Al Mann - Maximus - The Man With the Terrible Power

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Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon, WV 25422


a17mu~ THE MAN WITH A TERRIBLE POWER Copyright by AME 1994 What say ye, brave souls? Will ye dare cross the schism to say what others only think? To the Magii is given the power to know what can never be known, to hear what is never spoken, to see what is never seen. AM "To know how to say what other people only think, is what makes men poets and sages; - - " Elizabeth Rundle Charles Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cota Family XIV

There was a time, during the heydey of the spiritualistic movement when mediums performing as message bearers in their own camps, would not dare be caught with any trick apparatus like gimmicked clipboards, etc. These enterprising Mediums walked on stage without props or gimmicks and proceeded to give readings and answer mentally thought questions to the satisfaction of everyone. From this, stage seers, crystal gazers and Mentalists went on to perfect a system that would dazzle any audience. But alas! The act was kept most secret and known by only a chosen few. The act became known as the "Devil's Own." At first reading the act appears to be someone's pipe dream. But all that is needed is some brave soul to simply try it. It amazes the Mentalist more than the audience! Today only one Mentalist is known to be doing it, although spiritualists worldwide are doing f k/f/br


it in their churches. The act is mostly cold readings BUT there are also hot readings with names of total strangers given and unwritten questions answered with personal and uncanny revelations. The impression on the audience is that the Seer knows all. He has talents. He is gifted. The practice is still around today although not frequently seen. This writer saw one minister give accurate readings to 30 people (could have easily been 100) with his eyes closed. Every reading was different with revelations of a private nature to each person including me. He told me that I was a mariner! Bullseye! 1994, I know of one enterprising young Mentalist who flying to London to do this act. Take heed! It pays.




This act is aimed at the modern stage Mentalist posing as a Miracle man and Wonder Worker. The main ingredient is SHOWMANSHIP and knowledge of an incomparable psychological system of "readings" for spectators by their looks and names. MAXIMUS, The Master Mind and hero of this act, is well versed on all things psychic. That is a prime requisite for the system as used in his demonstrations. He is conversant with reading the aura simply by looking at the person. He can do a fast reading by looking at a person's palm. Or his handwriting. He knows numerology and psychometry and dabbles in astrology occasionally. He knows voodoo and psychokinesis and can do psychic healings. He is a thought reader and master of the billet. He can see the future and predict it. In fact he is a marvel! He is Maximus, The Man with the Terrible Power. The basic principle of the act is that if the Mentalist applies this system to ten people, he will have given the correct message to nine out of the ten, while he easily "worms out" of the tenth as explained herein. Failure is obsolutely impossible.


With this system the Mentalist can create a sensation. A little study and application will place in the hands of the reader the power to tell a stranger with remarkable accuracy, their secret thoughts as well as their personal affairs. The Mentalist who has had the experience in the Private reading field will find that of great help for the system as outlined herein is really a way of "pumping" the spectator for further knowledge after the first thought has been given. Yet the type of 'pumpimg' used in this act is the ultimate use of the art of the Mentalist. It involves a refined combination of showmanship and psychology, mental forces, and experience with the audience. The Mentalist enchants his audience by his 'play on words,' and adds a touch of mystery by reading everyone he speaks too in a most dramatic way. NOTE: No major attempt to teach how to answer questions is made in this manuscript. The subject is just touched on for clarity. It is assumed that the reader already knows the field and of the many excellent books available that teach the proper answering of questions and cold reading and the use of FEKE questions in the Mental act. REAL QUESTIONS Every member of your audience has a question in mind. If you divine two or more of these questions you will be answering real questions that have not been written or spoken! The system is for the stage Mentalist and assuming you have 50 or more persons in your audience the system can not fail. If 50 or more persons have a question in their minds, these questions fall into only four categories. That means that several people are all thinking of a similar question so that when you answer one question it fits several others. Here is an example that never fails. Try it in your next show. You will create a sensation among older children and their parents. -A young lady in the audience who is nine or ten years of age is asking me a very important question. I will not mention names. The young lady in question wants to know who will she marry? That is a very easy question for me to answer for you see I have my crystal ball (here you take out a tiny I-inch diameter crystal ball and your audience will love it, especially the children) (the crystal ball is optional), and I can tell you that you are going to marry one of your class mates. You have already picked two of them. So proceed carefully and you will marry and be very happy for the rest of your life, We wish you well. Please check with me in about 10 years."

