Al Mann - The Lexicon Phenomena

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The Lex!. i- c o il Phenomena




Tel. (201) 4)1-2429


THE NEW tEXICON PHENOMENA FOREWORD The Lexicon Phenomena test was presented at the M.A.E.S. convention in Atlantic City in 1977. It stunned the audience but no one believed what they saw. They said that the spectator was a confederate. In Columbus, Ohio, a lady fainted while mentalist Bobby Hughes performed his expert presentation of the Lexicon Phenomena. The system used in the LP test has already been applied to a number of foreign languages. One foreign power confiscated the LP and no doubt studied it as a possible weapon in espionage. Imagine two foreign agents communicating in code by the use of a dictionary and without knowing or coming near each otherl Take heed, Gentlemen, the Lexicon Phenomena is great. Do not undersell it and above all do not expose it. It is the duty of every mentalist to entertain his audiences with baffling feats of deep mystery and the Lexicon Phenomena is a good start.

Many thanks, for their well wishes, advice and assistance in perfecting the Lexicon Phenomena, tOI Ralph S. Athey, Larry Becker, Art Emerson, Karl Fulves, Mario Graziosi, Bobby Huges and John Smetana and all the subscribers to the AME series for their kind comments. nts. l/l/kt mns. r/t/kl bk j/tf/kf




Tel. (201) 43102429 POST OFFICE BOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728

THE NEW LEXICON PHENOMENA COPYRIGHT by Al Mann Exclusives Compliments and congratulations are in order for the buyer of this effect in his excellent choice of material. You have just bought a potent secret. A baffling brain buster. PLEASE KEEP IT A SECRET **** You have received an ungimmicked dictionary, a book of power words titled "Enrich Your Word Power" and this book of instructions. Only the new buyer will know the secret, because only the owner will have the key to the mystery, which is the prompter list with the code numbers! The dictionary and the book of power words are useless without the 'key.' THE EFFECT. One, two or three spectators are asked to secretly choose words from a book that contains thousands of words. They may take the book into another room, or into another city to choose their words. They need not write or repeat the words to anyonel Immediately the mentalist divines one of the words, without anything being said by the spectators. The performer instructs the other two spectators to look up the meaning of the other two words in a dictionary in order to assist the performer is this most difficult test. The mentalist divines the words although nothing has been written or said and the performer has never approached the spectators. The mentalist has cautioned the spectators to keep a good distance away from himl all during the test. Gentlemen, this is the strongest book test extant. The dictionary is totally ungimmicked and is not a specially printed dictionary. It is an ordinary dictionary that can be bought in stationery stores. As will be seen later, any other dictionary can be used in conjunction with the LP dictionary which means that the host or hostess can furnish their own dictionary to be used in the test. THE SECRET OF SECRETS. Since nothing has been written or said, the mentalist has no way of telling what words have been secretly chosen BUT amazingly enough, the spectators themselves tell the mentalist what their choice was by unknowingly coding the words to the mentalist by a 'body language' that only the mentalist can interpretl The performer therefor, must be in a position from




where he can see what the spectator is doing as he looks up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. Much depends on the performer's eye sight. 10 feet is a good distance to be away from the spectators but 30 feet or more is also possible. In order to understand the method we must first get acquainted with the secret prompter list and its code numbers that only the performer knows about and your audience will never see as this list is hidden on your person. Fig. 1 shows a small section of the prompter list. code numbers.!l

list number ~

2343 135. divot, rattler, vainglory 2344 136. dory, razz, valet Fig. 1

The four-digit code numbers in your prompter list are the important ones. Code number ~343 will tell you that the spectators have secretly chosen the three words on line number 135 in the "Enrich Your Word Power" booklet. The first person chose the word "divot" the second person chose "rattler" and the third person chose "vainglory." Only the first two spectators need ~ook up their chosen words as once the performer knows the correct first two words he will also know the third word! The 'list' numbers that appear in the booklet are of no value to the mentalist and must be ignored in the presentation as the lines of words are repeated under different list numbers. Each numbered line in the booklet has three or more words to it. Some lines have 4 words. In the presentation, the number of words per line is never mentioned. The spectators are instructed to think of the line and all the words on it only. THE CODE NUMBERS: The first digit of the code number is all important. In Fig. 1, the first digit is a "2."· The first spectator codes this first digit to the performer (without' knowing it, of course) as soon as he opens the dictionary to look up his word. In this case the performer notices that the spectator has opened the dictionary to section "2" (as will be explained shortly) and therefor the performer knows that the three words will appear in section "2" of the prompter list and immediately removes that section of the list from his pocket in the act of taking out a small writing pad to make notes. A TRIAL RUNs Let's take a case in sample. We will use three spectators and designate them as No.1, 2 and 3. They have secretly chosen a line in the booklet and we do not know at this time what line they have chosen.



A TRIAL RUNI cont ......... . Performer informs spectator No. 3 that he already knows the word he chose as it came to him in a flash and that he will shortly tell him so please dismiss it out of his mind. When spectator No. 1 is told to look up his word in the dictionary he will open up the book to one of the five sections as shown in the diagrams in Fig. 2.


Section 1, The bulk of the pages of the dictionary are to your left with only a few pages to the right (12 or less). The spectator is looking up his word in the first section of the dictionary. The diagrams are as seen by the performer. Section 21 About 3/4 of the pages are to the left and 1/4 to the right.


Section 31 The pages are equally divided left and right at about the center of the book. Section 4, 3/4 of the pages are to the right and 1/4 to the left. Section 5. This is the opposite of Section 1, with the bulk of the pages to the right and just a few pages to the left. Here the first word is in the last section of the dictionary. There is no way to mistake the various sections of the dictionary. They are very easy to spot as will be seen in actual practice.

Fig. 2

All the words in have been chosen five sections of tionary, and can not be found in any other parts except sections as indicated in Fig. 2.

the booklet from the the LP dicin these



AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE cont . . . . . .

Spectator No. 1 has of course been instructed to think of only the first word in the line and spectator No. 2 to think of the second word, etc. Let's assume that spectator No. 1 has opened the dictionary to section 4. Before he finds his word to read the definition, the performer already knows what section of the prompter list to take out of his pocket. In this case, the performer takes out section 4. This section has all the code numbers that start with 4 and are in the 4000 series. Performer opens his note pad and secretly jots down the digit "4." GETTING THE SECOND DIGIT OF THE CODE NUMBER. Fig. 3 shows a book opened to the center section so please disregard that as it has been drawn to designate the second digit only. When spectator number 1 finds his word, it will be in one of these four sections. Sections 1 and 2 are on the left hand column of the left hand page and section 3 and 4 are on the right hand column of the right hand page. You will be able to tell where Fig. 3 the spectator is reading the definition of his chosen word quite easily, but if there is doubt then the performer can resort to the following two ruses. 1. Mentalist Mario A. Graziosi of Mt. Ephraim, N.J. recommended the use of a six-inch red ruler. This is given to the spectator and is told to please place the ruler under the definition of the word and concentrate on it. About one inch of the ruler will stick out and give the exact cue. Book marks can also be used .. When the book is closed the cue is quite clear. 2. Mentalist-author Larry Becker tells the spectator to draw an imaginary line under the word with his finger tip. Let's assume that spectator No.1 has found his word in section 3 of the page. Performer now writes the digit 3 to the right of the first digit 4 and he now has two digits, "43-". In order to complete the 4-digit code number the performer must get two more digits. These he will get in the same fashion as the first two, when spectator number 2 looks up the definition of his word. Let's assume that spectator No. 2 opened the dictionary to section 1 and read the definition of his word in section 2 of the page. Performer now has the 4-digit code number of



A TRIAL RUN. • ....... cont .•..... "4312." Performer checks the section of the prompter list in his hands and reads next to 4312. rein, amnesia, numerator From there the performer can proceed as desired. He can tell the third spectator his word first, etc. Do not be surprised if someone starts a bonfire after that. THE RECAP 1. Three spectators are asked to secretly choose one line of words. 2. Spectator #1 is told to look up his word. He opens the dictionary to section 4. Code No. 4 performer writes down ------3. Spectator #1 reads the definition of his word in section 3 of the page performer writes down


4. Spectator #2 opens the dictionary to section 1 performer writes down ------


5. Spectator #2 reads the definition

of his word in section 2 of the page performer writes down



6. The 4-digit code number is now complete. Performer

refers to his prompter list to get the three chosen words.

PLEASE NOTE. Refer back to Fig. 3. This shows the dictionary as it is seen by the spectator. In order to get the correct code number the performer must judge the section of the page by looking from the opposite side. The spectator's upper-left is the performer's upper-right, etc.




THE DICTIONARY CAUTIONI Do not use any othe r dicti y in place of the LP dicti onar y that came with this effeonar ct. The LP dicti onar y is the COLLINS-WORLD Web ster's New World Dict iona ry Scho ol and Offic e Edit copy right 1974 by Willi am Coll ins and World Publ ishin gion, Co. Inc. All the words in the "Enr ich Your Word Power" book let were taken out of the abov e ment ioned dicti y. A grea t deal of work and expe rime ntati on was done over aonar numb of year s to perf ect the effe ct. Much care was used to makeer sure as to the accu racy of the word s. For exam ple, care was used in selecti ng word s whose defi nitio n did not spil love r from one page to the othe r or from one column to the next so that spec tator when read ing the defi nitio n of his chos en word the need not turn the page or go from one column to the next . If the read er uses any othe r dicti onar y that may resem ble the LP dicti onar y he will fail badly occa ssion ally, so why take a chan ce. When anot her dicti onar y is used as expla ined late r, it must be used in conj unct ion with the LP dicti onar y. Dict iona ries that look exac tly like the LP dicti onary and publ ished by the same company but in a diffe rent will caus e failu re since the cont ents of the dicti onar ies year chan ged with every new publ icati on. The 1974 issue of the are dicti onar y as ment ioned abov e is diffe rent from the 1967 LP and 1971 issue s of the World Publ ishin g Co. whic h sold , 1970 to Coll ins in 1974 , altho ugh they look exac tly alike . out THE "ENRICH YOUR WORD POWER" BOOKLET This book let cont ains over 3600 word s in 1200 line s. Each line cont ains 3 words or more. A few lines cont ain four word s. However, only the firs t 400 line s orig inal. Thes e are the same 400 line s that were used in are the orig inal Lexi con Phenomena effe ct, exce pt that a third word has been adde d to each line . Thes e orig inal 400 line s have been ated twice more in the book let to make the 1200 lines BUT repe the repe titio ns have been disg uised as follo wsl Line No.1 is repe ated as lines Nos. 426 and 837 Line No. 2" " "" " 427 and 838 etc., etc. Line No. 26 is also line No. 401 and 812 Line No. 27 is also line No. 402 and 813. etc. All page s appe ar diffe rent to the unsu spec ting eye. In orde r for the spec tator to disco ver any dupl icati on of line s he




THE "ENRICH YOUR WORD POWER" BOOKLET ....... cont. • .•.• would have to study the booklet at length. The performer must, of course, retrieve the valuable booklet when the effect is over and not leave it for minute inspection in the hands of the spectators. The effect is so strong, that no suspicion will be directed at either of the two books used or any of the proceedure used in the presentation. THE PROMPTER LIST The prompter list contains only 400 lines and 400 code numbers. So no matter what line the spectators choose from the booklet, that line will appear in the prompter list but perhaps not with the same 'list' number. You have received a number of copies of the prompter list in two sizes. Some buyers may have trouble reading the fine print so the prompter list is also sent to you in regelar size letters. World famous mentalist Ray Hafler of California, who is a pen pal of the author, and who was the very first person to buy the LP, has come up with what appears to be the very best way of utilizing the prompter list. Ray and the author use the following system. The prompter list is separated into five sections. Section No.1 includes all the code numbers from 1111 to 1454 Section No. 2 ------ 2111 to 2454 Section No. 3 ------ 3111 to 3454, Section No. 4 ------ 4111 to 4454 Section No. 5 ------ 5111 to 5454 Ray uses 5 leather card holders with note pads numbered from 1 to 5 and each containing a section of the prompter list respectively. These 5 card holders go into different pockets so that he can immediately reach for the correct section when the first spectator opens up the dictionary to look up the first word. The author uses 5 inexpensive pocket note books of the spiral-binding kind which go into different pockets as follows. Notebook No.1 goes into the right trouser's pocket No.2" " " left trouser's pocket No.3" " "right outside coat pocket No.4" " " left outside coat pocket No. 5 goes into the shirt pocket or breast coat pocket. As has been said before, the performer will have the correct note pad in hand before the first spectator has located his wordl NOTE. In your prompter list only, "lee" is the third word on line 6)."laureate " is the 2nd word on line 170.




MIRACLES ........ MIRACLES ....... MIRACLES USING ANY OTHER DICTIONARY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE LP DICTIONARY! II It will probably never happen--that anyone would challenge you to do the LP test with their own dictionary. unless that someone happen to be an envious magician. BUT to deepen the mystery and to cause plenty of after-talk you should suggest to the hostess to furnish her own dictionary for the test. Let's say that this has happened and that you are about to present the test. One or more spectators are asked to choose a line of words from the booklet. Then proceed as followsl Tell the second person to look up the meaning of the second word in the 'strange dictionary!' Now it so happens that any word found. for example. in the first section of the LP dictionary will also be found in the first section of any other dictionary! but not necessarily in the same section of the page. However all the performer does here is to note in what section of the dictionary the spectator has found the word. Let's say that the spectator has opened the 'strange' dictionary to the third section, the center of the book. In this case the performer writes down (secretly) the digit "3." This "3" will be used by the performer as the third digit of the 4-digit code number. Next tell spectator No.1 to look up his word, the first word. in the LP dictionary. From this spectator you will get the first two digits of the code number. Say that you got from the first spectator with the LP dictionary the digits "41." The performer now has the first three digits of the 4-digit code number AND THAT IS ALL HE NEEDS!! The performer has the digits "341-." And he has alse taken out of his right outside coat pocket the section of the prompter list that is hidden in the pocket notebook and which contains all the code numbers that start with the digit "31" Of course the performer knows where the second spectator found his word and the section of the page BUT he can not be sure of the 4th digit so he disregards it. Looking at his prompter list the performer sees the following four lines which are all together and all start with the digits "341-." 3411 3412 3413 3414

221. 222. 223. 224.

jumbo, Amen-Ra, dormitory khan, amoeba, domesticity kibbutz, Apocrypha, coeval kibitzer, amendment, codex

Gentlemen. the above four lines as used in this example were picked at random and as you can see the 'pumping' needed to discover what line of words is the chosen one is quite easy.



