AIS Introduction 1-sdlc

June 17, 2019 | Author: jannah | Category: Technology, Business, Systems Engineering, Computing, Cognition
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Short Description




 To take advantage of/or respond to technology changes  To improve business process & the productivity productivity User or business changes Create competitive advantage  Aging systems need replacement replacement

 A model or approach to the development of new system system  that guide the process to assure that the new system system will be the best for the organization

Include 5 tasks: a. Initial investigation Involves gathering the information needed to buy or develop a new system and determining whether it is a priority b. System survey If the system is a priority, survey the existing system to define the nature and scope of the project and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system c.  Feasibility study Involves an in-depth study of the proposed system to determine

Delivery of system requirement Involves preparation of a report


summarizing the systems analysis work  This report is submitted to the information systems steering committee


New system is periodically reviewed


Modification are made as problem arise or as new need become evident


 Providing support n encouragement Establishing systems goals n objective  Review information system department performance and leadership  Participate in important systems decisions decisions

Company decide how to meet user need

Include 3 tasks: a. Identify and evaluate design alternatives either to buy software, developing in house @ outsourcing b. Develop design specifications Involves writing up details of what  the system is to accomplish and how it is to be controlled and developed c. Deliver conceptual design requirements  Forwarded to the information systems steering committee




whether it’s feasible




Involves finding out and documenting what users and management need  the most important aspect of systems analysis

 Translate the concepts into detailed detailed specification that can be used by the programmer to code the programs Include 5 tasks: a. b. c. d.

Design outputs, database, and inputs Develop programs Develop procedures Design controls


Deliver developed system


New hardware n software are installed n test


Employees are hired and trained or existing employees relocated  Processing procedure are tested n modified Standards n controls for the new system are

Determination requirement -

and communicate them to system developers.  Be the member of development team  As an auditors who must ensure that the system is designed with appropriate internal controls and computer audit techniques



 As end users who must determine their information needs and systems requirements


established n system documentation completed



Set policies that govern the AIS & ensure top management participation, guidance and control  To plan and oversee the information system system function.


Encourage goal congruence and reduce goal conflict


 Plan n monitor each project Monitor to ensure timely and cost-effective completion Ensure the human element is considered


Study the existing system Design new systems n prepare specification

4. -

write the computer programs


modify and maintaining existing programs


Include customer, vendor, auditor,  governmental entities  Their needs must also be met in systems development



 To know about the problem that must

Determine feasibility n contribution of project

be corrected by the new system & to meet the user need

5 type of feasibility:

5 key phases: 1.  Recognize problems  The point at which the problem is recognized is often a function of

 3 key inputs that must be considered in assessing the information are:



 Vision n mission Industry n competency analysis Industry analysis = driving  forces that affect the industry and their organization’s 

available and appropriate for the system?


performance Competency analysis = a complete picture of the

Managers and end users should: avoid leaping to a single definition of a problem keep an open mind and gather facts before deciding


 - can procedural changes be made to make the system work?  - can the project be completed by an acceptable time period?


 Preparing a formal project proposal 



learn to intelligently interact with systems professionals 



fall within legal boundaries?

Define problem


seen via four strategic filters: resources, infrastructure, products/services, and customers

How does the old system support the mission of the company? How should the company move forward with its new system? Use legacy components to help develop an architecture description

 - does the system

organization’s effectiveness as


 - responds  to problems only when they reach a crisis state  - alert to subtle signs of problems and aggressively looks for ways to improve

 - are the funds

management’s philosophy  – 

 - is the  technology necessary available?

Specify systems objective -

 The strategic objectives of the firm and the operational objectives of the information systems must be compatible

 Provides management with a basis for deciding whether or not to proceed with the project It summarizes the findings of the study and makes a  general recommendation It outlines the linkage between the objectives of  the proposed system and  the business objectives of  the firm

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