Al Mann - 50 Miracles With the 5 Star Miracle Deck

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AL MANN (ifzc/~

(201) 431-2429

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Copyright by Al Mann Exclusives (1985)

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1. THE CLASSIC EFFECT: The Mentalist seals an unknown playing card in an envelope which remains in full sight. A spectator is given a deck of cards and told to deal the cards face up on a table, one over the other and to stop anywhere he wishes. The card the spectator stops at is the duplicate of the card sealed in the envelope! The effect on the lay audience is profound! The audience assumes the following: That the deck is ungimmicked and made up of 52 different cards. That the spectator has a free choice of anyone of the 52 cards. That there is no trickery possible! Some spectators assume that the person doing the dealing is a stooge. The rest assume that the Mentalist is a Miracle Worker and can control the actions of the spectator as he deals. THE 5-STAR MIRACLE DECK:


Fig. 1





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The deck is composed of 48 cards (more may be added as desired by the performer). 24 of the cards are indifferent cards while the other 24 are 'force' cards (key cards) made up of four different cards repeated six times. Fig. 1, shows part of the deck. The 'key' cards are: The Ace of Diamonds, the 5 of spades, the nine of hearts and the Queen of Clubs. These key cards are alternated all through the deck with indifferent cards in between. TO PREPARE you must make two coin size double-envelopes and one lettersize double envelope. The key cards Ace of diamonds and five of spades are sealed in one double coin envelope so that the Ace goes into the front compartment while the five goes into the back compartment. The envelope must be prepared with a 1/4 inch strip of glue at the top and bottom, so that when the top of the envelope is cut off, only the five comes out (the high card). And if you cut off the bottom of the envelope, only the Ace (low card) will come out. This loaded coin envelope is sealed into the front compartment of the double letter envelope. The letter envelope should then appear to be empty. But it is not sealed. The letter envelope is left unsealed for the f. m/tz/fl




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presentation. The second double coin envelope is prepared by sealing into the front compartment, the nine of hearts and this envelope is left unselaed. THE PRESENTATION: Show the unsealed coin envelope and tell the audience that you are going to seal one card, sight-unseen, in it. Then take, say from a redbacked deck of cards, the Queen of Clubs, without showing it to the audience, and seal it in the back compartment of the double-coin-envelope and then seal the coin envelope into the back compartment of the letter envelope and give the letter envelope to some one to hold. Give the 5SM deck (blue backs) to anyone and tell them to deal cards faceup on the table, one over the other and to stop anywhere they wish. If they stop on a key card, call attention to it and also to the fact that the next card or two are different and also the previous cards. Emphasize that they could have stopped at any card. If they stop dealing on an indifferent card tell the spectator to discard them and then to look at the next card on the deck. The next card is of course a key card. Next take the letter envelope and open it to the correct compartment. You have also prepared the letter envelope with a 1/4 inch strip of glue on the left and right sides so that if the right side of the envelope (the seamed side is facing you), is cut open with a pair of scissors, only the back compartment with the high cards, 9H and QC, in the double-coin envelope will come out. If the left side of the envelope is cut off, only the coin envelope with the low cards will emerge. Say that the spectator stopped at the Queen of clubs. You must then cut open the right side of the letter envelope, shake it and one coin envelope will come out. Take the coin envelope and cut off the top edge and only the Queen of Clubs will come out, (the high card). THE DOUBLE ENVELOPES are made simply by cutting out the address panel with flap attached from one envelope and inserting it into a whole envelope and glueing the top flaps together, after you have placed the desired card into the front comaprtment (and of course, you have also placed the strips of glue on the correct sides of the insert). What you have in essence, is a nest of two envelopes that will produce anyone of four different cards! The above is the Mind-Shattering Five-Star-Miracle effect. There are many variations and methods of producing the key card and many effects are possible.

Credit for the principle used in the 5SM has been given to Audley Walsh. But perhaps the credit really belongs to Burling Hull who in 1909 released the secret of the Svengali deck in his 'Sealed Mysteries.' A hard look at the 5SM deck will reveal the fact that it is only an elaboration of the Svengali principle. Whereas the Svengali deck (usually) forces only a single card, the 5SM deck forces one of four different cards. After the release of the Svengali principle, every magician in the world begin toying with it and amazing audiences. It was noted, however, that the fabulous effects possible with the Svengali deck could not be repeated since the force card was always the same. So some enterprising magicians prepared Svengali decks that forced two cards! The top half of the deck forced one card while the bottom half forced a different one!





