Al Mann - The Headless Horseman - Introducing the Blindfolded Car

February 13, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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Tel. 304-947-7730

P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon, WV 25422

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Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon, WV 25422




(Copyright by AME, 1992)

It is written That young Lord Ewen battled his father and was smitten He had no butter with his bread So for that he lost his head, The Faery washing-woman said. His horse knew not his rider's fate And ran hell-bent to Hade's gate The MacLaine Clan do state, That this headless horseman oft returns To collect the souls that Lochbuie mourns. The blindfolded magician driving a blindfolded car can be said to be our modern day headless rider. To the uninitiates one mystery is as unbelievable as the other! - The secret of this stunt is priceless! The effect, awesome. I need not remind the reader about the reams and caliber of fabulous publicity that can be had by doing it. The secret of driving a blindfolded car was known decades ago by a small group of magicians although it has never appeared in print, and there is no record that anyone ever did it, to my knowledge. This treatise gives two methods and both methods are practical and most easy to do.

"he 1?tiadlt!Jtded ~Ifl,f. METHOD I. The author of this method is unknown. The effect is that a blindfolded magician is locked into a car that has all its windows painted dead black. In the condition the car is in, it is utterly impossible for anyone with two good eyes to see through the windows and windshield, and much less the blindfolded magician. Yet the magician drives the car expertly!



THE SECRET: The secret is that if you can see through a blindfold in front of your eyes you can surely find a way to see through a blindfold in front of your car! Firstly the magician must wear a trick blindfold that allows him to see straight ahead. Secondly, the black paint used is a water color paint or any paint that can be rubbed off by touching it. The windshield and all the windows are painted from the inside of the car. After the magician is locked into the car, from the inside of course, so that no one can surprise the magician by opening a door, he starts the car and begins to move forward slowly, removes the blindfold by pushing it up or down on his face, and immediately rubs two fingers on the windshield making two small see-through holes in the paint which allows him to see ahead! It is amazing how much can be seen seen through a tiny hole or scratch on the paint. NOTE: The car after it is prepared and parked at the showgrounds must be locked so that no one messes with it. The magician rides alone. If needed, after finishing the drive, and before he gets out, he sprays the two holes in the paint with black paint to hide the secret, hides the spray can and replaces the blindfold. As can be seen the modus operandi is minimal while the effect will get you headlines and make you famous. THE BLINDFOLD: Recommended is the type of blindfold shown in Fig. 3. Magic dealers sell several kinds such as the Ultra Blindfold by Jim Herpick which is the best and highly recommmended. The Elder Blindfold by Ed Melon. The Supreme and the Raja blindfold. These blindfolds may be selling today under other names. The simpler the better. SUPUM tM_ BLINDFOW W. to b. the b •• t blln4told •• haTe .... er ••• n ••• Don't take our word for it.

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