Al Mann - High Domain - A Method for Private Reader

May 2, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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(201 ) 431-2429



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vi ~etlt,d I~~ ~,tt,~~& ~tlat'L Copyright (198 5) by Al Mann Exclusives This treat i se is being written due to repeated re quests from AME subscribers asking for my favorite method for private readings. Through the years I have t ried many methods and I have noticed the reaction of the sitters. They are all a mused by 'readings. ' Whether by r eading the cards, the palm or dead bones. But what thrills them and awes them i s the surprising ( to them) ab il ity of the pyschic of r eading their thoughts. Furthermore, the Reader does not need to go to the cemetery to read tombstones, or hir i ng an investigator to check up on the sitter. The Reader can get all the i nformati on he needs for an impressive reading from the sitter! sitting across the table from him! whom he has never seen before! Charle s H. Fos ter cap italized on a si mi lar method 100 years ago. You wi ll learn a great dea l a bout the s it ter, a total stranger a moment before he walked inl He or she will reveal all to you unknowing ly! THE GYPSIES: For a small fee , a Gypsy wil l tel l yo u your fortune . She will read the cards, you r palm, tea leaves, or gaze into the crys tal ! For the same fee, a side-show ci rcus graphologist will analyse your handwr it ing . You will pay a bi t more for a good cold reading or a 'Psychi c Reading.' A 'hot' reading wil l cost a bi t more ($100 ). Thi s the reader does after you have made an application and she has investigated you fully. She will tell you where your grandmother is buried and how many children your children have. BUT ALAS! Only a Mentalist can read the t hought! Only a Mental ist can thri ll the sitter with an enchan ting visi t into the Fourth Dimension! An awesome experience tha t will never be f orgot ten. The Menta list de l ves into th deeper recesses of t he sitter 's mind and te ll s wha t he or she is thinking at the very moment ! Some j ump with joy . Other ar e stunned into si lence. Some almost faint , while others wil l r un away from you. IT is a tartling revelation and at the heat of the moment, the Mentalist can name his own price!



A MYSTERY: During a four-hour stint, wi thout a break, doing private reading for some fashionable ladies and some men, I noticed an over-reation in the sitters . They were startingly amazed and mystified and after they left my office, they commented to the crowd outside that I had read thir minds whi l e analyzing thei r handwri ti ng! Even the skeptics we re baffled. One said, "1 don't know how you go t your informati on. You did not use a carbon impression or even glanced at the wr iting pad.!" I became curiou s to know what it was that I was doing that so baffled the sitters. So I placed myse lf in t heir sea t, and t his is what they saw:






I was doing 'Gemel 's Messages' f rom Mental-E t tes. The sitters were asked to write a question and a name (instead of two questions) on a large sheet of paper , 5 X 8 . i n., while I tu rned my back. When finished they were told to fold the sheet in half, and then in half again and once more in half . In the end they held a sma ll wad of fold ed pa per. During the reading, this folded wad of paper is torn to bi ts by me and the pieces dropped into a tall-necked wine bottle . Eventually the question and the name are revealed . In their minds, the sitter unconsciously surmised tha t in order for anyone to read the question and name, the paper had to be unfolded as many times as it was folded . They never saw me unfold any t hing ( ?) and therein rested the mystery ! In their minds they conclud ed that I could not get t he writ ten infor mation by reading it, therefor I had to get it by some other unknown means . Could it be Mindreading ?! The effect on the lay mind is profound! and their is no way in which the lay mind can remotely suspect that you can r ead the writting af t er tea ring a multi-fo l ded paper to bits!

