Al Mann - The Psychic Ring

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'Ttl 304-947-7730


P.O. 1Jo( 155

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Copyright by (1988) Ai Mann Exclusives

Considering the Medium's Psychic Ring: "There is a test that is quite convincing - - It consists of passing upon the sitter's arm a solid, previously examined steel ring, without removing the palms from the back of the subject's hands. When I perform this, I allow the steel ring to be examined before the lights are put out. It is eight inches in diameter and is made of quarter-inch wire, nickel-plated. I then place this ring on the top of my head when I take my seat. Now, after placing my left palm on the sitter's two hands, (the right hand has been secretly removed) and going through the subsequent maneuvers with trumpets, luminous hands, faces, raps, etc., I quietly reach up on my head and take the ring on my right arm. . I then place my right palm on the back of my left hand and allow the third and fourth fingers of my right hand to rest on the back of the sitter's left hand. This seems to him as if I have merely moved two of the fingers of my right hand, which he thinks is resting on his left. I next press tightly on these fingers, and state to the subject that I will now take hold of each of his hands without removing my touch from them and for him to note this fact. I press tightly with the third and fourth fingers of each hand, and do not release this pressure; but with the thumbs of each hand, I quickly reach under each of his palms and grasp his hands. This I have now done without any removal from his touch. I now rise to my feet and call for lights. As I do this the ring on my 1;'ight arm settles down upon his left arm; and when the lights are on he finds 'it there, and thinks it was passed upon his arm by some super-human power, never dreaming that it was first on my own arm. This is a very effective test." Behind the Scenes with the Mediums by David P. Abbott

'Ihe above test by Abbott leaves nothing to be desired. Read it slowly several times and you will note the expert masterful handling. That should be the closing effect in your psychic program. You need do nothing else. You have just shown the sitter an awesome test'bordering on transcendental physics in a fourth-dimentional plane. The above test should not be repeated but for another sitter or another occasion~ try the following:




EFFECT: An examined solid steel ring that is placed on the medium's table is later found encircling the sitter's arms. Only one ungaffed 12 inch steel ring is used! The Scene: The medium's table is covered with a thick soft cloth. (This is to minimize unwanted noises while handling the ring during the seance.) Soft music in the background and the burning of incense complete the wanted atmosphere. DURING FULL LIGHT the medium passes out the steel ring for examination. The ring is then placed flat on the table to the medium's right. A test is proposed. Full cooperation requested. During subdued light, the medium tells the sitter to place his hands flat on the table in front of him. The medium then places his two hands over the sitter's hands and draws the sitter's hands together so that they touch. ALL LIGHTS ARE EXTINGUISED AND THE SEANCE IS NOW IN TOTAL DARKNESS. The medium's hands begin to tremble, shake and convulse. The medium groans and moans due to the excess of psychic energy leaving his body. The medium then takes both the sitter's hands and stands up and calls for light. When THE LIGHTS COME ON, IT IS SEEN THAT THE STEEL RING IS NOW ENCIRCLING BOTH OF THE SITTER'S ARMS! The medium faints! THE HOW: The trembling and convulsing of the hands actually makes it easier for the medium to first release the right hand to pick up the ring and pass it around the medium's right arm. The right hand is replaced over the sitter's hands as detailed by David Abbott in the previous test. Then the left hand is released in like manner and the medium sticks his left hand into the ring. All he has to do then is to replace his left hand over the sitter's"hands and pick up the sitter's hands, stand up and call for lights at which time the ring slips to encircle the sitter's both arms! Some Scotch Whiskey should be at hand for the medium when he comes to. Sitter no doubt left hastily.




