Akashic Cosmic Connection - Amanda Romania
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Akashic Cosmic...
Akashic Cosmic Connection By Dr.. Amanda Romania Dr
Copyright 2014 Dr. Amanda Romania Kindle Edition Researched and written by Dr. Amanda Romania. All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission. IBSN 978-0-9899247-4-0 For permission requests, please contact: amanda@amandaromania.com Printed in USA Kindle Edition, License Notes While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the references, referrals, and links (collectively “Links”) presented in this ebook, Dr. Amanda Romania is not responsible or liable for broken Links or missing or fallacious information at the Links. Any Links in this e-book to a specific product, process, web site, or service do not constitute or imply an endorsement by Dr. Amanda Romania of same, or its producer or provider. The views and opinions contained at the Links do not necessarily express or reflect those of Dr. Amanda Romania. The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
Table of Contents Section One Affirmation of the Cosmic Akashic The Invitation How to Use This Book Dedication Akashic Cosmic Connections Akashic Knowledge and Star Seeds The Star People Where You May Travel in the Cosmic Akasha Wake-ups and Walk-ins The Languages of the Akashic Cosmic Star Seeds The Evolution of the Soul and the Cosmic Chakras Creating Sacred Space for Cosmic Adventures Taking a Journey through Your Sacred Heart Take Care of Yourself in a Time of Healing Crisis Connecting with Your Higher Self’s Energy Cosmic Codes and Activators Star Gates and Star Portals Section 2 Now the Time to Connect with the Amazing Teachers in the Cosmic Akashic Matrix? The Meditation to Connect with the Star Councils of Light and Your Star Seed Family The Star Councils of Light Great White Brotherhood Ashtar Command Arcturian Council Galactic United Nations Blue Council of Light
The Elohim The Star Seed Races Alcyone – Aldebaran – Almach – Alpha Centauri – Andromeda – Antares – Arcturus – El Nath – Fomalhaut – Hathor – Lyra – Mirzam – Orion – Pleiades – Polaris – Procyon – Sirius – Spica – Vega – Energies to Beware of in the Akashic Cosmic Universe How to Deal with Unwanted Star Energies A Visualization for Protection And Finally Acknowledgment Glossary of Terms About the Author
Section One I am created of Unlimited universal energy. I am a bright, shining star of love and light. I am opening the door to my heart. I am stepping onto a golden brick road. I am awakening into the ascension path before me. I am a beloved Star Seed on my journey home.
Affirmation of the Cosmic Akashic Oh, ancient graces of time, before and now. Hear my call to thee. Thou have been with me before my time and will be present long after. Allow me safe passage to unravel the thread of my timeline. Allow me to unlock the Akashic Record of my soul, deeper and wider than ever before. I know that deep within my heart lies a key, A key of light that connects to all fusion of nature and God’s presence, A universal code. Allow my pilgrimage between dimensions to be safe and sound. I am a traveler of worlds and times. I seek wisdom, I seek truth, and I seek clarity. I am connected to these infinite worlds beyond the knowledge of man. I am free of limitation. I am alive with the magical light. I am one with all. So be it, as it is. So be it, above and below. – Amanda Romania, 2014
The Invitation Now is the time of ascension into a higher consciousness. It is a time when our realities are changing and our understanding of the universe is awakening. You may be feeling a little lost in the grand scheme of things, wondering how the divine plan connects to you. As you embark on your spiritual journey, you will meet your teachers and students along the way. Some you will know in an instant, while others may seem challenging. I have been an Akashic Record librarian, a keeper of the records, since the dawn of time. In this lifetime, it is my sacred mission and purpose to connect souls to their Akashic Records and stories. At first, this Akashic therapy was to help others to visit the soul records of past lives, present lives, life between lives, and future lives. However, as the sacred Halls of Amenti in Egypt opened wider to show me greater dimensions, I discovered the star gate in the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid. From there, I found that we could travel to cosmic dimensions and visit other energies located in the universe. As spiritual seekers, we all waited in fascination for 2012 and wondered what was next. In 2012, I ended my sacred contract, which had been to work with the temples in Central America connecting the energy lines to the Akashic Record in Egypt. I then found that my life had shifted to Sedona, Arizona. It was here, while living among the vortex red-rock energy, this book came to me. This book is about the Akashic keys and codes to connect with these other realms and extraterrestrial races. This is a book of energy and activation. You will feel it in your soul, and you will journey with it through your astral dream state. The time to understand the voyage of the cosmic citizen starts here, within this book. Open your heart. It is the window to your soul, and your soul has always known the star seed truth. I invite you to step forward and embrace your connection through the Akashic Record to the dimensions that are waiting. You are the one for whom they have been waiting.
How to Use This Book As the consciousness of the planet is raised, our souls are seeking new, sacred books of transmission. This book is for your enjoyment and knowledge. It was channeled within the Sedona Sacred Studio and my own personal insight, which I was motivated to share. Allow each meditation to connect with your heart and each message to resonate within you. As your knowledge grows, your inner wisdom will find the answers that you seek. Use this book as a first stepping stone toward lifting the veils into the Cosmic dimensions of the universe. As always, this is your own sacred journey, and I am blessed to walk with you with love and light to share.
Dedication May the light of the day be with you. May it surround you as you endeavor upon this amazing journey of life. You have taken a journey from a faraway land, from a place deeply connected within your soul. This energy is connected deep within your DNA. You may have forgotten it, and you may have lost the name and location of this place, but dear beloved one, this place and space never lost track of you. This location in the cosmic heaven has been watching over you since forever, since the very creation of time. This space and place is a star that you can see and observe in the night sky. Although the stars may seem millions of miles away, they still hold a golden cord out to you, a golden cord of energy that reaches across the energy matrix of time. These energy cords are a mobile signal back to your star family at any time of the day or night. They know that, at times, your journey is hard, with challenges so difficult to bear, but they see your brave strength. They salute you for everything you go through to bring a higher consciousness both to yourself and to others. The Earth planet is a teaching ground with numerous schools and lessons. They see you fearlessly moving forward to learn the lessons of your heart and the understanding of compassion, forgiveness, peace, and grace. You are their hero. As you engage higher in your energy and frequency vibrations, they know that you are one of the gifted ones, who are shifting consciousness and evolution from Homo sapiens to Homo luminous. They are proud to call you a star seed from their race and planet. They wish to reach out to you through the cosmic Akashic Record to let you know who you really are, what you are really here for, and how much they love you. Blessed always since the dawn of creation, a true blessing to the universe, that is what you are, beloved.
Akashic Cosmic Connections Long in the past sought I wisdom, Knowledge not known to man, far to the past I travelled Into the space where time began. Sought I ever new knowledge To add to the wisdom I knew The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, the Atlantean – Doreal. Imagine, for a moment, the flowing energy within you and around you. Look out at the night sky and see the stars and planets. All of this energy is a meeting of cells of light and life. It is a fusion of creation. Every month, scientists post new findings about how the Earth was created. New discoveries on other planets lead us to speculate that life such as ours could have existed before Earth, or perhaps will exist after it is gone. Can we be sure that we know and understand what is out in the cosmos? If we opened our hearts, I think we would all have some questions. Many years ago, while in Egypt, I was guiding groups through the temples and pyramids of Giza, in Cairo. As a group, we would have a private viewing in the Great Pyramid on either the equinox or the solstice. The viewing would last for two hours; we booked the time, much as one would buy a movie ticket. I now know that this time was arranged for us by the amazing energies and light beings who still operate within the physically unseen dimensions in and around the Great Pyramid. On one such occasion, I chose to stay at the back of the group. I wanted to ensure that all were safely escorted into the King’s Chamber and were safe during the meditation and ritual that would follow. We began the journey in silence, and then, when all were on the ladder, we began the sacred chant of the Akul. This ancient chant connects deep within one’s soul, and one feels as if every cell in his or her body is beginning to come to life on another level. You forget the darkness and your fear of falling on the small rungs of the ladder. You feel yourself floating with the ancient ones toward the sacred chamber above. Once in the chamber, your third eye sight is able to see the
shadows move, see the energies shift, and hear the channeled whispers of old. One realizes that this is no ordinary place. Over the years, while visiting other sacred temples, tombs, and locations around the globe, repeatedly I would reconnect to these Egyptian pyramids. From 2007, though, I found that I was not just connecting to the Earth’s Akashic Records, but also to other dimensions, planets, stars, and extraterrestrial races. For me, everything connected back to the King’s Chamber, and I realized that the stone sarcophagus in which I placed others for meditation was a star chamber. I was able to connect others back to their home star energy. The information I share in this book was created from the knowledge that I learned in this place and during the last few years prior to channeling this book for you.
Akashic Knowledge and Star Seeds Everyone has connections with the stars. We are all star seeded. If you can, imagine tiny energy particles building, collecting, and connecting with other energies. Over time, these seeds grow and travel. Although an initial planet or star system will be your first point of contact, over time, this may include many places and spaces around the universe. This knowledge is held in your Akashic Records. “Akashic” means “everything,” and it is the database of your own, and the universe’s, entire existence. In recent years, more has been written about this element of spirituality. Much of it is still silent and waiting to be discovered. However, once you are connected to this cosmic knowledge, the stars take on new meaning, and you can discover why you are here on Earth. Although we cannot see this energy form, we can feel, understand, and connect to it with our clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant senses. These are often known as the sixth sense. Once you begin your journey into spiritual teachings, these senses become attuned, switched on, activated, and heightened. As you learn to retrieve information, have epiphanies, and become intuitive on an entirely new and different level, the world becomes a very different place. This is because, once you develop these skills, the etheric database of all knowledge, the Akashic Record, begins to open up to you. At first, it may be slight. Perhaps you have a premonition of the future. Or you feel like you have been related to someone (like your brother, sister, mother, or father), but they have no biological connections. You feel this connection so very strongly; the reason for that feeling is that, in another lifetime, they were a sibling or a parent. If we regress you into a relaxed brain-wave state and connect you to your heart, you would be able to connect to the record when you were family. You will see if this was a happy or a challenging relationship. You will see the karma between you and this person, whether it was good or bad, and you will be able to ask them why they have reconnected with you in this lifetime. Once we understand that the soul energy is eternal and connected to everything, then we begin to see the world on a completely new level. Imagine that the universe is one massive energy computer, and then imagine
that you are a laptop computer and you are connected to it. The central computer is the Akashic Record, the matrix, and the library. Every event and everything that has ever happened since the first dawn of time is stored in it. It holds everything in files in its database. Now, imagine yourself as a computer. Your body is the physical hardware, and you run programs within yourself every day. You receive good messages and bad messages – think of good and bad emails; you get spam, too (other people’s drama). You run the patterns given to you by society and your parents, until you decide that those programs are no longer of value. Then you delete them and upload new applications and data files. Think about yourself, if you have been running old belief patterns and never clearing or deleting spam. You are running an old system. These days, if you have a computer that is more than five years old, it is considered an antique. Although we see this in modern technology, we do not frequently see that aspect in ourselves. However, when the time is right, we do begin to ask ourselves questions: “What am I here for? What is my purpose?” We begin to search, and we look at the consciousness of others and ourselves. It is at this point that the connection between our own personal computer and the central system begins to kick back in. As we look at ourselves, we see the timeline of our life, and we understand our current Akashic Record. We can then connect back to the central system for all our other records. Alternatively, someone like me, an Akashic librarian, can go to look at the records of others on request. I call this Akashic Earth and by looking at your records of past lives, present lives, life between lives, and future lives, you can heal, clear, and gain clarity of your karma. During 2014, as the people upon our Earth shift in their awareness and lift in consciousness, the veils of illusion will disappear around the planet, and you will hear people talking about “contact” with other races of species connected to the universe. I have been aware of this, but since moving to Sedona, Arizona, with its vortex energy and electric red rocks, I am surrounded by it daily. I have found that, from this location, it is easy to connect to the Akashic cosmic levels and communicate to learn and gain clarity and wisdom again. I have written all that I know from the Akashic Cosmic Record and created a
gentle way for the reader to reach out and perhaps “call home.” The information regarding the key star races that I have encountered is from my experiences within ancient temples, dreams, and meditation. The ancient civilizations knew the knowledge of the stars, and they built their temples to connect directly with them. The Egyptian goddess Seshat, with whom I deeply connect, was a great architect of these structures. Upon her head, she has the star symbol, and in her hand, she carries the pen and staff of measurement. During my meditation, she showed me how a priestess would walk in her steps, channeling messages and star constellations. These were then given to the priests connected with Thoth, and they used them to build monuments and temples in perfect mathematical and energetic alignment. To reach out and feel the Milky Way, to know how many millions and billions of star connections are out there—they will wait until you are ready to hear them. Discovering one’s connections to other parts of the universe can bring peace to a restless heart. Once you feel the presence of your star family, you will never be alone again. I remember, during a Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Workshop in 2004, there were nearly 150 people in the room. One day, Doreen asked us if we would like to be “sorted” into our metaphysical groups. The groups were angels, fairies, mermaids, old souls, and star people. At first, people were uncertain, but as they began to connect in their sections, the laughter and chatter began to rise. I looked around the groups, and it was as if everyone had found their family, their tribe. Although I was in the old souls group, I had considered oining the star people group. I remember watching them find one another. Many had been extremely silent during the workshop, very shy, and a little out of place. Their eyes lit up when they found one another. During my next ourneys to Egypt, I realized that the quiet souls who had little connection with the temples or past lives had a great deal of cosmic wisdom and energy to provide once we entered the Great Pyramid. A woman in one of the sessions really helped me to see how valuable this knowledge was to others and me. Her name was Hannah. Hannah had been a student of metaphysics and a teacher of Reiki for many years. She was a humble soul who had studied in ashrams and spiritual places around the globe. Her life had been one of service and compassion. One would think that Hannah would have been at peace with her world and the people around her. Nonetheless, she was referred to me, and she wrote that she was not sure why
her journey had sought me out. She was well aware of her karma and her soul records. Hannah was a teacher of energy, and she knew that she had a great psychic gift. I remember laughing and saying that, perhaps, it was not that she was seeking therapy but that she had a message for me. With that, she agreed and allowed me to proceed with a session. As we started, I asked Hannah general questions about her work. Although she was clearly passionate and driven by the service she provided, I was struck by the sadness that I saw behind her mask. It was a haunting behind the eyes; I had seen it before in others, when they were estranged from their greater purpose in life. We slowly began the session, and I guided her in meditation toward the Akashic garden sanctuary. This I would describe as being her “safe space” in a guided visualization. From there, we could navigate through her Akashic Records to find the messages. (I have discovered that this “garden” is a representation for our sub-consciousness to speak to us. For more information, read Akashic Therapy, by Amanda Romania.) “I can’t see a garden,” Hannah said. Although that did not happen often, I did not feel that she was resisting, so I decided to wait. “Nothing. It is just a dark sky,” she continued. “OK,” I said, and I told her to breathe, wait, and give herself permission to see the hidden. At that point, I was aware that the room had become noticeably warmer; it was as if time had stopped. “I see a blue planet,” she said, after what seemed a very long time. Finally, I could breathe, and I allowed my energy to follow hers. I thought back to Egypt, when I first visited Abydos, and had been shown how to access its inner dimensions through hidden doors. Slowly, I began to say the magical words and ask permission of the Great Pyramid energies, that we might travel out of our known dimension and into another realm of galactic or cosmic forces. Hannah sat silently with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she took a deep intake of breath and started to tell me she was flying. “I’m holding the grounding cord for you,” I told her and pushed my feet firmly into the ground. “Tell me what you see now,” I said.
She began telling me about colors and shapes, how they seemed different, luminous, and merging. She told me that she had landed upon the new planet and that it was beginning to be star seeded. I asked if this was a planet with plants and creatures. Hannah replied in the negative and said that it would be seeded with the next generation of our time. I took that to mean in the next hundred years of our own Earth’s time cycle and asked her if she would come here in her next lifetime. Although she answered yes, her own answer was a shock to her. “I have completed my karmic Earth cycle,” she said, “and I will be part of this new race. This planet will evolve similarly to Earth, but with different lessons.” I asked if she was alone. Once more, she said yes; at that point, I saw the tears. This was the crucial point. “I’ve been travelling this path alone for so long,” Hannah said, as she began to sob. I took a deep breath and ensured the energy around us was sacred and safe, I asked the angel guides for assistance. Suddenly, the room began to cool, and I felt goose bumps on my arms. “They are here, my family,” she stated. “They tell me there are more like me, and I am so far away from my energy star. They promise to visit more in my dreams and meditations. I will not know these other dimensions until the time is right. I am to have an Earthbound life and feel the separation from the galactic forces. This way, I will know how important it is for every soul to feel that they are a collective part of a greater energy and not just pure Earthheld matter.” I allowed her some private time for questions and answers. Then, it was time for her to come back safely and be grounded in her new work mission, knowing that, as she stares up at the stars at night, they are staring right back at her.
