Al Mann - Super Clip Line Plus

May 2, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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Ceaseftre I -




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I Shattered

l ' n Beirut


ByEDWAB DCODY B E IR U T (A P ) - Mosl st re e t figh em , C h rI st ia n ters pushed b ac k : g B ei ru t' s do u n m en ri n g in g t d a y in fierwntown hotels toce mbat th a t ... ... ..:>Ou../L ",..'u a n annco ounced g o v . ceasefire. P al es ti n ia n troops supp official whose ' n es e ~!osle o rt ed th e Leba- i O h ri st ia n s ms' a tt a c k sa id i w in g F al an fr o m th e ·rlghit- " g ls t P a rt y m i'li\d "s u ff er ed a m il it a ilitia fe :












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B as sa m A P o p u la r F ro b u S h ar if o f th e at io n of P al n t fo r th e Libercl ai m a ft e es ti n e m ad e the r Moslemsg u er ri ll as " an d o a n g is ts ' la st v er ra n th e Fa!a n d moved fo rw ar d o u tp o st Into th e sh o f th e 25-s tory H o li d ayadow witnesses Inn. said.

'We'll Move Ahead' Y o u th s In a rm e d w it h green fatigues, 47 as sa u lt Soviet-made AK~ ri b y .50-cali fles a n d b ac k ed ber machin e g u n s, p o u re d th ro d is tr ic t to w u g h th e Q an ta rl hotel, al re ar d th e 5OO-room ad b u ll et s, ro ck y sc ar re d b y et h it s an d fire. ''Tonight we'll m0 ve ah ea d ," a b o as te d to Moslem g u n m an -" a n A P ph r-aphe- fo llowing th o to g ei r ad · vance. probe." "This w as ju st a , " i


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(201) 431-2429 POST OFFICE BOX 144 •



FOREWORD Telepathy, to many is already a proven raot. The display of thought reading only oonri~s an already existing belief. Predict the course of ruture events and you are presenting the proof or miraole. 1~ Super Clip Line effect appears unoanny to the 12.y audience. .dationali ty cannot aocount for it unless psychic phenomena is accepted. The operator will discover that he will get more ef:Cect out of Super Clip Line than out or more expensive and sophistioated psychic tests. Super Clip Line should be presented in a serious vein. Apparently only the surface has been scratched. The readers '-Till no doubt carne up with other variations. UndGr the proper milieu, the spectators may even be allo'Hed to snip off some lines but care must be taken that this does not slmoJ' up the tempo of the effect. Care must also be taken to avoid diminishing the oriGinal intent of the author, \'lhich is that the operator must pretend to knOH it all, the first line and the last line or both final pieces of newsprint. To avoid piracy of this conception, the idea was rushed to the printers. That is why some of the pages appear a bit untidy. TlB Clip Line effect is not new. The erfeot has been around for years. Only the combination of ideas and the presentation angles are original Nith the author. Best Wishes,

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Medicos 6iven Rigllt to Refuse To Do Abortions

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By NEIL LEWIS In its final act before adjourning for the summer, the Assembly debated q1,1!:'ngth and pa>;sed a controversial , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - measure yesterday to atIow. docto!::;, nurses and hospitals tg refl.l~,B_ to perform abortIons wlthout penalty. ,

Turks WI-den Cyprus Hold Order U N Force to Move'

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