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Here is my favor i te 'Reading' in detail from start to finish. Only one person i s a llowed in to the Inner Sanctum (the room or nook where the Reader sits) at one time. The same routine is fol l owed with each s i t te r and , except for the di fference in the handwriting analysis , the patter is the same. REQUIERED: Two pads of writing paper, whi te and wi tho ut lines, 5 by 8 inches square; s ome #2 l ead pencils; a tall-necked wine bottle for dr opping in the torn messa ges (optiona l, yo u can use a waste basket. ); know l edge of the ba sic rudiments of graphology; a small magnifying glass (optional ); plus the secret of Gemel's Mess~g~s (detailed later) . Double-s ided scotch tape and a tab l et or s late may be used . THE READING: When the sitter enters the room he or she is rece i ved with great courtesy and a big smile. He is asked to be seated and t hen i s plied heav i ly with flatt er. To the ladies , you may say, "Wha t a bea-u- ti-full dress you have. It looks so well on you." or "My !, MY! , your hai r looks so beau-ti To the men it is we ll to say, lI you look so distinguised!" f ulU" The si t ter i s thanked for his or her interest and t hen i s told that he or she is a very specia l person. (Keep in mind that t he sit ter is an interesting person, progressive and curious and dynamic . Otherwise they would not be i nterested in your readi ng . The do-nothings, down-and-outers, dullards, and pessimistic boor s wil l probably never sit with you . These couldn' t care less f or your readings. ) It is we ll to tell the s it t er, "The very fac t that you are i nterested in a reading, shows that you ar e a dynamic individua l." III cons ider you a very special person so I propose a v ery special test . Please think of a question concerning your life. Do not tel l me the question or anyone else. Plea se write it down sec retly on this pad as I turn my back." (You hand the person t he paper pad that is prepared for doing Gemel 's Messages .) "And also think of the name of some person tha t is inportant to you and'write it on the lower lines. " I~ave you f inished? Fine! Then tear the sheet away fr om the pad and fold it exactly in half. Please fold it once more in half . And again i n half. " You have turned to face th e sitter as the last t wo folds of the paper are made. Instruct the sit ter to hold the folded wad of paper betwe en his two hands as you put your two hands a round his. "I am going to endeaver to answer the question and I am going to ass ume it is an honest question as I am sure i t is."





While still ho lding t he sitters hands tell him to memorize a simp le sentence - I am walking down the street to get a horse and buggy out of the old carriage house. -"Now I want you to write that sen tence on this other pad." The si tter is given a penci l and the s econd pad and also instructed to turn the first pad face down. "I have been accused of reading the impression of the question from the second sheet. So Please pu t it away so that I can not see it." As the sitter reaches for the pencil you take back the fo lded wad of paper saying , "We do not need this anymore." And tear it up (retaining the vital c enter fold ) and throw the pi eces away making s ure tha t tbe sitter sees the act ion. Whi le t he sitter wr ites, you have ample time to pick up the large table t or slate and attac h the stolen pieces to ~he piece of do uble scotch tape on t he tab let or sla te. Read the quest ion and name and secretly discard the pi eces of paper. The sitter can be i nstruc t ed to re peat the same sentence again a second and even a t hird time so that it covers half of the paper. Then tel l the si tter when f inished, to draw a tree,. "Plea se draw a tree. Any kind of tree." Everything is set for the f inal coup! Give the sit ter as good a reading as possible by us ing the si gns fr om hi s handwriti ng analysi s. and then say, "For some r eas on I ge t the impr essi on that you are doubtful about __ " and a nswer the si tter 's question and tel l him the name of the person in the ir minds. You can reveal the name of the person wi th t he same seriousness as you would do a Living and Dead Test, bit by bit with t he dramatic revelati on, ( see "A link With Eternity," in Mental-Et tes.)


