Al Mann - The Thinking Machines

January 31, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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FOREWORD The human brain has been called the most complex structure in the universe. Our giant electronic computers, called thinking machines, are the most complex man-made structures known. Both, the human brain and the thinking machines, compute w~th electronic circuits. Our modern computers are solving problems in minutes, which once took hundreds of human operators days to solve. The thinking machines obey orders, make judgments, communicate with the outside world and "think" by using their memory banks. Yet there is no computing machine that can come even close to the capacity of the human brain I This excursus expounds the use of calculators and computers for the presentation of Mental MarvelS. Two types of effects are possible. In one the Mental Marvel flaunts his psychic affinity with numbers, divining the totals of mentally chosen numbers and predicting totals of numbers recorded in calculators. In the other effect, the towering intellect of the mentalist is pitted against the thinking machines. The performer poses as a lightning calculator, proving his ability at great mental computations faster in speed than any man-made computer. The magic of numbers has played a great part throughout the history of l1'Il gic. Reginald Scot in "The Discoverie of Witlahcraf't" (1,584) mentions the inducing of great admiration on the beholders by experiments of "arythmeticall conclusions." Dunninger invariably closed his act with the brainbusting 16-digit effect and created a sensation when he comp.eted against Univac. Miracles do not grow on trees. So flaunt your talents, create miracles and the world will love you for it.

Best Wishes

o.n. tS/l/jb 2nd. edt bltr/kb

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PARSEC A fantastic exhibition of lightning calculation. 1~e inevitable and dramatic confrontation between the towering intellect of the Master Mentalist and the colossal memory organs of science I s thinking machines. The Mentalist proves beyond a doubt that he can defeat, by computing faster, the largest mam-made electronic brain. EFFECT: A spectator secretly feeds into a computer, any three digit number under 500. He is told to multiply his secret number by 6, then by 66 and last by 23. Another spectator is now told to time the computer with a stop watch. A third spectator is told to time the Mentalist with another stop watch. At the word "Go", the spectator at the computer is to divide his new number (after the multiplication) by the same numbers used in multiplying~ 23, 66 and 6 to arrive at his secretly chosen number. The Mentalist states that by using his psychic computer, he will arrive at the secret number faster than the nachine. In fact the Mentalist upon hearing the answer will deliver the secret number almost instantly-_ and long before the spectator finishes feeding the a~visors into the computer. THE REVELATION: Behind this fantastic display of brain power lies the magic number "9108". The numbers 6, 66, and 23 are factors of the magic number 9108, as 6 X 66 X 23 = 9108. The magic number "9108" is endowed with a hidden magical rhythm that is sheer beauty. Any three digit number under ,500 1rThen multiplied by 9108 will give the number in the answer when the first 4 digits of the answer is multiplied by 111 EXAMPLE: 141 X 9108 = 1338816 1338 X 11 = 14118 The first three numbers of the answer, 14118 are the original three digits, 141! MULTIPLYING BY 11 IS VERY EASY, and with a little practice you can do it mentally. In the example 1338 X 11 start from the right hand number and add 8 the digits to the left. First put do'l.VIl the' 8 1 next add the 8 and 3 to get 11:1. put down 1., and carry 1. 3 + 3 = 6 plus 1 (carried) = - 1 3 + 1 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 1 Last bring down the 1 (left hand digit) Answer 14118



THE THINKING MACHINES PARSEC ••• cont. SHORTCUTS: If the third digit of the number given you, (atter the 3-digit number ia multiplied) is a ZERO, then all you need do is to multiply the first two digits to get the original 3-digit number, example: 143 x 9108 1302444 13 x 11 = 143 ( the original 3digi t number)


SHORTCUT: If the sum of the 3rd and 4th digits of the answer given you is 8 or less, then multiply the first 3 digits only by 111 Example: 144 x 9108 1311552 131 x 11 = 1~1. The first 3 digits of the aswer = the secret number.