Jean Huggard referred to this in the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (1937Max Holden edition), see page 247, paragraph 5, under 'Simple Effects.' Speaking about the Svengali Deck, Hugard says, "Naturally the use of this pack makes a sure fire force. It can be used to force two cards by having two sets of 13 similar cards instead of the usual 26." Eventually the SVengali principle was used with the 'tossed out deck' and as many as three, four, six and twelve 'key' cards were used. Credit for bringing the 5SM to the attention of the modern Magi, really belongs to two persons, (besides Audley Walsh and Ai Baker, both of who used a deck of 12 different cards repeated four times) Richard Himber, who used the principle with his 'Billfooled' Wallet and gave the name of Five Star Miracle to the effect, and to Al Koran, who did such a fabulous presentation of the 5SM that many today know the deck as the 'Ai Koran Deck!' ADDED CARDS: Some performers prefer doing the 5SM with the deck face-up. To the face of the deck four more indiffrent cards are added. The deck is given to the spectator face-up! and is told to deal cards onto the table, one over the other and to stop anywhere he or she wishes. The spectator sees 12 cards before any repetition may be noticed. Actually, by the time the Performer has finished his instructions, the spectator has dealt the first four indifferent cards and then has eight more cards to deal, but as experience shows, the spectator stops long before the twelfth card is dealt. Try it! 2. WITH WALLETS: In effect, the Mentalist shows a playing card that he has placed in his wallet. The wallet is given to anyone to hold. A spectator is told to deal cards face up and to stop at anyone. The card stopped at is the duplicate of the one in the wallet! THE HIMBER WALLET: As in the previous effect, two double-coin envelopes are used. One envelope with the low cards, AD and 5S, is plsced in the "A" compartment of the wallet, while the second envelope with the 9H and QC is placed into the "B" compartment of the wallet. Say that the AD is chosen. The wallet is opened to the "A" compartment and the envelope is cut at the bottom so that only the Ace of diamonds comes out, (the low card). WITH THE DIPLOMENTAL POUCH: Mentalist places one card into the wallet in compartment 1. When the card is chosen, the DIM Pouch is opened to the correct compartment which shows only onecard (without envelope). The spectator is allowed to remove the card to verify the prediction. WITH ORDINARY WALLETS: Usually four different wallets are used, or four identification cases. If the wallet is given out to the audience, then a 4-way envelope must be used as in the previous effect. 3. WITH DOUBLE-FACE CARDS: Two double faced cards are used. These can be specially printed cards or simply two cards cemented back to back. One card shows AD-5H, and the second card shows 9H-QC. These cards are then sealed into a single double-coin-envelope. Fig. 2 shows the front and back of the prepared QC double-coin-envelope. It is secretly marked as Fig. shown to avoid mistakes. In Fig. 2A, the AD 2 is facing the seam side of the envelope while the 5S faces the address side as shown in Fig. 2B. .55







In order to produce the Ace of diamonds, the operator must cut off the bottom of the envelope and make sure that seam side of the envelope is facing up as he dumps the card into the palm of his hand so that only the Ace side of the double-face card will show. Ai Koran made a masterpiece out of this method of presentation. The card is then placed into the performer's breast coat pocket, and the envelope is crumpled and discarted for the dramatics. IF the Himber flip-over wallet is used, then the double-faced cards are sealed in separated unprepared coin envelopes. After the revelation, the envelope is left behind or thrown to the floor. The presentation where only a single envelope is used and left in anyone's hands is the best. 4. WITH DOUBLE-ENDERS: Fig. 3 shows ~ ~ two double-end cards. They show one card from one end and a different card at the other. The good point about these cards is that they can be handled freely simply by covering the bottom pip with the left hand Fig. 3 fingertips as the card comes out of the envelope. Since the backs of the cards have a regular back design, there is no danger of flashing them. It is obvious that if the two cards Fig. 4 shown in Fig. 3 are to be used, then the key cards in your deck must be the 6H, 8H, 7S and 8s. If two envelopes are used, the cards are inserted into the envelope so that the high numbers on the card are up. If the spectator chooses the 8S, the correct envelope is cut at the top and the card is shown as in Fig. 4. The card can then be taken out of the envelope by taking it with the left fingertips at the lower left corner as the card comes out. S. WITH ONE CARD ONLY! THE CARD MUST OF COURSE BE A DOUBLE-ENDER-DOUBLE-FACE CARD! Simply take the two cards shown in Fig. 3 and cement them back to back. Mark the envelope on the outside secretly so that you know how to remove the the card correctly. If someone notices that there are too many pips on the card, simply take one off !? (NOTE: The two cards shown in Fig. 3 are part of the Fa-Ko cards sold by magic dealers.) 6. Eight KEY cards! Using two double-coin envelopes and four double face cards, in a Himber Wallet, the SSM deck can contain eight Key cards! 7. Sixteen KEY cards! Use two double-letter envelopes, each containing two ungimmicked coin envelopes with a double-end-double-face card and an Al Koran Himber Wallet. Both the letter envelopes and the coin envelopes can be marked with dbts or any system desired by the operator so that the envelopes can be opened to the correct side. You will then be able to make up a SSM deck with 16 KEY cards, 10 of which are repeated once making 26 KEY cards and 26 indifferent cards.




