Al Mann - Master Slate Secrets II

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It miCht be said that the secret of tile P~umtom slate is 'paper thin.' Please bear in mind that your audience does not knoH that. 'i.'he tI'ue sho\-nnan nevor undersells an efi'oct just because it is done Hi th inexpensive materials. '.r:le effect to y,>ur audience is the sarno. 'fa the lay person, tho appearance of 'Hri ting through an unkno\-m agent is a miracle \,rhethcr t::.e Hriting ap})eared on the ceiling or on the head of a pin. No upologies are offered for tflis treatis on pocket slates and by the same token no credits are claimed. All of t>e ideas used are part and parcel of the mental art. Most of tho principles used have appeared in print many times throushout the 'rhey appear here sliGhtly disguised and combined and adopted to poclwt slates. 'lhe autilOr m'ms ev. r;/ slate mentioned and has performed evo2.~y effect in tho book. A vor:," strange and beHildering look in the eyes of the s)ectatoI' 'Then Hri tin£!; ai)pe 2..:;.... S on a slate held in his m,m [:'8.n(1.s, is ono of th~: :~r(~ate st :c'mWl':},S for the performer. It is t> enchanting fe,:;l1n-': 0:C' ill,1azement tilat a person savors Hhen J:1O he,s just Hitnes.,::;d tllO sheer illusion of maGic.

1)0 s t . d she s,





CHAPTER III E-Z SLATE HAGl e it Slat es. Most magi cians own a pair of E-Z Magi c Spirby D. Robmade Thes e inex. pensi ve plas tic pocl\: et slate s are ers. deal bins and Co. of Nevi York and are sold by most ligh t weig ht, Thes e are the idea l pock et slate s as they are d by pryin g the size of a play ing card and can be dimn antle the slate s ng, ~tli the fram es apar t at the seam s. Afte r dism fram es in come can be gimm icked for vario us effe cts. They of the s slate of vario us colo rs. It is best to get seve ral r. colo same colo r or pain t the slate s to the requ ired s Let us firs t deal Hith effe cts using the pock et slate with out the flap . PSYCHIC 'dRITINGS id E£i'FECT: Perfo rmer show s tvl0 pock et slate s to be a devo card to choo se of mark s on both side s. Spec tator is asked numb ers from 1to with ed mark then are s (or "lord ). The slate the sides of the two slate s are 4 to show again that all to hold . blan k. The slate s are then given to the spec tator chose n the When the slate s are again sepa rated , the name of s. card is seen '\o1I'itten in chalk on one of the slate pock et This is one of the stand ard effe cts poss ible '\vi thsleig ht rt to slate s. In the vers ion that follo "1s 'He 'VIill reso ty beau The abou t. of hand and misd irect ion to bring the effe ct with s I dy anybo of the meth od is that the effe ct can be done a moment of pock et slate s, Hith out the flap and "lith just prep arati on. 1-10DUS: A comb inati on of hlO prin ciple s.

beau tiTHE FALSE TURN OVER SLEIGrI'r: This is one of the most et slate . ful move s that can be done "lith a card or a pockwith in three tator spec the of t It is best done righ t in fron both show to ars appe ht sleig TIre . eyes or four feet fram his . sides of one slate but actu ally only one side is seen is. it vinG decei close r they watc h the more 1 Vol. The move is desc ribed in Huga rd s Magi c Mont hly, Dai on. III No.1 , page 552, calle d "All Back s" by Dai Vernof cards used an old prin ciple of nn gic to mo'H' that a deck was all back s, and no face s. 883, In Huga rd1s Hagi c I1ont hly, Vol. IX, No.8et, p. s. slate pock to ciple prin Paul Horr is appli ed the sarne Follo Hing is a desc ripti on of the sleig ht done ,"lith the left hand :






Fig. 24 shows the left hand holding the slate l-1i th the blank side showing. A message has been chalked on the underside. In the illustration, the message is the choice of a triangle. The sleight is made by tuming the hand au thewrist inwards. The thumb is slipt to the underside of the slate as the fingers move up to the original top side, the blank side. Fig. 25 Shows the halfway position with the message showing. The spectators do not see the message. It is shown in. the r~gure as seen by the perfor.mer. Fig. 26 shows the completion of the move, with the same side of the slate showing.