MIRACLES ......... cont, The performer tells the first spectator that his word starts with the letter "k" and chances are he will say "Yes!" That will of course eliminate the first line "3411." If by chance he had said no, then the performer knows that the chosen line is the first! Let's assume that he said, "Yes." Next tell the second spectator that his word starts with the letter "a." He will have to say yes to that one. Next tell the third spectator that his word starts with the letter "c." Chances are he will say yes but if he says "no" then you know the chosen line is the second one, etc. and etc. Amazingly enough, all the pumping and stalling makes the test appear genuine! HOW TO DO THE TEST WITHOUT THE DICTIONARY OR WHILE THE SPECTATOR LOOKS UP HIS WORD IN ANOTHER ROOM! Since the third spectator does not really have to look up his word because you already know it! you can do anything with him. He can be told to go into the next room and look up his word and read the definition silently and to tell you when he has finished and then you shout the word to him. This presentation can be and is a brain-buster! Or he is simply told to just think of his word without looking up the meaning. This is done before the other two words are revealed. When the third spectator looks up his word in another room be sure to use a "stranger" dictionary. USING A TINY POCKET DICTIONARY, Let us suppose that someone offers a paperback or pocket dictionary. Let us further assume that the pocket dictionary is a very tiny one with only a small number of words in it. So much the betterl And let's also suppose that the word the the second spectator is looking for in the tiny pocket dictionary IS NOT FOUND IN THE DICTIONARY! What then? SO MUCH THE BETTER! EXCELLENT! CUANTO LE GUSTA! etc. The spectator does not find his word in the tiny pocket dictionary BUT the performer saw exactly in what section of the book he was looking for his word! That is all the performer needs. That will give him the 3rd digit of the code number!!l The performer can now make a big deal out of it. He can say, "Well, forget the dictionary. Just think of the word." USING TWO STRANGER DICTIONARIESl If the host offers two of his dictionaries for the test, give these to spectators No. 2 and 3 and since there are no more dictionaries to go around,performer breaks out his own, the LP dictionary! to give to the first spectator!




THE PRESENTATION At first glance, the new reader will surmise that the Lexicon Phenomena effect is limited to the close-up and drawing room presentation. The author had the same impression at first but to date the LP effect has been presented from the stage many times and in many ways. The author has presented the LP test from the stage in its entirity. However the author's favorite presentation is as follows. Before the show approach three spectators, preferably some young and lovely ladies, and ask them if they would consent to take part in a unique test of thought transferance. To date, no one has refused this interesting opportunity. They are then told to choose one line of words secretly and to look up the words in the dictionary. They are to keep both books until after the test is completed from the stage. They are cautioned not to tell their words to anyone nor to write them down. They may however, make a small pencil mark next to the line in the booklet for quick reference if needed. During the presentation, the performer never mentions the use of the dictionary nor the special booklet and he emphasizes the fact that the chosen words have not been written down or told to anyone and that the words only exist in the minds of the participants. Many in the audience will not believe what they have just witnessed, so the performer can read more minds by saying, "Some of you are thinking that the persons taking part in this unique and difficult test are somehow in consort with me but I will assure you that they are not and if you wish I can repeat the test." etc. Quite often some spectators wish to see a repetition just to satisfy themselves and you can be sure that if the effect is repeated with the persons requesting it they will be the best advertisement for your talents. Tips on Presentation The excuse for having the words looked up in the dictionary are as follows. "I can assure you that I haven't the slightest idea what words you are thinking about. I can only discover your secret choice with your help. I beg you to assist me by looking up the meaning of the word in the dictionary so that I can get the gist of it." Occassionally a person will say, "I already know the meaning of the word." The performer replies,"I am sure that you do, but I do not. If you look up the meaning I can get some mental cues as to what the word is." When the person looks up the word and after he has closed the dictionary, you may say, "That was quite clear. You see, that is a lot of help. I could tell the Greek root."




Tips on Presentation ..•...... cont. Always be sure that there is plenty of good light where the test is to be presented. The dictionary has some fine print that is hard to read. Always do the test with young people that will no doubt have good eye sight, or with a person wearing glasses. Be careful among groups that can not read. Some young people today do not know how to use a dictionaryl THE PREDICTION. The LP test can be performed like a prediction. Once the performer knows the words he can write them up secretly and place them inside a chest etc. with yesterday's date. THE MIRROR IMAGE. Occasionally you will have someone challenge you by turning their backs or have you turn your back. This has already happened. In that case you will have to rely on a mirror reflection. The mirror image will come to you reversed. In the mirror it will appear like the person has opened the book to the first section when in reality the book is opened to the last or 5th section. If he is looking at his word in the upper left, it is really the upper right. The owner will have to practice to perfect this technique. The new owner will have to perform the LP test a good dozen times before he becomes at ease with it and knows exactly how to proceed. The more the test is done the better it will appear to the public. It is best to do the test with a person that is sitting and facing you.A person that is standing usually turn their backs to you. BEWARE THE PIRATES Information has been received that a thief in Detroit is duplicating the LP and selling it for $20.00 The xerox copies are deplorable and it is a wonder that anyone buys them. Only the following magic dealers are authorized to sell the Lexicon Phenomenal Micky Hades Int., Nelson Enterprises, Lee Jacobs, Bobby Hughes, Jeff Busby, O'Dowd Manufacturing and Magic Books by Post of England. If the printing looks blurred like a xerox copy you know it is a phoney.

12 Tel. (201) 431-2429 POST OFFICE BOX 144 •


v THE NEW LEXICON PHENOMENA A HISTORY "Do not build walls around yourself. Build bridges to your fellowman." A. U.

The idea for the Lexicon Phenomena grew out of a simple book test done with a deck of cards. The spectator is asked to choose any card from the deck and to add a zero to its numerical value to arrive at a page number. The spectator next opens the book to that page and concentrates on the first word, sentance etc. The performer without knowing the page number chosen can divine the word. The card could have been a force or the performer could easily tell what card was chosen, however by using only certain cards and eliminating others the performer could easily tell exactly where the book was opened to! Eventually a list of words was substituted for the deck of cards and a two-digit code used. The spectator was given a choice of one in 20 words to look up in a dictionary or one in 20 pages to turn to. Telling a person which one of 20 words he is thinking of is a miracle in itself, however when a second word was added to each line and the spectator was told to look up two words instead of one, the dam broke and the spectatol' was deluged with choices. He now could choose any line of two words of 400 lines and a total of 800 words! This idea was discussed with Richard Himber in the Esssex House in NYC in early 1960 and he conceeded that it was a great idea indeed. I t was then only a thought. The tremendous amount of work involved in carefully choosing the words and making the code was not realized until the work on the idea was started in earnest in May 5th 1971. The whole concept was finally finished in rough copy in 1973 John Smetana, banker and master magician who commands a high fee for his performances and is a member of the AME think tank, was the first to witness the presentation of the Lexicon Phenomena in rough. His very first words after seeing the effect were, "Don't sell it. It is too damn good." However, in order to make one LP effect we were forced to make a number and keeping in mind the quotation at the head of this page, the Lex. Phen. was prepared for sale. This decision has never been regreted since the effect has met with great favor and the author has made some excellent friends all over the world.

13 AN AL




cont .

g comIn Augu st of 1974 , The Colli ns-W orld Publ ishin ies. The dicpany was cont acted for a deal on the dicti onar in Octo ber of tion aries were boug ht in Septe mber and rece ived LP was based on the 1974 . The ori~inal list of word s for the dicti onar y whic h Worl d Publ ish1n g comp any's 1970 copy of the repu blish ed. An exhad now been boug ht by Will iam Coll ins and entir of word s amin ation of the new book reve aled that the whiceh list alike look had to be revis ed since the two dicti onar ies were very diffe rent . lly sent The list of word s and instr uctio ns were fina were used s to the prin ters. Two sepa rate prin ters in two , state was ready LP the in orde r to prot ect the secr et. By early 1975 icapubl for l and the ad was sent to the Link ing Ring in Aprihed was uct prod finis tion in June , 1975 . At the same time , the er's bear Pall taken to Karl Fulv es who was then edito r of the prod uct and he Revie w. Karl was the firs t to see the finis hed offer ed to revie w imme diate ly appla uded the amaz ing conc ept and it. " test , a dict1. onar J t tor free~Y has perfe Gted h a Spec seen. 1'~e Test: Al Mann e t and , ary ask.ed OY\S t' ect r d.l. t U' tion •• 1. nueS N re.os and est A~' Mann l.C ~eals 0 ~ the~ the stron g d' VOly re ,. t ateS on t one of , ~ et he i~~e ~a d conce n r that loS i . ve belie y , tator spec -o words an , ~ 'C, "ou can ~d N.J. 077"8. the '" as t we ~ J l.n ad the cheS pproa chOOS ehO • Fre e, -plac seen e 1! you'~ perforrr~er ne"er a t 11 woods tock. hosen ~ords. Al Mann a the t~O c ~ "1.0 Or de r r r om price ~./ •


1 es BoJt _Karl Fu "


Teane ck., N. •

076 66 -

(Above flye r was put out by Karl Fulv es in May 1975 ) auth or On May 11th , 1975 . a lette r was rece ived by the Ring sayin g that from the adve rtisi ng depa rtme nt of the Lipk ing msta nces , etc. they could not publ ish the ad unde r the circu out At abou t the same time the abov e Fulv es Flyeonr came gth stren the LP and west coas t men talis t Ray Hafl er orde red the exself of the ad. The follo wing lette rs of corre spon denc e are plan atory .

International Brotherhood of Magicians Through its official Publimtio-II "The Lillking Ring" It Links the World

14 Kentoh, Ohio 43326 May 8, 1975

International President

CHARLES LANTZ 1st International Vice President

WILLIAM PRESTON 2nd International Vice Pr~ident


Al Mann Box


Freehold, NJ


International Secretary

IRVING M. LEWIS International Treasurer

THOMAS M. DOWD Executive Committee


ARNOLD DRENNEN Rinll' Co·Ordinator


Dear friend: We had your full page ad scheduled for the



There is no question about CLIP LINE. However, the Lexicon Phenomena has raised a few questions. First, - -it is claimed to be the 'Mental Bombshell for '75', yet it iE claimed Richard Himber praised it 15 years ago. Where has it been for 15 years? Himber is dead - -and was a musician primarily. The implication is that it's a "new" effect in spite of the disclaimer in the 15 year old Himber quote. Also, 530 is a lot of potatoes today for a dictionery trick or test. We don't know - -it may be the greatest effect yet, but?

Linkinll' Rinll' Editor

HOWARD BAM MAN Vice President, Australia

MAURICE ROOKLYN Vice President, Belll'ium

CLAUDE ISBECQUE Vice President, Great Britain

PAUL GRAHAM Vice Prelident, Canada

MICKY HADES V ice President, France

1.. V. ST ARASELSKI Vice President, Germany

WERNER HORNUNG Vice President, India

For the above reasons we are asking for a sample for John Braun's Reviewn If John can give it a good plug, we'll be glad to run the page ad in a future issue. You would'nt believ~ it, but we get all kinds of abuse when a member buys an effect out of the magazine and it is different than from what he believed it was advertised to do. Hence, we are careful when accepting effects like the one described in your ad. If it everything you state it is great and we want our members to have it. But, people in the production end of the IBM, such as myself, are neither great magicians or mentalists. We can only go on what we read. So, please send a sample for John Braun's Review and after his review he will advise us if we should use the ad copy as submitted.

G. P. APP ADURAI Vice President, Japan

MASATOSHI FUROTA Vice President, Singapore

LIM HAP HIN Vice President, Sweden


Sorry about the delay •• if John says the effect is great you will get a double ae at no additional cost - - -the one submitt!d plus a review in John's monthly column.

;;;;~ yours,




5/19/75 Thomas M. Dowd Advertising Manager, Linking rting Dear Mr. Dowd, Am enclosing a xero~ copy of a circular just put out by Karl Fulves, editor of the Pallbearers Review. I did the Lexicon Phenomena test to Karl a few weeks ago after I had sent you the AD. He said it was great, and when I finally revealed the secret, he flipped since anyone can do it with a few seconds of study I

Mr Fulves review is good enough for me. If you considered it sufficient then PLEASE RUN THE AD otherwise return my mony and we'll remain friends. HIMBER

I agree with you that the titm-w referrence looks incongruous. You say that Himber was primarily a musician. I knew him as the greatest inventor and manufacturor of brilliant magic and mental effects. He sold his effects through the "Giluacs Unlimited" outlet from the Essex House. His ads appeared for many years in the Genii until his death. Himber put out a dictionary trick in the late SO's called "For Professionals Only" and sold for $20. Only a handful of men could work that effect so it was properly named. I visited Himber at the Essex house for a number of years. I discussed the Lexicon Phenomena principle with him. At that time it was only an idea and I had not yet named it. It has been my exclusive property for all these years together with many other subtle secrets including one book test that I would have to sell for over $200. I am very proud of the Himber referrence BUT I WILL DELETE IT FROM THE AD since I agree with you that it is open to question. I named the effect the bombshell of 75 be.ause I am just now releasing it. I also agree with you in that Ads deceive readers, BUT THAT IS ONLY BECAUSE READERS GIVE TH~IR OWN INTBRPRETATION TO THE ADS. I f they study the ad carefully and not expect to buy miracles for peanuts they would have nothing to complain about. I have never seen or heard a professional magician or mentalist complain about some effect he bought. ONE I1AN'S FOOD IS ANOTHER'S POISON. When professional magician's like Himber, Fulves, Meyer, Smetana just to name a few !raise my effects, I will not worry when an amateur does not recognize it.


Y s e l rt. o , nd m a r e g ht n i i n o , Dausn a liho.... r g1 2 / 2 2 / 7 4 s o l s F l " A n i o t u pt aek eonr o r .Toe. Hse. I t was t a k e nnaenos a t h i s P a s i d P i c t u I 'e o e E n c leo s el a r P i c tlur r w t t h e onJ.y s o r e r e e s o h P t . e 0 1s2 '3 tY '!'his was and h e 1 0 ? e d ntnoinge r andam n u d o n D • e d the en. h e dni aeme i s A l l emann howmh.e s i e h d t S a d e p r e s s e dp r i n t be m i m a My s t a g I a c t 1t s You r e t u s e t o r e h t d n r a redible tha ur l es t tSe o Y inc ioht ow i l l r h O o r w t u d o x n e Y u n " py Thtahnki n k t h e a d sO it. O lIi p" 1L1i1n es e n d a c o ' I e p U u S o Y e e ni nge e r r e c t . that " Olheiaplald a . L t u o t C h u nmaitl t i l lhenep Io rsiU i b g I W not to s t 1 h w n o t o i n s d u i e c beohna dadr a .T rinal de r u . o a Y n e r m 1 o heanr t myPp e. xoi cno n L g e n h i T l e r e ahda rrdo p r i n t t hNeo



!:rom Ray a n e n a n e h e n P e LeXico gth or th h n t e r r t o s r e r h de J u s t on t e d an o r ? t i i e t c h e r g r e U t P.s • .TUS . i a . He bO .FHuaJ.rVle 8 Aodr C a l i r o r n t e a tO: t h . , t o rdowt hn i atft~i.: 1t, d o n : ' ~ h ; CO u c I D a _ t _ s ' : o ; h h t t t r o n . a . la M . ld not thod is \:::\ucu o theu 1 t

l r eegadrdo.yu A n dtsbad tshat e_ t

I quoatio,,~.~ d

the . . _nu- _ d i d n 't irol, t 's B : : : A l M a n ni n t Rilll!. I t e a n d c o u e o t it a d 1 YO a OJ" s n t o a n e s i b1 d O D ., a n : i o t I s ..i d n l d n g p . t . u a t h t h a t i t and p a i i a L . o o n l l P o c t - •nst w . . . . . . . d it r i c k w a s d . Tho 1 c o. . • tho . h..e.. t h o . & p 1 .t e 1 n for t w o h r o a:io i t ' . ther h 1 III! d 0 w 0 o ic t how ': C h nOY t . . l oa •g • :t. l .z o d .... a e n t a l i 'l a , 1 I i t h c a r d inc- t o a n aaw.a.r. . .t .h.aa D6 t o " : l b u t l a s el - thhuao 1 1 p l •• : : : p r i c t : r a g . o n e utn or! Y o u 'l ....... . , oo rs i nocx r . . o . . f . . . . c p . a . o o . b h th i n . t t c • •c.a.. . . t s( a . . me. ti aocurni p n a e d m e r in th ut a boul er • t•ol fp. b u t


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a r.l i n1K ed 5 r 7 a 9 e p p t a s a dr o r .TUly 1 e v O b a Thec u t o r _ l



International Brotherhood of Magicians Through its official Pu(Jlication "The Linking Ring" It


the World

17 May 28, 1975 International President

CHARLES LANTZ 1st International Vice president

WILLIAM PRESTON 2nd International Vice President

&.LTER F. WILLIAMS, JR. International Secretar,.


