Alahverdian Family Emails With Parker

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From: Alahverdian Family Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 5:34 PM To: Parker Gavigan Subject: [EXT] Update

Dear Parker, Last night I emailed around 10 editors and reporters from the Providence Journal and their owner which is USA Today. Both news groups published the entire article on their websites with all of its lies and false comments attributed to me which I did not make. They have also shared the article several times on social media trying to make it go viral it appears without much success. The article is built of lies. I have not heard from any of the reporters or editors who I emailed from, including the author Tom Mooney, about the corrections that need to be made and the allegations that are provably untrue from the former foster parents. To start, I challenged the assertion that there was a warrant for my husband's arrest before he passed away. I attached two documents in my email to them (USA Today and the Providence Journal) that proved that the charge and case was dismissed by the prosecution and judge in May 2019 and expunged/sealed by another judge in the next month as I explain below. The prosecutor along with our lawyer Jeff Pine and the judge (Burke) agreed to dismiss the charge of "failure to register" since my husband had not lived in Rhode Island in years and was not required to register under Rhode Island law even if he did live there as Pine said in his legal paperwork. The prosecutor asked for proof that my husband was out of the country so she could drop the charges and we supplied medical documents. The documents supplied ended the case by dismissal from the prosecutor. I will forward the dismissal document signed by prosecutor Gina Lopes to you. The dismissed charge and case was sealed and expunged by Judge Raspallo in a court order in June 2019. Since we never moved back to Rhode Island or the United States and never had a visit there, he did not have to register. I will forward you Judge Raspallo's order. With the dismissal of the charge of "failure to register" from the prosecutor ordered by Judge in May by 2019 andRaspollo order toin expunge/seal thewarrant dismissed case and charge of and "failureBurke to register" Judge June 2019 the naturally became void was withdrawn. Because we never returned to Rhode Island or the United States and the court found that he did not have a responsibility to register unless he did so, there is no truth to Kevin Barry's claim that "his agency still has (or had) a warrant out" for my husband's arrest for "allegedly failing to register in the state as a sex offender" since he never visited or moved back at any time from the dismissal in May 2019 until his death in February 2020. The original case from 13 years ago saw my husband convicted of two misdemeanors in a municipal court. Even though my husband demanded a jury trial, the case was heard before a judge's bench trial without a jury present. There was no corroborating evidence to support the accuser's testimony "other than the alleged victim's testimony" which is required by the Ohio state law to support a conviction under the statute. Each time my husband tried to call a point of order during the bench trial to say he demanded a jury trial and wanted to testify he was told to "shut up" by the judge. He was not able to testify in his own defense or


provide a written statement. His version of what happened was not heard by the court at any point. The community college police officer who was the only other person to testify other than the accuser repeated what the accuser said. There was no evidence except what the accuser said and what the police officer repeated. He claimed my husband admitted to the accusation and the only difference was that the girl was the aggressor. This painful situation damaged my husband so much and he never recovered from what happened. It caused him great pain and trauma and he spoke about it often. The then 19 year old perjured her written statement and admitted it in court, claiming that the date was unplanned and Nicholas just walked up to her. That was the first of many lives. And she impacted my husband's life with so much damage. Aside from that the community college police officer did not disclose that he had been terminated from the city police department for lying, insubordination, police brutality, doing drugs including hard drugs, and acting as a lookout while his girlfriend stole from the purses of others. This can all be proved with documents as well. Regarding the other allegations including from the foster mother and the FBI, Nicholas reached out to the FBI and they refused to speak with him. No one from the FBI ever contacted me or my husband. He contacted them after the awful Brian Coogan kept telling him that the FBI was looking for him, which was untrue. When he called multiple offices and people, he finally found an agent who claimed that Nicholas was the subject of a complaint but they could not discuss it any further. There was no charge and no open case. There was simply an allegation. And only after he is dead do we learn that the Lanes - and the inseperably Church Charles Lane was his Bishop of his Alahverdian connected FoundationMormon that was set upas and staffed by Mormons which and I willco-founder explain another day - are behind this allegation. So no, my husband was never contacted by the FBI and for the Journal to even say this is completely false. I have the phone recordings and emails to prove that my husband was hung up on and told that he needed to stop calling. If they wanted to question him or arrest him they certainly did not let him know on the phone. Also all of this happened after my husband told Pine and Hull and other close colleagues and friends of his health problems. The FBI never reached out tto o him at all, and in in fact they hung up on him each time when he tried to speak with them. I have recordings of this and was present for all of what happened. That's when he asked Jeff to call to see if there was any valid allegation. And that's what they had, an allegation. But there was no charge and no open case. And Jeff Pine knew that Nicholas had been having heart attacks since 2018, long before Nicholas attempted to contact the FBI. Each time he phoned they told him they did not want to talk with him. I do not think Jeff is being dishonest, I just think he is not remembering the situation correctly. I can prove this with emails Nicholas sent to the US Attorney and recorded phone calls where the deputy US Attorney hangs up on my husband without even asking him to come in for questioning. But the credit cards and the loan allegation are completely untrue. I have concrete proof that Nicholas was not involved in what has been alleged and if he was alive and brought to trial he would be found not guilty. I am willing to share that proof with you. The reason the foster parents began to turn on Nicholas was because he decided to leave the Mormon church, and they and the church members, including his ex-wife who suffered from bipolar and schizophrenia, treated him as an "apostate." In their church that means they are treated as undesireable and church members are instructed to divorce any person who leaves the church, and this causes broken families and marriages. Unfortunately, Nicholas was physically beaten by his ex-wife, and he was abused physically many times. I have recordings and photographs of the abuse. There was also no "loan" from her, and that is a complete fabrication. The reason the divorce order reads like it was written by her or her lawyer is because it was - Nicholas was told that if he objected to the divorce proceedings,