B." CUTTING THE CARDS: A fast and dramatic presentation can be made by simply telling the VIP to 'cut the cards!' The VIP is cautioned that he has an absolute free choice. "You may cut high, low or wherever. The choice is yours, but you will only get one chance." The deck is placed face up on the table, making sure the face card is an indifferent card. Then have the VIP turn the cut portion face down and cross it on the lower face-up portion as in Fig. 5. If the face-up card showing is a KEY card you call attention to it. Otherwise tell the VIP to look at the top cut of the face down portion which is a KEY card.

By trimming the KEY cards on their long sides to make them narrow cards, the deck can be placed face down on the table and every time the deck is cut, the top of the bottom half of the deck will be a KEY card. If, also, the indifferent cards are trimmed at the ends to make them short cards, the deck can be riffled to show Fig. 5 that all the cards are different! The fastidious mag~c~an may also want to use marked cards so that he can tell the identity of any card. The cards can also be treated with the rough and smooth principle. 9. THE TOSSED OUT DECK! Using a 5SM deck with short indifferent cards, the deck can be wrapped with a rubber band and tossed out to the audience. Any card peeked will be a KEY card. For THE PRESENTATION, the performer states that he has sealed one card in an envelope which is placed on display or shown in a wallet. He states that he is going to throw the deck out into the audience and that whoever cathces it must peek at one card and one card only. The deck is thrown back to the Performer who then shows the one card in his wallet or envelope! If the four KEY cards are sealed in one envelope, it can be passed out to anyone in the audience. The deck is then thrown out and four persons are told to peek at cards. They may all see the same card or may all see different cards BUT they will all acknowledge that their peeked card is in the envelope! THE TELEPATHIC DECK: Harlan Tarbell takes credit for inventing the Telepathic Deck by cementing a short indifferent card to a long KEY card as in Fig. 6. This deck was marketed under the name of the Telomatic Deck. Variations of this 'Peek' principle were also sold under the name of the PEEK DECK and the PSYCHOMATIC DECK. These decks were used as the tossed out deck by wrapping a rubber band around the center Fig. 6 or ends of the deck. The 'Tossed Out' deck is a very old idea. Henry Hardin advertised it in his catalogue in 1907 and had already been in use for decades! His catalogue was called "Memorandum of Magic." (see The Tarbell Course #4 and Jinx #97)

Fig. 7




10. THE BOTTOM DEAL: This method sometimes has a surprise reaction. Give the SSM deck to the spectator and tell him or her to deal from the bottom, one card at a time face-up, one on top of the other on the table and to stop anytime. If the top face-up card is a KEY card, fine. Otherwise tell the spectator to look at the face card at the bottom of the cards he or she is holding. The spectator must turn his hand over to see the card. "If you had dealt just one more card, I would have failed in my prediction." You say as you show the card in the envelope or wallet. Fig. 8 11. UNDER THE SILK: Cover the deck with a handkerchief and have the VIP cut it. The method is a conversation piece! They will remember the handkerchief. 12. Have them cut the deck into three piles or more and then they are to choose any pile and a card is chosen from that pile by cutting, etc. 13. THE THIRD EXTASIE: Have the deck cut into several piles and have them choose one pile. The loaded envelope is placed over the chosen pile as you say, "The third card from the top of this pile will match the card in the envelope." When the third card is glimpase, the envelope is opened to the correct card. (NOTE: The use of narrow cards will cut to a KEY card every time) If the KEY cards are marked then you can tell if the top card is a KEY card. If it is not then you say, "Deal three cards from the top and the next card will rna tch my card."

Another conversation piece that will be long remembered. Stabbing the deck is just another way of cutting it, BUT to the lay audience it is different. The deck can be placed on the table face-up or face down. The act in itself misdirects the mind so that you can call attention to the top card or the bottom card of the cut!

Fig. 9.

15. TOP CARD STAB; Have the VIP cut the deck several times and then look at the top card. If it is a KEY card use it, otherwise instruct the VIP to use the card to stab the deck with. 16. BUSINESS CARD STAB: Borrow a business card from the VIP and write the following on it: You will place your business card next to the same card as the card in the envelope. Then tell the VIP to stab the deck anywhere with his business card. He may read the message before stabbing the deck. 17. ENVELOPE STAB: Give the loaded envelope to the VIP to stab the deck with. If you use the Double-ende-double face card, then the VIP can feel that the envelope contains only one card. "I have one card sealed in this envelope. Wouldn't it be amazing if the card in the envelope is the same as the card you cut to?" Of course!




