Al Mann - Limelight! - Publicity for the Mentalist

January 31, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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(201) 431-2429


AL MANN t8:rc/~

(201 ) 431 -2429


.LilM.eti.~t Copyright (1982) by Al Mann Exclusives


The Mentalist by virtue of his strange and wondrous talents has first call on publicity. He can get reams of it it he wants it and if he knows how. Publioity and its resulting fame and notoriety are oomparable to a desirable and beautiful maiden. You want her and must have her so you must seduce her and woo her incessantly! New publicity gimmicks and angles crop up every year and keep changing with the times. Not so long ago you could get publicity by cutting a woman in half or pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Next came escapes and death-defying stunts, Today, the predictionists are making all the headlines. Psychics are very much in the limelight. Whatever you do, 'do not hide your candle under a baskett' Flaunt your talents! Never undersell yourself. The stronger your claims and your act the better they like you. A fast rule is to never give a show without inviting the pressl You must keep wooing that lovely maiden otherwise she may forget you. Here is wishing you the spotlight ~"'

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Front Covert Part of brochure for "Bloody Jack," a magic-musical with 20 illusions and 10 songs, now touring the world owned by John Pomeroy of Seattle.



Freehold mentalist taps psychic forces By Eliot ~frln, W"kend ,ditor

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'MYSTIQUB' PUBLICITy ••••.• cont •••••.• Magicians steer clear of the words, 'psychic' and 'supernatural.' They seem to be deathly afraid of them and go out of their way to discredit anyone who treats on the subject. But the fact remains, like it or not, that all mortals are connected to the supernatural! That is a metaphysical and theological point outside the scope of this treatise. Nevertheless it is well to point out that men's mind is supernatural. As far as we know the mind is a spirit entity made of spirit form. No one knows where the mind is or what its dimensions are. No one can touch it or weigh it. It may be the size of the universe or as small as a thin thread connected to a vast intelligence not yet understood. Mortals therefor have many mysteries! If you see images in the crystal or in a bowl of water, who can disprove it? Do you want a good press story? Then sit down and type out your out-of-body experiences. You say you never had one? We all have them but most of us ignore them. Read all you can find on the subject of Astral Projection, etc •• and then write your story. Who can disprove it? Do you have a double? Master magician Harry Kellar used to tell the story of the time a friend said he saw and spoke to Kellar in New York City while Kellar was actually in Calcutta India. That story was printed world wide! Theologians call this 'bilocation.' We call it the 'double.' Again who can disprove it? A celebrated case is recorded for Sept. 17th, 1774, when Alphonse de Ligouri was asleep in his prison cell in Arezzo. He was seen at the 'same time in attendance at the deathbed of Pope Clement XlVI In Astral Projection, the astral body wanders about but remains connected to the physical body by an umbilical cord. If the cord breaks, you die, but this only happens if you are already on your deathbed. In bilocation, there is no connection! Write about your bilocation experiences and tell it to the press. It makes beautiful reading! ~ 1'Itc'14c, ...o.d.a'" I Gentlemen, the word 'mindreader' is the most powerful word in the word-repertoire of the Mentalistl Tell your audience that you are a mentalist or a paranormalist or Mr. ESP and only a few have a vague notion of what that means or what you intend to do. Most of them do not know what you are talking about. But tell them that you are a mindreader and everybody knows exactly what that is. The word 'mindreader' hits the bull's eye every time. There is no equivocation. Tell the press that you are a mindreader and they come running and bring the camaras. They also want you to prove it. Many magicians and mentalists are sore afraid of the word. They know that if they claim to be a mindreader they will be challenged. Some one will say. "So you are a mindreader. Tell me what I am thinkingl"



