Al Mann - Double Incidence

January 31, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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POST O"tel.aX 144 • ""EfHOLO. fifE" JERlEY


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The late Joseph Dunninger 1s cr edi t ed with having employed a little-known optical principle for the reading of sealed messa ges ! As a sealed message ~ested 00 a table, any table, untouched, its secre tly written message res-ioed totally invisible to the s pectatorf BUT! i n full sight to the ~Dtallst who was standing the s am e distance from it! That ultra secret, possessed only by Dunninger, i;las a mind reader I S dream iCC Ie true. Spec ial optical materials were used which were not read i ly avai l able to the average pecfoL er ... I n DOUBLE INC IDENCE, two methods are g iven that will dup licat e the effect, not with th e same conditions, but with in e xpensi ve paper slif'S, envelopes and cards. These items are easy :_:to find, are un prepared and examinable . In 01-1, Mentalist Richard Osterlind g ives us his fabulo us method wh ereby tr ans pare nt envelopes are- used BUT! Alas! thes e envelop es are tra nspare nt only to the Mentalist while totally opaque to t he on looke rs !

In OI - 2 , your author g ives you a method by which a message written on an opaque card and f old ed twice, is made to turn it s e lf itlside out, unknown to the spectators and in front of their eyes! 50 th at the sec ret messag e is th en on the outside of the folded cc rd, BOT ! a gain, poor people, the message is only visible to the Mentalis t while it remain s totally occulted to the onlooker s ! ,


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( Richard Osterlind is a by Richard Osterlind p~ofessional Mentalist from Connecticut, plus author and crea tor of fabul ous Me ntalism. During a visit to hi B home. be showed me some amazing gi mmicks of hi s

O\..~ iteM forming a fist as you say tll've got it!" _ .......__ fist is shown in Fig. 11. In the Fig. left hand has been separated a bit 10 . ,the fist BUT in actual practice the remains covering the knuckles ·of the

Fig. 11

A most amazing thing has happened when you close d your right hand into a fist. Firstly, your audience assumes that all you have done is to cup your hand around the crushed wadded ball but that is not the cas e . What has actually happened is THE FOUR TIPS OF YOUR RIGHT HAND FINGERS HAVE GONE BETWEEN TH E FOLDS OF THE NOW ON CE FOLDED CARD! This action is automatic. All you have to do is to close your hand into a fist. The move i s done at a regular speed not too fa s t and not too slow. A little practice is all you need.




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The reason why your fingertips go between the folds of the c a rd when you make a fist is because pressure on the card i s lifted as you close your hand and the card opens up by its own r esilience. This is shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 13 shows what the right hand looks like from below. At this moment the p osition of your hands are: Your right hand is closed into a fist with your fingertips stuck into the once -folded card while your left hand is partially covering your fi s t and both hands are still on the table. Now you ask the VIP to please concentrate on fig. 12 the fourth letter of the first word (or on the second word or what have you). Whatever, you are n ov.l going to raise both hands over your head without

s eparating your hands and during th e action your left hand is going to flip down the half of the card that i s l oose while your right hand is going to open up a nd flip the other half of the card over. By this secret action, you have flipped both ha lves of the card over so that now the written me s sage is on the outside and next to your right Fig. palm. The hidden card is _ folded only once in half and you,r hands are held high over your head 13 as shown in Fig. 14. All the action is of course secret and covered by the left hand. Next you take the billet with your left han d and fold it into quarters so that the mes sage ends up underneath the tent-folded billet. Yo u can safely place the tent billet on you r head for a moment and then take it with your right hand and challenge a nyone to tell you what the secret message is by looking at it. What you are telling the audience is that the card is opaque and that Fi 8 · the human eye can not see through it. 14 You then place the billet next to the s i tter's eye (allowing Lhe billet to open out so that the writing i s facin g you) and d uring this ~ove you can easily read the message! The next best thing to do is to tear up t he card and divine the message. But if you wish t o return t he card to t he s itte r YOll must make th e word s jump from th e outside o f the card to the inside and t hat you do by executing th e move fr om the Fig. "Opener Eff ec t 1l in the Te ss eract. This is 15 s hown in Fig. 15. You si mply flip your wrists and the ma g ic happens. Re fo ld the billet after s howing th e message and g ive it to th e sitter.



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