18. ELIMINATION: Give the SSM deck to the VIP and tell him to deal two hands of eight cards each after he cuts the deck several times. He deals one card to the left and the next one to the right until the two hands are dealt. You will now have two piles of cards, one of which is made up of KEY cards and the other of indifferent cards. Put the rest of the deck away. Give the VIP a magician's choice of one of the piles. "Say, "We are going to eliminate one pile. Please point to one." The chosen Fig. 10 pile is either eliminated or kept while the other one is eliminated. PLACE THE PILE OF INDIFFERENT CARDS TO ONE SIDE MOMENTARILY. Next have the VIP deal two rows of cards as shown in Fig. 10. One row at a time. EACH ROW WILL BE COMPOSED OF THE FOUR KEY CARDS. Have one of these two rows eliminated and PLACE THE ELIMINATED CARDS ON TOP OF THE EIGHT INDIFFERENT CARDS THAT WERE PUT ASIDE. Now have one of the four cards chosen in any dramatic fashion like tossing a coin, etc. Show that the other three cards are different. THEN PICK UP THE OTHER 12 CARDS THAT WERE PUT ASIDE AND SHOW THE BOTTOM EIGHT CARDS BY FANNING to show them all different. For the climax reveal your prediction in the envelope or wallet. 19. PROPHESY: Write the four names of the four KEY cards on four business cards, one card to each message. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I have written four predictions that I will pass into the audience. You may read them and show them to your neighbors but do not let them out of your hands. Please note that I have written these predictions before anything else is done." Then proceed as in the above effect. The last four cards are turned around and the business cards are collected and read for the benefit of the whole audience. 20. ISOLATION: Flash the faces of the deck to the audience to show they are all different, then spread the deck ribbon fashion on the table and say, "Out of all these cards, we are going to isolate just one." Have some one Fig. 11 turn one card over. Chances are good that a KEY card will be turned over. The performer will be amazed that a KEY card is turned over causing bafflement to the audience. If a KEY card is turned over as in Fig. 11, make the most of it. If not, say, "It is amazing that you should choose to turn over that card from the many. Now you are going to see something even more amazing. You have a free choice to turn over a card to the right or left of it, but you must skip one card so that we can totally isoloate one card from the deck. So please count two cards to the left or to the right of the face up card. You have a free choice." Fig. 12 shows the final picture. Have the VIP remove the three cards, two face up and one face down. Show that the other card to the other side would have been different. Fig. 12

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21. IN TIME: If you own an old railroad pocket watch that has two solid covers, one for the face and one for the back, you have the tools to perform a 'little' miracle! Just make two double-faced miniature cards to represent the four KEY cards in your 5SM deck. Place one double-faced card with the low numbers in the back of the watch. Say that your key cards are AD-5S-9H-QC. The ACE faces the watch while the FIVE. faces the cover in the back of the watch. The other double-faced card goes under the front cover with the NINE up and the QUEEN down. Usually the Fig. 13 front cover opens when the stem wheel is pushed in while the back cover must be pried open with a pen knife of thumb nail. A little practice is needed to know how to open the watch to reveal the correct card. If the FIVE is chosen, you simply open the BACK cover, slowly and carefully upwards. While if the ACE is chosen, the BACK cover is opened slightly and then the watch is turned over and opened to reveal the ACE nested in the cover. If the NINE is chosen the front cover is opened slowly, in order not to flip over the card and the NINE is revealed facing up, while if the QUEEN is chosen the front cover is opened slightly and then the watch is turned over. The miniature cards should be held together with wax in case the VIP wants to keep it, in which case the two cards are secretly separated. 22. IN A NUT SHELL: A dish full of walnuts sit on the table. VIP chooses any nut which is placed on the table next to the deck of cards. A KEY card is then forced and the· walnut is split open to reveal a duplicate in miniature of the chosen card. You have or course prepared four walnuts by splitting them carefully and placing a miniature card in it and then glueing them together. The nuts are secretly marked. You have these four prepared nuts on your lap. After the KEY card is revealed you simply palm the correct nut and switch it for the one on the table. Give the VIP a nut cracker to open the nut. 23. THE BET: Place a coin on the table as you tell the VIP that you will find the card before he chooses it and that you bet him the value of the coin, etc. After a KEY card is forced, you simply secretly stick a miniature duplicate under the coin. 24. MINIATURE STAB: Attach the correct miniature duplicate to a kitchen knife as in ) Fig. 14. The VIP has already chosen a ----J KEY card and replaced the cut. Now tell him to stick the knife anywhere in the Fig. 14 deck. "NOW will you please look a t the card under the knife." You say. IT MAY BE THAT THE VIP HAS ACTUALLY CUT TO HIS CHOSEN CARDl If not, you say, "You looked in the wrong place." And then you show him the miniature card attached to the knife!


NOTE: Miniature cards are available. They are sold in Magic shops and novelty stores or you can make your own by reducing them in a copying machine to any desired size.




