Al Mann - 101 Psychic Tests

May 1, 2017 | Author: Gedeon2016 | Category: N/A
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101 '(:>AIJclJie ?14r4

(cop yrigh t by Al Mann Excl usive s, 1983)

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Add this effe ct to your progr am and you willof than the price have a reac tion from your audie nce wort h moreand l this book . This effe ct, besid es bein g nove myst eriou s, caus es much talk and your audie nce will remem ber it for year s. EFFECT, Whil e Men talis t dons a stee l buck et over his head , anyb ody shuf fles and cuts thei r own deck of card s and then plac es the deck on top of the stee l buck et. Men talis t then reach es up, cuts the deck , remo ves a card and names it! while hold ing the card high over his buck eted head l The effe ct can be repe ated many time sl Fig. glued THE GIMMICK is a piece of mirr or that is case to the top edge of a card case . This card ts brea st coat whic h may be empt y is in the MEN Talistive ly easy . The Men talis t rela pock et. The meth od of work ing is et on his left side buck the to take s the card and hold s it next is refle cted on card The is. at abou t the place wher e his temp le down into his s look t talis Men the mirr or and to the eye as the wide by 2 inch 1/2 t abou ures The mirr or meas coat pock et. inch es long . Fig. 2 mirr or ~___ The mirr or can be place d in any angle and it can be cove red with a hanc kerc hief whic h is remo ved to wipe the buck et befo re the pres en- may Fig. NOTE. Inste ad of a roun d buck et you tatio n! use a squa re 2-ga llon buck et.




you can 2. THE_FINGER TEST I By the same above meth od. his hand have a perso n stand on your righ t side and hold or more fing ers on the left side of the buck et, hold ing up 2finge rs I or none at all as you divin e the numb er of your head have someone 3. THE DICE TEST. With the buck et over jot down the sum of the to throw three dice on the buck et and . dice three uppe r numb er of dots on the three pick up one of and fully You then reach over the buck et care et so that you buck the of the dice hold ing it agai nst the side it is 2, from say er, numb the can see the botto m numb er. Subt ract the die throw ~hen . mber reme 7, to get 5. 5 is your key numb er to f. p/nj/ fm




away, on the floor or table, or over your shoulder. Next reach over the bucket carefully and take another die and show the bottom number to the person doing the adding and tell him to add that number to his total. Repeat the same with the third die, throwing away the dice as you did with the first one. You, of course already know the total. Just add 5, your key number, to 14 to get 19, which should be the total.


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EFFECT I Anyone chooses a playing ~~card from a deck and is told to tell no -_".:_-_ ,..,,Y/..'.J~:/ ~ ~ one his choice. While the medium leaves ~ ~. the room or turns his back, the card is inserted into anyone of three (or more) books on the table. The chosen pag@ Fig. J is then noted and the book is closed. When medium returns, he names the chosen card, the book it is in and the first sentance of the chosen pagel MErHODI The card is chosen from a stacked deck like Si Stebbins so that the medium already knows the card when he leaves the room. The three books, each have a tiny piece of paper on top (or a few grains of salt) so that when the book is opened, the tiny piece of paper or salt falls off. The books used should be some that force a sentance or word, like the Sherlock Holmes books or UNIWORD or your favorite so that no matter where the card is inserted, you will know the first sentance or word.


GLASS __ Q~ WAT ~.B I As seen in the circle, a glass is secretly encircled by the loop of a tread with a slip knot. The glass is then partially filled with water from which the magician drinks. A wooden ruler is then stuck into the glass as it is held about a foot from the body. The hand is then released and the glass is seen to be suspended in mid air. (Fig. 4) This stunt is excellent for the seance room and subdued light. At the end, the ruler is passed all around the glass to show that there are no strings attached and at the same time, the ruler pushes off the string. (Fig. 7) The glass is suspended by the pressure of the hand on the ruler.


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Fig. 7








Gysel's gimmick is shown in Fig. 8. He fooled many ~ with it. It is clipped between the fingers and the wand or cane is then forced into the metal gimmick. It can then be tossed from one hand to the other to ~:> show both hands otherwise empty. Wand or cane is then suspended in many positions after which it is Fig. 8 placed under the arm and the hands shown empty again then the wand or cane are removed by a downward pull leaving the gimmick hooked to the coat by the tiny hook on its side.