NUMBERS OVER 528 AND UP TO 999 It you wish to go into higher numbers then you can give the spectator a choice of any number 100 to 999. Although 4t is not necessary to go into higher numbers, the numbers between 528 and 999 are easier to handle as here you only have to multiply the first 3 digits by 11. There is one small rule to learn in dealing with these numbers. The Rule: If the sum of the 3rd and 4-th digit given you is 8 or less then you must multiply the first 3 digits by 11 and subtract 1" trom the first 3 digits of the answer. Ex:ample: 604 x 91 08 = 5501 232 550 x 11 = 6050 605 - 1 = 604 Note: the 3rd digit of the given number is a zero, so that you need only multiply the first 2 digits by 11, but the minus 1 still applies.

Another example: 550 x 9108 = 5009400 This is an easy number. The 3rd digit a zero, so we only have to multiply 50 x 11 = 550. The sum of the 3rd and 4th digit of the number given equal to 9, so we do not subtract the 1. ANOTHER EXAMPLE: 573 x 9108

= 5218884 521 x 11

= 5731 513

= the

secret number

3 THE THINKING MACHINES PARSEC ••• cont. PRESENTATION: The performer sits with his back to the computer. Any spectator is called to the computer and is instructed on how to use it. He is told to secretly feed any 3 digit number into the computer and then is given a free choice of a number of multipliers fro.m the table below. The multipliers are typed on separate cards so that the spectator oan keep the card in his hand. When the spectator finishes multiplying his number he is told to callout the total. Hight away the challenge begins as two spectators from the audience start the stop watches and another person calls "Go". Before the ohallenge even starts, the performer already has the answer. He uses a thumb tip writer to secretly write down the number when called and also immediately writes down the answer. AS SOON AS THE STOP WATCHES START, THE MENTALIST TELLS HIS TIMER TO STOP THE STOP ivATCHI No doubt that the spectator at the computer is still feeding the divisors into it as it takes time to feed each number by human agency even though the machine gives the answer instantly. A good rehearsal before the show is in order. Any spectator that can operate the machine should be used. At this time the mentalist can see just how fast the spectator can feed the numbers into the machine. Some operators can do it quite fast. That is why the number is broken down into factors, which also hides the secret. The idea is to have the operator feed the divisors into the machime one at a time to consume more time. During the show another spectator from the audience may be used to came on stage and whisper any 3-digit number to the operator. LIST OF ADDITIONAL FACTORS: t1)x:ox11 2x..3X1 51 8 2x3x6x253 2x6x759 2x3x66x23 2x11x414 3x2x11x138 .3X12x11x23 2x6x33x23 .3X6x22x23 . 2x6x11x69 )x6x11x46 2x11x18x23 .3X12x253 2x33X138 .3X11x276 2x18x253 .3X22x138 2x66x69 Jx46x66 2x23X198 3x23x132


6x6x11x23 6x11 x138 6x23x66 6x33x46 6x22x69 6x6x253 11x23x36 11x12x69 11x18x46 18x22x23

Each of the above line of factors equals to the Magic number of 9108. These factors are first used as multipliers and then as divisors. Only one set of factors is chosen by the spectator but it can then be excahnged for a different set to be used as divisors.


PARSEC ••• cont. The owner of this secret may be tempted to try the effect in reverse, that is to have some one callout a 7 digit number and then divide it by the factors to arrive at a 3-digit number. Well, that would be an excellent effect, but it doesn't work that way since you will end up with a remainer anywhere from 1 to 9107, and your answer will be 1 1esa or more than the true answer. Even under these conditions the effect would be good since the computer does not show remainers but decimals. Yet your answer may be one number off.



