Al G. Manning - The Miracle of Universal Psychic Power [OCR]

July 31, 2016 | Author: Enki Son | Category: Types, Instruction manuals
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The Miracle of Universal Psychic P...


THE MIRACLE OF UNIVERSAL PSYCHIC POWER: How to Pyramid Your Way to Prosperity





How to Pyramid Your Way to Prosperity

AI G. Manning, B.S., D.O.

Parker Publishing Company, Inc., West Nyack., New York


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without permis sion in writing from the publisher

Library of Congress Cataloging In Publlcalloa Data Manning, Al G The miracle of universal psychic power. 1. Occult sciences. 2. 3. Success. I. Title. BF14ll.M26 133 ISBN 0-13-585729-5

Psychical research. 73-13512

Printed in the United States of America

To the wonderful spirit beings who inspire and help us always, to the m any members of ESP Laboratory who participated in the re­ search and shared the results, and to Fay, who suffered through the birth pains w ith me.

Other books by the author: Helping Yourself with ESP Helping Yourself with Psycho-Cosmic Pow er Helping Yours elf with White Witchcraft

What This Book Can Do for You We all remember the cartoon character, Superman - faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings, X-ray vision and all that , but m ost important, full of invincible strength and power to overcome any situation. Haven't you dreamed of being a super­ being? You already are one, you know ! You have but to d iscover and use the vast powers that lie almost dormant in your psychic nature to develop quickly into the fullness of personal power and accomplishment . The purpose o f this book is to introduce you to your psychic super-powers and give you the techniques you need to harness and use them. Although not yet recognized by conventional modern science, the psychic power of your energy centers or chakras, thoughtform energy and "pyramid" energy, can be combined to produce practical and tangible results of a clearly "miraculous" variety. You d on't need any special education or equipment to successfully use these great powers; you brought them with you when you entered your new body at birth, but the world has mistakenly taught you to ignore them . Now let's dust them o ff and apply them to increasing your personal effectiveness and enjoyment of life, and finally to producing the fantastic success of your fondest dreams. HOW YOU CAN BECOME A "SUPER" HUMAN BEING

The 17 m iracle steps of this book are designed to bring you step by step from the point of simple interest or idle curiosity to the 7



mastery of all the adverse or negative conditions and influences in your life. This is done by the progressive reawakening of your hidden psychic and occult powers until you have proved to yourself that you are indeed master of your fate. The techniques and methods are far from speculation; they are tested and proved not only by the great beings of all ages, but also by people just like you. Over the past eight years every technique presented here has been assigned as "homework" to my personal classes at ESP Lab­ oratory, with t he class results being used to help us more fully TTiodemize each method. Our approach has been to throw out the mystery and get down to the practical principles, presented in techniques that you can use and in words that you can easily understand. We will not hint or tease, but si mply state how you can become the super being you should be already-and back it up with case histories to show you exactly how it has worked for other people. -


I want to suggest that you take the case h istories throughout this book as challenges to you p ersonally. Anything that has worked for someone else wi ll work for you! B u t not until you use it. Let's not take any more of your time away from beginning the work of this book-work that will bring you psychic power by the application of the principles and techniques that the words indicate to you. Build your step-by-step psychic foundation by mastering each Miracle S tep as set out in its tum in this book. Your case history of psychic success may be more wonderful than anything written within these pages.

AI G . Manning

Table of Cont ent s What This Book Can Do for You Miracle Step 1:
















How to Build a Working Foundation of Psychic Thought and Action to Get What You Want





























The path to personal power and success borrows the strengths of many systems • You were born psychic­ thus your power comes mightily as you clear away the accumulated mental obstacles to its natural functioning • Get comfortable with money. When you get money and all the things you want, be sure you own them and are not their slave • Why you must shed your three­ dimensional thinking • Get comfortable with people by understanding the miracle that is you • Security and in­ vincible power come as you learn to use the tools of the psychic mind, emotion, and body from the power­ packed zone of the Cosmic force • Chapter points to remember Miracle Step 2:

How to Harness the Cosmic Light and Your Psychic Energy Centers









The reality and power of the living Cosmic Light, and how to use it • The auric Light • The chakras or psychic 9





Miracle Step 2:

How to Harness the Cosmic Light and Your Psychic Energy Centers ( cont.J

energy centers-your source of infinite power • How to clean and tune your energy centers with the Living Light-a basic psychic development exercise • Typical results from the psychic development exercise • How to achieve psychic ecology : when your psychic atmosphere is clear, your results are fast and reliable • How to harness the destructive/rebuilding power through your turned­ on psychic energy centers • Controlling the direction of change is the power secret of the whole of the occult • The Cosmic Light is as useful and practical as you let it be• Chapter points to remember Miracle Step 3:

How to Turn Your Desires into Psychic Fields That Irresistibly Grow into Material Reality .............. 45

How to experience the living reality of psychic thought power by building the thought/energy ball• How to impregnate the thought/energy ball with the seed of your special desire • How to nurture your tender thought­ forms to insure their growth • The six steps of creation by thoughtform energy • Practical advance planning: life is a five-ring circus; how to decide which ring to watch • Making your life plan-how to implement it, starting now • How to communicate with your thoughtform • How to combine your painfully gathered exper­ ience and skills for certain success • How to realize maximum benefits from your thoughtforms • Chapter points to remember Miracle Step 4:

How to Harness the Psychic Power of Ceremonial Magic ................... 5 9

Your own subconscious and the elementary forces and entities of nature respond positively to ceremony and ritual • How rituals work-amplifications of your desire



Miracle Step 4:

How to Harness the Psychic Power of Ceremonial Magic


thoughtforms • Basic rituals and practices for psychic protection and defense • Basic rituals for gaining psychic and material power • How to build your cone of power • Rituals for love and prosperity • How to build your permanent love thoughtform • How to build your per­ manent prosperity thoughtform • Chapter points to re­ member Miracle Step S:

How to Establish Working Contact with Your Spirit Guide or Teacher



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Overcoming the arrogance of disbelief in spirit entity guidance • Elementary methods of contacting your spirit helpers • Elementary aura vision : how to see your spirit guide • How to develop and perfect a working relationship with your spirit guides and teachers • A particular word of advice • A short ritual to improve your contact with your spirit helpers • How C.M.'s spirit helper kept her from a serious accident • A breathing exercise to reduce the static in your spirit contacts • How to perfect your contact with your spirit helpers • Chapter points to remember Miracle Step 6:

How to Use Psychic Healing Methods





The connection of disease from the aura to the physical • How to spot the psychic causes of ill health before they manifest • How to clean psychic disturbances out of your aura to maintain your health • A four-step pro­ gram for continuing vibrant personal health • How to become a channel to bring the healing energies to others • How to send healing energy over distance (absent treatment) • Overcoming the mental block of an "incur­ able condition" • What psychic ecology should mean to you • Chapter points to remember






Miracle Step 7:

How to Master the Psychic Art of Friendship and Love


















Your aura is the key to attracting great friendship an
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