Al Mann - Break Through - Piercing the Time Barrier

January 23, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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MANN i8d~





Tel. (201) 431-2429


BREAK THROUGH Copyright by Al Mann Exclusives FOREWORD The true art of Mentalism is not the illusion of the stage that enchants the eye but the illusion created in the mind that enchants the thought.

The Mentalist's greatest gimmick is hidden in the inner recesses of his mind and therefor invisible and unexposable.



expounds the illusive, seldom

exploited and little known branch of magic where the spectator unknowingly executes the 9 move ' that creates

the miracle to the full credit of the magicianl The "Headline Prediction" is indeed a headline getter for the magician and mentalist. It is a haunting experience for the beholders. The magician pierces

time barrier by predicting the future in


writng in a

sealed letter that is never again touched by the ma gician or anyone in his comapny after the letter is

mailed or deliveredl

The receiver opens the letter weeks later and

finds therein the predictions of the headline news events of the dayl Two practical and exclusive methods are offered. These two methods should suffice to cover all situations that may arise. Both methods can be done on stage or

platform. While the second method is only practical for the stage presentation and the club meetings. Since nothing but the envelopes are used and everything happens in the spectator's hands, the performer can not be accused of sleight-of-hand or of

using gimmicks. This is the highest form of Magic. Do it and reap the benefits. Best Wishes,

nts n/tv/km Odessa

p tt/nt/kk








BREAK THROUGH is ....•.•. a haunting experience on a voyage into time ..... transcendental thought ..••.. deja vu •..•...• THE ILLUSION OF HAVING EXPERIENCED SOMETHING ACTUALLY BEING ENCOUNTERED FOR THE FIRST TIMEI •.....•• a glimpse beyond the veil of the future I Here for the first time is a most daring but safe and almost automatic method for doing the 'headline' news event

prediction via registered or special delivery letter. In this method the spectator (very important person), unknowingly switches envelopes thereby introducing the pr edictions into the envelope which was mailed weeks before I BREAK THROUGH is indeed a departure from conventionality. Once the prediction letter is mailed it is never again touched by the performer or his company. The recipient opens the letter and takes out the predictions while the mentalist is several feet away OR the mentalist can actually be in another ci tyl I J J I THE EFFECT AND PRESENTATION, The VIP has received a sealed letter with instructions not to open it until a later date as designated by the mentalis~. The letter was a registered letter or a personally delivered

letter dated, let's say November 30th, 1977.

Two weeks later (or a year later) the mentalist shows

up at the VIP's office (by appointment of course) and after the salutations, the mentalist places a small white coin envelope

before the VIP. This coin envelope is visibly marked with to-

days date, let's say. December 15th, 1977. Performer then says,

"Sir, I want to try a warm-up test on you. I am going to deal

cards from this deck one at a time. Please tell me when to stop.1I Here the mentalist deals a few cards showing the face of each card and then deals cards unseen until told to stop~

The card stopped at is noticed. Let's say it is the 4 of Hearts. Performer directs the VIP to take out the white card from the white coin envelope in front of him and to read w~t it Bays. The message predicts the choice of the 4 of hearts. NOTE TO THE READER. We are here resorting to a simple card prediction because the card effect will pale into insig-

nificance and w111 be forgotten

seconds after due to the de-

vastating effect which follows it. The performer could just as well resort to a book test but actually what we want is a fast

paced effect. The performer next asks the VIP for the letter that he received weeks before. The mentalist does not touch the letter and makes sure that the VIP knows it and also makes sure that

, BBAX IfHROUGH •••••••••• oon't.


a _ e 'llbe eard boaft 1IaOII1Dc at'ter 'llbo hole ie out out hCIII the taoe ot 'llbe _olope UI4 in• .,t the lMl_e piece ot wIIite . .per JIIlehlns i t all the X ~Ir' WlQ' to the bo"- at tho emel.ope a. ahown by the dull lin.. in Pia. 1 "X". Next wi'llb a tine teU-tip peD., write the date at Nov. .bar )Oth, 1977 . . 11/)0/77 iMide the cut-out c1l'cle. tile date ot oouree coe. QJ1to the lMl_e 1 insert. Both will te ooln _olope. w11l . . . . lie cealed. ftq will bo lett with the~ tlape uncJ.ued. So it 18 be.t to r _ til. . . . ~ tbe ~ wl th a wet _pkin or eponp to prevent &00141. .11&1 ....ulna . e to the heat, eto. Noxt place one ot the wIIite oar4e ~.. _ 1... "A" UI4 .eal the envelope in a letter envelOpe .. J*'eYttrt 1101UDS i t UI4 JIIlt lt aWlQ'. Envelope "A" ie the envolope , . . w11l tate wlth JOU on Dec. lSth wII. . :rou expect to opolL" l'..e.1 PIIJ' predictions. lIaIt.O a note ot the tolt-:!: pea . . . . . . un w write in the date •• You. will have to e thie ..-1Il1lll rw 1'1.0 on Dec. 15th.