Fig. 24

THE PRESENTATION USING TWO SLATES: The name of the card or word to be forced is ohalked on one side, the underside of the left hand slate. The slate in the right hand is blank on both sides. The hands are held about 18 inches apart. First call attention to the blank side of the right hand slate and then to the blank side of the left hand slate. Next, direct the attention of the spectator to the right hand slate as you openly turn the slate over to show the underside which is also blank. While the spectator's eyes ~e thus diverted, do the False Turnover Sleight with the left hand and then call attention to the nevl (?) blank side of the left hand slate. In essence, you have used your right hand to misdirect the Fig. 26 spectator's eyes and cover up for the False Turn Over Sleight of the left hand I






PAn'l' II


• • • • cont •

d Afte r the slate s are shmm blan k, they are place rmer perfo aside and then the card or Hord is force d. Next ting ." All Hri chic "Psy S t mann ,Anne knmm resol "ts to the 'Hell blank and the four sides of the tvl0 slate s arc again Shovffi numb ored 1 to 4. .lume marm 's "Psy chic Hriti ngll is a versi on of the busi I, but done with Sll~ple Slate Test desc ribed in chap ter use pock et ness -size blank card s. In nul" pl'les entat ion vJe vdll slate s. '4ri ting in IIMen tal Mys terie s, 1\ Anne mann state s thatof r part "Psy chic Writi ngll firs t occU l'lred to him in the late the 1928 at magi cians 1927 . He late r intro duce d the effec t tothe ann Annem nx, Sphi Lima Conv entio n. In the Nov. issue of age one-p a in offer ed the effe ct for sale for the firs t t~e ad. (Sph inx, Nov. 1928 ) ed an alA year late r, magi cian Doc Nixo n, cont ribut x and Sphin the to ting 'Iiri hic most exac t same vers ion of Psyc n Nixo h '\o1hic 1929 Dec. for was publ ished in Vol. 28, No. 10 erSand of idea an fram claim ed to have ori~inated in 1926 son l s 1-2-3 -4 slate myst ery. Annem ann 1 s simp lifie d versi on is the best . 'rhe tvl0 are busin ess cards (pock et slate s for our pres enta tion) tc,to r spec the gives 'l'his . hand 's coun ted onto the spec tator hims elf. the impr essio n that he hand lod tile blank ('() cards A REVI.i:.:;l/J i,lITH 1J.'\t1O POCKET ::;1,Ni.'ES: 1. Hold the two poci-::ot slate s11 stack ed on your leftr



4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

hand . A messa c;e "lith a :11 chalk ed on the uppe left corn er is on the 10'i!e r side of the top slate \-.lith tl1.e "1 11 tOHa rds the perfo rmer . CO'lll1t the slate s onto tJie hand of the spec tator . the This reV3 rses the slate s. The mess age nou faces palm . Take the slate s from the spec r. Hark a 11111 on tho uP:5)er left corn er of the top slate . Do the lICir cle Novel l Hith the top slate , Fig. 9, page 5, Chap ter I. Mark a 112" on tl1.e uppe r left corn er of the new top slate . The mess age is on the 10Ho r side of this slate . ll Make the "Cir cle Hove with the top slate bein g care ful not to flash the mess age. Hark a 113" on the new top slate and then make a False "Cir cle Have 11 leav ing the tO~J slate on top, Fig. 5, pa[!;e 4, Chap ter I. 'rhe new top sla.te has a 11111 mark ed on it, so care is ta.ken not to flash this side . T:te 11111 is convDrte d to a "4" and the tricl{ is done .



PSYCHIC HRITINGS •••• cont . Effe ct Hith a sing le slate , no flap: can alloH the spec tator to and exam ine the slate as th.e slate shm·m is ungil1'lmicked unma rked. . '1'he EFFECT: An exam ined slate is :0la.c ed on the table card spec tator is then given a free choic e of a play ing to or a word . ~Jhen the slate is turne d over it is seen cont ain the very card or Hord chos en. In this vers ion,