THE WHO THE WILL YOUR MINDmbe••••• New lork €imes

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THE MINDREADER ••••• cont ••.•. The Mentalist should never be afraid of that challenge. It is always present yet it is so easy to meet. The person who accosts you with, "What am I thinking?" already believes that you can convince him and it takes very little to do so. Do a simple test for him and he will be tl'lO'lroughly amazed and tell others. The average person has never seen any of the things that mentalists do like billet tests or a watch test or a book test. The center-tear alone has convinced many. CONTACT MI~DREADING is a headline getter and it will always be. It is a mystery. Scientists have tried in the past to explain it but the practitioners of the art will tell you that there is more to it than 'meets the eye.' You can do a test in contact-mindreading right after you read the instructions but that does not make you a master of it. Mentalist Robert Dorian, one of the foremost exponents of contact-mindreading, confided in me that it took him two years of presenting it before the public before he finally got the right slant on it. That proves that mindreading is an art pure and simple. You need plenty of exposure before the public and plenty of triumphs and failures to hone you into a true showman. WHAT ABOUT PSYCHIC HEALING? As a Mentalist you should know that psychic healing is true factI It works! It heals! and it has been with us since time immemorial. I am referring here to the healing of one's own body with one's own mind. You can heal yourself with your mind. If you want to. And if you know how. You can teach others howl So don't knock it but do study it. The medical profession has just recently commenced to accept psychic healing. On the other extreme, psychic surgery is a hoax! every Mentalist should decry it. Many people are cured by psychic surgery but only because their faith is great. And the healer knows that. This works in the same way as people who feel a healing emotion when they walk into their doctor's office. Their faith in ,the Medical Profession cures many people automatically. It also kills othersl HALLOWEEN is also a headline getter for the magician and the Mentalist. Do you own a Houdini milk can? (see Fig. 7) or a milk can that resembles it. If so you can get headlines with it. Holding a Houdini seance will bring the press running. Write a. good ghost story and mail it to the press. Be sure to put yourself into it and make it a good one. Another 'talent' that can not be disproved is 'Subliminal Pereeptionl' These are, according to A. H. Pierce of Harvard University, who coined the words , sensations beneath the threshold of consciousness too feeble to be individually recognized! But you as a Mentalist can magnify these sensations and capitalizeon them. According to Myers, Subliminal Perception is resposible for most of psychic phenomenal







LIMELIGHT ,~ . . . -. . -~V~~

AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE i6 L i"~t"t~ i111111 ~_~~i ~


d The world 1 oves a myth , or 1 egen. Archeology has proven t at many legends are true fact. The recent discovery of Troy is a good example. But there are many myths and legends that the world loves to read about that are pure hoaxes. But the bigger the hoax the bigger the reader's interest. Present day hoaxes are many and include. The Lockness monster, the Abominable Snowman, Noah's Ark atop mount Ararat, UFO's, and ships from other worlds, the Devil's Triangle, re-encarnation, rejuvenation, levitations, ghosts, haunted houses, ghost ships and ghost towns, etc., etc., ad infinitum. Many of these topics are continuously in print. The Mentalist by virtue of the 'mystique' surrounding his acts, is expected to be conversant in all of them. Can you psychically raise 'Nessy' th'e lockness monster and' then take a picture of it? Doc Shiels did and got world-wide co~ verage! Only one magician (or saint) in a century can convince the world that he has levitated himself. If you can do that well go to it. It takes a very special kind of person to do that. On the other hand p it is very easy to 'lay' the ghost. You can haunt a house and then de-haunt it! See Corinda's 13 steps. Associating yourself with any of these 'myths' will get you into print, but nothing beats ••.•••••• #

F'''' "f"(!.A'r "-prophesy is of such things as

are beyond the sense of men-It Plotinus

"The anology which persists in the universe is that which makes divination possible" Aquinas 751d GB Gentlemen, what we are treating here is "true" predictionsl This you do by sitting at your desk and typing out things that will occur in the near and distant future I and then sitting back and wait for them to happen. This will get you into nation-wide publicity. Regretably, many 'nuts' do exactly that. They type out hundreds of meaningless and mediocre predictions and send them in to the press. Most of these are laughed off by the press. But you as a Mentalist have a sure-fire sales potential. The newspapers will print your predictions if they discover that you are a Mentalist or stablished psychic, that you are a mindreader and that you deal regularly with psychic phenomena. If you show them that you have made headlines with former predictions, they will surely be impressed. And if your predictions appear to be world-shaking and of world importance, so much the better.