Fig. 10

The pencil that suspends by apparent magnetic power is done by a tiny hook as shown in Fig. 9. The tiny hook is made with a sharp knife. The pencil can be laid on the palm of the hand and Fig. 9 hooked into the skin so that when the hand is turned over the pencil remains suspended. In like manner it can be hooked to the clothing or to a drapery. To remove the hook the pencil is rolled on the floor or table. After that try to do the trick shown in the circle. If you can't, forget it. In Fig. 10, downward pressure is applied with the middle fingertips and outward pressure is applied with the first and little fingers. 4:-- ........... 8. THE ANIMATED PENCILa Take a short piece of a metal pin and bend it as B shown in Fig. llA and sharpen Fig. 11 it on both ends. Then stick it to the top of the pencil as in Fig. llB. Place this pencil into your cupped left palm and stick the end of the bent pin into the flesh of your palm at the base of the fingers. When you straighten out your fingers, the pencil will rise upwards to a standing position. PASSJl'!.~L.~_r~Ng.IJ... '.n{B9:tJGH.J\ LOOP OF ?TRING HALF AS LONG AS THE PENCILa The pencil wi tti the-loop of strIng are shown in Fig. 12. The magician very easily passes the pencil through a person's coat button hole and passes the pencil through the loop in the process. But when anyone else tries to do the trick they fail, simply because of the tendency


Pa •• ing a Pencil throuRh a Loop. Much Too Small for It. Is Easv. Once You Learn How the Trick Is Turned


4 101





cont. ••

to pass the loop through the coat's button hole first, which makes the deed impossible to do. Here is the secret in pictures.


A Wrong way

\ B Fig. 14

Correct way

10. THREADING THE NEEDLE. Here is a fabulous effect that can be

doneas part-of-'Ths"'Sensative Fingertips' Act or during a blindfold routine. The performer can be blindfolded and still he threads a needle many times. The threading can be done openly without covering the hands, since "'-G)PUSH NEEDL£ THROUGH LOOP the hands hide most of the action. ®" ~ MADE IN THREAD PULL LOOP Yet the results seem impossible. THR~ To do, the thread is first threaded / through the eye of the needle. Then the needle is pushed through a tiny loop at ' ~ CUT THREADS the end of the string. The loop is then HERE ') pulled over the eye of the needle and ~ ; CUT LOOPS free of the needle as s~own in Fig. 15, AWAY CONTINUE TO PULL 1 and 2. The loop is then pulled through THREAD THROUGH UNTIL EYE OF NEEDLE the eye of the needle which threads the IS WELL FlLL£D needle a second time. This move is then repeated as many times as desired.




11. ANOTHER MErHOD. Take several pieces of thread and Fig. 15 bend the top end for about half an inch as shown in Fig. 16. Pinch and roll hard the bef~t ends between the tips of .t your 1ngers. Then take a needle with V a larger-than-average eye and push it down between your fingertips holding ~==============-==-~­ the thread. The eye of the needle Fig. 1 6 will go down and around the wadded threads. This is a very amazing stunt that you can do totally blindfolded. You can feel the thread after the needle is threaded!



12. THE SHATTERED CHALICEs An easy method. The photo in Fig. 17 gives the whole secret. The glass is mostly filled with water and some flowers. This will misdirect the thought when the glass breaks and the water and flowers spill out. A better set-up is to just bolt the the spring gimmick of the rat trap to the tray and discard the wooden platform and then paint the whole tray in one color to camouflage the gimmick. If possible, it should be painted dead black. 13.




A rat trap riveted to a metal tray break. the

ilia.. vue Uke a shot when a thread i. pulled.

Fig. 17

This section treats on some fabulous secrets for the medium working the seance. The medium only has to do one simple 'trick' to amaze his sitters, during the interlude between readings. Any 'trick' takes on a veil of deep mystery when done in the seance atmosphere. VEST TURNINGs As I write this, a medium in New York City is creating a sensation with this effect. The Sitters say that they hold the medium's hands and still he turns up with his vest inside out! (Sept. 1983). THE ACTs The medium is tied with a two-foot length of cord and the knots are wax-sealed! Fig. Another length of rope is then looped 18 over the first cord and this second loop is given to anyone to hold. Medium then steps into his cabinet or behind a curtain and within ten minutes, he can walk out with the vest turned inside out and the knots intact! First, as shown in squares 6 and 7, Fig. 18, the medium frees himself from the second loop by dipping it under the turn on his wrist. Next, he reaches over his head and pulls his vest (unbuttoned) up and over his head and down between his hands. The vest is then turned inside .t"' out by passing it through the armholes ~------~ as it hangs on the cord. (square 9). All he has to do now is to put it back on and buttoned it, and reloop the second cord by dipping it under his wrist. He can turn his vest right side out by reversing the routine!