The Star People We hear the terms “star seeds” and “star people,” and as you read this, you may realize that you are one of them. We carry the star seed energy within our souls. Sometimes, it may be active, and sometimes, it may not be. In regression, I have had clients report that, when they journeyed back in meditation into their mother’s womb, they could not remember when their biological conception occurred, but they do remember suddenly being aware and active, as if an electric switch went on. This is when what I understand to be the soul awakens in its first consciousness. Some children enter the world without the contracts of the human condition, and I refer to them as star children. As they grow older, you would notice that they are not like regular children in the schoolroom. People have labeled them as indigos, crystals, and rainbows. Each of these generations has come to Earth with a purpose and can have a challenging time fitting in with society and the social groups around them. Light workers frequently recognize them, thank goodness, and are able to support them with their missions. If you are a light worker supporting these individuals, or have star children born into your families, I ask you to always look at the reason why, listen to their fears, and see the bigger picture. As we all work together to lift the frequency of the planet and connect with cosmic messages, taking the time to have a gentle conversation can be most enlightening and fascinating. I have been asked if the entire human race is made of star people. To that, I would say that a high percentage do have star energy, albeit some greater and more awakened than others. In meditation, however, I have seen certain energies in others that would lead me to believe that they are total Earth beings. They are compiled entirely of an Earth biology. They function simply to move through the Earth experience, with no other purpose than to feed, multiply, live, and then die. When I connected with them in the Akashic Records, I saw that their chakra lines were solid and low in color. They had no golden cord into the heavens. It was very challenging to find information from them; they let me know then that they were simply existing on Earth, nothing more than an entity of this planets energy. They would not move to
or connect with other dimensions. Their eyes and life spark appeared dull and dormant. Their auras were either non-existent or faint. This is a group of humans who had evolved to live on the host planet. They are known as earthseeded. I do feel that, over time, as this race evolves, it will have the opportunity to develop in heart and soul and reach a point where their energies can merge and travel to other stars and dimensions. In comparison, when I completed the same visualization with a few people I know whom I would describe as star people, it was very different. I could clearly see the Earth cord connecting to the golden cord. Their Akashic Record was clear and pulsing with energy. Their auras were very colorful, and their chakras were spinning. If you are wondering how to recognize awakened star people, here is a wonderful list of their list of physical and emotional characteristics, as discovered by Brad Steiger and written about in his book Star Born. Chronic sinusitis. Low blood pressure. Very sensitive. Pain or some issue with the back of the neck. Challenges in dealing with emotions. Practices automatic writing. Amazing healing abilities for themselves and others. Talks about their connection with spirit guides and angels. Talks about higher intelligence. Have had out-of-body experiences. Have had prophetic dreams or visions. They believe they have had a prior existence on another planet or in another dimension. Have an overwhelming, persistent feeling of urgency to accomplish their missions upon Earth. While connecting with this book, you may feel a connection with the many races described and their messages. This is often because, as your star seed
has travelled the universe in its energetic form, you will have previously aligned with these races. This will have connected with your DNA stranding, and you will have their wisdom locked within you. This book will activate this again. Of course, you will have a dominant strand of origin, and this will be your host family. They may be listed within this book, but if not, do not worry. They are watching over you and may present themselves as a word or symbol while you absorb the Akashic Cosmic keys and codes.
Where You May Travel in the Cosmic Akasha In using the cosmic Akashic connection, I realized that we are able to access a significantly greater and wider library of consciousness than I had ever imagined. At first, I would access these through the life between lives arena of the records. This process was much like taking a journey in a staircase that led into another realm. When I connected certain clients back through the planets and stars, you could see and feel the relief that this was a place they called home. After a while, I felt the other cosmic Akashic Records begin to open within my spectrum of work. In the garden sanctuary, I was able to bring forward the councils from the home star planet, as well as beings from a planet or star race with a message for a client. They would always appear as a ring of lights and usually in groups of five or seven. They never really appeared as people or spirit guides, and they felt very different from angelic energy. There are many books and maps that can help you connect through your telescope into the night sky. For me, though, I simply forget the astrological terms and tend not to see the shapes. I feel a certain star energy at a key time. I like to star bathe in its energy and focus on the message or elixir that it wishes to send to me. In your Akashic Record search, do not be concerned if your connections are not listed in textbooks, as so many parts of this universe have yet to be discovered. In doing this work, remember that you are a pioneer on Earth and a star traveler. There may be a star race with which you feel an automatic connection. Just hearing or seeing its name makes you wish to learn more, and you are constantly drawn back to a certain page in a book. When you connect in meditation, ask yourself, is this a family of learning, or is this your galactic home? The list is endless, and I am sure that, over time, many more stars will be discovered and connections with other star races will be made.
Wake-ups and Walk-ins A very wise man once told me that, in certain ancient traditions, we create a contract with our souls not to remember our previous lifetimes. I have found that this is true with certain generations in particular. They find spirituality later in life, or it finds them. Attend any spiritual gathering, and you will hear the storyteller talk of when he or she “awakened.” Since the 1980s, we have been seeing new generations of children being born onto the planet (the indigos, crystals, and rainbows), as being fully awake spiritually. Projecting a certain energy around them and conversing with knowingness, to many of us, they appear to be old souls. They have youth and wisdom in their hearts, and they know they are here to seek protection for the planet Earth. Countless individuals have their awakening when a life-changing event occurs. As an example, many years ago in 1994, I miscarried a child. I was rushed to the operating room in the hospital, and I remember the doctors arguing about whether they could stop the bleeding or give me an anesthetic. My blood pressure had dropped below a safe level. Except for the light, the calmness, and then the rush, I do not remember much, but there was a noise that I will never forget. It was like a ringing, almost like a singing bowl, but much purer. I was very fortunate. Although the doctors took wonderful care of me, I awoke to learn that I had needed many pints of blood and intensive care to survive. I had lost the baby, and while I felt a sense of grief, I also felt that something else had shifted within me. Somehow, I knew that I had travelled into a place that I could not describe as Heaven or Earth. While the doctors were reviving my physical body, I now know that I was between dimensions. I felt that I had escorted my child’s soul back over, but I was not able to follow. Afterwards, I felt sadness, but not because of the separation. Somehow, somewhere, this child’s soul would return to Earth, and I prayed that we would meet again. After this experience, I began to think about life in a different way. I wondered about this place that had felt so like a dream. That day, my soul gained a completely new connection to the different dimensions. My soul had chosen to stay and was just starting to awaken.
I have had some clients who elected to become walk-ins. This occurs when, at a certain point in a person’s Akashic Records, one soul is contracted to leave in the body to allow another soul to transcend into it. This can be a beautiful and emotional experience. Nonetheless, it is not an experience to enter into lightly. This swapping of souls can be confusing to those close to us, especially family members. Let me explain the walk-in protocol. At a certain point in your earth life, your current soul or star seed within you may elect to leave the physical body. This is a contract created before the soul has reincarnated. As this soul leaves, a soul/star seed of a higher consciousness and greater spiritual teaching has the opportunity to enter the body. An awakening and walk-in event are aligned with the spiritual soul’s journey, not to be confused with soul possession or when a soul picks up a negative energy or entity. We have all read and heard stories about abductions and experiences with galactic energies. This is not the natural state of events, and it should be avoided at all costs. Certain extraterrestrial groups have breached the universal laws and have preyed upon the Earth race like reptiles, with little thought except for their own welfare and territory. For your protection, keep yourself grounded and connected to the light beings from other realms. Whenever you are in fear, surround yourself with a rainbow or golden light. Remember to call to your guides and angels for assistance.
The Languages of the Akashic Cosmic Star Seeds For many years, simply because we could not understand the language of love and light, we were unable to connect with the cosmic forces and cosmic Akashic matrix. There were a certain few, whom I will refer to as avatars, who did understand this and allowed their consciousness to shift to a place where they could translate. Like any foreign language, we learn through practice and being in that environment. Think back to a time when you learned a new language; the best way to learn is when everyone around you speaks that language. You develop an ear for it, and the brain learns to recalibrate and form an understanding of the words and translation. Sacred knowledge is stored in your subconscious, and you learn how to understand this when you access your Akashic Record. I first understood the language of light when I noticed a girl in the King’s Chamber in the Egyptian Great Pyramid after a ceremony. She stood against the wall, very still and completely unaware of anyone around her. Her eyes were closed, she stood very straight, and it appeared that she had a cord of light running through her head and spine, holding her up like a marionette. First, she stood with her hands against her heart in a prayer position; then her hands began to move slowly, her fingers twitching, as if she were creating mudras. Mudras are a ritual sequence performed with your fingers. Often used in meditation and specific to a certain count, they are said to lift the energy of a person into a higher positive frequency. Her fingers slowly began to move quicker, and as they did, I watched her lips begin to move. No words came forth. It was as if she were having a conversation with an energy being in front of her; her hands were gathering information and drawing it down slowly into her energy field. The information appeared to move into her heart, and then her fingers would point upwards, as if she were sending messages back to the original source. This continued for over twenty minutes. As I moved everyone else through the King’s Chamber star gate, I kept glancing back to her, to make sure she was in a safe space. When finished, she simply bowed her head. Then, leaning back against the
wall, she slowly slid down into a yoga meditation pose. After we left the chamber, I sat beside her to check whether she was fully back into her body and grounded. She told me she felt she was now seeing her life mission with such clarity and her heart felt as if it were ready to burst with joy. However, she had no recollection of what I had witnessed. I pressed her no further, as this was between her and her galactic guides to support her journey here on Earth. Over time, I have been introduced to books and images with symbols that are hard to translate into a recognizable earth language. Connecting more to a feeling or expression, I have come to know these symbols not by what they mean but by what they do. Much of the light language is transmitted through sound rather than the simple speaking of words. In Egypt, one of the ancient practices of calling the Ren (a ritual of physically announcing your name and sometimes origin of birth) was to connect the person to their ancestors or cosmic family. By sounding your name aloud, it is as if you are putting out a mobile phone signal. In the story of Isis, we are reminded how she gained divine power through knowing the sacred name of RA. When connecting with the cosmic records, you should be aware of colors or symbols that appear to you. They will be recalibrating and reactivating your energy field. In your Earthbound life, you may not understand or be able to read them as you would words of our Earth language; however, the heart fully understands them and will translate them into feelings, such as love, pain, freedom, and salvation. To find your sacred sound, close your eyes in meditation and say your name, or even sing it. Pay attention to the sound or melody. You can also find your sacred symbols by taking a few deep breaths and allowing your focus to shift into a dream state. Then, on a piece of paper, using a colored pen, allow the symbols to form. They may go up and down, right to left, or even in a circle. Just allow this tool of connection to work with you. It can be amazing what you can learn or download from your Akashic Record.
The Evolution of the Soul and the Cosmic Chakras Since the most ancient of times, we have observed the energy within us as a stream of color. The energy bubbles of color within us were known as “chakras.” For many years, we have observed these colors of the chakras in a certain sequence, shape, and shade. This is generally because, when we split the spectrum of light, we see the colors from red to purple in the rainbow shades. This is the color streaming of the Earth; however, in sessions when I connect to the stream on the cosmic levels, I have frequently had clients report seeing a different color above their crown chakra. Some have even talked about the shades becoming iridescent and metallic when bringing in their higher self and connecting to the other stars and planets. This is because we have no idea yet which color spectra are out there in the universe. Using the connection to the Akashic Records or the stars, we begin to observe, understand, and translate the shades and colors. Some are vibrant, and some are not. I believe that, over time, as we begin to understand these cosmic colors and can read this in the aura, we will be able to understand where a soul has travelled and incarnated from. This will be an amazing skill, as we are able to observe the earthbound auric field and the cosmic field of an individual or collected group. At present, I feel that the most important thing to observe in a person’s aura field is the solar star above the crown chakra, as it will show the keys, codes, and lessons that a soul is translating and the cosmic connections that are blending with the Kundalini life force that runs within us. It’s rather like a cosmic IV coming down through our heads. In ancient Egypt, we were taught that a fusion of the gold and silver snakes, which wrapped like a coil going up the back of the spine, connected our life force, our Ka, to the Ba The Ka is a physical energy body (lower self), and the Ba is the celestial soul (higher self). As we connect this up to the matrix and to the levels of the cosmic matrix, we receive the energy downloads and uploads we wish to receive. One way to do this is to observe the chakras in a meditation, then simply send light to the heart chakra and call on your higher self to release this higher self energy strand into you with love and gratitude.
It is important to rebalance your energy before and after any Akashic cosmic ourney. After all, we are here to have a human experience, and sometimes when we are out of balance, we can attract other energy toward us that is working from a lower frequency. This lower energy can leave us feeling exhausted and drained. You can’t explain it, but something also feels off, out of kilter. Please be aware there are people within our world who are frequently connected with a feeder species. They are energy vampires. You will recognize them when you have a conversation with them; you are left feeling as if they have swooped in and taken energy from you. These are the ones who ask for money from you, even after your contract has ended. They are needy and seek prey from their social networks and email lists. Although they talk about the concept of energy and karma, they just do not seem to understand it. They do know that you do, and they will seek to tap into this. Beware these energy vampires in disguise. The following visualization/meditation is a simple exercise to keep your energy clean and balanced every day. Find yourself a comfortable space. You can be seated or lying down. Many of my clients do this technique every morning. After a while, it becomes second nature. Visualize something or someone you are grateful for in life, and smile. Move your shoulders, and loosen up any tension to allow your heart energy to awaken. Imagine that your feet have roots, and they are anchored into the ground. These roots have golden energy that begins to grow through your legs and toward your hips. Start with the root chakra, the area of your perineum, and see red. Observe this red shape, and send all of the light you can to brighten the shade and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am provided with all of my material needs today. I am rooted and connected to the Earth.” Move to the sacral chakra, the area of your reproductive organs below your navel, and see orange. Observe the orange, and send all of the light you can to brighten the shade
and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am nurtured. I have healthy relationships, and I have joy for my day.” Move to the solar plexus chakra, the area between the navel and the base of the sternum, and see yellow. Observe this yellow shape, and send all of the light you can to brighten the shade and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am personally empowered, and have clarity of my purpose and my self-worth.” Move to the heart chakra, the area of your heart in the center of your chest, and see green. Observe this green shape, and send all of the light you can to brighten the shade and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am love. I am passion. I am devotion.” Move to the throat chakra, the area of your collarbone and larynx upon the neck, and see blue. Observe this blue shape, and send all of the light you can to brighten the shade and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am communicating with compassion and inspiration. I am truth.” Move to the brow chakra, the area between your brow and eyes, and see deep indigo blue. Observe this indigo shape, and send all of the light you can to brighten the shade and create a round balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am intuitive; I have insight. I have clarity of my karmic lessons in this lifetime.” Move to the crown chakra, the area on top of your head, and see white, violet, or whatever color comes to mind. Observe this shape, and send all the light you can to brighten the shade and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am universal consciousness; I am unity and
transcendent.” Move to the soul star chakra, the area above your head, where your fingers can reach when your arms are raised. You may see many colors, bright light, or even rainbows. Observe the shape, and send all the light you can to brighten this shade and create a round, balanced crystal. Use the affirmation, “I am connected to the higher consciousness of myself; I am connected to my over soul. I am a child of the light and universal matrix of light.” Feel this line of balanced color run throughout your entire energy and aura. After a while, this chakra meditation will imprint within your memory, and you simply have to give yourself and your subconscious permission to run the program every day. Then all you have to do is take a moment of gratitude and see the strand of color run up and down and within you. This constant activation and clearing will allow your energetic Kundalini to connect to the Akashic cosmic matrix with greater ease, speed, and protection.
Creating Sacred Space for Cosmic Adventures It is essential that you keep your sacred space around you and within you when working with cosmic Akashic Records. We come to Earth equipped with an inner satellite and intuition to see and feel when something or someone is not the right energy for us. Unfortunately, many people have this inner transmission switched off. In your earthbound experience, you will frequently have energy drifting around you; however, in the cosmic connection, the energy is directly from above and below. The ancient Egyptians understood this. So did the Mayans, and they both built their temples in a sacred geometry configuration that was connected above and below the physical space that we see. If you imagine an iceberg, all we normally see is the part above the water, and we base our decisions upon this visual information. Now, we use sonic detection to beam energy lines that bounce back and give ships the coordinates of obstructions that cannot be seen with the naked eye. As a human race, we lost this inner radar. Now, after centuries of convincing ourselves that it was evil to see and feel that which the eye cannot fully see, we are only just beginning to restore it to our awareness. This awareness will allow you to really see the energy reality of your home, work, or play location. The following is a simple exercise to keep your space sacred and in balance. Imagine that you are creating a reality from which you wish to connect to the cosmic energies. I would suggest the following: Find a quiet space of comfort and no disturbance. Switch off the mobile phone or computer so nothing electrical will disturb you. Always ground yourself first, and connect to the Earth’s core Imagine you have roots coming from your feet into the earth below you. Ensure your space to be clean, and have a candle or sacred music playing. Write yourself a beautiful intention on paper, or place an angel’s image beside you. Call forward your spiritual team support and guides for protection around
you. See yourself connect with your higher- self energy. Ensure that your aura is shining bright and that it wraps around you like a golden cocoon. Always send light from your sacred heart. Give gratitude, and send love and light swirling around you and your location. Be in peace.
Taking a Journey through Your Sacred Heart In any new age or spiritual teaching, you will find a common thread of wisdom. At some stage, everyone refers to the heart – the healing of the heart, the opening of the heart. We tend to think first about the physical heart, the piece of our anatomy that circulates the blood around and through us. If the physical heart is damaged, our physical body cannot function. We also talk about our emotional heart, the heart that leaps for joy with new relationships or breaks when we lose a love or another major disappointment occurs. Then there is the spiritual heart, the essence of us, frequently referred to as the heart chakra. Many see this as a flower in meditation, perhaps a sunflower or a lotus. When we feel that amazing sense of grace, peace, calm, gratitude, and love, this heart chakra begins to open wider, and we can often feel euphoric. This wisdom was known in the ancient temples of Egypt and throughout the first teachings of Jesus. The sacred heart meditation, which I practice and teach, opens doors to all levels within the energy body, and I have found that it gains access to the small, atom-sized star seed DNA within all our souls. When the heart is active and connected to the Earth, or Gaia as we sometimes call it, there is an overwhelming sense of peace and positivity. When the heart is closed and resentful, this star seed energy simply protects itself and goes into a deep slumber. It takes a brave heart to be present and fully accepting and forgiving of its surroundings and life choices. These are often the lessons that a particular soul has returned and incarnated upon the Earth to live and learn. The manifestation of events may not be exactly what the individual desired; however, the timeline that they are following is exactly the kind of emotions and thoughts that the heart and star seed desired. Therefore, as you can see, waiting with a closed heart will never move you forward on your spiritual quest. Waiting with your heart fixed on revenge and anger will only attract further destruction toward you. When life deals you a bitter blow, I fully understand how anyone would wish that certain events had never happened. However, holding that sad grief or guilt within your heart creates a fog that hides the
clarity of why. Once you break through this fog and observe these lessons with an open mind and heart, you will find forgiveness for your situation, as others have done as well. Souls such as Nelson Mandela, I believe, found illumination and ascension within this life when he faced the most challenging of moments, which most would not have the strength to endure. Building this heart energy and frequency will enable you to journey through the stars and galaxy at a clearer and faster rate. The universal energy recognizes the true seeker working from the heart and allows him or her to observe without a mental control. What I mean by this is that, when you follow a script and traditional hypnotic systems, the mental part of the brain can take over from the heart. This is why I believe certain people have been unable to be regressed through traditional hypnotherapy. Perhaps they don’t feel safe, or they may have a soul contract that states that they will only be able to observe their Akashic Record or visit a past-life memory when they are in their hearts and in control of their journey. In other words, they would rather have a holistic, organic journey than use a human-made method. So, what is the best way to open access to the heart? My answer is simple. Every day, practice sending gratitude to something or someone. Close your eyes, smile, and imagine every breath you take is drawing in a beautiful, golden elixir of light sent from the heaven above to your heart. If negative thoughts cross your path, observe them, but don’t judge. Allow yourself to receive love from others, and respond with kindness. In meditation, pull your shoulders back, and give yourself permission to open the flower of your heart a little wider every day. Widen enough for you to feel your heart chakra expand outside of yourself and into your energy field. Send love and light to the earth as often as you can.