A. noted psychic lifts the veil on the unknown and lets 'Vou take...

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PROPlfESY •••••• cont •••• HOW TO BE A SEER. Making predictions for the future is relatively easy. All you need is time to sit down and think plus some common senseI History repeats itself and many things that have happened in the past will happen again. War is a good eKamplel Your best predictions will deal with subjects that you know well. Say for example, that besides being a Mentalist you also are a racing car fan and a good auto mechanic. Fans are people that know a great deal about what they are fans of. If you think a while you can look ahead and see what the future holds in the way of racing cars, speeds, speed records, etc. That you can predict and can be sure that it will come true. Listen to other experts in the field and record what they say. Science fiction writers have predicted everything that we have today, such as, space ships and travel, radar, television, ~ommun~catin~ satellites, ray guns, etc., simply be?auSe they make l.t thel.r busl.ness to study the future. Every should read and be conversant with Science Fiction. Get close to friends who are experts in other fields. For example, I have a friend who is a sports expert. He can tell me who will win the pennant in baseball and in how many gamesl Whenever I want to predict the winners in baseball I just call him upl Another friend is an expert in politics. He can tell me who will win the nomination for president and how the states will votel Another friend has spent 40 years at the race track. He can tell me with uncanny accuracy what horse will come in first and which second and in what racel These persons are not always right but only correct 85~ of the time and that is all you need since you claim that you are also only correct 85% or 90% of the time. You may wonder how come some of these people do not become millionaires betting their hunches, well some do. It is a known fact that at each race track there are at least 10 or 15 persons that make a fabulous living out of betting. Your humble author happens to be conversant with the rise and fall of the price of gold and silver and I use these predictions in my shows and the audience loves them. I am also an expert in ships and astronomy. One of my favorite predictions iSI "In the year 198), 15 oceon going vessels will disappear from the oceans without a tracel (This is a scarry prediction and many people ask me if it will happen in the Devil's Trianglel) This prediction is not conjecture but true fact. Statistics on the number of ships lost at sea are available in the same fashion as statistics about how many deaths will occur on New Year's Eve due to car accidents. But predicting car accidents is not as dramatic as predicting ship's lost at sea. "Loss of life due to pl.racy on yachts will increase around the West Indiesl Beware those of you who go yachting."





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He knows Houdini's trick, but won't tell

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The RutO.,. Dally Tergum. WednMd8,. February 14. 1878. Peg. II

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Channel 6 "Spectrum" Cook Collece junior Mark Popelsky, w'" lIys he c:1UIed the rec:eat earthquake. predids a "mushe sex oray" oa the Douatau-Cook ~. . early next year. To pro.e his capabU'..., he bent liner" keYlla tile Tarpat newsroom yesterday.

7:30 PM. Alleman, psychic ex dinaire, will appear on Channel "Spectrum," March 18, at 7:



AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE •• o. cont. • •.•.

Financial predictions are very popular with audiences. The rise and fall in the price of precious metals and diamonds, the interest rate, inflation, the Reagan dollar, the stock market. Long ~ange predictions about 'space' and space travel, the planets, sun, moon and stars and our good earth, are very popular. Here you have a wide range and flexibility since the experts contradict each other as to what lies ahead. Keep in mind the coming 'Ice Age,' plus earth quakes, tidal waves, floods and fires due to landing meteors! Predictions about war and politics are eye catchers. What will Fidel Castro do next? President Reagan, Russia, China? What has just happenned in Poland was all predictable for several years. Summing it up, the business pages of the newspapers are loaded each day with financial predictions. So are the sports pages and the Science Fiction stories and many books dealing with statistics. In fact we are surrounded by predictionists and predictionsl But predictions seem more dramatic and attract more attention when a Mentalist or well known psychic makes the predictions from the stage of a theatre or the pages of a newspaperl Finel you say, but how do I get started? The best way to stablish yourself as a pro-Mentalist or psychic 'prophet,' is to get some headlines about some predictions that you have made that have come truel This is best done through.