Gentle men, let's take a hard look at the mediu m's Weird ! Weird ! WEIRD! e into the realm of the Psych ic Ring feat: In order to do that we must voyag must also see the effec t Maste r Magic ian-M edium and obser ve his techn ique. We with the eyes of the sitte r. clima x, the For the prope r prese ntatio n and a profou nd and baffl ing holdin g both is ic Psych the that then sitte r must see absol utely nothin g other the feelin g then and ess darkn total a of her hands with both of his hands , then on! turned are s light the e befor that somet hing has fallen onto her arm just that rings steel two or ring steel e singl What fell on her arm or arms may be a arms! her both cle encir that ring steel encir cle each of her arms! Or one large . He keeps For that end, the Psych ic DOES NOT SHOW THE RING OR RINGS r is not sitte the that so floor or these metal rings out of sight on his lap an uncan ny as come rings the of rance expec ting a trick with a ring but the appea urine tambo the with g playin to t resor The Maste r Magic ian does not surpr ise! ic Psych the w someho that ssion impre the or the ringin g of a bell. That may give place d in produ cing the has a third arm or an assis tant. All the empha sis is have full contr ol of the d shoul ic Psych The rings aroun d the sitte r's arms. ar. simil hing light s by using a foot switc h or somet the table the After the sitte r is asked to place her hands flat on prayin g and· i!l like Maste r Magic ian forms his hands in the shape of an IIAII then lower s He rs. touch es his chin with the tips of his finge rs as he patte over the them ~ place his two hands , still holdin g them in the A shape , and of the palm sides and the sitte rs hands but only the side of the little finge rs turned are s light the are touch ing the sitte rs hands . Press ure is appli ed as rs sitte the of both off. Then it is an easy matte r to lower one hand to touch take can ian Magic the hanas and durin g the ensuin g vibra tions and convu lsion, one hand off, etc. ring pass With two large steel rings ! The Psych ic can have a large aroun d the goes that ring large er anoth to encir cle both arms of the sitte r and used so that the rings do Psych ic's neck and under his right arm! Care must be n force s are at work! not click but if they do it may just mean that the unsee exces sive nervo usnes s. At the end the Maste r Magic ian-M edium feign s to see more The next time the same sitte r comes callin g and wants es are she Chanc . (or box or Book)I pheno mena, do Slade 's Flyin g chair !! es) Eff-O (see will never come again but she will send someone else.

take his hands The Medium tells the sitte r acros s the seanc e table to what. r matte , The lights into her hands and to hold on tight ly and not let go no and convu lse as he are put out and the Medium's hands start to tremb le, shake ing noise s on the table! goes into his tranc e. He moans and his elboy s make knock surrou nding the sitte r When the lights are turned on, three hula-h oops are found oops are alread y cirat the waist and aroun d her chair !!! HOW? The three hula-h the table . Durin g the cling the Mediu m's waist and are out of sight hidde n by trans fers the three hulablack out, the Mediu m's wife or assis tant sneak s in and aroun d the sitte r!! hoop from aroun d the Medium, over his head and arms and eding the usual The trick can be done witho ut an assis tant simpl y by proce ntatio n.I way of relea sing one hand. But the above is the best prese I





?tz'''f4t(')-~1It4qz'·tA : MATTER THROUGH MATTER ains EFFECT: The medium show s the sitte r a box thatto cont es in inch 2 1~ t seve ral smal l stee l ring s. Thes e meas ure abou ined. diam eter. The rings are passe d out to be examshow you a myst ery. The medium then state s: "Beh old! I will myst ery only once . Pleas e watc h clos ely as I will show you thisthen takes two of the m The mediu It takes a lot out of me." ertip s and the fing the meta l ring s, hold ing one in each hand at s toge ther hand his s hand s sepa rated wide . He then slow ly bring , meta l trate pene they unti l the two rings touch at whic h time d! throu gh meta l and becom e perm anen tly linke many ring s are THE SECRET: Unknown to the sitte r, two of themediu m takes the s, alrea dy perm anen tly linke d. Thes e two ring othe r is the e whil s in his left hand so that only one ring show t hand is attac hed to hidde n by the hand . The ring held by the righ be done by lapp ing.) a pull . (If the read er wish es, the effe ct can is relea sed As the rings come toge ther, the righ t hand ring of the hold takes hand and sleev ed by the pull whil e the righ t perf ect. is sion illus The linke d rings and bring s them into view . d, the To avoid flash ing the ring that is sleev ed or lappe Need less to say, the effe ct is hand s are held at wais t leve l. The atmo spher e of the even bette r when done in subdu ed ligh t. ting the seanc e room plus his patte r assi st the medium in crea requ ired effe ct whic h is profo und. linke d by the NOTE: Seve ral pape r clips can be myst eriou slyttes. use of The Phar aoh's Palm as deta iled in Men tal-E NOTE: Solid steel rings must be cut and then welde d or solde red toget her. Key rings can be used instea d.I Fig., 2 shows two key rings linked togeth er and a singl e one. These rings have a one inch insid e diame ter.I By using key rings sever al can be linked togeth er to produ ce the linkin g chain effec t with the use of a switc hing device ,.