Doing CONTACT-MINDREADING with the 5SM deck is as easy as falling off a thumbtip. Use two decks, one red-back and one blue. Say that the blue deck is the 5SM deck. The other deck is prepared by sim'ply separating the KEY cards widely with about 10 indifferent cards between each KEY card and a few cards added to the top and bottom. The VIP gets a secret peek at any KEY card in the blue deck. You say, "Please note that I will not touch your deck." You then spread the red deck face up in a long ribbon on the table. The VIP takes your left wrist with KEY CARDS his right hand as you tell him to ~ ~ -__ "WILL" you in "the direction of his b / ~ ~ ~


chosen card. YOU CANNOT MISS! ~I.; All you need to know is the general ..••• • . •• area of where his chosen card is. You will then know the exact card! Fig. 15



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26. Just a little more effort and you can do the above test NON-CONTACT! Cse the same two decks. Give the VIP a secret peek at a Key card. Spread the red deck as above. Tell the VIP to stand in front of you across the table facing you and looking intently at your hands AND NOT AT YOUR EYES. Using both hands place the finger tips in the general area where one of the KEY cards is. Place one finger tip on the KEY card and the rest elsewhere. Then look up and watch the VIP's face as you push out the KEY card. IF the VIP smiles and looks at you you know that that is the card. If not simply proceed to another card as you tell the VIP to 'will'you intently to the card. And the VIP may even be instructed to look intently at the card! NOTE: In order to give the VIP a secret peek at a KEY card, you must use a deck that has the KEY cards trimmed narrow so that the VIP can cut anywhere and look at the top card of the lower section which should be a KEY card. 27. THE BILLET KNIFE: Xerox your four KEY cards to make them paper-thin. If you wish you can also enlarge them. Then fold them into billets to fit your billet knife. You can load the billet knife secretly in front of the VIP or you can simply prepare four billet knives if you own that many. The billets are found inside a sealed envelope for the climax.

28. GIANT CARDS: You can enlarge xerox copies of the KEY cards to any size, say 8~ by 11 inches or bigger if desired. These sheets can then be neately folded and placed in your DiploMental Pouch or Himber Wallet and produced for a dramatic climax. The same can be done with envelopes. 29. WITH BILLETS: A most impressive presentation of the 5SM can be done by the use of billets. The magician cannot place a card face down on the table to predict which one of the KEY cards will be chosen unless the card is concealed in an envelope or wallet BUT the Mentalist can place a written folded billet on the table! You of course prepare four billets which you hold on your lap. One billet is written during the Fig. 16. show and folded and placed on the table, Fig. 16. After one of the KEY cards is forced, if the billet does not predict the chosen card, the Mentalist switches it! If you know The Test of Thoth Billet test




you can then perform a most profound effect. After the chosen card is revealed you simply push the billet to the VIP saying, "read what I wrote before you chose your card!" Fig. 16 shows the pencil under the billet. If you reach for the pencil with your left hand while taking the billet with your right hand, the action makes perfect cover and misdirection, ALTHOUGH once you have done the Test of Thoth several times you will need no cover. 30. 25 FACES SOUTH!: This method duplicates the classic card effect called "51 Faces North" from a Paul Curry idea. In the original effect, the VIP deals the cards face up on the table But places anyone card aside face down. The chosen card is of course predicted by the Magician. In this test the VIP is given the SSM deck and told to deal the first card face down and the next card face up until the entire deck is dealt. He is then to pick anyone of the face-down cards and put it aside. You must make sure that the top card of the SSM deck is a KEY card. After the cards are dealt, all the face-down cards are KEY cards. For the dramatics, the performer turns over any three cards to the left or right of the chosen card to show that any other choice would have a different result. 31. PUMPING: In presenting effects with the SSM deck, the operator must keep in mind that his audiences is not aware that they only have one choice_in four. They assume that they have one choice in 52! The choice of the KEY card can there fore be divined by pumping information from the VIP. If the VIP tells you that he is thinking of a red card, he assumes that he is not giving you too much information. You therefor ask the VIP if he is 'thinking of a cherry color card' with the some-cherries-are-black angle. After that, let us assume that the VIP is thinking of a red card and that the KEY cards include the AD and 9H. So you say, "You are also thinking of a low number and for this purpose we will count the ACE as a low number card." If the VIP says "YES!" you are in business and tell him the card. The Magician must never underestimate the inpact of this effect, as the VIP has no way of rationalizing the results. 32. MAGICIAN'S CHOICE: Here is another startling effect for the lay mind yet very simple and for that reason many magicians will overlook it. Any KEY CARD CHOSEN IS PREDICTED BY THE Magician. The VIP is given a pen and card to write out his choice. He is then directed to read the print on the pen or pencil. The pen or pencil have been specially prepared by printing the name of one of the cards on it. OR the VIP is directed to open a cigar box resting on the table. The cigar box is empty except for one card which is the duplicated of the chosen one. OR after the VIP writes out the name of his card on an index card, he is directed to turn the index card over which contains a written prediction of the chosen card. OR the VIP may be directed to turn around a blackboard which has a large message on the other side predicting the card. There surely are dozens of dramatic ways to climax the effect.



