Al Mann - Phantom Voices - Miracles by Telephone

May 2, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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'1l2i'taete.D cud: 80 they return to the ruom nnd announce that the name of the card received over the wlr. the ace uf clubs, whlcb the audlvaee acknowled.e .. during the performer ha. never lett tbe room, .nd Ja con.tully In sight oC the audience. Nor dnes be communicate with hfa ... .Iatant ill any Remember alllO tb.t distance haa uotblD, to do wilh the Buccell ot the experiment. I have per· t"~ p.1:pprlrllE"Dt mY' while mr a.siMtant haa been In Buttalo (69 mllftl or In New York City (357 mllell), and I have worketJ It by t~l('grapb trom Rocbl'ster to Chlcagu, OmHl1n. Dt'n\'cr nnd San l"ronclscoclear llerlJtI~ Ill(! contilll'ut, l.iIH·" bt, rt'nH'llllll'r that the per· formt"r haH ah~olutely no ('ommonicltion with Ils:(lst~nt, neIther before the experiment or after he hilS learned what curd baa been aelected 1Iy audience. As tbe cummlttee an' in ('onljlll"te III' DoraDce the card, the effect hi mun·elou~. A ..... urd flf C!\UtlOD riabt here: Do not pre8ent tbe experimpnt in the gulRe of a trick. or till' effect Is lml!. Prutl("nt It ali Il KI..'nnhH' l'xp('rlnwnt 10 mentRI telepathy, or thought trnnK(\·rcnn·. and it you al'c at all ,Irnmali(- in Yllur "attt'r tIH·rt· Is lit) I'XC'lItoIt' If )'1111 lin nul make a rnumful u( con ... ert~ lu Oll'utl!l tt'h~(lath~' LJe(Uft· the hi o'o'(>r, Presented as a mert' feat oC magic, thitl ex' perlmenl hOK nil Crrf'ct whale\'I'r, hul Itrl'i'U'nH'11 lUI Ii ~f'hlllm' experiment in thought tran!Jferen('(~ It gin'!! u ,'alitl t.'XCII!Je for tbe l)errOrmer knowing thtl name of the CUll chose 1 hy al1dleoc'2. How can he transmit the card mentally to hht all81stanl ,,·tth· out knOWing It? It Is this very c.1et~n thai makpR the trick pGfIslblc, The cJtlllauHtlull (If Ihl~ licwlltll'rlng eXIH'rlu1t'1l1 i2t adn1ltllclty Itself, hut ladefectlble. The performer, In order lei prelent tbe


Stoddard. Sam.lOn. Saddler.

Sa,der. Jobn.. 8craDtom.

Fi\'e-Colllll~l. ~Ix-..(·.rl·'ni~h\,


Hllr', Ho ..·.rd.

11.lIfHN. Sc\'t'n-('lIhlwell 1IIImll •. ..:lCht-··Omrtnt'y. 11".('nmh Sirut-Curtlaad. Iflu,klnl'l.

Knl"t'-(·rat,;. Queen-Cabot, lied,u. KI •• Hick •• autsteaL ." performer, halll key. wJaea be ..... a ror, Kfty. Mr. bf' ft·r .... to bi. ke, ud dJaco'·en that card to mhtt'd hi tbe nye of dlamODda. If thtl c.1I Is for Mr. 8('rantom. he knC'l..•• at oace carll it' qll(>~'n (lr Tht,t )H-;lUllr.,1 part of I, that thtl cutumlttf't'n1an, who I. 10 ICQOrance lbe eard cboaeft. ,. uD('on.clc:uMl~· Ihe mean. of commnnl"allnll lult and yalue the .."t.tant. il ob'Ylcm1l that tbl" perfurmer tbe eJ:perlm~nt before Mam..- aUdience-but tb.1 '" a d ••dvanla.e that I_ of comlDun u('curr~Dce In ....It'. A momeD'" renectlon will CUD\'lnce tilt' "'ader tau..... ,. not a w@ak point tn the trl"k. Accordio" 1" tbe condition. of mental te'elP'&phy, it I. tor Ihe to be ac· qualDted with tbe card befor. be can to bll ... i.tant, 1.1'1 naturally Inlrut', IMI "'"•• wbeD Ibe performer NqU"I't. till. ('f,mmlttee cMIl up itr. So-aad·So at .uch·aocl-fln"h a numbt.'r, Tilt" actllt' ~:tdt'r will notice th.t tbe Dames for dl.moDflal; tWlln "'lIb Ii "e," eu·. If the n.... lor tbo diamond .ult IKtg.!1 ",Ith • "J)" It lulsht offer. clue the theM! IItll~ tb.t coDat In tbl. bualaesa. A.. I mt=otiuu~d .t tbe tK'.inulu .., be 1lUC!"(·,,.fuUy performt'il 'phone. AU you ba",e to dn I" I •• mllct' prrllll •. 'Itb "ome rrlfmd,lo IlUme 1(1\\'11 ('II),. pertormlnc tht' trl('" .. ·I"'Ult))h 1I COde I. Wiled .•• follo.·s: 'l't'lI- .I, l-Kef for Value, ~