attended court, or attempted to speak out against her in any way she would accuse him of rapes and beatings. That is what made Nicholas so desperate to leave Ohio - the church and its members were targeting Nicholas as an apostate, his then-wife was extremely abusive on a daily basis not only to him but also to her parents (I can send you recordings of her attacking her own mother as well as Nicholas at the same time), and he was afraid of the tsunami of lies that would be told about him. The financial allegation from the Lanes is interesting because it directly involves the leadership of the Mormon Church, and shortly before his death Nicholas spoke with a Washington Post reporter about Ensign Peak Advisors, an investment arm of the church that is being investigated by the IRS. It may cause them their tax exempt status. Nicholas has first hand evidence that they funneled money to run groups that would politically influence lawmakers and governement officials in ways that churches could not under US tax law. I also have evidence that I will provide to you that the credit cards and loans which were authorized by Mr. Lane were signed in his own name and before a notary. Sharon Lane is completely deaf and her husband, according to what my husband said when he was alive, frequently did things behind her back. I think this is enough for now. I am very surprised that Mr. Mooney thought that Michael Cockram, was a good source to use. Based on the amount of falsehoods and lies, I am honestly unsure where to start. If they were to make corrections it would probably take up an page,documents especially and since the false warrant statement from Kevin Barry easily disproved byentire the court agreed to by the Rhode Island Attorney General prosecutor make it clear that the case was dropped, sealed, and expunged. Now people think my husband is alive and he is or was on the run. Thomas Mooney got everything wrong. And I can prove it with the evidence that my husband was smart enough to keep. The question now is how do we correct the errors of a story that was on the front page of the Providence Journal website and is on hundreds of news websites. There was no warrant. And there was no fraud. And my husband is deceased. We deserve an apology. Here is the email I sent to Tom Mooney and he never replied. I also sent it to the USA Today editors and they never replied. Their lies have now saturated the internet, and someone posing as me claimed that I refused to comment. I do not know which email he used, but I never received anything from him. We did not comment and we were not asked, we do not know who you have been talking to. the warrant was dropped and the case you refer to is sealed and expunged. I am asking to provide details and other information and have not heard back.  back.  The worrying thing other than my husband being slaughtered without having the opportunity to defend himself is that they reported there was an active warrant for a charge that was dropped sealed sealed and expunged. We paid Jeff Pine to do do that. The dismissal is attached, I am looking for the order to expunge.


There was no warrant at the time of his death, the case was dismissed by Judge Burke and sealed and expunged by Judge Raspallo. You are publishing lies. The case was dismissed sealed and expunged. I am looking for the expunge order. Please tell me who your editor is.


