Al Mann - The Marks of Saint Germain

May 2, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapo n, WV 25422

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Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapo n, WV 25422

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red arcan e secr ets Thre e of the four teen thous and seven hund Sain t Germ ain by de t Coun the sough t a t the Temp le of Myst ery of aqui sitio n of the was ers seek the Coun t de Cagl iostr o and othe r s.' 'sign and ity ortal much gold and how to make it, imm d neve r die, Saint -Ger main , the 2000 year old wiza rd who woul at the same s hand both with who knew ever ythin g and could write rs said he was John time , was rumo red to be the Wand ering Jew. Othe ata. It is said stigm of art the He was mast er of the Bapt ist. arm and his of flesh the on e that a flam ing rod of fire wrot ages. produ ced blood red lette rs and mess The sign of the cros s appe ared He was bless ed by 'touc hes. ' e colo r! whit on the palm of his hand in a holy s that were One can only wond er what was writ ten in the book ago. The s year and thous two burne d by Sain t Paul at Ephe sus some was not erase d. magi cians burne d their book s but their memo ry whic h they were for s trick They sure ly did not forg et their pet know n. s of St. We can safe ly say that what we know abou t the MarkWall at The On ting Writ Germ ain was conte mpor ary with the Baby lonia . ry mediu ms. The art has surv ived and was know n by 19th centu hic energ y psyc of lay disp It appe ars that this amaz ing and bizz are otten by pres ent day has been sadly overl ooke d and all but forg Mira cle Work ers. feats of We, the mode rn day illum inatt i dupl icate the Saint -Ger main thus ly: writi ng, calle d abou t skin alrea dy know s The read er then sprin kle it and rm You damp en your left forea derm ograp hy. your forea rm on rs lette Dry off the skin and write with salt. minu tes you few a r Afte with your thum b nail pres sing down hard . ar blood appe rs lette the rub your forea rm with your righ t hand and



This work s best with ligh t skin perso ns.

What the sitte r sees : The Myst ery man clean s his "SIGN S!" over his left hand s dry and then plac es a clean and exam ined slate righ t hand and his with palm . He then pick s up a piece of chalk slate in full view plac es a chalk mark on the top surfa ce of the good spir its to the es invok The Myst ery Man then of the sitte r. whit e mark is same the , slate the show him a sign . Upon remo val of ! seen on the skin of the left palm s can be used . The test may be repe ated and two and three mark the hand and even Whit e mark s can be made to appe ar on the back of the sign of the test l fina a as And on the palm of the sitte r! left palm . hic's Psyc the on ars appe s Cros both) give PREPARE: By havin g your wife or girl frien d (or to a mediu m ed trimm be must you a mani cure. The finge r nails red rathe r than leng th. Not too shor t and not too long . Squawith whit ing, so nails r unde the Have the ladie s trea t poin ted. s look dece nt and well groom ed. hand your that ent. From From the drug store get a tube of zinc oxid e ointms of whit e stick some and chalk your stati oner y get some soft corr ectio n chalk . a black book . You will also need a slate or a slate flap , or Any cove r will es. Thes e shou ld cove r your hand , abou t 7 by 9 inch a slate . use ld shou you , do but since you are using chalk or whit e BEFORE THE SHOW: Fill up with zinc oxid e ointm ent of both hand s. corr ectio n chalk the spac es unde r your fing erna ils your fing ers will Clea n off any exce ss with a pape r napk in and rime nt in priv ate expe ld shou er The read look the same as befo re. use. Some very soft chalk will do the to od meth best the see to tr ick also . finge r of your NOW THE ULTRA SECRET: If you curl up the ring dig it into and ed) hand left left hand (or righ t hand if you are be a whit e will there er, fing your left palm and then remo ve the and 2. I Fig. See ! long mark left on your palm abou t 3/4 inch

Fig. 2

Fig. I


NOTE: The mediums used soft chalk insteasd of the zinc oxide. Soft chalk works also except that the zinc oxide ointment never fails and makes a solid mark. The reader should try using soft chalk and use what suits him best. You should only pepare as many finger as needed. For making the marks one to three, for example, prepare only the fingers of your left hand or the right handed if you are lefthanded. A little practice will teach you just how much zinc oxide ointment to use and just how much to press your nail into the palm. Sometimes a light pressure is best as it will leave a solid white mark. THE TEST: Speak to the sitter about stigmata and how the saints bled from mysterious wounds in the hands and feet. You may show the sitter some blood writing. Offer to try something strange and proceed to do te Marks of Saint Germain. First make only one mark appear on your left palm, Fig. 2. If you intend to repeat the effect use first the little finger to make the first mark appear. NOTE: THE PREPARED FINGER ONLY BE USED ONCE.