5 BRIAIC !HROUGH ••••••••

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one. ennlo:r ·B· b a . . . . . . . 1a PlI. 1, wrlta ln til. da'. ROY. )Ou., 1911 01' l1/lO/17 111. . . t.U.. Up pen tllroucll u.. CUt-OIl' 11014. 'lib data . . . .llF b _lHan on u.••••sac. c&I'4 w oO!lP1.ta ~ . . . . . . ilia, 8&F8. on... pr.41cUona . .r. .oal. . on .... 11/)0/11.· Th•••cban1c. ot u.. IIRBAX \'IIIIOOUK ~ope .... now obylou.. Tho onnlope 10 ahcw1ne til. ROY. .bv ..ta la • • 1Jw.anc blaclt circle. lilT whan til. . . . . . . . car4 b ~Ye4 . . . . rubbv.. c ...n'.4 aurtac.. will co.. weotllv an4 .utoaaU•• l1F chanc. til. date ot til• •nvelope w til. Dec. .bv ....wl PRKP'RIIIG '!lIB PREDICtIOR III!S! OP IIKQLOHB,

Plac. til. . . . . .111. . CDin anY01Dpe ·B· llllaeal.. law to letter _elope (.b. It by 6t) an4 .oal u.. le,"" _.1...1t11 ..allne wax or -lIklne tope w .ak. 11; iIIIPf...1YO. On • • a44r... all\. Dt u.. ollYolope wrl t., ·tlll. 8IIYe10pe _ .oal. . on 11/)0/11". an4 va. oblone circle ........ u.. data. Wrl ta al.. til••••-c., ·Do no' open 1111. _.lope IJDUl net1fl ... • N.", tN. a••••be aan1la tIM til••••eac. ·WhU. I _. pr.pvinc 1111........ -- ••• " . . in til. )rd pvqrapll on pac. 2. Pol4 u.• •iI.... UIIl 1t in til. a1441. ot u.. env.lop. UIIl anoIIor 1, there 1I1U. • • pot Dt wax .0 tllat whan u.. lett.r OIIYOlope 1.....IE.. aut u.. pap.r ••• eac. will no' tall OIl' wiU. ",. U.e l.tter OIIYelope inw • • aan11a OIIYOlo. . an4 al.D wrl t. on u.. cuta14. Dt U.e aan11a OIIYelope lao. .,1_ not w open tIIa _.lope unUl t\Ir1;hor ..n1O •• All b


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B7 1:111. date )'OU han alr_q aatIa 11ft .ppola....t wlU. u.. VIP w ddt hb ottlc. at 111. comren1_ •• til• •»POin__t ...t b. _4. daF. in actYanc. w .ak. __ 110 1. pbtl '" 110 otllerw1.. til. dat•• will b. wronc. On tllia day plck only on. or . . poll ..... u~d UIIl wrl ta )'0Ilr pr.41cUon on a place ot WIll ta paPO&' .10. by ,. lnch •• an4 tIIen tD14 til. paper onc. on1)' w .ak. a b .t at by 2 inch•••

Nezt tN. out u. ••,. coin OIIYOlop. UIa' ),1111 N4 PU' ..14. an4 ely. u.. myelopo til. 'rubber-c_t' v ___t aftv r ••oyin« til. IIh1 t8 car4. lfII1le til. c . .ont 1. 4r)' wr1 to til. pr.41cdon tor u.. tour ot Heart. on u.. c&I'4.

IIIIDIt '1'IIIIOIIOH aRBAX BIIlOU8II ••• .. •• .,.- 00IIf.

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- ..U. _.lope•••be ... b¥ lOi 6t. ft ••• _let...

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'file ~ paper

____ II. ued ~or ~ore111l are ~ tiM. 2 Rill" lit paper. n. Ju." laI'p . . . . . . wrl" lD ..... two ·headlin.· _ _ 2 ~ 1Iftl.•• .-ll or WIt 14an"ioal '1. . . . 1 =-~ .Ml.lna the l ...... ~••

On . . , . 1Ia~ placee o~ paper


~.t1on • ~. ~orc. predioUAit ... -"8U7 ln 0 " ' : F &0., . . . . Uk. eoa.on. opanlN ·. . _.lope. 10014... . . OIl ~,.... '1111. ba. bawan.4. file ~_ _ thlft IiMk O I l " ·toroe' predio"ion and ake a blS ehow o~ 1 t. Seal • • ·~orc.· prediotlon In. a l ...... _le»pe and place the &014 .eal or piotur• • tuap a. a ~ and 1IIlan write the ....... -fti. l.tter • • eealed OIl daM .Wrl t. 1IIl. .... ....... in the duJIll.... iiiYe10pe - t l 1 Illlt.. Next.eal tIIa eealed l.tter In.. . . pni!: _alope and ba.,. thle paokap 4all_4 110 the YIP ri1lll truotlona not to open i t unUl notl~ied 117 ~. PLEASE NOTE. .eal1na the -.lope lnw . . ~or a word

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CII' IIQ' other ~YOrl_






AN AL MANN EXCLUSIVE ... . . . .. cont.

manila envelope make sure that the letter envelope goes i~ with the seam side showing as shown in Fig. 7. Although it

may not Beem important, the letter envelope should come out the same way it went in. Some suspicious spectators are extremely observant.

ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW. Prepare the other letter envelope by first writing down your predictions and sealing them in the letter and sealing the letter with the gold seal or the picture seal in exact Bame fashion as was done with

the other letter envelope which the VIP now has.

NEXT prepare the manila envelope Fig. 7 by making it a double-compertment envelope. To do this cut out the address side with the flap from the third manila envelope as shown in Fig. 8. Discard the zeam side of the envelope. Take the glue stick and draw a 1/2 inch strip of glue on both ends of the address panel as shown in Fig. 8 by the dash lines. The strip of glue is placed in what was formerly the inside of the envelope. Next insert this piece into the other manila envelope BUT do not Beal the flaps toge

er yet. Just make sure

that the glue 'takes' well after the two flaps are aligned properly. Put the envelope aside for a few minutes until the glue dries. Then place the letter envelope, Fig. 8 sealed side showing as in Fig. 7 into the back compertment of the gimmicked manila envelope. The letter envelope with the predicitons goes between the two flaps and then the flaps are sealed, and trimmed if needed. The manila envelope now appears to be simply an empty envelope.

Keep in mind (before sealing the letter envelope into the manila envelope) that both letter envelopes must look alike

including the message about when the envelope was sealed,etc.

A FEW HOURS BEFORE THE SHOW, the performer approaches the VIP to check of the details of the show. He inquire. about the sealed envelope that was delivered to him (the VIP) weeks before and says that it is very important that this envelope is not forgotten. He asks to see it. When the VIP produces the envelope he is told to please open it as the performer wants to see that




WAL'lBR-S LBftBR ••• oon't.

everyth1ne b ~. !he p~01'ller tell. the VIP that he do •• not want to touch the lIftY.lope nor coae n _ 1 t. He ~u.t _ a to lock at i t 1'ra a 41.1ance a. i t 1a Ylta1 to tha ncoaa. ot 'the show. Thi. . . . . will tall tha lt ... OIla llaa t ••pared with the __alope. Th. anila lIftYalope haa now baen d"1:I'O)'ed "¥ the VIJ' ""en he opaned the lIftYelope 8C 'the pert01'ller tile VIP to please re.eal the letar envelope in a tre.h lIftYelope Wblcb be otter.. Once the VIP seals 'the letter lIftYelope into the unlla envelope ''the ~t ls inl' Whan the anila envelope ia &pin opened 4vrlnc tha show tile on17 th1~ that will co.. e out ia 'the other envelope wi'th 'the 'haa41ine predictionsl NOTB. When the VIP opens 'the anila envelope batore 'the show, pert01'ller call. attention to 'the seal and date on 1;he letter enYelope. When 'the VIP is in.tructed to reseal the latter envelope in 'the trash anila envelope, pertoraar .u.t .ate nre that 'the letter envelope coes in a • •hown in PiC. 1. Attar the VIP .8al. tha n . . .an1la envelope he 1a 1natructed to .1en hi. NUle on 'the ouaide ot i tl Now 'the part01'ller can have 'the VIP open 'the anila lIftYelope at Bn¥ ti.e ei'ther betore 'the show or 4vrlnc tha show. Durine the show 'the ettect i. ot eour.e pra.antad •• tha cli..,. ot a show ot airecles. The VIP 1a called on .teee and aeked it he received a lettar days betor. and it _. haa it wi th hi.. He 1a al.o .eked it aII¥ one has opened thll lette.. envelcpe it he ba. aII¥ ide. what i. 1naide, eta. A!ter the predictions are revealed 'the pert01'llar preduc.. a ne. .papar ta .how 'the audiano e. To open 'the unlla envelope, 'the pertoraar .u.t . .ke aure 'there i • • pair ot sei ••ors handy. Partoraar o~licea bY eu ttine one end ot 'the envelope ott. Thi. .ct opens 'the beok coapartllent (wi 'th 'the headline predictione) ""l1e 'the tront co.partaent re_ins .ealed. It i • • cood idea ta ratri8Ye the . .nila envelope atter 'the ettect is pre.ented. In pre.entlnc 'thi. .ttect plea•• baar in a1nd that 'the Coaaitt.e Chairman wanta to cooperate tor 'the good ot ~e sh~. He doe. not know ju.t what i. in 'the envelope.. It ~ be a laugh provok1ne joke or ao•• aort ot caee. He doe. not jmew what it is you are coine to do with 'the envelope dll1'inc 'the ahow or what you are coine ta say. By the U . . he ~ au.peat chicanery (it at all), it will be tao late and you will haYe ripped 'the benetitl Chearsl

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