Al Mann - Karaism - The Paul Kara Act Updated

May 2, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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Paat1at4 lI et ' 1J.I'til'J;ted --= =:.= TtiE GHK\T K.lH,\

(201) 431-2429 POST OFFICE lOX 144 • FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY 07728

THE PAUL KARA STAGE MINDREADING ACT Updated FOREWORD Paul Kara electrified the Magic world in May of 1926 when he published his two-page ad in The Sphinx offering his Mindreading secrets for the first time. The price of these secrets if bought separately came to $230 and if bought together $100. In 1926 these prices were out of reach for most magicians and yet many bought them and praised them. . Two years later, Bob Nelson of Columbus Ohio, acquired these secrets from Kara and published them without using the name of Kara, no doubt to protect the persons who had already bought them. The Karaism envelope was sold under the name of 'Mind Divination' and the Kara Act was detailed in Nelson's release called 'Sensational Effects.' These items are now sold by Micky Hades and are recommended reading. The stage Mindreader is repeatedly amazed by members of the audience who offer to do anything to help and most of the attendees do their best to help the Mindreader create these amazing effects. They thrill in retelling the miracles they saw and the fact that they were part of it. All this goes to prove that the world needs and loves a miracle and best of all they love the Miracle Worker. Fraternally,



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(201 ) 431 -2429



May, 1926

At Last! Mindreading to be Revolutionized by KARA, Original Myster~ At Last a Min drea ding Act that is Orig inal, New and Diff eren t. KAR A, the Orig inal Mys tery Man of Indi a, Offe rs for the Firs t Tim e His Secr ets and Met hods that Hav e Mad e Him Inde pen den tly Wea lthy and have Cro wne d Him the Wor ld's Grea test Men talis t.

KA RA ISM In offering my secrets and method s to the magical the want of money nor do I wish publicit y, and I am notfraterni ty I do not do this for as I love it too well. I have always tried to keep MIND retiring from my profess ion, I have sacrific ed many thousan d dollars to keep it there,READI NG upon a higher scale. method s because I know It Is the only step that I can takeand now I am sacrific ing my I am selling my secrets and my method s because I feel It to keep It where it bt:longs . MIND-R EADIN G busines s, which has been jeopard ized to would be a step to better the a certain extent with unpractical method s. What I offer I guarant ee is what I am using myself and I would have gladly given $ 6,000.0 0 for such an effect when I first started In this profe have used for many years. Bsion I now offer the greates t MIND-R EADIN G ACT that has ever been present ed in any theatre for $50.00 and only a limited number will be sold. Before I offered this for sale I present ed same for Dr. Wilson and afterwa rd exposed the method s to him. He Is the only living man in the world today besides myself who knows the secret. His stateme nt, after my present ation: LUTEL Y NEW. ORIGIN AL AND DIFFER ENT FROM "ABSO ANYTH ING ELSE." MY GUARA XTEE 18 THIS OR YOUR !\IONEY REFUN DED WITH TEN PER CENT INTERE ST. No swikhe s, no door questio ns, no pads of any kind, no paraffin or ('Arbon. No plants or confede rates. No codes, no wf.re8, no telepho nes, no ra~tioll. This they would have is no plant or confede rate nor has informa tion been obtained .prevlou sly. Price $20.00.


No.2. Questio ns are an"wer.. ,d a long time before they reach the stag·e (when the method ot answ"rl nlr question .ecesslt ating that they are laid upon the table.) s Is applied These question s are answere d whlle the ,lace. while the question s are being gathere actual of question s Is taking d by the assistan ts b etore they reach t.he stage, beforewriting ee them or touch them. This is no plant or confede the Seer has had a chance to rate nor has Informa tion been obtained previous ly. Price $20.00.

AL MANN g'zd'~

(201 ) 431-2429


May, 1926



of India, so·the Art and Profession may be pl~ced upon ahlgher scale INTERNATIONAL

No.3. Question" are answered that have been written in any 1:tn!;·ua~e, whdh~r they have been wrltlen at hom" or In the theatre, upon spectator's own paper or upon stationery furnished by "Hslstan!. YE~. I MEAN IN CHINESE. GREEK OR IN ANY LANGUAGE, and performer can only have the knowledge of the EN\.iLISH LAN(~';XI;K This is no plant oJr confederate nor has Information been obtained previously. Price $20.00.


No.4. Questions are answered that have been written In the theatre upon "ither stationery furnished by the assistants or upon spectator's stationery (any kind of writing material) that arc held by the spectator. Th.ey can place same In poeket or pocketbook, yet the Information Is obtained. "This Is no plant or confederat~ nor has Information been obtained previously. Price $20.00.


No.5. Questions are answered that have been written at home, place,l. sealed in the envelo~s. Questions that have never entered the theatre. ThiR Is no plant or conf~derate nor has Information lwen obtained previously. Price '20.00.


No.6, Questions ar~ answered for spectator who writes upon his own paper "nly hlH or her Initials. Does nOl wdlAl th" que8t1on, and holds same In his or her hand. )locket or pocketbook. Yet the Seer tells Initials, gives the full name and answers the que8t1on8 that have not lwen written at aiL This Is no plant or ('onfed(>rat(> nor Ilas Information been obtained previously. Price $t0.00.


No.7. Quelltions are answered that have b~en placed and so ldered In gas pl"",~, tin cans or have been placed In bottles. This II accompllshed whether the spectator has done this and has left It at home, brought It to the theatre and has given It to the 9.8slstant to be placed upon the tables or ev·en If he holds same In his hand, poc\
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