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3.8 MTPA TRAIN CAPACITY Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
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PT. Brown & Root Indonesia
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 2 of 40
CONTENTS 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................4 2. Design Basis .................................................................................................................................4 3. Process Description .....................................................................................................................5 3.1 Storage .........................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Initial Make-up ...........................................................................................................................5 3.2.1 STARTUP MODE ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.2.2 SHUTDOWN MODE ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Rundown......................................................................................................................................7 3.4 Draining.......................................................................................................................................7 3.5 Boil-Off Gas.................................................................................................................................7 4. Initial Start-up Procedure ..........................................................................................................8 4.1 General ........................................................................................................................................8 4.2 Defrosting ....................................................................................................................................9 4.3 Initial Liquid Filling .................................................................................................................10 4.3.1 PROPANE REFRIGERANT STORAGE TANK (074-TK-1002A/B) ................................................ 10 4.3.2 ETHANE REFRIGERANT STORAGE TANK (074-TK-1001)......................................................... 13 4.4 Transfer of Refrigerant into LNG Train ................................................................................19 4.4.1 MAKE-UP OF ETHANE REFRIGERANT TO LNG TRAIN.............................................................. 19 4.4.2 MAKE-UP OF PROPANE REFRIGERANT TO LNG TRAIN ............................................................ 19 5. Normal Start-up Procedure .....................................................................................................21 5.1 General ......................................................................................................................................21 5.2 Start-up Procedure after Scheduled Shut-down ....................................................................21 5.3 Start-up Procedure after Emergency Shutdown ...................................................................21 6. Normal Operation.....................................................................................................................22 6.1 Operating Variables .................................................................................................................22 6.1.1 EXTERNAL VARIABLES ............................................................................................................ 22 Feed Composition and Temperature .............................................................................. 22 Ambient Temperature .................................................................................................... 22 6.1.2 INTERNAL VARIABLES ............................................................................................................. 22 Charging......................................................................................................................... 22 Rundown ........................................................................................................................ 23 Draining ......................................................................................................................... 24 Holding........................................................................................................................... 24 6.2 Process Control .........................................................................................................................24 6.2.1 LIQUID LEVEL OF STORAGE TANKS ......................................................................................... 24 6.2.2 PROPANE REFRIGERANT STORAGE TANKPRESSURE ................................................................ 24 6.2.3 ETHANE REFRIGERANT STORAGE TANK PRESSURE ................................................................. 24 7. Normal Shutdown .....................................................................................................................25 7.1 General ......................................................................................................................................25 7.2 Shut-down of Make-up Operation ..........................................................................................25 7.3 Long Period Shut-down ...........................................................................................................25 8. Emergency Shut-down – Emergengy Depressuring Procedure............................................26 8.1 General ......................................................................................................................................26 8.2 Emergency Shut-Down (ESD - EDP) System.........................................................................26 8.2.1 074-US-2000A PROPANE REFRIGERANT STORAGE TANKISOLATION AND DEPRESSURIZATION26 8.2.2 074-US-2100 ETHANE REFRIGERANT STORAGEISOLATION AND DEPRESSURIZATION ............ 27 8.2.3 074-US-2000A PROPANE REFRIGERANT STORAGEREPRESSURIZATION................................. 27 8.2.4 074-US-2100 ETHANE REFRIGERANT STORAGEREPRESSURIZATION ...................................... 28 8.3 Utility Failure..........................................................................................................................28 8.3.1 ELECTRIC POWER FAILURE ..................................................................................................... 28 8.3.2 UTILITY WATER FAILURE ........................................................................................................ 28 8.3.3 INSTRUMENT AIR FAILURE ...................................................................................................... 29 9. Safety Procedure .......................................................................................................................29 9.1 General ......................................................................................................................................29 9.2 Hazardous Material..................................................................................................................30
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 3 of 40
9.3 Emergency Fire Plan ................................................................................................................30 9.4 Fire Fighting and Protective Equipment ................................................................................30 9.5 Maintenance of Equipment and Housekeeping .....................................................................31 9.6 Repair Work .............................................................................................................................32 9.7 Withdrawal of Samples ............................................................................................................32 9.8 Safe Handling of Volatile and Toxic Materials ......................................................................33 9.9 Respiratory Protection .............................................................................................................33 9.10 Breathing Apparatus (B. A.)....................................................................................................33 9.10.1 NITROGEN ................................................................................................................................ 34 10. Isolation Procedure for Maintenance......................................................................................35 10.1 General ......................................................................................................................................35 10.2 Basic Procedures.......................................................................................................................35 10.2.1 INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT / SYSTEM ISOLATION........................................................................ 36 Horizontal Pressure Vessels ......................................................................................... 36 Pumps........................................................................................................................... 36 11. Maintenance Procedure............................................................................................................37 11.1 General ......................................................................................................................................37 11.1.1 ROUTINE/FIRST LINE/ MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................... 37 11.1.2 BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................. 37 11.1.3 PLANNED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ................................................................................... 37 11.1.4 PREDICTIVE/CONDITION BASED MONITORING ........................................................................ 37 11.1.5 TURNAROUND /INSPECTION MAINTENANCE ............................................................................ 37 11.2 Precautions prior to Maintenance...........................................................................................38 11.3 Preparation for Maintenance ..................................................................................................38 11.3.1 INSTALLATION OF BLANK FLANGES OR SPADES ....................................................................... 38 11.3.2 REPLACEMENT OF NITROGEN WITH AIR .................................................................................. 38 11.4 Typical isolation method ..........................................................................................................39 11.4.1 VESSELS/DRUMS ...................................................................................................................... 39 11.4.2 PUMPS ...................................................................................................................................... 39 11.4.3 CLOSE OUT ............................................................................................................................... 39 12. Attachment List.........................................................................................................................40
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 4 of 40
INTRODUCTION The Refrigerant Make-up and Storage Unit (Unit 074) consist of ethane and propane refrigerant storage tanksbullets and transfer charge pumps. This unit provides offsite storage of propane and ethane refrigerant to charge the refrigerant systems in the process trains when the normal make-up from Refrigerant Preparation Unit (Unit 041/042) is either unavailable or insufficient. This storage is common for two process trains and is intended primarily to supply start-up refrigerant for the propane and MR (Mixed Refrigerant) circuits in Refrigeration Unit (Unit 051/052). Nitrogen, methane, ethane and propane refrigerants are normally supplied from connections within the LNG process train. Liquid ethane and propane refrigerants are produced in Unit 041/042 in quantities in excess of that needed for normal make-up. The excess refrigerant is used to charge the two propane and one ethane refrigerant storage tanksbullets, and re-inject to LNG.
DESIGN BASIS When LNG train system is operating, the ethane and propane refrigerant make-up are produced and supplied from the dDeethanizer and the dDepropanizer, respectively. The ethane and propane refrigerant Make-up and Storage (Unit 074) is provided to support the following operating functions: -
Initial Make-up
Unit 074 consists of the following major equipment: -
Ethane Bullet Refrigerant Storage Tank – 074-TK-1001
Ethane Charge Refrigerant Transfer Pump – 074-P-1001
Propane Bullets Refrigerant Storage Tanks - 074-TK-1002A/B
Propane Charge Refrigerant Transfer Pump - 074-P-1002
The normal liquid storage for one eEthane Refrigerant Storage Tank bullet (472 m3) and two propane Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanksbullets (838 m3/bullettank) provides sufficient capacity needed for the initial charging of two (2) LNG process trains. Propane is stored at ambient temperature and its corresponding vapor pressure. To minimize loss of propane, the pressure controller provided on the propane Propane Refrigerant Storage Tankbullet is set at 15.5 kg/cm2G which is equivalent to yearly maximum ambient temperature of 47 oC. The ethane refrigerant is stored at a pressure sufficient to allow boil off from the refrigerated storage bullet tank to flow back to the LPG reinjection stream in either of the LNG process trains.