14. FIREWORKS. Here is a little known secret. If you squeeze an orange peeling over a lit candle, it will produce some amazin~ fireworks. This is great in the seance room. The medium passes one hand over the candle and fireworks result. He then passes his other hand and again more fireworks. He can repeat this t~st over and over by simply palming pieces of the orange peeling and eXchanging them as neededl

15. Have a person choose a card, from a deck and then control it

to the top. Then take five cards, the chosen card included and place them face up on the table. Then pick up one card at a time and pass it over a candle. When the right card is taken. just squeeze the palmed orange peeling and the fireworks tell you that it is the chosen carda

16. THE LAND D TEST. Do the same with the Living and Oead test. When you pass the 'dead' name over the candle, the fireworks go offl 17. FIREBALLS. In the darkened seance room, fireballs are seen shooting about. This is done with luminous tissue paper. To prepare. Use some dry tissue paper. Then mix by grinding, 3 parts of gelatine, 3 parts pota8~ sium bichromate and 37 parts of calsium sulphide. Stir one p.rt of boiling water to the thickly fluid. Apply one or two coats to the paper, using a brush. The balls when dry, can be thrown about in the dark seance. 18. GHOST MAKING. Use French Veiling, a very fine silk. Fireproof it with alum water. Then dip it in phosphorous in a pot of boiling water and olive oil. By placing a light from beneath of the veil, a ghost form appears!

19. MANY GHOSTSI. Here is a secret that at onetime sold for lots. Place a piece of metallic phosphorous into a bottle and drop in a few drops of Sulphuric Acid and cork the bottle. During the dark seance, open the bottle and blow slightly on the mouth of it. Ghosts will then appear in many shapes. One medium had s,ye· ral of these about the seance room and then he went and produced ghosts allover so that in the end there was an army of ghosts floating about. The bottle must be corked after the fumes are blown. 20. FINGERTIPS GHO~. The medium, sitting at his table, rubs his fingertips together and produces ghostsl This is done by using the 'smoke at the fingertips' powder that is sold at magic stores. IT WORKS I GHOSTS ARE SEEN AND RECOGNIZED BY THE SITTERSl So don't pass it up.





cont . ••

21. DIABOLICAL EYES. Flash es of ligh t shoo the medi um's eyes ! This stun t was used by a famous mediutmfrom in the seanc e room. METHOD. Cut out two tiny piec es of Silv er tins dark el, this size (00) and place one in each eye lid on the outs ide. When the eye is open , the tins el can not be seen , but as the mediu m or magi cian blink s his eyes as he walk s, flash es of ligh t are reflect ed crea ting a weird and unca nny effe ct. (Try Ising lass also ). 22. LUMINOUS EYES. If you have life- size phot os of your self to hang in your den, offic e or thea tre lobb y, pain t the white of the eyes with lumin ous pain t. They will glow in the dark and cause much talk! 23. STRIKING A MATCH MAGICALLY!, Fig. 19 give s the meth od. Abou t an inch squa re of strik ing surfa ce from another box is ceme nted or glued to the palm of the hand . As the box is tosse d in the air, the matc h head is turne d inwa rd toward s the palm and the matc h is strok e just as the box is touch ed with the back of the hand! How

