Al Mann - Psi Clone - The Art of Thought Cloning

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eet!J,z i 1/1.1'" Copyright by Al Mann Exclusives 1985 THE AME MAJOR ARCANA SERIES

Effects of Mentalism done over the telephone give the listener an eerie thrill. This effect wanes fantastic! Unkown to the listener, you actually 'clone' thoughts in his mind, creating duplicate thoughts that the listener believes are in your mind!!;·; IWhen in reality you know nothing other than the fact that he is using a deck of 52 cards. This effect can of course be done while the VIP is sitting across the table from you, BUT the 'drama over the telephone' is the most profound. The listener in the comfort and privacy of his own home is totally unarmed and relaxed and does not anticipate or even suspect trickery. The fact that he is using his own deck of cards dispells 99% of the trickery that laymen are familiar with such as sleights, marked cards, etc. EFFECT AND PRESENTATION: Speaking on the telephone to a stranger about things psychic: '~et's try a test over the phone. Please get a deck of cards. Is it a complete deck with all 52 cards in it?" (NOTE: Any deck can be used with any number of cards but the operator must know the number of cards used. If the listener is not sure how many cards there are in his deck, the operator may say, "Please count them silently. We are so far separated and I must work with my mind only so it is most important that I know exactly what is happeninf.. But only tell me the number of cards we are using. Thank You. ') For this effect, we'll proceed with the use of a 52 card deck. f. tz/nr/fl




"Get a r.enc il and some pape r also , as we must make a recor d of the tes t. ' "Plea se shuf fle and cut your deck seve ral times and let me know when you are ready . Fine l" "Now pleas e look at the botto m card of the deck but don' t tell me what the card is but pleas e write the name of the card on a slip of pape r and place the pape r in your righ t coat pock et or pan ts ~ pock et." "Now pleas e think of a numb er, say betw een 30 and forty . Keep the numb er secr et. But remem ber it." " I am also think ing of a numb er. I have chose n the numb er 10. Pleas e remem ber that I have discl osed my numb er firs t. What numb er did you choo se? 35! Good !" "Now pick up the deck and place it in your left hand as for deali ng (assu ming the perso n is righ t hand ed). You are righ t hand Corr ect? Fine! Pleas e deal ten card s on the table one at a timeed. one over the othe r face down . Ten is the numb er I chos "Plea se look at the last card you deal t. The tenthe." card BUT do not tell me what it is. Just think of it. No! That is card . Pleas e repla ce the card on top of the deal t cards not the and deal five more card s. (Pers on has now deal t 15 card s.) Take the next card from the card s in your hand and look at it and reme mber cit. Place that card face down on top of the deal t card s. Write the name of the card on anoth er piece of pape r and place it to one side on the table ." (The noted card was the 16th card deal t.) (NOTE: The perso n has just looke d at the 16th card and has writt en the name on a slip of pape r. The oper ator can use patte r as he sees fit for the actio ns. ) "Now take the card s in your hand and place face down over the deal t card s on the table to assem ble thethem deck deck in your hand s and deal 35 cards one at a time one . Take the over the othe r face down . 35 is the numb er you chos e corre ct? You did have a free choi ce. You have deal t 35 cards ? Fine! Now take the next card from the deck and place it face down to your left. Place the next card face down to your righ t. And place the next card face down in fron t of you betw een the othe r two card s." "You now have three cards face down in fron of you. Place all the othe r card s aside and out of the way. We t w~ll deal only with the last three cards and remem ber you are using a well shuf fled deck . I have no way of know ing what the three cards are, or so it seem s. But I do know ." "Plea se take the slip of pape r you have your righ t pant s' pock et and place it on top of the card on yourin left. What did you write on the pape r? The six of hear ts? Fine ! I am corr the card unde r the pape r. It is the six of hear ts? Of ect. Look at cour se." "You also wrot e the name of anoth er caord on the slip of pape r on the table . Plea se turn over the cent er card of the three and tell me what it is. The Jack of Hear ts? No that is not what you wrote is it? Turn over the card on the righ t. What is it? The Ace of Spad es Corr ect! That is what is writt en on the secon d slip! Corr ect? I must use your eyes to see the card s for you see I just follo wed your thou ghts! "




