Al Mann - Quin Taces - Voyage Into Miracle

January 31, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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Download Al Mann - Quin Taces - Voyage Into Miracle...



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(L., be silent) Copyright by Al Mann Exclusives "The fire that outlives the parent flame burns on and scintillates like through a glass of many colors." AM The following are excerpts from letters written ~~ me by Leo H. Boudreau of Alexandria Virginia and dated, 9/25/8), 10/11/8) and 10/16/8). Leo combine4 two AME principles, the Morse-Type code and the Tr-Id-EII, and created the most advanced method for the thought-reader, extant! THE GENERAL EFFECT. Three, four or more spectators in the audience think of words and spell them secretly and silently. All participating spectators spell their chosen words at the same time! The Mental Marvel remains silent and divines the chosen words! All of theml Nor EI In the following instructions Leo uses an "0" in place of the dot (.) or short word, and a "1" in place of the dash (-) or long word. I have found it more convenient in actual performing to use the dot and dash when jotting down the cues for The Damned Thing and the Delphian Oracle. The reader may want to SUbstitute dots and dashes in Leo's notes. Please do not pass judgement on this mns. until you have read it through and analysed it. ~ehind the following lines, lurks the material for miracles just waiting to be called forth.

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This short and sweet effect will introduce the reader to the type of methods used. But it is only an introductory effect which will be followed by more advanced methods. But nevertheless this effect is a stunnerl The technique revolves around composed sentences that Leo got through the aid of a computer. The sentences are made up of short and long words. The long words being twice as long, or longer than the short words. Here is one sentence. . "With the noise that accompanies fame comes instantaneous recognition; distinguished personalities seem, nevertheless, much preoccupied celebrating their good name." So, let's say that you


are entertaining a group of students.





And that you have managed to sneak into the lecture hall and chalked the above sentence on the blackboard. During your show you propose to do a thought-transference test. You ask one of the students to secretly choose four words together from the sentence and to secretly write the four words on four cards you hand him and which are marked from 1 to 4. He is to write the first word on card No.1, and the second word on card No.2, etc. When finished he is to pass card No. 2 to a second person and card No.3 to a third person, etc. He is to keep card No. 1. All four persons are then told to close their eyes and to spell their word in their minds silently. They are also instructed to spell the word only once and to open their eyes and stop concentrating when finished. The Mental Marvel only has to notice which students kept their eyes closed longer. For example, say that the four words chosen were "the noice that accompanies." In this case the Mentalist notices that only one student kept his eyes closed longer. That is the fourth student. He then knows exactly what four words were chosen and he can tell each person what he or she is thinking! The technique will become clear with what follows. By Leo Boudreau In my letter dated 8/14/83 concerning the Tr-Id effect, I raised the questions Can the participants be led through the sequential decision process without the performer having to callout the designs or colors directly? Finding an answer to this question has been of special interest to me. Although Tr-Id incor~orates many subtle principles, it remains a cleverly disguised blnary sorting routine. In order to better disguise the method used in Tr-Id, I propose using, as a back-up for the main effect with designs, the Morse-type code of long-short words, which code totally eliminates the need for CALLS. What remains simulates mindreading in its purest form. Here is a brief description of the word test I propose. The performer writes a lengthy sentence down in a notebook or on a blackboard. Three volunteers are then asked to participate in an experiment. Each is asked to read over the sentence, pick at least four consecutive words -- any four words will do, and remember the words chosen. The volunteers may write down the words if desired to help them remember, but the writing should not be necessary. The volunteers are then requested simply to think of their words, to spell or merely pronounce the words mentally without uttering a sound and without moving their hands or lips. The performer eXplains that he will attempt to intercept all their thoughts simultaneously, and he then proceeds to do so quite convincingly by revealing the exact words thought of. ,C-,.i'

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WITH DICTIONARIES. For a more dramatic presentation p pass out 16 dictionaries throughout the audience and have each person open his or her dictionary to any page. You then go around and pick out words from the pages chosen! Ask the person holding the dictionary to say if word is actually on that page. You of course pick either short or long words as needed!

?'~via.u!d ~4(/,eJ~;'Ce.' Discussing the Tr-Id-ELL principle with Flavian, the star of New Jersey's cable TV station, 'Journey to the Center of Your Mind,' Flavian suggested the following idea which is worthy of note and most practicle. You use two bags of 'trinkets,' or tiny toys like rubber animals, etc. One bag contains trinkets that spell with a short one syllable word like, 'cat,' 'dog' 'house' etc. The second bag contains trinkets that spell with long words like, 'Hippopatamus,' 'Rhinoceros,' etc. These trinkets are freely ch~sen by anyone and placed into the correct short-long sequence!




In 1961, a year that seems like eons past, I started collecting notes and ideas for creating the 'Master Book Test' which resulted in Codex-X. Every thing I knew about book tests was joted down, including Dick Himber's idea of making the longest word of the first sentence of every chapter a force word. I also joted down the idea of using the nadir of Himber's idea which was of using also the shortest word of the sentence as a force word. A combination of long and short words for the first sentence of each paragraph was also pondered with the idea of telling the spectator, "The first word you are reading is a long word and the second word is a short word!" Even if the Mentalist did not know at this time what the words were, the revelation of the long and short word was by itself a 'hit~' But it became impossible to doctor up the context of CodexX any further so the idea of long-and-short words was shelved. Eighteen years later, after Codex-X was placed on the market, The short-lang-word idea was restudied which resulted in The Damned Thing which was released in 1980. Further study revealed that the short-long code which was an adaptation of the Morse-Code of dots and dashes, could be applied to any book. All the Mentalist had to do was to locate a book with about 10 chapters and then study the first four words of each chapter for a possible code. The Code was used also in Six Columns (1982). With this idea Flavian was able to read the thoughts of one person over the telephone by using the Wall Street Journal! The Delhian Oracle was also coded in like manner (1983). Tr-Id is an elaboration of "The Abstract Thought- from LORANT (Long Range Telepathy) which was published in Classified and which in turn was an elaboration of "This is It." from Phoenix No. 94, by Don Medley. In 1983, Leo Boudreau used his scientists mind to create the mind-shattering silent code which the spectators sent to the Mentalist unknowingly, telling of what design they were drawing and in what color! This was released as Tr-Id-ELL. With mathematical precision and by the aid of a computer, Leo Boudreau then combined principles from both Tr-Id-ELL and the Morse-type code to create Quin Taces which is to date the most advanced method in the art of pseudo-thought reading extant! Thinking as a mathematician, Leo's thoughts are profound. He also proposed the 'Complementary Principle' which utilizes the code in a reversed fashion, so that the effect can be repeated. In that method, the Mentalist notices who used the short words in spellingl instead of the long words. Have

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