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Why graphology? Graphology is the best method is for {ea r ning hard fac ts abou t a total stranger instant l y , simply by studying his handwriting . His or her handwriting will reveal to you the way the sitter thinks, the r efor the way he lives and ac ts. The sitter wil l be amazed at what you tell him from his handw ri ting. "In every man's wri tings , the character of the wri ter must be recorded." Goe t he

(18 28)

If you already have a college degre e in graphology, fine and well, BUT al l you rea l ly need to give the sitter an impres s ive reading is to lea rn the rudiments of the ar t . And thi s you can ge t from an inexpensive pul p magazine on the subject which you can pi ck up a t the newstand or a s econd hand book store. By the rudi ments I mean that all you do is notice whe t her the wri t er writes his le tters leaning to the right or to the left. TO THE RIGHT: means that the wr i ter leads with hi s hear t. He is affect ionate, sentimental, friendlyl TO THE LEFT: mea ns that he or she leads wi th the mind. The person is a good l eader and busines sman. Everything he does must be approved by the mind. IF SITTER WRITES HIS SENTENCES GOING UPHI LL: He is an optim ist! IF DOWNHILL : He is a pessimist. IN A STRAIGHT LINE : denotes a ph l egmatic indi vidual. IF WRITI NG IS CRAMPED COVERING MOST OF THE PAPER WITHOUT WASTE : The wr iter is thrifty . IF TOO MUCH SPACE AND PAPER IS WASTED; The writer is extra~ vagant!






ROUND WELL FORMED WRITING : means a coope rative person ANGULAR LETTERS : DENOTE AN independent and compatitive person. LIGHT ORES SURE IN THE WRITING: means an i ntrovert sensitive person. HEAVY PRESSURE: means an ex trover t and vital forthfull person. SMALL LETTERS AND WRITING : Ability to WRITING: means a n aggressive and expansive TINY HOOKS AT THE END OF WORDS : means magnifying glass to spo t these hooks. OPEN "0" and "A" and "B" etc. : means A AND 0: means he is secre t ive •

concentrate! LARGE LETTERS AND a ttitude . a tenaci ous person. You may ne~d a the person is talkative.


Notice also the s igna ture which will revea l to you if the person thinks highly of himself (Big florishy first let t ers in t he signature) or if he ia conservative and retiring (un impre ssive small letters in signature). With the above information you should be able to give the sitter a very good reading. " - - graphiC movements are diag rams of the unconsc ious." Werner Wolff

For completenes s , here is an up-to-date ve rsion of Gemel's Messages from Mental-Ettes. The s itter is given a paper pad and pencil to write his questi on. The pad measures 5 by 8 in. As in Fig . 1, the pad has on it some pencil lines . The top line is 1~ inches from the top edge of the pad and the other thre e li nes below it are 1/2 inch apart . The bottom line is one inch from the bottom edge and the three lines above it are 1/ 2 inch apart . Ma r k the sections 1 and 2 as this will Fig . 1 help you later. Original ly t he itter was told to write out 2 questions, but experience has shown tha t one ques t ion is sufficient as i t carries a tremendous wallop in ef f ect . The si tter is told t o write his question on the top lines and to think of a name and write it (or print it) on the bottom lines. When finished he is to l d t o tear off the sheet from the pad and to turn the pad fa ce down . He is then t old to fold the sheet exactly in half, and then in half again a nd again in half . (PLEASE NOTE: Do not tell the sitter to fold the sheet once, a second time and a third time . If you do He wi l l remember that the paper was folded .three times, whereas if he is told to fol d the paper in half, and again i n half and again in half , he will remember tha t the paper was folded several times! perhaps three four or five times! which deepens the my tery). After the sitter folds the paper three times , it will resemble Fig. 2. Te ll the si tter that the f o lded paper is no longer needed , take it and tear i t up in t he usua l classic center-tear method, secretly retaining the quarter section marked X. You wi ll now have in your hands the full question and the name written !





Tl-lf" TRtE- I?f"ADI NGJ

1. A long, thin tree. Confidence , pride, enthusiasm , ambition. 2. Short round tree that droo ps down at the top of the trunk : Non-aggress ive, moody, does not like making decisions . 3. A wide base t ree with indications of bunches of branches and leaves: Has imagination and adjus ts easily. Good company . A triff le conceited 4. Def ini te outlining of branche s e nding in l itt le clumps of leaves . Se l f -s ufficient with good ,manners. Secretive, conceals t houghts . A good diplomat . A t ree composed of c ircles that get smal ler and smaller: Strong-willed and sometimes stubborn . Seldom changes an opinion or a decision . Too wrapped up in own self. Does not li sten. A t ree i mpa t iently drawn and composed of heavy straight line s and squiggles: Lively and unconventional. Likes to make changes and act on the spur of the moment.