. 1-~fter the METHOD: 1\10 slate s are used but only one is seen thou ght card or word aro chos en, the perfo rmer divin es the or used by the stand ard meth ods; a stack ed mark ed deck is an impr essio n meth od is reso rted to. The thou ght is then Hrit ten on the secon d unse en is then slate on the perfo rmer 's lap. The mess age slate act of the in slate d table the for palm ed and excha nged retri evin g it and turni nG it over . The meth od is old as appl ied to card s and pock et so the slate s. Mediums used this met:n od i·lith large slate s must rmer pock et vers ion shou ld be no trou ble. 'rhe perfo et use a pair of slate s that are easy to palm . 0ince pock size ct corre slate s come in many size s, the choic e of the to suit the indiv idua l is no probl eln. IN PRESENTING THE EFB'ZCT, afte r the mess age slate es 1.-1ith is palm ed in the righ t hand , the perfo rmer , reach draw s it and slate table the his righ t hand to retri eve same time tho at e '-lhil slate table the tOHa rds him and laps the palm ed slate is turne d OVGr to shm·J the m.ess age. the In like mann er .. the perfo rmer can again excha nge that ct effe the messa Ge slate for the bleI.L~ slate to crea te the mesD age has now vanis hed bacl,:: to spir it land . US lUG 'fRE FLAP

it The beau ty abou t the pock et slate flap is thatHays •. of ty is so tiny that it can be dispo sed of in a varie use the by Prod ucing a mess age on a pock et slate becom es chil d's play . flap of the VIe will go a step furth er and produ ce a mess age on spec tator both sides of a sing le slate righ t in fron t of the and whil e he hand les the slate .






• • • • cont .



What follo ws is a beau tiful inter lude with a sing le slate . Fig. 27 r uppe PREPA3.A.l.'ION: \frite a 11111 on the righ t corn er of the slate and then ". wri te the mess age you vJish to appe ar unde r the ,111 \-rrit e a and nd Turn the slate over end- for-e med secon a to \'lri 112" on the uppe r righ t corn er and then e upsid be Hill age ssage on the "2!1 side . The "2" mess down in relat ion ,-rith the "1" mess age. Place the slate in your left hand so that i in the tl2!1 mess age is uppe rmos t and upsid e dm·m as shovff slate The age. Fig. 27. Place the flap over the "2" mess now look s blank as in Fig. 24. and 28. 3hoH the slate to the spec tator and open ly , Fig. write a "111 on the uppe r righ t corn er of the flap the that ion ment 28. Say, "Thi s is side one.! ! but do not slate is blan k. Next do the False Turn over Sleig ht by curli ng the fing ertip s aroun d the ri~lt side of the slate in a sort of sque ezing move and at the same time passi ng the thumb unde r the slate as your hand nn.lres a smal l circl e tOHa rds your self and t\-Jis ts the wris t im·ra rds. 'rhe end resu lt is shOlm tips of the firs t and The in Fig. 29. cove rin; the "111 and are er secon d fing hidin g it. Draw a "2" on the uppe r righ t corn er of the flap . Actu ally you are writi n3 the "2" on the flap in tt.e Fig.2 8 oppo si te corne l' from the 111 II. 'f'nc Hri ting shou ld be done Hith a ,·:hit e greas e ponc il. Just a littl e prac tice will perf ect tho move . T:te dissa pear ing 111 II helps to co.:n plete the illus ion of the ?alse Turn over. Tiffi Fk\P USZD shou ld be flesh colo r on one side if poss iblo. .~~-.--





•••• cont.

In FiS. 29, you appear to be showinG the spectator the othor side of the slate which is marked "2". Hold the slate in position as in Fig. 29 and say, "This side is marked "2". Please note that there is no writing on this side. Did r.0u see any writing on side "1 I? Speotator will of course say, "No!" You anSHer by saying, '!I guess you didn't see it.1I Fig. 29 Turn the slate over and shaH side "1" 101hich nOH has a message on it and place the slate on the palm of your right hand. 'l'hen ask, "Did you see the message on side "2117 palm the flap and Hithout turning the slate ovor give it to the speot,.tor and let him see for himself.