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tile. Sti ele :

l rod, etc) EFFECT: The sitte r is given a stick (wan d, steeexam ined is been g havin ring l to hold betw een his hand s. A stee dark the g Durin s. hold r place d on the stick whic h the sitte the e whil m mediu the by stick sean ce, the ring is taken off the . stick the of sitte r is stil l hold ing both ends used . THE SECRET: Unknown to the sitte r, two stee l ringsthearesame Both Thes e rings are abou t 5 or 6 inche s in diam eter. and passe d for shown is that one the size. One is unga ffed and is a cut gap in exam inati on. The othe r ring is a "key " ring . It has it large enoug h to pass the stick throu gh. the othe r The gaffe d ring is place d on the medi um's lap, whil e one is on the table . ligh t and THE PRESENTATION: Prop ose the test durin g full exam ine. Tell to r sitte the to ring ffed give the stick and the unga and tell him to the sitte r that you want to make a tria l run first e you take hold the stick by one end only with his righ t handt whil and imme diate ly the ring with your ~ight hand . Call for ligh ts-ou the stick . You are switc h the rings and place the gaffe d ring onto Have the sitte r touch the hold ing the gaffe d ring by the gap. it is on the stick ring with his left hand and tell him to make sure othe r end so and then to hold the stick with his left hand by the that the ring can not come off. tell the sitte r Hit the stick with the ring seve ral times and stick whil e he that it is impo ssibl e to remo ve the ring from the the stick . is hold ing it. So caut ion him not to let go of onto his left coat and hand left his Then pass the ring over arm and maki ng sure sleev e so that the ring is enci rclin g his left come that the gap will not be seen when the lighrts of the on. situa tion . He Call for ligh ts and appr aise the sitte it shou ld. He sees the ring aroun d his left arm and all looks as ion him again has no reaso n to susp ect anyth ing at this time . toCaut attem pt a test. not to let go of the stick as you are now going sitte r's arm and Call for ligh ts out. Take the ring on the the ring agai n, sework it down to the stick . Hit the stick with unga ffed ring from vera l times and at the same time pick up the d ring off the stick gaffe the Pull . your lap with your othe r hand on it) BUT sit or ick, gimm t Topi and lap it (or put it into your Call for conti nue hitti ng the stick with the unga ffed ring . !" stick the off ligh ts and say, "The ring is Mira cle. The sitte r shou ld be distu rbing ly myst ified . End of actu ally NOTE: Whil e the ring is on the sitte r's arm, you can e. sleev coat let go of it prov ided the gap is hidde n by his





t[t/. 304-941-1130 'P.O. ~155 (jreIIt, WI' 25422

Keys can lock or unlock many mysteries! What follows is only a short course in performing mysteries with a ring of keys! The figure at right shows a large ring with keys. The ring should be at least 3 inches in diameter, but it can be much larger if desired. The keys can be as few as Fig. 3 six or as many as 20, depending on the effect that is being presented. The keys must be numbered by either die-cutting the numbers on the key or using stick on labels with inked in numbers. The labels are preferred if an instant view of the numbers is needed for the effect. The keys can be of any size depending on the locks to be used, but the keys should be all of about the same size. WITH CYCLIC NUMBERS: (This serves as an introduction to the key teries) Only six keys are used and they are numbered: 1, 4, 2, 8, 5, that order and are kept in that order on the ring. The number 142857 is number. If it is multiplied by any digit from 1 to 6, the answer will be six-digit n umber composed of the same six digits, as follows: 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857

X 1 = X 2 = X 3 = X 4 = X 5 = x 6 =

142857 285714 428571 571428 714285 857142

mys7, in a cyclic a

Most AME readers are conversant with this cyclic number. It was made famous by Dr. E.G. Erwin in Jinx No. 79. The beauty about this number is that it can be easily learned and the performer can spot the correct number on the desired key easily.