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Impressionistic t ree : Playf ul, impul sive nature, but not very considerate of others. A squat down t ree that looks pushed down from teh top : You feel that life is all pre ssure and no play , and are resigned to your lack of freedom .

10. A perfec tly round t ree with a short t runk: Calm , r eliable, mat ure . Makes a good marr iage partner .

~ lL .

A bleak winter time tree wi th s trong straight long t runk and rigid bare branches: Defensive and impatient, but also clever with many interes ts - particularly gambling.

Realistically drawn . Trunk f lares out at the base and shows leaves: Active . gif t ed. soc iabl e. Good sense of humor . Talkative. mi ght chat t er too much •

Typ e t ree. Oak , fir, etc . Shows a person's need. 12. A palm tree may show a desire to escape to a tropica l isle. POINTS : Telegraph t ype t re e trunk: Shows a very cor rec t person. but too str iaght la ce and dogmat ic.






on t o

TREE BEARING FRUIT: Person is matur e and th i nk s c lea rly . FRUIT FALLING TO THE GROUND : Person fe s self a c r if yc ing, or t hat someth ng ha s been l ost . TREE HAS OWER: Y are a bad organizer but enjoy li ing and app cia te beautif 11 th ings. LEFT SIDE F TREE I EMP ASIZED : Shows thoughtfulnes s, ca u t ion, and q uie t ness . EMPHA IS ON RIGHT SIDE OF TREE: Self-confidence, restlessness , arro ace . DRAWIN LE VE ON CROWN OF TR EE: Yo u are o bs erv i ng . Unusu all y enthus i as tic , live l y. CON VENTIONALI Y: DRAWING BIRDHOUSES , NESTS , BIRD , LAWN FURNITURE : re playful , i tty, facetious, a tease. TR KES : SHORT BROKEN TROCKS : Per on is im pa t i en t , nervous and g ets e cited easil y . LON AND AV TROKES: An imaginative pe rson , skillful and lots of fun . PRE SURE: HEAVY BL CK INES : Tense, nervous or mad at the wo r ld and would l ike to ju t go away . FAINT LI ES : Indici io , with r wa f rom pres u es of l i fe or 0 erworked and tir e . ear of fai r e o


The fo llowi g three examp les are actual writing s made during a ct al eading

Fig . 3 hows he andwriting of a gi rl of 11 ears. leas e n te t a t t he t r e 1 ans the r ig t as her writing . She i a f riendl y we ll a djus t ed chil d f r om a hi g income family . Her writing climbs uphil to s ow op t imism and expectations . OTE: tha t th e tre tr unk i s strong t he a e and al so t a l l. Thi indic ates a s r ong famil y background nd aspiratio s that r ac he s y . The to of t he tree i a c ombinati of 3 and 1 on the tree chart , which indicate almost the same thing , ima ina ti on an oc iabi li ty. Her ignature shows modesty BUT e e l l n t d v elo pem n t which houl d l ead to great h i ng ah a • wr iting of a ady Fi • 4 is t ye r s o f ge e He tre nd h r l e t ter s lean t t he lef • Sh will be the bo ss i her famil y nd good a t usiness. Her writing i s moderni t ic and on-. onf orming as the bottom 100 s of the 'G's' turn back . The-tree trunk is thi ck an solid and s o t wh ich m n e she is 1 adj usted, k n ws w a t an t s and is s r e of her s elf .