HITH THO SLATES AND ~'OUH HES;iAG.sS: \-'/i th the technique thus fal' described, ~'rri ting can be produced on all four sides of tHO slates.

tn.o four sides of two slates and cover the top sid. s ~:i t.> a flap to each slate. 'rake one slate in each hand. Call attention to the blank sides and then do the False Turn Over Jloight Hith the left hand slate and call attention to the blank side of this slate. ;~hile the spect8.tor is lookinG at yom' left hand do the .b alse turn Over sleight 1-:1 th your right hand and ShovT that slate again. . You have apparently shm·m all four sidt:)s of the two slates to be blank. Plaoe the two slates togetlur so that the uncovered messa.ges are in the inside, holding the flap in place "Ii th the tip of the first finger. Palm the 10Her flap and show the message on the Im-Ter sid(~, of the bottom slate, by turning the slates over on your left palm. Palm the second flap and give the slates to tho spectator. The spectator VIill be further surprised when he finds Hri tins on t~le inside surfaces also and he can then examine the slates. If \Jorking at a table, the flaps can be lapped easily. TIB HESSAGES: It is bo st to cover the slate surfaces by RUBBER G!!l'E'NTING a piece of black art paper and then 11l'i tine; in the message '..~i th 1·;hi te ink and pen. The message oan easily be changed by removing the blaok paper. H.s'TiIOD: Hri to the riles S;::.gClS on




SLATE METAMORPHOSIS This effe ct was publ ished by Indi a's Sam Dala l in his exce llent magi c mag "Swa mi." It is an exam ple ot what ment al magi c is all abou t. A simp le prin ciple can be taken and endowed with stran ge powe rs by prop er present ation . Beware ot the cons eque nces. The human mind is indee d a trai l thing in the hand s ot the prete nder . The powe r to bend mind s is awesome and unconr ined by mort al stand ards . All the etfe cts inclu ded in this secti on play havo o on the imagiI1l tion . In o the mind s of the B A spec tator s, they Fig. 30 are witn essin g shee r magi c! EFFECTs Two pock et slate s initi aled by the spec tator , uncann ily chang e plac es in his own hand s I tator s METHOD: Thre e pock et sl~tes are used altho ugh the spec only see two. Refe r to ig. 30. Slate "A" has a trian gle drawn or pain ted on one side . The othe r side is blan k. has a cros s pain ted on one side . The "Btl Slate othe r side is blank is 'dou ble-f aced '. It shows a trian gle on "CII Slate one sido and a cros s on the othe r. Tho three slate s are othe rldse iden tical in size ler and colo r. The E-Z Magic spir it slate s are fino . Smal size slate s are even bett er. 's brea st PREPARArrION: Place the "CII slate in your coat the outsi de pock et so that ti:e trian gle faces outH ards and apex l)oin ts uP. s and have a spec tator PR~S~"'ITATI()H: Pass out the tl-lO slate two init ial both slate s on the blank side . Next plac e the slate gle trian the with palm his slate s dra"I ing-s ide down on shO't-l , slate top the up pick on toP. With your righ t hand st the trian gle and open ly place it into your outsi de e.brea Be ther ealed conc slate pock et behin d the doub le-fa ce





•••• cont .

ards sure that the slate is plac ed with the trian gle g outw athe Durin and poin ting up like the doub le-fa ce one. trian the th 'Hi bove actio n say, "If I remo ve the slate will tator gle, what do ~·re have left in your hand 1" Spec of cour se say, liThe Cros s. II Tell the spec tator to turn over the slate in his hand to Sl1.0H tho cross as you say "Cor rect. II triBring out the doub le-fa ce slate shoH ing thespec tathe on slate s angle and place it unde r the cros s slate tyro t!;he r cove to tors hand . rfell the spec tator . 'fhis plac es ~,Ji th his ot!le r hand and turn the hand s o>ver the slate s face- dO'tm supp osed ly. and Reac h into the spec tator s hand s and fumb le a bit with red cove it keep then remo ve the doub le-fa ce slate but , but your hand . The doub le-fa ce slate Has the top slate slate what sure due to your fumb linG the opec tator is not 'Has remov Gd. '::>hm·; the "Cros s:r side of the doub le slate and place et ani it behin d the othe r slate in your coat 's brea st pock The 1I left? ask "If I remo ve the cross ltlhat i-rill you haveII you say. spec tator Hill say, "The Trian gl-e! " "Cor rect et and remo ve Next reach into your coat rs brea st pock hand the "A" trian gle slate but keep it ,cove red vrith your table the on so as not to expo se the trian gle and place it face- down so that the initi als show . Tell the spec tator to place his slate on the table slate also face- down . The initi als Hill also show on his tator so that every thinG look s norm al. Next tell the spec er. ' that you will no'H cause a 'meta morp hosis of matt turne d are The mira cle is reve aled Hhen the slate s over!