Dlekeaeon. DeQtoD.

Kna",,- Ii, follh't"n-'I.


Two-A. 1'bree- ('. Four-D. Flve-E








Se\·en-G. ~Igjlt-H.

Nine-I. In tbl. elI,perlment \be lut name

the doe. DOt eount, as in the telepbone 11 I~ Ihe flnat t,,·o Initial. that convey tbe Information It) the a~~I"t:tnt. "~ur cxample, • )ettl'r


"Mr. n, O. Rtnlth"


tbe Beveo of clnl.l'" was 111(' ,,~I('('ll'II ('un!. The Or_. InlUal alvea tbe valnc, 1Iy I IInll till' ,,('('uUtl !!llllni Kh'~" It... Mult, a@t! key 2. It the IterCurnlt'r Ih·sin'f'. h,· (,:1111 ulilio Lht." InlUa" In proper nam... ex.mple. thE' aho\'e uame eould rlttn "George D. Smith," wbich 'Would mean the lIame. Tbe ..... pay. no .ttentlon to the The lulU." only are "pUl· Of this experiment C.n be doDe without th. per. tormer'. wrlllDI' one Iln.:h' word. A 11 he bill 10 do II liye the committee the name anll addr(>~M of e"MIIILant. do the or r.ther the tplCKraph eomll.lny elfiN.

THE ZOMAHS. In 1910 and 1911, The Zomahs (Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Giddlngs~created a sensation in the Alhambra Theatre in London. The Zomahs were a two-person mindreading team using a code. Mrs. Zomah challenged the press to test her powers. She said




she could read her husband's mind even if he was miles away from her. So a test was arranged. Mrs. Zomah would remain in the office of the Daily Mirror while Mr. Zomah stood on the stage of the Alhambra surrounded by the picked committee of newspaper reporters and others. Articles would then be handed to Mr. Zomah which he would hold in his hand. Mrs. Zomah would then read his thoughts and then call the theatre by phone and say what it was that he No! Mr. Zomah would not touch the phone. He would was holding. be far away from it. The phone was held by one of the reporters who would then repeat what Mrs. Zomah said! As expected the unprecedented exhibition caused wonderment. The newspaper said that Mrs. Zomah could actually see what her husband was holding in his hand as she could describe the article minutely. She could tell the value and date of a coin, for example. The method used by the Zomahs was childsplay! But it wasn't the method that baffled the world. It was 'theatre' - showmanship plus years of experience before the public plus the hidden power of the words with which the phenomenon was described. Whereas the newspapers reported that the members of the committee gave different articles to Mr. Zomah to hold in his hand p what actually happened was a bit different. Mr. Zomah instructed the reporters and committee persons to take things out of their pockets and to hold them in their hands. Mr. Zomah would then come around and pick things out, BUT in a known order! likel Pen, Handkerchief, eyeglasses, etc. Unkown to the committee, the Zomahs did use a code. For giving the date on a coin, Mr. Zomah would say, "Ask my wife if she can tell us anything else about this coin?" The reporter would then say, "Mrs. Zomah, can you tells us something else about the coin?" That was a code that could be worded in many ways, vis., "Tell Mrs. Zomah to give us the date." etc. Bear in mind that the Zomahs had many years of experience with codes. The order of the articles picked by Mr. Zomah could be changed several times!