You will sense several 10 year old girls squirm in their seats and or giggle for many of them are thinking along the same line. Real questions fall into only four groups: Love (including children), money (business, employment), health and travel. Eighty percent of the questions will concern love, marriage, children, etc. A ten year old once asked me to tell her how many children she would have. I said three. In a four hour session of private readings, all the questions were about love except for one person who had a sick relative. A few questions will be about health. worried, it means a malignant illness.

If the

person looks

THE USE OF FEKE QUESTIONS. Feke questions is what adds spice to the readings. These can be sensational and/or comical so that the audience gets a thrill and a laugh. In this type of act, especially if presented in a large hall where spectators are not acquainted with each other, the Mentalist works in a number of feke questions. Often in calling out a feke name the Mentalist pretends that he sees a hand go up and in delivering his feke message looks towards this imaginary spectator from time to time. The attention of the audience is then centered upon a small group of people, trying to get a glimpse at the spectator. Maximus has collected a large number of feke questions and answers. This he has done by culling out the many excellent books on How to Answer Questions plus his own private experience during many years of working with people • • FORCE QUESTIONS: "That Gentleman on the third row by the aisle with the blue suit. Yes You sir. You have been thinking about me for I have received your vibs. I sense that some one in your family is psychic. This person is either alive or has passed on." If the Seer sees a positive response to the reading, the Seer asks "Am I correct? BUT if no positive sign comes from the spectator, "Yes, one of your ancestors was definitely psychic. A look back into your descendants will uncover that." The party is given a cold reading with messages and a bit of flattery and the reading is ended there. The rest of the audience assumes that you are correct! Most families have had relatives that claim to be psychic. Usually grandmaw or grandpaw. All throughout the system, the aim is to impress the audience as a whole at the expense of the one spectator. But the system also makes the spectator believe that the Seer knows all and has tuned in on him. 4

The sixty-five year old lady with greying hair and a walking stick in the second row is looking for a lover and wonders when she will meet him. Tell her. "The lady on the second row with the pinkish dress, I am happy to tell you that a new acquaintance will soon come into your life. One that will bring happiness and be most beneficial to you. You know what I mean. Yes?" HOW TO ANSWER FEKE QUESTIONS FEKE Questions: In calling out feke questions the Mentalist uses initials only. Or due to confidentiality, the Seer gives no name at all: "There is a party present that is trying to reach me with a serious question. Due to the nature of the problem I will not betray the confidence and will not mention names. A young lady wants to know if her boy friend is the father of her child? I am happy to say that your boy friend is not the father. Your husband is the father of your child." It happens often that when a feke question is in use, someone in the audience will recognize it and will stand up. The Mentalist then proceeds with a good reading. If a first or last name was called and recognized, the Mentalist gives that person a good reading using the letters in the name. The method of giving a reading to any person by using the letters in the name is well covered in 'Red Hot Cold Readings' by Thomas K. Saville and Herb Dewey. Say for example, that the name of the person is BILL. The letter "BH tells you that this person keeps Busy, has a practical Brain, is Brave and loves Books, etc. Use your own thoughts on this. Look at the spectator to formulate your own impression. "B" could stand for Bully or Bull thrower. The letter Hi" in Bill can mean 'independent' and could stand for idiot, but don't tell them so. The letter "1" could Leader, etc. Again I say comes to mind.



be used to mean Love or lack of it. to use your own line of patter as it

NAMES: When calling out names trying to locate feke spectators, the Mentalist calls out first names only and at other times last names only. "I get the name Mary or Mary Lou. Where are you Mary?" Several hands may go up. Pick a young beauty. The thought of becoming a movie queen has crossed her mind. She also has had fantasies of making the front page of a certain magazine. "Mary I do see your dreams coming true. I see your name in lights and


making the front page of One magazine. stay with it.".

Follow your

dreams and

NAME AND QUESTION: You will be amazed what happens when you say the following. "There is a young lady in the audience that is having trouble with her boy friend. Is that Liz, or Liza, or is it Lytha?" You may see several hands go up. "I see more than one young lady with the same problem. Fine. I have several answers that come to mind (in answer to the several hands raised). You love your boyfriend very much but he no longer calls you. Don't give him up. Don't wait for him to call you. Call him right away and keep on calling him. You must fight for him." You may see a girl or two run out of the theatre to the phone. "NOW. For answer Number 2, "Your boyfriend has troubles. Stick with him. Love and tender care will bring him around. Help him along and he will surely change. You love him so stick with him." YOUNG BUSINESS MAN, JIM, WONDERING ABOUT HIS BUSINESS PARTNER: Jim you have gone into partnership and now you are not sure you did the right thing. You ar wondering about your partner. I have two words for you, WATCH HIM. Diligence will payoff and you do have a bright future. Play it right." In the above answer you have placed the responsibility for success on the person when you say "play it right." NOTE: These are all feke names the bull's eye every time.