AL MANN Exclusives Post Office Box 144 Freehold, NJ 07728 Dear Mr.

Mann :

International Treasurer

THOMAS M. DOWD Executive Committee


ARNOLD DRENNEN Ring Co·Ordinator

LEO M. COLEMAN Linking Ring Editor

HOWARD BAM MAN Vice President, Australia

MAURICE ROOKLYN Vice President. Belclum

CLAUDE ISBECQUE Vice President. Great Britain

PAUL GRAHAM Vice President. Canada

Appreciate your letter dated May 19th •• The full page ad will be in the July, 1975 issue to be mailed on or about June 26, 1975. I thot your letter was a bit on the defensive side, and I did not mean to place you in that position. We never 'refused' to publish the ad • • • it is only that to us you are a new advertiser and we want to make certain. That works both ways - - protects you and the masazine. You have no idea how many 'miracles' people want to offer to the magic p~ofession • • .a few slip by and do get into the magazine • • result is that we constantly 'run scared'. I suppose in retrospect what really raised the big question was the 'bombshell of 75' coupled with the Himber testimonial. We recall Himber quite well • • • • he advertised in this magazine under the 'G~mac6 Unlimited' name for many years. And he did produce some outstanding material • • and a very few 'duds'. He was one of the last of the great 'characters' of the magic world • • .and a pretty fair musician! So, we are in agreement on most points.

MICKY HADES Vice President. France

Hope the ad will


some interest from our members.

L. V. STARASELSKI Vice President, German,.

WERNER HORNUNG Vice President. India

G. P. APPADURAI Vice President, Japan

MASATOSHI FUROTA V icc President. Singapore

LIM HAP HIN Vice President, Sweden


For The Linking Rtng. PS: Now that it you fooled some I submitted the they wondered •

is allover, you may like to know that of the 'insiders' as well as this writer, as copy to several who claim to 'know' magic, and • •• so, I agree - - -The Lexicon Phenom is GREAT.



THIS IS THE MENTAL BOMBSHELL FOR '75 Etrect: Spectators look up tile mea.olDg of their freely claoaeD word. In a dicttOll&.l'Y. The performer who is I16vera.l feef; away clevlDetl tile worda! The principle .is new! It eclipses all other Dictionary or book tests! The effect may be repeated hundreds of times, each time wi1h different words! The spectators have a free and secret choice of hundreds of words! NOTHING 'IS USED BUT 'IHE DIC'lUONARY AND THE MIND. The performer OOES NOT KNOW WHAT WORD OR WHAT. PAGE THE SPECTATORS HAVE CHOSEN UNTIL THE END when the words are revealed.


ThiB ad never appeared in the Linking Ring!

The spectators need not write anything down. The spectators say nothing. They do not point to the word or underline or circle it. All !\hey do is read it and think! '!be performer does not touch the dictionary or rome near the spectators until the effect is over! Thls is not the first..word~~the-page effect. Nor the margin word. Nor the co\Dlt-to-the-word gimmick. Nor the rarld-the-nwnbers-on-1b.e-page ruse. The spectators do ,not use mathematics to arrive at .their word.

Here is the Bombshell! The entire contents of the dictionary from 1he first page to the last is entirely ungimmicked. Once you know the searet you can !J'Se any dictionary as it

Effect: Specta.tors look up tile. meaning of their freely chOll8ll words in a. dictionary. The performer who is several feet a.way devines the words! The principle is new! It eclipses all other Dictionary or book tests! '!be effect may be repeated hundreds of times, each time with different words! Too spectators have a free and secret choice of hundreds of words! NOTHING IS USED BUT TIlE DICTIONARY AND THE MIND. The perfonner DOES NCYr KNOW WHAT WORD OR WHAT PAGE THE SPECTATORS HAVE CHOSEN UNTIL THE END when the words are revealed. The spectators need not write anything down. The spectators say notNng. They do not point to the word or underline or circle it. All they do is read it and think! The performer does not touch the dictionary or come near the spectators until the effect is over! This is not the first-word-on-the-page effect. Nor the margin word. Nor the count-to-the-word gimmick. Nor the rarld-the-nwnbers-on-1b.e-page ruse. The speotators do not use mathematics to arrive at ,their word.

Here is the Bombshell! The entire contents of the dictionary from 1he first page to the last is entirely ungimmicked. Once you know the secret you can use any dictionary as it comes from the printers, or the thesaunJS.

'Ibis is a one-man effect that uses no confederates. You will be 1he only one who knows the secret. NOT SOLD THROUGH DEALERS. BY DmECI' MATI.... ONLY,. Here is what one man said about the Lexicon Phenomena. AI Mann has perfected a dictionary test that is the strongest and most direct I've seen. Karl Fulv88

postpaid -


ENA M O N E H ICON NPEXCLUSIVE X E L E H T AN ir f r e e ly AN A l M g of the


o is a n in the me performer wh p u k o The r s lo S p e c ta to a d ic t io n a r y . r d s ! : T C E F o F E in es the w words c h o s e n e e t a w a y d iv in r seen, f I' v e e v e I , . . . . M t s e h te t k f several o so N_ ba r e a te s t A l t o n l s h l n , the wor" is th e g e h a t " n e U,t.n to m l e ff e c t. Pheno t m e n ta dwlcle, N • .I. a e " le x ic o n o r e th a n $30," r g a n l o n . W.l n g ra ts o w o r th m st and v e r . C o , " 'r o f I n v o c .t le c y s tr o n g e p le a s e ll a c e " l li th l o u b f p ia o ll s n. "D is o n e h o n e c a clator o f . 11011 Lyn e s t th a t - n o m o r e p . te . . , y r h a 'u seen d ic ti o n R."I.w. r t e a r v . e t e _ " t v I I' . . t P. ir e c n e ." most d w it 's d o o h g in k as




a d w it h ntri~ue i a s en have be lo u s . ' . e a t. " w h e n , s o f th e m ir a c u t . r l o . C . n. . .e " It is G r r e b m e e n m n O e to r ," , r ll n e ot ve " I c a n n - w h ic h h a s o . G e r . l d 'u l t o b o m b s h cI. W e a ll y a . C r , tl is o o It m e th o d ollyw fe a ts . H l • • ta • n d e an uld b e th e m Tony '. r n . It 's te r r if ic , Sholn. . . . . a ts a ll e b , p " l. . r . o , Cc our l . P o u o n y h a r d Lyn, O n t y nal te la m y a rs e J . R 'c n g r a tu in o ." c n 0 o t 3 s p $ u a , N. we not ", m o w e r fu l . l . Mt. I p ,o l m 100 a n d p $ r a h fo c u ld so I have s M. O r o . 'o p p ly th e p r in c ip,le b e li e v e il l a . . ., t , " , '" c a n 't l e ff e c ts . e c t. I w , . , M l u '• •n , ff ta e n e d m o of go e exRo a v e r y ." ! I h a v th e is ld r it a w y d r is ti o n a " In d e e r y fr o m u t o f th m is h d ic s ti c ! O ls a n d m y s ter . c u s . , N . Y. ta n to a F le fa is y r il a te r ia l u r e , th h La l a r r• • I . very lp " Y o u r m d m u c h p le a s o R 's • •r y o r k in g It . P e c . l n w ie e r pe w I am d fo r th n. e n ." ch In d oite a n d r ig h t n oMo,lIng. I w. . . . le x . P h u m y r • U lf ou • d fo r in g th e Thank y , a m so g la ," fo r p u tt n e "• • d ! n e I d io d n s o e r e ( m Go ve b e c o m . . ., A I " 'r t o . w e d is h m . a r e to . w it h 0 S H u o y y e s th e le v d lc a M I. c . le e a t a n e t. " II ti r s . g ta le r n is e " It mark ju s t fa , J r ., Y U I . P e Is th n a o en n. l . P. P h e n o m L. Colt• •'r o (s e e th e x ic o n ta ti o n . n le d e s e e h r T p " to rs n e e on ." n e p e rs g). The s p e c ta a d a n d o a g a s p in g is e k in g Rin d o is r nomena c o n P h e75 issue o f th e li nth in g . A ll th e y . . . . , I H . " p .p . .l e L . h T y 9 , e J u ly 1 in g o r say a n . . . . . , . . • . . . , a d In th th .. y . . n . a . . e . n a t w r it ir e c t m o il o n ly yd th in k . B 2.

SIV1ES U L C X E • •1 AN4N o.... N . J h . . AL. oM " . . lox 1 4 P


j j j j j j j j j j j j j


Tel. (201) 431-2 429 POST OFFICE BOX 144 •


THE NEW LEXICON PHENOMENA APPENDIX The Lexi con Phenomena meth od has alrea dy been adop ted to seve ral langu ages . Mast er magi cian and hypn otist p.Ch risto pher sen ish vers ion from Buen os Aire s, Arge ntina is using a Spanthe AME of the LP and has grac ious ly sent a copy to list. pter prom offic es comp lete with Plea se note that in orde r to use a diffe renthaslanto ator guag e dicti onar y with the LP meth od, the oper lly tota s colle ct an entir ely new diffe rent list of word not do So s. word of list ish Engl the diffe rent from conju ncin attem pt to use a forei gn langu age dicti onar ynot work . tion with the LP dicti onar y beca use it will HOWEVER the follo wing supe r test is poss ibles onaAssume that you have two diffe rent langu age dicti pter prom ries comp lete with thei r own list of word s and 400 to 1 from lists . Have two perso ns decid e on a numb er t firs the up or 1200 what ever and instr uct one to look d secon the up word in his dicti onar y and the othe r to look rmer perfo The y. word of the chos en line in his dicti onaring that he has assum s word both e devin ly easi can then he can cons ult. that secre ted copi es of both prom pter lists r own "Enr ich thei at Both spec tator s are of cour se look ing age of langu the to Your Word Powe r" lists corre spon ding it is when en deep is the dicti onar ies in use. The myst ery rent diffe lly tota noted that the chos en lines cont ain of word s. The perfo rmer can insta ntly divin e othe r word s the same line I Flem ish Roge r Uiss iaen from Belgi um is work ing with a g a usin is en vers ion of the LP and Ulf Morl ing from Swed Swed ish vers ion. Inte rIf someone prep ares the test for use with the so copy a natio nal langu age "Esp erant o" plea se send us we can take on all chal leng ers.




Reader's Digest


It Pays to Enrich ~Your Word Power ------- By


~HESE woaos come from current reviews of movies. theater, dance, boob and

mwic. If some of the words arc new to you, take one or two each day and we them. A lawyer savc me the seem of his rich voca~: "I deliberately ovcrwc a word for a few days, and that helps me to mocmbcr it.' .

"ENRICH YOUR WORD POWER" 151. dissect, ladyship, rebound 152. dissemble, leatherneck, fa 153. diagonal, rabbi, rearmost 154. docket, racket, rationale 155. doctorate, raillery, rasp 156. doctrinaire, rally, ratic 157. dray, unicorn, quintuple 158. dread, xylem, Querulous 159. dreadful, wrapping, quill 160. dreadnought; ·un~sua·I, pun 161. irksome, affair, pu Imotor 162. jack, abroad, pulchritude 163. jackel, advise, puncheon 164. jackdaw, aeroplane, pulp 165. jimmy, demurage, overrule 166. jingle, denture, outflank 167. jumper, divulge, ornament 168. laminate, disrupt, oriole 169. lampoon, jingo, nuisance 170. knowhow, laureate, nugget 171. lattice, linseywoolsey, mi 172. leucocyte, lisp, nursery 173. listless, rambler, nozzle 174. litany, quartz, nocturnal 175. literacy, ratty, mnemonic 176. literal, ram, missi lery 177. loganberry, woodwind, mod 178. macabre, wig, miniaturize 179. manege, winding, lustrous 180. maneuver, wan, lugubrious 181. kiloliter, alliterate, ti 182. kilowatt, antipathy, luff 183. kilt, amazement, liturgy 184. kilter, airborne, lingual 185. kimono, denature, limbo 186. labiate, dovetai I, joiner 187. landlubber, edible, joust 188. laurel, effeminate, Jason 189. lava, jinni, irresponsible 190. lavalier·, jalopy, isotope 191. leeway, jest, isolation 192. lexicon, interstate, Isis 193. liable, reckless, intrude 194. lilliputian, reactor, sol 195. lilt, receipt, intuition 196. lubber, razor, inveterate 197. machination, watermark, do 198. majordomo, wattage, inter 199. manifest, whiting, intern 200. irrelevant, vary, humdrum

101. entangle, aborigines, grim 102. dentine, achieve, flamingo 103. despoil, acute, eradicable 104. despot, account, equipoise 105. diathermy, desideratum, en 106. distaste, despondency, era 107. distemper , digest, drachma lOS. distend, discourage, draft 109. distill, lightly, cynicism 110. dogmatism, liability, czar III. dogwood, lese, majesty, cub 112. Cupid, lissome, bushmaster 113. dovecote, rim, bushwhacker 114. dowager, roofing, blandish 115. dowel, rococo, biennial 116. drift, rouse, bigot, bier' 117. duke, wingspread, asbestos liS. dulcet, upend, ascensi on 119. dulcimer, wolfhound, ashen 120. dullard, whence, asphyxiate 121. demitasse, accountant, ark 122. demobil ize, adj udge, argot 123. derivation, actualize, zoo 124. drastic, aesthete, Zillion 125. devoid, deformity, Yahweh 126. devote, delectation, wroth 127. devotee, demise, worship 12S. digit, dubious, wizardry 129. digitalis, lovesick, vying 130. disciplinarian, lozenge, re 131. disclaim, luxurious, visor 132. disclose, lathe, visitant 133. displacement, ramekin, vie 134. disport, rangy, uttermost 135. divot, rattler, vainglory 136. dory, razz, valet 137. dossier, uncouth, validate 13S. draper, vise, uproarious 139. draught, unerring, upsi Ion 140. drastic, untutored, undue 141. demote, accrue, turbulent 142. empress, alma-mater, tunic 143. descry, actually, truculent 144. desecrate, aerosol, suture 145. desegregate, demure, survey 146. diagnosis, dentition, stun 147. dilute, derivative, stride 148. dimension, enmesh, realism 149. discourteous, lists, realm 150. eardrum, jog, rebellious