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 5 of 40
PROCESS DESCRIPTION Following are descriptions for the operating functions provided in Unit 074
Storage Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) and Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) provide refrigerant storage facilities for initial charge for two (2) LNG trains, for rundown of refrigerant from the Refrigerant Preparation Unit (Unit- 041/042), for draining of refrigerant from Refrigeration Unit (Unit-051/052), and charging refrigerant to Unit 051/052. Propane is stored in two identical bullets tanks 074-TK-1002A/B, which are filled simultaneously, at ambient temperature and saturation pressure. The total propane storage capacity is sufficient to provide refrigerant inventory required for two (2) LNG trains. Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) are not insulated. Ethane is stored in a single bullet tank 074-TK-1001 at approximately minus 31 oC temperature and 25 kg/cm2G saturation pressure. This saturation pressure allows reinjection of boil-off gas into LNG product, after it is cooled through the LPG Reinjection Cooler (041/042-E-1012). The boil off gas of approximately 190 kg/h (0.1wt% boil off) is generated due to outside heat leak into system and vapor displacement. The total ethane storage capacity is sufficient to provide refrigerant inventory required for two (2) LNG trains. The ethane storage system including 074-TK-1001 is insulated for operation at sub-ambient temperature.
Initial Make-up Initial propane make-up storage to the bullets storage tanks is provided by outside source and will have to be transported to site as ship cargo. A potential supplier for propane is the Bontang LNG facility. Imported propane is transported from a ship berthed at LNG jetty to Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) using temporary pump, LNG circulation line and temporary piping. (For details of initial propane make-up, see commissioning manual) The imported propane composition shall be as follows; Ethane (C2)
0.3 mol% maximum
Propane (C3)
99.2mol% minimum
Butane (C4)
0.5 mol% maximum
Pentanes and heavier
0.0 mol%
1 ppm (w)
10 Ng/Sm3 (Hg Removal Vessel Outlet Spec)
Ethane will be produced insitu. Prior to the introduction of propane initially or after returning the storage tanksbullets from maintenance, the storagebullet tanks shall be dried and inerted with nitrogen and then dried with defrost gas. (See commissioning manual for details). To facilitate loading of propane refrigerant in the storage tanksbullets, tank truck connection is provided on the storage tanksbullets.
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 6 of 40
Ethane will be produced within LNG train area. The initial ethane (liquid) is charged is from the Deethanizer Reflux Drum (D-041-D-1002) to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) using Deethanizer Reflux Pump (041-P-1002). after the introduction of Before charging ethane liquid, Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) shall be pressurized with ethane vapor from Deethanizer Reflux Drum (041-D-1002) in order to avoid low temperature excursion in Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001). (See Section 4.3.2)feed gas into the LNG Train. Prior to the introduction of ethane initially or after returning the storage tankbullet from maintenance, the storage tankbullet tank shall be dried and inerted with nitrogen and then dried with defrost gas. (See commissioning manual for details). Warning;
When introducing ethane into a warm tank, care should be taken to avoid over pressuring due to the total vaporization of the liquid ethane or over stressing the tank due to rapid localized cooling.
After nitrogen or defrost gas in Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) is replaced by ethane vapor from Deethanizer Reflux Drum (041-D-1002), liquid ethane shall be introduced to the storage tank to avoid low temperature excursion of the storage tank.
Startup Mode Before starting the operation of the LNG train, propane and ethane are charged into Unit 051/052 for preparation of propane and mixed (MR) refrigerants. Propane is pumped by Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1002) to the Propane Accumulator (051/052-D-1005) in Unit 051/052. Similarly ethane is pumped by Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001) to the HP MR Separator (051/052-D-1010) in Unit 051/052.
Shutdown Mode When a shutdown of LNG train for an extended period and when maintenance of the propane refrigerant circuit is required, a shutdown mode operation is carried out to create space in the Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) to accommodate propane drained from the propane refrigerant circuit. This operation mode is to allow the inventory in Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) reduce by the normal recharging of propane refrigerant to the propane circuit without the normal recharging operation. This operating mode continues until there is adequate space in Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) to accept the Unit 051/052 propane refrigerant. There is no shutdown mode charging operation for ethane as it can not be separated from mixed refrigerant. Liquid ethane of 372 m3 is normally stored in the ethane Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001)bullet.
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 7 of 40
When refrigerant inventory in Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) and Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) is reduced, refrigerant is rundown from Unit 041/042 to make up the storage capacity. Depropanizer Reflux Pump (041/042-P-1003A/B) transfers propane make-up liquid from Depropanizer Reflux Drum (041/042-D-1003) to Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B). Deethanizer Reflux Pump (041/042-P-1002A/B) transfers ethane make-up liquid from the Deethanizer Reflux Drum (041/042D-1002) to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001).
Draining Propane liquid should be drained from propane refrigerant circuit and the LNG train when extended shutdown or maintenance is required. The propane refrigerant is drained into the Propane Transfer Drum (051/052-D-1006) and pumped to Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) by the Propane Transfer Pump (051/052-P-1001). Prior to this draining operation, shutdown mode operation should be carried out as described in 3.2.2.
Boil-Off Gas Boil Off Gas in the Refrigeration Storage System is generated due to ambient heat leak into the system, vapors (within the system) displaced by liquids received and vapors generated during rundown/charge pump operation. Ethane vapor (boil-off gas) is sent to LPG reinjection into the LNG product. Propane vapor venting is not normally required. Any excess vapors above those normally anticipated are flared. When all LNG trains are down, Refrigerant Storage vapors are flared.
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 8 of 40
This section provides detailed guidelines to the steps required to carry out the initial start-up of Refrigerant Make-up and Storage Unit 074. It should be noted that certain items will require further elaboration and explanation depending on the site operating philosophy at that time. This information will be provided by the Operations Superintendent in daily instructions or via Operational Procedure Guides. The initial start up sequence follows Mechanical Completion and Acceptance by the Company. During the Pre-mechanical Completion phase of the construction program the following activities have been verified documented and accepted as complete by Contractor and Company Inspectors: (a) Equipment and piping internal cleanliness (b) Instrument and electric functional tests (c) Mechanical rotating equipment tests (d) Safety system function tests (e) Utility systems commissioned i. Electricity ii Instrument air iii. Nitrogen gas, iv. Utility water, only for Utility Stations v. Fire water (f) Flare and liquid disposal systems commissioned (g) Vessel and equipment blind status (h) Service tightness test and inerting
The outline of the start-up sequence is as follows: (a) Operation tightness test for refrigerant system with air (by temporary H.P. Compressor) (b) Pre start-up check (c) Removal of battery limit blinds (d) Inventorying with nitrogen (e) Defrosting (f) Pressurising (g) Initial liquid filling (h) Transfer of refrigerant
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 9 of 40
Defrosting It is essential that all pipe work, storage tanksbullets and other equipment be free of water before introducing hydrocarbons. This can be achieved using defrost gas from Unit 031/032 and venting the gas from Unit 074 to the Dry Gas Flare. (1) Introduce the defrost gas into propane and ethane lines into from the discharge lines of the Depropanizer Reflux Pumps (041-P-1003A/B) and Deethanizer Reflux Pumps (041-P-1002A/B) in Unit 041/042. The Defrost Gas is generated in Defrost Gas Heater (031-E-1004). a. Only one section/tank shall be defrosted at a time to ensure maximum defrost gas. b. Care should be taken that all block valves are properly aligned.
(2) Wet vent gas from the storage tanksbullets is routed to the dry flare system. a.
For propane rundown line i. Purge rundown line through 074-PF-1003-4”.1001 ii.Then through line 074-PF-1009-4”.
b. For Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank 074-TK-1002A i. To dry the tank bottom opening the manual block and globe valves in 074-PF-1301-2”, which is connected to pump suction line. line. ii. Dry the remaining tank by opening 074-PV-1212A c.
For Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank 074-TK-1002B i. To dry the tank bottom opening the manual block and globe valves in 074-PF-1301-2”, which is connected to pump suction line. ii. Dry the remaining tank by opening 074-PV-1212B
d. For Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump 074-P-1002 i. Open suction line (074-PF-1004) block valve ii. Open pump vent line (074-PF-1711) block valve, to route defrost gas through the suction line and pump to the dry flare. Note that the pump shall not be rotated during defrost operation because the pump rotation destroy the bearings. e.
