Al Mann - The Apodosis

January 31, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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FOREWORD "THE APODOSIS," meaning the last word on the center-tear method of thought reading is not really intended as the last word. This book will show that there never is a last word to any art. Better methods and techniques will be discovered as the art expands. A film producer who was critizised for exposing magic secrets said, "Magicians must invent new illusions." There is much wisdom in those words. When a magical secret has been exposed to the public to the point that it no longer enchants, then it is time to come up with something new. The appeal of the thought-reader is universal. His art can be a terrible power. A lady, in the audience of mentalist Bobby Huges of Columbus, Ohio, fainted, while he was finishing his show with the "Lexicon Phenomena." This was the real thing and not a publicity stunt. It of course resulted in much publicity and coverage of future shows by the press. Another lady swooned and nearly fainted before the television camaras while mentalist Allemann read her thoughts via the center-tear method. ******************

Thanks to Micky Hades of Canada and Richard Osterlind of Connecticut for their assistance in finishing this book.

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Hert' the performer-taUI for the loan of a amaD ,tip.of ~per which he teara into an .approximate size. t x 3 inchu. and. with a fountain pen or pencil, draWl an oval-like circle in the center of the paper_ This circle, he Itatn. is to represent the special circle of friend. with which the spectator'a mind i. to come

iD contact_ The paper is then handed to tbe speetator who writes his chosen name and folds the paper with the writing inside. Performer then turns his back to spectator and, placing bis hands behind his owo back. he asks ,peetator to hand him the folded paper. Still retaining the ~ame position. performer 11ow\y tura the paper according to the imitructions, and deposiu the t~rn pieces in a Imall drug envelope, and let. light to same over a small ash tray. Going to pocket for a box of matches or a cigarette lighter, the atolen bit remains behind untitsuch time as performer removes a white calling card from tilS pock"t upon • hich to jot down the letters, one by one. which he apparently sees in the Imoke created by the burning paper. Needless to say, the small bit of paper with written Dame is removed together with card and read from palm of hand a. the supposed ,moke ray. are being jotted down. This. in brief. is Mr. Hamblen's OWll conception of how a bit of real maa-ic can be gamed from taking any effect and changing it into a new one. If ),011 Mould doubt the .. tounding nature of this remarkable mental telt-try itl


T. M. C. II:()ITS Just a few words rdalive to this release by Yr. Annemann. Wr wonder if the majority of T. M. C. Memhers will re •..tize the ,·ast "Iper qualities of this master effect) H ere we note one of tho!'e rarr and I\l\u~ual ("ases whl're a mere secret overshadows that of the \lI0~t expenSI\'1' trick or il1u~ion. In fact. there is no pl>,~ihle way to place an estimate of valut' upon an effect of this typt'. bt'tall'" they only ("oml' 10 lil(ht once or twice in a liktillle. M mwy will lint huy them. J n our t'ntirc experience. we have never ~ecn anything of il :
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