lhe reader must agree that the effect on the mind of the listener is devastating. Whatever rationale is used, the effect is that of a Miracle. The listener must assume that you read his mind, or that you divined what he wrote on the two slips of paper, or that you have some way of controlling the fall of the cards. The method is self-working and automatic providing you use the above formula and patter and you know how many cards there is in the deck. The above method revolves around the number 52. Yet any number of cards can be used. If the operator feels that he is imposing too much on the listener by the counting involved, he can simply tell the listener to cut the deck in half and count the cards and then that number is used in the formula. THE METHOD: In the above effect a deck of 52 cards is used. After the listener shuffles and cuts the deck he is told to look at the bottom card and write its name on a slip of paper and pocket it. He is then to pick a number from 30 to 40. Say he picks 35. The operator secretly subtracts 35 from 52 and subtracts 1 from the answer to arrive at his key number of 16. 52 minus 35 equals 17 minus 1 equals 16. For misdirection, the operator has told the listener that he has picked the number 10 before the listener picked his number 35. Actually the number 10 is only a base. To note the second card, the listener is told to deal 10 cards, then 5 more for a total of 15, He is then to note the next card, the sixteenth card (for the key number 16). The sixteenth card is then dealt face down on top of the 15 cards on the table AND THE REi1AIImR OF THE DECK IN THE HAND IS PLACED OVER THE TABLED CARDS ANO the gaff is in! Fig. 1 shows the three cards ~, used in the effect. For the illustration, these are shown face up, in actual practice they should be face down ';==..-t ~ . Y in order to use the element of surprise. Of the three, the left card, the Fig. 1 six of hearts is the origianl bottom card whose name is written on the slip of paper in the listener's pants' pocket. The center card, the Jack of Hearts is a dummy which is used for misdirection. The right hand card, the Ace of Spades, is the second card noted and the name written on the slip of paper on the table matches it. At the end you know all three cards which the listener assumes you knew all along. If these three cards are now placed on the bottom of the deck you will have three more key cards and can perform another miracle for the listener,

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1. Listener shuffles and cuts his own deck of 52 cards. 2~ You choose number 10 3. Listener chooses number 35 (any number 30 to 40). 4. You subtract 35 from 52 minus 1 to arrive at 16. 5. Listener writes down secretly the name of the bottom card and places slip of paper in pants' pocket. 6. Tell listener to deal 10 cards face down on table. 10 is your chosen number. then 5 more and then to look at the next card, the 16th card (for the key number 16). He writes the name of this card secretly on a slip of paper and places it on the table. 7. Listener is told to place all the cards he holds in his dealing hand on top of the 16 dealt cards and to pick up the whole deck. 8. He now deals 35 cards on the table and puts them aside. He deals the next card, the 36th card and places it face down to his left. 9. The next card is dealt to his right. 10. The next card is dealt in the center in front of him. 11. The name on "the sl~p in his pocket now matches the card on the left, the six of hearts. The slip on the table matches the card on his right, the Ace of Spades.

Formula for a 32 card deck. 1. Listener is told to choose a number from 15 to 25. 2. Before that you stated that you have chosen number 5. 3. Subtract the listener's number from 32 minus 1. example: 32 minus 22 minus 1 equals 9. 4. Nine is the key number. 5. After bottom card is noted, tell listener to dealS cards then 3 more and to look at the next card, the 9th card. 6. After the deck is assembled, the listener is told to deal 22 cards (his chosen number) and to deal the next three cards face down on the table, the first to his left, the next to his right and the thid card in the center, as in Fig. 1. IF YOU USE HALF A DECK OR 26 cards: 1. you pick number 3. 2. Listener is told to choose a number between 10 and 20. 3. His chosen number is subtracfrom 26 and minus 1 to arrive at the key number.



EFFECT: A listen er on the teleph one rever ses a secre t numbe r of cards in his own deck. The Psych ic tells the listen er to rever se a few more cards and then inform s the listen er exact ly how many cards are rever sed! And how many face down!




THE PRESENTATION: "let' s try a test right "Sure . I do "Over the teleph one?" now!" g?" kiddin r're "You this all the time. " the try let's and "NO! Get a deck of cards " Fig. 2 most diffi cult test I know. When the listen er ge~s the cards , he is instructe d to shuff le it and cut it. Then he is to deal two rows of ten cards each, as in Fig. 2. Then he is to secre tly rever se a numbe r of cards in the top row, say betwe en 2 and 9. He is then to do the same thing on the bottom row, that is, to rever se the same numbe r of cards . This is shown in Fig. 3. He is to keep the numbe r of reversed cards secre t. As an examp le. let's assum e that the liste ner rever sed four cards in each row. The listen er is then instru cted to colle ct the top row of cards caref ully into a stack and to place it on his right and the bottom row is Fig. 3 stacke d and place d to his left. "Now pleas e pick up the remai nder of the deck and turn it face up. Even thoug h you shuff led and cut the deck, I can tell a lot by knowi ng what the face or bottom card is. That is the card facing up right now after you have turned the deck over. What is that card? " "The Jack of Heart s! Just as I thoug ht. Now pleas e place the face up deck over the stack of cards on your left and turn the whole stack Fig. 4 over so that the face card becom es the bottom card again ." Fig. 4 shows the two stack s of ten cards to the left and right and the deck face up in the middl e with the Jack of Heart s showi ng. Fig. 5 shows the deck face up and place d over the stack of ten cards on the left. Fig. 5 It matte rs not wheth er the deck is placed on the left hand stack or the right hand stack . The impor tant thing is that the face up deck must be placed over a stack of ten cards and then of ten cards and does turned face down again . This maneu ver rever ses a stack nothi ng. It is just means deck the the trick! The ident ity of the face card of card as you may bottom the of a bit of misdi rectio n. But do remem ber the name