For ethane rundown line i. Purge rundown line through 074-EF-1001
e.f. For Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank 074-TK-1001 i. To dry the tank bottom opening the manual block and globe valves in 074-EF-1301-2”, which is connected to pump suction line. ii. Dry the remaining tank by opening 074-PV-1212B1202B f.g. For Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump 074-P-1001 i. Open suction line (074-EF-1003) block valve ii. Open pump vent line (074-EF-1711) block valve, to route defrost gas through the suction line and pump to the dry flare. Note that the pump shall not be rotated during defrost operation because the pump rotation destroy the bearings. (3) Allow the defrosting to continue until the effluent gas from the storage tankbullet reaches to less than 20 ppm H2O content.
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 10 of 40
(4) Defrost the vapor lines to dry flare. (a) For Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank 074-TK-1002A (i) Propane vapor line to 074-PV-1212A (074-PF-1501) (ii) Propane vapor line downstream of 074-PV-1212A (074-PF-1002) (iii) Propane vapor line to 074-PSV-8011A/B (074-PF-1102) (b) For Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank 074-TK-1002B (i) Propane vapor line to 071-PV-1212B (074-PF-1502) (ii) Propane vapor line downstream of 074-PV-1212B (074-PF-1008) (iii) Propane vapor line to 074-PSV-8011C/D (074-PF-1104) (c) For Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump 074-TK-1001 (i) Ethane vapor line (074-EF-1002) (ii) Ethane vapor line downstream of 074-USVD-2110 (074-EF-1102) (iii) Ethane vapor line to 074-PSV-8001A/B (074-EF-1103) (iv) Ethane vapor line downstream of 074-PV-1202B (074-EF-1101) (v) Ethane vapor line to LNG trains (090-EF-1501) to LNG trains (5) When the defrosting has been completed, depressurise the system to slightly positive pressure.
Initial Liquid Filling When Unit 074 and the transfer line from the LNG train have been proven to be leak free, the storage bullets tank can be filled with liquid ethane and propane.
Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) Before LNG train start-up, propane shall be provided by outside source. The detailed procedures are described in C3 loading facility (H-900-1730-902). A temporary dehydration and demercury pot shall be installed at just the inlet of Propane Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B) to remove water and mercury in the import propane products. Even though the quality of import propane products meets the specification, there is possible adsorption of water/mercury during ship transportation and its unloading operation due to contamination in ship vessel or insufficient drying of temporary C3 product loading line. Please refer to Figure 4.3.1 Flow Scheme for Import Propane Liquid (Unloading) Operation. Once the propane ship operating conditions will be finalized, the following detailed design shall be reconfirmed: -
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Propane ship tank operating conditions, i.e., atmospheric pressure with refrigerant temperature or middle operating pressure with ambient temperature.
BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant Storage and Transfer
Doc. No. 74-IOM-PS-1201 KJP Doc. No. S-074-1283-001 Rev. 6A Sheet No. 11 of 40
Propane ship loading pump performance curve to check hydraulic balance (available ship loading flow rate based on the actual loading line layout, initial set pressure of Propane Storage Tank on shore, and the operating pressure of ship storage tank).
Shipping pump shutoff pressure shall be checked and provide the protection system, if the existing line design pressure is lower than the shipping pump shut-off pressure.
(1) After inerting and drying Propane Refrigerant Storage Tanks (074-TK-1002A/B), propane liquid from an external supplier a supply ship berthed at LNG jetty is charged into the tank using a temporary pump via 071-GL-1502, 090-GL-1505, temporary piping, 090-PF-1501 and 074-PF-1001. using the 4” block valve on 074-P-1002 suction line. For this operation, LNG circulation line (071-GL-1502, 090-GL-1505) is used as propane liquid transfer line. In order to avoid a low temperature excursion during the initial charge, defrost gas at circa. 3.5 kg/cm2G is used to pad the tank. (For details, refer to commissioning manual) (2) Place tank pressure controller 074-PIC-1212A/B in the auto mode with an initial set point of 11.0 kg/cm2 G, if ship tank operating temperature is ambient. . After the initial fill, the 074-PIC-1212 A/B can be raised to minimize propane losses. If ship tank operating pressure is atmosphere, 074-PIC-1212 A/B shall be set at slightly higher than atmospheric pressure (0.2 kg/cm2G) to prevent back flow from flare line. (3) Displaced vapors are vented to the dry flare via tank pressure control valves 074-PV-1212A/B. (54) After filling the tanks bullets sufficiently to fill the downstream, the lines and pump wells can be filled up slowly using the liquid head. (The seal chamber needs to be vented. Reference Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1002) pump vendor’s manual for requirements.) (5) The remaining large amount of propane in loading line shall be drained out to dry flare gradually. Propane loading line shall provide drain lines at all low points.
Note: After LNG train start-up, propane is sent from Depropanizer Reflux Drum (041-D-1003) to Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) via propane rundown line. (See Section
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BP Berau Ltd. Tangguh LNG Project Operation Manual for Refrigerant storage and transfer
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Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) As Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT) of Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) is -45 ºC at design pressure of 29 kg/cm2G, it is required to control temperature while initial liquid Ethane receiving in Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank from Deethanizer reflux drum (041-D-1002). If proper cool down procedure is not followed, liquid ethane will flash in the Storage Tank at low pressure resulting low temperature, which may lead to damage to the Storage Tank. Therefore, the following procedure shall be executed for initial pressurizing and subsequent cool down of Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank to avoid possible low temperature excursion. Please refer to Figure 4.3.2 Flow Scheme for Ethane Liquid Filling Operation. The following check points shall be confirmed before Ethane Reflux Drum overhead gas introduction to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank. ¾ Defrost gas operation of Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank and all associated lines should have been completed and Dew points at all locations should be less than -40 ºC. ¾ Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank is slightly pressurized at around 0.2 kg/cm2G with defrosting gas. ¾ Deethanizer column (041-T-1002) operation is stabilized and over head vapors are analyzed for C1, C2, C3 and C4 contents. Deethanizer column is operating on total reflux, while the overhead gas from Deethanizer Reflux Drum shall be discharged to dry flare through 041-PV-1212B. ¾ 074-PSV-8001B on Ethane Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) has been removed and a temporary spool with a 2 “ globe valve has been provided to purge out the defrost gas accumulated in line and Storage Tank. “CSC” on the inlet valve of 074-PSV-8001B shall be changed to “CSO”. ¾ 074-USVE-2020 on the liquid outlet line from Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank shall be closed. ¾ 074-PV-1201 on the liquid inlet line to Ethane Storage Tank shall be closed. ¾ Depropanizer is operated in turndown to receive the Deethanizer bottom products continuously. All propane products shall be sent to Propane Refrigerant Tanks (074-TK-1002 A/B). ¾ Debutanizer is operated in turndown to receive the Depropanizer bottoms products continuously. All butane products shall be sent to MCHE (041-E-1001). If all above mentioned conditions are satisfied, the line up of ethane vapor introduction from the top of Deethanizer Reflux Drum (041-D-1002) to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) is available. The next steps shown below shall be proceeded.
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Note: ESD valves shall be in required position from Engineering Console.