~.4C~· ~tliIJti.lJfNIIS,: This treats with predictions made with your prediction box, envelope, block of wood or what have you. There are so many amazing gimmicks today for doing pseudo-predictions that the novice-Mentalist has no excuse for not attempting a scoop with the newspapers. Keep in mind what Disraeli said, "Success is the child of audacity." So write a letter to the editor of your hometown paper. Tell him or her that you have written some predictions about what you think is going to happen and that you want him to hold on to them for a week or so. Once the editor accepts your prediction package, he is hooked. He must go through with it. This offers the paper a change in pace o This is something out of the ordinary and good for the readers and also for everyone in the office since they will all be talking about itl Since you know how to make 'true' predictions you prepare some predictions in type. When the prediction box is opened and the amazing predictions come ture, you hand the editor the type-written predictions and say, "Here are some more predictionsS" You can be sure that your story will be printed. So what do you do when your story and picture appears in the papers, besides placing the write-up into your 'press' book and buying a few extra copies and sending them to your friends' This brings us to the subject of the next heading.




Psych;'~ Amazing Out-of-Body Feats Astound Scientists




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ESP, Satanism Widespread in U.S.; Witches' Coven Possible in ElkinR



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Fig. 20



EUGEREBURGER IIftd his SPIRIT FRIEIIDS 11'. pm! honor sbow. pm! _im of old ....hloned pallor or chombet theatre Ihal reallyoets inlo It.. spirlt ... oatlrizlng the sbam 01 lhe hoarr originoho,

-CHIC.IlGO ....18UIf£ II's a den •• rainy ftlghl. just perhcl lor gh...t•• goblin•.•pooks. and a Honco: .. ith -CIUlUf·. CHICAGO BUSllflSS Eug.... Burg... InIdham ratI. Burg.. iatbe masll. JMdjum. bllndi"IJ with hi. penchanl lor ,he accull. a llarolor It.. dramatic. em Inslghl into death. ernd " N_ 01 humor thert .klps from Ih.subllm. to lhe rklicul..... on lhe lum ... a phraH. -ft.lllfftOlfllllYln I'm not llUing wbat tugsne B"rge. demonalralld. You'lI hovtt to go and __ 10.

youtH'.'" luat!mow lhot II ""'... afraid oIlbe dork lak. a Irktnd or 1"0.

-ClUC.IlGO ...If.TlMES

I".IlllUllc:ll.JVST~'::=;: I Fig. 21

19. Robert Dorian





cont ••••

Fig. 19. Professional Mentalist Robert Dorian, the Sleight of Mind Artist from California. Fig. 20. A wild-goose chase. Fig. 21. The Seance. A sure publicity getterl

J4 tta.vr, it:., : Mentalists are expected to know something about the mystery and myth of Atlantisl It is amusing to see well versed people spending fortunes in looking for the lost and sunken continent of Atlantis. They look for it on the bottom of the Mediterranean sea and in the Atlantic off the coast of Spain and around the Bahamas. They do find something (7). They find huge building blocks, broken pillars and statues and even sunken pyramids of long forgotten cities that flourished near the coasts and which have sunk onto the continental shelf by the weight of centuries. But the real Atlantis they can not find simply because it is staring them in the face and may even stumble over it. Gentlemen, your humble author has visited the ruins of Atlantis! Here are the facts as I know them. Atlantis has been lost and rediscovered many times. It was rediscovered in 1492 by Columbusl America is Atlantis! and many American Indians know it and will tell you. It is very possible that a well fortified and highly civilized small island off the coast of America blew up and sank into the Atlantic due to a volcanic erruption and that some of its survivors reached the shores of the Meditteranean to tell the story of their world sinking into the sea. But the mighty civilization of Atlantis that the old Egyptian priest in 580 B.C. spoke to Solon about and which related back to 1250 B.C. was the Inca and Maya civilizations which were already ancient at that time as they date back to 3500 B.C. Recommended readings The God-Kings and The Titans, by James Bailey St. MartinIs Press. 175 Fifth Ave. NY., NY., 10010 In closing let me say that the Mentalist must study and improve if necessary his own personality, study voice culture and stage craft and how to please and gain people. Another good gimmick is to associate with and predict the lives of celebrities. Above all you must beat your own drum and publicize yourself by remaining always in the limelight. Read "Forging Ahead in Magic" by John Booth.


