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Using AIX Scalable volume groups due to the fact that they are easy to use and have very few limitations. In my opinion, every volume group group you create create should be Scalable unless unless you have some kind of requirement to import the volume group in to a super old version of AIX. Unfortunately there are a lot of !riginal and "ig volume groups out there. #or more inform ation about limitations of !riginal and "ig volume groups, and a script to show you a report on your systems volume group status$s, check out an earlier post I did% &ec &ecip iphe herin ring g AIX 'olu me (ro (roup up lim limit itat ation ionss and ty type pess If you have !riginal and "ig volume groups its only a matter of time until you start running in to their limitations. At that point you are going to probably want to convert your !riginal !riginal to a "ig volume group, or convert your "ig "ig volume group group to a Scalable Scalable volume group. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, in order to convert a volume group you must have some free physical partitions )aka **$s+ on '- hdisk in the volume group. /his is usually a problem because you are probably looking to convert the volume group due to running out of space, so you probably have several hdisks that are completely full. In order to free up **$s on every every disk you have a couple of options. options. ou can either shrink  shrink  filesy filesyste stems ms )which )which may or may not be possible possible depend depending ing on how full they they are+, are+, or use migratel migratelp p or migratepv migratepv to move things things around around to free up some space space on the volume group. /he migratelp0migratepv is a good option if several of your hdisk$s are full in the volume group,  but you still have some hdisk$s hdisk$s with free space that that things could be shuffled shuffled to. I$ve written a script that will migratelp things around in order to free up a specified amount of  **$s on each disk. /o run the script, you specify the volume group name, and the number of **$s you want free on every hdisk% #or e1ample e1ample%% .0vgbalan .0vgbalance,pl ce,pl testvg testvg 2 )/his will will attempt attempt to free free up 2 **$s on on every hdisk in testvg+ 3et$s suppose we have a server that has testvg with the following hdisks that have the specified amount of free **$s% 4 for disk in 5lspv 6 grep testvg 6 awk $7print 89:$5; do printf 8disk ; lspv 8disk 6 grep #- **; done hdisk< #- **s%

= )= megabytes+ megabytes +

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk? #- **s%

= )= megabytes+ megabytes +

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9= #- **s%

= )= megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk99 #- **s%

= )= megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9@ #- **s%

= )= megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk92 #- **s%

9 )< megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9< #- **s%

@ ) megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9? #- **s%

B )@< megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9B #- **s%

? )@= megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9C #- **s%

92 )?@ megabytes+

>!/ S*A-% S*A-%


hdisk9 #- **s%

9@ )!/ S*A-%


hdisk9D #- **s%

99 )!/ S*A-%


hdisk@= #- **s%

9< )?B megabytes+

>!/ S*A-%


As you can see several of the hdisks in the testvg volume group have Eero free **$s. If we wanted to free up 2 **$s per hdisk in the testvg volume group we would run the script like this% 4 testvg 2 migratelp fslv=20B hdisk9?; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk< migratelp fslv=20C hdisk9?; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk< migratelp fslv=20 hdisk9?; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk< migratelp fslv=@0< hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk? migratelp fslv=@0? hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk? migratelp fslv=@0B hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk? migratelp fslv=@0B hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk9= migratelp fslv=@0BD hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk9= migratelp fslv=@0C= hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk9= migratelp fslv=@099B hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk99 migratelp fslv=@099C hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk99 migratelp fslv=@099 hdisk9C; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk99 migratelp fslv=@092= hdisk9; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk9@ migratelp fslv=@0929 hdisk9; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk9@ migratelp fslv=@092@ hdisk9; sleep 9; 444/o free up **$s on hdisk9@ migratelp fslv=@09
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