1I)'3:.a.-t,ti~ As the record shows, the English Seer, Turvey did an uncanny book test over the telephone back in 1905-1908. He told the listening spectator on the other end of the line what a second person was reading! behind his back! For a solution we must assume that Turvey knew the book being used and that he had a way of forcing the page number. Another method would be for the reading spectator to be a confederate. To duplicate this miracle today, barring the use of a stooge and the need to visit beforehand the spectator's home, we can proceed thusly, What book can be found for certain in the spe ctator' s home that can also be fO"lllnd in your home? T he telephone directory of course. Also the daily newspaper.






Telling a person over the telephone what he is reading in the Wall Street Journal or thhe hometown newspaper is an impressive test that has already been treaated in 'Six Coulmns. ' Here we will deal with1 the telephone directory. We will also use, in a disguised fashi(on, the number-juggling formula that is used in The Transcendenta:a.l Book Test. (This formula appeared in Heath's 'Math-t!;-Magic' pallge 17, called Arithmatical Whoopee). T~ PRESENTATIONa (Pleaase note that in the beginning you know noth1ng. All the numbers nmust be gotten from the listening person on the other end of the teelephonel) You call the person, orlr friend, and say, "John, let's try a test of clairvoyance over' the telephone. This is a very rare test and I want to attempt it. Tell your son to get the telephone di~ectory and to sit about 110 feet away from you. By the way what 1ssue of the telephone direc1;bry are-yuou using? July 1983? Good." I

(NOTEa You must have a copy of the ssame directory, AND if you are a working Mentalist you should copies of several telephone directories from past years. Many perrsons keep the old directories for reason's of convenience as they, have annotated the pages.) "Tell your son to open the boo);k to any page between 350 and 400, and to keep it a secret. I "do not want you to know what page is used." (NOTEa I am using~ the Freehold, N. J. telephone book which has about 500 pages in t~he white section, so I will use a page between 350 and 400 whnich is about the center of the book. If you are using a thicker -book then you may use any section but the page must always b~ between -50 and -100. This is the' same as telling the person to choose a number between 50 and 100. For our purpose the first ~igit of the three will not matter.) Assume that the son writes" page 381. "Please remember John, tthat the page chosen is not known, not even by you and that your s~on has a wide choice. There are many names on the page and now ~e are going to choose a column and a name, So·please take a pape~~~nO ~ancil and write down a twodigit number between 50 and 100." Assumel that John writes down 54. "Give some paper and pencil to your som and tell him to write down the page number. When he does that T will get a vibration from it." "Now tell your son to add the number you have chosen to his page number." Son adds 54 to 381 and gets 435. "Now tell your son to give you the center digit of his answer and also the last digit. Subtract these two digits from your number. Like if he gives you a 1 and a 3, subtract 13 from your number." "Now we are going to use these two new numbers from your answer for the column and name. What was the first digit of your new answer? 1? Great! Use that for the column. And




cont •••

belive it or not, John, I am doing the same thing with a phone directory I am holding in my hand. I am pointing to the first coulmn. But of course, I do not know the page number. Now! what is the second digit of your answer. We will use that to count down to the name. Nine? Good. Tell your son to count down to the ninth name on the first column." NOTE. John has subtracted 35 from his number, 54 to get 191

19 is used for the column and name positions. BUT you have subtracted 19 from 100 to get 81 and you have placed a 3 in front of 81 to get page 381 and you have quickly turned to that page and divinved the name I "Your son is looking at the name of Paskin, right? Sander Paskin, MD., telephone number - - -." etc. " A well versed mathematician will have a tough time solving the numbers riddle. The RECAP.

John writes

subtract last two digits answer


son chooses page 381 son adds 54 24 answer 435


19 for column and name positions Mentalist subtracts 19 from 100 to get 81 to make page 381!

