Detailed analysis of Airtel SWOT and VRIO Analysis...
Rakesh S K Giriraj Navander Anjani Krishna K S Narla Venkat Nikhil Ajay Ajay Milind Halepaty Koppineni V N S Rohit Kumar
Incorporated on July 7, 1995 for promoting telecommunication er!ice"
It i one of India# leading pri!ate ector pro!ider of telecommunication er!ice $it% more t%an 2&9"'1 million cutomer $it% mar(et %are of 2&)"
It re!enue for *nancial year 2+1&15 tood at - 92+,'9& million
.%e net pro*t for t%e *nancial year 2+1&15 $a - 51,/'5 million
.%e RO0 of irtel i /"52)
Gro$t% rate of t%e company i 7) for t%e *nancial year 2+1&15
Gro$t% rate of t%e Indian telecom indutry for *nancial year 2+1&15 i 11)
Purpose of the Analysis: e are doing t%i analyi to undertand %o$ t%e irtel company i preently dominating t%e telecom mar(et in India" %at are t%eir trengt% and $ea(nee internally and opportunitie and t%reat e3ternally and $%at trategy t%ey %a!e to adopt in order to maintain t%eir poition and to compete $it% t%eir competitor"
>alue 4%ain irm infrastructure 4R tool, I6, 0RP, et$or(ing 08uipment, .elecom e8uipment for co!erage and ignal trengt%, I. Infratructure management I. (illed $or( force, .elecom engineer, g !R
n s i e 4utomer er!ice .eleale training, ranc%iee management, t i r t ta;ng and training" i o v Technology "evelopment 4reating a 'G ena
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