Take Care of Yourself in a Time of Healing Crisis As souls achieving ascension move through their “quickening and awakening,” this means that they are evolving with their higher selves and making contact with the universe. Sometimes, the physical body will show signs of fatigue, or what I call spiritual jet lag. In Akashic regression, clients often return to view the ashram where they teach or learn in their dream state of astral travel. When we travelled to Egypt, sometimes three journeys per year, or when I worked in the Great Pyramid for several days per trip, I would find myself exhausted and low in spirit and energy. At times, I would return like a soldier from a mission or tour of duty. Although I looked physically wonderful, a true healer or psychic would look at me and see my aura had a great deal of wear and tear and that my soul had been working 24/7 on the various timelines and dimensions. Being an Akashic reader has allowed me to make many trips to the various other and outer worlds. However, this does not mean that I belong there. It is more of a service role, which is how I look at it: much like an employee in a fabulous hotel that has many floors and rooms. I have a key to all of them, but I can only visit for a short time or escort others to and from them. After a trip to Egypt, I loved to visit Glastonbury in England or Wales, where I would sleep and live within nature. I would have my amazing healer friends prepare honey ginger tea and give me flower essence and supplements. Being able to decompress is so important, and I am blessed to have that support around me to help heal me and teach me how to guide others in this. You may often hear the term “ascension sickness.” This is frequently described as higher-self growing pains. Many people who come to live in locations connected with metaphysical energy have done so after their lives have gone through “a personal tsunami.” They have had severe illness, lost homes, faced bankruptcy, or worse. Sedona is certainly a place that surrounds one with love and healing. When I first arrived from California, for the first few weeks, I simply slept. My husband would hike every day, but I took baths, wrote, and played soulful music. Then one evening, I saw a notice for a retail store in town that sold crystals
and jewelry. This was very different from what I thought I would be doing, but I decided to apply. This was the best decision, as not only did I learn about the metaphysical community within Sedona, but I also observed the tourists and healer practitioners who visited the store. I was giving service every time I cleaned a display, greeted a customer, took an aura photo, or taught someone how to work with a pendulum. The women with whom I worked were kind and generous of heart and soul, and I was truly blessed to be part of this environment. After a few months, Sedona had given me its blessings, and I found doors of opportunity opening for teaching and writing. By observing the location, seeking my higher purpose, and being of service, I was able to shift into another dimension from which my life changed dramatically and was most fortunate and blessed. Coping with ascension sickness is like altitude sickness. You have to acknowledge that you have it, observe the symptoms, and then change your intentions and thoughts to align with a higher purpose and thereby overcome it. You can move through this ascension sickness; you just have to have to have the willpower and understanding that this is your lesson that you came to Earth to learn. Key physical ascension symptoms can be: ● Dizziness, poor concentration and headaches. ● Loss of focus and memory. ● Fear of the future. ● Feeling separate from family and friends. ● Sensitive to certain foods and products that are not organic. ● Low energy and fatigue. Remember, keeping calm and moving toxic living habits and toxic people out of your life will help you deal and cope with the process. If you are unable to move location, look at ways to develop healthy boundaries with others to bring peace and healing into your environment.
Connecting with Your Higher Self’s Energy On our spiritual journey, we learn we have an energy body, sometimes known as the higher self or over soul. As we develop our knowledge and the confidence that we are connected with the universe, our energy begins a kind of flowering process. Imagine a lily stem placed into a vase. At first, it is closed, and you mainly see the bud waiting to open. As it opens, you begin to see the full color and smell the fragrance, which can fill an entire room. Likewise, when we are asleep to the higher self, we are like buds waiting to open. Our energy bodies, spirit guides, and spiritual gifts are waiting. It is important to mention at this point that I have had many clients who, in a past life regression, talked about a time in their infancy in which they felt this openness and expanded state. They talked about their star families and cosmic connections. However, as infants, they were unable to share this information; furthermore, due to their parents and schooling, they soon realized that this was not information they could share. Eventually, they closed this crown chakra connection and began to forget the wisdom with which they had reincarnated. In Akashic regression, and in their hearts, they begin to remember a time even before they were born, a time when they knew they came from the energy of the stars above. Indigo, crystal, and rainbow children often maintain their Akashic memory. They will talk about past lives, other dimensions, and seeing the energy around people. They comprehend the connections of the universe, and a gifted light worker will often see they have their earth souls and higher selves’ energy integrated and in balance. It is a beautiful feeling when the higher self connects and engages once again with your soul. It is like a layering of peace and comfort. This is a simple method to engage with your higher self. Take a moment to create a safe, quiet space. Smile, and see golden light all around you. See your golden roots moving down into the Earth. Expand your heart energy.
Trust this moment, and say, “I call upon my higher self to move from the soul star above me and fully engage with my physical body.” Feel a pyramid of light come down from above you and an upside-down pyramid of light rise back up from you. Allow these shapes to cross and form a star. Let this star pulse with light around you. As it pulses, feel another energy layer come into your heart and soul. Stay with this energy whenever and as often as you can. Over time, although it will merge with you very subtly, you will eventually begin to notice the changes within your life, the abundance that comes your way, and the insight and intuition that you develop.
Cosmic Codes and Activators The star races transmit their own locations in the universe and energy frequency. As the Egyptians have done with their temples and monuments, we will be able to see that a certain position or location can create a certain energy frequency, as a modern-day radio would do. When we connect with the different star races, we find that they have different energy charges. In much the same way that Reiki healing works, we can absorb these energies, elixirs, or keys and codes into our energy body. We can then use them in our everyday life to create a higher consciousness both for ourselves and for those with whom we connect. Throughout time, there have been amazing wisdom keepers who have been able to draw these energies as images. You will find many of these symbols in a metaphysical shop. During this time, it should also be noted that, as our awareness grows, there are practitioners or artisans who can create the images of accelerators. These New-Age images or frequency codes enhance cosmic energy and allow your spiritual keys and codes to accelerate or fast track. We currently reside in a third-dimensional space. There are those who would say that they are living in a fourth-dimensional zone and heading toward a fifth-dimensional space of being. Since this can be a little confusing, let me explain. In my experience from client regressions, there was a time when our souls came to Earth and were more energy, or luminous, and less dense than we are today. They first thought of the spiritual, emotional, mental, and then the physical being’s way of life. Currently, we have this reversed. For many, the first thought is about their physical or material needs, and then the rest is an afterthought. However, as we once more move toward a higher consciousness and luminous frequency, we begin to turn the “shift” of life. This is often activated and maintained with the cosmic keys and codes descending through the star, crown, and heart chakras. Signs that you are moving toward a higher dimension include the following: You connect more to others than material needs.
You trust that all of your needs are taken care of abundantly. You are able to observe the world with a greater open mind and see through illusions. You attract positive, sincere people who share a common goodwill to all. You feel lighter and have clarity. You feel more at peace. You understand why you are here on the Earth at this time. You resonate with a higher purpose and mission. You connect with sacred text, geometry, and ancient images. You feel no words are necessary to explain and demonstrate your higher self and spiritual beliefs.
Star Gates and Star Portals We frequently think that star travel is something that requires an amazing space ship or that of regression and deep meditation to accomplish. However, the Akashic Record is an amazing way to travel the time matrix and locate information regarding timelines of existence or remote viewing another location. It is also possible to step into another dimension while being here upon the Earth plane. One of the most famous dimensions we know is that of the Bermuda Triangle. For centuries, there have been reports of people, aircraft, and boats going missing from the area with no explanation. It is my belief that this is a location with enough, let us call it electricity, to literally shift time and space. This is also very true in sacred sites, and this is clearly one of the reasons that they were known as sacred. Because the shamans could feel the undercurrents, they knew that these locations could provide an altering of perception. Sometimes, it was a vortex or ley lines, and sometimes it could even be gases that the Earth released that allowed the brain to fall into levels of communication. In Egypt, each temple is built in a certain way to connect to a star gate. The key element of star gates and star chambers is that you feel a shift. It’s difficult to explain, but when you walk into a certain location, you feel that you have crossed dimensions and that time appears to stand still. The star gate is the door, and the Star Chamber, the vehicle. A great favorite of mine is the one that connects to the Star Vega at Philae Temple, which is the sacred temple to Isis. The area leading up to the high altar is the star gate, and when you are at the high altar, you feel you are in a safe space and can star travel. While in these altered stares, it is important to ground and return back into your physical body, eat grounding foods, and gather your thoughts. It is easy to spot these star gates once you realize that the key is a vortex of energy. In Glastonbury, England, the Tor is a hill that appears to be situated within the normal landscape. However, when standing upon the hill, you feel the winds blowing around you in a circle, as if the energy were water running down into a sinkhole. The Tor is also magical because it has two very important energy ley lines that cross directly through it. Again, to me, this is
simple; if so much energy is running through a point in the land, if you step onto this point, you will also have your energy altered. Frequently, I am asked about the crop circles around the Glastonbury and southern England areas. I feel that these are messages from other races and civilizations, which again connect and are imprinted upon our planet through an electrical force that operates via a star gate method. The more sacred sites you visit, as you walk the path of the ancient ones, the more energy keys and codes of ancient understanding you develop. This is also true of Akashic cosmic travel. Each time you visit a space and place from the Akashic records, another location code is recorded into your record, and that opens more doors to exciting higher levels of consciousness for you to explore.
Section 2 I am awakened to my divine truth. I am ready to receive my sacred cosmic keys and codes. I am radiant in the presence of my peers, teachers, and mentors. I am wisdom upon the planet Earth, and I am connected to everything in the universe. I am luminous, a phoenix rising in the light of ascension
Now the Time to Connect with the Amazing Teachers in the Cosmic Akashic Matrix? Through my own meditations, reading, and client sessions, I have been very blessed to work with and connect to some amazing cosmic groups. When reading one’s Akashic Records, one can visit the subconscious inner sanctuary and, when opening one’s book of records, see if one has had any past connection to these councils of light or if it is now time to activate this. The following section is a list of those I have encountered and who have helped me enormously in my spiritual journey of ascension. These are most benevolent beings, and they work with the energy contracts in the universe to retain balance within the cosmos. Although they connect with earthbound souls and their connection can be found in the Akashic Record, I frequently find when working with these beings that we have to visit other aspects within the matrix to find the full story and how their races have evolved. Here on Earth, we teach from a historic perspective and mainly focus on what we know from the past 2,000 years. This was a time when humans thought the Earth was flat and were eager to dismiss any knowledge or information that they could not either control or hold over others to gain power. It also depends on which nation whose history you study; if you consulted the textbooks of children around the world, you would find very different interpretations of the same historical facts. The Akashic Record can take you back to a whole database of energy and cosmic wars in which peace and grace were often sought. Of course, we also know that clashes in energy forces arose frequently. This was a recurring method for learning, and often, after war and destruction came peace and rebirth. We are souls on an ever-evolving cycle of light into dark and then back to the light again. These star councils and collective conscious groups help oversee this and, unless requested, cannot interfere with earthbound choices and free will. They will make themselves known to you over time. This can be through a movie, a book, or someone talking about them. They may reach out
in dreams, connecting to your astral travel. In my experience, some people have felt as though they have worked with and/or supported these groups; they have been deeply connected and now seek to bring those teachings to Earth. Upon the Earth, after the times of Lemuria, many of these races were forgotten, and as we evolved through the times of Atlantis, many closed their hearts and souls to the greater wisdom. As Atlantis fell, many of the masters and seekers had been forewarned, and they had already left to seek out new life where they could remember and share the ancient alchemy and wisdom. These were the souls who came to seed the advanced races: the Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, and many other civilizations that looked to the stars for connection and wisdom. These souls knew that Earth life was all about balance and a natural cycle of ascension and evolution. Over time, this wisdom slumbered until now, when many of you are coming to Earth and remembering and knowing how to connect to the great love and light that surrounds us and is open to supporting our evolution as a race. Many who have visited past lives are beginning to visit even further back. With the Akashic Record therapy method, they can visit and collect their connections to reactivate them in this current lifetime. For many, this has been a gradual process since the 1990s, with many accelerating on December 21, 2012. This was a magical date for the Mayans, who saw that the universe would shift, as would its beings upon the Earth. This was a time when the stars changed and the Earth’s energy poles literally shifted. This meant that we too, as humans, had our central chakras shifted, allowing us to open our radar to new cosmic signals and messages. I invite you now to open your hearts and star-seeded souls and reconnect to some old and new friends and benevolent beings of light. In the next chapter is a star-seed connection meditation I have used in client regression sessions. This is followed by the information I have learnt from the amazing star councils and star races. Each council or race commences with a message they wish to give to you followed by my personal knowledge of them. The meditation or visualization I use for you to call out to them is a sacred
channeled key and code from which you can call back to them and connect. You can visit these cosmic connections as often as you wish. You simply have to ask and be in your heart with an intention of gratitude. Be blessed in your cosmic travels.
The Meditation to Connect with the Star Councils of Light and Your Star Seed Family When connecting with the universe and other realms, we journey far and wide through countless dimensions and cosmic portals. This takes time, and it may offer a few surprises along the way as well. Therefore, although I use an energy frequency similar to that used for reading your personal, Akashic Earth records, I have built in additional vibrations, accelerators, and words to ensure that your journey is safe and sound. Take a moment to find a safe space from which you can work and star travel. Keep your journal close by to make notes. Before you start, perhaps you can meditate for a little while upon why you may wish to connect to your star family or to another galactic civilization. It may be curiosity. It may be for knowledge. It may be to know that you are part of something greater and magnificent. In the following chapters are the lists of the star councils and star races. You can use this meditation with a specific intention to connect with them or leave it open and be amazed who connects with you. And so, we begin. Take a few deep breaths. Seat yourself comfortably, and just glance around the room. Allow your attention to rest upon your heart chakra, and begin to build the golden light. As this golden light builds, start to think of everything for which you feel gratitude. Building light, building love. Now, visualize that light expanding from your body and filling the room. You may close your eyes, alter your focus, or remain wide-eyed, allowing any messages to channel through. See, feel, and try to hear the light. Allow all your clairsentient, clairvoyant, clairaudient, and claircognizant
senses to open. Keep breathing and focusing on the golden light. See your roots of shining light reach down through the Earth to the crystal of Gaia and connect. As you do, you see the crystal sparkle and the light raise back up though the roots into your feet, legs, body, and back to your heart. See the light rise from your heart and move through your throat, into your head and, like a fountain, allow it to move up through your head into the sky and connect with a star above. See the light move back to you until the pulse remains in your heart and the light that surrounds you is a column from the sky to the Earth. Now, focus on your heart, and warm it awake. Imagine that it has a glowing star with five points. To open all the points, allow the heart energy to flow, and focus on the happiest moments or people in your life. Relax, smile, and let the happy thoughts expand your heart chakra. Send light around this star. Feel your shoulders relax backwards, and feel the peace all around you. Now, see a small flame in the center of the star. Allow yourself to flow into that flame. This is the flame of transformation and transmutation; it clears negativity and brings purification and clarity. Warm yourself in the flame, and smile. Now, look down and see a pearl, a beautiful, translucent, and radiant pearl. Hold the pearl in your hand. Gently send it love, and be amazed at how beautiful it is. This is your heart, your beloved, your divine heart. It is the perfect essence of yourself when you were created as a star seed. This is the place that you can visit and find your truth.
You are connected to the Earth and the universe in your divine heart. Visualize a large pyramid in front of you. Give yourself permission to open the veils of the Akashic Records that are connected to the multi-dimensions of your soul. Call to your spirit guides and angels for protection and assistance. Began to see the sacred symbols as they appear to you. Strange words may appear. There may be new colors and new sounds as well. Remember, you are entering a space that is not of our world. Now, see yourself entering into a long corridor. You are safe. See a large stone doorway at the end of the corridor. Step up to this door. See the symbols written upon the door. See the image of the star in the center. Call to the Egyptian goddess Seshat for connection to the other worlds. Allow the door to open. As it opens wide, the night sky with the stars and planets become clearly visible. Now, imagine that you can step out into this amazing space. Feel the rush of cosmic energy travel through you, pulling you out and into the matrix of multi-dimensional travel. Allow yourself to hear, see, and feel the images and messages that come forward to you. Which star or planet comes to mind first? What is your connection to this place? Who is here to meet you? What unique gifts did you bring from this star with you to Earth? How can this star or planet help you?
What gifts do they give you? How can they support you in the future? Take as much time as you wish here, in this amazing space. When you are ready, thank this amazing space and race for their connection. See the golden light beating within your heart. Allow yourself to return to the stone doorway, and see it close. Thank the energy of Seshat for her protection and for holding the golden cord to help you return. Become aware of your physical surroundings once again. Wriggle your fingers and toes, and make sure that you feel grounded and fully back in your physical body. Relax a little, drink some water, and make notes in your journal. Welcome back.