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(1) Ensure LPG re-injection cooler inlet ESD valve (041-USVE-2260) in close position. Confirmed by field operator locally as the valve position is close. (2) Ensure that control valve 041-PV-1212A on Deethanizer Reflux Drum overhead line to LPG Re-injection Cooler (041-E-1012) and its bypass valve are in close position. Field operator shall ensure that the above valves are in close position locally. The excess ethane vapor is discharged to dry flare through 041-PV-1212B. (3) Keep control valve 041-FV-1010 on C3 liquid re-injection line from Depropanizer Reflux Pump (041-P-1003 A/B) and its bypass valve in close position. Field operator shall ensure that the above valves are in correct position locally. Excess on-spec. C3 products shall be sent to Propane Refrigerant Tanks (074-TK-10002 A/B). (4) Close the manual globe valve on the C4 liquid product line to LPG Re-injection Cooler (041-E-1012). Field operator shall visually check that the globe valve is closed completely. All C4 products from Butane Recycle Pump (041-P-1005 A/B) shall be submitted to MCHE (041-E-1001) as butane recycle. (5) Put a spectacle blind installed on the check valve by-pass line of 41-EF-1014-1 1/2” in open position. And then open the two 1” gate valves on the check valve by-pass line. Field operator shall make sure that the by-pass valves are in open position locally. (6) Check the line up from top of Deethanizer Reflux Drum to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank through Ethane refrigerant vapor line (090-EF-1501-11/2”). The flow direction of ethane gas introduction for initial start-up operation is opposite to the normal flow direction. Field operator shall ensure that all relevant valve position is correct. (7) Open 074-USVE-2050 (Ethane vapor line from Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank in normal operation.). Field operator shall ensure that 074-USVE-2050 is in open position locally. (8) Fully open 074-PV-1202A installed on the vapor line from Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank to introduce ethane gas to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank. (The gas flow direction is reverse in normal operation.) Field operator shall ensure that the valve position should be fully open.. (9) Ensure that 074-USVE-2020 on suction line of Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001) and 074-PV-1201 on the ethane liquid inlet line to Ethane Refrigerant Storage are still in close position during pressurization of Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank. (10) Slowly introduce ethane gas to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank through 041-PV-1212A by closing 041-PV-1212B gradually. Monitor the Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank pressure by 074-PIC-1202. Monitor pressure on 074-PG-9202 at pump suction in order to ensure that the pump suction valve and suction ESDV-2020 are not leaked. (11) Lighter components in Defrost gas shall be purged out to dry flare from the top of a temporary spool on the Storage Tank (installed in place of
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(12) (13) (14)
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074-PSV-8001A). Monitor cool down rate by 074-TI-1301 keeping the maximum cool down rate with 25 ºC per an hour. Continue displacing of defrost gas from Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank and carry out cool down. Once tank temperature decreases to around -20 ºC on 074-TI-1301, open a 074-EF-1301-2” drain line to discharge the heavy components in defrost gas to dry flare. Check the gas quality from Deethanizer Reflux Drum by using temporary sampling facility and analyze it in laboratory. If gas composition meets the specification, pressurize Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank to the normal operating pressure. In this operation, 041-PV-1212B (ethane gas from Deethanizer Reflux Drum to dry flare) shall be closed gradually in manual and consequently 041-PV-1212A (ethane gas from Deethanizer Reflux Drum to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank) will be opened gradually in auto to maintain the Deethanizer operating pressure. After Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank pressure increases to 25 kg/cm2G, continuously C2 liquid product rundown line shall be pressurized with C2 gas up to 25 kg/cm2G due to the following reason; If C2 liquid product rundown line from 041-FV-1007 to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) is covered with defrost gas with a low pressure (0.2 kg/cm2G), there is possible operational risk that a large amount of C2 liquid would be delivered to C2 liquid rundown line suddenly due to higher differential pressure between upstream and downstream of 041-FV-1007. To prevent the above upset operation, C2 liquid rundown line shall be also pressurized with C2 gas sufficiently by operating of 041-PV-1201 gradually.
(17) Defrost gas accumulated in C2 liquid rundown line shall be discharged to dry flare through 051-EF-1301-11/2” (P&ID: D-051-1225-115) on C2 liquid make-up line, which is connected with the downstream of 051-FVE-2480. 4” “LC” outlet block valve of 051-FVE-2480 shall be closed to segregate the purge line from U-051. (18) Once the operating pressure in C2 liquid rundown line and Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank increase to 25 kg/cm2G, open 041-USVE-2260 to deliver ethane gas to LPG Reinjection Cooler and then close the two 1” gate valves on the check valve by-pass line. Turn over the spectacle blind on the check valve by-pass line to be in close position.
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(19) Ensure that the following valve status is prepared to start C2 liquid introduction.
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¾ 074-USVE-2020 (ethane liquid outlet line from 074-TK-1001) in close position. ¾ 074-USVE-2050 (ethane vapor outlet line from 074-TK-1001) in open position. ¾ 074-PV-1202 A/B on auto with Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank pressure controller. ¾ 074-PV-1201 on auto with Ethane liquid rundown line pressure controller. ¾ 041-USVE-2250 (ethane vapor line from 074-TK-1001 to LPG Reinjection Cooler) in close open position. ¾ 041-USVE-2260 (common line of C2/C3/C4 fed to LPG Reinjection Cooler) in open position. ¾ 041-USVE-2220 (Ethane liquid transfer line to Ethane Storage Tank in unit 041) in open position. ¾ 051-FVE-2480 (Ethane liquid make-up line to 051-D-1010) in close position. (20) When Ethane product meets specification, commission liquid Ethane filling line to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank using Deethanizer Reflux Pump (041-P-1002 A/B). To prevent upset operation in Deethanizer caused by high liquid flow delivery to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank, 041-FV-1007 (Ethane products flow control valve on Deethanizer Reflux Pump discharge) should be cracked open. (21) Start transferring of liquid Ethane slowly from Reflux Drum by monitoring Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank bottom temperature (074-TI-1301). Since Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank pressure is same as that in Ethane Reflux Drum, liquid flashing will not be occurred and temperature will be under control. (22) Stop the ethane product transferring by closing 074-PV-1201 installed on the C2 liquid feed line to 074-TK-1001, when the Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank is filled with ethane products fully. (23) 041-FV-1010 (excess C3 products to 041-E-1012) will be opened and C3 products shall be transferred to LPG Reinjection Cooler (041-E-1012), when required. (24) A manual globe valve installed on the line of 041-GH-1023-2” (excess C4 products to 041-E-1012) will be opened slowly and C4 products can be transferred to LPG Reinjection Cooler (041-E-1012), if required.
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(25) A temporary spool with a 2” glove valve shall be replaced with 074-PSV-8001B. The PSV inlet valve with “CSO” status shall be changed to
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“CSC”. (26) 074-USVE-2020 is opened. Cool down operation of Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001) is started by use of suction by-pass line. After pump cool down operation is completed, the pump suction and discharge isolation valves are opened. (1) Ethane liquid from 041-P-1002A/B is charged into the tank using the normal valve alignment to charge the tank. (See Section 4.5.1) (2)In order to avoid low temperature excursion during this initial charge, defrost gas at circa. 3.5 kg/cm2g is used to pad the tank (3)Place 074-PIC-1202 in auto mode with an initial set point of 24.0 kg/cm2g. After the initial fill the 074-PIC-1202 can be raised to minimize ethane losses. (4)Displaced and flashed vapors are vented to the dry flare via 074-PV-1202B. 074-PV-1202A should be blocked in until normal operation has been established. (See Section (2) ) (5) Initial fill: i.With an initial tank pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2g, open the feed line displace the rundown line vapors into the tank. ii.Continue until liquid ethane has cooled the tank at 5oC. Stop and allow the tank to warm to ambient temperature. iii.Continue with steps i and ii until the tank pressure is 20.4 kg/cm2g. Cool down 074-TK-1001 at 5 oC/hr to operating temperature of –31oC by adjusting the flow rate to the bullet. iv.At 20.4kg/cm2g cool down 074-TK-1001 at 5 oC/hr to operating temperature of -31 oC/ by adjusting the flow rate to 074-TK-1001. (6) After filling the bullets sufficiently to fill the downstream, the lines and pump wells can be filled up slowly using the liquid head. (The seal chamber needs to be vented. Reference 074-P-1001 pump vendor’s manual for requirements).
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to 051-D-1007 to 051-D-1001 041-E-1006
041-PV-1212B LLP C3 REF. from 041-T-1001
074-USVE-2010 041-FV-2710
041-P-1002A/B LC to 051-D-1010 051-FVE-2480
TI 1301
to 051-D-1001 041-PV-1214
041-T-1003 041-E-1008
074-P-1001 RO
to LNG train 2 in unit 042
041-E-1007 041-FV-2720
PI 1202
041-PV-1212A 074-PV-1202A
to 051-D-1001 GAS PURGE 041-E-1012 LIQ FILL IN
to 074-TK-1002A/B
041-T-1004 WET FLARE 041-E-1010 041-FV-1013
041-PV-1217B RO
to 041-E-1001 C 041-USVE-2270
Figure 4.3.2. Flow Scheme forforEthane Liquid Operation Fig 4.1 Flow scheme C2 liquid fill in Filling operation
041-E-1009 COND. STEAM
041-FV-1105 041-P-1004A/B
041-P-1005A/B to 076-TK-1001
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Transfer of Refrigerant into LNG Train
Make-up of Ethane Refrigerant to LNG Train
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(1) Ensure that the emergency shut-downESD valve (074-USVE-2010) is reset and open. (2) Ensure that the emergency shut-downESD valve (074-USVE-2020) is reset and open. (3) Confirm that vent valve on the pump casing vent line (074-EF-1711) is opened (4) Check Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump surface temperature (074-TG-3001) for normal system operating temperature. If 074-TG-3001 is greater see pump vendor’s operating manual. If 074-TG-3001 shows temperature at ethane refrigerant normal temperatures, it indicates that the pump can is liquid full. (4) Confirm that all block valves in the minimum flow line (074-EF-10051701) are opened. (5) Ensure that flow controller 074-FIC-1001 is in the auto mode and that the set point is15 m3/hr. (5) Open and then close the pump seal valve to bleed the seal chamber. (This needs to be confirmed w/ pump vendor) (6) Close the pump discharge block valve, then crack open (7) Start Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001). After confirming the successful start of the pump, open the pump discharge valve slowly. The pump is maintained under the minimum flow operation by the flow controller 074-FIC-1001. (8) Ethane is transferred to the appropriate unit via 051/052-FIC-2480.