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"'1"t eo,411IAJA"/''C ...a etlJa,/e Copyright 1982, by Al



EFFECT. A prediction envelope that is mailed weeks or months before is brought on stage by the VIP recipient. The VIP opens it and takes out a folded paper which contains predictions of events that are proven correct by the current headlines. The VIP is then told to take out a second paper from the envelope which contain more predictions which are also proven correct by the days headlines I The secret. The envelope mailed to the VIP contains two compartments. The envelope is in fact a double-envelope o There are two pieces of folded paper with predictions. One paper in each compartmentl When the VIP opens the envelope, he takes out the paper from the regular compartment, the one next to the flap! He reads these predictions which are provp,n correct by the paper. In the mean time, unseen by the audience, the Mentalist has secretly switched the opened envelope for a duplicate! Then the VIP is told to take out the rest of the predictions and is told to tear open the envelope. He then removes the plan~ ted predictions I BUT how do the first predictions prove correct? Well, please read on. THE CHRONOLOGY, OCT. 20th. You have this day contracted to do a show for November 20th. You notify the chairman that you will later give him a sealed envelope that he is to bring unsealed to the show on Nov. 20th. November 10th, This day you buy one copy of "The Times" newspaper or whatever paper you have in your city. You then search for an insignificant headline in about pages 5/6 or 7/8. The headline may be something like,"Elementary school teacher is dismissed for having sex with pupils," or "Local dump found contaminated with atomic waste." The page containing this headline is taken out of the newspaper and saved. Let's say it is page 5/6. Next prepare two double envelopes by cutting out the flap and address side of one envelope and inserting it into another one. DO NOT SEAL THESE mVELOPES YET. The double envelopes are white letter size, 3-5/8 by 6-3/8 inches.




cont. • ••

THE CHRONOLOGY ---Write out a prediction about the insignificant headline and fold the paper and insert it into the back compartment between the insert and the seam side of the envelope. Next on a second sheet of paper write, "This is to certify that these predictions were written and sealed on Nov. loth-.n Fold this paper and place it into the front compartment of the envelope between the flap-insert and the address side. Next apply cement to the envelope proper at the inside fold of the flap as shown in Figo 22. This is a strip of about 1;2 inch. Next cement the flap-insert to the envelope at the crease of the flap and also cement the two flaps together. Next seal the envelope. You now have an envelope that contains two messages. If the VIP opens the envelope ahead of time, he will find nothing amissl Fig. 22 With an ink marker, write the date, "Nov. 10th" on the address side in large letters. Do the same with the other double envelope so that the date looks the same on both. Seal the one prepared envelope into a larger white envelope and mark it also with Nov. 10th. Again seal the larger envelope into a large manila envelope and deliver it in person to the VIP. You deliver the envelope on Nov. 10th, and caution the VIP not to open it but to bring it to the show on Nov. 20th. TKE SECOND DOUBLE-ENVELOPE remains open and unsealed until the day of the show. NOVEMBER 18THa (Two days before the show) Buy two copies of the "Times" and remove from one, page 5/6 and replace it with page 5/6 from the Nov. 10th paperl (This idea has been around for some time and was made popular by the late U.F. Grant.) You now have a newspaper for November 18th, but unknown to your audience, page 5/6 belongs to the Nov. 10th paper. This sheet contains the insignificant headline that you are predictingl The ungimmicked Nov. 18th paper is saved in case it may be needed. NOVE)lEBER 20th. Buy the morning "Times" and write out some predictions from the headlines. Fold the paper and seal it in the front compartment (between the flap insert and the address side) of the second double-envelope. The baok compartment of this envelope remains empty. Now seal the envelope and then open it at the top with a letter opener. You now have a double envelope that is opened on the long flap edge and contains your predictions in the hidden compartment. Date this envelope in the same fashion as the first envelope and you are ready for the showl SETTING UP FOR THE SHOW. You will need a small table. Place this table a few feet to your left of the microphone if you are