THE PRESENTATION: Performer shows a ring of keys and says that each key is numbered. That the sequence of the keys can not be changed and that the key ring is a continuous ring and does not come apart. Members of the audience are then given slips of paper and told to write single digits. These slips of paper are folded and collected and six slips are chosen. As each slip is opened, the digits are written on a black board. Another person is given a die and told to cast it. The six digit number on "the blackboard is multiplied by the cast of the die. The answer of the problem is the same as the number on the keys. The ring is given out to anyone who is told to callout the numbers in sequence! THE SECRET: is that the slips collected are thrown into a bowl and then mixed thoroughly and then six slips are removed by the Performer, one at a time. Actually the Performer has the six needed digits written on six slips that are palmed and then added to the bowl. The key ring has been shown and thrown on the table carelessly BUT as soon as the die is cast and the digit noted, the Performer picks up the key ring, separating the keys at the proper number. If a 3 is cast, for example, the Performer makes sure that he





picks up the key ring so that No. 1 key falls to one side while No. 4 key falls the other way. He can then give the key to anyone to hold. After the six-digit number is multiplied, the original number is erased while the performer points to the person with the key ring who is told to call out the digits. The person may callout the digits from the wrong end resulting in the six digits being in reversed order. So much the better. "I got every digit correctly but they are backwards." You say. There are many cyclic numbers available in case the reader feels that the six-digit number used above is too small, or too well known, or easy to see through. Here is a larger cyclic number: 588235294117647. This longer number is treated in Gems of Mental Magic by Cook and Buckley. In order to force this long number, the Performer trades three new onedollar bills for three old ones from the audience. Performer then pretends to read off the desired numbers by looking at two of the bills. You will of course need 15 keys for the larger number. In this test, even if the three spectators who traded bills with you know the serial numbers of their bills, they will still be mystified as they each assume that his particular bill was not use for choosing the numbers.


a. ~Cfl':

1. (Impromptu) In this method any key from key ring can be forced. The key to be forced is, at the begining, at the right side, as shown by Fig. 4. Go to one spectator on your right side of the audience and ask him-her to callout a number between 1 and 5. Say that the number 4 is called. Ask the person to pass that many keys from the left side of the ring to the right side. Then go to a second person at about the center of your audience and ask that persone to give you a number between 5 and 10. Say that 7 is called. (You have secretly turned the ring around Fig. 4 one-half turn, while moving from one person to the other.) Tell the second person to move 7 keys from the left of the ring to the right. Next, go to a third person on the left of your audience and ask him/her to take the difference between the two numbers chosen (7-4) and to pass that many keys, ONE AT A TIME FROM the left of the ring to the right. ( You have again secretly turned the key ring as you did with the second person). AS THE PERSON PASSES THREE KEYS ONE AT A TIME FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, STOP HIM/HER WHILE HE/SHE IS HOLDING THE LAST KEY AS THAT IS THE FORCE KEY!

2. BY THE NUMBERS: For this little mystery you will need a key ring with 20 keys numbered in order from 1 to 20. Say that you are doing the lock effect where the spectator finds the only key that will open the lock. All the keys in your key ring will open the lock! If you, the Performer wishes it.