201. judicatu re, arthritis , hue 202. knight- errant, abridge , hag 203. knightly , ambassador, husk 204. laggard, allied, homonym 205. league, documentary, graze 206. leprocy, dejecte d, grenade 207. lesion, edict, gregarious 208. linotype , e.ffectual, grim 209. linseed, irk, fusi lade 210. lint, jaialai, fraudulent 211. involute , jester, fruga! 212 : luxuriat e, jiggle, format 213. magneti te, reply, excerpt 214. magneto, reconna isance, He 215. magnificense, redress, err 216. magnifi co, raze, expedie nt 217. mammon, virginit y, exploit 218. mammoth, wardroom, ethical 219. manacle , wastefu l, drama 220. marathon, unholy, dramatic 221. jumbo, Amen-Ra, dormitory 222. khan, amoeba , domesticity 223. kibbutz , Apocrypha, coeval 224. kibitzer , amendment, codex 225. kibosh, defray, coeducation 226. lament, dele, coincid ence 227. lather, edifice, bumptious 228. latitude , elf, bounteous 229. leathery , ironclad , bovine 230. letterhe ad, jaguar, bounty 231. list, Jesuit, asymmetry 232. lodger, jigger, astronomy 233. lodging, recite, astronaut 234. lyricist, reconno iter, apt 235. mandib le, redskin, ascribe 236. mandolin, reciproc ate, ark 237. mandrake, virginal , zenith 238. mandrill, wardship, zither 239. knotty, wastela nd, Zionism 240. marinat e, weedy, wrongful 241. reckon, antibio tic, yacht 242. referendum, amok, yardarm 243. re lay, apogee, wh i poorwi II 244. replica, androge n, wayward 245. responsive, deft, weanling 246. revivali st, despond, wharf 247. revoke, edify, warrantor 248. rile, elicit, waif, vulgar 249. rill, jumpy, vulgarian 250. rusk, jocular, vulnerable


251. route, jet, vivacious 252. rove, jig, vitiate, vivify 253. rusk, rime, utteranc e 254. russet, reproac h, Valhall a 255. sartoria l, resolve, ulster 256. sash, reciproc ity, twister 257. sashay, virtu, tympanum 258. scarab, vise, tumbledown 259. scow, vi lIainous, trolley 260. scowl, waltz, sustenance 261. refrain, archaeo logy, sty 262. relinquish, amnesty, stunt 263. reliquar y, Apollo, stupefy 264. relish, andante , stuming 265. reprisal , den, retaliate 266. rhapsody, diatonic , retard 267. rhea, edit, resurrection 268. rheostat , empress, retina 269. rhesus, junction , quaver 270. reprimand, jocund, queasy 271. rook, judicato ry, quibble 272. rookery, jabber, quatrain 273. rookie, salary, pulmonary 274. rubble, restrict, pulsar 275. sabot, revenge , pulverize 276. sabotag e, relax, pugilism 2n. satrap, UN ICEF, neophyte 278. shad, veterina ry, Neptune 279. ranger, unseemly, network 280. scrawny, violist, nestling 281 • reign, attribut e, nautilus 282. rein, amnesia , numerator 283. reso Iuti on, arrant, muck 284. reveille , apotheosis, muff 285. revel, dialect, mortician 286. sagacious, dioxide , morgue 287. sage, electron , mortuary 288. Sagittarius, empower, moss 289. sahib, loving cup, monger 290. sanitize , kaiser, monetary 291. sanity, judicial , legation 292. sans, jumble, legionnaire 293. scallion , scarce, lavender 294. scorbuti c, rip cord, largo 295. scorch, repaid, lascivious 296. senna, recital, kingfisher 297. shun, unwary, kindergarten 298. shunt, unity, kitchenware 299. simian, unseat, joumalese 300. simile, V.I.P., Jeopard ize

"ENRICH YOUR WORD POWER" 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350.

rural, apparent, jardiniere ruse, applicable, jamboree salamander, array, jeremiad sarcophogus, apparatus, jar sardonic, dissidence, jaunt sari, disfigure, jasper sarong, display, indegenous scapula, duchess, inductee scapular, kid, indoctrinate scourge, kale, industrial seismic, judiciary, indorse seismograph, lyricism, hoax seismology, refine, honeyed seize, refractory, homicide sensuous, reimburse, homage qualm, referee, histrionics shebang, ultraviolet, graft rakish, veteran, gradation sibyl, unaware, goalkeeper simulcast, violoncello, gar uncouple, apparition, glair unicorn, antipasto, goblin unicameral, arabesque, feud unwary, apparel, fetishism unvei I, dreary, fingerprint utter, disgrace, financier vassal, dose, firmament vesicle, emporium, Etruscan vertigo, log, euphonious vertiginous, infirmary, eta virile, keratin, etiquette vortex, lyric, excruciating voraci ous, scarcity, excess voodoo, saturate, dromedary wangle, pseudonym, doxology wane, prose, dramaturgy wander, umbel, domesticate whorl, veiled, domineering woodsy, unawares, costumer yore, untoward, countenance upbraid, archaic, cotillion warder, appl iance, coquette' vagary, antartic, cormorant vagabond, arcane, buttress vehement, duckbi II, bushing veil, disgorge, brotherhood vetch, drupe, blameworthy veterinarian, effective, ye veto, lamblack, aristocrat viscount, leeward, Argonaut

351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400.

viscous, kerchief, aromatic waddle, jiffy, armadillo wade, release, appointment wardrobe, scenery, appraise ware, renunciation, oquatic warfare, relativity, apathy warhead, umber, warmonger Whig, vehicle, wainwright wield, unbalanced, vulpine wiener, uncompromising, wag vine, appeal, vulgarize volatilize, applicant, waft vim, aqualine, visitation vindicate, arcade, vitality vindictive, duckling, vista voile, egoism, unmentioned wastrel, edging, umbilicus wheal, earl, umbrage, toxic windjammer, maneater, udder windlass, manicure, twinkle wolfram, kernel, tremendous wolverine, lira, tributary wrapper, seance, transi tory wrath, secede, transaction wreak, roughneck, surrogate wreath, replenish, superior yen, unconstitutional, Styx yeoman, undercoat, sturgeon wolves, unbecoming, stratus zoophyte, unconcerned, wake virago, archangel, republic voluptiary, antimony, resin voluptious, aqueous, repute wampum, alleviate, rescind walrus, earmark, resilient wand, ego, questionable Wedgwood, edgy, quadruped' wedlock, eaglet, putter wee, know-how, providence whoop, manifestation, prop whopper, magnetize, promote winery, love seat, offering Winesap, reckoning, offhand woodbine, secant, officiate woodchuck, roughshod, Norse woodcock, repine, normalize wright, uncounted, nonesuch wrinkle, undercurrent, neon yoke, unequivocal, Morpheus yokel, untruth, monasticism


451.. bantam, revise, rotunda 452. bassinet , waterlo gged, mid 453. basso, Zealous , midships 454. bassoon, weather glass, mill 455. bast, woodcu t, ministration 456. diminis h, adenoid s, lucre 457. diminut ive, afflictio n, lob 458. dimple, agreeme nt, lumbago 459. discredi t, aerospa ce, lunar 460. discrepe ncy, defraud , lurid 461. discreti on, delecta ble, lop 462. dissension ,demil itarize, la 463. dissent, demoral ize, j 011 ity 464. disserta tion, lamina, joist 465. disservi ce, marmoset, imply 466. docume nt, masseur, inflict 467. dodder, lamenta ble, hospice 468. dredge, sassafras, infringe 469. dregs, rubberiz e, heckle 470. ductile, roulette , helical 471 • earnest, roustabo ut, grace 472. efferves ce, utter, havoc 473. effete, veiled, haunting 474. efficaci ous, vanity, graze 475. effigy, varsity, grayling 476. ambidextrous, luxurian t, id 4n. ambient, maiden, ballerina 478. anarchis m, routine, embark 479. anarchi st, rubbish, former 480. anarchy , Sanskrit, formless 481. anathem a, rupture, limpid 482. anatom ize, wanderl ust, lobe 483. antagon ist, xylopho ne, lop 484. ante, ursine, lob, lordly 485. antebel lum, Yom Kippur, log 486. arcanum , abolitio n, putrid 487. arbutus, acetone , quadran t 488. arterios clerosis , actuate , lee 489. artery, addi ti ve, quadrat e 490. assimila te, doctrin e, serge 491 • assistan t, egocent ric, visa 492. accordi on, dorsal, whiplash 493. attire, duchy, whirlwind 494. avocati on, lofty, tolerabl e 495. avoirdu pois, lilac, timpani 496. avow, lintel, symmetry 497. baffle, lodge, syllabic ate 498. bagatel le, revive, sybarite 499. banner, sable, rotisserie 500. banshie , revelati on, ratter

01. affront, denude, refurbish 02. adjust, devolve , urbanize 03. adjure, demulce nt, recoup [)4. acetyle ne, latterly , vicar 05. adjudic ate, litter, wizard 06. affluent , loch, vista, tee )7. affluen ce, loft, telepath y )8. abrest, replete, cicatrix )9. a-Ia-kin g, reproba te, claw 0. alabaste r, resolute , codex I. alak, rigmaro le, coheran t 2. acetate , writ, flammable ,3. abscess, wattle, rotatory ,4. a -Ia -carte, volati Ie, urea 15. applaus e, viper, genufle ct 6. acclima te, aneniia , fillip 17. acclaim , antipho n, aseptic 8. ac tuary, apocryp hal, aspen 9. acumen , appall, calcimine W. advert, discreet , camisole ! I • agronomy, destinat ion, cam ~2. alkaloid , devotio n, remedy ~3. Amazon , diagram , garrulous ~4. amber, liter, guilloti ne 15. ambergris, loll, aldehyd e 16. abode, abolish, wrest 17. address ee, abrupt, viscid 18. abomin able, accesso ry, yep !9. accoute r, addle, monarchy 10. accretio n, diminuendo, yak II. adduce, easterly vital 12. affable, disciple , toll 13. allocate , discourse, retch 14. allitera tion, levee, pithy 15. airdrome Iiai son, homily l6. aestheti c, leprech aun, hop 37. adenoid , lettered , bizarre 38. aborigin al, rollick, chasm 39. accoute rments, rook, chute '0. occredi t, reve ill e tote 41 • allot, revile, touchstone 42. amenity , Virgo, succulent 43. Airedal e, Vishnu, siphon 44. amends, void, succor 45. anecdot e, volute, finesse 46. abrogat e, abomin ate, cynic 47. achene, Absalom, chemurgy adjunct , alkaloid , eremite J9. affray, alliance , contrive >0. alacrity , desicat e, indigo I





551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. 561. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 575. 576.

501. devote, delectation, wroth 502. devotee, demise, worship 503. digit, dubious, wizardry 504. digitalis, lovesick, vying 505. disciplinarian, lozenge, re 506.disclaim, luxurious, visor 507. disclose, lathe, visitant 508. displacement, ramekin, vie 509. disport, rangy, uttermost 510. divot, rattler, vainglory 511 • dory, razz, valet 512. dossier, uncouth, validate 513. draper, vise, uproarious 514. draught, unerring, upsilon 515. drastic, untutored, undue 516. demote, accrue, turbulent 517. empress, alma-mater, tunic 518. descry, actually, truculent 519. desecrate, aerosol, suture 520. desegregate, demure, survey 521. diagnosis, dentition, stun 522. dilute, derivative, stride 523. dimension, enmesh, realism 524. discourteous, lists, realm 525. eardrum, jog, rebellious 526. entangle, aborigines, grim 527. dentine, achieve, flamingo 528. despoil, acute, eradicable 529. despot, account, equipoise 530. diathermy, desideratum, en 531. distaste, despondency, era 532. distemper, digest, drachma 533. distend, discourage, draft 534. distill, lightly, cynicism 535. dogmatism, liability, czar 536. dogwood, lese, majesty, cub 537. Cupid, lissome, bushmaster 538. dovecote, rim, bushwhacker 539. dowager, roofing, blaCldish 540. dowel, rococo, biennial 541. drift, rouse, bigot, bier 542. duke, wingspread, asbestos 543. dulcet, upend~ ascension 544. dulcimer, wolfhound, ashen 545. dullard, whence, asphyxiate 546. demi tasse, accountant, ark 547. demobil ize, adj udge, argot 548. derivation, actualize, zoo 549. drastic, aesthete, Zillion 550. devoid, deformity, Yahweh


578. 579. 580. 581. 582. 583. 584. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. 595. 596. 597. 598. 599. 600.


literal, ram, missilery loganberry, woodwind, mod macabre, wig, miniaturize manege, winding, lustrous maneuver, wan, lugubrious kiloliter, alliterate, ti kilowatt, antipathy, luff kilt, amazement, liturgy kilter, airborne, lingual kimono, denature, limbo labiate, dovetail, loiner landlubber, edible, joust laurel, effeminate, Jason ,lava, jinni, irresponsible lavalier, jalopy, isotope leeway, jest, isolation lexicon, interstate, Isis liable, reckless, intrude Li II iputian, reactor, sol lilt, receipt, intuition lubber, razor, inveterate machination, watermark, do majordomo, wattage, inter manifest, whiting, intern irrelevant, vary. humdrum dissect, ladyship, rebound dissemble, leatherneck, fa diagonal, rabbi, rearmost docket, racket, rati ona Ie doctorate, raillery, rasp doctrinaire, rally, ratic dray, unicorn, quintuple dread, xylem, querulous dreadful, wrapping, quill dreadnaught ~ 'un~sua'I, pun irksome, affair, pulmotor jack, abroad, pulchritude jackel, advise, puncheon jackdaw, aeroplane, pulp jimmy, demurage, overrule jingle, denture, outflank jumper, divulge, ornament laminate, disrupt, oriole lampoon, jingo, nuisance knowhow, laureate, nugget lattice, linseywoolsey, mi leucocyte, lisp, nursery listless, rambler, nozzle litany, quartz, nocturnal literacy, ratty, mnemonic

"ENRICH YOUR WORD POWER" 601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650.

lament, dele, coincidence lather, edifice, bumptious latitude, elf, bounteous leathery, irooclad, bovine letterhead, jaguar, bounty list, Jesuit, asymmetry lodger, jigger, astronomy lodging, recite, astrooaut lyricist, recoonoiter, apt mandible, redskin, ascribe mandolin, reciprocate, ark mandrake, virginal, zenith mandrill, wardship, zither knotty, wasteland, Ziooism marinate, weedy, wroogful reckon, antibiotic, yacht referendum, amok, yardarm relay, apogee, whipoorwi II replica, androgen, wayward responsive, deft, weanling revivalist, despond, wharf revoke, edify, warrantor rile, elicit, waif, vulgar rill, jumpy, vulgarian rusk, jocular, vulnerable judicature, arthritis, hue knight-errant, abridge, hag knightly, ambassador, husk laggard, allied, homooym league, documentary, graze leprocy, dejected, grenade lesion, edict, gregarious linotype, effectual, grim linseed, irk, fusilade lint, jaialai, fraudulent involute, jester, frugal luxuriate, jiggle, format magnetite, reply, excerpt magneto, reconnaisance, He magnificense, redress, err magnifico, raze, expedient mammoo, virginity, exploit mammoth, wardroom, ethical manacle, wasteful, drama marathoo, unholy, dramatic jumbo, Amen-Ra, dormitory khan, amoeba, domesticity kibbutz, Apocrypha, coeval kibitzer, amendment, codex kibosh, defray, coeducati on

651 • 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671.