using one. Place the Nov. 18th paper. folded in half with the headlines up and showing, on the table. Underneath the top page of the paper near the edge and out of sight, slip in the second double envelope with your predictions. To the left of the Nov. 18th paper place the Nov. 20th paper. Before the show check with the VIP to make sure that he brought the sealed envelope with him. THE PRESENTATION. When you are ready (at the end of your show usually) to present your predictions, give a short lecture about how you wrote down some predictions, etc. Then call the person on stage with the sealed envelope. Ask him to please show it to be sealed and you may also mention the postmark, etc. Then tell him to open the manila envelope and take out the large white envelope. At this time you turn to the small table and pick up the Nov. 18th paper, holding it like a tray and being careful not to tilt it and drop the hidden envelope. Tell the VIP to place the opened envelopes on the paper. He opens also the large white envelope and last the letter size envelope. NOTE. He is given a letter opener for the opening. He is instructed to open the envelopes at the top over the flap. He then removes the first prediction paper and is asked to please read it. It predicts the insignificant headline. As he finishes reading the prediction you tip the paper over the small table BUT you hold back the letter size envelope. The audience see three envelopes drop on the table and the illusion in perfect. The letter~size envelope now on the table looks exactly like the first one. It is open and dated. But most important of all, it contains your predictions for the headlines of the day I Fig. 2) shows the Nov. 18th newspaper r---' being used as a tray. The dash lines reprer----__ I sent the hidden second double envelope that contains the predictions for the day's headlines. The performer's right thumb is over the first double envelope. The newspaper is tipped away from the audience view as the thumb holds back the first double envelope, allowing the two top envelopes plus the hidden envelope to drop onto the table. Again I say, the illusion is perfect. Fig. 23 Now you are left with the newspaper headlines facing you and hiding an envelope behind. There are two ways to proceed from here. You allow the bottom half of the newspaper to unfold and drop as you patter, saying, "One of my predictions has already appeared in print two days ago. You then open the newspaper at about half and slip the envelope to that page and then close it and turn the newspaper around to show the date on the newspaper and then flip the pages to page



5/6 and show the insignificant headline and then place the paper on the table and circle the headline with an ink marker. Here you can either tear the page out or just simply call attention to the headline and put the paper away. You then continue with your patter, picking up the Novo 20th paper and showing the headlines that you also predicted. Then tell the VIP to please read the other prediction sheet. Instruct him to tear open the envelope! Once your audience sees your last predictions. the first one about the insignificant headline will be completely overshadowed and soon forgotten as your audience will talk about the more im~ pressive onesl HERE IS A SECOND METHOD of getting rid of the unwanted double envelope. Using the other ungimmicked Nov. 18th lIMES' paper, remove the bottom half of the front page and paste it to the bottom half of the HEAD LI p&:.S gimmicked Nov. 18th paper to make a pocket. This pocket is shown in Fig. 24.The dash lines represent the cemented edges. After the cement dries, place a ball of paper about one inch .(... X in diameter, in between the top opening of the pocket. (Fig. 24X) pocket Now in the presentation when you open out the newspaper, holding the first double envelope behind it, all you have to do is to - release it and it will fall into the pocket Fig. 24 and out of sight. The ball of paper will keep the pocket open. But if necessary to open the pocket a bit more, all you have to do is to buckle the paper a bit. Then you can turn the headlines towards\ the audience and point to them. The pocket will not be easily seen, unless you know it is there. But the paper is soon turned and opened to page 5/6 and then discarded. The insignificant headline from page 5/6 can be torn out leaving the date of Nov. 10th behind, and the piece of paper thrown on the table and left there. All the envelopes on the table and the Nov. 20th paper can be left there. AN OUT, Your letter opener is most important for the success of the effect so make sure that you take one with you. BUT what will you do if the VIP refuses to follow instructions and opens the envelopes at the end instead of the top, or tears the envelope or crumples it? Well you just go no further. Prove that your insignificant prediction came true and then bombard the audience with a good dozen verbal predictions about the future I That will rearely happen. Good LUCk'1

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