Make-up of Propane Refrigerant to LNG Train (1) Send propane vapor from Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) to Propane System of LNG train via propane vapor filling line (074-PF-1501/1502 → 074-PF-1003/1009 → 074-PF-1001 → 090-PF-1501 → 041-PF-1011→041-PF-1012). See also Unit 041 Operating Manual Section 7.4.1. Ensure that the emergency shut-down valve (074-USVE-2030) is reset and open. (2) After Propane Accumulator pressure (051-PIC-1201) reaches approximately 3kg/cm2G, close manual valves on propane vapor filling line (074-PF-1003/1009) and set the valves to locked close (LC). (23) Ensure that the emergency shut-down ESD valves (074-USVE-2040A/B) are reset and open. (34) Confirm that vent valve on the pump casing vent line (074-PF-1711) is opened. (5) Confirm that all block valves in the minimum flow line (074-PF-1701) are opened. (56) Ensure that flow controller 074-FIC-1011 is in the auto mode and that the set point is 35 m3/hr. (67) Close the pump discharge block valve, then crack open.
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(78) Start Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1002). After confirming the successful start of the pump, open the pump discharge valve slowly. The pump is maintained under the minimum flow operation by the flow controller 074-FIC-1011. (89) Notify the MCR that the propane refrigerant supply is ready.
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This section describes the following start-up procedures of Units 074 (1) Start-up after the scheduled shut-down. (2) Start-up after the emergency shut-down.
Start-up Procedure after Scheduled Shut-down The start-up procedure after the scheduled maintenance shut-down is the same as the initial start-up. For the initial start-up procedure, refer to Section 4, Initial Start-up Procedure.
Start-up Procedure after Emergency Shutdown The procedures are described to start-up Unit 074 after the unit is shut-down by the following ESD systems: - 074-US-2030 Propane Charge Refrigerant Transfer Pump - 074-US-2010 Ethane Charge Refrigerant Transfer Pump - 074-US-2000A Propane BulletPropane Refrigerant Storage Isolation - 074-US-2100 Ethane Bullet Ethane Refrigerant Storage Isolation - 074-US-2200 Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank Bullet Depressurisation - 074-US-2000B/C Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank Bullet Depressurisation Emergency shut-down procedures by the ESD system are described in Section 8, Emergency Shutdown Procedure. (1) Before restarting the operation, confirm that all emergency conditions which caused the unit shut-down are restored to the normal conditions. (2) Reset of ESD systems which are activated when the emergency situation occurred. Note that 074-USVE-2010/2050 can be reset after skin temperature permissive is on. (3) Follow the start-up procedure described in Section 4.43, Initial Liquid Filling and Section 4.5 4 Transfer of Refrigerant into LNG Train.
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Operating Variables
External Variables
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External variables are those beyond the control of the operator. Changes in external variables cause changes in pressure, temperature and composition of the stored liquids.
Feed Composition and Temperature The ethane and propane products are over head streams from the Deethanizer Reflux Drum (041/042-D-1002) and the Depropanizer Reflux Drum (041/042-D-1003), respectively. These products are transferred and stored in Unit 074 and charged to Unit 051/052 as necessary for refrigerant make-up. Operating variables of the Deethanizer (041/042-T-1002) and the Depropanizer (041/042-T-1003), such as operating pressure, reflux rate, heat input, top and bottom draw rates affect the composition and temperature of the ethane/propane products.
Ambient Temperature The operating pressure of Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) is affected by ambient temperature. The insulation provided on Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) will reduce the impact of ambient temperatures but will not eliminate the impact. The ethane storage system is insulated because of its sub-ambient operating temperature. The thermal insulation reduces the boil off rate and the impact of the ambient temperature.
Internal Variables Internal variables are those which are dependent on special or alternative operating modes within the unit and over which the operator has a control. The following describes the operations of Unit 074.
Charging (1) Startup Mode During startup mode charging operation, transfer of propane liquid from Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) to Propane Accumulator (051/052-D-1005) is carried out by Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1002) under the supervision and control of the MCR utilizing 051/052-FIC-2580. The MCR operator adjusts the quantity of propane liquid transfer by adjusting the set point of 051/052-FIC-2580. See Unit 051/052041 Operating Manual Section XXXXXX 8.4.2 for further details) The volume of liquid drawn from Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) is replaced by vapors generated from the stored propane. The vaporization during charging operation lowers the holding pressure in the storage bullets tanks due to reduction in propane temperature
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and saturation pressure. Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1002) is designed to accommodate such changes in holding pressure and storage volume (level). Similarly, ethane is pumped by Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001) to HP MR Separator (051/052-D-1010) is carried out under the supervision and control of the MCR utilizing 051/052-FIC-2480. The MCR operator adjusts the quantity of ethane liquid transfer by adjusting the set point of 051/052-FIC-2480. (See Unit 051/052041 Operating Manual Section XXXXXX 8.4.1 for further details) (2) Shutdown Mode There is no shutdown mode charging operation for propane refrigerant. There is no shutdown mode charging operation for ethane refrigerant.
Rundown Rundown operation is carried out to supplement the refrigerant in the refrigerant storage tanksbullets. (1) Propane Rundown Propane product is pumped by Depropanizer Reflux Pump (041/042-P-1003A/B) on flow control (041/042-FIC-1011) from Unit 041/042 into Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) via 041-PF-1011, 090-PF-1501 and 074-PF-1001. Part of vapor displaced by the liquid rundown is absorbed by the subcooled stored liquid. Thus increasing the operating temperature due to the absorption but this temperature rise is very small. Remaining vapor raises the storage pressure. If tank pressure controller (074-PIC-1212A/B) is set at 15.8 5 kg/cm2g, there should be no venting required. (2) Ethane Rundown Ethane product is pumped by Deethanizer Reflux Pump (041/042-P-1002A/B) on flow control (041/042-FIC-1007) from Unit 041/042 to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) via 041-EF-1007, 041-EF-1009, 090-EF-1502, 074-EF-1001 and 074-EF-1501. During initial start-up, cooldown of the rundown line and storage tankbullet is required. The vapors generated by the cool-down and normal heat leak to the system, and vapors displaced by the rundown liquid are relieved to the flare via 074-PV-1202B or to one or the other LPG Reinjection Cooler (041/042-E-1012) by 074-PV-1202A. 074-PIC-1202 set point is 25.3 kg/cm2g.
Warning: Before introducing liquid ethane to Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001), the tank shall be pressurized up to 25kg/cm2G with ethane vapor in order to avoid low temperature excursion of the storage tank.
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Draining Propane Liquid in the propane refrigerant circuit can be recovered. (See Unit 051/052041 Operating Manual Section XXXXXX 9.2.4 for further details). Prior to the unit shutdown the propane inventory should be allowed to drift lower in order to allow room in Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B) for the recovered propane from the shut down train Propane Transfer Drum (051/052-D-1006). There is no draining operation for ethane refrigerant.
Holding (1) Propane Holding Propane product is stored close to ambient temperature and its saturated pressure. Boil-off gas is relieved to the dry gas flare system on pressure control (074-PIC-1212A/B) should the tanksbullets be charged with an ethane rich refrigerant and high solar radiation. Normally no vapor loss is anticipated. (2) Ethane Holding The ethane product is stored at cold temperature. Boil-off gas is relieved to the LNG trains or dry gas flare system on pressure control (074-PIC-1202).