but they hit

SPECTATORS: When having total strangers from the audience who are not expecting to be called, acknowledge their names in this system, the Mentalist does not try to locate them but makes them 'come to him' instead! He calls out a common name and asks that person to please raise their hands and then the Mentalist applies the System to that person. This is where showmanship and experience step in. All along the Mentalist must 'check up' his statements for two reasons. First, he wants his audience to know that he is correct. Secondly, he wants to know if the message he gave applies to the spectator in the past, present or future. The System affords the Mentalist to tell things that the spectator acknowledges, but the Mentalist himself does not know what he was advising on and what's more he does not care. The spectator is satisfied while the rest of the audience is also satisfied and mystified. About 10 to 20 "messages" are given. The general effect is that the Seer divines names, initials, thoughts, etc. 6

Once a spectator acknowledges the message, the Seer smooth sailing. BUT if the spectator does not acknowledge message the Seer pulls a Dunninger:

has the

Dodge No.1: nJust a minute. Someone is cutting in on you. n With that statement the Seer switches to another person. Point to a well dressed young man and say. nyou Sir. Yes You! I am getting some vibs from you." (Please note that you do not say, I am getting some thoughts from you. The word 'Vibs' has many mysterious connotations while you may get challenged otherwise. The spectator may say nThose were not my thoughts.") nThere is a business transaction which occupies your mind. Yes? Of course. n If you get a positive response, "I see that doubts about success may be present. But my advice to you is to stay with it! Perserverance will payoff. You may get bad advice. Whatever, weigh it carefully. But stick with it.n Dodge No.2: If you get a negative response to the above, "I see th~t you do not think too much of it. You have your doubts. But Yes! Definitely Yes! You do have some pleasant moments coming your way in relation to your present plans." In the above the Seer has backed out of a bad reading and triumphed any way without the audience knowing that he was on the wrong track. Yet it is amazing to see that almost every spectator who stands up to acknowledge a name or question, goes along with everything you may say to him especially if what you say to him or her is on the positive side. They want you to succeed. STARTING THE MESSAGES Keep in mind audience will make sure that the first read the person and 1.

that the very first reading given to the the day. First impressions are lasting so be reading given is a good one. Use flattery and fortell his/her future.

Seer may start by calling out a feke name.

2. Seer may call a first or last name, asking that party to signify his presence. If no one raises their hand , he uses Dodge No.1. 3. Seer may point directly to a spectator and give the spectator the message.

by the System

4. Seer may callout the 'thought' asking that party to raise his hand. I am getting some vibs from a party who is thinking of (NOTE: 80 percent a divorce, marriage, investing money, etc. of the successful people of the world got rich with real estate.)

TO a well dressed person: "You belong to the 20 percent of the people of the world who are successful. Play it right. Real estate is a good investment." (20 % of the people of the world own 80% of all the money in the world. While 80% of the people own 20% of the money. This gives you opportunities for flattery.) 5. Seer calls out both name and question. DODGE NO. 3 Alright Mr. Never mind holding up your hand. You are wondering if I know where you were last night. Correct? With all due respect to your wife which is present I will not tell you but you should tell your wife. I will leave it with you. TO AN ELDERLY LADY: "You are presently having minor troubles in your family. (If you get a positive response continue) Please give these problems a little time and they will correct themselves. These are not as bad as they seem. You do understand me? (If you get a negative response it may be that there is a major medical or legal problem or none at all)- "Yes! I understand your problems are paramount in your life. Some private counseling would be of benefit. I must tell you that it is unlawful for me to give medical or legal advise, but you do know what I mean. Faith will be of great solace to you. Thank You" You must not give medical advise but you may recommend further consultations with their doctor and also a psychic reader. By seeing the person in the audience to whom the message is addressed, the Seer can tell many things about the person by studying his health, dress, color of hair, eyes, and complexion. The Seer can give accurate description of enemies, friends and rivals. The Seer can describe close friends of the spectator. Tell the color of hair, eyes, height etc. This you do by describing the spectator you are addressing. In his mind the spectator will associate the one person as a close friend or acquaintance or relative. Boys generally take after their mother while girls take after their father in general appearance. To business person, "Your desk at horne is loaded with important papers, bank statements and documents. There is one important document that you are missing. You can find it in your closet. Look in the coat pockets. You know what I am talking about. I can tell you no more." FLATTERY. Take a lesson from the Romany trade. Flatery is a most potent weapon when giving readings. Half of the business is to please so dish it out generously. 8