The Star Councils of Light Great White Brotherhood “We the Great White Brotherhood have watched over you for thousands of your incarnations. We have observed the work of your souls. Claim this time to empower yourself; we love you with a divine light.” Sometimes known as the collective field of intelligence, the mission of the Great White Brotherhood is to repair and heal the fields of energy in the universe. A higher consciousness family of many alien races and spiritual intelligences, they bring the message of everlasting life. During meditation, they appear to me like colorful rays and offer wisdom and protection. I was first blessed to meet this collective group on my first sacred journey to Egypt. We had 40 people travelling with the group. Having visited over eight sacred temples in only a few days and being part of a ceremony before the equinox and the visit to the Great Pyramid, I was exhausted on all levels. On the flight from Luxor to Cairo, I found myself feeling that I had achieved more in a week than in my last few years of spiritual reading and attending workshops. The first time inside the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid was to be the highlight, and I was afraid to even think how this would affect me. During this journey, my entire Egyptian history of lifetimes had been downloaded in the first temple visit, which was at Abu Simbel. My full Akashic sight returned two days later in Philae Temple, so you can imagine I was at full burnout and beyond ascension sickness. At that time, I knew nothing of the galactic masters and relied on my fellow travelers and the angelic realms for guidance and assistance. After the King’s Chamber ceremony was finished, we all made our way down the steep stairs. No one spoke, as the previous few hours were spent in ritual; the prayer and meditation had been outstanding. Although everyone went to the lower Queen’s Chamber, I was guided to move outside. At that point, I thought, Enough. I could barely breathe, and I longed to return to the gardens and pool area of the Mena House hotel to rest and simply take in all the emotions that I was feeling. As I reached the pyramid exit, I realized that none of the group was around and the Giza Plateau was empty of tour buses and people. Only our group’s tour bus
waited, and only our Egyptian guide stood present at the door. He smiled, appearing relieved that we were leaving and his work was over for the day. I waited, but no one came out. So I decided to sit on the rock steps just higher, above the entrance. I crossed my legs and looked out across the crazy-busy foggy city of Cairo. Although it felt different and new, I felt that I had stood there before, and I looked out this way in prayer, as if calling out to the unknown energy. I prayed for help and clarity. What was I going through? What was I remembering? To ask the questions seemed enough, for suddenly, my energy seemed to calm, and now I felt a very strong urge to leave and go home. My head and heart were both telling me: Enough. You have reclaimed your sacred blueprint your ancient keys and codes and are now on the journey home. This seemed a strange message, but no more strange than the rest of the trip had been. Slowly, the group seemed to surface from the doorway; they blinked in the light and made their way toward the tour bus. No one seemed to notice me. I seemed invisible. Normally, this would have hurt my ego to be left behind, but now it seemed in order. I was in the group but not of the group. The next day, I awoke and could barely stay awake; this was alarming, as today there was a visit to the Sphinx—another amazing day planned. For some reason, though, I decided not to go. Crazy, I thought, and again it was my ego challenging me that, if I did not go, I would miss an amazing adventure. I trusted my heart and returned to bed. The cool stillness and silence surrounded me. Suddenly, I felt myself as if in a lucid dream. I could see, hear, and feel, but was unable to move, like I was in a deep trance. Suddenly, I saw a light in front of me, and I felt alarm, but no fear. I saw a clear circle of light with a cross in the middle; I saw it moving and circling me until it swooped down and moved into my heart. I felt a great sense of energy and realized this was not the energy of the ancients or of angels, but of something more. Later that day, I returned to the garden to join the celebrations with the group. I did not share my story, as it seemed insignificant next to the amazing visions others had while standing in front of the Sphinx. I listened and supported those who needed clarity with their Records, and then I returned for a peaceful night’s sleep before the journey home to England. The next ourney to Egypt was only a few months later, and again I wondered what
would happen if I decided to simply observe and to be a tourist. At this point, I was sure that all of my esoteric adventures had happened on the first trip. At Philae, we worked around the high altar to Isis, and again, I helped assist the priestesses of the past reclaim, heal, clear, and gain clarity for their previous lifetimes. We then created a circle in the center of the temple site and were introduced to the star gate to the star Vega. In my meditation, I saw angels and lights moving; then suddenly, I saw the golden symbol again. It moved within me and called upon me to follow it. I saw clearly in front of me a set of steps, and white light was surrounding everything. The guided meditation being given to the group was now lost to me, as I took this journey with the golden symbol. I then saw a table with golden lights and crystal laid out so beautifully, it looked as if this were a party. The chairs were golden and elegant; suddenly, I was aware that there were other figures standing around the table. They greeted me and welcomed me to sit down. They wore different colored robes, and all appeared calm and serene. I looked across and felt the energy of Jesus. The gentle manner with which I had heard him speak in my regressions was now louder and more jovial. Others gathered and paid a little attention to me but otherwise simply accepted that I was attending this group. I felt a sense of peace and enlightenment. One of the beings looked across the tables and told me how welcome I was and that I was accepted and expected: strange, but also comforting. I came back from this place of meditation with so many questions. Later that afternoon, an elderly American gentleman sat down with me. I had not spent time with him, as this was early in the trip and he’d had serious jet lag. I noticed that he carried a particular book everywhere with him. It was white with gold letters and made no sense to me whatsoever. He smiled and held the book out to me. “I think this may have your answer,” he said. Nothing surprised me in these trips, so I flipped through the book, Keys o Enoch. It contained the ancient collective wisdom of many wise Earth races. As I turned the page, I saw a picture that suddenly reminded me of the meditation to the Vega star gate. I stopped and looked, unable to speak, just pointing. He smiled. “The Great White Brotherhood, have you met them?”
I nodded and told him about the symbol and my dream. Again he nodded and told me about the “dining table of consciousness,” where any seeker with a true heart could visit and find wisdom and a safe space to accelerate on the ascension path. I understood that we can all share at this table. We each bring something, and all is valued and respected. I have used this method to connect with this beautiful space and place of super consciousness and even found additional doorways and other rooms, actually a whole city, in which these masters and sacred beings roam, teach, and reside. I invite you to welcome them into your world.
The Meditation Oh, divine mothers and fathers of the Great White Brotherhood, may we all walk together within the white clouds of light. Let us be gathered together and give blessings that we are truly reconnected again. I know that you are never far from me. You guide me to manifest my desires and assist me in not overshadowing my true spiritual path. You bring wisdom and balance to my day and open your table to always allow me sanctuary and a space from which I can bring a plate of gifts and share in the other gifts already laden upon the table. Oh, ever blessed, that I may take shelter in your lodge. Always, may I find a room in which my sanctuary brings me to a place of enlightenment. Help me to work with this in perfect harmony and manifest my wishes hereupon the Earth planet.
Ashtar Command “We the Ashtar Command watch over you as you transit between the dimensions and the worlds. We celebrate with you wherever it takes you, no matter how difficult and challenging the path. Know, beloveds, we are with you.” We live in balance, and this is true within the hierarchies of the universe. Lord Ashtar, the Ashtar commander, is a connection upon whom I have been honored to call when my work and missions took me to temples and countries in which I was fearful of energy attack and needed safe passage. He works with the councils of light and can be observed in the levels above us: in floating energy ships, always for our protection. Call upon and connect with this group when you star travel. I also pray to the energy of Archangel Michael for additional support. Lord Ashtar works with the angelic realms to establish support and peace within and around the Earth realm. A collective warrior soul archetypal energy from lower astral races, Ashtar command told me, has been creating war upon the planet for the past thousands of years and has held the Earth back from connecting with the higher consciousness dimensions. Lord Ashtar, Archangel Michael, and Jesus have been creating balance through being examples of peaceful spiritual warriors. They remain silent, waiting for us to connect; however, there is a notable increase in their presence every time the Earth activates a destruction contract. The Atlantis, Hiroshima, and Fukushima disasters generated a greater presence of Ashtar Command to support the light workers and activate damage control. Sometimes, in Sedona, when I gaze up, into the open blue sky, I will see nothing but the sun. Suddenly, there appears a long, tube-like shape with no chemical trails from airplane traffic. This is what they call a “ship,” a collection of energies sent to watch over us. The ships are described as mother ships moving around the globe where we require control. Ashtar command also tell me the mother ships can be observed as orbs connecting with those of us who vibrate in a high frequency of light. Because they work directly with the energy grids around and within the world, Ashtar Command works with the Akashic matrix. When they observe
a city, body of water, or land, they examine a location on three levels: ● Below the surface, ● On the surface, and ● Above the surface. Rather like telephone wires or power cables, these etheric cables transmit and carry energy messages. They record the records and translate them back to the database known as the Akashic Records. When they look at certain cities, they highlight certain ones as having many grids of importance to global ascension. Key locations are New York, London, Berlin, Shanghai, Tokyo, and St. Petersburg. Where there are major ports and traffic areas for souls, Ashtar Command will focus heavily on these areas. The changes that occur in these cities can have an impact upon the whole world. Each country has a karmic role for its culture. The Ashtar Command understands this and knows the destiny of the nations and those born into these souls and locations. As you become more familiar with Akashic viewing throughout the world, you begin to see the energy codes and frequencies that run through them. You may be guided to visit, work, or retire somewhere around the globe that makes no sense at all. Nor will it feel like you had a past-life connection to this location. However, Lord Ashtar will often create a red flag area that needs your talent or gift, and you will feel a tremendous pull to this location. Call upon the Ashtar Command for clarity with this. Henceforth, their legions and teams can support you.
The Meditation Divine and ever-present Ashtar Command, I ask that you watch over me and bless the realities beyond this earthbound dimension. Allow your light and fleet to shift the consciousness within the Earth and myself. Let my heart energy expand and soar heavenward and connect to the love that you pour over the Earth every day. May I join you in my astral travel in the times that I feel lost and need direction. Lord Ashtar, may you inspire me with new creativity that I might learn how I can be of greater service to all. Let me fulfill my cosmic citizen destiny in grace and gratitude.
Arcturian Council “We the Arcturians watch as your lessons come to you. We support the free choices you have. We are there to help you heal and grow. You are always our hero, ever loved and celebrated.” When we work with our Akashic Records, we sometimes locate lifetimes in which great pain and damage have occurred. The Arcturian healing space pods are one of the most powerful forces that I have found to call upon to help with this. They work in a similar way to the Archangel Raphael and can repair your energy in such records. I also call upon them to activate healing work for me when I connect into the life between life zones for etheric repairs to my soul or in preparation for any new energy keys and codes that I may be about to experience. Make sure to ask this team to support you when you are feeling a vast and overwhelming shift in your world and you feel that you are offering service to humanity at so many levels that your energy is drained. In meditation, clients have regressed to a space where they have felt overwhelming energy work and an overload of astral travel in their sleep happening on all levels. I have suggested that they ask for dispensation from the Arcturian Council to take a mini-break. This respite allows all energy codes to recalibrate and re-boot. Rather like an upgrade for a computer, you sometimes need to hand it over to a technician who can close the system down, clear out old files and toxic spam, and upload new programs. This takes time and rest, and it frequently occurs during the deep-sleep phase. We, as light workers, often forget to ask for this kind of help. The Arcturians work with contracts of complementation, never competition. They value success as being measured from the person’s light frequency, not material success. Therefore, they are very drawn and available to those who place themselves in the light-worker category for their service work and mission. I invite you to use these methods to call for assistance and guidance to enhance your spiritual journey.
The Meditation Blessed Arcturian brothers and sisters of light.
You have revealed yourself to me in ways that delight my soul. Help me fulfill my earthbound purpose and bring service toward me every day that I may practice and reveal my true heart and soul to others. I wish to work toward a greater sustainable peace upon this Earth plane and blend my heaven and Earth experience for a greater pathway to love and light. When you see me stumble or fall into exhausted slumber, please allow your gentle energy to let me rise up and rest in your healing pods of light. I welcome the light workers that you are. I embrace your healing knowledge. As I am healed, may your signature remain in my energy system so that I may also heal others with kind words and support. Connect me to your divine love and grace.
Galactic United Nations “We who are the Galactic United Nation know you are a high vibration being of light walking upon the Earth. You are physical, mental, emotional, and SPIRITUAL. Do not disguise yourself; be awake and see this in yourself and in others.” When I have meditated or taken clients to the rings of Saturn, I have been amazed that so many have returned with similar stories, reporting that councils of light were there to greet them. They talk about each area having councils to which each of the stars and civilizations can connect. I like to think of this as an elected and collective source. They have a unique library, which is a central Akashic Record. It is vast, wide, and beyond comprehension. One can visit this library from one’s life between lives Akashic Record, or one can request a direct viewing through the Galactic Council. The Galactic United Nations offers assistance to the higher consciousness student or to those who have proven themselves on the ascension journey of life. It will frequently come as an invitation. At first, you will be aware of small council groups made up of five to seven members who will hear your thoughts or questions. I first encountered this in Mexico. We were on a sacred quest in Teotihuacan, the temples of the sun and the moon. Our guide talked to us about a chamber under the temple where they had found a circle of stone chairs, seven in total. Since no one was allowed to enter that chamber, I went to this area in meditation so I could observe and learn the importance of the chairs. When I first saw them, they were empty, but then I was aware that a bright light was growing until each held an entity or spirit. Although I only observed this one area, I believe that there are similar council chambers under most temples around the earth created thousands of years ago. Indeed, it has been reported many times that the Great Pyramid has a lower shaft area with stone seats in a chamber below. Once you have connected to these smaller councils, you will find your way on a journey toward becoming an ambassador for light. This means that you are able to open the doors and teachings to others who seek guidance and global service.
On my last journey to Egypt, in 2010, we sat in a meditation, and I remember being asked by my personal guardian angel if this prospect was agreeable to me. I accepted, assuming this meant that I would continue onward in the same stream of work. However, from the moment we returned, my life changed dramatically. The following year, I changed direction and moved directly into publishing and writing sacred books. I was able to connect personally with major spiritual esoteric speakers and writers who have influence across the globe. In 2012 my family and I relocated our fulltime home to the USA, and after a time in California we moved inland to Sedona Arizona, which I have to say is the most intense and amazing area for energy and metaphysics. When I reached Sedona, I was working with a diverse number of small councils, and on occasion, I was able to view the whole Galactic United Nations in session. It was rather like watching a grand theatre with different sections in various seating levels. One friend who works in the corporate world but also has light worker gifts, came to see me with a question regarding her daughter. She told me that her daughter would change in attitude at certain times and then be perfectly normal at other times. I asked if this was simply teenage hormones at play, but she said no, the behavior swings were almost as if another being was influencing her daughter’s free will. We sat for a moment and went into meditation, and I asked the mother to channel the presence she thought she had witnessed in her child. The mother’s twitching and rapid eye movements, along with a change in speech and words, led me to the feeling that we had an energy that did not appear to be in correct order, and this energy was working through her child. Rather than go directly to view the family constellation and seek to align the child’s energy with that of its parents and ancestors, I decided to go to the most appropriate council for help. As we sat in meditation, I took us on a journey back through the cosmic matrix to the council, which I assumed would be Ashtar Command, to ask what this energy was and what we could do. Instead, we were taken through a smaller council chamber directly to the Galactic United Nations. There, I found myself and my client standing in a pod in front of the stage, where we both saw many lights moving. We waited, as it appeared that we were in a holding space. Suddenly, it was
our turn, and we asked the council what this entity appeared to be. They told us that the entity had moved into the Earth space with false documentation. Both a Sirius and a Pleiadian delegate stepped forward to confirm that the energy we were describing had no place upon our Earth plane and it was feeding off other teenage energies as well. They told us that this was an “immigration issue” and that we could work to rectify this with dispensation. This was not what I expected, as it seemed an Earth problem; however, I was told that it was a actually a cosmic issue. We requested a revocation of this entity from the teenager’s soul. On returning from the meditation, my client and I sat still for a while, both in awe of the energy we felt running through us. Nonetheless, it provided her with tremendous clarity in what she was dealing with in her child. On returning home, she worked on the subconscious levels, sending Reiki healing and love to her child; in this way, she calmed the energy situation. This entity could not function in an auric field of love and light. Since the time we called for council assistance, each day, she has found that the dark tendencies and strange behavior of her child have decreased. Her child’s toxic friends and challenges seemed to gently shift away, and this appeared to open doors to new opportunities and groups of people who live with a greater sense of worth, love, and light. You too can take your concerns and issues before a council, and as you move through your ascension, you will find new areas of Galactic United Nations support open to you.
The Meditation I claim my divine right to extend myself as a galactic ambassador for peace, love, and light. It is the heritage of my star seed ancestors that guides my choices, and I fully support the work of this collective group that strives for balance and divine light across the universe. As I stand before this council, my mission is to understand the integration of all energy in service of the divine light. I release any denial that I have about others and myself. I allow my hands to incorporate the signature of this council that I may move
within my world and carry the messages to others. I see the destiny plan for myself, and I am honored to read the Akashic blueprint wisdom held within this council’s library of light. I am ever blessed to share this history with others upon the Earth plane. I see myself now, shining in your light with your protection around me that lasts for all eternity.
Blue Council of Light “We the Blue Council of light work to aid your intuitive sight, a new vision. Accept this knowledge and wisdom, for this is the new dawn upon your planet and you are a leader for peace in the new world.” This has become a recent connection for me, personally. One night in 2013, I saw blue lights outside my bathroom window. At first, I thought they were shadows, but the following day, I realized this had been a visitation by a gentle group who had been waiting to work with me for a long time. In my remote writing, I was able to bring forward their personal message to me and my spiritual mission while living in Sedona, Arizona. Initially, I thought it was another energy connected to either the star Sirius or a temple I had visited. Then I wondered whether it was connected to Mother Mary’s energy. Certain Psychics reported seeing colors around Ascended masters, Angels and Alien races. As I pondered, I was reminded of my blue butterfly initiation in Honduras in 2008. On a trip to Copán, I had decided to meditate very early one morning in the Mayan ruins with a friend. At around 7:30 a.m., we sat atop the step pyramid, and I allowed my full Kundalini breath to expand within me and around me. I saw numerous lights, and upon looking down at the ballpark area, I began to notice where the sacred Mayan stones had been positioned and their connections to the star paths above. I saw the temple floors full of water and traveled back to an old time in ancient history. Afterwards, to absorb this amazing visualization, my friend and I chose to sit in front of the Red Queen’s Temple. Little was known about her at the time, but she was an amazing ancient ruler and I feel connected to the star races. I suddenly felt the presence of many ancient female souls walking toward me with offerings. I felt as if my friend and I were freeing their souls. At that point, I became aware of a large blue butterfly flying past. She looked agitated and began flying at me repeatedly. I sat motionless, not daring to breathe, and then a miracle happened – she landed on my leg and proceeded to walk up and down my upper leg. I checked with my friend to see if I was dreaming. Then the butterfly walked up and down my arm; at this point, I felt a blue light around me, going through my heart and down through my arms. This lasted for well over 15 minutes, and now I was watching the tourists
arriving, looking at me and the butterfly – and questioning whether I was a temple attraction. When finally the butterfly left my leg, my friend and I sat speechless but knowing this butterfly was a messenger from a star realm connected with these Copan ruins. The following year, I was in Egypt, and during the group meditation, the session leader called for those who were ready to serve to step forward in higher purpose toward earth ascension. I saw myself wearing the blue butterfly like a scarf, and I was given an initiation. I now know this to be the Blue Council. I am sure I will learn more in time, but I do know that this council works with the ascension path of the many who are reaching their last journey through the Earth and are ready to move their soul energies to new planets for star seeding.