1. A spectator secretly enters any 3-digit number into a computer and multiplies it by a group of chosen factors to arrive at a 7-digit number. 2. Spectator calls out the 7-digit number. 3. Performer secretly Vlrites do'Wl1. the first 4 digits called and immediately knows the secret number. 4. Spectator is told to divide the 7-digit number by the same factors to arrive back at his chosen 3-digit number. 5. Performer pretends to do the srune and beats the machine by getting the answer first. A DYNAMIC VARIATION: Before the show have a spectator choose a 3-digit number secretly and multiply it by the factors. During the show the audience is told that the spectator has a 7-digit number and proceed from there.





ONE THOUSAND AND ONlE HY-:lT&lIES Here are some interesting effects follow or preceed Parsec. The number 1001 is also enveloped If a digit is multiplied by 1001, pear twice in the answer: 2 x 1001 =

that can very well in magic. the digit ,1ill ap2002

The same holds true for a 3 digit number: 123 x 1001 = 123123 With this bit of knowledge we can create an effect. We'll use two spectators and two pocket calculators. One spectator is told to feed any three diGit number to his calculator and to multiply it by 7. Say he enters 123 x 7 = 861. (7, 11 and 13 are factors of 1001) He is then told to multiply the neVl m.unber by 11. 861 x 11 = 9L~ 71 He is then to pass this number to the second spectator. The second spectator is told to multiply this number by 13. 9471 x 13 = 123 1 23 The second spectator does not know that the first spectator had originally chosen the number 123. The first spectator does not know that the new and final number is , 123123. THE PERFORfJIER DOES NOT KNOW EITH@ NUMBEHI Yet he proceeds to tell exactly what the original thought number isl The performer states to the second spectator,"Will you please give me the first two numbers only of the answer, Nol Wait a minute I Give me the last two digits." Spectator calls out the digits 2 and 3. Performer writes them on a slate. Next performer states, "Please give me the third digit of your answer, No I vJait I I have changed my mind. Give me instead the first digit." Spectator calls out the digit 1. Performer places the 1 in front of the 23 and states to the first spectator that 123 was his thought m.unber. PHANTOM DIGI'rS The powers of our magic number 1001 become deeper enveloped with mystery when we alloVl a spectator to choose a 5-digitnumber. EFFECT: The performer posing as a Lightning Calculator instructs the spectator to enter .any 5-digit number into his computer and to multiply it by 7, then by 11 and last by 13. The performer states that he is



One-Thousand-And-One Mysteries • • • cont. going to demonstrate his powers as a lightning calculator and, as soon as he is given the answer, he will use speed division and divide the answer by 13, 11 and 7 instantly, to arrive at the original thought number. METHOD: When a 5-digit number is multiplied by 7, 11, and 13, which are ~actors o~ the number 1001, (7x11x13 = 1001) the five digits of the original number will appear in the answer I Example: 78239 x 1001 = 78317239 The ~irst two digits of the answer and the last 3 digits give the original thought number: 78-239 EXCEPTION: The last 3 digits o~ the answer are always correct but the first 2 digits may be off by 1.


32968 x 1001 = 33000968 In this example you must subtract 1 fram 33 to Cet the first two digits of the thought number which is 32968. RULE: If the 3rd digit of the answer is a zero and if the first two digits Hhen added to the last two digits of the answer equal to 101 or more, subtract 1 from the first t'HO digits of the answer to get the first tvlO digits of the thought number. In'tne answer 33000968, the 3rd digit is a zero and adding 33 to 68 = 101, so we subtract a 1 from 33 to get 32 for the first two digits of the thought number 32968. WIlen a 5-digit number is multiplied by 1001 the answer will contain 8 digits unless the number chosen is 99,901 or over in which case the answer will contain 9 digits. Example 99,901 x 1001 = 100,000,901 I~ the answer contains 9 digits, subtract 1 from the fisrt 3 digits of the answer to get the first 2 digits of the thought number, 100 -1 = 99 and add the last 3 digits of the answer to complete the 5-digit thought number. It is very unlikely that a person will choose a number 99,901 or higher. If the computer you are using is of only 8 places than you must tell the person to choose a 5-digit number under 99,90CJ.