Process Control Major control loops for Refrigerant Make-up and Storage Unit 074 are briefly described as follows:
Liquid Level of Storage TanksBullets To protect the storage tanksbullets from over-filling, a high liquid level alarm is provided on each storage tankbullet.
Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank Bullets Pressure No pressure control on pPropane refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1002A/B)bullet is normally required, but propane vapors can be relieved to the dry flare via pressure control valves, 074-PV-1212A/B.
Ethane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Pressure Boil-off gas is normally sent to the LPG reinjection stream in the LNG trains or to the dry gas flare system to control the pressure of Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001) by 074-PIC-1202.
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This section covers the normal shut-down procedure for Unit 074. There are two types of shut-down to be considered. (1) Shut-down of Make-up Operation (2) Long Period Shut-down 7.2
Shut-down of Make-up Operation The procedures of shut-down of Refrigerant Make-up and Storage Unit are as follows: (1) Gradually decrease the make-up flow rate to LNG Train by closing the control valves (051/052FV-2580 for propane and 051/052-FV-2480 for ethane) by the MCR operator. These valves are closed fully. The pumps are maintained under the minimum flow operation by the flow controllers (074-FIC-1011 and 074-FIC-1001) at discharge of the pumps. (2) Stop the Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1002) after 051/052- FV-2580 has been closed and Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001) after 051/052-FV-2480 has been closed. (3) Block in the hand control valves and flow control valves mentioned above.
Note : Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump (074-P-1001) and Propane Refrigerant Storage Pump (074-P-1002) are filled with liquid during shut-down of make-up and their pump vent valves on 074-EF-1711 and 074-PF-1711 are normally open for quick pump start , considering because that pump liquid introduction would takes a longer time to prevent sudden thermal shock. . Ifif no pump liquid filling to prevent sudden thermal shock.
Long Period Shut-down The procedure of long period Shut-down is same as that of short period shut-down. However, the following actions are required: When the Refrigeration Unit 051/052 are shut-down for a maintenance, all transfer lines from/to Units 051/052 are emptied by blowing nitrogen gas into the storage tanks bullets from temporary hose connections at Units 051/052.
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General This Section describes the emergency shut-down procedure for Unit 074. Emergency situations will occur unexpectedly and the best preparation is having a thorough knowledge of the unit, an anticipation of the most probable problems and their solution, and a complete familiarization with all normal procedures. Emergency conditions are usually caused by equipment failure, utility failure, mal-operation and fire. If it is necessary to bring the unit off line due to an emergency situation, the procedures used for a normal shut-down should be followed as closely as practicable. The emergency shut-down system is provided to actuate the necessary valves for the emergency situation. However, it is the operator's responsibility to check that the emergency shut-down system operates properly when an emergency occurs. In most emergencies, two phases of action are required. The first consists of the immediate action necessary to cope with the situation to safeguard personnel, equipment, and various associated units. The second consists of completing a full emergency shut-down, reverting to a normal shut-down, or restoring normal operation. The procedure following the first phase depends on the type of emergency, the time available, the duration of the emergency, or the extent of the emergency. There will be occasions when mechanical or localized utility failure brings about shut-down of an individual pump or instrument. In such cases, the shut-down may be of a temporary nature and will not require complete shut-down of the unit, depending on the duration of such localized failures. However, in the event of a total utility failure, such as electric power or instrument air, it will be necessary to shutdown the unit completely.
Emergency Shut-Down (ESD - EDP) System The following ESD System related to Unit 074 is provided.
(1) 074-US-2000A
Propane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Isolation
(2) 074-US-2100
Ethane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Isolation
(3) 074-US-2000B/C
Propane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Depressurization
(4) 074-US-2200
Ethane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Depressurization
(5) 074-US-2000B/C
Propane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Repressurization
(6) 074-US-2200
Ethane Refrigerant Storage TankBullet Repressurization
074-US-2000A Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank Bullet Isolation and DepressurizationDepressuring (1) Propane Refrigerant Storage Tank Bullet Isolation System (074-US-2000A) can only be activated by the following inputs. (a) Manual Switch 074-HS-2000A from MCR for total isolation.
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(b) Manual Switch (074-HS-2040A) from MCR for bottom isolation (c) Manual Switch (074-HS-2040B) from local switch for bottom isolation.
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(2) The following valves will be closed automatically. (a) 074-TK-1002A/B - Feed S/DESD valve 074-USVE-2030. (b) 074-TK-1002A - Inlet S/DESD valve 074-USVE-2040C (c) 074-TK-1002B - Inlet S/DESD valve 074-USVE-2040D (d) 074-TK-1001- Feed S/D 074-USVE-2010. (ed) 074-TK-1002A Bottom Out S/DESD valve 074-USVE-2040A (fe) 074-TK-1002B Bottom Out S/DESD valve 074-USVE-2040B. (3) The following pumps will be tripped automatically. (a) Propane Refrigerant Transfer Pump 074-P-1002 (4) The following US function will be activated manually if required from the MCR to depressurize the following storage tanksbullets. (a) 074-TK-1002A Depressurisation by 074-US-2000B (b) 074-TK-1002B Depressurisation by 074-US-2000C
074-US-2100 Ethane Refrigerant Storage Bullet Isolation and Depressurization (1) Ethane Refrigerant StorageBullet Isolation System (074-US-2100) can only be activated by the following inputs. (a) Manual Switch 074-HS-2100A from MCR for total isolation. (b) Manual Switch (074-HS-2020A) from MCR for bottom isolation (c) Manual Switch (074-HS-2020B) from local switch for bottom isolation. (2) The following valves will be closed automatically. (a) 074-TK-1001 - Feed S/D ESD valve 074-USVE-2010. (b) 074-TK-1020 1001 Bottom Out S/D ESD valve 074-USVE-2020 (3) The following pump will be tripped automatically. (a) Ethane Refrigerant Transfer Pump 074-P-1001 (4) The following US function will be activated manually if required from the MCR to depressurize the following storage tankbullet. (a) 074-TK-1001 Depressurisation 074-US-2200
074-US-2000A Propane Refrigerant Storage Bullet Repressurization (1) As the minimum depressurization temperature exceeds the vessel’s Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT), there are no special requirements to re-pressure the tank. (2) After maintenance is completed (See Sections 10 &11). (3) Reset the safety interlocks. (i) Reset Total Reset 074-HS-2000B from the MCR. (ii) Reset solenoid valve latches for the following USVE ESD valves 074-USVE-2040A~D and 074-USVE-20002030.
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(4) If tank has been opened to the atmosphere it must be dried. (a) Dry and inert with nitrogen from the utility station. Use the procedure from Section 4.3 2 2.(b) and (c) as appropriate using nitrogen rather than defrost gas. (b) When dry slowly add small quantities of liquid propane into the storage tankbullet and allowing it to boil off at ambient temperatures and pressure. Vent boil off vapors to the dry flare by opening 074-PV-1212A/B. (c) Repeat (b) until the percent nitrogen is less than 0.5%. TBD (d) Introduce liquid propane per Section 4.4.1 (5) If the bullet has not been opened to the atmosphere iIntroduce liquid propane ser section 4.43.12.
074-US-2100 Ethane Refrigerant Storage BulletRepressurization Isolation (1) As the minimum depressurizing temperature (-97 ºC) is below the vessel’s MDMT (-45ºC) at design pressure (29kg/cm2G), special consideration must be taken. Note that the allowable pressure is 11 kg/cm2G at the minimum depressurizing temperature. See also allowable operating condition based on ASME Section VIII Division 2 (Attachment 6). (2) Allow the storage tankbullet to warm to ambient temperature atmospheric pressure. (3) After maintenance is completed. (See Sections 10 &11) (4) Reset the safety interlocks. (i) Reset Total Reset 074-HS-2100B from the MCR. Note that ESD valves (074-USVE-2010/2050) can be reset after skin temperature permissive is on. (ii) Reset solenoid valve latches for the following USVEESD valves 074-USVE-2040A/D2010 and 074-USVE-/20002020/2050. (5) If tank has been opened to the atmosphere, it must be dried per Section 4.3 2 (2),(3),(4), and (5). (6) Fill per Section 4.43.1. Note that the minimum operating temperature at design pressure is -42 ºC. After any event where the vessel temperature drops below -42ºC, the vessel must be warm up to more than -42ºC before fresh make-up is introduced into the tank.