672. 673. 674. 675. 676.

677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683.

684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691.

692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699.

700. -7-

sabotage, relax, pugilism satrap, UNICEF, neophyte shad, veterinary, Neptune ranger, unseemly, network scrawny, vi olist, nestling reign, attribute, nautilus rein, amnesia, numerator resolution, arrant, muck reveille, apotheosis, muff revel, dialect, mortician sagacious, dioxide, morgue sage, electron, mortuary Sagittarius, empower, moss sahib, loving cup, monger sani tize, kai ser, monetary sanity, judicial, legation sans, jumble, legioonaire scallion, scarce, lavender scorbutic, rip cord, largo scorch, repaid, lascivious senna, recital, kingfisher shun, unwary, kindergarten shunt, unity, kitchenware simian, unseat, joumalese simile, V.I.P., Jeopardize route, jet, vivacious rove, jig, vitiate, vivify rusk, rime, utterance russet, reproach, Valhalla sartorial, resolve, ulster sash, reciprocity, twister sashay, virtu, tympanum scarab, vise, tumbledown scow, vi lIai nous, trolley scowl, waltz, sustenance refrain, archaeology, sty relinquish, amnesty, stunt reliquary, Apollo, stupefy relish, andante, stuming reprisal, den, retaliate rhapsody, diatonic, retard rhea, edi t, resurrec ti 00 rheostat, empress, retina rhesus, junctioo, quaver reprimand, jocund, queasy rook, judicatory, quibble rookery, jabber, quatrain rookie, salary, pu!.monary rubble, restrict, pulsar sabot, revenge, pulverize


751. wreath, repleni sh, superi or 752. yen, unconstitutional, Styx 753. yeoman, undercoat, sturgeon 754. wolves, unbecoming, stratus 755. zoophyte, unconcerned, wake 756. virago, archangel, republic 757. voluptiary, antimony, resin 758. voluptious, aqueous, repute 759. wampum, alleviate, rescind 760. walrus, earmark, resilient 761. wand, ego, questionable 762. Wedgwood, edgy, quadruped 763. wedlock, eaglet, putter 764. wee, know-how, providence 765. whoop, manifestation, prop 766. whopper, magnetize, promote 767. winery, love seat, offering 768. Winesap, reckoning, offhand 769. woodbine, secant, officiate no. woodchuck, roughshod, Norse nl. woodcock, repine, normalize n2. wright, uncounted, nonesuch n3. wrinkle, undercurrent, neon n4. yoke, unequivocal, Morpheus n5. yoke I, untruth, monastic ism n6. viscous, kerchief, aromatic m. waddle, jiffy, armadillo n8. wade, release, appointment· n9. wardrobe, scenery, appraise 780. ware, renunciation, aquatic 781. warfare, relativity, apathy 782. warhead, umber, warmonger 783. Whig, vehicle, wainwright 784. wield, unbalanced, vulpine 785. wiener, uncompromising, wag 786. vine, appeal, vulgarize 787. volati Iize, applicant, waft 788. vim, aqualine, visitation 789. vindicate, arcade, vitality 790. vindictive, duckling, vista 791. voile, egoism, unmentioned 792. wastrel, edging, umbilicus 793. wheal, earl, umbrage, toxic 794. windjammer, maneater, udder 795. windlass, manicure, twinkle 796. wolfram, kernel, tremendous 797. wolverine, Ura, tributary 798. wrapper, seance, transi tory 799. wrath, secede, transaction 800. wreak, roughneck, surrogate

701. utter, disgrace, financier 702. vassal, dose, firmament 703. vesicle, emporium, Etruscan 704. vertigo, log, euphonious 705. vertiginous, infirmary, eta 706. virile, keratin, etiquette 707. vortex, lyric, excruciating 708. voraci ous, scarcity, excess 709. voodoo, saturate, dromedary 710. wang Ie, pseudonym, doxology 711 • wane, prose, dramaturgy 712. wander, umbel, domesticate 713. whorl, veiled, domineering 714. woodsy, unawares, costumer 715. yore, untoward, countenance 716. upbraid, archaic, cotillion 717. warder, appliance, coquette 718. vagary, an tarti c, cormorant 719. vagabond, arcane, buttress 720. vehement, duckbill, bushing 721. veil, disgorge, brotherhood 722. vetch, drupe, blameworthy 723. veterinarian, effective, ye 724. veto, lamblack, aristocrat 725. viscount, leeward, Argonaut 726. rural, apparent, jardiniere 727. ruse, applicable, jamboree 728. salamander, array, jeremiad 729. sarcophogus, apparatus, jar 730. sardonic, dissidence, jaunt 731. sari, disfigure, jasper 732. sarong, display, indegenous 733. scapula, duchess, inductee 734. scapular, kid, indoctrinate 735. scourge, kale, industrial 736. seismic, judiciary, indorse 737. seismograph, lyricism, hoax 738. seismology, refine, honeyed 739. seize, refractory, homicide 740. sensuous, reimburse, homage 741. qualm, referee, histrionics 742. shebang, ultraviolet, graft 743. rakish, veteran, gradation 744. sibyl, unaware, goalkeeper 745. simulcast, violoncello, gar 746. uncouple, apparition, glair 747. unicorn, antipasto, goblin 748. unicameral, arabesque, feud 749. unwary, apparel, fetishism 750. unveil, dreary, fingerprint



801. 802. 803. 804. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811 .' 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. a18. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. 824. 825. 826. 827. 828. 82 9 • 830. 831. 832. 833. 834. 835. 836. 837. 838. 839. 840. 841. 842. 843. 844. 845. 846. 847. 848. 849. 850 ..

851. assimilate, doctrine, serge 852. assi stant, egocentri c, vi sa 853. accordion, dorsal, whiplash 854. attire, duchy, whirlwind 855. avocation, lofty, tolerable 856. avoirdupois, lilac, timpani 857. avow, lintel, symmetry 858. baffle, lodge, syllabicate 859. bagatelle, revive, sybarite 860. banner, sable, rotisserie 861. banshie, revelation, rotter 862. bantam, revise, rotunda 863. bassinet, waterlogged, mid 864. basso, Zealous, midships 865. bassoon, weatherglass, mill 866. bast, woodcut, ministration 867. diminish, adenoids, lucre 868. diminutive, affliction, lob 869. dimple, agreement, lumbago 870. discredit, aerospace, lunar 871. discrepency, defraud, lurid 872. discretion, delectable, lop 873. dissension,demilitarize, la 874. dissent, demoralize, jollity 875. dissertation, lamina, joist 876. disservice, marmoset, imply 877. document, masseur, inflict 878. dodder, lamentable, hospice 879. dredge, sassafras, infringe 880. dregs, rubberize, heckle 881. ductile, roulette, helical 882. earnest, roustabout, grace 883. effervesce, utter, havoc 884. effete, veiled, haunting 885. efficacious, vanity, graze 886. effigy, varsi ty, grayl ing 887. ambidextrous, luxuriant, id 888. ambient, maiden, bOlierina 889. anarchism, routine, embark 890. anarchist, rubbish, former 891 • anarchy, Sanskri t, formless 892. anathema, rupture, limpid 893. anatomize, wanderlust, lobe 894. antagonist, xylophone, lop '895. ante, ursine, lob, lordly 896. antebellum, Y~ Kippur, log 897. arcanum, abolition, putrid 898. arbutus, acetone, quadrant 899. arteriosclerosis, actuate, lee 900. artery, additive, quadrate

accredit, reveille, tote allot, revile, touchstone amenity, Virgo, succulent Airedale, Vishnu, siphon amends, void, succor anecdote, volute, finesse abrogate, abominate, cynic achene, Absalom, chemurgy adjunct, alkaloid, eremite affray, alliance, contrive alacrity, desicate, indigo affront, denude, refurbish adjust, devolve, urbanize adjure, demulcent, recoup acetylene, latterly, vicar adjudicate, Ii tter, wizard affluent, loch, vista, tee affluence, loft, telepathy abrest, replete, cicatrix a-Ia-king, reprobate, claw alabaster, resolute, codex alak, rigmarole, coherant acetate, writ, flammable abscess, wattle, rotatory a-Ia-carte, volatile, urea applause, viper, genuflect acclimate, anemia, fillip acclaim, antiphon, aseptic ac tuary, apocrypha I, aspen acumen, appall, calcimine advert, discreet, camisole agronomy, destination, cam alkaloid, devotion, remedy Amazon, diagram, garrulous amber, liter, guillotine ambergris, loll, aldehyde abode, abolish, wrest addressee, abrupt, viscid abominable, accessory, yap accouter, addle, monarchy accretion, diminuendo, yak adduce, easterly, vital affable, disciple, toll allocate, discourse, retch alliteration, levee, pithy airdrome, liaison, homily aesthetic, leprechaun, hop adenoid, lettered, bizarre aboriginal, rollick, chasm accouterments, rook, chute


901. dowel, rococo, biennial 902. drift, rouse, bigot, bier 903. duke, wingspread, asbestos 904. dulcet, upend, ascension 905. dulcimer, wolfhound, asnen 906. dullard, whence, asphyxiate 907. demitasse, accountant, ark 908. demobilize, adjudge, argot 909. derivation, actualize, zoo 910. drastic, aesthete, Zillion 911 • devoid, deformity, Yahweh 912. devote, delectation, wroth 913. devotee, demise, worship 914. digit, dubious, wizardry 915. digitalis, lovesick, vying 916. disciplinarian, lozenge, re 917. disclaim, luxurious, visor 918. disclose, lathe, visitant 919 • displacement, ramekin, vie 920. disport, rangy, uttermost 921. di vot, rattler, vainglory 922. dory, razz, valet 923. dossier, uncouth, validate 924. draper, vise, uproarious 925. draught, unerring, upsilon 926. drastic, untutored, undue 927. demote, accrue, turbulent 928. empress, alma~ter, tunic 929. descry, actually, truculent 930. desecrate, aerosol, suture 931. desegregate, demure, survey 932. diagnosis, dentition, stun 933. dilute, derivative, stride 934. dimension, enmesh, realism 935. discourteous, lists, realm 936. eardrum, jog, rebellious 937. entangle, aborigines, grim 938. dentine, achieve, flamingo 939. de5poi I, acute, eradicable 940. despot, account, equipoise 94\. diathermy, desideratum, en 942. distaste, despondency, era 943. distemper, digest, drachma 944. distend, discourage, draft 945. distill, lightly, cynicism 946. dogmatism, liability, czar 947. dogwood, lese, majesty, cub 948. Cupid, lissome, bushmaster 949. dovecote, rim, bushwhacker 950. dowager, roofing, blandish

951. jimmy, demurage, overrule 952. jingle, denture, outflank 953. jumper, divulge, ornament 954. laminate, disrupt, oriole 955. lampoon, jingo, nuisance 956. knowhow, laureate, nugget 957. lattice, linseywoolsey, mi 958. leucocyte, lisp, nursery 959. listless, rambler, nozzle 960. litany, quartz, nocturnal 961. literacy, ratty, mnemonic 962. literal, ram, missilery 963. loganberry, woodwind, mod 964. macabre, wig, miniaturize 965. manege, winding, lustrous 966. maneuver, wan, lugubrious 967. kiloliter, alliterate, ti 968. ki lowatt, antipathy, luff 969. kilt, amazement, liturgy 970. kilter, airborne, lingual 971. kimono, denature, limbo 972. labiate, dovetai \, joiner 973. landlubber, edible, joust 974. laurel, effeminate, Jason 975. lava, jinni, irresponsible 976. lavalier, jalopy, isotope 977. leeway, jest, isolation 978. lexicon, interstate, Isis 979. liable, reckless, intrude 980. Lilliputian, r~actor, sol 981. lilt, receipt, intuition 982. lubber, razor, inveterate 983. machination, watermark, do 984. majordomo, wattage, inter 985. manifest, whiting, intern 986. irrelevant, vary, humdrum 987. :Jissect, ladyship, rebound 988. lissemble, leatherneck, fa 989. diagona I, rabbi, rearmost 990. docket, racket, rationale 991. doctorate, raillery, rasp 992. doctrinaire, rally, ratic m.dray, unicorn, quintuple 994. dread, xylem, querulous 995. dreadfu I, wrappi ng, qu ill 996. dreadnaught ~ "un~sua·l, pun 997." irksome, affair, pulmotor 998.' jack, abroad, pulchritude 999. jackel, advise, puncheon 1000. jackdaw, aeroplane, pulp



1001. 1002. 1003. 1004. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011 • 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043 ..

1044.' 1045.

1046. 1047. 1048.

1049. 1050.

1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. 1056. 1057. 1058. 1059. 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063. 1064. 1065. 1066. 1067. 1068. 1069. 1070. 1071. 1072. 1073. 1074. 1075. 1076.

magnetite, reply, excerpt magneto, reconnaisanclI, He magnificense, redress, err magnifico, raze, expedient mammon, virginity, exploit mammoth, wardroom, ethical manacle, wasteful, drama marathon, unholy, dramatic jumbo, Amen-Ra, dormitory khan, amoeba, domesticity kibbutz, Apocrypha, c:)llval ki bi tzer, amendment, codex kibosh, defray, coeducation lament, dele, coincidence lather, edifice, bumptious latitude, elf, bounteous leathery, ironclad, bovine letterhead, jaguar, bounty list, Jesuit, asymmetry lodger, jigger, astronomy lodging, recite, astronaut lyricist, reconnoiter, opt mandible, redskin, ascribe mandolin, reciprocate, ark mandrake, virginal, zenith mandri II, wardsh ip, zi ther knotty, wasteland, Zionism marinate, weedy, wrongful reckon, antibiotic, yacht referendum, amok, yardarm relay, apogee, whipoorwill replica, androgen, wayward responsive, deft, weanling revivalist, despond, wharf revoke, edify, warrantor rile, elicit, waif, vulgar rill, jumpy, vulgarian rusk, jocular, vulnerable judicature, arthritis, hUll knight-errant, abridge, hag knightly, ambassador, husk laggard, allied, homonym league, documentary, graze leprocy, dejected, grenade lesion, edict, gregarious linotype, effectual, grim linseed, irk, fusilade lint, jaialai, fraudulent involute , jester, frugal luxuriate, jiggle, format


1078. 1079. 1080. 1081. 1082 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. 1088. 1089. 1090. 1091. 1092. 1093. 1094. 1095. 1096. 1097. 1098. 1099.