THE FINE POINTS. John will not hesitate to give you the 19 number, since he knows you do not know the page number and knowing the '19' means nothing. He does not know the page number either! But since the father and son are about 10 feet apart, they may callout "the numbers and if you hear the numbers, write them down then you will not have to ask him for them. It is very doubtful if anyone can connect the 19 to 381, which is the secret of the effect. You can give the person a free choice of any page, apparently, in the telephone directory by saying, "You have a free choice of any page in the book. What section of the book do you wish to work with? In the 100's, 200's, 300's -- etc." "300's? Fine. Tell your son to choose a page between 350 and 400. He has a free choice!"' And what ever you do, do not tell me the page." The Telephone directory must have at least four columns on each page.




W'be t~t

What follows 'Warlock' can hidden power IN EFFECT I The you have looked

is a good example of how the create miracles by using the in words. 'Warlock' tells you what word up in a dictionary. The idea is from Prince Thebb.

Prince Thebb calling long distancel "Al, let's try that telephone clairvoyance thing I told you about. Do you have a dictionary handy?" "Yes." I said, as I reached for the Lexicon Phenomena dictionary. (Prince Thebb had made sure by a previous call that I would be using that dictionary!) "What dictionary is it?" "It is the L.P. dictionary!" "Good': Now listen carefully. Pinch the telephone between your shoulder and your ear so that your two hands are free and so that you can hear me, and place the dictionary so that the spine rests in your left palm and open the dictionary with your right hand. Have you done that? Fine! You opened the dictionary to the words that begin with the letter PM. P Is that correct?" "Yes!" I said. (Notes If a person holds the telephone by pinching it between the shoulder and the ear, his two arms are not as free to move as one may imagine. Actually your left arm can not be moved freely otherwise you will drop the telephone. So when the dictionary is placed into the palm of the left hand and it is opened with the right hand, the person will follow the line of least resistance and open the dictionary about the middle where the 'M' words are. But if any other section is opened top it does not matter as will be detailed later.) "Now, .whatever you do, do not tell me the page number. Just keep the page open and don't change your mind. What page would you like to use? the left hand page or the right? The left, good! Add the digits of the page number together so that we can choose a word on the page. What is the total of the digits? 15! Good! So count to the 15th word and concentrate on it. (NOTEs The two digits of the 15 can be used to look at the 5th word on the first column.) You are concentrating on the 15th word on the left hand page, the word in bold type. Right?" "Right!" "You are thinking of the word 'mismanage' right? "Right!" THE ANALYSIS: In the above test, a lot of pertinent information about the chosen page and word is given of which the average per-



son is not aware •• First it was ascertained that the 'M' section of the dictionary was opened to. Next that the left hand page was chosen, the even-numbered pagesl Then the total of the digits of the page was known. The total 15 can only apply to two pages! Page 258 and 276 and chances are that page 276 is the one. So just a little pumping is necessary to locate the wordS NOTE that the person on the telephone, the listener, in the privacy of his own home, is relaxed, unsuspecting and very sure of himself. The bits of information he gives you seem insignificant to him since you are not there but miles away from him. THE WEAK POINT in this method tionary the person is using. You call or a former conversation or The current best seller novel

is that you must know what dicmust ascertain this by a preYious a visit to the 'person's home. can be used also.

OUTS, Let's assume that when the person opens the dictionary, he or she does not open it to the 1M' section. "Wait!" you say, III must first ask you what your favorite letter of the alphabet is?" "The "R" Fine I Please turn to the "RII section." The operator must have a copy of the dictionary used in his hands but you must tell the person on the telephone that YOU DO NOT HAVE A DICTIONARY WITH YOU AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BOOK IS IN HIS HANDS. Another way to limit the person's choice is to tell him to pick any page, say between 250 and 300. "You will have a free coice of one in 50 pages, with hundreds of words." You state. THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY, By using the directory, the above technique can be used with anyone, without need of being acquainted with him or her. Amazingly, any page number from 1 to 999 will force the listener to.the use of the first two columns, 1 or 2, when the digits of the page number are added. If the total results in a single digit, like for page 126 totaling 9, tell the person to count down to the ninth name on the first column. The twodigit totals will start with a 1 or 2. You can force the listener to choose the first column by saying, "Please pick a page between say, 250 and 300. You have a free choice - etc." "You have a page, fine! Whatever you do do not tell me the page. Now in order to choose a name please add the three digits of the page, for example, if your page is number 256, add the 2 to the 5 and then the 7 to the 6, giving you a total of 13. What page are you using the left or the right?" "The left? Fine! Now do not tell me the total, please! but take the smallest digit and use that to choose the column, like the first column on the left or the second, third or fourth." IIyou do have two digits to the answer? Good! So if your total is p say 23, use the 2 for the column. Am I making myself clear on this? You do know what I mean. Right?"