The Meditation Beautiful Blue Council of Light, you inspire me with your creativity and energy. You have travelled here to Earth to support our souls’ journey to ascension and divinity. You are a collective family that I have known forever; I have simply been resting in a slumber of not knowing. Now, I do remember, and my vision is lighter and brighter. I knew you in the mystery schools of Atlantis when, although you walked with me in silence, I knew what you were saying. You taught me the language of light and that our souls were connected to the stars. Each one of you brings knowledge from each of the star seed races and, as you sit with me in meditation and show me the mission and Akashic Record, I am euphoric and joyous that you are here with me again. In ancient times, you showed me sacred symbols and sacred geometry, and I am now using this wisdom. Allow me to walk gently with you again and embrace the gifts you offer. Help me with my transformation and the activation of my destiny plan.
The Elohim “We the Elohim wish to unlock the gates for peace; we know that you are part of the perfect solution. You hold the key within you. Unlock this for yourself and others, focus on this being achieved, and we will solve the rest.” The amazing Elohim are a collective group that I cannot afford to overlook. Although they are frequently connected with the angelic race, in my experience, they are benevolent teachers who are ready to help shift our consciousness and give guidance to the human race. I first encountered the Elohim in Egypt. During my first sacred ceremony in the King’s Chamber, we sang an amazing “I AM ELOHIM.” The chant went up the scale from the deepest sound and tips of our toes to the highest pitch, which connected to the top of our crown chakra. It was as if we were aligning with these beings and they were supporting us in our journey. I believe that the Elohim were instrumental in the ancient initiations that connected through the Great Pyramid and Sphinx in Egypt. When an initiate reached the higher levels of consciousness, they moved to an entirely different, higher frequency of evolution in that lifetime and into the next levels of ascension. Just saying the word “Elohim” is a powerful mantra, and I feel it is a personal call to these ascended masters. The Elohim have shown me that they are a collective group of wisdom, knowledge, and protection that extends itself to allow humanity to rise in divinity. It is almost as if they were created in the image of the human race, albeit with greater light and higher energy frequency within them. As I write this chapter, I feel that they wish me to share the inner wisdom of the walls in the Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt, with the following meditation.
The Meditation Allow yourself to relax, and take a moment to focus upon why it is that you have come to this amazing space and place in your life. To connect with the Ancient Pyramid and the Sacred Sphinx is a major point in the life of an initiate. Now, feel yourself in a small, dark cave tunnel. Your feet are bare, and your
clothes are layers of soft, white silk. You cannot see, but allow yourself to move along until you see a small shaft above you, with a metal ladder for you to climb. Start to flow and fly up the tunnel. You are now deep inside the pyramid, and the vortex around this structure is holding you and guiding you higher and higher. As you rise, you feel as if gates are closing behind you. You can see that a host of spirit guides and angels are standing at the side to support you, as you pass by using the trust in your heart, your sense of belonging, and your divine wish to be in this most energetic and holy space so you can rise higher. You now arrive at the staircase at the top of the shaft. Pause for a moment, and take a breath. Now, see in front of you a small, dark, square-shaped tunnel. Trust yourself. Do you wish to enter? Now, enter of your own free will. When you are ready, imagine that you crouch down. Kneeling and gently crawling through this tunnel, go a few feet farther, and slowly, you will begin to see a glimmer of golden light. Allow the light to draw you forward. Now that you are safely through the tunnel, you can stand and steady yourself. You look around. Everything appears to be within the shadows. The room is dark and has high stone walls; the small tunnel is located in a corner. Walk into the center of the room. The tunnel is behind you, in the right-hand corner. Straight ahead, on the other back wall, you see a large stone sarcophagus. For now, look around the room, and choose a place against the wall where you feel comfortable. Imagine standing against the wall and feeling its cold strength behind you. Now, call to your guides and spirits and the blessed Elohim to support your vision in this holy space.
You may observe symbols upon the walls, of lights dancing through the air. Look closely again at the center, and create a sacred flame, with colors of gold and bright white light. Now, look at the tunnel entrance, and see the ancient ones slowly enter. Although they pass by, one or two may pause. Stay still and silent, and hold out your hands. Allow them to give a gift or a symbol of wisdom, Observe how they look, and accept all with grace and gratitude. Once you feel that all have entered, then imagine that one of these lords and ladies has stepped forward and is leading you to the back and the sarcophagus. Again, pause and ask yourself, is this the time? Have you been here before? This time, you cannot fail, and you know that you are safe. See the sarcophagus surrounded by the beautiful guides of the Elohim, and in your mind, say, Ay Asher Ay (I am that I am). Allow them to lift you into the sarcophagus star chamber, and feel yourself being laid down to rest and very safe. They may say a chant or a prayer, and you will feel yourself in a golden light pod ready to fly. As they activate the symbols and codes within it, you will feel the electricity around the small chamber. Then you feel a rush, and suddenly you are in the heavens and open sky. You are a child of Earth, but for a moment, you are connected to the whole universe and realm of the cosmos. You feel at one with everyone and everything. Now, slowly ask a question or allow a message to come to you. Let the divine message vibrate throughout your entire body and frequency. See yourself as being reactivated and washed through with pure light. Let the love enter your heart and activate your truth in your consciousness and
throat. When you are ready, allow yourself to gently return to the chamber, and imagine that you can feel and see the amazing beings who are there and ready to help you. This is what they have been waiting to show you. Your soul has travelled many incarnations and taken many journeys. Now you know you are one with everything. Slowly, see the chamber close down its electricity. You are being helped to return to your position against the wall. Now, watch the beings of light leave and disappear. Slowly see yourself floating back through the small tunnel and floating down the shaft. When you reach the bottom, slowly go out into the light. Feel yourself back in your body. Awaken your eyes to where you are, and see how bright and luminous your body and soul have become. You are a luminous one.
The Star Seed Races Alcyone – “Through time, your spiritual journey has awakened you to infinite possibilities. Your karmic path has connected with those you have beloved and those you have not. They all touched your heart and soul in some way. Know that you have touched them also in positive and negative ways. Let us help restore a balance of pain, shame, and guilt with peace, love, and happiness.” Alcyonians are the great teachers of the universal laws of mental and intellectual principles. This race was influential when Atlantis was flourishing as a nation on the planet Earth. It was a time when the leaders and citizens of Atlantis began their own experiments; they wished to become masters in the law of creation. Alcyone was only allowed to observe and not interfere with the course of destruction that they knew was about to occur. They could only send prophetic dreams to those who were not aligned with this ego-driven state of consciousness. In my meditation, I looked at the star seed races connected to Lumeria and Atlantis. What was very clear was that the Lumerian earth beings were very connected to light and frequency, and then in the Atlantis days, they appear to have become denser. In those ancient times, alien races were part of the hierarchy and the star seed occupation of the Earth. This would make sense, as they would have had a vested interest in the Earth being the melting pot for potential new races to evolve. What seems to have been the issue with Atlantis was that the darker races were growing in influence and the more positive ones were being ostracized, psychically attacked, or sabotaged in their ascension journey towards peace and unity. Alcyone is often observed as one of the brightest stars in the Pleiadian constellation. In meditation, I was led to believe that they had no choice but to retreat from Atlantis, which created great sadness. However, in recent years, they have been prompted to reach out again. As I sat in meditation with this particular star race, they spoke in depth about the Atlantis experiments and implants. Over the years, I have come to understand implants to be devices that were installed by other races for either tracking or
control. The Alcyonians showed me a DNA strand with something like a coating around it. I originally thought of these implants as a kind of microchip that one would find in a mobile phone. Starting in the 1930s and continuing into the 1970s, there were many reported cases where someone would claim to have been tracked or abducted by an alien race. There are also many horror stories from people in regression who talk of how alien races would take control over them and use them for investigation and experimentation. I always thought that this was when the implants were fitted and, as a human race, we were being manipulated. Now, after spending time with this star race, I am led to believe that certain lords, ladies, and tribal leaders of Atlantis worked closely with this technology and allowed this DNA cloning and converting of DNA to commence on this planet. Many of the souls currently walking the planet now were connected to this work. In Atlantis, they saw this would not create a problem, as they were simply creating a heavenly race upon the Earth. It is my understanding they were tricked with a “plan B” (follow a mental pattern to connect to the universe with a scientific chip). As they awaken, they are seeing a “plan A” (open your sacred heart and third-eye chakra) alternative can be followed. The Alcyone race also said that, before they were set to retreat, they did communicate with the tribal shaman to prompt and assist them to leave Atlantis. This exodus lasted at least a century. The children of the light, as they were described to me, began to leave in small ships and seek out other civilizations that would help them live with their sacred alchemy and connect back to their home races. One of these was connected to the ancient Egyptians. I know from my Akashic Records that I was part of this group, and we left with the sacred emerald tablets, these tablets contained the wisdom of Atlantis, taking them to safety to a new land. We were one of the 12 tribes who left discreetly with our crystal skull and secret scrolls which acted as an ancient computer storing all the knowledge of the Mystery schools, promising one day to reunite when the world was ready to evolve to another level of energy and spiritual awareness. Now, this Alcyone race wishes to help once again. They tell me that there has been an alien “over-implanting” or “alien micro chipping” in human beings
and that they are ready to help light workers to lift these old patterns from our DNA and leave them cleared in a soul’s Akashic Record. These implants feed upon toxic drama and situations and hide within the addictions of a person. They can be shifted as the soul evolves and returns to its original status as a child of the light. I also feel the new children being born since the 1900s on the planet can help with this process. They come free of karmic baggage and have great telepathic and psychic skills, and you can have amazing conversations of the soul with them. They see the world as an entirely new culture of development. Just being in connection with these children seems to switch off the alien implant off or dissolve it Of course, there will be human souls in such fear, they cannot live without their dramatic fix. For them, the implant is still visible and becomes dormant when they reach their life between lives stage and then reactivated upon their next Earth reincarnation, ready again for another lifetime of karmic dis-ease and sadness.
The Meditation Divine bright star of Alcyone in the Pleiadian heaven, I understand my whole body form in all its levels of evolution and biological states. You see the eternal light deep within my soul, and I am in a state of such grace and joy, that you would call to me and offer your love and the depths o your compassion for my human evolution. Help me to examine my current life, and restore the entire grace of free will to me, that my soul and DNA stranding be removed from the negative acts and actions of others. I am a unique being and a child of the universe. I am responsible for my soul’s journey. If I am a puppet for another, this is not aligned with my ascension path. I am ever joined in the hope and light of others connected through everything in creation. I know that, as I stand in my own truth, those who stand beside and around
me can stand in their truth. As we all stand, we all move into the light. When I fall, others will wait and support me. When another fails, I wait and hold out a helping hand. I am part of this spiritual plan, and my entire system and the Akashic Record connected to the central matrix is free. Free to receive and give the light and dwell in this infinity of the greater love for all.
Aldebaran – “You are a mirror and projection of your Earth; you and Earth are inseparable in your partnership. When she cries, so do you. Her pain and suffering will play out through your life. Give back to her, love her, and feel her heart. She is an eternal mother.” This gentle and kind race and star seeks to aid humanity with the seeding of new children and the bringing together of parents to create a happy living environment in which to live, grow, and learn. They connect with teachers and writers upon the Earth plane to spread the messages that each and every child is a blessing by his or her sheer existence upon the planet. With each new birth, there is new hope that this tiny soul will bring a sense of joy to activate peace. They see the relationship between the parent and the child as most important; since this passes karmic ancestral life patterns with each child, there is hope that these old patterns can be cleared. Although the sadness and fear caused by war, death, and suffering is carried for seven generations, with each new generation, they see that we do have a new dawn of opportunity. One of the most loving energies within our known universe, they speak to me in such soft whispers that, when I channel them, I hardly dare breathe, in case I miss their wisdom. They watch our planet very closely when there is a birth of a human who has a great mission and purpose. They followed the birth of Jesus Christ and Dali Lamas very closely, and I feel them very connected to the development of children who will change and make a difference in humanity. They also understand the challenges we feel emotionally, especially in grief and forgiveness. Their star essence is very calming for a person who has lost a loved one and feels unable to connect with them. Most star races do not now understand this sadness and loss since they have ascended and now understand that soul energy is eternal. We are always able to reconnect with loved ones; we simply need to connect to the Akashic Record and we become our own medium between the dimensions and star systems. The Aldebarian race can gently bridge this process so that a deeper sense of knowing is established. This gives a sense of peace and hope that all is not lost and that we are all connected.
They consider the human race very brave to go through this learning of grief toward compassion, and I feel a total divine mother/father/child love when connecting to this race. It is as if they are the blueprint for the Holy Trinity and union of creation.
The Meditation Divine gentle souls who watch over my family and me with awe and wonder, send a message to all who have passed to the other worlds that I am safe and well. I connect to my spiritual journey in the hope that I am moving toward a great light and place of my ascension. I know that our mother Earth is sometimes in a place of pain, and this I now intend to heal in myself and others so that this healing can be transferred to the entire universe. I know she absorbs every suffering, every fear, and sense of grief for us. Our mother Earth takes this toxic energy deep down within her core. When it becomes overwhelming, she has no other choice but to release this. I know this is her way to help rebalance herself. I will listen to the beautiful messages that resonate with my heart. I will send gratitude and grace to the Earth’s divinity every moment of every day as I am part of this divine plan of creation.
Almach – “No one owns God or spirit. Religion does not own the divine power, only the ritual. Throughout your many lives, you have sought to connect through a person or a system. We are here to guide you back to your divine self and the master of peace that is, and always has been, within you.” The beings from Almach learned the path of ascension and the lessons of love, harmony, and compassion long ago. They learned not to dwell on sad issues of the past but to take these as great learning. They have worked to assist spiritual masters (such as Buddha, Jesus, and Confucius) here upon the Earth. They also support the emotional journey, to bridge the head and heart in humans, here on Earth. As they can see the deep connection between the heart and mental capacity, they are wonderful at helping you work first with the heart for personal council and then to use your head to form the messages or actions you wish to use and take. This is a gift with intuition, as after a while of this flow, which looks rather like an infinity symbol, or a stretched out figure “8,” the comprehension of the spiritual message is then instant. Your psychic gifts develop, and the choices you make for your life become more aligned to your soul purpose as well. This is truly a fourth-dimensional frequency of activation. Originally, in third-dimensional levels in a regular Earth life, it would take time, meditation, and breathing to create that heart activation connection and what we have come to know as the Mer-Ka-Ba. This was the meditation that helped you connect your heart and soul through a sequence of counting and breathing that took around 30 minutes to achieve. It created a great force field of divine energy around a person. Now, as we are shifting consciousness, this connection can become instant. We are now becoming the masters that we sought in our past lives. No more the times of the gurus, this race wishes us to know that we have the ability and that they can help guide us. They also realize that, unless you have a family who can communicate and understand ascension (which traditional, biological families do not), walking this path can be a challenge. That is why many light workers seek out their spiritual family and find individuals or cultures of people along the way with whom they feel connected; they develop a greater sense of mother and father
energy than they had with their first set of birth parents. The Almachians can guide you to find the places and people connected to your star race and help you find your star tribe, where you will be heard and understood. When you truly understand that you have had many parents throughout the ages, you begin to see that you connect with everyone and do not belong to anyone. This liberates the soul. When you continue to seek family approval and follow their beliefs and old patterns, you are simply delaying the ascension process. Love your family, and give gratitude for their blessings. But do not be caught up in the dramas from their karma that they are projecting onto you.
The Meditation Oh, divine friends and guides of my mastery, let there be a glow activated around my crown chakra, and may the teachings of the masters be instantly downloaded into my heart. May this heart energy then begin to swim in ecstasy with the oceans of my soul. May I lift in consciousness and again know the masters who walked the Earth plane as my family and peers. I belong to no one, and I am connected to everything. The sacred temples upon heaven and Earth are my sanctuary and connect to the temple within my soul. Let me see the vision of who I can truly be and with whom I can truly connect. Let me see the visions of the heavenly masters, as they have transcended and reside within the astral plane. Yours is energy, where I can truly see the grace and new assignments of those who once walked the Earth as men and women and now walk as immortals, sending messages of peace and harmony to my soul.
Alpha Centauri – “We are with you as you face challenges. As part of your spiritual family, we are never asleep to the crises and concerns that you have. Ask us what you can do, what you can learn, and what you can create. Then celebrate that it is already done in the atomic level of energy; you simply have to receive the message with grace and ease.” The Alpha Centauri civilization resonates within violet and purple light, a light from love that can transmute any negativity around you or others. They connect with the scientific aspects of the human race and can download the blueprints of technology that our planet seeks to know for evolution. Frequently in the past, scientists would create something that, as a human race, we thought we needed. These are the blueprints of sabotage driven from ego. To counterbalance this, we have other scientists who bring forward their own discoveries, which can allow the world to create a positive evolution of human growth. As this star only sees scientific rebalance and that there can be two sides, it is most similar to the Earth in that there can be both light and dark energy. As we have here upon Earth, the Alpha Centurions also have negative races that visit them or are active upon their planets. They do not judge; they simply see that, for every dark energy particle, there is a light particle that creates rebalance. You may have seen certain scientists who appear not to be part of this world and who are fanatical about their mission to save the world in some way. Frequently, these Earth souls are beings who connect directly to this race and download wisdom in the astral state; however, they have no idea what is really happening. This race works closely with the Ashtar Command and the Sirius star system to have their own fleet of energy ships of light above the Earth, closely watching for scientific, human-made disasters that require galactic wisdom and support to heal and rebalance.
The Meditation Oh, blessed ones, creators of great wisdom and insight, I share with you the living light. Let me be a cosmic citizen and understand how energy is formed into matter
and then activated. Let me share in the Cosmic Akashic Records and know the rich tapestry of the many worlds of the future to be observed and revealed within this Book o Life. I see that you weave between the worlds and see the energy of creation and destruction to move forward into a rebirth of higher consciousness. Help me work with this cycle of life in a forward-ascending way to allow all races to move toward a higher vibration of light. May my mind have a greater capacity to support this immense energy within my heart. Let these two forces balance within me and be in harmony.