"What a beautiful dress (or hat). You certainly have good taste." "You are a distinguised person." "You have a dynamic personality." "You have a most pleasant (or sexsy) voice or accent." GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS. You must remember to flatter the girls no matter what they look like. If a girl has anything unusual about her face you tell her that it signifies extraordinary luck. Red or yellow hair signifies good fortune and wealth. When her eyebrows meet it signifies that she will be married to a rich gentleman. A mold in the face signifies that she will great lady BEFORE THE ACT Take advantage of spectators or employees that offer to help. Some spectators come back stage to plead with you to allow them to help. "I will do anythingl" They say. So you take their names and ask them if they have any questions. They tell you the question and then you say, "Fine, I will call you at the proper time." Sometimes the bar tender or the Host will give you tips about certain VIPS in the audience. The host may say, "That fellow on the third seat is a lawyer and at the moment he is having trouble with a real estate contract. Mention that will you please?" You can create a sensation in your show by using these tips. If the information is dramatic enough you may want to close your act with it.


THE ACT THE INTRODUCTION: This is done by the M.C. You prepared a typed card telling the M.C. exactly what to say.


You are MAXIMUS! The Master Mind. The new wonder of the moment. You are here to thrill and mystify your audience, so you lay it on thick! You are a psychic investigator, reads the M.C. and member of the World Society for Psychical Research (or whatever, The Psychic Entertainers Association). You are a certified exorsist who can cast out demons. You can dehaunt houses and corn fields, cars, planes and yachts for a modest fee. You have travelled far and have visited the holy grounds of the world religions and have walked in the Valley of the Kings. etc., etc. Please Note: been said above.

No one in

your audience can dispute

what has

YOUR OPENER EFFECT: Anyone of the following effects make a good opener. Choose one or use your own. Practice it well and give your audience a thrill straightaway. 1. One great opening effect for a Miracle Worker that I use often is The Invisble Book from So to Voce. It stuns the audience. 2. HURLING THE HEADLINES: Beware those of you who go yachting. Piracy in the Devil's Triangle north of Cuba will double this year and 15 yachts will vanish without a trace. Piracy in the Japanese and Phillipine seas will triple. THE OCEANS WILL RISE! Just a few days ago on about June 29th 1994, the world was notified that all the world clocks had to be stopped for one second of time because THE WORLD WAS SLOWING DOWN! Does not sound too alarming. So what is one second of time? The implications however can be grave. When the earth slows down in its orbit around the sun, it gets closer to the sun. If the earth was to stop altogether, it would fall into the sun! So we can predict that winters will get warmer and summers will get hotter. The ice caps in the poles will melt and the oceans will rise! We can also predict that our days will be shorter. The world lost a second of time. That means that our days will be 1/365th part of a second shorter! The doom prophets can have a field day with this knowledge. There is no question in my 10

mind but that the slowing down of

the earth is due to the side-kicks that the earth receives every time a nuclear bomb is exploded. The earth is like a gyroscope. One kick in the wrong place will start the earth out on a tangent. 3.


You come out running. Someone in the audience is trying to reach you. So you callout several common everyday questions, one after the other rapidly. Then you hurl out the answers. 4.


The above statement is a most positive and dynamic assertion which carries great power and is the ultimate dominion over the evil forces. After the above statement your audience will perk up and pay attention. It was spoken 2000 years ago by the Great Nazarene. We read it in St. Luke 13/32. The Great Nazarene also said that anyone can cast out demons but the demons will not obey you unless you have faith. Faith for the exorcist and the Mentalist is displayed by a commanding, forceful and authoritative voice. I'll assure you that if you speak the command, nCome out of him, Satan!n with a commanding and masterly voice, the demons will obey you and avoid you like the plague. nImagination and faith are the psychic powers which cure psychic diseases and which may move mountains. n Paracelsus (1493-l54l) nLadies and Gentleman, I am a certified exorcist. n nI cast out demons!n Laughs, perhaps but usually this statement creates awe and profound silence. No one has heard that claim before! nJust a few weeks back I went through the trying ordeal of casting out one demon. This demon came to me disguised as a beautiful irresistable woman. Before long she had possession of my thoughts, my spirit and my very soul. And worst of all she had possession of my house. That is where I drew the line. Not my house said I, and then cast out this demon summarily.n nSo I ask you. Is there any among you who are possesed by demons?n nA gentleman over there, (poin~ing to ~h~ back)." DIs there any among you who are molested by evil spirits?" nA lady over there. n 11

