Al Mann - Classified

January 24, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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CLASSIFIED Copyright by Al Mann Exclusives

FOREWORD Life for the earthbound is composed of

two planes. The material and the spiritual. Work and prodution, money and what we can buy with it make up the material world. Our thoughts and ideas, our dreams and our hopes, our loves and our hates, our beliefs and our Gods make up the spiritual world. Spiritual things are abstract things without measurable dimensions. We can not touch or contain them and in most cases we can not see them.

A book represents both planes. It is printed

on matter and it is inert as it lays on the shelf. But it's contents are potentially spiritual. Some of the dullest reading is usually found in magic books. The cutting and restoring of a piece of rope or the floating of a ball for example. yet in the hands of the artist these ideas are truly magical. Unfortunately many fine ideas in books, specially magic books, are forgotten. Novice mentalist Charles F. Garvey from Tampa, Florida, stunned his audience with the effect, "The Face in Cement" from the book Death Watch, in his very first show before an exclusive Tampa Club. Then he shattered their reasoning with the Lexicon Phenomena! Mentalist Charles Cotton and the Amazing Allemann presented Death Watch over the air waves while Anthony Raven made headlines with it. Allemann was asked to repeat the effect, "Astral Sight" from the Third Ecstasy, five times to the complete bafflement of the audi ence. One spe c tator kept saying that Allemann never touched the deck. This gentleman was a bank official.

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EFFECT" Performer writes three predictions on three separate pieces of paper. and marks the papers with the letters. "A," "B" and "e" respectively and places the predictions on a table or in a clear glass and never touches the papers again. Three persons from the audience designated as "A," "B" and "e" are asked to callout a word, a city and to choose a card from a deck. Anyone may then come forward and read the predictions which prove correct. The papers are left on the table for anyone to inspect or they may be given to the spectators to keep as the papers are devoid of trickery I Gentlemen, this is the mentalist's way of presenting the

Triple-Forecast effect, Direct and to the point. The performer only uses J pieces of paper. J spectators and one pen. There aren't any gimmicks or sleights used or sUbstitution or switch-

ing of papers. The Triple-Forecast effect was very popular with Al Baker and Annemann. Done with pellets and billets. a simplification of the billet tests formerly done by Bert Reese and Charles Foster. The Triple-Forecast effect was also done with cards and slates culminating in such masterful presentations as Peter Warlock's "A Warlock's Predictions" in his book Pat-

terns for Psychics and in the slate effect "Mental Epic" by Hen Fetsch.

In 1960 Ed Mellon released Dr. Jaks' daring presentation called, "OMAR'S PROPHESIES" by J. G. Thompson , Jr. This was the Triple-Forecast effect done with three sheets of paper folded tent-fashion and placed on the table with the letters, "A," liB" and "C" showing to designate each spectator. However. unknown to the audience, the back of the tent-fold showed

a different letter.

To end the effect, the performer had

to handle the slips and mix them and turn them around secretly, display and read them, cru mple them and pocket them.

There is no doubt that the effect i n the hands of a great showman like Jaks was a stunner, but the reader must

admit that the method was weak. The method that follows does away with the weak ending of Jake presentation.

METHOD AND PRESENTATION. Take a scratch-paper pad that measures 5 by 8 inches and secretly mark the underside of the top three pages, at the center, with the letters "e," "A" and "B 't respectively. That is, the top sheet is marked





OMAR'S PROGNOSIS ........ cont. with a "C" on it's underside at the center. The second sheet from the top is marked with an "A" and the third sheet from the top is marked with a "B" in like manner. These letters are about one inch high and are done with

a black felt tip pen or ink marker and with the same pen or marker that will be used during the show to write out the predictions. In order to understand the instructions that follow, the reader must assume that the sheets of paper, 5 by 8 inches,

are equally divided by imaginary lines into 9 sections as shown in Fig. 1. THE PRESENTATION. The performer patters about taking a peek into the future. He says that he is going to write out some predictions that hopefully will come to pass in a few minutes.



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WRITING THE FIRST PREDICTIO.I PAPER. On the top sheet. the performer pretends to write a

prediction for the "A" spectator but actually writes the prediction of a card to be forced on spectator "C" later. The me ssage that he will eventually write will read t "A card will be chosen. It will be the four of hearts." However, the first word "A" of the sentance is not written

\ Fig. 1

but only the rest of the message as shown in Fig. 2. The top left corner, one ninth of the page is

left blank on purpose. Performer then tears off the sheet and folds it as shown in Fig. J. First, the bottom third of the sheet is folded upwards, Fig. JA. The two bottom thirds of th e sheet are next folded back behind the top third, Fig. JB and last, the folded sheet is again folded into thirds as shown in Fig. Je, with the blank upper left corner of the sheet showing. Performer then says, "I am going to mark this paper with a large "A" as it is the first prediction." So saying, the performer openly marks the

folded paper with an "A" about

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