1100. -11-

reliquary, Apollo, stupefy relish, andante, stunning reprisal, den, retaliate rhapsody, diatonic, retard rhea, edit, resurrection rheostat, empress, retina rhesus, junction, quaver reprimand, jocund, queasy rook, judicatory, quibble rookery, jabber, quatrain rookie, salary, pulmonary rubble, restrict, pulsar sabot, revenge, pulverize sabotage, relax, pugilism satrap, UNICEF, neophyte shad, veterinary, Neptune ranger, unseemly, network scrawny, violist, nestling reign, attribute, nautilus rein, amnesia, numerator resolution, arrant, muck reveille, apotheosis, muff revel, dialect, mortician sagacious, dioxide, morgue sage, e lec tron, mortuary Sagittarius, empower, moss sahib, loving cup, monger sanitize, kaiser, monetary sanity, judicial, legation sans, jumble, legionnaire' scallion, scarce, lavender scorbutic, rip cord, largo scorch, repaid, lascivious senna, recital, kingfisher shun, unwary, kindergarten shunt, unity, kitchenware simian, unseat, joumalese simile, V.I.P., Jeopardize route, jet, vivaci ous rove, jig, vitiate, vivify rusk, rime, utterance russet, reproac~, Valhalla sartorial, resolve, ulster sash, reci proc i ty, twi ster sashay, virtu, tympanum scarab, vise, tumbledown scow, vi lIainous, ,trolley scowl, waltz, sustenance refrain, archaeology, sty relinquish, amnesty, stunt

..... "'.... n


1101. wander, umbel, domesticate 1102. whorl, veiled, domineering 1103. woodsy, unawares, costumer 1104. yore, untoward, counten ance 1105. upbraid , archaic , cotillion 1106. warder, applian ce, coquett e 1107. vagary, antartic , cormorant 1108. vagabon d, arcane, buttress 1109. veheme nt, duckbil l, bushing 1110. veil, disgorg e, brotherhood 1111. vetch, drupe, blameworthy 1112. veterina rian, effectiv e, ye 1113. veto, lamblac k, aristocr at 1114. viscoun t, leeward , Argonaut 1115. rural, apparen t, jardinie re 1116. ruse, appl icable, jamboree 1117. salaman der, array, jeremiad 1118. sarcophogus, apparat us, jar 1119. sardonic , dissiden ce, jaunt 1120. sari, disfigur e, jasper 1121. sarong, display , indegenous 1122. scapula , duchess, inductee 1123. scapula r, kid, indoctri nate 1124. scourge , kale, industrial 1125. seismic, judiciar y, indorse 1126. seismograph, lyricism, hoax 1127. seismology, refine, honeyed 1128. seize, refracto ry, homicide 1129. sensuous, reimburse, homage 1130. qualm, referee, histrionics 1131. shebang , ultravi olet, graft 1132. rakish, veteran , gradation 1133. sibyl, unawar e, goalkee per 1134. simulca st, violonc ell 0, gar 1135. uncoup le, appariti on, glair 1136. unicom , antipast o, goblin 1137. unicame ral, arabesq ue, feud 1138. unwary, apparel , fetishism 1139. unveil, dreary, fingerprint 1140. utter, disgrace , financie r 1141. vassal, dose, firmament 1142. vesicle, emporium, Etruscan 1143. vertigo, log, euphonious 1144. vertigin ous, infirmary, eta 1145. viri Ie, keratin, etiquett e 1146. vortex, lyric, excrucia ting 1147. voraci ous, scarci ty, excess 1148. voodoo, saturate , dromedary 1149. wangle, pseudonym, doxology 1150. wane, prose, dramaturgy -12-


1151. 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1/59. 1/60. 1161. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1/66. 1167. 1168. 1169. 1170. 1171. 1172 • 1173. 1174. 1175. 1176.

lin. 1178. 1179. 1180. 1181. 1/82. 1183. 1184. 1185. 1186. 1187. 1188. 1189. 1190. 1191. 1192. 1193. 1194. 1195. 1196. 1/97 • 1198. 1199. 1200.


Wedgwood, edgy, quadruped wedlock , eaglet, putter wee, know-h ow, providence whoop, manifes tation, prop whopper, magnet ize, promote winery, love seat, offering Winesap, reckoni ng, offhand woodbine, secant, officiate woodch uck, roughshod, Norse woodco ck, repine, normalize wright, uncount ed, nonesuch wrinkle , undercu rrent, neon yoke, unequiv ocal, Morpheus yokel, untruth, monasticism viscous, kerchie f, aromatic: waddle, jiffy, armadil lo wade, release, appointm ent wardrob e, scenery , appraise ware, renunci ation, aquatic warfare , relativi ty, apathy warhead , umber, warmonger VVhig, vehicle , wainwright wield, unbalan ced, vulpine wiener, uncompromising, wag vine, appeal, vulgariz e volatili ze, applica nt, waft vim, aqualin e, visitatio n vindica te, arcade, vitality vindicti ve, ducklin g, vista voile, egoism, unmentioned wastrel, edging, umbilicus wheal, earl, umbrage, toxic windjammer, maneate r, udder windlass, manicur e, twinkle wolfram, kernel, tremendous wolveri ne, lira, tributary wrapper , seance, transitory wrath, secede, transact ion wreak, roughne ck, surrogate wreath, replenis h, superior yen, unconst itutiona l, Styx yeoman, underco at, sturgeon wolves, unbecoming, stratus zoophyt e, unconce rned, wake virago, archang el, republic voluptia ry, antimon y, resin voluptio us, aqueous , repute wampum, alleviat e, rescind walrus, earmark , resi lient wand, ego, question able

Prompter list 1111 1112 1113 1114 1121 1122 1123 1124 1131 1132 1133 1134 1141 1142 1143 1144 1151 1152 1153 1154 1211 1212 1213 1214 1221 1222 1223 1224 1231 1232 1233 1234 1241 1242 1243 1244 1251 1252 1253 1254 1311 1312 1313 1314 1321 1322 1323 1324 1331 1332

1. abode, abolish, wrest

2. addressee, abrupt, viscid 3. abominable, accessory, yap 4. accouter, addle, monarchy 5. accretion, diminuendo, yak 6. adduce, easterly, vital ? affable, disciple, toll 8. allocate, discourse, retch 9. alliteration, levee, pithy 10. airdrome, liaison, homily 11. aesthetic, leprechaun, hop 12. adenoid, lettered, bizarre 13. aboriginal, rollick, chasm 14. accouterments, rook, chute 15. accredit, reveille, tote 16. allot, revile, touchstone 17. amenity, Virgo, succulent 18. Airedale, Vishnu, siphon 19. amends, void, succor 20. anecdote, volute, finesse 21. abrogate, abominate, cynic 22. achene, Absalom, chemurgy 23. adjunct, alkaloid, eremite 24. affray, alliance, contrive 25. alacrity, desicate, indigo 26. affront, denude, refurbish 27. adjust, devolve, urbanize 28. adjure, demulcent, recoup 29. acetylene, latterly, vicar 30. adjudicate, litter, wizard 31. affluent, loch, vista, tee 32. affluence, loft, telepathy 33. abreast, replete, cicatrix 34. a-la-king, reprobate, claw 35. alabaster, resolute, codex 36. alak, rigmarole, coherant 37. acetate, writ, flammable 38. abscess, wattle, rotatory 39. a-la-carte, volatile, urea 40. applause, viper, genuflect 41. acclimate, anemia, fillip 42. acclaim, antiphon, aseptic 43. actuary, apocryphal, aspen 44. acumen, appall, calcimine 45. advert, discreet, camisole 46. agronomy, destination, cam 47. alkaloid, devotion, remedy 48. Amazon, diagram, garrulous 49. amber, liter, guillotine 50. ambergris, loll, aldehyde

1333 1334 1341 1342 1343 1344 1351 1352 1353 1354 1411 1412 1413 1414 1421 1422 1423 1424 1431 1432 1433 1434 1441 1442 1443 1444


51. ambidextrous, luxuriant, id 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57.


59. 60. 61. 62.

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72.

73. 74. 75. 76. 77, 78. 79.

1452 1453 1454 80. 2111 81. 2112 82. 2113 83. 2114 84. 2121 85. 2122 86. 2123 87. 2124 88. 2131 89. 2132 90. 2133 91. 2134 92. 2141 93. 2142 94. 2143 95. 2144 96. 2151 97. 2152 98. 2153 99. 2154 100.

ambient, maiden, ballerina anarchism, routine, embark anarchist, rubbish, former anarchy, Sanskrit, formless anathema, rupture, limpid anatomize, wanderlust, lobe antagonist, xylophone, lop ante, ursine, lob, lordly antebellum, Yom Kippur, log arcanum, abolition, putrid arbutus, acetone, quadrant arteriosclerosis, actuate,lee artery, additive, quadrate assimilate, doctrine, serge assistant, egocentric, visa accordion, dorsal, whiplash attire, duchy, whirlwind avocation, lofty, tolerable avoirdupois, lilac, timpani avow, lintel, symmetry baffle, lodge, syllabicate bagatelle, revive, sybarite banner, sable, rotisserie banshie, revelation, rotter bantam, revise, rotunda bassinet, waterlogged, mid basso, Zealous, midships bassoon, weatherglass, mill bast, woodcut, ministration diminiSh, adenoids, lucre diminutive, affliction, lob dimple, agreement, lumbago discredit, aerospace, lunar discrepency, defraud, lurid discretion, delectable, lop dissension, demilitarize, la dissent demoralize, jollity dissertation, lamina, joist disservice, marmoset, imply document, masseur, inflict dodder, lamentable, hospice dredge, sassafras, infringe dregs, rubberize, heckle ductile, roulette, helical earnest, roustabou~, grace effervesce, utter, havoc effete, veiled, haunting efficacious, vanity, graze effigy, varsity, grayling

PROMPTER LIST 2211 2212 2213 2214 2221 2222 2223 2224 2231 2232 2233 2234 2241 2242 2243 2244 2251 2252 2253 2254 2311 2312 2313 2314 2321


2323 2324 2331 2332 2333 2334 2341 2342 2343 2344 2351 2352 2353 2354 2411 2412 2413 2414 2421 2422 2423 2424 2431 2432

101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117.' 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150.

entangle, aborigines, trim dentine, achieve, despoil, acute. eradic~ble despot, account, equiP~ise diathermy, desideratum en distaste, despondency, era distemper, digest, dra~hma distend, discourage, d}aft distill, lightly, cyni~ism dogmatism, liability, ~zar dogwood, lese majesty, cub Cupid, lissome, bushmaater dovecote, rim, bushwha(ker dowager, roofing, blantish dowel, rococo, biennial drift, rouse, bigot, bier duke, wingspread, asbestos dulcet, upend, ascensicn dulcimer, wolfhound, ashen dullard, whence, asphy~iate demitasse, accountant, ark demobilize, adjudge, argot derivation, actualize, zoo drastic, aesthete, zillion devoid, deformity, Yahweh devote, delectation, wroth devotee, demise, worshi~ digit, dubious, wizardrl digitalis, lovesick, vying disciplinarian, lozenge, re disclaim, luxurious, visor disclose, lathe, visitant displacement, ramekin, vie disport, rangy, uttermost divot, rangy, vainglory dory, razz, valet dossier, uncouth, validate draper, vise, uproarious draught, unerring, upsilon drastic, untutored, undue demote, accrue, turbulent empress, alma-mater, tunic descry, actually, truculent desecrate, aerosol, suture desegregate, demure, survey diagnosis, dentition, stun dilute, derivative, stride dimension, enmesh, realism discourteous, lists, realm eardrum, jog, rebellious

2433 2434 2441 2442 2443 2444 2451 2452 2453 2454 3111 3112 3113 3114 3121 3122 3123 3124 3131 3132 J1J3 3134 3141 3142 3143 3144 3151 3152 3153 3154 3211 3212 3213 3214 3221 3222 3223 3224 3231 3232 323J 3234 3241 3242 3243 3244 3251 3252 3253 3254

151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172, 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200.

dissect, ladyship, rebound dissemble, leatherneck, fa diagonal, rabbi, rearmost docket, racket, rationale doctorate, raillery, rasp doctrinaire, rally, ratio dray, unicorn, quintuple dread, xylem,querulous dreadful, wrapping, quill dreadnaught, unusual, pun irksome, affair, pulmotor jack, abroad, pulchritude jackal, advise, puncheon jackdaw, aeroplane, pulp jimmy, demurage, overrule jingle, denture, outflank jumper, divulge, ornament laminate, disrupt, oriole lampoon, jingo, nuisance knowhow, laureate, nugget lattice, linseywoolsey, mi leucocyte, lisp, nursery listless, rambler, nozzle litany, quartz, nocturnal literacy, ratty, mnemonic literal, ram, missilery loganberry, woodwind, mod macabre, wig, miniaturize manege, winding, lustrous maneuver, wan, lugubrious kiloliter, alliterate, ti kilowatt, antipathy, luff kilt, amazement, liturgy kilter, airborne, lingual kimono, denature, limbo labiate, dovetail, joiner landlubber, edible, joust laurel, effeminate, Jason lava, jinni, irresponsible lavalier, jalopy, isotope leeway, jest, isolation lexicon, interstate, Isis liable, reckless, intrude Lilliputian, reactor, sol lilt, receipt, intuition lubber, razor, inveterate machination, watermark, do majordomo, wattage, inter manifest, whiting, intern irrelevant, vary, humdrum


3311 3312 3313 3314 3321 3322 3323 3324 3331 3332 3333 3334 3341 3342 3343 3344 3351 3352 3353 3354 3411 3412 3413 3414 1421 3422 3423 3424 3431 3432 3433 3434 3441 3442 3443 3444 3451 3452 3453 3454 4111 4112 4113 4114 4121 4122 4123 4124 4131 4132

201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250.

judicature, arthritis, hue knight-errant, abridge, hag knightly, ambassador, husk laggard, allied, homonym league, documentary, graze leprocy, dejected, grenade lesion, edict, gregarious linotype, effectual, grim linseed, irk, fusilade lint, jaialai, fraudulent involute, jester, frugal luxuriate, jiggle, format magnetite, reply, excerpt magneto, reconnaisance, He magnificense, redress, err magnifico, raze, expedient mammon, virginity, exploit mammoth, wardroom, ethical manacle, wasteful, drama marathon, unholy, dramatic jumbo, Amen-Ra, dormitory khan, amoeba, domesticity kibbutz, Apocrypha, coeval kibitzer, amendment, codex kibosh. defray, coeducation lament. dele, coincidence lather, edifice, bumptious latitude, elf. bounteous leathery, ironclad, bovine letterhead, jaguar, bounty list,Jesuit. asymmetry lodger. jigger, astronomy lodging, recite. astronaut lyricist, reconnoiter, apt mandible, redskin, ascribe mandolin, reciprocate, ark mandrake, virginal, zenith mandrill, wardship, zither knotty, wasteland, Zionism marinate, weedy, wrongful reckon, antibiotic, yacht referendum, amok, yardarm relay, apogee, whipoorwill replica, androgen, wayward resposive, deft, weanling revivalist, despond, wharf revoke, edify, warrantor rile, elicit, waif, vulgar. rill, jumpy, vulgarian rusk, jocular, vulnerable