the match box and match are held be24. STRIKING A BORROWED MATCH ON THE fore the box is tossed PALM OF THE HAND! The same meth od Is Into air with a flip used here exce pt that the perfo rmer Fig. 19 borro ws a pape r matc h from anyo ne. As the box faUs, the perform er a ctua Ily He take s the matc h and says , "All I lights the match on a need is the matc h. And he strik es the tiny striker stuck to the palm of his hand matc h on the piece of strik ing surfa ce glued to his palm , and then flips the gimmick off and the pull vani shes it. (Fig. 20) It shou ld amaze the onlo oker s! Fig. 20 250 CAUSING BEUTIFULL EKPLOSIONS IN THE SEANCE B~' Diss olve a 1-inc h s~uare of cast in a p1nt of hot wate r. Add 1/2 teasp oonf ulileof soap gum arab ic and one teasp oon of glyc erine . Then one pint of cold wate r. This solu tion will produadd ce soap bubb les that boun ce. Next blow the bubb les with a pipe that cont ains a wad of cotto n rated with gaso line. Do this in the subdu ed lighsatu t of seanc e room and let the bubb les boun ce aroun d. the When a lit cand le is touch ed to the bubb les they will explo de like a bomb. That shou ld give the sitte rs In the dark , the bubb les will boun ce aroun d the seancae thri ll. touc hing the sitte rs like 'spi rit kiss esl' If they break table they soun d like an eXpl osion ! ~e





Fig. 21 26. CUTTING THE APPLE. The medium places an apple on the palm of his hand and then takes a long sharp knife and wacks the apple and the halves fallon the table, but the medium's hand is intact! Fig. 21 gives the solution. A steel needle is embedded into the bottom of the apple. The needle stops the blade! Some stage performer~ place the apple on the head of a girl or on her neck or stomach and use a huge sword for the cutting! This effect must be practiced on a board first! 27. APPARITIONS. A spirit face appears in front of the medium. It grows larger, then smaller and then disappears! This is done with a fountain pen that has both ends cut off to resemble a tube. A ball on that has been treated with luminous paint is attached to one end of the pen and tucked in out of sight. In the dark Seance, the medium simply blows on one end of the fountain pen and the baloon comes into view with the 'spirit' face on it. It is then deflated and the pen put away!

28. A MAGICAL SUBSTITUTION. Fig. 22 shows an easy way of doing a substitution in the seance room or on stage! The medium first dons a black robe and mask. He then steps into his cabinet and gets a coil of rope. He then calls on two persons to come and tie him. He continues talking all the while. Before the sitters finish tieing the trunk, the medium comes walking in from the outside and through the front door! A lady or anyone has been substituted for the medium! and that person is found in the trunk I The effect is most uncanny, since everyone hears the meFig. 22 dium talking to almost the last minute! What happens is that the lady is already behind the curtain with a duplicate black robe and mask. When the medium steps into his cabinet to get the coil of rope, the SUbstitution is made, BUT since the medium's voice can be heard (he is speaking from inside his cabinet), everything appears normal. Once the lady gets into the trunk, the medium runs out a back door, around the outside of the hall and in through the front door! 29. THE SPIRIT SNOOPERSCOPE!. Legend has it that a powerful medium could never be caught simply because as soon as the lights were turned off, he put on an Aura-scope! These are the goggles with which you can see a person's aura. If anyone came near or moved out of place, the medium could sence it! The armed forces use a snooperscope with which they can see in total darknessl so look into it! The exposers can eat their hearts outl



30. 'Spirit' Noise Maker.

Fig. 2), shows a wooden penny matchbox, rigged with a button and two elastic bands. When the button is wound up and then released, it rotates fast stricking the table top and making a roaring noisel A hole is cut on the bottom of the drawer and also on the bottom of the cover. The two rubber bands are secured by tieing them around the drawer. The box will make its noise when it is lifted!

x. 31. THE SPIRIT RAPPER. In Fig. 24 A the X's represent the four sides of a wooden box.'A' is a small piston rod with two projections, that can be pulled out (arrow) and which will snap back into position, by tension of the spring 'B.' As rod 'A' is pulled out, the Fig. 24 x left projection catches the movable ratchet 'C' and in turn, 'C' lifts the hammer 'n' and then releases it. The spring 'E' then throws In' back into position creating a loud rap on whatever surface it may be. According to F.W. King who first released this secret (1904), it is the very best rapper ever made. It attaches to the arm just above the wrist and then it can be placed over any surface. A string runs from the left arm to the right. When the string is pulled, the rod is pulled and raps result. 32. THE MYSTERY OF THE MARKS. Here is an easy to do stunt that always mystifies. Fig. 25, explains it well in pictures. One of several index cards, " CD x " ® W.RIIED (f blank on PERFORt.A ER T4I
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