From: Alahverdian Family Sent: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 5:13 PM To: Parker Gavigan Subject: [EXT] Fwd: Warrant comment

Forwarding so you know I am telling the truth If mythe husband hired the Now mostthey expensive lawyer in RIand andlistening won twoto cases why would he run from law? He didn't. are defaming him these keyboard warriors from "wikipediocracy" where their source was Michael Cockram, a man apparently banned from Wikipedia and calls himself "Wikihitler" over 100+ newspapers and websites printed lies and we never had the chance to even comment on the story. We have a warning on our website "don't reply to emails about Nicholas from emails" and yet they did anyway. I doubt the state police will reply but we will see if they choose to tell the truth. Even then a correction will not fix what they have done. This damage is permanent. ============ Forwarded message ============ From: Alahverdian Family To: [RISP officials] Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2021 16:47:08 -0500 Subject: Warrant comment ============ Forwarded message ============

Dear Lieutenant Colonel Barry  I know your agency considers me to be a "talking box" or not a real person, but in reality I am the widow of Nicholas and the mother of our two children. There is little I can do to convince you of the truth but there is something that you can do and must do to keep the facts truthful in the public record. My husband was not a "registered offender" at the time of his death. This was why we paid tens of thousands to Jeff Pine (copied) because it was not true. You told a Providence Journal reporter that he had a warrant for failure to register as an offender. This can not be true because Judge Patrick Burke ordered the case dismissed after the prosecutor Gina Lopes asked to dismiss the case in May 2019. The case was ordered sealed by Judge Raspallo the next month. Even though the court dismissed the t he failure to register charge the website administrator refused to remove him from the register website because he moved out of RI. So the Board in charge of the website came up with a new rule which said that people will remain on the website even if they move away. We again hired Jeff Pine and in July he filed a complaint in court for removal from the site. The original judge had to excuse himself because he knew my husband as they worked together on legislation in the RI assembly. So it went before Judge Burke again. By January 9 2020 the judge and the prosecutor Laura Nicholson and Jeff came to the conclusion that my husband would no longer appear on the website and was not considered a person who had to register under RI law. The website finally removed my husband from their list of names. I provided copies of the court dismissal and multiple court orders but the Providence Journal has refused to correct their story and people still believe he was supposed to register when it was court ordered that he not register. This is


why we paid tens of thousands and my husband won this case. So why are you saying he didn't win and still had a duty to register when a judge said he did not have to register? It seems that since my existence itself is in question it would be up to you to correct what they said since the courts ruled my husband did not need to register in RI in two separate cases. I respectfully ask that you tell them the real story because that is the truth. You can verify all of this information with Judge Burke and Judge Raspallo but I will forward you copies of the orders. Jeff Pine can also say this is all true. Please let me know if you intend to correct the record with Tom Mooney, the Associated Press and USA Today. This is a very serious allegation and it is untrue because we won in court. Warmly,  Louise 


From: Alahverdian Family Sent: Thursday, February 4, 2021 2:57 PM To: Parker Gavigan Subject: [EXT] What do I do

Parker this is very damaging to my husband's legacy if any of it is left. People turned on him left and right. The politicians don't want to be seen as supportive of someone with these allegations against thinking of them asthem. true. Unfortunately no one is doubting the allegations and everyone is The police have the opportunity to fix at least one of these problems. They are refusing to do so. If they are lying and my husband cannot defend himself and people keep using these allegations to harass us and desecrate his memory what is there left to do? We haven't issued a statement because everything would be mocked. It would be much different if the police came out and told the truth. Louise Alahverdian


From: Louise Alahverdian Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 9:46 PM To: Parker Gavigan Subject: [EXT] ?

I am going to go public with Nicholas' account about Ciciline. Do you want to write a story or should I look elsewhere?

Louise L. Alahverdian    ___________________________  _____________________ ______ 

Trustee-in-Trust  The NA Trust 


From:  Louise Alahverdian From: Louise Sent: Wednesday, Sent:  Wednesday, March 10, 2021 9:26 AM To:  Parker Gavigan Subject: [EXT] Subject:  [EXT] Please  Dear Parker Can you please reply when you have a moment? I have a very important question. Warm regards Louise

Louis e L. Alahverdia Alahverdian n   ___________________________  Trustee-in-Trust  The NA Trust

On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 Parker Gavig Gavig an wrote ----  What can I do for you? 