4133 4134 4141 4142 4143 4144 4151 4152 4153 4154 4211 4212 4213 4214 4221 4222 4223 4224 4231 4232 4233 4234 4241 4242 4243 4244 4251 4252 4253 4254 4311 4312 4313 4314 4321 4322 4323 4324 4331 4332 4333 4334 4341 4342 4343 4344 4351 4352 4353 4354

251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271, 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277, 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. )00.

route, jet, vivacious rove, jig, vitiate, vivify rusk,rime, utterance russet, reproach, Valhalla sartorial, resolve, ulster sash, reciprocity, twister sashay, virtu, tympanum scarab, vise, tumbledown scow, villainous, trolley scowl, waltz, sustenance refrain, archaeology, sty relinquish, amnesty, stunt reliquary, Apollo, stupefy relish, andante, stunning reprisal, den, retaliate rhapsody, diatonic, retard rhea, edit, resurrection rheostat, empress, retina rhesus, junction, quaver reprimand, jocund, queasy rook, judicatory, quibble rookery, jabber, quatrain rookie, salary, pulmonary rubble, restrict, pulsar sabot, revenge, pulverize sabotage, relax, pugilism satrap, UNICEF, neophyte shad, veterinary, Neptune ranger, unseemly, network scrawny, violist, nestling reign, attribute, nautilus rein, amnesia, numerator resolution, arrant, muck reveille, apotheosis, muff revel, dialect, mortician sagacious, dioxide, morgue sage, electron, mortuary Sagittarius, empower, moss sahib, loving cup, monger sanitize, kaiser, monetary sanity, judicial, legation sans, jumble, legionnaire scallion, scarce, lavender scorbutic, rip cord, largo scorch, repaid, lascivious senna, recital, kingfisher shun, unwary, kindergarten shunt, unity. kitchenware simian, unseat, journalese simile, V.I.P •• jeopardize


4411 301. rura l. appa rent, jardi niere 4412 302. ruse, appl icabl e, jambo ree iad 4413 303. salam ander , array , jerem jar , ratus 4414, 304. sarco phog us, appa jaunt e, denc 4421 305. sardo nic, dissi 4422 306. sari. disfi gure , jaspe r s 4423 307. saron g, displ ay, indeg enou ctee indu ess, duch 'la, scapu 4424 308. 4431 309. scap ular, kid. indo ctrin ate 4432 310. scour ge, kale. indu stria l se 4433 311. seism ic, judic iary, indor 4434 312. seism ograp h, lyric ism, hoax ed 4441 313. seism ology , refin e, honey cide homi , ctory refra , 4442 314. seize 4443 315. sensu ous, reim burse , homagse 4444 316. qualm , refer ee, histr ionic 4451 317. sheba ng, ultra viol et, graf t 4452 318. rakis h, veter an, grad ation r 4453 319. siby l, unaw are, goalk eepe gar o, ncell violo , 4454 320. simu lcast 5111 321. unco uple, appa ritio n, glair 5112 322. unico rn, antip asto, gobl in feud 5113 323. unica mera l, arabe sque ,hism fetis rel, appa ry, unwa 324. 5114 5121 325. unve il. drear y, finge rprin t 5122 326. utte r, disgr ace, finan cier 5123 327. vass al, dose. firma ment 5124 328. vesic le, emporium, Etrusscan oniou 5131 329. verti go, log, euphmary , eta infir us, gino verti 5132 330. ette etiqu tin, kera e, viril 5133 331. ing uciat excr , lyric x. vorte 5134 332. s exces city. 5141 333. vora cious , scar edary drom rate, 5142 334. voodo o, satu logy 5143 335. wang le, pseud onym , doxo y aturg dram , prose , wane 5144 336. te 5151 337. wand er, umbe l, dome sticang neeri domi d, veile l, whor 5152 338. mer 5153 339. wood sy, unaw ares, costu ce tenan coun 5154 340. yore, untow ard, lion cotil aic, 5211 341. upbr aid, arch 5212 342. ward er, appli ance , coqu ette 5213 343. vaga ry, anta rtic, corm orant 5214 344. vagab ond, arcan e, buttr ess 5221 345. vehem ent, duck bill, bush ing 5222 346. veil, disgo rge, broth erhoo d 5223 347. vetch , drupe , blam ewor thy ye 5224 348. vete rinar ian, effec tive. 5231 349. veto, lamp black , arist ocra t 5232 350. visco unt, leew ard, Argo naut

5233 351. visco us, kerc hief, arom atic 5234 352. wadd le, jiffy , arma dillo nt 5241 353. wade , relea se, appo intme 5242 354. ward robe, scen ery, appr aise tic 5243 355. ware , renu nciat ion, aqua y apath y, tivit rela are, warf 5244 356. onger warm r, umbe ead, warh 5251 357. wrigh t 5252 358. Whig, vehi cle, wainvulp d, 5253 359. wield , unba lance ising . ine wag 5254 360. wien er, uncom prom arize vulg al, appe 5311 361. vine, 5312 362. vola tiliz e, appl icant , waft ation 5313 363. vim, aqua line, visitvita lity e, arcad , icate vind 364. 5314 vista 5321 365. vind ictiv e, duck ling, 5322 366, voile , egois m, unme ntion ed 5323 367. wast rel, edgin g, umbi licus 5324 368. whea l, earl, umbr age, toxicr 5331 369. windj amme r, mane ater, uddele 5332 370. wind lass, mani cure, twink s 5333 371. wolfr am, kern el. treme ndou 5334 372. wolv erine , lira, tribu tary 5341 373. wrap per, seanc e, trans itory n 5342 374. wrath , seced e, trans actio gate surro neck, 5343 375. wreak , rough rior 5344 376, wrea th, reple nish , supe Styx al, ution nstit unco 5351 377. yen, eon 5352 378. yeoman, unde rcoat .g. sturg us strat omin unbec es, wolv 5353 379. wake ed, ncern unco hyte. zoop 5354 380. repu blic 5411 381 . virag o, archa ngel,ony, resin 5412 382. volu ptiar y, antim te repu us, aqueo s, 5413 383. volu ptiou nd resci iate, allev 5414 384. wampum, 5421 385. walru s, earm ark, resil ient 5422 386, wand. ego, ques tiona ble 5423 387. Wedgwood, edgy, quad ruped 5424 388. wedlo ck, eagl et, putte r e 5431 389. wee, know-how, provi denc prop 5432 390. whoop, mani festa tion,prom ote , etize magn 5433 391. whop per, ing offer seat, love 5434 392. wine ry, nd 5441 393. Wine sap, recko ning, offha iate offic nt, seca bine, wood 5442 394. 5443 395. wood chuck , rough shod, Norse 5444 396. wood cock, repin e, norm alize such 5451 397. wrig ht, unco unted , noneneon ent, 5452 398. wrin kle, unde rcurr heus 5453 399. yoke , uneq uivoc al, Morp m sticis mona th, untru l, 5454 400 yoke


4411 4412 4413 4414: 4421 4422 4423 4424 4431 4432 4433 4434 4441 4442 4443 4444 4451 4452 4453 4454 5111 5112 5113 5114 5121 5122 5123 5124 5131 5132 5133 5134 5141 5142 5143 5144 5151 5152 5153 5154 5211 5212 5213 5214 5221 5222 5223 5224 5231 5232

301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350.

rural. apparent, jardiniere ruse. applicable. jamboree salamander. array. jeremiad sarcophogus, apparatus. jar sardonic. dissidence, jaunt sari. ·disfigure. jasper sarong. display, indegenous scapula, duchess, inductee scapular, kid, indoctrinate scourge, kale, industrial seismic. judiciary, indorse seismograph, lyricism, hoax seismology, refine. honeyed seize, refractory. homicide sensuous, reimburse, homage qualm. referee. histrionics shebang, ultraviolet, graft rakish. veteran, gradation sibyl. unaware, goalkeeper simulcast, violoncello. gar uncouple. apparition. glair unicorn. antipasto. goblin unicameral. arabesque. feud unwary, apparel, fetishism unveil, dreary, fingerprint utter, disgrace, financier vassal, dose, firmament vesicle, emporium, Etruscan vertigo, log, euphonious vertiginous, infirmary, eta virile. keratin, etiquette vortex, lyric, excruciating voracious, scarcity, excess voodoo, saturate, dromedary wangle, pseudonym, doxology wane, prose, dramaturgy wander, umbel, domesticate whorl, veiled, domineering woodsy, unawares, costumer yore, untoward, countenance upbraid, archaic, cotillion warder, appliance, coquette vagary, antartic, cormorant vagabond, arcane, buttress vehement, duckbill, bushing veil, disgorge, brotherhood vetch, drupe, blameworthy veterinarian, effective, ye veto, lampblack, aristocrat viscount, leeward, Argonaut

5233 5234 5241 5242 5243 5244 5251 5252 5253 5254 5311 5312 5313 5314 5321 5322 5323 5324 5331 5332 5333 5334 5341 5342 5343 5344 5351 5352 5353 5354 5411 5412 5413 5414 5421 5422 5423 5424 5431 5432 5433 5434 5441 5442 5443 5444 5451 5452 5453 5454

351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400

viscous, kerchief, aromatic waddle, jiffy, armadillo wade, release, appointment wardrobe, scenery, appraise ware, renunciation, aquatic warfare, relativity, apathy warhead, umber, warmonger Whig, vehicle, wainwright wield, unbalanced, vulpine wiener, uncompromising, wag vine, appeal, vulgarize volatilize, applicant, waft vim, aqualine, visitation vindicate, arcade, vitality vindictive, duckling, vista voile, egoism, unmentioned wastrel, edging, umbilicus wheal, earl, umbrage, toxic windjammer, maneater, udder windlass, manicure, twinkle wolfram, kernel, tremendous wolverine, lira, tributary wrapper, seance, transitory wrath, secede, transaction wreak, roughneck, surrogate wreath, replenish, superior yen, unconstitutional, styx yeoman, undercoat, sturgeon wolves, unbecoming, stratus zoophyte, unconcerned, wake virago, archangel, republic voluptiary, antimony, resin voluptious, aqueous, repute wampum, alleviate, rescind walrus, earmark, resilient wand, ego, questionable Wedgwood, edgy, quadruped wedlock, eaglet, putter wee, know-how, providence whoop, manifestation, prop whopper, magnetize, promote winery, love seat, offering Winesap, reckoning, offhand woodbine, secant, officiate woodchuck, roughshod, Norse woodcock, repine, normalize wright, uncounted, nonesuch wrinkle, undercurrent, neon yoke, unequivocal, Morpheus yokel, untruth, monasticism


221l 221 2221 2222 222Z

222 22)1 22)2

22~ 22 22 1 2242


22 22,1 22,2


22 2311 2)12


2)1 2)21 2)22


2)2 2))1 2))2 2) 2lli 2 1 2 2


2)51 2)52

2)M =ll 2412


241 all21 242a a42Z 24a 24,1 24,a

101. .ntansl •• aborisin ••• sri. 102. 4en1:1ne. achi'YI. fl ••inco 1~. d •• poll ••eut •• er.dioable 1 . d. •• pot, account, equipoi •• cUathlray, d •• lderatua, en 10 • dllta.t,. d •• ponelency, Ira dlot ••por. disllt. drachaa 10~. 10 • dlot.nd. dlocour., •• dr.ft 109. dlotlll. 11Chtly. crnici . . 110. do_U ... liabllit)'. c . .r 111. do .... od. 1 ... "J"t)'. c .. b 112. Cupid. li •• o... bu.h. . n.r llZ' dOVloot,. ri., bulhwhack.r 11. dO_lor. roof in, • blandiah 11,. dow.l. rococo. blonnial 116. drift. rou ••• bilot. blor 117.' dult •• . . .b •• \;o. 118. dulo.t. up.nd . . .c.n.ion 119. d.. lci ••r. wolfhound . . .h.n 120. dullard. whenco •• sphyxi.t. 121. 4.aJ,'ta •••• accountant, ark 122. do.obllla •• adJudc •• arcot dorh.tion. actualb •• aoo 12 • dra.tic . . . oth.t•• aillion 12,. dnoid. dotoral t)'. Yahw.h 126. dnot •• d.lectation. wroth 127. d.vot •• , 4 •• i ••• wor.hip 128. dicit. dubiou •• wiaardry 129. dici taU.. lov •• iok. Y)'ine 1)0. dlecipllnar1an. lo"ne" 1" 131. dleclai.. luxuriou.. yloor 1)2. dholo.e. •• yleitant 1~. dleplac ••• nt. r ...ltlft. d . 1 • dloport. rt.ll4l)' ... ttorac.t 1)5. dhot. ranu. vain&1017 1)6. dory. ran. Yal.t 1)7. do •• lor. unoouth. ftlldat. 1)11. drap.r. d ••• uproo.rlou. 1l:' draU&ht. un.ttine ...,.11Oft 1 • dra.Uo. untuto..ed. undue 141. 01_10.. .ooru.. tllrbulOftt 1". IIIJII' •••• ala-ate... tun10 01••017 • •otuall),. _aulm' 1 • d •••ora .ero.ol, n tar. l:i' doa-sr:r.'" doar•• """'07 1 • dlapo '. donti UOft. .tun 1~. dilute{••• trld. 1 • 0118_ on. _abo rHlha 1..,. dJ.1O~•• 11.te. roala 1,.. ____ • ~ ......baUl....





))11 201. JUdic.tur •• arthri U" h... ))12 202. Itni8/lt-'I'l'.nt. abrids •• hac ))lZ 2OZ' knllhtl)'. ...dor. hu.1t ))1 20 • laUard. al11.d. hoaon,ya ))21 2°i' llacu., doou.••nw.ry, &ra .. 1 ))22 20 • l.proo)'. d.J.oted. sr.nad. lelion. ediot. sr.prio... ))2Z 207. ))2 208. linotyp" otf.otual. poi. ))31 209. lin•••d. irlt. fu.llad. ))32 210. lint. Jalal.i. fraudulent 211. inyol.. t •• ~ .. t.r. fru&al 212. luxuriat.. J1Ul •• foraat n ) 1 t •• r.ply •• xc.rpt 21Z'• ."en.ti )42 21 .",eto, rlconnal.anc., H. u.snlticlnll, r.clr •••• Irr 216. -cnitico, rale •• xpedlln't )Hl 217. " _ n . Yirc1nit)'. oxplolt )HI 218. • ..ath. _rclroo., ,thical 219. ~cll . . . . tetul. dra. "5l 220. _ra'thon. unho17. dr... tic 221. A••n-Ra. dorai tory )412 222. Ithin. __ .ba. do••• ticitr )41Z 22Z' tibbuta. Apoorypha. conal )ill 22. ki bl t •• r. a.lnd.ent, oodlx 1421 22i' Itlbo.h. d.fray. co.duoation )422 22 • l'.ln', 411 •• coincidenci )42Z 227. 1. th.r. .difio.. bueptiou. 228. l.ti tud •••If. bount.o ... )42 )4)1 229. l.athlry. lroncla4, bovinl )4)2 2)0. ••d. Ja",u. bounty 2)1. 11.t .J .... i t. a.r-.try 2)2. lod,.r. Jiu.r . . . tronoar I~. 10dflnc • rloitl, •• tron&ut )442 2 • 1)'1' clot. r.connoit.r. apt 2)5. ....dibl •• red.tin . . .crillo 2)6. .ndolin. reo~rooa, •• ark )4,1 2)7. ....dralt •• Ylr nal . . .nlth )4,2 2)8. lIIlndrill. ward.hip. at th.r knott)'. lionl . . )45l t.. w.od)'. wroncf\ll ~11 241. aarina roolton. ant1biotio. )'Ioht 4111 242. ...farond.... _k. )'Irdara 1111l 24J' r.~. 'POC'" wblpolllnlill ..11 a • .. a 01. 1IIIdro11l'l • ..,.... 11121 r'.r;.1n • ••tt. woanllnc IIU2 ...., Yallat. do.pond. wllart ...YOk.. edifJ. WI'l'IUItor 111=z III ..110. o1ioi t. 'I\llpl' "1)1 J~.,.].pr1Ul "1)1 ..... • ftlJy ...~.