"Are any of you anno yed by nega tive vibs? " "Sev eral are, thank you." "If so p1€a ae $ee me afte r the show and of you we will deal with that , but I must infor m you that there is a mode st fee, paya ble in adva nce. Thank You. " The abov e your audie nce.

open ing speec h

tota lly capt ures the

5. THE TESSERACT make s a very open er the Tess erac t shou ld be done Miss ing Tess erae ."


atten tion of

impr essiv e open ing. As an at a fast clip . See "The


Do a fast mind readi ng effe ct. "Thin k of a word ." You prete nd to writ e it on an index card . And then "Plea se tell the audie nce the word you were think ing." You then do the A mind readi ng effe ct alwa ys ench ants your audie nce. Open er Move . 7. THE HIGH PRIES T ENTERS: The Most Reve rend Thes salon ia De Princ e, past or of The Chur ch of Ever lasti ng Ligh t of NYC and Supre me Mast er of Vood oo, open s his show by wear ing a see-t hrou gh blind fold . The blind fold , says the Reve rend, throw s a coat of myst ery and intri gue with sinis ter conn otati ons of thing s evil . Terr orist s! Bank robb ers! Kidn appe rs! etc. . It plac es the audie nce in the righ t mood . ~~e RQ~r.rena raise s his arms and {ndi cates a smal l part of the audie nce sayin g, "I can only read your thou ghts if conc entra te. I am getti ng some vibs from this secti on. Ther e you is a lady with a ques tion of divo rce." One or more of the ladie s wigg le or gigg le and whis per. The Reve rand appro lady whic h he can see and remo ves his blind fold ache s that one and reads the lady . The rest of the show follo ws.

YOUR LECTURE AND DISCLAIMER: Afte r the open ing effe ct, you must do your lectu re. lectu re is a vita l part of any psyc hic show . In the lectu re tell the audie nce what you are going to do. This is part of old techn ique of 'Tell them what you are going to do. Do it. then tell them what you did. '

The you the And

Ther e are two kind s of lectu res. (1) One deliv er when doing a stage or platf orm show of is the lectu re you (2) And the secon d lectu re you do for a priv ate read mind readi ng. ing. 12

Lecture 1. Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you kindly for your applause. I intend to entertain you with illussions of the mind. These illussions are most profound and thought provoking. They will cause you to think and wonder. But keep in mind that these are illussions pure and simple. So take everything I say and do with a pinch of salt. It has never failed that your audience will forget your disclaimer and your lecture entirely as they become enchanted with your magic. They will be converted into believing in miracles if only for the moment. Lecture 2. For private readings: "I have often been asked if I have supernatural powers and if the things I do are the results of these powers. I do not know and no one else does. We are all psychic for all of us assumes that we possess a mind. The word psychic means 'of the mind.' But do we really have a mind? We know for certain that we have a brain. The brain is an organ that we can see and touch and operate on. But what we call the 'mind' seems to be a total mystery. Man does not know where the mind is or of what size, for it is invisible. No one can touch or weigh or measure it. Perhaps the word 'mind' is something that man invented to cover up a myriad of mysteries that have puzzled men for centuries. Some say that the mind, the spirit and the soul are all the same thing. If so then the mind is a supernatural entity that we cannot deny. We can say that mind is made of spirit substance for it is invisible. It has no limit or size and its power has not yet been fathomed. Man's mind is one of a very few links we have with heaven! The supernatural is therefore part of us. And we can be sure that mortal man cannot explain it. After your lecture you plunge into the main course of your show. Callout a first name right away. Whoever stands up, give him an impressive reading by using the letters of his name. Give the audience a thrill by forcasting his future. Next approach a lady and take her hand. Do a fast palm reading with flattery. Point to a well dressed man in your audience and ask him to callout a 3-digit number. Give him a reading according to the number, as per the science of numerology. Then translate the number to their mnemonic letters and continue with more reading using the I-etters to guide you. Next reading.


in a feke question and answer.

Next do an aura

Approaching a young beautiful lady with a pleasant smile, the Mentalist says, "You have a beautiful aura. There is a reddish tint about you with streaks of gold and shiny silver. You are a