Andromeda – “We are all a creation story. Look to the sunrise and sunset and see that the universe has created something so wondrous and amazing. Know that this is a vision of you also. We marvel at your courage, strength, and ability. You are a vital part of the divine plan.” From a galaxy connected through the Milky Way, this race of great energetic beauty is a bridge and acts as a gatekeeper to other aspects of the universe. They can open vortex portals and doorways through black holes and connect to another star race known as Antares. Souls passing through this vortex regain soul memory and Akashic sight. Most importantly, this race and star system assists individuals in examining their cosmic Akashic timeline, not just to observe their storyline but to lift themselves into their higher self and acquire their hawk vision, which allows you to see the whole picture, as if you were flying high above, seeing everything that happens regarding a particular event. This vision allows one to observe where they fit into a particular scenario or picture. This race is also connected with helping to guide you toward your life mission and true purpose of your soul. Once known, this purpose will be in direct alignment with the contracts and life lessons that you chose and placed in your Akashic Records. Once you have clarity of your mission and purpose, you can understand what you need to heal, release, or re-engage. You may find that this healing and clearing creates a greater peace in your heart and opens the doors to opportunity. The Andromeda energy has been visiting the Earth for around the past 20 years. Many earth souls connected to them have written about the communications they have had or vivid dreams. Again, this race is there to bring greater awareness for you and your mission and how to understand the bigger picture of your world.
The Meditation Spectra of light, I see you in your cosmic work, weaving and flowing within us, as we create the light worker journey to healing and clarity.
I am ready to forgo my fears and judgment and ask you to help me fly, rise above the globe, and be a cosmic observer of truth. Let me see where harm and destruction is occurring and help me to make the choices of the work and light that I can create to help bring this toward a peaceful, graceful resolution. My mind and soul recognize your wisdom and higher vibration. I came to Earth to be part of the divine plan and to fully connect to the Akashic cosmic matrix. I am here; I am ready. Hold my hand, and walk me toward the wondrous and amazing new day.
Antares – “We seek to balance your ego. Your love is pure. It is silent and has no agenda; let it flow with the generous spirit and bring balance to the universe.” Located beside the star race of Andromeda, this system serves as a bridge for the highly evolved souls within the universe for you to learn about your personal Akashic Record and ascension path. When we pass over into the physical death of the Earth phase, we enter the life between life phase, and in this zone, our soul memory is fully reactivated. All is remembered, and it is from this point that the soul energy may move toward the spaces and places within the cosmic universe, back to their true soul work. After a time (which is hard to describe because we only have the perception of time here on Earth), they revisit their next incarnation and the lessons and contracts they wish to achieve. The energy of Antares is very understanding of the Tao and the shadow side of learning that is connected to our Earth race. They hold no judgment but allow souls to evolve in an understanding of both sides. This is why this is a perfect place for souls to visit during their karmic journey. When taking clients through past-life karmic acts, some are horrified by the sad and uncompassionate acts they have done or witnessed. This star helps you release any shame, blame, or guilt, which of course feeds the negative or what some call the lower astral fears. In my meditations, I have often felt the presence of the lords and ladies of karma and other keepers of the records connected here. They have communicated to me that this is a race that facilitates many souls with their “passing of journey and destiny.” They see souls who have passed in peaceful slumber and also those in trauma and confusion. This is also a race of energy that can help with the sad process of suicide. Very often, we psychic mediums will reach out into the spirit world and observe souls who look lost or unable to move forward. The soul that chooses to end its physical life is often very traumatized. This indeed creates karma and a concern within the soul family constellation and earth family ancestral line. The energy and teachings from this star can support these souls in many ways. First, it can help with the grieving process and allow the earth family to feel and show compassion and healing. It can also aid the light workers who
are supporting this family to send love and light to the soul on the other side, through the bridge to Antares. This star will always show a higher path for all to travel. In my channeled meditation with this race, I have learned they also wish to reach out to light workers who clear old soul energies upon the Earth and extend a bridge of light that they can work with to help release the souls who originally chose not to step into the next phase or evolve and transition as a soul, thus becoming trapped between dimensions in ghost form upon the Earth plane.
The Meditation Oh, blessed ones, you who express the opportunity to open the windows of wisdom and transition, Allow us to be souls who walk with you across the bridge of transformation and transition. Let me share in the wonderful aspects of each and every soul. Let me observe and not judge the journey of others and where they are unable to make those steps toward salvation. May I be able to hold their hands and gently guide them toward the light. Our pasts, presents, and futures all carry karmic messages. Let me read the divine records and open the gateways to a heavenly home for all those seeking peace and grace. Help me to show compassion, love, and healing through your gifts of clarity and spiritual insight.
Arcturus – “Every time you think of words such as ‘divinity,’ ‘holy,’ and ‘spirit,’ know that this is the essence of you. Never imagine the higher power is outside you. It is within you and always has been since the dawn of time.” Connected with the Law of Help and Healing, the Arcturians work in the angelic dimensions and realms. They teach the Law of Oneness – that nothing is separate and all is in balance. Previously, we spoke about the Arcturian healing fleet and their mission. However, we must also recognize them as a powerful star energy and race. In addition to assisting the energy healers of the planet, this star energy assists all those in need of help and healing. The Arcturians understand and acknowledge that negative energy, toxic thoughts, and karma all manifest into emotional, mental, and physical disease among the human race. Light workers observe this as the auric field around a person or the chakras being out of balance. Once, in Mexico, I went with a spiritually motivated group to visit a local shaman. The ceremony was very humble, but from my third-eye psychic intuition, I observed a master healer. He performed the blessing and then told me that I was upside down and out of balance. This made no sense at all until I realized that, after two ourneys to Egypt that year and many hours in the Great Pyramid, my physical and mental bodies were standing up, but my emotional and spiritual bodies had turned the other way. What this meant was that I was constantly in rotation, like a cartwheel, and I had countless spinning realities within my life. He performed a ceremony, and I imagined that all my energy and physical and biological bodies were in alignment. This then meant that my higher-self soul could link directly with me. Now, every time I feel an illness, I am more aware of this separation. The Arcturians can send healing keys and codes for you to support others with this rebalance. This race discarded the concept of disease a long time ago, but they do understand that, as a race, we on Earth are still learning and very reliant on traditional medicine. They see that we are learning to help heal ourselves and they wish to help complement the healing process. Many inspirational people are writing about how their illness actually helped them to see that they also had to take responsibility and about how they overcame
this. I feel that the Arcturians are guiding breakthroughs in health and healing for us all.
The Meditation Dearest Arcturians, bless this day with help and healing. Send your golden light around me so that every cell of my auric system may balance and I look like a body of pure light. Allow the healing keys and codes of your race and the divine angels with whom you work to descend into my frequency. May this help with the quickening and sacred journey of humanity and myself. Let me now be drawn to the foods and medicines that will support me and heal and repair my body. Let my thoughts, words, and actions with myself and others show and tell of healing. May I be able to send out healing thoughts and simply bring peace to others with a kind gesture or touch. Let me see how I can bring help and healing into my everyday life and walk with the heartbeat of this beautiful Earth planet, creating great vibration and resonance.
El Nath – “Know that it is impossible for you to be alone, as we are always with you, around you, in 100,000 bright and shining lights. We are ever always by your side, even when you have been locked away within yourself in your sorrow. We heard you, we loved you, and we waited, ever patient.” From a beautiful blue-white star located on the outlying area of the Pleiadian constellation, this race was connected with the initial seeding of the universe. From this energy, one can connect to many of the founder star seeds. Their message is one of divine love and that all souls are evolving in frequency. Those seeded from this energy find that they can work through many dimensions. I first encountered this star when I began to work in Abydos Temple in Egypt. It is in this temple that we find one of the first flower of life symbols and we feel the sacred energy of the Mer-Ka-Ba. I was part of a group, and we were wandering around the temple when I stopped in front on one of the side chambers. In front of me, in the stone, I saw what I felt to be a large doorway. I heard the guide say that this was the Osiris high chamber, and I heard the words “El Nath.” I knew at once that I was connected to this chamber. I heard the small whisper of the sacred text, and I began to stand very close to the wall and run my fingers into the etching. As I closed my eyes and bowed my head, I felt the door shift, and I felt myself move into a greater chamber. I kept my eyes closed and very still, so as not to attract attention from the guards. I saw two light beings step forward, and I recognized them as family. Whenever I am unsure or need support, I visit this place in my dreams. I always find answers and high-vibration support. It is also a race from which I can receive messages regarding my next mission upon the earth. In guiding others with their records, I have come to learn that, when the angels or ascended masters are giving out spiritual work missions and tasks upon the planet, they will communicate this to a selected group who are at a level of ascension to complete the task. This may come to a person in a vision, a dream, or a thought. However, for every hundred that may hear the call to action, only around ten will have clarity, and only one will usually step forward to act. So many times, I have seen people have the same idea at the same time. This can be a challenge if you see someone else as being
successful with what you thought was your mission or message. The secret is to call to this beautiful race, ask for vision and mission, and then to act upon it. Do not wait: write the book, create the spiritual business, or simply perform the healing to help others. Step forward in your destiny, and the universe will rise to support you.
The Meditation Oh, most divine grandmothers and grandfathers of the sky. You have watched over me with grace and love all through my soul journey. Oh, eternal family of light, I welcome your quickening of ascension, not only for me upon the planet Earth but also in all other dimensions of the universe. To you, who birthed all other worlds, all parallel dimensions, and cosmic systems. I see you now creating new levels of matrix from which I may understand and marvel in this magnificence of evolution. I am walking with you in this most beautiful ceremony of light, to attune with the creators of all energy fusion. Let me be balanced and blend with these levels of light for eternity, and may I walk always with you, hand in hand, ever loved with the divine masculine and divine feminine infinity of grace and gratitude. I am ready for greater service. I am ready for my vision and mission connected to my higher self to appear and become my earth reality.
Fomalhaut – “We honor the journey you have taken. Know that you are never alone. You are indeed a child of the universe, and all else is an illusion. Honor this quest, and the love will appear multiplied, every day in every way.” The Fomalhaut race is very connected to the masculine and mechanical energy that helps with the realizations and manifestations of addictions and connections to the material world. They were also connected to the Earth around the time of the dinosaurs, and they help earthbound souls see where their Earth origins lie in the Akashic Records. They have seen civilizations who have faced war and oppression in history. To those nations who have been held captive, they say to all, “Choose your own power, and empower yourself.” They ask that you help manifest a group of higher vibration leaders and not those who would lead you from a place of fear. They are master teachers of the “law of power,” and they guide us towards the path of personal empowerment and how to be a collective for peace rather than a group disempowered by dictators. They realize that fear starts within the individual soul and shows itself through addictions. We all know of our inner addictions, and these can be with any number of subjects and topics. These personal addictions can include: ● Physical – alcohol, drugs, or sex; ● Mental – obsession with knowledge; ● Emotional – self-harm, craving attention; and ● Spiritual – constant need to demonstrate your beliefs. Addictions can have an overbearing connection to our everyday life. This connection is not always for our greatest and highest good. Sometimes, we only see physical addictions; however, there are even greater unseen and toxic addictions that we can create and are unable to release. The Fomalhaut race sees that, they acknowledge that, and then they help release that which does not serve you with their elixir of light. Being aware and taking responsibility if you have issues is the first step on the road to healing, and that is the knowledge. This sets you free and further along in your ascension path. In a past life, in your Akashic Record, you may find
what and why you are drawn to a particular addiction or group. You will often find you have faced this challenge before, and it is following you again in this present lifetime. Many ancient past lives ago, I realized that certain shamans who led ceremonies believed they could only reach transcendence from administering substances to their bodies. These substances would take them out of this world and their bodies. During this ancient ceremonial time, they were respected and acknowledged for their ability to talk in strange languages or demonstrate what may be seen as a strange behavior. However, when they reincarnate in a current lifetime, many may continue seeking a substance, but this time it is not always attached to a higher purpose or ceremony. Somehow, the message is lost, and they become addicted and lost in their cycle of life. The Fomalhautian star energy helps to tell you that you have a choice and that the addiction can be shifted. This way, you will attract those who can help and support you. You can find fulfillment with your heart, not through fear.
The Meditation Dear star being of light, surround me today with a gentle breeze that can steady the ship carrying my soul to safe harbor. For a long time, this ache and condition has resided in my strands of DNA. Ever passing through life after life. These are Earth conditions that no longer serve and lead me to feel shame, blame, and guilt. You, however, do not see this; you only see my soul in its light and in its first star seed creation. You see the divinity and beauty in me, and in that moment, I am pure, and I am saved. I am not separate from the light anymore.
Hathor – “Let us join you in your sacred circle of light and creation. Let us love you with a passion for peace. In this circle, we are all one and so beautiful, standing upon this blessed Earth, we wish to walk with you.” In my understanding, this beautiful race of energy beings came from far, far across the universe and journeyed through Sirius and Venus to find their home. I feel that they were searching for a new home where they could complete their karmic reality and bring higher wisdom and love into our known universe. My first introduction to these Hathor beings of great life and light was on my first sacred journey in Egypt. They work with sound energy and the frequency of ecstasy. Found all around Egypt, in statue form, these are the energies that I invoke when working with the Kundalini vibration. The temple that still holds great resonance and connection is that of Dendara in Egypt, the temple to the goddess Hator, or Hathor. You will observe images of the goddess Hathor all around Egypt, in the form of a cow or wearing a headdress that symbolizes this with the two horns. However, if you look at the Temple of Dendara, you will be struck by the tall front columns standing like guardians all around the temple. What you see is a picture that resembles an alien head with large ears; this is the image of the alien race Hathor. Since 2005, I have always had two dear Hathor souls connect to me when I journeyed through Egypt. One feels their presence very subtly, though they stand around 12 to 14 feet high. It was in a meditation upon a cruise boat on the Nile when they came to me the first time. I was sitting in my chair when I felt this great presence of loving energy standing behind me. Then I felt this overwhelming sense that I needed to laugh or giggle. We were in a circle, and there were 33 other people in the room. I tried to hold my laughter in, as this was not a lighthearted session, and for many, meditating while sailing up the sacred Nile River was a lifetime ambition. Then, suddenly, I heard someone burst into laughter across the room; I felt a sudden change of energy. The woman who was leading the meditation knew exactly what was happening, though. Being the novice and on my first trip, I sneakily opened my eyes and peeked. Of course, she was looking straight at me; then, like a naughty child, I closed
them again and returned to focusing upon the breathing. She guided us on the visualization, and although I heard a few other giggles around the room, this intense feeling that came from within my heart to laugh began to subside into a wonderful feeling of euphoria. The room became still, and all I could feel was the movement of the boat and this intense presence of strength pushing my shoulders, slowly moving. I could feel my hips repositioning. My spine felt as if it were stretching up, and I had grown in height. I began to focus on the next direction of the meditation, which was to look at my chakra column and imagine that the Kundalini life force was running through this. I did not see the Kundalini energy, but instead saw a gold and silver rope that intertwined and was moving up my body through my spine like a snake. I just trusted, and as the energy rose, I could feel my new Hathor friends pushing the energy higher, as my hair began to feel static. Then suddenly, the energy flowed over my crown chakra and like a snake turned to look back at me from my brow third eye chakra. I was not afraid; I could re-engage this energy this time. So I let the energy flow and saw that it went down into my heart. I expected a shift of energy within my heart; but no, all of a sudden, I felt like I had this explosion of light and energy that made me shake. It came from my root and my sacral chakra. This sacred Kundalini force was awake again, a little dramatic, but I guess it was a long time and many lifetimes ago since this energy had been fully engaged. After this, my adopted Hathor family was always waiting for me when I visited Egypt, and we always worked together in the female temples to assist other women with connecting their root and sacral core energy to allow their Kundalini to flow. Why is this important to the Hathors? Well, they see that this is the spiral of ascension and for the past two thousand years and more, it has been broken though abuse and damage. Once a woman feels pain, fear, or distress in this chakra area, she closes down, and the area goes to sleep. Reawakening her to love, passion, and sensuality with grace allows her to flower and blossom. In these coming years, the Hathor race is here to help with the stabilizing of chaos within the planet. They know that much of the destruction is caused by ego, power, and greed. These old masculine patterns are bred into our men and women. The Hathors send out beautiful messages of hope and of how we can help others engage with the ancient wisdom and change our destiny.
They see that the imbalance of our relationships is a reflection of our imbalance with the mother planet. Many years ago, when this race had completed their ascension process, they were called to activate Earth beings in their ascension in the initiation temples of Egypt. They told me in meditation they have never left and only remained silent until this time when their students and star seeds called to them to become more visible. They can be called upon again for support in your own ourney of self-mastery.
The Meditation Divine lords and ladies of ancient wisdom and light, I know this Earth planet is changing to a new consciousness. My own sense of grounding and connection is shifting also. Often, I feel the change and, on occasion, I feel the confusion and fear. But my soul knows the change is shifting the grids of the Earth, and I am ready to align with this. I am ready to connect my positive light force into the matrix and record that “I am” present as a cosmic citizen. May my vision and message of love and ecstasy be recorded in the cosmic Akashic Record. Send wonderful sounds and magical music into my life that I may hear the wonderful melody that brings peace and transformation for every cell within my body and soul. Let my fundamental divine plan be grounded deep into the Earth, and may my higher dimensional self fully connect with the heaven and Earth. May I hear your messages, so that I can plant seeds of harmonic self-love and mastery.