Fig. 3





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NOTE: He r tr cks are thick and heavy, a combination of 6 on the tree c hart and HEAVY BLACK LINES. I t shows again that she is unconvention 1 but lively. She was divorced with plans to marry again so he bit t n The bird in the c ircle I drew the c ircle ) nd on h gro n d agai n shows her to be strong wi lled, down to arth, uncon en iona an playf 1 1. She also drew a line unde r the tree in icatin ich shows that he is a practical perso and good at bu ine S . Fig . 5 is a c opy f t he ri ing r of a midd l e-age well adjusted and f inanci lly sec ured lady . This is a remarkable example . She is very op timis t ic as her wr " ting c limbs uphill at an acute angl e. The top loops of her letters cl imb ver y h igh 'in to t he sky! I And so does the lette rs On her signature whi ch ar e even higher in an xaggerated wa y! Fig. 5 All t his shows that she ha ve ry high goals , spi ri tually and artisticall y. She l oves the spiritual and fine things in life . She is emot·onal and a good mother a d dev ted wif e. h dwells ly on spirit al res little about he pra tical earthly p inciples an the finer t hing and problems ( he lets her husband take c are of that ). The formati n of the t ree is rno t amazi • The trunk is nly a thin pen i l li ne. The tree c an be liken to a gas balloon on a string hovering in the sky . It ag in shows her concern wi th the spiritua things, relegion and the arts . The t ree trunk is a traigh l ine e l ling you h t she is a very carr ct per on. The tr ee t op has the mph sis n the r ight i de showing elf -confidence. He impre si e sign tu re it t he bea tif 1 florishes and tal l let t er s how t at s e thinks hi g l y of herse l f to the po i t o f ar r gance. I am sure that an academic psycho-ana yst- ra holog ist auld tell the ladies a great deal mor e, however we as 1entalist must eep one thing in mind - - - I t is your uncanny arcane gift of r a ing the tho ghl that wil l thrill, wand baffle yo r sit te rs and the t ri I wi I be I on emembe e whi le th rest of the go b e- e-gook i the re a i g ill b e f o rg o t e • My si tter s we re 0 st rtled by the ex er i e uce of avin their mi nd s r e ad that they i mediately f orgot he r st of th re di g d we t out to broadcast the app y tidings. Such i the ower f the thought reader! T e Mentalist a lso ha t he x er tise of answering t e sitter 's questions concerning t he mys t ic arts and demonstratin them. Mesmerism , hypnotism , the pendulum, and ------ psychic hea ing - voodoo - exorcism --



(201 ) 431-2429


CISM HOW TO REMOVE THO E NEGATIVE IBS FROM THE SITTER ! by PRINCE THEBB The r itual that follows is an elabora t ion on a ro tine g i ven to th e author by Prince hebb. It can e carried to dramatic heights si mpl y by dressing up the a tmosphere. So get some incense bu r ning, a black and wh i te candle, place the Ho ly Bible on the tabl e and a prayer shoal around the shoulders of the s it ter and draw a Magic circle on the floor and you are ready t o per f orm the ritua l of EXORCISM! PATTER: " I have th ability of see i ng thing s that average mortals cannot. As I look at you I see a be tiful aura a oun yo • I see a beautifull bl ueish lights radiating from you all a round . Thi s te l ls me that you are in normal go d health. I also see anothe r ring f l ight, pinkish in co lor and bright red in some spots. That tell s me t hat you ar e an exciting person who l oves life and activ i ty. BUT over your right shoulder I see a break i the ring of light. This has a yellowish tint to it. This tells me that you have the roots of a very negative force. This does not effec t you at th e moment, but it may be damagicng to you years from now. So I am going t o remo e th is negati ve force for your benefit." Take the s i tter ri ght arm in your left hand and ex end it out straight tow rds you, paral lel to the f loo r. Place your l e f t thumb ver his wrist and the fingers below. Now make s ome pas s es wi th your rig t hand from th shoulder down to the sitters finger ti ps. "I am going to remove lhese bad vibs f rom you through your finge r tip • You w' ll feel a s en a ti on when I do, but I must make some magne t ic passes." Aft r e era l pas s h ve een made fro m the houlder down to t he finger tip, bo th abo e th arm and be l ow, Te l l the sit ter to open ut his wr i st as you make a drawing moti with th right hand . T. i er wi l l get a ensation through his finger tips as y u do . THE SECRET: Wha t you hav e done is to ap ly r sur t in on th itter 's right wrist with yo ur thumb as you held t he hand. This stopped the blood from going to the hand . Af ter the pressure is released, the bl od rushe i nto t he sitter's hand causing a definite sensa ionl Tr y i t! Even if th si tte r knows wha t is appening, he or she wi ll get a thrill out f it and wil l talk abou it 1 ler . A similar test an be ade by applying pr sur to h ve ins on both sides of the neck as you re t your two hands on the itt r's ho ulder. Th i s wi 1 cause a sleeping sensation. BUT d no t prolong the tes as t he sitter may faint .