THE LITTLE FOXES with the Let's get back to basi cs and do some effe cts effe ct his in n, smal lest pock et addin g mach ines. Al Kora calle d "Kni t ines "El Numero" used tiny m ..nnbe ring mach ure meas es devic Coun t" as shown in Fig. 1. 'fhes e tiny Sewi ng Cent ers of 7/8" x ~" and are sold in tho Yarn and ting . depa rtme nt store s, for coun ting stich es when knit . hing switc and The devio es are exce llent for palm ing a simp le The follo wing effe ct is an exam ple of how ortio n prop effe ct with numb ers can be disgu ised out of il. penc r and when an addin g mach ine is used inste ad of papethe taspec rf.his effo ct is no good if done on pape r since Knit Coun t tor could see the simp le solu tion. We need two devi ces. 1. Set one mach ine to show 23 and give it to some one to hold . This is perso n #1. 2. Give anot her mach ine to a secon d perso n and tell him to secr etly place any numb er from 10 to. 20 on it. (say he reco rds 15) the secon d perso n to subt ract his numb er Tell 3. from 26 secr etly and to give the resu lt to'pe rson #1 • (26-15=11 ) the numb er given 4. Perso n #1 is told to subt ract from the tota l in his mach ine, (23-1 1=12 ) but to say noth ing. 5. Perfo rmer look s1 at perso nI I~ did and state s, "1 m a.fra id not allow enou gh at the begi hning , so plea se add 3 to your tota l. 6. Both mach ines will now read 15, the chos en numb erl To repe at the effe ct, reco rd 29 on the firs t mach ine and then proc eed exac tly as abov e BUT AT THE END SAY 'fHAT YOU ALLOWED TOO MUCH so tell perso n #1 to subt ract 3 from his tota l!

Fig. 1 Kni t Coun t Numb ering Mach ines. Actu al size

The last mane uver of addin g or subt ractting 3 can be varie d acco rding to the whims of the perfo rmer . An inter estin g you could vari ation is as follo ws: In the firs t case above t tell me don' se say "add 4" inste ad of 3 and say," but plea se plea "No the tota l, just think of' it." and then say, take 1 orr" to get back to 151

8 THE THINKING MACHINES THE PSYCHIC SQUAHES The principle used here is similar to the "Little Faxes". But it is Hell hidden behind the jargon of the square of numbers. The performer has all in his favor as he proves what he pretends to do. The performer offers to show the affinity that exists between higher mathematics and


EFFECT AND PR~SENTATION: 1. Performer writes a prediction that reads" "I will increase your chosen number to the square of 8. I This prediction is given to someone to hold. 2. Performer gives a pocket adding machine to person #1, with the total of 89 recorded on it. Person #1 is told to please note the number and not to turn the machine over as 89 will read 68 upside down. The number 89 is not mentioned outloud, however. (performer adds 25, the square of 5 and 64, the square of 8 to get 89) 3. Person #2 i·s given another pocket adding machine and is told to secretly record any number from 1 and 60. He is also told to record his number on paper and to place his adding machime in his pocket. Assume person 112 chose the number 38. 4. Person #2 is told to add 25 to his chosen number and told to note that 25 is the square of 5. He adds 25 to 38 to get 63. He is then to pass his total to person #1. 5. Person #1 is told to subtract that total fram the performer's number on the machine. He subtracts 63 from 89 to get 26. The machine will now read 26. This maneuver gets rid of the 89. 6. Performer takes the machine from #1 to pass it to #2, glimpses the number and tell #2 to add the total to his number in his machine. 1. Person #2 adds 26 to 38 to get 64, the square of 81 8. Performer in the meantime subtracts 26 from 64 to get 38, the chosen numberl 9. Have the prediction read and patter to the effect that you could not increase his number to anything without knowing the secret number in the first place which was 38. The reader will be amazed to discover the profound effect these clever manipulation of numbers h~ve on the lay audience. Numbers do not lie. They are exact. You have proven the hidden power of numbers and have read the thought.