very happy person. I see that you have a ring on your finger. Please tell the audience why you are so happy. The young lady may say, "I am getting married next month." The Mentalist smiles at the lady and at the audience pretending that he knew it all along. This is a lovely implication that gives credit to the Mentalist. This is the masterly 'play on words' that every Mentalist should master. Note that you did not say that the young lady was wearing an engagement ring or a wedding band. You just mentioned that she was wearing a ring. The audience assumes that you meant an engagement ring. What ever the reason for her happiness, you get the credit. It may be that the young lady is already married and she is very happy because she is 'encinta.' She is carrying a child to be born soon. "God bless the mother. God bless the child." says you. ENCINTA: The lady is pregnant with child! If you know this ahead of time you can capitalize on a great bit of showmanship. When you address this lady (you may know her name through crook or hook) you look at her seriously and then thoughtfully and then puzzled. You are getting two lines of thought at the same time. "There is someone else cutting in!" You say. "I am getting a faint vibe from your direction like if you were two persons! Are you with child?" "Little wonder. It is your unborn child that is cutting in on you. That means the child is mentally healthy." Bingo. The audience will surely remember that. You can do the same with a young man that appears to be most happy and successful. "You have been enjoying good fortune and it appears that you have a secret. Tell the audience about your good fortune in your own words." The young man may say that he has just been promoted in his job. If you are lucky he may say that he just won the lottery. These people of good fortune are just dying to tell someone about it so they welcome the chance to tell an assembled audience about it. In any case you take the credit! Please note that the rest of the audience assumes that you have called on these persons because you already know what they are thinking. CLINCHERS: Somewhere during your act you must include a clincher or two. An effect that proves to your audience that you have talents that they do not have nor understand. Or any effect that will mystify and that you do well. The Chain of Thought (from Of Words and Wizards and also included in the Hollywood Lecture Notes) done with three books that are passed out into the audience is a great effect. It is one effect that your audience has never seen and it is a convincer. Recommended also is The Ghost of the Unborn from Of Words and Wizards. 14

If you are near tables,

bend some spoons.

THE CLOSING EFFECT. The closing effect must be a good one. You can't beat the headline prediction. But one should not do headline predictions every day. I use the Arca Box for headline predictions. The Arca box is locked in a chest under lock and key. For a repeat show a good variation is The Haunted Headlines from The Sixth Columns. Use the Diplomental Pouch or any four way forcing gimmick and give the VIP a choice of one of four headlines. Other good closing effects are: The two person spy dialogue with the Lexicon Phenomena; Any effect done with a telephone is a great closing effect. Do The Tanscendental Phone Test from the Phamtom Voices; The Knight's Gambit is great: A rose in the Arca box given to a lady in the audience with the name of her boyfrind or husband, etc. etc. The AME mns. are loaded with good closing effcts.

So what do you do if some one says, (or son) that is possessed. (?).

"Yes! I have a daughter

You play along. Chances are that person's daughter or son is faking it, or plain mentally ill. BUT if he pays you the fee, play along. "If Satan is within her I will surely know it." You state. "You have visited the Jordan River and the sea of Galilee." You say. "You brought back holy water. You carry a small flask of it with you always." Play it as long as you are payed. So let us assume that a person hires you to cast out a demon from his daughter or anyone. Chances are that the young person has a condition known as demoniac. After the doctors give up 15

unable to affect a cure. Then you have a license to try your magic. Bewarel It may also be that the person is just crazy and dangerous. A young person that is kept at home by the parents and suddenly discovers sex, will and can go berzerk. If the person is locked in a room and violent, you must insist that she be tied down. You are wearing a string of figs around your neck. If someone asks you about the figs you say that the Devil hates figs and let it go at that. But if you are told that the possessed person is also a vampire or thinks she is, then you must also wear a collar of garlic. A crucifix and your personal bible can work wonders too. Once you are inside the room and facing the sick person you play along and say, "Satan! If you are really inside this person you can read my mind! Tell me what I am thinking. I am going to write a thought on this card. If you are indeed Satan tell me my thought." Whatever the patient says, you swami-write on the card and do the Opener Move. "You are correct. You indeed have powers. But I represent the good of mankind and will defeat you." "You see these figs around my neck. These are God's creation. The Lord condemned the fig tree but then it was forgiven and given life again. That is one thing you can never do." The sick person is no doubt possessed by demons of her own invention. With time she will come around and be cured. You have convinced her that indeed Satan is possessed of her. That is what she believes and wants every body else to believe.. She has made her point. That may be the extent of her mischievous mind. She becomes satisfied that she was possessed and had this power within her. It may be a good substitute for sex. So the climax is that she will come out of it. It may take days. The secret is to keep agreeing with her. Treat her with love and tender care and keep repeating your commands for Satan to leave. Read in a loud voice any psalm like #7 or 8 or 23, or 69. Any psalm that speaks of the great power of God and the wickedness of Satan will have an effect on the mind of the sick person. The patient has only two roads to follow. She will be cured or she will get worse in which case she has to be locked away. You did not invent the world so stop worrying about it. Be sure to collect your fee.