i'le 'Hill nOltT produ ce tho same effe ct as 'Slat e Heta morp hosis I but with only tv:o slate s. For this devi lish schem e wo will have to reso rt to some devi lish trick ery. It Hill be nece ssary to gimm ick tHO of the E-Z antle to dism Hagi c slate s. '110 do this it ,,·rill be nece ssary knif e at pen a t:l. 'Hi the two slate s by pryin g them apar t the side seam s. Once tho slate is dism cmtle d it will be in three the shel ls and part s: The fram es becom e the fron t and back unav ailab le are s slate it If the E-Z spir v~iting surfa ce. gimto the read er then he must reso rt to maki ng his own mick ed slate s out of stiff cardb oard .





• • •• cont .

Plea se refe r to Fig. 31, A, B and C. It shows the three part s of the E-Z Magi c pock et slate afte r it is dism antle d. Fig. 31A shows a halt -she ll ot the fram e. We will refe r to this halt as the tmle half , as it has male anch oring bits or pron gs (arro w at x). Fig. 31B is the fema le half -she ll of the slate fram e. It has fema le rece ptac le pots (arro w at y) to rece ive the male bits to hold the slate toge ther when it is assem bled. ?ig. 31C is of cour se the slate pane l. Disc ard this pane l as it will not be used .


• ~p~ • z •

" "- D.P1


To gimmick the slate we must file down smoo thly the ridge s at the botto m of the male half -she ll. This secti on of the .u.-_. ...a® ridge s are enclo sed by the arrow s at "D". The male bit at "z" must also be filed B down. The ridge s and the male bit must be to frame slate filed down even \-Ii th the form a smoo th 'chan nel' to faci litat e the inse rtion of a flap . A new writ ing surfa ce must now be made and fixed to the fema le half of the fram e by ceme nting . Fig. 32 shows the size of the neH pane l. It is made by rubb er-ce ment ing two play ing card s toge ther and then cove rC ing both side s with black art pape r and 31 Fig. then cut to size . The black art pape r is also ceme nted onto the pane l. The size of this new pane l is such that it cove rs fram the top fema le pot to the bottg m edge of the slate . TlB writi ng pane l is then fixed to the fema le half of the fram e by ceme nting it in plac e with clea r hous ehold c~ent. lfhe DuPont Duco Cement is recommended but any cleal " ceme nt Hill do. The male ho.lf of the frame is next Fig. 32 ceme nted back on by drops of cemBut on the s edge de outsi the on also and fema le pots of the frame but avoid placi nG ceme nt on the filed down ridge s at the botto m of the will look norm al frrume. Afte r the slate is assem bled it m edge . botto the at slot et exce pt for tll.e secr r pres sure . unde dry to slate nted AlloH t~le ceme