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Card effects where the VIP ~s told to deal cards to a thought-of number have both the elements of suspense and surprise. The VIP does not believe that you can control his count and is very surprised when he discovers that you did. 33. A favorite of Harry Lorayne: Tell the VIP to deal as many cards as he wishes and then to take the next two. He then gets a magician's choice of the KEY card. If the VIP does not like the two cards, he can discard them and take the next two! 34. Spelling!:' A personal touch is added when the VIP is told to think of his beloved and to spell her name by dealing one card for each letter.

35. FREE CHOICE: (Shades of David Berglass) Place the deck on the table and say, "Please note that from now on I am not going to touch the deck. I want you to choose any number from one to 52." After the VIP chooses the number you then say, "That's great. Now I am going to give you one further choice, since you are a very nice person. I want you to take the deck in your hands and count either from the top down or from the bottom up, the coice is yours." Have the VIP deal the cards face down one on top the other BUT when he has eight cards to go, assuming that his number was greater then eight, say, "Now to show you that all the cards are well mixed please deal the next few cards face up and stop at your chosen number." You of course either force the last card dealt or the one remaining on top of the deck. 36. Tell the VIP to think of a number from 1 to 10 but to not disclose it. He is then told to cut the deck into four equal piles and to choose one pile and count off cards to his number.

A very profound and sensational test with newspaper headlines can be done very simply with the 5SM deck. Prepare a 5SM Deck so that it

spectator how to cut some indifferent




38. p~keJr,! In this effect only one prediction envelope is used. It is ungimmicked and can be given to anyone to hold. In EFFECT: A spectator chooses one card from a deck of 52 that will give him or her a winning poker hand! Prepare a 5SM deck with the following KEY cards: Ace of Hearts, Two of Spades, Five of Hearts, Nine of Hearts.


Your prediction envelope contains four cards, the 10, J, Q and K of hearts. Plus a prediction paper that reads, "I predict that you will choose a card that will give you a winning hand. in Poker." Then you instruct the VIP and tell him that the T~o of Spades is a Wild card. So now no matter which one of the four KEY cards he chooses, he will get a winning hand: A flush, a straight flush or a Royal Flush! Suspense can be built up by having the VIp turn over one card at a time. Anyone of the hands can be dramatized to the hilt. With the flush you say, "Well you chose the 5 of hearts and now with the ten of hearts you haven't got much." But on the next card, the Jack of hearts, you say, "Now you got something, a possible flush." And you build up the expectations and suspense to the last card. The same goes with the other hands except that now the VIP will get either a straight flush or a Royal flush. If the VIP chooses the wild card, 2 of spades, the performer can realy build up the suspence.


39. FOUR-OF-A-KIND: Performer counts our three cards, showing the backs only and seals them in an envelope and places the envelope into his wallet or into a larger envelope. He then spreads a deck of cards on the table saying, "Someone here is going to choose a card that will match the three cards in my wallet-" He then has anyone choose two cards and discard one. The VIP is given the three cards in the envelope and together with the chosen card they make four-of-a-kind! TO PREPARE: You have four envelopes each loaded with three cards to match the four KEY cards. If the KEY cards are a Ace, five nine and Queen, the envelopes contain the other three Aces, Fives, Nines and Queens. 40. FIND THE ACE: Performer shows one spectator in the audience three cards saying, "Don't forget what I showed you. The three Aces! Right?" Performer seals the three aces in an envelope and places it in his wallet etc. The VIP is then told to choose a card by cutting the deck. The performer shows that if he had cut deeper he would have gotten a different card and even a different ACE! The chosen card, say the Ace of Spades is then added to the three aces in the envelope to make the four ACES of the deck: AS, AD, AC and AH. TO PREPARE: You will need three aces for each of four envelopes. Each of the four envelopes is missing only one ACE each of a different suit. One envelope is missing the ACE of Spades, the next is missing the ACE of Diamonds, etc. The 5SM deck has the four Aces as KEY cards. Once the Ace is known that is chosen, the performer knows what envelope to open. NOTE: When the three Aces are shown to the first spectator they are only flashed before his eyes. All he or she remembers is that there were three ACES. 41. IN A PHOTOGRAPH: Performer shows a foto of himself holding a jumbo sized playing card. But it shows the back. "I .. ill turn the card around soon and show you what the face of the card is." The photo is sealed in an envelope and placed




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on the table. A card is then chosen from a is opened it shows the same picture but if foto of the chosen card. fotographs that are double-faced. That is, side while the other side shows the face.

deck by cutting. When the envelope it is turned around, it shows the TO PREPARE: You must make four it shows the back of a card on one The fotos match the KEY cards.