8.3 8.3.1
Utility Failure Electric Power Failure During electric power failure, motor driven equipment, such as pumps, are stopped resulting in delaying the refrigerant make-up operation.
Utility Water Failure There is no user of utility water, except for hose stations in Unit 074.
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Instrument Air Failure Instrument air failure results in a complete shut-down. Control valves move to either closed or wide open positions on loss of air pressure. Air failure position is considered the safer alternate from an overall unit safety view point. Since all blow down valves (BDV) have air reservoirs and fail closed can be opened via the EDP system.
General To prevent accidents it is of the utmost importance that all personnel be instructed properly on the following subject: - The leaks and responsibilities of the operators - The methods to accomplish this in a safe manner
The following safety regulations cover operations of particular concern to the personnel responsible for the unit. They are intended to supplement any existing general plant safety regulations which cover all units; reference should be made to the latter for all points not mentioned below. Mechanical craftsmen working on their unit will be governed by their own departmental safety regulations, but the operator should see that none of the following safety regulations are violated by mechanical workers.
In addition to specifically defined rules and practices, the exercise of good judgment by every person involved is essential to safe operation. An operator should be alert for any situation which might present a personnel hazard. It should also be the responsibility of each person familiar with the plant to warn other workers who enter the plant of possible hazards they could encounter.
All personnel must know the location and use of safety shower, fire extinguisher, plant fire alarm, and main isolation valves, fire hoses and hydrants, fire blankets, gas masks and respirators, and other protective equipment such as hard hats, rubber gloves, etc.
Soda acid or foam type extinguisher must not be used on fire around electrical equipment because the water solution will conduct electricity and may aggravate the difficulty or result in the electrocution of personnel.
Carbon dioxide or dry powder extinguisher may be used safety on electrical fires.
Gas masks or breathing apparatus must be worn whenever dangerous fumes are encountered.
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Safety hats must be worn when outdoors.
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Gloves and goggles or face shields should be worn where cold vapor or liquid is encountered, and are recommended for use while samples are being withdrawn..
Fire extinguishers must be recharged immediately after use. All stream and water hose equipment must be put back in place after use. Access to such equipment must not be obstructed.
Gas masks must have fresh cartridges installed after use.
Hazardous Material (1) Physical property of ethane and propane (a) At ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure, ethane and propane are vapor. They are colorless and have a slight odor. (b) Ethane and propane are slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol or ether. (2) Explosion and flammability (a) Dangerous when mixed with air. (b) The Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) of ethane and propane in air is very low as shown in the following table. When light hydrocarbons leak, they are very inflammable. Properties of ethane and propane Ethane
LEL (vol%)
UEL (vol%)
Flash point (°C)
Ignition point (°C)
Sp.Gr (air=1),
(0C, 0kg/cm2G) Boiling point (°C)
Note: LEL = Lower Explosion Limit, UEL = Upper Explosion Limit 9.29.3
Emergency Fire Plan The fire protection system of the plant is designed to prevent fire occurrence, control fire escalation, or extinguish fire within short period of time, assuming there will be no outside fire fighting assistance, with only one major fire at a time.
Fire Fighting and Protective Equipment Fire hazard status throughout the plant shall be monitored on the Hazard Detection and Monitoring System (HDMS (F&G)) consoles in the main control room and fire and emergency station.
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Upon fire detection, suitable fire fighting agents such as water, foam, dry chemical and inert gas shall be used to control and/or extinguish a fire, and cool down equipment exposed by a fire or a heat radiation. For the detail, refer to 82-SPE-HS-1540 (S-082-1241-019), “Operation Manual for Fire Protection System” and the relevant drawings for fire protection system.
Maintenance of Equipment and Housekeeping 1.
2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
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Operating equipment should be checked frequently for signs of leakage, overheating, or corrosion, so that unsafe conditions may be corrected before they result in serious consequences. Unusual conditions should be reported at once. Guards around moving shafts, coupling belts, etc., which have been removed for repairs of the equipment must be replaced when repair work is completed. Tools, pieces of pipe etc., should never be left lying on platforms or railings of operation equipment where they can be knocked off and injure someone below. Access to ladders and fire escapes must be kept clear. Waste material and refuse must be put in proper locations where they will not provide potential ignition source, fuel source or stumbling hazards. Liquid spills must be cleaned up immediately. Blanket / disperse gas leaks with nitrogen and immediately report leaks for repair. In the event that electrical equipment that does not function properly, notify the electrical department and stay clear of the equipment until the electrician arrives. Gas cylinders should be stored so that they cannot fall over. Guard caps must remain in place over the valves of cylinders, which are not in use. Care should be taken when installing scaffolding to ensure that no part is allowed to impair free access on operational equipment e.g. ladders, stairways, walkways or valves. Scaffolding should be removed immediately on completion of the work in hand.
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Repair Work 1. 2. 3. 4.
7. 8. 9.
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Mechanical work around and operating unit must be kept to a minimum, and the minimum number of men should be used. No mechanical work on the equipment is to be done without a properly authorized work permit. Safety hats must be worn by all personnel in all areas at all times. No burning, welding, open fires, or other hot work shall be allowed in the area unless authorized by a work permit. Catch basins, manholes, and other sewer connections must be properly sealed off to prevent the leakage of gases, which may ignite upon contact with an open flame. No personnel shall enter a vessel for any purpose whatsoever until it has been adequately purged, blanked off, and then tested to ensure freedom from noxious or inflammable gases and an entry permit issued. Lines operation at a low temperature might fracture if unduly stressed; therefore, do not physically strike these lines and avoid operation conditions, which would cause a water hammer to start. Do not use light distillates such as gasoline or naphtha to clean machinery or for any other cleaning purposes. Equipment should not be left open overnight. At the end of each day’s work blanks or spades should be installed to prevent entry of flammable materials due to valve let-by. Welding cylinders should be removed from site to a designate safe area at the end of each working day.
Withdrawal of Samples Samples shall be withdrawn from the unit only by authorized personnel. Protective equipment, face masks or goggles, and suitable gloves must be worn for sampling. A container must never be filled to the brim, in order to minimize risk of subsequent spillage. When sampling any product liquids, gloves and goggles will be worn. When sampling any material, gas or liquid, the sampling line must be flushed long enough to remove dormant materials to insure that the sample obtained represents the current stream. Pass enough gas through the sample vessel to insure the displacement of the purge gas and to adjust the temperature of the sampler to that the composition is not distorted by condensation or flashing, etc.
When the sample composition is representative of the source material, it shall not be distorted by flash vaporization. Certain classes of samples may require inert atmospheres, cooling or special carrying devices. Wear approved personal safety equipment and exercise caution to avoid injuries. When sample cooling is required, operator shall confirm cooling water is flowing properly before taking the sample.
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Safe Handling of Volatile and Toxic Materials The safety rules given below are for the protection of life and limb, and the prevention of property loss. It is expected that plant people will exercise common sense, alertness, and good judgment in carrying them out. If ever there is any doubt as to the safety aspect of a particular operation, consult your supervisor immediately.
Respiratory Protection Most plant gases, other than air, are harmful to human beings if inhaled in certain concentration. Toxic gases may be classified as either asphyxiating or irritating. Asphyxiating gases may cause death by replacing the air in the lungs or by reaction with the oxygen carried in the blood; examples are hydrogen sulfide carbon monoxide, and smoke. Irritating gases may cause injury or death not only by asphyxiating but also by burns internal and external/ examples are chlorine and sulfur dioxide. To guard against the inhalation of harmful gases:
Secure a gas test certificate showing the gas condition of the vessel is safe for entry. Stand on the windward side of an operating vessel from which gases escape. Provide proper ventilation. All personnel should become familiar with the accepted method of artificial respiration in order to render assistance to any one overcome by gas, electric shock, or drowning.
If anyone is overcome by gas, his rescuer should:
Never attempt a rescue unless an assistant is standing by. Protect himself before attempting a rescue by wearing breathing apparatus. Get the victim to fresh air as soon as possible. Give artificial respiration and send his assistant to call for medical aid.