RING. DO NOT TELL THE AUDIENCE THAT THERE ARE 20 KEYS IN THE "Somebody say. You " lock! the "Only one of these keys will open calle d. is 9 r numbe that Say pleas e callo ut a numbe r from 1 to 15." key is tried This '9.' red numbe key the Hold the ring from the top as you find the top 80 from ring the g holdin still on the lock but will not open it. You are 1 to 20. from order in again are keys that when the key No. 9 is relea sed, the myste a in lock the open will that "We are going to find the only key rious fashio n. By mind power !" 18. "But Pleas e! Ask one perso n to think of any number say betwe en 5 and not work. " Do not choos e no. 9 as we alread y know that key will Just conce ntrate on it." ing. think "Don 't tell anyon e the number you are s the numbe r '20' on write then and Perfo rmer conce ntrate s for a while r. By combi ning your numbe a n "I have also chose a card in large numbe rs. r." matte t number with mine we shoul d be able to affec fall at No. 20." "I predi ct that the key that will open the lock will you are think ing." r numbe the nce "Now for the first time, tell the audie count to 20." to going am I "Plea se watch ! Say the number is 12. starti ng with ards backw keys g Perfo rmer start s count ing keys by passin numbe r 20 key So . first key No. 20 and callin g out the chose n number and the ed reach is 20 No. is calle d 12. Key No. 19 is calle d 13, etc. until count from y simpl You it! Try key at that numbe r will be key No. 12! 12 to 20, starti ng with key No. 20. it amazi ng. Pleas e "We Have found it!"yo u say, as the lock opens . "Isn' t were think ing of, you r numbe "It is the same look at the number on the key!" isn't it?!" numNOTE: Your audie nce does not know that: The keys are with ng starti ards, backw bered in order from 1 to 20, that you are count ing They of cours e do not key No. 20, or that the keys are in nume ricale order ! profe ssoer sittin g math So even the know that all the keys open the lock! in your audie nce will be mysti fied. until the secre t (It is assum ed that you own a lock that will not open There are it~ open 'gaff ' is pulled secre tly, and then all the keys will sever al such effec ts avail able. ) This bold move will force the key at the 3. THE BOLD MOVE: (Impro mptu) used but you must know right end as shown in Fig. 4. Anyon e's key ring can be conta ins 15 keys, alring the that the number of keys in the ring. Let's say red. numbe be not Keys need thoug h it can have any numbe r. any numbe r, say, "Here is a pad of paper and a pen. Pleas e write down g, You must know the number writt en, eithe r by penci l readin betwe en 5 and 15." lookin g over the shoul der or via the cente r-tea r. know, but you Say.t hat the perso n write s down 12. You preten d not to "I have no idea secre tly subtr act 12 from 15 to get 3, and then you say. want you to pass as many what numbe r you have secre tly chose n, but whate ver, I Here you demo nstrat e keys as your chose n numbe r, one at a time like this." . When the perso n by passin g three keys from left of the ring to the right passe s 12 keys, the last key will be the force key! will open the "It will be a mirac le i f that key is the only one that lock!"



The Perfo rmer offer s to show that keys have other power s besid es openi ng locks ! He displa ys a 1/4 wide, six foot long red ribbo n, which he passe s betwe en the tip of his thumb and first finge rtip. Two spect ators Fig. 5 are called on stage to hold the ends of the ribbon. Perfo rmer then throw s a silk over his left hand while he displa ys the key with his right hand. rmer tell~ lhe spect ator the key is place d under the silk and insta ntly, the Perfo holds on to the silk and on his left to pull on the ribbo n while the perfor mer when the key is seen it is thread ed on the ribbon ! Anyo ne can exami ne the key and ribbo n! left hand and it THE SECRET: Perfo rmer has a dupli cate key palme d in his held at the tips of is alread y thread ed throug h the ribbo n. The ribbo n is the thumb and first finge r as shown in Fig.6 . Fig. 6 The dupli cate key is held under the curle d finge rs. The Perfo rmer passe s the ribbo n back and forth and it appea rs that the ribbo n is just held by the thumb The secon d key is palme d in and first finge rtips. the left hand and then the left hand is used to hold on to the silk and the silk and key are put away.

?~~ alla,t(e,"~e.1

"Can you do that trick with my key?" n power s!" you say asks one perso u. Of cours e you can. "All keys have hidde ' Selfa laljia (Jinx '69). and you proce ed to do the 'key' versio n of Stewa rt James Figs. 7 and 8 show a piece of cord being used instea d of the ribbo n. This is done for clari ty. Have one perso n hold end of cord at "A" and anoth er perso n at D Use a large opaqu e end "B." A silk to cover the cente r of the cord. Under cover of the silk, pass a loop of the cord throug h the eye of the key, Fig. 7. Then take part "c" and tie a slip knot on part "D" of Fig. 8 shows the slip knot and also the cord. Stick your thumb into loop a large loop that is left. to pull on his end while "A" "X" and tell perso n at end relea se his end. ually perso n at end "B" will event e When the slip knot becom es undon the key will be thread ed onto the cord! Arrow s in Fig. 8 show the direc tion of pull. A cord is bette r and easie r to handl e than a ribbo n. The cord shoul d be four feet long or longe r.


Fig. 7

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