42. DESIGN DUPLICATION: For this' effect you need to prepare a 5SM deck made up of Mental Pictoria cards, Fig. 19. PREPARE by drawing the four designs on large paper, say 8~ by 11 inches and then fold each sheet neatly and sealed it in your nest of envelopes or place Fig. 19 it in your special wallet. Remember your KEY cards in alphabetical order, like BUG, Knife, Nail and Triangle. The deck is shown and it appears to be made of many designs. For the dramatics you can have the chooser draw his chosen design on a large slate! 43. BY THE NUMBERS: This amazing problem is worth bothering with as it works most of the time, often enough to cause a profound effect. You tell a person to choose a number between 1 and 50. It must be a number of two digits. Both digits must be odd and different. "You cannot pick a number like 11." You say, "Because it is made up of two odd numbers but they are alike." That last statement is supposed to make the VIP shoot up Fig. 20 to the 30's so that he will either pick number 35 or 37. BUT of course he could also pick number 13, 15, 17, 19, and 39! Amazingly the numbers 35 and 37 are favorites for the lay mind. So you prepare four key cards of numbers for a number deck. Three of the cards are double-faced say, the 13-15, 17-19 and 37-39 plus a single face card with number 35. These four cards you seal in coin envelopes and place in your wallet or nest of envelopes. Your 5SM number deck should be made up with the seven key cards of the above numbers. Then you can have some fun. Have someone choose a key card from the deck by cutting or dealing but tell him not to inform the audience what the chosen number is. Then you tell the audience, "Can anybody tell me what this number is1 1 111 give you a clue. It is made up of two digits. Both digits are odd and different-" No matter what the chosen number is the climax will be a good one. The audience may call the same number as chosen. Or they may callout numbers 35 and 37. You produce a prediction that predicts the number chosen (from the wallet) and also the number that will be called by the audience! You'll have fun. Try it. Ask "How many of you thought of the number 357 And how many of the number 377 etc. etc. Many hands will go up! For predicting the number called by the audience, you just write in large numbers on an art board the number 35 and/or 37. 44. THE TAPE RECORDER: "I predict that you will choose the ACE of diamonds! I knew it! I knew it! I'm wrong! It will be the five of spades! NO! Wait a minute. I have never been wrong twice. You will pick the nine of Hearts! -- I can't believe it. But now I have it you picked the Queen of hearts!!!!!!




45. IN THE POCKET: "1 want you to notice that these cards are well shuffled. Now please put them into your coat pocket (cards go in facing his body). I have no control over tha cards, you must agree. I want you to stick your hand into your coat pocket and choose only one card from anywhere in the deck and bring it out." "Isn,t it amazing that the very card you chose is in my pocketbook which has been in sight at all times?" That is what you say if the VIP picks out one of the KEY cards. If not, say, "Please turn the card around and imagine that it is a knife and stab it into the deck"and bring the deck out. The deck is spread facedown on a table and the Performer points to the one faee up card saying, "You had no control of where you would stick thet card, did you?" "Please take to two cards next to the face-up card." any two cards will do and the VIP is given a magician's choice of the KEY card! 46. FOUR AHEAD: Two decks are used. From one deck the Magician places four cards face down in a row on the table as he says, "Please notice that I am putting down these cards before anything else is done. These are my 'FATE' cards." Performer places down row "A" as in Fig. 21. He then instructs the VIP to please cut his deck anywhere, "You have a free choice as to where to cut the deck, high,low or in the middle." A" "Now please deal the first card face down and the next card face up to make two rows." as in rows "B" and "c" in Fig. 21. D Pointing to rows A and C, the performer says, "It would surely be a miracle if these four cards of mine match your four face up cards! Wouldn't it?" Fig. 21 "I am also going to try to match your four face down cards!" Performer then places down row "D." He then picks up his cards ina bunch (all eight of them) and holds them in his hand and says "Please turn over your face down cards." Then the performer throws his cards at the VIP saying, "Check'em yourself while I sip my coffee." Climax! The first four cards of row "A" are of course the four KEY cards, while the last row put down are the duplicates of row "C". 47. BOARDED: A Headliner effect that was performed by the Svengalis during Vaudeville days was the r-------~~ card found nailed between wooden boards. The boards were first shown clean on both sides and then nailed together. A chosen card appeared when the boards were separated. THE METHOD: Boards were about 1/2 inch thick by a foot square. When the first board is shown clean with the left hand by turning it over, it was placed momentarily on the table where it picked up a card by glue or magnet. The second board was shown in like manner with the right hand and then the two boards placed together, the right hand board going under the left hand board and then nailing the boards together. The card was then forced. With the use of the SSM deck, an envelope is placed between the boards, either secretly or openly- and then the VIP is given a free choice of any card by cutting. The envelope contains two double face cards!