want to do another trick. "You are now holding the deck of cards in your hand ready for dealing, right? and on the table is a stack of ten cards with some reversed cards in it. Right? You are the only one who knows how many reversed cards there is in the stack. Correct?" "Before I called you I wrote down a Fig. 6 six digit number. I wrote - 771410. Remember it. 771410." ' "So please deal' seven cards from the top of the deck. Please deal the cards as they are. If a card is face down, deal it face down and if it is face up, deal it face up. Place the seven cards to the left of the stack on the table and then deal seven more cards to the right of the stack. Remember, deal the cards as they are. Do not turn any cards over." This is shown in Fig. 6. Next, tell the liste~er to put the rest of the deck aside and to pick up the three stacks of cards one over the other and to see how many cards are face up and how many are face down. He must do this secretly. "You have exactly 14 cards face down and ten cards face up. That completes my mystical number of 771410. The two sevens are for the two stacks of seven cards dealt. The 14 is for the face down cards and the 10 for the face up or , If II reversed cards! "How did I know that? Easy, I have strange powers. I

THE SOLUTION IS QUITE SIMPLE: The effect is self-working. The number of cards initially reversed by the listener mean nothing. When one of the stacks of ten cards is reversed, he ends up with 10 cards face up and ten face down •• After the seven cards are dealt to left and right of one ten card stack, the total of face down cards is increased by the extra cards, 14 in all, 4 more cards than the original 10 card stack, so the number of face down cards is increaed by 4 making a total of 14 cards face down BUT the number of face-up cards remains the same, 10! You have a total of 24 cards on the table (7 plus 10 plus 7) so you know that 10 cards are face up (or reversed) while the rest (14) are face down. ()

The reader can present several variations of this principle once he Knows how it works. The listener can be given a choice of how many cards to deal to the left and right of the stack on the table, BUT you must know how many cards he dealt, For Example: Tell the dealer to callout a number from 5 to 15 and to deal that many cards to the left of the stack of ten cards on the table. Next he can callout another number between 5 and 15 and deal that many cards to the right of the stack. Say that he chooses numbers 6 and 11. You now know that there a~e 27 cards on the table, vis, 6 plus 11 plus 10. So you know that ten cards are face up while 17 are face down. In like manner the first two rows of cards that are dealt face down as in Fig. 2, can be 10 or 11 Or 12, etc. provided that both rows have the same number of cards and that you know the number. For two rows of 11 cards, for example, you will end up with eleven cards face down and eleven cards face up after one stack of elevem cards is turned over. For two rows of 12 cards, there will be 12 down and 12 up, etc.








TliE RECAP A. Listener shuffles and cuts his deck and deals two rows of 10 cards in each row. B. He reverses a number of cards in the top row, secretly, from 2 to 9 cards. C~ He does the same thing on the bottom row, reversing the same number of cards as in the top row.

D. He collects the top row in a stack and places it to his right, and the bottom row is placed in a stack to his left. E. He turns the deck face up to look at the bottom card and places the deck face up on top of the stack of ten cards on his left. He tells you the name of the bottom card of the deck. F. The deck is now turned face down and the listener is told to deal seven cards to the left of the ten card stack on the table and seven cards to the right of it. G. The three stacks are now collected, while the rest of the deck is placed aside. H. Listener counts the face up cards and the face down cards for the climax. After the above effect is understood, the following variation will put the icing on the cake. 2. A BIT FURTHER: In the above effect, the listener always ends up with ten face up cards and as many cards face down as the balance of the total number of cards used. If, in step G above, the cards are again reversed, then the listener will have ten cards face down while the rest of the cards are face up. In this variation, the mystery deepens. Let's say that the effect has progreesed to step F, as above. The listener has dealt seven cards to the left and right of the ten cards on the table, making a total of 24 cards. You already know that ten of the cards will be face up, so you can give the listener a free choice as to how many cards he wants face up! "Please choose a number between 10 and 20." "15? Fine!" "I am going to turn over some more cards face up and remember, I do not know how many cards you turned face up at the beginning. But I will bring the number of face up cards to 15. That is the number you have chosen. So please deal three cards face up on the right hand pile and two cards face up on the left hand pile." The number of cards now in use is 24 plus 5 = 29. So you know that 15 cards are face up while 14 cards are face down. (You can if you wish add some face down cards to the three piles to further confuse the issue!) The effect is very strong.

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