Lyra – “We are watching as you awaken to your luminous form and shift into a new paradigm of life and world. The old world of toxic pain is falling away, and the destruction of the past will balance and bring joy and understanding. We will help you communicate this new truth and resonate with transparency.” The Lyrans are also a founder race of the star seeds in the universe. This race works with the frequency of sound, which is very connected to the feminine aspects of the universe. The members of this race act as a mother to Vega and, in a sense, they are like the grandparents of Earth. They carry great light within their energy bodies, and this can often be observed in meditative visualization as an outpouring of light from the crown chakra. As one of the original races, the Lyrans have observed the history of the universe and are aware of the legions of light and dark. They are now drawn to supporting this golden age of living that is approaching the Earth. Of course, this means living an “abundant life,” but they also tell me that this is not simply about how much money or wealth you have but about the wealth of wisdom and gratitude, the wealth that you share, and how far you will ourney to connect with the mission of your soul. For a long time, the Lyrans have observed the alien reptilians moving around our planet, those who are motivated purely by greed. If you encounter anyone who promises you to get rich quick or anything that you observe as connecting to ego, then please maintain your boundaries and awareness, and keep your protection in full operation. There are those upon the planet who throughout history have predicted that, in the future, we would be in danger of “being hit by an asteroid from outer space” or that we would be destroyed by another alien race. However, the message I received from Lyra informed me that there are enough of the alien reptile and parasite forces upon the planet here in 2014 and that they could create an internal homegrown asteroid of destruction. These reptile races work within our world, and some are totally unaware they only see their earth self and not their origin. As light workers, the Lyran race would like to support you in reflecting light and hope to them. They often work through sound and frequency, so they are always available to connect through subtle tones. The Lyrans told me in meditation that music changes
the cells within the soul, so every time you turn the radio on or wear headphones, make sure that you are resonating with something that serves you. Many musicians are unaware of the subliminal messages that their work creates. Frequently, they are measured by music downloads and sales, not in the greater mission and message that they could be activating. This is not to say that certain music genres are evil. Quite the contrary, every musical genre has the opportunity to adjust a lyric or a musical note to give the sound of love or hope, but with a different calibration. Integration is the single most important message from Lyra, where we no longer see good and evil but hold a mass consciousness that resonates with peace and trust. Lyssa Royal channeled a beautiful book, The Prism of Lyra, in which she described the seven levels of density. This is similar to ancient initiation hierarchies connected to the ascension process of a soul. The first level of density is to understand the physical density and matter of us. The second level of density is to be aware of the biological matter of the animal and plant kingdom and our relationship to this. The third level of density is to recognize the ego and be aware of the whole past and the future of your soul. The fourth density is to be aware of the super consciousness and be integrated into a group with a loss of ego identity. Connection to the multidimensional levels is now achievable. The fifth density is where we become aware of the “I am” presence as a group identity. The connection with the higher self begins to integrate within our soul. The sixth density is connected to becoming aware and integrating the Christ consciousness. Everything becomes one and the same. The seventh density is the full understanding and integration as a multidimensional experience and a group matrix identity. Many years ago, when I became a reader of the Akashic Records, I begin to see the veils lift and understand this Akashic matrix was opening to all souls who wished to progress in their spiritual journey. I have, therefore, connected with the Lyrans to help me understand when these matrix codes were to be given to others and how to initiate this in a safe and in a mutually respectful
The Meditation Dear divine family of original stars and star seeding, you have loved me since the beginning and have always sent the symbol of the dove and the Christed over self to support my ascension path and journey. You see before me many choices and doors of opportunity from which I can guide others and myself. May I move into the inner light of your presence and let my soul connect to my cosmic family now. I know my work and mission does not need to be done alone and I will never feel lonely while I have you connecting me back to my true spiritual family. As I achieve this, I become a true universal citizen of integration in the Akashic matrix of light.
Mirzam – “You are magnificent and a creator of miracles every day upon your planet. Allow us to move all the negative, toxic messages, old patterns of belief, and energy from your world and your heart. May you attract a greater than ever expected reality to support your spiritual heart and soul.” Manifestors and creators of alchemy, this race works with you to align you to expect and understand miracles in your life that cannot be fully comprehended. They beam a circle of light around the Earth and allow you to expand your hopes and expectations. They once worked with the ancients tribes of South America and the Sufis. Their gifts of creating unusual phenomena have been connected previously only to the ancient shaman who could understand this deep wisdom. On a modern-day level, we would connect this star’s energy to access that of greater psychic gifts: looking at the world with a sense of awe and wonder and expanding our consciousness to simply accept that miracles can occur and that we can change destinies with our intentions. The acceptance of “magic” has created great karma for our planet in the past. For many years, as we developed what we call civilization, we burned witches and created tremendous harm and grief for those who practiced such holistic arts. Although the law of magic is within our universe, many feared that which they did not know or understand. Those who have returned as light workers and healers in this current lifetime, who observed that they have had their gifts blocked, may journey into the Akashic Record and see the harm dealt to them. By calling to this star race, you can undo the pain and grief and accept that this magic is a natural force of nature that can bring great joy into your life and allow you to weave wonderful miracles every day.
The Meditation Dear creators of miracles, open my eyes and heart to the ancient alchemical wisdom that I have left hidden and forgotten in my inner subconscious. Let me truly witness this greatness and allow it to align with my free will. I am able to step forward into the light and accept it now. I am here to step into my role as a caretaker of Earth and to practice the art of stewardship of all the energies that she attracts.
My responsibility is to apply this knowledge for positive intent and work in the light to bring forward the opportunities for the greater good. I am a creator of miracles, I am a miracle of creation, and I have gratitude within my heart.
Orion – “We have known the dis-ease that a cosmic race can create; we know that hate and fear can cause the light of one and all to dim. Your imprint is to flourish and be in perfect balance with the Earth. When you are aligned, you will not let this toxic shock sound a wave around your mother Earth.” We have looked to the sky and wondered about the star race of Orion for many years. As stargazers, we have looked at Orion’s Belt as a constellation, and the meditators in the King’s Chamber have often felt connected with this star. We talk of positive and negative aspects of the cosmic system, and we often assume that it is a judgmental division case of light or dark energy. However, Orion is a star race that definitely connects on the middle ground and is a shade of grey. Orion was one of the gifted races that accelerated very quickly with technology; masculine aspects then fell out of balance with the true laws of the universe and began to seek control and domination of other races. Way back in their history, the Orions were seen to connect with the Dark Brotherhood and the races who sought to retain balance through the control of evolution and scientific methods of exploration. If I were to describe this race in human terms, I would venture that they were led by a mental state, not with the heart. Other races were afraid to step forward after energy constructed by the Orion race began to send asteroids to their moons, creating mass destruction if that star race did not follow the instructions or demands of the Orions. The Pleiadian race was one such star system that fell afoul of these star bullies. They fell into submission and fear and went into retreat, not securing their own evolution. Now the Pleiadian masters are stepping forward to support the consciousness not only of us, but also that of the cosmic matrix connection. How we all relate as energy with complementation and not competition will be the next step in helping our Earth and the other star systems evolve. Nonetheless, Orion has frequently been a gateway to lower levels and negative aspects. The Orion star seeds resonate with polarity and will show both the light and the shadow.
For a time, the Orions sought the darker side, as it appeared to offer the “quick fix”; it secured the energy they needed and they appeared to be evolving faster than anywhere else within the star seeded system. Like an athlete, they sought the speed of journey and forgot to look at their relationship with others, or the endurance this would take. I have often been reluctant to communicate with this race, but as I sit to write this, I have found them most humble. They feel a connection to me due to my work in Egypt, where I feel they have been observing my spiritual journey. In my meditation, I was able to communicate through the “lords and ladies of karma,” and read their Akashic Record. Way back in their history, I saw that they were making massive progress with technology and machines. They were seeking host planets on which to reseed and thus grow their colony. These would be genetic and biological agents that would work and harvest soul stars for survival and be creators of great industry. Their plan was to dominate all the species and feed upon the Earth planet. This, of course, was fueled by the darker elements within their council, who were also seen as a leading advisory group. At first, they said that these leaders were seen as benevolent and would procure a safe empire. However, it was then that they spoke of a great being from another world who visited and walked among them. They described this “being” as neither male nor female, with a golden skin type and very tall. They spoke about how, beside this divine one, their race appeared devoid of color and energy life force. The light sustained this being, and nothing they could do could harm this being or deter it from its message. This being held an energy that they had never seen before; it was a heart energy that their years of technology and breeding had removed. They began to remember a time when this light had been enough. They began to follow the teachings of this light being and its star race, and although their evolution, new discoveries, and expansive travel across the universe began to slow and even regress, they found more and more of their race seeking this spiritually, and they began building temples of light— prisms of energy, in which they could evolve and not dominate. Two of the star planets, Betelgeuse and Bellatrix, still reside within the system, and frequently, dark energies can be found in hiding or residence there. However, Orion still holds a middle ground and knows that, as energy, we need balance and to have choice and free will. This choice is a massive message with which they can help our race. While we evolve into the era of
Aquarius and take our place in the cosmic universe, not simply as an observer, as if in some kind of fictional movie or novel, we will connect further with this race to make choices and understand the consequences of our karmic paths.
The Meditation Dear friends and warriors of the universe, I acknowledge your wisdom and see the scars of history that haunt you. I have felt the pain and sadness that you have witnessed in the realm of soul travel, and I, as you, no longer wish to journey down this avenue. Oh, lords and ladies of light, help me to understand the sacred languages, and may this bring a unity for my mind, body, heart, and soul. May I travel in my light body and observe your great wisdom. Let me see where I can offer sanctuary and safety to the soul who is burdened by the dark forces, as they seek and return to the light. I do not judge; I simply observe and offer a place of heart consciousness to all those who are returning to their true brotherhood of love and light.
Pleiades – “We are here to support the new paradigm upon Earth; we know you are the solution to the once-believed unsolvable ‘healing of hearts.’ You are the new energy that turns fear to love, and rage and hate to peace and understanding.” Connected to compassion and great learning, this civilization has already gone through many levels of ascension and can assist one’s journey of being in one’s heart. They hold great wisdom and often appear either as a group of seven souls or around the symbol “7.” The Pleiadians have long been linked to the destiny of Earth and have walked through the same journeys that we have. Many thousands of years ago, their race sought peace and tranquility and was nearly brought to destruction in the times of the Galactic Wars. They stepped into the arena against the Orion Empire. During this time of drama, they lost many of their moons and energy systems. They tried to defend other planets within the solar system; however, they were no match for the ever-increasing resources of the Orions. Falling into fear, they faltered and considered the Orions’ negative energy to be a greater force. They returned to their home planets and waited, allowing the other planets to step forward. For many years, the Pleiadians avoided the zone they knew as the “Earth Project.” However, with time, they came to realize that the Earth Project was yet another mirror of a race that was in danger of failing. They begin to step forward and send emissaries to Earth to inspire its leaders. The Sirius Council had initially worked with Ashtar Commands to govern the heavens above Earth, but as other forces began to seed negative star seeds onto the planet and create concern for human abduction, the Pleiadians again offered their service. Their race has made many promises to support Earth toward a balance of understanding about life. Moreover, they also learned great things about themselves in their conflict with the “law of fear.” The Pleiadians are directly connected to the creation of the Akashic Records, and they work with the future lives library to alert humankind of both the opportunities and the consequences of their choices here on Earth. During your dream state, they may send a premonition or warning that some
destruction or disaster may be about to occur upon the Earth and what positive action you can take. Just before the Southeast Asia tsunami occurred, many light workers began to feel unsettled. I remember feeling the Earth seem to rumble like a mini earthquake tremor. I believe the Pleiadians were sending warning signals to help us understand when shifts and cycles are about to occur, to alert our awareness.
The Meditation Oh, divine Pleiadian brothers and sisters, I hear the concerns and fears from your race while I connect to the Akashic cosmic matrix light. In the library, I see the times of sorrow, and I also see the times when you were a force for good and peace in the universe. Let me create with you a world of compassion and grace. Let me be an instrument to work with you and hear your guidance toward a greater humanity. Let me feel the Earth and her whispers, and let me connect with the energy that you send to deliver a resonance with other light workers around the planet. May your sacred temples in the sky connect to me in my prayers and meditations. We are those we have been waiting for, and I surround myself with the gentle wisdom and kindness you pour over our planet today.
Polaris – “Forgive yourself, forgive others, and forgive the day. Your inner child is awakening to divine love and your spiritual energy. We are here as a guiding light connecting you to home.” As developers of inter-dimensional travel, the Polarians bring you as an individual the encouragement and inner strength needed to reach out beyond your current ability and reality. I first met this race when working at Tikal Temple in Guatemala. In the dark of night, as we sat in meditation in the temple park entrance, I felt a star connect with me. Seeing the flashing lights moving up and down across the sky, I asked the guide what the star was. She said it was Polaris and that many others had also seen the star send energies through the park toward the high Mayan temples. At that point, I understood how Tikal had been a gateway to the stars and why the temples were built so high. They were beacons for other energies to travel in order to connect with the Earth. In my understanding, the energy and race connected with Polaris brings forward the lessons of unity consciousness. I see their influence in that they allow us to see the polarity in the globe and in ourselves. They shine the light upon the pathway to balance. When in balance, it is far easier to anchor in the higher self-consciousness. This balance is not about right or wrong, but about creating a line of light throughout your chakra field. Once this is planted into the root of Earth and observed connecting to this star, it is as if you are anchored in a straight and healthy balance. Many people talk and write about the “shift” in the planet; in simple terms, this means that we move our connection to love and peace and away from that of fear and drama. I feel that we have a chakra energy line in our bodies and the Earth has this as well. This keeps us in a spectrum of light, which I feel is connected to Polaris, and as the universe shifts, so do we. As we develop awareness of the stars and the Akashic cosmic connection, our reality of thought and belief may have to go through a radical shift. Allow this star race to beam its light down to you, so that you may feel in balance with all the energies of the universe and its dimensional levels. Once you realize that we are all connected, you then understand why unity
through love and acceptance will create harmony and not unity through forced belief, selfishness, or ego intentions. Any group that is collected from a fear base will find it extremely difficult to align with the bigger picture of the universe in the future, as their higher self-energy will close and rest in slumber.
The Meditation Divine star bright in the heavens, align with my energy, purpose, and mission. Guide me with your wisdom and knowledge. Show me the beacons around the globe with whom I can join hands and hearts to make and create a greater space and place of balance within myself. Clear my vision, as I look into the night sky and see the magnificence of the heavens. Draw my gaze to create a perfect anchoring line, and open up my consciousness to the levels around the universe. Help me to protect the planetary environment, and see and feel the unity consciousness every day. May I be a shining signal of light for others to find and follow, and may we live within a sharing, enlightened world, linking hands and hearts for the greater good of all.
Procyon – “We love your human beingness; we are here to guide your evolution to a being and in service of light. We love you dearly and stand with you as you marvel at your world.” One of the most positive of all the races, the Procyons believe in service to others rather than service to the self. They assist the human race in becoming a noble race. They also assist in the transferring of the light frequency that can help to shift the consciousness of the human race. When using their energy, you will find that a golden sphere appears, as they draw energy directly from the central sun. This central sun energy will not scorch or burn you, but simply bring a light throughout your whole being. This is both nurturing and clearing. As you work with this energy, you will find that your cognizance of your life shifts in perception and expression. The Procyon race has been long connected with the protection of Earth and has assisted in the removal of races that would harm Earth. This was the first race to understand and work with the Law of Karma. They also assist with other laws, such as opposite expression, progress thought, and speech. They can teach universal laws and are extremely interested in the Earth mission of learning the “Law of Love and the Law of Oneness.” They have long been connected with the sacred books, texts, and scrolls of wisdom. Here upon the earth, they are calling for these ancient writings to be revealed and all the souls who have a sacred message of love and inspiration to do so, to be active in adding this into their own star seed and earth Akashic Record library.
The Meditation Oh, divine Procyon, in the connection to your sacred light and through the image of the central sun, the image of phoenix and the image of fire, I am able to connect closer to you. I know that in aligning to your love and wisdom, I will be able to walk a nobler path of understanding. I will be connected to the oneness of the universe.
Let me live always in the light of your protection, and allow my knowledge of the karma of others and myself be not a judgment, but a call to action. Let me sing, write, and project this wisdom out around the Earth with divine intent and gratitude for infinity.
Sirius – “Self-love, self-care, and staying in the light is our message. When you are in balance, you change the world around you and allow others the gift of their own self-care process. Change happens with yourself first.” Sirius has long shone in our night sky and has been connected with the soul ourneys of many of the souls currently living upon the Earth, right here and now. The Sirians were one of the first races to reach out and walk among the Earth beings. They appeared to both the ancient Egyptian and Mayan civilizations and are said to have been the architects who worked with the builders of the pyramids. I believe that, because of connections with the pyramids of Egypt, their collaboration with the human race has existed for many centuries. The King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid has a sky chamber that connects with the open sky. It is from there that many of my regression clients have said that they felt their soul almost sucked out through a wormhole, which they felt was an access route to other dimensions and star systems. When I visited Egypt, on one particular journey, I began to notice a goddess with a star above her head. I searched everywhere, and repeatedly, the tour guides told me that her name was either “Isis” or “Sekhmet,” but that never made sense. Then on one trip to the Luxor Temple, deep in the back area, I found a statue to Ramses II. It stood over 10 feet tall, was made of dark black stone, and appeared to be out of place in this passageway. For some reason, I decided to look around behind it, and there, to my surprise, was a whole etched scene of a woman goddess next to Thoth. Each character was over eight feet tall, and the detail of their clothes and faces was so intricate, it made me emotional just to sit there with their energy. The etchings were facing each other. Thoth had the typical Ibis head and a pen and paper in his hand. Facing him, the goddess wore the pointed star above her head and a robe of what appeared to be leopard print. I had never seen her image in such detail. In her hand, she also had paper and a pen. I knew then that I was not crazy, but it was not until I visited the Rosetta Stone in London and the Louvre Gallery in Paris that I would find that she was Seshat, goddess of the scribes. Since the focus has always been on Thoth, his emerald tablet, and the teachings after the fall of Atlantis, very
little attention has been paid to her. I sat in meditation and learned that Seshat was an architect and that she was the channel for the Akashic Records. She was the goddess that the people prayed to for inspiration and to bring the messages of the gods forward. After that, I found aspects of her everywhere and the reason that she had been significantly connected to the Ramses Dynasty. Ramses II was driven to build a great empire and building temples of great importance. In meditation, I asked Seshat to share her past life connected to this time in history. I saw Ramses II in a past life with his court and an oracle brought forward who wore the robe and star headdress of Seshat. I watched the oracle begin to draw out lines and energy spots on a papyrus map, which way a building should be facing, and where the energy connected to the stars. She appeared almost lost in a dream, and again and again, I would see a connection to the great pyramids and that of a bright star, the Dog Star we know as Sirius, in the night sky. It was as if she knew that the collective energy on the timeline matrix connected with this location could give great insight that could be used upon the planet. This goddess energy is one of my favorites, and I know she is deeply connected with the reading and writing of the Akashic Records. Seshat has been an amazing mentor for me and in the creation of this book. I feel her energy has guided many star races but was mainly visible to the ancient Egyptians through Sirius. Throughout many years of Egyptian history, it was apparent that initiates were not just seeking the wisdom of the ancients but also star connections and past lives on other planets. Various temples would show images that resembled alien races to which they had been connected. This is because this information is held in your Akashic cosmic record. It is only in recent years that our generation has begun to remember. I feel that this is because when you do fully remember your star connections, it is harder to stay upon the planet Earth and place yourself through the earthbound trials and lessons. I have often found it so sad when someone comes to visit me and they have this haunted look and sadness. The first thing I do is reassure them that they do belong here and that this is only a journey destination in their ascension. Through the years, it has become evident that many felt this strong connection to Sirius was due to it being their star home. However, in deeper probing, I have found that this had been their last port of
call before their soul became caught in the journey cycle upon the Earth. In addition, I also know that many star seeds travel through this star when they travel to other dimensions. I like to think of it as a space hub, rather like a galactic airport. Here, our energies are able to connect and soul groups are able to organize their contracts and missions with one another. I feel that, out of all of the races, the Sirians understand the journey we have here on Earth and that they have empathy for this. They have watched over us for the longest of times, and even in the Lumerian phase, they were visitors and participated in the seeding of the planet. They know that many of the features of our planet were created from energetic illusions. Many star races do not pay a lot of attention to this, as they know there is something greater. However, the Sirians do still understand, and they have tremendous sympathy for people with challenging journeys on Earth. If ever a race were to visit our planet and show their true alien form, I feel that it would be the Sirians first. Many star seed souls have travelled through this race to earth and still feel a connection. Our human consciousness I think would feel less in fear as their hearts and souls would feel the connection. In recent years, the Sirians told tell me they have been working with the Pleiadians in overseeing the cosmic connections with the Earth. They seem most amused that there are so many conspiracy theories; it’s hard to imagine what is true and what is not. They say, “In the end though, you must resonate with your own truth. What does your heart tell you?”