(201 ) 431-2429 POST OFFICE BOX 1.... •


An elaboration on an idea given to the author by New Jersey Mentalist Shu e DIVoil . TH EFFECT: INCREDIBLE! The si t ter is given a large index card si z 6 by 9 inche s. Whi l e the Psychic i far away from him/her , the si tter wr i e a ful l length question , a design , ( any design, a ho use , boa tJ tre e, triangle, e t c.), I us a wo rd and a number . the whole ca rd is covered with writing! Th e sitter then folds t he ard twice into quarte r s and se c ur~ it wi h a large bulldog eli . The Psychic then a pproaches and divines everything written on the fa ded ca r d , T E DOC CLIP I S NEVER REMOVED AN D THE CARD I S N VER 0 EN ED ! ME HOD: Yo u mu t pre pare and PRE-FOLD the 6 by 9 inc i ndex ard ahead o f t ime. The ca rd need not ha e l ines on it as shown in Fig. 6. The f ou r quarters of the card are designated : 1. Design. 2. Question . 3. number and 4. wor d. Next turn the card so t ha t t he wr i ting i ups i de down a s s hown in Fig . 7 an fold t h card from left to righ t BUT be s re to f ld it as shown OUT OF LINE so tha t the uppe r right corners of the ca r d a re off set by at least 1/2 i nch as in Fig . 8. Thi s is v i tal ! ext, fo l d th e ca rd from bo t tom to top A D AG I FOLD THE CARD SHORT AT THE UPPER LEFT CORNER by 1/4 i nch as shown in Fig . 9 Nex t, take a l ar ge 3 inch long bull-dog clip and place it on the folded card and make sure th~ c lip is all the way down as shown in Fig . 10. THEN TURN THE CARD AND CLIP OVER AND ON THE OTHER SIDE DRAW A LINE U DER THE BOTTO E GE OF THE CLIP as s own i n Fig. 1 1 and write the word signal re under i t .