An article in exorcism was published back in 4/1/85 in my release "High Domain." I received some positive feedback from it so I will includ it here for completion. A client with negative vibs calls and is asked to enter ~ne inner sanctum which is a darken hall decorated with oriental rugs, candles, burning fires and incense. A bible plus other religious tomes and papers are on a small table. Two chairs plus a prayer shawl completes the scenario. The client appears to be in deep distress so an exorcism ritual is begun. She is seated across from the Mentalist. "As I look at you, I see a beautiful aura around you. I see beautiful blueish lights radiating from you all around. This tells me that you are in normal good health. I also see another ring of light, pinkish in color and bright red is some spots. That tells me that you are an exciting person who loves life and activity. BUT over your left shoulder I see a break in the ring and harmony of your aura of lights. This break shows a yellowish tint. That tells me that you are molested by some very negative vibs. It is these negative vibs that are distressing you. I am going to perform a ritual to remove from your body these negative aspects that may be very harmful to you later. The Mentalist then takes the lady's right hand telling her to close her right hand into a tight fist as he applies pressure to the blood veins at the wrist and raises her arm to a vertical position. The operator next makes magnetic passes with his right hand around the sitters head and shoulders and down the right arm above and below to the finger tips. This is repeated several times. "I will remove the bad vibs from you through the finger tips of your right hand. You will feel a sensation in your hand and fingers when this happens." Next lower the sitter's arm and tell her to open out her fingers as you make drawing passes over her right hand. The sitter will feel a sensation and will tell you. THE SECRET is that by applying pressure to the veins at the wrist, the blood will stop from going to the hand. When pressure is released blood will rush to the hand and fingers creating a definite feeling as though something is being drawn out. Psychologist-Mentalist Stan Alexander of New Mexico tried the


effect and

then wrote to me the following.

She received a profesional A lady came for a reading. She was not satisfied. "Something is psychological reading. terribly wrong with me. I feel a sense of impending doom and I have terrible thoughts." said the lady. After telling the lady to place the prayer shawl over her shoulder or head, Stan then performed the above ritual of exorC1Slm. When the lady felt the negative vibs leaving her body through the tips of her fingers, she jumped for joy and exclaimed how wonderful she now felt. Then she added, "My husband needs help for he cannot stop smoking. I must bring him to you." The following day the lady arrived with her husband. Stan performed the same ritual on him. The husband was overwhelmed with the positive feeling he now felt. He stopped smokingl A VISIT TO THE CHURCH OF EVERLASTING LIGHT. On June 27, 1994, I drove 350 miles to visit with the Most Reverend Thessalonia De Prince, paster of the Church Of Everlasting Light in NYC. De Prince had just returned from London where he created a sensation as Supreme High Priest of VOODOO. I was given a tour of the church. The large first floor was devoted entirely to dispensing wisdom and light to the seekers of enlightment. His mailing list is world wide and has an office in London. While in London De Prince met and parleyed with the local high priests of Voodoo who passed on to him some valuable secrets. De Prince would not part with his secrets but did perform for me the following. THE ELIXIR OF THE GODS De Prince places a glass of water on the table and says. "Water inspires me. I can see things in a glass of water." He then asks me to write a thought on an index card and fold it twice. De Prince takes the folded card, places it to his temple and drops it into the glass of water. He then stares at the water and the folded card and divines the written thought. The glass of billet test. Sorry, but

water, says

De Prince


Prince, adds

would not share 18

mystery to

this secret.


BUT as

luck will have it, it gave me effect by pure chicanery.

an idea on

how to

duplicate the

Some of you may have mastered the original Acidus billet test. In this test, after the VIP has secretly written on the billet and folded it, the Mentalist takes back the billet and places it in the tips of his right hand fingers where it remains in full sight. The Mentalist asks the VIP to concentrate on his thought. During this time the Mentalist switches billets, opens out the real billet, reads the message and refolds the billet and re-switches it and all this is done with out anyone knowing it or moving a muscle. The Mentalist then gives the billet back to the VIP telling him, "I have no further use for this." Instead of giving the billet back to the VIP why not drop it into the glass of water. To add mystery to the ritual, of course. After the revelation, the billet is left floating inside the glass of water. Some one surely will open it. If the reader is a died-in-the-wool Mentalist he should master the original Acidus. It is beautiful to perform. Anyone can do it but it takes some time to master it.