When using a breathing apparatus, be sure that the mask fits the face properly. Test it by the approved test method. Wear the correct type of breathing apparatus, suited to the situation encountered.
Breathing Apparatus (B. A.) There are four types of breathing apparatus in general plant service. They are the canister type masks, the fresh air hose line B. A., the compressed air self-contained B. A., and compressed B.A trolley with cylinders a extended hoses and masks. . The compressed air self-contained breathing apparatus has a self-contained air supply carried on the back of the user. It is used principally in emergencies.
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After use, always notify the proper department so that they can recharge the cylinders as soon as possible. Note - Under no circumstances will utility air or instrument air be used as B.A. Nitrogen N2 is an inert gas used for purging equipment or maintaining a positive pressure inert gas blanket on a vessel. N2 is neither poisonous nor flammable, but care must be exercised when working inside equipment that has been N2 purged. Adequate ventilation must be provided and appropriate breathing device worn. To breathe an atmosphere high in N2, could result in suffocation. Before entering vessels that have been purged with N2, a check must be made for proper oxygen content prior to entry. Rapid vaporization of liquid nitrogen can cause severe burns on contact with the skin.
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ISOLATION PROCEDURE FOR MAINTENANCE This section describes the isolation procedures to be taken prior to maintenance work based on the following specification: Maintainability Philosophy (99-PHI-EM-0005) Availability and Sparing Philosophy (99-PHI-PS-0002)
General It is necessary to isolate trains, items of equipment, or groups of equipment, in order to facilitate shutdown for maintenance, inspection, tie-ins, or loss prevention. As the degree of hazard increases, the measure of protection required must be deeply considered. The degree of hazard is related to the system contents (e.g. flammability, toxicity etc.), pressure and temperature. There are two main methods of isolation which can be used: Positive isolation incorporating the use of spades/spectacle blinds or removable spools and blind flanges, where no leakage can be tolerated for safety and contamination reasons, e.g. for vessel entry or for creating safe construction areas within a plant. Valved isolation for less critical duties than those requiring positive isolation, e.g. for control valve maintenance. Valved isolation will also be required to enable positive isolation to be installed or removed without the need for a complete plant shutdown.
Basic Procedures The basic ideas for method of isolation are shown below. The details will be developed by Owner when actual isolation work will be required. The selection of type of isolation valve and blind/removable spools shall be in accordance with the applicable piping and material specifications. This section considers train or system requiring isolation followed by individual equipment isolation requirements. Sketches below are provided as an aid to develop actual planning for maintenance work.
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Individual Equipment / System Isolation Horizontal Pressure Vessels All vessels where manned entry may be required are provided with temporary blind arrangements on every process inlet and outlet nozzles. Relief valve inlet lines from pressure vessels are normally positively isolated from the vessel by removing the relief valve and blinding the inlet line end. A typical arrangement is shown on Figure 10.2.1.
Figure 10.2.1 Horizontal Pressure Vessel RELIEF VALVES AND FLARE
DRAIN LINES Pumps Normally valved isolation method is applied for isolation of pump suction and discharge lines. If required from the maintenance work nature, blinds will be provided. Refer to Figure 10.2.2.
Figure 10.2.2 Pumps
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Type of maintenance is classified in the following categories.
Routine/First line/ Maintenance Routine/First Line Maintenance is the daily on-line or off-line visual inspection, lubrication, calibration or minor adjustment of running and static equipment. In addition to the maintenance personnel carrying out the above types of checks/adjustments, the operator shall perform the following routine maintenance activities whilst carrying out his daily checks on the Plant, in order to prevent any minor problems developing into major ones:
• Tightening gland followers on leaking valve packing. • Checking temperature and pressure gauges for broken glass faces. • Checking for correct oil levels in compressors, gearboxes, oil reservoirs. • Topping up low oil levels in the above equipment as required. • Cleaning pump filters and strainers. • Keeping equipment clean and tidy.
Breakdown Maintenance For Breakdown Maintenance, there will be no scheduled checks or servicing. Corrective repairs will be carried out on failure of the Plant or equipment.
Planned Preventive Maintenance Planned Preventive Maintenance will be carried out on a calendar or running hours basis. It will be performed in accordance with the vendors’ recommended frequencies.
Predictive/Condition Based Monitoring Predictive/Condition based maintenance is the most efficient planning option. It uses direct observations and instrument readings for the monitoring of the actual condition of the Plant and equipment, and can trend and forecast when maintenance activities are due to take place.
Turnaround /Inspection Maintenance Turnaround/Inspection Maintenance will be carried out at approximately 3 yearly intervals, and usually entails a complete Plant or Train shutdown. It is utilized to perform testing and resetting of
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safety valves, and inspections and repairs of equipment that cannot be shutdown or removed during Production.
Precautions prior to Maintenance
This section covers precautions prior to start maintenance work for a whole or a part of the plant. • All work must be carried out within the requirements of company Safety & Environmental Policies and Procedures. Prepare all known Work Permits, these must reflect safety issues. Obtain relevant permit to work before starting work. • Inform Operations of the work content of this preventive maintenance procedure and how it will affect them. • All rotating equipment is to be considered energized until proven isolated. • All vessels must be isolated, drained and vented. • Cordon the work area, to prevent unauthorized access. • Prior to commencement of this work ensure that moving/rotating/power generating/energy storing equipment has been isolated in accordance with the relevant permit to work and lock-out / tag-out requirements. • Physically isolate vessels. Only standard blank flanges and spades should be used. No person should enter a vessel unless all directly connected sources of utilities fluids have been positively isolated from the vessel. Entry means total body entry or any part of the body. • Operations should check for oxygen, taking samples at several representative places, with a portable analyzer to check for oxygen deficiency. • Prior to commencement of this work it is recommended that the crew will be briefed on what is required and what hazards there are. The crew will be reminded of the location of safety showers, first-aid boxes and telephones. 11.3
Preparation for Maintenance
The outline of the work sequence begins as below. • Shutdown of the unit operation • Installation of isolating blank flanges or spades • Replacement with air for entry into the equipment, if required
Installation of blank flanges or spades Isolating blank flanges or spades must be installed at locations as required.
Replacement of Nitrogen with Air Replacement of nitrogen gas with air and safety test for equipment must be performed prior to permitting entry. (1)
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Connect temporary air hoses at the appropriate location with utility air or instrument air if required. Open the top vent valves and drain off valves to atmosphere of the equipment.
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Introduce air to displace/purge nitrogen gas to atmosphere.
Continue to purge until oxygen contents are higher than 20% at all point.
Typical isolation method
Vessels/Drums • Erect scaffold for access as required. • Operations to close down the system, depressurize and nitrogen purge. • Mechanical to spade inlet and outlet nozzles of said equipment. • Mechanical to open drum. • Operations to air purge and check for oxygen level. • Operations to clean. • One person to enter another to stand by on watch.
Pumps • Operations to shut down the unit, stop pump motor and depressurize the line and pump. • Operations to nitrogen purge the pump, if required. • Electrical to lock out motor locally and remove relays/fuse/circuit breaker in substation. • Mechanical to spade at inlet and outlet nozzles of said equipment. • Operations to vent, air purge and drain the pump.
Close out • Ensure the equipment is left in a safe condition. • Remove all tools and debris, clean local area. • Note any faults found and comments. • Raise a work request if any major corrective work is identified or the performance standards are not met during the above maintenance. • Sign off permit to work and inform area authority of equipment status.
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Attachment-1 Process Flow Diagram 74-UFD-PS-1200 74-UFD-PS-1201
Attachment-2 P&IDs 74-PID-PS-1201 74-PID-PS-1202 74-PID-PS-1203 74-PID-PS-1204
Attachment-3 Equipment Data Sheet (list only) 74-EDS-PS-1401 74-EDS-PS-1402 74-EDS-PS-1351 74-EDS-PS-1352
Attachment-4 Instrument Alarm Set Point (list only) 74-SPE-CS-1754
Attachment-5 Cause and Effect Charts (list only) 74-LOG-PS-1150
Attachment-6 Allowable operating condition for Ethane Refrigerant Storage Tank (074-TK-1001)
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