ig. 6

Fi • 7

til inet 1/4 t nch



~ ig. 10



ig. 11

Fig . 9 L..a. - -



NOTE : Th e line for he signa t ure must be on the other s ide of #3 quart r of t h card. THIS IS VITAL FOR THE SUCCES OF THE EFFECT AND THE SIG NA URE wi ll be upside down in comparison with the number on the other ide of the card . NOTE: T e a sh l ine in Fig. 6 show the off - center and out-of-line c rea ses af ter he card is f olded . THE PRESENTATION : ( An enti re act can be done with thi s ne effec t). emove th e b Il-do g clip f am the folded card and have the sitter sign his/her name ver the signature line . Th en open out the card and show the s itter whe re to jo t down t he informa tion. FORCE A WORD with yo ur fa vor ite book-tes t method and t e l l the s itter not to te ll you the word but to remembe r i t as you say , tI lease wr i te th e word here ( po i n ti ng t e the section arked ' word. ') but wai t t il l I am f ar away f rom you because I do no t want to see w at you wri te. After the si tter wr ite s the wor d, instruct h im/her to think of a number fr om one to twenty and to secr e t ly wr i te it in th e number sec tion. Ne t the si tter is t o think of a desig , ho use , tre e , bird, etc. and draw it i n its pro pe r plac e and la st l y he/she is to thi nk of an important quest ion and write it on t he 'q ues t ion' l i nes. Then the si t ter is to refol d th e card and se c ure it with the dog c i p . Fig . 12 sh ow s the way the car d look af te r After the si tter places t he dog- lip on the f olde d ca rd, th ca rd i ll look l ike in Fi gs . 10 and 11 . Th dog-c l i p i ll be cov ring mos t of the signature ! In the eyes I and mind of t he sit ter th e card wil l remain -1"fo l ded and sec red with the c lip. The sitter will be g ive n t he card to keep and it will l~ I r ~ st i ll be in t he fold e d conditio after the r eve lat i ons 1 App oach the itter a nd say, "1 have Fig. 12 I as d you to wr ite down yo ur th ug ts be ause you ar e a v r y s pe ci a l pe r on and I wish t try a v er y s ' ecial t es t wi th you. It is ut terl y i mpossi ble for anyone to read wha t you have written becaus e the card is folded 4-wa ys and se cured with th e cl ip. I am going to try to tell you wha t you have wr it ten by read i ng your thoug hts ! Of course I am not at all su r e that I will succeed, So we wil l s ta r t by try ing fir st t he number , then the wo rd and l a ter the ques tion and t h e de s :V",n . " Do not tou ch th fold ed card y et. Fi rst rev eal the uumbe r with hate er me n s you use to do t at. A swam i g immi ck is good h e r e. Ask t he si tter to c onc entrate on the number . Pre tend t o write something down and then ask the s itter wha t th e numbe r was a s you say , " I am not sure I go t it . i-lha t was i t ?" Next re ea l t he wor d, dramat ica lly. " It is good to proceed in s teps ." Yo u say. "1 cou l dn' t help notici.lg tha t you h v a ve ry int eresting handwr i ting . I saw th is w en you si gned yo r name. " Now take the cli pped folded card f rom the sit ter as you s ay t ha t you are go ing to ana lyse e r handwr i t "ng ! using h er signat ure only! BUT her s ignatur e is cov red by t he dog - cli p , so you mus t mov e it aside a bit. DO NOT REMO VE IT FRON THE FOLDED CARD J UST MOVE IT AS ID E , so t ha t t he signa t ure is exposed and proceed to study her signa t ure . ~





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ome amaz i ng things have happened when you mov d the clip aside. Firs t the si t ter 's signature is xposed BUT t he c ard appear s to be still wel l secured by the dog-clip, Fig. 13. BUT unknown to the sitter , the back fold of the card was automatically r e l eased as is show in Fi g. 14 ! This side is of c ourse kept from the si tter's view. Fig. 13 Ke ep the card f lat on the table with the sig na tur e showing and make a shor t s tudy of it. Give the si tt er a g od sho rt read i ng and at the same time look for special like f lourishes, hooks or high fl ying dots , etc. Make a big to-do of this. Say tha t the l ast let ter shows a tiny hook . "You are an amazing per on. You hold on to t h i gs. When you start ome t hing yo u sti c k with it . Take a loo k at t hi s tiny hook. " Here y u pick up the card so that the signatur is f acing the sitter, g ive her/him a magni fy ing glass and point to t he hook or knot. Whi le the s itter is looking at her signature Fig. 14 you have ampl e time to st i c k your thumb i nto the l oose last fold of the card and now you can asily read h er que s t i on and see t h des i gn! When finis h ed mov the clip back into plac e and r eveal the que stion and then t he design by drawing it on a slate, etc. Then you can remove the cl ip and hand the folded card to the si tter to keep . "Your thoughts are secured, exc e pt with me!" you say . The success of t he technique depends totally on the ir regular fo l d t he ca rd. Figs . 15 and 16 show a better view of the f o l ds .

The 'Peek' tech nique is shown exaggerated i n Fig . 17


Fig. 16

Fig. 15

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f. r/ t/fl





-Fig. 1 7, Performer's vi ew

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