ONE-ON-ONE: Maximus was ready to divine the unwritten question anywhere and anytime, while in someone's horne or in his private office, or in the lobby of a theatre or on the street! For this he used two most potent weapons. He would take a person's hands in his and use muscle reading to devine the question catagorYi love, money, health, or travel. The person is told that his left hand means NO! While his right hand means YES! Then he was asked if his question was about love. If so he was to think of his right hand. If not he was to think of his left hand. The performer receives a definite muscle cue as to which hand is thought of. The fingertips of the performer also feel the pulse on the wrist blood vessels. Some say that the pulse skips a beat. After the catagory is devined, Maximus gave the person a hard Svengali look and" kept his eyes fixed on the person. This would loosen up the person so that he or she would talk and discuss their own question. Maximus took the credit for answering an unwritten question. Being a billet king he could use any number of billet tests if necessary.


Layin g it on


The fron t page cove r phot o of Rain s Claud e and the title is "Max imus" from the movi e, " Evil Mind ."

Tho Sieur Pilferer , native of' Bohem ia, Doctor of K Pyrotec hnics, Proless or of Chit'onlDoncia., known 'in the Colollie his under the of CROO K-FIN GERE D .lACK, "iaiLing .. country ill respons e to tue request of seveml pel'solls of high 1111 mnk, wishes to inform the public that, alter having visited the in bimself perfcc~ to order in Europe of ies . the Aca.dem vulgar sciencClI, such as Al~cb~a., :'Iliner:Llogy"~"Trigonollletl'Y' 1L1I lIyurou illumic s all.] AstrolloJIIY: he hilS travclle d throll~h onle)' ill races s:wa.'e hal{ st lunollf the known wodd nnu even to initintl' himself in the occult 'llciences 1I1~Fotico.l I\lId tl'anticenden tnl, such au AlehYlI1)" ~ ecroma ncy, 'Ai:;t~oloIo\Y' Ui\'ine. lioll, 8u perstiti on, the illterpre t'Ltioll 01 drenm"" ,U,.llUlillll\l ml\~neti~\II, litil's. ~ot sati~ficll with having Ktllllicil ill thirty-: wo \:ni\'el'l cd cOlIsuh he whcre llls, Kingdo 't~ sii.ty-li\ in li trn\'ellc having nnu he ciles, Hallloy or .n"l ;\Il\gicill the the SOI'l'cnlT!! of :\rogol, aml of bas vOylLgcll round the wor!.l to g\;\llce in to tbe great buok u~serts iJurlling the to l'ol~ nn.ture {rolll the snow" of the NlII'th ,_ of the torrid zOlle. ] [c has over-ru ll the two bemisp here" anlI : , IllllhUlS lmque has sojourn elltclI years in ;\sia with the S:\ltimb • nlter II.nd t tempc!> the illg l\ppel\s of -secret the who tll.ught him tbe . a.-shipw reck of lIavili/! bimself hy gliuillg o\'cr the suriacil of .. - .. , '" sell. upon tilo S"lllltll elllst iljllrs, etc., !.'Ic, He has brough t froID Tonqui ll Talism ans and Mirrors for foretell ing tbc future I\nd discove ring tbelts, lIe hns learned amhl the Tartars of Thihet the s'!cret of the Grand Lnmn which renders him immort al, not 1\5 Voltair c, but by huying in fiweden ro, the elixir o[ long life, Ilt Stra.o;bou,·g the powuer of Cl1liost at Hambu rg tu~ urinkah le gold of the grand Adept. Saintthe Gprmai n, anu nt RtudglU"d the crutch of Perc Barnab as and of Hliton of the WnnJe rillg ,Jew, He hiLS o.lso learnt tbe nrt when ha\'c uebtol's SOUle as makinl! himselC illvisih le: even pursue d by tbeir cr~ditors. The squarin g of the circle, pel'petu al movem ent, anu tbe pbiloso pher's stOIl~ are t:> bim ffillru child's play. For the rest he would stt\te that. he will continu e to cure s, : the toothac he, not lIy pullin~ out thu to'lth like the delltil.t the, ' hut by an unknow n Ulcans which consi ..;ts of cutting olI' head, autl ill order to pro\'e that this opemti oll is not ,lnnger ouI,: ate but perfurJ lled nccordi llg to the \,lIll~s. ('.1 ILl't, he will decapit life, to restore a,fwr insta.nt all will he se\'era.1 animals , which u.nd he i!> so perslllu h-d of the ellielLc), of this,J'el llcdy for toelthnot ache, and u.llllml adies clll'l\I.lll and incundl le, that he dous s patient the of 110Y to SUIll dilll\ry cxtmor 1\11 e .promis '0 fcar iD compla to position 1\ in are cun', who, three montbs 1~lter tue of the trentme ut,


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