10 MAST~1




• • • • co nt •

slo t Fi g. 33 is an en lar ge d vie",! of the bo tto m edg e of the sla te, sho wi ng the 1~'g IN': MAKING THE FLAP ting tw o The Mu tat ion Sl ate se rt is made by rubb8r~cemen tog eth er red -ba ck ed pla yin g car~s r:l enting bla ck ar t (~e n fac e-t o- fac e and the ly. One sid e 01' the f'la p wi ll be sm oo th down pa pe r to on e sid e on 'H ill he lp tho fla p to sli de due to the ca rd sto ck andp in se rt ha s sq ua re co rne rs at the ea sie r. NOTE th at the fla bo tto m to fu rth er as sis t the top and rou nd co rne rs at the fla p to sli de do" m. fla p in se rt is ju st wi de PLEASE NOTE als o th at the g su rfa ce of the sla te, vlr i tin the enouGh to co ve r the ex po sed fro m the ins ide top edg e of' ch rea to h ug eno ;s lon is and edg a of the sla te. fra me to the bo tto m 10l verdo es no t en ter the fra me of the sla te Th e fIn D in se rt tat ion ' sla te is now rea dy . Mu r-' Ou es~ sid or top at the as ne ed two gim mi cke d sla tes ill 'VI u Yo N: TIO RA ht PA PRE E TH he ld in eac h ha nd . 'fie rig is te sla e On . 34 g. Fi a in th Hi shown ick ed as shm m in l·'i g. 3L~ fla p. ha nd sla te wi ll be gir rnn the on e gl an and a tri r pe pro te sla the on ss sit cro jus t the op po e, wi th Th e le ft ha nd sla te \·1 ill bea cro ss dra l'm on the fla p. te and a tri an gl e drm m on the sla top . sla tes wi th the slo t on tri an gl e the THE PR,~SEi.\jTl-\,TION: Ha nd lete the to n att en tio ll ca and sla nd ha ht Ta ke the rig t to dro p ar- en d, be ing ca ref ul nothe sla te Tu rn the sla te ov er en d-f rn 111" on the sla te . Tu y it. pla dis the fla p and dra w a lar ge to up ain and pro p the sla tethe bu t ng thi e ov~;r en d-f or- en d ag sam do Ta ke the le ft ha nd sla te and ck . drm-r a lar Ge "211 on it' s ba


wr~~f ~_J







••• • co nt •

ot way of ho lFi g. 35 shows the co rreare inv ert ed . y din g the sla tes af ter the ha nd . The One sla te is he ld in ea ch and the au die nc e de sig ns are fir st shown ich is wh ich . Ne xt is ask ed to remember wh in the pre ten ce of the sla tes are inv ert edthe ba ck or the sh md ng the nu mb ers on pa lm ed and the sla tes sla tes . Th e fla ps are tab le. are pla ce d fa r ap art on the the pe rfo rAf ter the pro pe r pa tte r tte of Ma rll by sh ome r shows "The Mu tat ion ch an ge d. ,\-Ting th at the dra wi ng s ha ve

sli de down NOTE: If the fla p do es no t slo t was no t the ea sil y, it is be cau se sm oo thl y; or the or h ug fil ed down eno tri mm ing . fla p is too wi de and ne ed s sla te A lit tle pr ac tic e wi th the pe r ha nd lin g. wi ll su ffi ce to show therypro move the Fi g • You may fin d it ne ce ssa anto kw ard s to bac d rds wa for ly :~t sli 0.... sla te ge t the fla p sta rte de tly ve rThe sla te mu st be he ld ex ac p. ck of tic al ly fo r the fla p to dro is the co lor of the red -bare p fla The ba ck of the ab i t to make it mo sli pxed wa be can and rd ca r:; the l)la yin fro m the ed ge s of the fla p ery . Any ex ces s rub be r cem ent mu st be rub be d or r.


THE EYES OF THE WAZIR ea ls a tho ug ht l-lri t ten on atoEFFECT: The pe rro rm er rev oth er sla tes , rub be r-b an de d sla te and pla ce d be tH eensptwo ec tat or . ge the r and he ld by the tes sla te and two reg ula r sla MErHOD: One gim mi cke d is n Sl ate ' tio uta 'M r to the ila sim te sla ck mi gim ) a are us ed . The of the sla te pa ne l (lil ie. 32 in Fi g. 35 , bu t ins tea d xi; jla ss is cem ent ed in plc ce , and pie ce of tra ns pa ren t plered wi th bla ck ar t pa pe r on bo th the fla p in se rt is co ve sid es . sla te on the tab le fla p WORKING: Pla ce the gimmicktes ov er it . Ask t.le sp ec r sla sid e up and the two reg ula ht on one of the sla to s, the ug tho t cre se his ite wr to it tat or ng sid 3 down and sti ck iti Hr it n tur to n the and top on e, e the sp ec tc, tor some rub -de Giv . tes sla two er oth the p to sli be tue en the sla tes . Al low the fla te ll the be r ba nd s as yo u pic k up wo e tim e rd and at the sam s. down eno ug h to rea d the sla be r ba nd s aro un d the slate s to .te sp ec tat or to pla ce thebarub the ck in pla ce and giv e . Pu sh the fla p ord u rev ea l the '\-l the sp ec tat or to ho ld as yo

12 Ml\ST;~





EFFE CT: A desig n dupl icati on. t • 111
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