Actually, unless the listener has chosen page 299, totaling 20, the rest of the totals will be from 8 (for pages 251 and 260) to 19 for pages 289 and 298. So the first column will always be used, unknown to the listener. If page 299 has been chosen with a total of 20, the person will no doubt say, 'The smallest digit is a zero. What do I do?' "Use the first column." You say. "And use the other digit for counting down to the name. What is the other digit?" You ask. It can only be a 1 or a 21 THE operator can prepare a list of possible pages as followsl For pages between 250 and 300. PAGE NUMBER POSSIBILIT IES EVEN ODD 260 252 262 254 264 256 266 258 268 278 288 298

270 280 272 290 282 274,292 284 276 294 286 296

251 261 253 263 255 265 257 267 259 269 279 289 299

TOTAL OF Dlq!~§_

271 281 273 283 275 285 277 287 297

290 291 293 295

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

COLUMN -------1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

!:!AM]:__ ~Q~~ION

8 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2

(or 10)

As can be seen by the above chart, the column is 'forcedl' But, this is not known by the listener! You can also ascertain what page is being used, whether the left hand page, Even, or the right hand page with the odd numbers. A direct statement can be used such as, "You are using the right hand page, aren't you?" NOTEz A right handed person will hold the telephone between his left shoulder and left ear and will choose the righthand page, while a left hand person will do the opposite. "You are right handed aren't you? You have chosen the righthand page. Right?" T his statement throws the burden on the listener who assumes that he should be looking at the right hand page. "Please notice that I do not know to what page you have turned to. I do not know what column you are looking at. So do not tell me, but I must know the position of the name on the column. To what number did you count to?" The Even or Odd page can also be forced by saying, "Let's concentrate on the left hand page to make it easy for you." All you need to do after that is determine the exact page by making more direct statements like, "The name you are looking at starts with a 'K.v Right." If the listener says "Nol" Then you say, "Well I was close. It starts with the letter 'L.' "




THE RECAP. (using the local telephone directory) 1. Call the person by telephone and tell him or her to get the local telephone directory, ascertain the directory being used and tell the person to choose a page between, say, 250 and JOO. 2. Ascertain the page used, left or right. Let's say the lefthand page is being looked at. And it is page 276. J. Tell person to add the digits of the page number, and to use the smaller of the two digits for the column and the other digit for the position of the name on the column, counting down. 4. Tell the person not to tell you the page number or the column being used, but to tell you the position of the name. 5. Once you know the postion, 5, you will know that the total of the digits of the page number is 15! And that - - there are only three even-number pages that fit that total. Pages number 258 p 276 and 294. By referring to your prompter sheet (or the telephone directory) you notice that the names on page 258 start with the letter 'K,' while the names on pages 276 and 294 have names starting with the letter 'L!' 6. You then say, "The name you are thinking of starts with the letter 'L t' Corre ct?" (If not you will know the page is 258) If correct next you say, "The second letter of the name is a round letter, Correct? (this is a hit) It is the letter 'a!' " If not then you know the page is 294, and you tell the person what the name is, etc. to the grand climax! NOTE. A table like the one on page lJ, can be made for numbers between J50 and 400 and still, the column forced will be the first column . .