From:  Louise Alahverdian From: Louise Sent: Wednesday, Sent:  Wednesday, March 10, 2021 2:53 PM To:  Parker Gavigan Subject: RE: Subject:  RE: [EXT] Please  Parker   I am begging you to please help me tell the truth.    All of these people made false claims to the Providence Journal a about bout a litany of situations. They have no proof or documents that can be verified. I do. And it is not fair that I am being treated like this. Nick's Uncle Mike Alahverdian is not replying to me anymore. No one is defending him and I am being ignored.   I have evidence unlike the people that appeared in the Providence Journal. How can they sit there and accuse him of all of these things?  No one - and I mean absolutely no one - is taking my calls. No one wants to hear how and why Nick is innocent. Not even his family. Everyone has been brainwashed to think he is alive and I am fake. You know I am not fake. Nick had no reason to die. This is unbelievable that I am typing this.  There seems to be an unwritten rule to protect this detective that lost two court cases and a Board decision against my husband. He is the son of a former chief. Even when we spent USD30,000 on Jeff Pine to remove the "sex offender" label he goes around harassing people and tells them not to have a funeral which is against basic society norms of freedom of religion.   Everyone seems to protect him and he can do no wrong. He lost his case twice against my husband yet the Journal published his supervisor's false remarks that a warrant still existed for "failure to register" when we have a dismissal order, an order to expunge, an order to seal, and an order from the judge to take my husband off of the sex offender website and that the Board acted improperly and did not give him


due process. The judge also ruled that he must not appear on the sex offender website and the attorney general agreed.    And O'Donnell can't speak for himself apparently apparently so he gets other people people to lie for him, or to make other people look bad. …  So Conor can do no wrong in the eyes of his colleagues or they are just plain scared.    And the same goes with my husband. 

Please help me tell the truth about my husband.  Warm regards  Louise 

---- On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 Parker Gavigan wrote ----  I’m sorry, but this quite absurd. If you are, who you say you are, I would again suggest making yourself available on Zoom. There are no security issues there whatsoever. People are not answering you because they believe you are Nick – Nick – and  and that Nick is alive. Prove them w wrong rong or come clean with me me..  Parker

From:  Louise Alahverdian From: Louise Sent: Wednesday, Sent:  Wednesday, March 10, 2021 3:44 PM To:  Parker Gavigan Subject: RE: Subject:  RE: [EXT] Please  If you never spoke to t o me, I could understand the speculation. But you have. With everything I have sent to you, all of the evidence, all of the documents, documents, images, audio, ho how w can you not see clear pattern of government civil servants trying to discredit and destroy my husband's reputation even to the point of questioning the legitimacy of his death?  My husband never ran from f rom anything. He confronted things head on.    As for the Zoom I have told told you that people can interce intercept pt that, and in the last w week eek I have been threatened to be raped, killed, and cooked. That is a small sample of what I go through. My s security ecurity have told me to not do a video call.   I have provided evidence that directly opposes what the Providence Journal has published. And no one is doing anything with it because they think Nick is alive? If he was alive, he would be talking and defending himself. There is no way things would get this far. Absolutely no way. If my husband was alive he would be having a press conference, showing the proof and evidence himself. And the speculation is based on wikipedia accounts he never had and someone saying the tributes were written by him. Interesting, since the people who wrote tributes are all identifiable and can be contacted such as Harvard professors, lawmakers, state employees, etc. 


 And to think he trusted you. you. It's very upsetting. Why would he die and lose w when hen he could live and win? Very, very insulting.  I am sorry but I hope you understand in time that my husband spent his life trying to be an advocate. And now that life is gone. The notion that he faked his death is opposite to what his instincts were and how he handled complex situations where he was targeted. targ eted.  The epitome of government corruption in front of your eyes and you can't even see it.

---- On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 Parker Gavigan wrote ----  I spoke to someone with a woman’s voice. voice.   Accounts have since questioned the u use se of a device to alter a voice. Police believe Nick faked his death and that’s enough for this reporter to be VERY suspicious too. That and the fact that you won’t present yourself is very telling.  telling.   The issue with the tributes is a simple one. one. There was no q question uestion about who wrote them, them, but rather your replies to them. The replies were very specific and det detailed ailed for a widow to know.  And what government corruption? Police officers suspicious of Nick’s death is not corruption.  corruption. 