Repeat by making three marks appear using the index, middle and ring fingers, Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

TO MAKE THE MARKS APPEAR ON THE SITTER'S HAND: Prepare the left thumb with soft chalk. (Do not use zinc oxide as the sitter may discover your secret.) Take the sitter's right hand with your left hand BUT keep the thumb tip hidden behind her hand. Do not flash the thumb nail. Do a bit of palm reading and then take the sitter's right hand and hold it pressing your left thumb into her palm and cover her hand right away with the slate. The mark is left on the sitter's palm and the deed is done. TO MAKE THE MARK APPEAR ON THE BACK OF YOUR LEFT HAND. Use the right middle finger to place the mark on the back of your left hand in the act of covering the hand with the slate. You and the sitter expect the mark to appear in your palm BUT to your surprise the psyhvic forces propelled it to the back of your hand! NOTE: When you show the mark on the back of your hand, curl your fingers into a fist so that the finger tips are not seen. Never give the sitters a chance to solve the mysteries.


palm of your THE CROSS: The cros s is made to appe ar on the of the left r finge left hand by the use of two finge rs. The ring . hand and the firs t finge r of the righ t hand e corre ction For maki ng the croo s it is bette r to use the whit chalk or a good soft chalk . the slate , cove r of Unde r clean , palm the n show afte r you have the into r finge ring curl your left the een betw e plac the at left palm head line and the life line . This That will make is show n in Fig. 2. Note that s. cros the one line of the line with "A" an the line forms life. of line the and of the head you , slate the ing hold Then while your of r finge t firs exten d the 4 and righ t hand as shown in Fig. to palm left the into dig it s show 4 Fig. s. cros the comp lete . slate the of side the unsee n

Fig. 4

The abov e move s are cove red by the slate . Hold the slate almo st vert ical in fron t of the sitte rs line of sigh t and alrea dy sitte r has that the state to be it found and slate the exam ined ng of maki the s hide n actio clean . This the make to you s allow and mark the firs t the of r finge ded exten the cros s with righ t hand behin d the slate . tion, you Since the slate is held in an almo st vert iacl posi is forme d s cros the will be able to see behin d it and see that time s few a s cros the corr ectly . Afte r you have prac ticed maki ng . palm your you will be able to do it with out look ing at

than the NOTE: The read er may find some thing bette r to use ent I am At pres zinc oxid e ointm ent. It is well to expe rime nt. . chalk soft using zinc oxid e and the


Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon, WV 25422

'7oacne.&, ste~~




Steve Shaw of Houston Texas, is well known worldwide as one of the stars in Randi's Alpha Project Sting. Steve is in the big league when it comes to metal bending. In fact he is the best. Steve and family visited the AME Estate and confided in me that he is bringing in mega bucks doing seance work. Steve is a Medium that excels in dramatising his magic in the seance room in a most impressive manner. He performs "touches" in all his shows. Thirteen shut-eye seekers sit around the seance table. Steve preforms all manner of weird tests especially the Land D test done in a trance with tears and sobs, trembling, fainting, etc. Among the tests, he performs ntouches. n One person is chosen and is told to close his or her eyes and to keep them closed until the test is over. (Let's call this person #1). Steve makes passes over the person and also hypnotic suggestions. Passes are made over the head, shoulders arms and hands, the back and the front of the body. Steve sort of dances around the person jumping from left to right and back again, prancing dramatically to the morbid delight of the rest of the sitters. Then he runs to the opposite side of the table. Touches the person there twice on the shoulder so that all the sitters can see. Next he makes most dramatic gestures with his arms and hands and body, of throwing his psychic energies at person #1 across the table. He then asks the #1 person in a loud voice. "Did you feel anything. nYes!n says No.1 person. nI felt two taps on my shoulder." Weird? Of course! What the sitters did not see was that Steve, while making passes around the #1 sitter manages to touch him or her twice on the shoulder without anyone else being aware of it 5

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