• • • cont •


Person #2 Gets machine with

Person #1


Chooses any number, say Adds 25 rrotal



(square of


subtracts Sub total

38 26

Adds 26 to chosen number ~ (Square of 8) Read prediction. Performer secretly subtracts 26 from 64 to get 381

Push Button


Drugstores sell inexpensive pocket calculators that sell fGr ~2 and up. Each performer must decide which is ~dst for' his type of presentation.

10 THE THINKING MACHINES THE CHALLBNGE As stated before, the Performer has all the edge in his favor when using these principles. He can therefore make bold claims and prove them. In the following effect, the Performer accepts a challenge from the audience. The mystery of the challenge is further deepened by resorting to the Golden Axiom of our past masters, which states thet, lilt is not what you do, but what you lead your audience to believe you do that creates miracle~

EFFECT: The Mentalist is challenged to divine a secret 3-digit number ohosen by any member of the audience. The Mentalist succeedsl PREPARATION: Before the show, person #1 is approached and asked to take part in the show. He is given a sealed package and is told it contains an adding machine with some numbers recGrded on it. He is told not to open the package until oalled during the show. The Performer instructs the #1 person how to operate the machine to add and subtract with the aid of another similar machine. The number recorded on this machine is 1030. PATTER AND PHESENTATION: "Ladies and Gentlemen. I have been challenged to divine a 3-digit number that will be secretly chosen by some member of the audience. Will same one please volunteer by writing dO\ID any 3-digit number." A writing pad and pencil is furnished to the volunteer spectator, if necessary. We will refer to this spectator as f.erson #2, and let's assume he writes down 357. 'Will the person in the audience who is holding a sealed adding machine please stand uP. ThQnk you Sir. Please un,~ap the machine. You are now holding an adding machine that has some numbers recorded on :Lt. Is that oorrect? Thank You. Please do not tell me or anyone else what the numbers are." Here, the Performer has implanted in the minds of the audience that he does not know the number that is recorded in the adding machine. Although this suggestion is not necessary, it helps to deepen the mystery. Performer next instructs person #2, to subtract his secret number fram 1000 and to pass the answer to person #1. Person #1 is instructed to subtract the number given from the number on the adding machine. Person #2 subtracts 357 fram 1000 to get 643 Person #1 subtracts 643 from 1030 to. get 387 Performer next calls on a 3rd person (#3) to oall out a 2-digit number between 20 and 40. Letts assume #3 calls out 30. Performer than instructs person #1 to subtract 30 trom the total in his machine: 387 - 30 = 357 THE CHOSEN NUNBERI



THE CHALLENGE ••• cont . en Now the addir g mach ine show s the same secr etly chosto ght brou is ct effe The numb er as writ ten by perso n j12. a dram atic conc lusio n. perso n The aboVe conc lusio n is corr ect assum ing that ens if happ What . "30" #3 actu ally calle d out the numb er ? any othe r numb er is calle d??? mach ine The perfo rmer know s that the numb er fed into the 30. So by er numb en chos the will alway s end up grea ter than prormer perfo the ple. exam for if perso n #3 calle d out 25, his fram 25 ract subt to ih ng telli ceed s the same way by grea t tota l. The numb er in the mach ine will now be 5 too best than the chose n numb er, so proc eed acco rding ly. The er numb new the that feel I " thing to do here is to say, out call and it from 5 ract subt is stil l too big. Pleas e the rema iner. " If perso n if3 calls out 36 inste ad, then you must add 6 to the fina l tota l to Get tho corr ect answ er. the NOTE: The type of addin g mach ine used here is feH a for sell that nes ma~hi g inexp ensiv e pock et addin a doll ars. The elctr onic kind Inay fail on you due to Henk batte ry.

