: CLR TR1 setb TR0 mov 0Eh, #80h setb 42h jmp Exit1
;Count Down Timer
;makes it run 20 times (1 sec) ;checks to see if timer has run out
;only time seconds would be zero without the decriment getting ;the first run, so this only applies to then ;problem seconds can still be zero********(I think it is fixed)
;if seconds are zero decriment minutes ;reset seconds to 59
;if minutes are zero also decriment hours ;resets minutes to 59 ;resets seconds to 59
;stops timer ;starts alarm timer ;sets alarm time (time unknown)**************** ;sets timer alarm bit
Exit1: MOV TH1,#076 MOV TL1,#01 pop 00h pop PSW pop B pop Acc RETI Timer2_Int: mov T2CON, #004h push Acc push B push PSW push 00h djnz 08h, Exit2 mov 08h, #20 mov Acc, #01h add A, R7 mov R7, Acc mov Acc, #60 subb A, R7 jz IncMin jmp CheckAlarm IncMin: mov R7, #0h mov Acc, #1h add A, R1 mov R1, Acc mov Acc, #60 subb A, R1 jz IncHour jmp CheckAlarm IncHour: mov R1, #00h mov Acc, #1h add A, R2 mov R2, Acc mov Acc, #24 subb A, R2 jz ClearHour
;High byte of timer 1/20th of a second ;Low byte of time1
;Clock Timer ;resets overflow bit
;makes timer run 20 times (1 sec) (wait for 20 overflows) ;so timer will run 20 times (20 * 1/20sec = 1 sec) ;counts one sec ;adds one sec to R0
;clears the seconds ;adds one minute to R1
;clears the minutes ;adds one hour to R2
jmp CheckAlarm ClearHour: mov R2, #00h jmp CheckAlarm CheckAlarm: jnb LAT0, Exit2 jb 42h, Exit2 mov A, R1 cjne A, 03h, Exit2 mov A, R2 cjne A, 04h, Exit2
;checks alarm enable lat, if not set, no alarm ;checks to see if alarm is going off already ;R3 ;R4
setb TR0 mov 0Eh, #80h setb 44h jmp Exit2 Exit2: pop pop pop pop RETI
00h PSW B Acc
Timer3_Int: anl push push push push
;starts alarm timer ;sets alarm time (time unknown)**************** ;sets timer alarm bit
TMR3CN, #04h Acc B PSW 00h
djnz 27h, Exit3 mov 27h, #20 mov Acc, #01h add A, 13h mov 13h, Acc mov Acc, #60 subb A, 13h jz IncMinC
;chrono timer ;resets overflow bit
;makes it run 20 times (1 sec) ;counts one sec ;adds one sec to 13h
jmp Exit3 IncMinC: mov 13h, #0h mov Acc, #1h add A, 14h mov 14h, Acc mov Acc, #60 subb A, 14h jz IncHourC jmp Exit3 IncHourC: mov 14h, #00h mov Acc, #1h add A, 15h mov 15h, Acc mov Acc, #99 subb A, 15h jz ClearHourC jmp Exit3
;clears the seconds ;adds one minute to 14h
;clears the minutes ;adds one hour to 15h
ClearHourC: mov 15h, #00h jmp Exit3
Exit3: pop 00h pop PSW pop B pop Acc RETI ;-----------------------------------------------------; LCD CODE ;-----------------------------------------------------Refresh_Display: ;mov 0h, 0Bh push 0h ;saves 0h for the ones position mov A, R0 mov B, #10 div AB ;acc will now store the "tens" position of the number add A, #16h ;maps "0" to mem address 16h and "9" to mem address 1Fh mov R0, Acc ;saves value in R0
mov A, @R0 LCALL Write_Text ;mov pop mov mov div mov add mov
0h, 0Bh 0h A, R0 B, #10 AB A, B A, #16h R0, Acc
mov A, @R0 LCALL Write_Text
;puts the 10's value for seconds in the acc
;gets 0h again for ones position
;keeps remainder or the one's position
;indirect adresses the ones value (for the display) to the acc
;sets 8bit input, 1 line display, and 5x7 dots ;30 old
;turne display on and cursor on
;display not shifted, and incriments
#07Fh P0
;Start LCD command ;It's a command ;It's a read command ;Set all pins to FF initially ;Read the return value ;Finish the command ;Erase all bits but bit 7 ;If bit 7 high, LCD still busy
;CLR RW mov djnz mov djnz mov djnz mov djnz mov djnz mov djnz mov djnz mov djnz RET END
R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $ R0, #00h R0, $
;Turn off RW for future commands
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