)ill ~~

2ill 24 2 1 2442 2~ 24 24,1 24,2







m: ...,. ..w. '50.


1,1. 1,2. 1~. 1 . 1". 1,6. 1'7. 1,8.


24 )111 3112 )11~ )11 )121 )122 )12~

)12 )1)1 )1)2 )1~ )1 )1 1 )142 314) )144 )1,1 )1,2

160. 161. 162.


16. 16,. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172.


17 • 17'. 176. 171. 178. )1~ 179. )1 180. )211 181. )212 182.

) 21 Z 18Z'

321 18. )221 18i' 3222 18 •

)22Z 187.

)22 1811. )2)1 189. )2)2 190.

)2M 191.

)Z 192. )2 1 ,alia 1 •



)2:Z 1 • )2 )251 19~ • )a,a 19 • )2~ 199. ,I ZOO.



dlalonal. nbbi. r.arao.t dock,t, racket, rational. d.octorate, raillery, doctrinalr •• rallr' ratio dray. unicorn. qu ntuplo x)'l ••• qu.rulou. dr.adful. wrappinc. q .. 11l dr •• d.naup1: t unu.lual. pun irll:oo.... .ffair. pulaotor Jack. abro.d. pulchritud. Jackal •• hio •• punch.on ~aCk4a •• a.roplan •• pUll i.." 4.8Ur.... ov.rru • Jins1" d.ntur •• outflank J".f.r. di vul,.. oma••nt la. nat •• dlerupt. orioh laapoon, 11 nco, nu1aanc. knowhow. aurrat•• nUIC.t lattic •• lin •• ywool.ey • •i l.ucocyt., li.p, nur"17 ••••, no ... l. li tan)'. q"arta. nocturnal li t.racy, ra''ty • .rl• •onlc li t.ral. I'h. .le.U.ry lopnb.rry. woodwind • •001 ., .i, • •ini.wri •• ....., •• winoSine. luotrou. _n.uv.r, wan, lUl\lbrioul kiloliter • •llit.rato. t1 tilo_tt ••ntipat~. l .. tf kllt . . . . . . . .nt. 1 turl)' k11 tor. airborn.. llncual kbono. donatur •• labiat •• do . . tall. Join ... edibh. Jou.t l.ur.l ••tt.a1nat•• J'.on laft. Jinnl. il'l".r.naible 1.Yallor. Jal0p" .otop. lel'A)'. JII'. .01.Uon lexioon. lnt.... tat•• hi. I'OOkl.... In_d. LUllputian .....otor • • 01 lilt. roo.ipt. lntu1 tion l ..bber. raaor. In.,.tore'. .... blnation. _terMl'II. do a~ord_. _ttac•• inter - U•• t. will tine. lntll'ft 1zTolrnat • .,..,.. IIuadrIIa


41)Z 2,1. rou't.. 41Z 2,2. ro... 41 1 4142

2~. 2 •

414Z 25'. 414 256. 4151 2'7.

41,2 258. 41'~ 2'9. 41, 260. 4211 261. 4212 262.

421Z 2~. 421

2 • 26,. 266. 422Z 267. 422 268. 42)1 269. 42)2 270. 271. 42M 42 272. 42 1 Z7Z' 4242 27 • 424) 27'. 4244 276. 4251 277. 42,2 278. 42,Z 279. 280. 42, 4)11 281. 4)12 282. 4221 4222



2 • 28i' 28 • 287. 2811. 289. 290. 291. 4) 292 • 4 1 Z;l' 4)42 2 •

4)1 4321 4)22 1I)2Z 4)2 4))1 4))2


Z • :~ l;i'





a •


v1 va01ou. I. yi tia t.. yhi1')' ruR.r ••• utt.ranci ru ••• t { r.proach. V.lhall. aartor al, v.. ul.'.r ...h. r.ciprooit)'. twht.r ... ha),. Yirtu. t)'apanu. learab. v1 •• , .cow. villaino.... trolleJ loowl, wal ta. .u.tlnano. r.traln, arch.eol0D'. .'t7 r.llnq .. loh • .an•• t)' •• twlt r.liq .. ary. Apollo •• tuf'1')' r.lloh. andant.. .tunn ne r.prhal. don. r.taliat. rhap.ody. diatonio. r.tard rh.a, e4i t, rllurr.ot:lon rhloeta t. ••• , r.tina junction. ,uavlr rlprl.and. jocund. qu •••, 1'001t. Jlldicatory. quillbl. rootor),. Jabb.r. quatrain rooki., .alary, pulaonary rubbl •• r •• trict. pul ..r ••bot, r.venee, pulveri •• .. botaS" r.lax. PUllli •• ..trap. UNICU'. n.ophyt. • had, v.t.rina1'7, Nlptun. r'nc.r, unl •• llly. network .craWIIJ. violht. n •• tline r.ien. attribut •• nautllu. r.ln, alln •• ia, nu.erawr r •• olu'lon. arrant, auok r ... l1l.. apoth.oli.. rn.l. dial.ot. aortielan _clou •• d10xld •• aor",. -C', .l.ctron. Mrtuary Sali 'tarlu.. ..powor. ao. . aahib. lOY~ O"P. aoneor aan1 t1o.. ka ••r. aon.tarr aan1 t)'. J ..dioial. loption ...... ~uablo. lelionnair • lOallion • •oaro., lav.nd.r ,00l'butio. rip oord. larp eoorob, r'r:4, la.ol.10u. . _ . 1'.0 tal. klncfiall.r abun • .......,.. kind ....... 'on ....t. uniti)'. kitoll....... • ........t.

• '~ a99 )00. .1111.10. ,II'

'.1.'.. jOlll'n&l." ..pardi•.

1111 1112 111l 111 1121 1122 112Z 112 11)1 11)2

11~ 11 11 1 1142 11:l 11 1151 1152

115l 11 1211 1212


121 1221 1222 12ZZ 122 12)1 12)2

12~ 12 121 1242


12 12,1


u~ 12


1312 1

13 l 1,1 1)21 1,a2 g:Z


1. .bod •• abolhh. wrllt 2. addres ••• , abrupt, v11014 .bo.inablo. aoo ...ory. ),.p


l: accouter. addl., IIOnaroh)'

aocr.tlon. di.ln... ndo. )'at 6. add.. c.. .a. tori),. yl tal 1. aff.ble. dlociple. toll 8. .lloca t.. dhcour... r.tch 9. alllteraUon. h .... pithy 10. airdro••• liai.on. 110.11)' 11. a .. th.tio. lopr.ohaun. hop 12 • • d.noid. blaarr. .borilinal. rollick. ch. . . 1 • accou'terll.nt., rook. chut. H • •ccr.dit. rn.ill •• tot. 16 • •llot. rnU •• touch.ton. 17 ..... nit)'. Virco .. lont 18. Airedal •• Vlehnu •• iphon 19. ..ln4.. vo14, nccor 20. an.c40t., volut., fin •••• 21. abropt•• abo.inat •• crnio 22 • •ch.n •• Absalo•• Ch ••urft 2Z' adJunct. alkaloid. er •• t. 2 • at ral' allianc •• oontrh. 2i' ty. d.lio. t.. indilo 2 • affront. d.n.. d •• r.furbioll 27. adju.t. dnoh •• urbanb. 211. adJur •• 4o ...10.nt. r.coup 29 • •e.t)'l.n •• l.tterl)'. doar )0. .diudioa".. litter. wb.rd )1. af lu.nt. 10011. d.ta. 10•• )2 • • •• 10ft. t.hpathy ~ • •br.a.t. r.pht •• oloatrb • a-la-tine. r.probat•• ol.w alaba.t.r. r •• olut •• ood.x • alalt. ri&aal'olo. ooll.rant ~ • •o.tat •• wri fl_bl. • ab.cI •• , _ , I. rota~OI"1 a-la-cart•• YOl.tll •• ur.. • .ppl...... dp.r. lonufl.ot "1 • •coliat•• anoai•• flll1r .... oool.i•• uUphOft ••••pt 0 .0tuU'J'. ,poor)'phal •••pan • .o....n. oalo1ain. :i' .d.,...t. .or..t. ou1aol. • ~~. de.Unati .... 0. . ~. old. d..,.tion ...~ . . . . . . . . dJ.~.... ..,. MMJo. 11 ter. otlao ,... "lIol'pol.. 1 • ald...,..





4411 )01. 4412 )02. 441l )OZ' 441 )0. 4421 4421 )0 •


442Z )07. 442 )08. 4431 )09. 44)2 )10. )11. 44 )12.

EM =z

1 )lZ' 4442 )1 • )ii' 31 • 44,1 317. 44,2 )18. 445l )19. 44 )20. ,111 321. ,112 )22.

,11Z )2~.

,11 ,Ul ,U2 'UZ 'U '1)1 ,1)2



l'llral. 'ppar.nt. Jardinlor.

I'll" •• pp1icabl'. J••bo....

..l ....nd.r. al'l'lY. J.r •• iad ..rcopho",.. afpar. tu.. Jar ••rdonic. di .. Jaunt ..ri. dhfl",r.. i"P.r ..rone. dlopl.y. nd.c.nou. .eapula, cl.\&chl... indue t'l .c.pular. tid. indoctrinate .oo.. rt:. Ital.. industrial ..h. o. ~ .. diolary. indore. •• i.aoll'lph. l)'l'ioi ••• ho.x ..10110101)'. r.fin.. hono),ed •• h •• r.rracto17. 1I0.io1d. ,In.uou •• -r.labur ••• ho. .,. q•• r.tere •• hhtrionic. .h.bane. ul traviolot. sraft ralthh. v.toran. sr.dat1on eibyl. una...... coallt •• p.r .i... lc. . '. Yiolonc.ll0. PI' uncoupl ••• ppar1tion. Ilair ..nlcorn • • loblln unic"lral, arab••quI, feud unWll')' •• ppar.l. fot1ehi .. unv.ll. dr ••ry. flnl.rprint .. tt.r. dlosrao •• financlor va •••l, do •• , firM •• ni: • I.icl., ••poriu., Btruacan

)2. )2i' )2 . )2~. )2 • )29. ))0. ::~~t::;'O!:~·l~r~~;~· .ta YirU.. It.r. tin. 51~ ))1. ,1 ))2. Yortox. 1)'1'10. oxcruo1a tine ,1 1 )~. yor.olou •• acaroi't7. ,XCI,. 5142) • Y00400, .a 'tun 'I.•• d'l7 -nil" p.... don,ya. doxolog ,1:l ,1 ~36. 5151 )7. ::::~r~~::;l~r:::::~~at. '152 ))11. Whorl. YOll.d. •• rine ,15l ~9. wood.,.. unaware.. co.Wac




5211 )41.


,212 )42. ....01.1'. .ppllll\ll.. "....,.. antartic. ooracrant 'liZ ,21 ~.• aroan•• buttr ••• '121 ~. YOII ••ont. d..oltbill. bu.lli::t ,22a • .,ell. di ....rl.. "otherllo 'UZ ~.• ::=i..:l=:: ,22 J' ,a'l ,..,. y.w. laIIplllaalt. ari.toon' ")2 ),.. Yieo_'. lonard, Ar......t


,1. aabidoxtrou •• l .. xuriant. id '.blont . . .ld.n. ball.rina IIIlIrchh•• ro.. tin •••• bark anarchlot. rubbloh. fora.r 1)4l ....rchy. S.n.krlt. foral ••• 1)4 .... th .... rupture. 1)51 '7. anatoal •• , ~d.rlu.t, lobe 13,2 ,8. &nt8gon1lt, xylophone, lop 1)~ i 9 • ante. •• lob. 10rdl{ O. ant.b.llua. Yo. Kippur. 01 ~ZU 61. •••boll tion. putrid 1412 62. arbu:tu •• aCltone. quadrant 141~ art.r10.alero.1.. ac tua t. 141 art.rr' .dd1th•• q".drat. 1421 ..Ii. lat•• doctrin•• "1'1' 11122 66i'• ••• iatent, .coc.ntrio. v1 .. 142Z 67. .coordion. whipla.h 142 68. attir •• d.. ohy. whirlwind 14)1 69. ayocation. loft)'. tolerable 14)2 70. ayoird"fole. 111.0. ti.panl 71. avow. 1 nt.l, ~.trJ 114 ill 72. baffle. lod,o. syllabicato i 1 basa toll.. revh.. .ybari t. 7Z' i442 7 • bann.r, .able, roti ••• rie 144) 7i' ban.hi., r.velation. rotter li144 7 • bantaa," rotunda 11151 7~. ba.lin.t. _ t.rloned. .id 111,2 7 • ba ••o, l.a10ul. • dihipi 79. ....oon. • •• th.rp.... .Ul 14M 110. ... t. woodo .. t. einlotr.Uon 14 11 1 Ill. di.inloh • •d.noid •• lucr. 1112 82. di.i""ti... afnlction. lob I11Z Ill' di.plo. -sr ••••nt. lu.baco 111 II •, .Iro.pao., lunar 1121 dleor.p.noy. d.fraud. lurid 1122 II • di,or.tion. d.l.otabh. lop 112Z II~. dlo ••llllion. d.a111 tu'b •• la .12 II • dh ••nt d_ralla.. JOlli t)' 11)1 89. dl •• ertation. laa1na. 10i.t 11)1 90. dh.ordo •• aaraooot. .pl)' 91. doOWlont. a •• our. lnfliot 91. dodder. l . . .ntable. bO'r!:' 11 1 afr... lnfr • 1111. rubb.rh.. llooklo duo till • 1I0lioal eem•• t. rou• •MIlt. 11'10' 11~ ott .........{ litter. haYOo 1151 '''''0. y. led. IlaunUne 99. att1o. .1..... nniti)'. 100. 0"1.,. .,....1ti)'. P'8II inc I) 1m 1 1 1)42


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