The Meditation Oh, divine and heavenly friends. You have welcomed me on all of my transitions, and I have always felt your wisdom within me. I know that it is my mission upon this Earth to evolve into the deeper realms of devotion and divinity. You have held my hand, as I took my leap of faith, time and time again sending reassurance that I would rise like a phoenix from the ashes of my despair and destruction. You shine a bright light in the night sky to remind me that I am never alone and that you are only a moment away. I am reminded that my temple is within me and you are ever guiding me through this great quantum matrix of light. Connected to the DNA, to the
timeline of the universe that is always carrying me home.
Spica – “We have known your souls’ plan and the potential you have even before you did. You are loved without measure, and we celebrate our being able to connect you in all cycles of life.” Connected to the time of Lumeria, the Spican race assists in the transformation of the intuitive levels of the psychic knowledge within you. They hold an energy that can allow you to behold your super consciousness (fully active psychic ability) while in a wakeful state. In the past, our consciousness levels meant that we had to return into a deep regression or meditation to clear our energy field and access our gifts. We used these gifts for psychic awareness and remote viewing. As we evolve with the Spican energy, we are able to connect to the Akashic Record in an instant. Our brains are able to download information quicker and faster than ever before. The challenge is to stay out of our ego and trust the messages that we receive. As they sought to travel in the astral levels and within dream states, the Spican race has in the past hidden from view in the galactic Akashic Records. They now wish to open the Earth race to a greater psychic state of being. They have long been aware that, for thousands of years, the Law of Karma has been the cycle of evolution and growth upon the planet. As a human race, we have focused on the shadow and negative aspects to learn the positive: I myself have often used a term “From the darkness you see the light.” with clients to help them understand their shadow side had purpose. However, working with this law of positive expression has caused tremendous sadness and hardship. It has created a world in which it is mainly suffering that sparks compassion. They told me in the channel they see no need for this in the future. Spica is a star energy that understands our planet has a massive capacity for love and, as in the days of Lumeria, understands that the positive aspects of gratitude and love create magical manifestations in life. They see the eternal light and luminosity within us.
The Meditation Oh, Spica, beings of light, I call to you to assist in my memories of Lumeria. To a time when my luminous soul could travel within the various dimensions
of time and space. I call on you for safe passage and a journey into the levels of the galaxy that have long since been hidden from my soul. Let me witness the light in others and myself. Help me gather the deeper aspects of my knowledge, wisdom, and soul journey that I may move through the karmic drama gently and quickly. Allow your light to show a higher path for me to walk and guide others along.
Vega – “We support your earthbound study. Ever growing and ever evolving, this is a time of tremendous ascension, and your higher selves seek to be part of your living day. You play the sweetest song in the universe when you smile and laugh from your heart. Let us create a sound that travels across the universe in bright, divine light.” Deeply connected with the world of musical talent and great communicators, the Vegans are the masters of sound. To bring parenting balance to the Earth, they are also deeply connected to the emotional aspects of the universe and the Lyrans. They feel and sense before they comprehend. They are a race led from the musical note. To put this in perspective, if you have ever listened to a piece of classical music, some calm the soul, and some motivate, but each masterpiece has a connection with the brain and even the fluid within the human body. A single note will create and stir a response, and even when there are no words, a musical song can conjure a story or knowingness. As human beings, we are made up of over 90 percent water, and it has long been a scientific fact that sound can change the crystals within water and blood. The Vegan race is always eager to share this wisdom. They understand that the music or sound pulse of the universe can be totally neither positive nor negative. This is why they seek to create a resonance rather than a fracture of good vs evil within the cosmic system. However, one word of caution is that, over time, they have sought to create connections with various groups of humans and races without fully thinking through the balance of the situation. Their race when walking upon earth would be known as the people pleasers. This can be a wonderful quality in a new race that is being created, and when I hear the Vegans in my meditation, they always speak in the way that a mother would speak to a small child. This lullaby is wonderful when one is first establishing contact, and it supports the baby steps that we all need to take. I am always able to call upon Vega for assistance in connecting with the new souls being born onto our planet. In Philae temple in Egypt, I have worked with their star gate. This star gate connects to the angelic realms and the beautiful temple to the mother energy located under this temple to Isis. From here, we can learn to explore the nurturing elements of our infant spiritual
selves to also step into our role as cosmic citizens.
The Meditation Oh, divine and eternal mothering race, I walk with you through the veils of spirit and into who I really came to this Earth to be. I know that you are the leaders and wish to watch over me and lead me to evolve. You call to me on the winds and through the rivers, in any way that the Earth can make a sound. You move through the airwaves with the musical notes that I hold deep in my soul, when I was but simple energy strands drifting through the cosmic force of time. As I connect back through to the records of my soul, may they be an ever perfecting, flowing melody that creates and stirs an even greater presence of inspiration and magnificence. Let me grow and step forward; let me move in a synergy with nature and feel the earth beneath my feet and feel the heavens in my heart. As I stand here today, I hear the true message of the light beings. I am never separate, but creating my own song to complement the symphony of divine grace, light, and life.
Energies to Beware of in the Akashic Cosmic Universe As we have mentioned in previous chapters, the universe is about balance and polarity. Therefore, as we create light, the shadow creates the darkness that makes the light shine greater. Throughout the universe, since the time of creation, there have been races of collective energy and consciousness that have tested this. I do not seek to bring fear regarding their existence, as they simply play a part in the greater plan and there is a place for them to reside in the cosmic dimension. If you examine your Akashic Records, there will have been a time in your lifetimes when you may have come into contact with them. To recognize them and observe, not judge, their frequency is the secret code to making them powerless in our world. Once you see the true soul within them and create personal boundaries, they no longer can create fear around you. This releases you from the pain and suffering that they can inflict.
The key races I have observed Dragonis – this is a reptilian race from whom many lessons of the dark and lower astral levels have been created. They are organized and stealthy, and they hide behind mirrors and smoke screens. Although they are akin to dinosaur energy, with little evolved consciousness, they are highly skilled in identifying the fears in the human race and promoting themselves as the solution and savior above all others. Bellatrix – this star assists in the gifts of psychic and intuitive ability. However, this ability and skill can often be driven by the needs of ego control and negative intent. This star needs the law of help, love, and light to rebalance itself. If you feel its connection (I have seen it like a sticky black spider web around a client), ensure that you show respect, but beam only light and ask for help or assistance in your work. They attract groups and a following with their words of community and support, but only if you follow their conditions. They will often talk about how they are never appreciated or adored to catch your attention into feeding their ego with your love and light. They will sometimes proclaim they are a healer and working on holistic projects; however, if questioned or they do not receive the attention from you they believe they deserve, they will try to verbally attack you or worse.
Zeta Recuili – this race was part of the abduction teams during the 1960s and ‘70s. They are small and grey, and you may have observed them as lost souls with little life force and the focus upon the intention to persuade and control other humans. These energies drain you; they are sent as tests and to balance the universe. They may also “over-inspire you,” driving your ego to feed the fear that lies within you. The fear aligns with both a lack of self-worth and a lack of self-esteem. Currently upon Earth and in many parts of the universe, there appears to be a conflict between darkness and light. However, when you are in your heart and connected to the universal light, protection is always available. As we shift in ascension, these races of the lower levels also have the opportunity to shift. When we create opportunities for love and peace and balance these races, we no longer have to fear their control within our Earth energy.
How to Deal with Unwanted Star Energies Sometimes these creatures from another place are difficult to recognize. It is mainly the empaths (people who are very sensitive to energy) of the Earth world who can call them out, as they are able to feel the reptilian or parasite energy instantly—so quickly, I have to say that they frequently also feel the pain and toxic element and have to spend time clearing and healing from these energy-draining vampires. Nonetheless, I have total faith that, when needed, your star family and galactic connections will surround you with love, light, and protection, as I found with Diana. Diana was an amazing healer and a student of energy. She had invested a great deal of time travelling around the globe in spiritual pursuit when she came to see me to make sense of her path and purpose. As we always do, she saw the regular world and its patterns of relationships, business, family, etc. However, she was haunted by a relationship that she seemed to still be carrying, no matter how many healers and therapies she went to. I offered her a session with my closure coach process. In this session, we would visit the Akashic matrix and, using family constellation therapy, call the energy of this other person forward and dissolve the cords and contracts she still held with him. This seemed a very straightforward session, as we visualized going through the subconscious garden and lifting the veils of her unconsciousness. We called forward her gatekeeper guide, which she described as simply being a sphere of light. This is common when it will not shift to being a spirit or animal, and I recognize it now to connect with the galactic realms. We continued on, and I remember writing “alien???” on my consulting sheet. Diana then commented that she was seeing it now as a fairy type of energy, so again I was comfortable moving through the Akashic dimensions. I asked her to create a circle of white flowers, and we would bring her parents forward. I knew that we would soon be bringing this lost love interest forward as well, but I wanted to ensure that she felt supported first by family. “I feel sick,” she said. She began to move from side to side; I could see her eyes flickering, so I knew that she was in deep meditation. I realized she
needed assistance from a greater power within the Cosmic Akashic. “Okay,” I said. “Just hold a moment and move your biological family out of the circle and just create balance in your space.” I then asked her to call her star family forward. She seemed to calm and smiled a little. “I see lights above me,” she said. “Good, keep focus on the lights.” Then I asked her to welcome them forward, ust to see who they were. “Andromeda. They are orange, and I feel calm,” she said. “Okay, let them surround you. I want you to ask one to stand in front of you and hold your hands, while one stands behind you and holds your shoulders.” She told me that she could see the energy running from the star family into her hands and filling her body with light. Once her solar plexus was full, I decided that it was time to bring the past love interest forward. I asked her to create a circle of red flowers and see this man standing there. I asked her how he looked. “Like a demon,” she said. “Dark, angry, and full of rage.” As we had called him to the light, we were seeing an entity from another world. “Is this draconian?” I asked. “Yes, and he now looks like a reptile,” she said. “Okay, keep shining light,” I told her. “His soul has contracts with you, and he has broken them.” She began to become distressed. I told her to focus on the Andromeda family, and we went through a conversation of breaking the contracts and vows they had between her and him that were holding her back with her mission upon the Earth. We focused on freedom and peace. Once we had broken the contracts, she said that he appeared in a dark fog and was moving away. We began creating light and golden energy in her garden visualization, which she saw around her, and then set him free. When we left the visualization, she was in a state of peace and calm. She asked me what had occurred. I went on to explain that these energies could have contracts to come to this world to work with us but that they are under supervision. It’s very like
having a visa issued from a country’s embassy; however, if they break the visa contracts and violate the law of free will, as Earth beings, we do not have to tolerate them in our world. We can ask guides from higher dimensions for protection and dispensation to release and to carry on with our own sacred ourney. By sending light and observing boundaries, these draining energies can move along to a place where they need to be, and because we tolerate them with love and light, their energy source of fear can be moved into a dormant slumber. These creatures often have a pattern of connecting to you, using a method that they call soul marketing. Let me explain.
Signs to recognize the reptile or negative force energies They tell you that they are the only healer/coach/psychic you should consult. They reach out to you to move you into an up sell program of soul development only connected to them. They only social network with you or promote you when you are feeding their ego. When you raise a red flag of concern and say, “I’m not sure or this is not working,” they will respond with subliminal messages in their correspondence to you. They will post messages that you know and feel are connected to you. Social networks are created for transparency and a way to live with the higher consciousness but also to expose those who would have you believe their story and control you. Work with those who truly make your heart feel happy, not those who are focused on your bank balance. A true healer would offer choices and free will, and they will always support you. Use the following visualization to remove contracts, gain protection, and free yourself from their nasty little hooks.
A Visualization for Protection Before you commence this work, think about your outcome and intention when connecting with this person or group that is causing you fear or concern in your life. Work from compassion and love for everyone’s greater good. Begin by finding a space or place where you feel safe and calm. Allow your heart chakra energy to ground and connect with the earth and the heavens above. Surround yourself with beautiful light, and see it vibrate within you and around you. Now, imagine you are in a beautiful garden. In your subconscious sanctuary garden, create a water feature and an abundance of flowers, butterflies, and trees. Now, imagine that angelic guides or ascended masters surround you. Call to Lord Ashtar and his fleet command for guidance and support. Now, focus upon a white ring of flowers, and see this person or group brought into the circle of peace. Very gently, ask that you be shown the true nature and essence of them, and then see which color appears. Ask why this person/group has come into your life and the lesson that you need to learn. Be clear with your boundaries, and call upon your galactic family to stand beside you. Watch as this person or group begins to shapeshift and stay in your heart, creating a high vibration of love and light around you. Ask them to reveal where they are from and their fears. Now, visualize a bubble of purple and lilac light around the person/group, and ask that they now have no contracts or cords connected to yourself or your loved ones. Visualize their energy cords that were connected to you being dissolved into the night sky with all of the stars. You accept your karma, and they can accept theirs. You simply wish for distance and the light to now embrace you and free you from hurt and harm with eternal protection. Now, gently watch as they leave your energy field and you are surrounded by beautiful angels and spirit guides. Give gratitude to Lord Ashtar and the star beings that have been present with you. Allow your energy cords to return to your body from the earth and sky above. Relax, smile and awaken.
And Finally This has been but a stepping stone journey of ascension, simple messages that can awaken doorways to new thoughts and wisdom. Be present in your day, release attachment from outcome, and know that you are protected, safe, and adored by the heavens above. Empower yourself for your greatest good. This is a time for transformation, transmutation, and transfiguration within your Akashic matrix and record. The blessings of love and light seal your divine code and align you to illumination for infinity. Blessed ever you are.
Acknowledgment With all love and light, I am ever in grace for the support of my family, my parents and friends in the United Kingdom, and my new-found family and friends in the vortex magic of Sedona, Arizona, USA. My Soul Artisan Studio nurtures my spiritual teaching and allows the ever-magnificent Akashic matrix to come closer with ever greater inspiration and clarity. My beloved husband, Stephen, reads my manuscripts, and my darling daughter, Scarlett, teaches me to be extraordinary and follow my soul purpose. And, of course, our darling kitten Lila sits with me as I write, ever a magical temple cat.
Glossary of Terms Akashic Record The collection of all universal knowledge recorded in an etheric realm. The records of souls past, present, life between lives, and future lives.
Alchemy Using art and science to change one form into another. The practice of magical arts.
Ascension The process of raising a soul’s life force to a higher level.
Ba The celestial soul or higher -self energy force.
Chakra An energy force vortex located within the body of a human or collection of energy.
Emerald Tablet Sacred wisdom that was carved into a stone tablet and brought to Egypt. This was the ancient knowledge of Atlantis and connected to the Egyptian God Thoth.
Energy Codes Can be symbols or words that are multi dimensional and can upgrade your consciousness.
Halls of Amenti An ancient temple located under the pyramids in Giza, Cairo, where the Akashic Records and sacred tablets of Atlantis are said to reside.
Initiation A process of achieving various levels of mastery in spirituality. Once a level is achieved, the soul can move to the next sacred initiation to demonstrate
spiritual learning.
Isis Considered a cosmic mother and goddess in ancient Egypt. Married to the god Osiris, with whom she had a son, Horus.
Ka The energy force surrounding the physical human body.
Karma The collection of the soul’s actions, work, or deeds, which creates an influence on reality in the future.
Kundalini The life force energy said to start in the root chakra and intertwine through the chakras, rising through the crown.
Light Worker A term used to describe a human soul who is committed to support others in the spiritual journey. They are students and teachers of consciousness and ascension upon the planet Earth.
Lemuria A lost ancient continent that lay in the Pacific Ocean. A land where other cosmic races began to seed with earth seeds creating the first of the human race. Beings are thought to have been created in a greater energy force appearing luminous. This continent is said to have fallen many years before Atlantis due to the shift in tectonic plates upon the earth.
Mer - Ka - Ba The connection of the Ka and Ba to allow a human to engage in the practice of energy body ascension and higher consciousness.
Ren The ancient Egyptian practice of calling oneself into a sacred circle by calling out your Earth human name as a demonstration of being present for the event.
Seshat The Egyptian goddess connected to ancient writing channeled from the other
dimensions and worlds. The high priestess of the scribes who record the events surrounding ancient Egypt.
Soul contracts Before a soul incarnates upon the Earth, it has a list of spiritual lessons, karma to clear, and initiations to master.
Star Seed An individual’s initial essence or seed, which has originated from another world, planet, or dimension.
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