~a.l2de>tm ~~a~e, '1JZ~Ate~~ "Hello Joe. Have you got a minute? I want to try to read your mind over the telephoneS Weird you say? I do it all the time. I am giving a show Saturday night at the Gigolo Theatre and I need the practice." "Get pencil and paper ready. "Ready? Fine. I am going to dictate a test sentence to you. So write it down. The Sentence is. 'I am walking down the street to get a horse and buggy from the carriage house.' Got it? Fine I Now please circle any word in the sentence but don't tell me what word it is." "Got a word? Fine I Now get the big dictionary, you have a Random House Dictionary? Fine. That will do. Please look up the word and tell me when you have found it." "Got it? Fine! Please look at the page where the word is. I see that there is a picture. drawing like, or map there, Correct? Of course, I can see it quite well. You are looking at the lefthand page. Right? and the word you are looking at is on the first colUmn on the left. Correct? Of course! Now look at the left hand column only. The first column where the word is. I see a picture on that column. Right? Wrong? You say? I know there is a picture on the page. I thought it was in that column. I see a Map. Right? A map of Thebes. Right? You are thinking of the word 'the' correct? Of course!" MErHOD. The process-of-elimination is used. And very beautifully. And the reader may use any sentence he wishes, but the sentence must be studied ahead of time and several charts prepared. Recommended is the unabridged edition of the Random House Dictionary. You must first make certain that the listener has one of these in his home. Both the Random House and the Unabridged Webster's Dictionaries are very popular today and can be found in most homes. These dictionaries do not change much through the years and are inexpensive. Both dictionaries are 4 inches thick and contain over 260,000 entries. And three columns on each page. Once the hard work of charting the possibilities of choices, is made, the rest is easy. The odds are all on the side of the operator and he has the facility of making several direct hits, to the amazement of his listener on the phone. The operator must first construct a master chart showing all the words in the sentence. This is shown on page 16. Note that all the words are to be found on pages which have pictures, maps, etc., except the words 'street' and 'get.' This means that your statement, "I see that there is a pictureon that page," will be correct most of the time. The odds are all in favor of it. So that if you are correct. YOU HAVE MADE A HIT! RIGHT FROM THE STARr I But, if the listenere says, "No! There





cont. ••


Page Left Right

Co] umrs





Pictures on page in column



a goat (capra)



map, Brazil












am walking

X ..







get a

x: x:

walking stick insect







Dovetail joints dowels man Thebes





594 1

Wallaby kangaroo

bird, (titmouse)



X X.



horse fly

door frame

maps, Andalucia Andora, Andirons


horse and buggy






















house fly

carriage house

frog map Thebes


(Above chart is applicable to the Random House Dictionary) (cont. from last page) are no pictures on the page." Then you know that he can only be thinking of one of two words, 'street' and 'get.' And you proceed accordingly! to the dramatic climax! But, let's say that he says, "Yes. There is a picture on the



page." Then your next st~tement should be, "You are looking at the left hand page. Correct?" This should be another hitS As can be seen by the chart, most of the words appear on the left hand page. The chart shows 11 words on the left hand page and only 5 words on the right hand page. So the odds are in your favor. (after the first call you have eliminated two words, 'street' and 'get.' So that actually you now only have to deal with 10 words on the left hand page and 4 on the right hand page.) The operator should have charts prepared showing the words on the left hand page (10) and another chart showing the words on the right hand page. Say that the chosen word is on the left hand page. The 10 words in the left hand page can be divided into two groups: eight of the words have a page number less then 1000 and two of the words have the page number over 1000! So your next statement should be, "Please look at the page number so that I can get a better picture at where you are looking." "The page 'number is under 1000. It has three digits or less. Correct?" If he says NO! then you know that he is thinking of the words 'walking' or 'the!' In the above example, the person had circled the word 'the' so you can easily tell what the word was by saying that there is a picture in the column! or the page! Chances are that he will have chosen a word with the page number under 1000. "The page number contains J digits. Right?" If so you have eliminated the word 'a.' And now you have only six words to deal with. (the word 'the' appears twice). Three of the words have page numbers over 500 and three under 5000 "The page number is an even number. Correct?" This is a hit. All the pages on the left hand side are even! "The page number is under 500. Correct? Am I correct?" Whatever. But now you only have to deal with three words 0 You can get to the right word by further 'pumping' as to how many letters in the word or the picture on the column or page. Note also, that four of the words appear in the center column~ and one in the left hand column and the other on the right hand column! The reader may surmise at first glance that anyone can see through the method, but keep in mind that the listener assumes that you are doing this on the spur of the moment, impromptu, and really has no idea all the preparation you have made. You do make a lot of amazing hits. You are far away. The experience to the listener is new and novel, and weird. AND you have told the listener that you do not have a dictionary! So much for The Random House Mystery. Try it. It is fun.