From: Louise Alahverdian Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 5:01 PM To: Parker Gavigan Subject: RE: [EXT] Please If that's the way you want to see it that is your choice. Police also intimidated Nick and essentially said "stop lobbying." Cicilline and Costantino raping him. Being sent out of state to facilities where he was silenced, beaten, and raped (rapist pleaded guilty). One exwife claiming Nick was abusive because he didn't do what she wanted. Another who suffered from bipolar and schizophrenia. Told him that if he or a lawyer showed up to the divorce hearing he would be killed. He fired his lawyer because she was serious. Made sixmorning false allegtations whilst husband wasstates out offor the includinghe that he left aher gun on the sofa the she left (he had my been out of the a country week). Claimed canceled health insurance and phone. Claimed she "loaned" him money without proof. She canceled car insurance twice and reactivated it twice and mysteriously crashed both times the insurance was "canceled." With no lawyer, the second exwife had her lawyer submit the draft of the divorce order and it was signed by the  judge with no amendments. Then in 2008 a misdemeanor charge with no jury trial with no witnesses, and Nick ws told to shut up each time he tried to tesitfy. t esitfy. Cops beating him up for trying to speak to a clerk:   The policeman that believes Nick faked his death is the same one that lost two cases against him and had a Board decision overruled. Nick was never approached by the FBI and that is a lie.


The replies were actually a mix between myself and his uncle Mike Alahverdian. And nothing in our replies is not anything that isn't common knowledge or in Nick's books, especially as I typed and edited the books whilst my husband lay dying in a hospital bed.   The government corruption was lifelong. Politicians holding guns to his head forcing him to work on their campaigns? Having legislation stalled for 12 years? Being threatened by this same politician that if he complained about any of his property stolen by this politician he would compel his oldest son to claim that Nick molested him in a car (he told that to Ray Hull and Bob Dasilva, I have recordings). Judge Jeremiah having David Tassoni make decisions on when and where to send Nick? Being kept silent for years, drugged up until his 18th birthday in Nebraska and Florida? That is all torture. If it wasn't, and there is much more, as we discussed when Nick was alive, he would not have been given humanitarian protection from torture. I know next to nothing about Rhode Island politics except for what I have read and what my husband told me. If I learned anything it is that even the most charming and benevolent people can hide tarnished souls behind their eyes. And my husband met the match of these people. He gets honors from mayors and the legislature? He beat me in court twice? Let's claim he faked his death with no proof. And then let's get someone else who left a tribute, Sharon Lane, who called Nick a genius and how he was lovely etc. and then change her story to fit the Journal narrative.  And then interview people without without telling them they are b being eing interviewed for publication. And do do not contact the widow. Contact an impersonator who will not defend the claims made. If Nick faked his death he did an awfully bad job. But that's not what you care about. It's all about "honest police" in Rhode Island (how many stories come up when Rhode Island police corruption is searched?), a "woman" you spoke to when her husband told you something that haunted him for years and agreed to an interview, and not understanding that Cicilline is still involved with the mob who threatens me, you want me to show my face when I cannot even go shopping for groceries because the government deems the risk to me and my children is high? That is corruption. And if knowing how all this happened to my husband or who the good people were and who the bad people were is suspicious, then let your suspicion flourish because my husband told me everything. I am unsure if you are married but you are intelligent enough to know that communication is essential in a healthy relationship, especially marriage. While all of what I say and all of the documents that I have can be independently verified by the courts and other institutions, the Journal claims cannot. This is a rare example where the more exciting story of a faked death with a five year old FBI complaint that went nowhere outweighs the true story of how Rhode Island and its figures in power tortured one of its children until the age of 18 and then continued until he saw clearly that he was to end up dead or in jail on false charges because of a corrupt congressman and his dozens ofgoing "associates." But you shall believe what you want to believe. If you do, however, want to "investigate" significant Rhode Island corruption which can be proved that happend to my deceased husband, please do inform me. I am sorry for wasting your time on what I thought you would consider valuable information and facts. Enjoy the version where the disgruntled Conor O'Donnell says he "faked his death" based on... nothing. Take care.  Warm regards  Louise 

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