An inexp ensiv e pock et addin g mach ine

12 THE THINKING I1ACHINES GOLDEN DIGITS This is the 16-digit effect in it's finest dress. Done on caloulating machines operated by members of the audienoe. The 16-digit effeot, sometimes done with 20 and even 25 digits, has been the dramatic closing effect on the program of many famous performers. Leon Herrmann stated that the 16-digit effoct was the finest effect he knew for the parlor. EFFECT: Four members of the audienoe are asked to call out 4-digit numbers. These numbers are fed into two caloulating maohines on stage by two other members of the audience. The numbers are totaled and both totals are added to arrive at a final total WHICH THE PEltFORMER HAS PREDICTED I PREPARATIONS: Two oalculating maohines are needed. These maohines must be of the type that record the numbers on a roll of r.aper as shown in Fig. 2. Let's call the maohines nAn and "B'. Maohine nA" is on the performer's left and maohine "Bn is on his right. Maohine "A" must be of the type that oan oarry a negative value. Before the show, machine "A" is prepared by feeding it the negative value, -29997, after having cleared the machine of all previous entries. The proper way to prepare the maohine is as follows: 1.Roll out four inohes of paper tape. 2. Clear the maohine by pressing the total button until it shows the zero marks. (see Fig. 3 ) 3. Roll baok the tape into the machine and feed into it the negative value of -29997. This value will of course be recorded on the tape. 4. Rollout the tape about 1~ inch and TEAR OUT THE PAPER THAT SHOWS THE NEGATIVE VALUE. 5. Rollout the tape until the Zero mark shows whioh indicates that the machine is cleared (1). Tm tape as shown in Fig. 3, represents the way the tape

looks atter step 3. Also needed is a slate large enough to write in two 4-digit numbers so that they are easily visible to the audience. A 12-inoh by 18-inch slate is just right.

On stage the calculating machines sit on tables and chairs are provided for the volunteer machine operators.







.. -.,,-.--- ... .



-- - --- ---


Fltg. 2 Recording electric calculators. These type of calculators ~sually can carry a negative value. Fig. 3. The figure represents a piece of the recording paper tape fram the oalculator. 'rhe words in parenthesis And the dash lines were added to clarity the instructions •


' - - - - - -_ _ _ _ »










PRESENTATION: After the introductory patter, call for two volunteers fram the audience to operate the machines. When on stage, the spectators are told to sit behind the machines. They are instructed in their simple operation and are cautioned not to touch the machines until told. This will prevent the operator fram trying out the buttons or making sure that the machines are cleared. Expert machine operators are in the habit of clearing the machines before using them. Many operators do that automatically. It is well to tell the operators that the machines are cleared but do not make too much of a fuss about it as that will throw suspicion on the machines. With slate ( or art board ) in hand, ask the audience to callout two 4-digit numbers. Say the numbers called out were 8271 and 4834. Write these numbers for all to see as in Fig. 4. Now approach the operator at Machine nAn and instruct him to reed the top number only into his calculator. That is the "A" number on the slate in Fig. 4. This seemingly harmless instrucA 82'11 tion is actually the very orux B ~$3'for the secret. Next, instruct operator at "B" machine to feed both numbers, Fig. 4 A and B, into his machine.


Ask two other volunteers :frora the audience to mentally choose any 4-digi t number and to '2.D 0.:3 / just think and say nothing yet. ~ ~ 0 You then proceed to write ~-=============~ your prediction. The prediction is made writing a 3 in front ~ of the liB' number and subtracting Fig. ;; 3 from it's last digit to get 34831. The numbers are then erazed leaving only the prediction as shown in Fig. 5. frhe pred!etion is given to someone in the aU9ience to hold. The audience is that with out knowing what the last two spectators are thinking you have already added the numbers in your mind and have written a prediction to prove it. The thought-of numbers are next called for. Say that the numbers called were "c" 3546 and "n" 1982. Both numbers are :fed into both machines. Operator at machine "A" is instruoted to press his total button and to tear out the paper with the total and to pass it to operator at machine "B".




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