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Sft...'°'tit4ea,ttil/l,l' ,I COMUNICATING WITH THE DEAD BY TELEPHONE! THE SPIRITS CALL THE MENTALIST BY TELEPHONE AND DELIVER A COMFORT ING MESSAGE TO THE SITTER I NOTEI Dunninger got a full page write-up with fotos showing him communicating with the spirit of Houdini by telephone! No one believed it, of course, but the story was so bizzare and novel that it warrented printing. This brought more fame and bookings! In the following method, the sitter will be thoroughly convinced that the spirit of a dear relative did call! Any working Mentalist that has done private readings knows how the sitter across the table is awed and profoundly thrilled at the realization that you have just read her mind! Some will want to run out of your office, others almost faint while others jump with joy. So let's say that the sitter has just written a question on a business card p sealed it in an envelope and placed it in her pocket booko ~ou of course know exactly what she has written because you have just performed 'The Threshold of Miracle' or the VDestinyV s Diciple v from Magick #322. But the sitter who is holding the sealed envelope securely in her pocketbook will bet her life that you do not know what she has written. So you engage the sitter in conversation, saying, "Just recently, within a few years, you lost a dear member of your family. Correct?" "Yes! My dear brother George (father, mother, cousin-lIt "R-I-N-N-N-G!" The telephone rings, interrupting the conversation. The Mentalist picks it up -"Hello! - Who? - You are kidding! - Really?" T he Mentalist then addresses the sitter sayjmg, "Guess who is calling?" "Who?" - "It is the spirit of your brother George!" The sitter will either hit you over the head with her pocketbook, or run out of the office (you have already collected your fee) or smiles with incredulity. "Wait! Your brother George says he has a message for you!" T he Mentalist listens. "Here" he says "You can listen to him." The Mentalist hands the phone to the puzzled sitter, who may refuse it or put it to her ear thinking it is a joke. She hears nothing. "I donDt hear anything." She says. "Oh! I am sorry."



(actually the telephone is dead as you have disconnected the wall plug and the ringing of the phone was made by a phone ringing gimmick) "I forgot that very few persons can hear spirit voices." "George says for you not to worry about your job. You should stay in the position and job that you want. Eventually you will receive a promotion. Perseverance pays off, he says." ~George. George! He hung up!" Your sitter will be awed and thrilled in a morbid way. She will want to jump and shout saying, "How marvelous! How simply marvelous!" She will smile at you. She has just seen a miracle, a forbidden one, to boot. When she leaves your hall of wonders, she will want to run and tell her friends. They will not believe me, she thinks. I hardly believe it myself. But I saw it with my own eyes. How else could he have known my problem? To clinch it, George can also give her a 'private reading!' George can tell her about the time when she fell and injured her knee. George can tell her about that man that made a pass at her amorously and warn her to layoff. Stick to your husband, George advises. That is the best course. George also tells her about her children. Her daughter is having problems with her boyfriend. Tell her to go easy. He is a good catch. etc.

4~ot~ ~ea.din~A..As stated before, a lady Seer in Long Island, N.Y. is reaping a harvest doing 'readings' over the phone and she is booked solid! When a client calls for an appointment, he or she is told that the seer cannot 'read' her until )0 days later as she is booked solid for the next )0 days. In the meantime, the client is told to send her fee of $100 and a 'history' of her family so that proper credit may be given. Amazingly, the client tells the medium practically everything about her family giving names of couples, children, relatives, accupations, employers, etc. In the meantime the Seer checks further by studying consumer surveys, censuses, credit records, insurance surveys, etc. On the day of the reading, the client is overwhelmed with the data and advice thrown back at her, etc. She then says, "The Seer told me everything! She even told me about my car accident of two years ago and the name of my grandfather, etc, etc." In vogue these days is the sweet voice over the phone saying, "Hello! This is a consumer survey. We are sending you some moneysaving coupons. What king of coffee do you drink? What is your annual income? What radio station to you listen to most? How many children in your family?" etc., etc. In a few moments the sweet voice over the phone knows all about you.


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