48. MIRACLES AHEAD!: This is the ONE-AHEAD-SYSTEM using the 5SM deck! Place the deck on the table in front of the VIP who is sitting across the table from you. Tell him to cut the deck anywhere he wishes when you turn your back and to complete the cut and then to place the deck under the table so that you can not see it. OR he may cut the deck under the table! "I am going to put a card down ahead of you, remember it please." You put down anyone of the KEY cards face dwon from another deck. Then tell the VIP to take the top card from his deck and place it face up next to yours. If the VIP places the same KEY card as yours, you have a miracle. BUT if not continue by putting down a second card face dwon next to yours. This second card is a duplicate of the one showing. You continue in this fashion until the VIP.puts down the KEY card that you originally placed down. Then pick up your cards in a bunch and reveal them to match all of the VIP's cards! The number of cards put down by the VIP will be from one to seven! If you are using 'readers' then the VIP can place his cards face down!

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to. 49. CRISS-CROSS: This ancient gem startles everyone who sees it. It can be done with any deck. The deck may be shuffled bottom card and cut, but the bottom card must Fig. 23 be known. Say it is the two of hearts. The VIP cuts the deck and criss crosses it as in Fig. 23. The Psychic without looking at the deck, points a finger at the VIP as says, "You cut to the deuce of hearts, and (He reaches over and picks up the top card of the top section and looks at it, say it is the six of clubs) the six of clubs!" The Psychic next takes out the bottom card of the top section and flips both cards over in front of the VIP. The effect is presented fast and decisive and it hits the onlooker like a bolt of lightning. Later however, the VIP surmises that you read the backs of the cards. By using the 5SM deck, all deductions fail! To PRESENT with the 5SM deck, you must know the bottom card which must be an indifferent card and you must have four duplicates of it. Load your Diplo/ Mental pouch or your Himber wallet with the four KEY cards of the deck and each KEY card is paired by a duplicate of the bottom card. So that no matter what KEY card shows up at the cut, you can always open the wallet to the KEY card and the indifferent bottom card. Before the deck is cut, you show the VIP that you have two cards in your wallet or envelope. Only the backs are shown to the VIP. When he cuts you remove the card cut to and the bottom card of the top section. Voila! Another Miracle! Su.


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EFFECT: The Mentalist shows the audience four sealed envelopes. He tells the audience that each envelope contains one single playing card. The four sealed envelopes are given out to four persons who are told to sign their names on the outside of the envelopes and that the envelopes must not be exchanged. A deck of cards is then placed on the table and anyone chooses four cards. The four cards are shown to the audience and then given in a bunch to the four persons holding the envelopes. They are told to each take an envelope in no particular order. Each person is then told that they may exchange the cards with each other. The Mentalist then approaches the first person




and again asks him or her if he or she wants to exchange envelopes with anyone. Finally the Mentalist takes the envelope and opens it and shows the card that was inside and it is a duplicate of the card the person is holding. BOTH THE ENVELOPE AND THE CARD ARE LEFT WITH THE PERSON TO INSPECT OF KEEP! THE SAME PROCEEDURE IS FOLLOWED WITH THE OTHER THREE PERSONS. They are all given chances to exchange their cards but no matter, the cards in the envelopes always match the cards held. If the reader can present the above test effectively and dramatically, he can concider himself to be a Master Mentalist. THE SECRET: The four sealed envelopes contain D-E-D-F cards. These are the double-enders-double-face cards mentioned in effect number 4. These cards are not hard to come buy. The Fako cards sold by Magic Dealers contain two good ones as in Fig. 3. So you will need to buy four decks of Fako cards. Unless you can make the cards yourself. The Fako cards are also very easy to handle. Simply by marking the outside of the envelope with dots of 1, 2, 3 and 4 to designate the four KEY cards of the SSM deck you will use. In this case the KEY cards will be 6H, 8H, 7S, 8S. Each sealed envelope contains one D-E-D-F card. The four sealed envelopes are given to four persons who are told to sign them, or the Mentalist may write the names of the four persons on the envelopes. The sealed envelopes are left with the four persons. Then the SSM deck is introduced and the four KEY cards are forced as detailed in effect number 18, page 7, "ELIMINATION." For the revelation the Mentalist approaches each person and takes the sealed envelope and opens it at the correct end and shows the card inside, see Fig. 4. The card that the person holds is now taken and placed against the envelope to show the audience that they match. The Mentalist then removes the card from the envelope covering the lower pip with his left fingers and the right hand takes the envelope and the other card and holds it high in the air while holding the D-E-D-F card against his chest. Mentalist then returns the straight card and envelope to the person to inspect or keep! While approaching the second person, the Mentalist is still holding in his left hand the D-E-D-F card, so he just drops it in his coat pocket. At the end you will have a room full of very puzzled people and the four participants will be holding ungimmicked cards and envelopes with their signature. The D-E-D-F cards are just as easy to handle as double-face cards. You will need some practice and you mus watch your angles. The less you move the better and then stick the cards in your inside coat pocket! Perhaps you may feel better if you have another set of KEY cards in your pocket whic~ you bring out later. For Success

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