Airstream-AHC AVC D-User and Service Manual-V4.3-Jul 2013 Ardana

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Esco Controlled Environment Laboratory and Cleanroom Equipment Solutions                 

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical User and Service Manual


Thank you for purchasing this Esco Laminar Flow Clean Benches. Please read this manual thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the many unique features and exciting innovations we have built into your new equipment. Esco provides many other resources at our website,, to complement this manual and help you enjoy many years of productive and safe use of your Esco products.

User And Service Manual For Technical Service, contact  North America

Esco Technologies, Inc.                              Rest of World

Esco Micro Pte. Ltd.                     

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical

US $ 50.00 Europe € 40.00         

Esco AHC/AVC (D-Series) User & Service Manual (Version 4.3) Released 4 June 2009



COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Copyright © 2013 Esco Micro Pte.Ltd. All rights reserved. The information contained in this manual and the accompanying product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by Esco. Esco reserves the right to make periodic minor design changes without obligation to notify any person or entity of such change. SentinelTM  and Airstream ®  are registered trademarks of Esco

                   (including any appendix, addendum, attachment or inclusion), are subject to change without notice. Esco makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information contained in this manual. In no event shall Esco be held liable for any damages,                   

        User and Service Manual



Table of Contents:


Table of Contents Warranty Terms and Conditions .............. .............. ............. .............. .............. .............. ........ iii Introduction ...................... ................................................. ..................................................... .................................................... ................................................... ................................ ....... v 1.  Products Covered ............................................................................................................ v 2.  S a f e t y Wa rn in g ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... v 3.  Limitation Of Liability ....................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ........... vi 4.  European Union Di rective on W EEE and RoHS ............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ....... vi 5.  S y m b o l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . vi

Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................... vii  Air stream str eam Hor izon tal Lam Laminar inar Flo w Cle an Benc hes .. ..... ... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... ... .. ..... ... ... .. ..... ... .... .. .. vii  Air  Airstre stre am V ert ical Lami nar Flo w C Clean lean Benc hes ......... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....... ... .... .... .... .... .. viii

User Section 1.   Basic Pr oduct Infor matio mation n . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ..1 1 1.1 Quick View .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 AHC (D-Series) .................... ............................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ................. ...... 1 1.1.2 AVC (D-Series) ........... ..................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ................. ......


1.2 Airflow Pattern ........................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................. ...................... 3 1.2.1 AHC (D-Series) .................... ............................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ................. ...... 3 1.2.2 AVC (D-Series (D-Series)) .................................................... ................................................................................ ........................................................ ......................................................... ............................................. ................ 4

2.   Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ..5 5 2.1 Pre-Re Pre-Requisit quisites es ............. ............................ .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ............................... ........................... ........... 5 2.1.1 Selecting the IInstallation nstallation Location.......................... ............ ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ................. .... 5 The following requirements should be taken into account: ....................................................... 5 Case Study: Choosing The Best Installation Location: ........... ...................... ..................... ........ 5 2.1.2 Preparing For Installation ...................................................... ................................................................................... ......................................................... ...................................................... .......................... 6 Support Requirements ............... .............................. ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................. .............6 Electrical Requirements ............................. ............................................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................. .............7 Service Line Requirements .............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ........................ ........ 7 2.1.3 Optional Retrofit Kits ............................. ............................................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................ ............................ ............. 7 2.2 Connecting The Clean Bench ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Connecting the Electrical Supply ................................................................................................................ 8 2.2.2 Connecting the Service Fixture(s) ........................................ ....................................................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ................8 2.2.3 Preliminary Cleaning .............. ............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ................................ ................................ ............................ ............. 8 2.3 Performance Validation / Certification ......................... ................................................... ..................................................... ..................................... .......... 8 2.3.1 Disclaimer ........................... ....................................................... ......................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .................................................. ..................... 8

3.   Oper ating Your Clean Bench . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 9  3.1 Control System Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9 3.2 Starting The Clean Bench .......................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Working In The Clean Bench...................... ........................................... ........................................... ............................................ ........................................... ............................... .......... 11




Table of Contents



3.4 Working Ergonomics ................................................................................................................................. 11 3.5 Cleaning And Shutting Down The Clean Bench .......................................................................................12 3.6 Menu Options ........................................................................................................................................... 15

4 .   Maintaining Your Clean Bench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Log Record ........................ .................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ...................................... .......... 18

Service Section 1.   Re-Certification And Maintenance By Service Personnel ..................................... 21 1.1 Certification Flowchart ............................................................................................................................... 22 1.2 Airflow Adjustment .................................................................................................................................... 22 1.3 Unit Re-certification .......................................................................................................................................... 23 1.4 Calibration of SentinelTM Delta Control ....................................................................................................... 26 1.5 Replacement of Filter .................... ......................................... ........................................... ............................................ ........................................... .......................................... ..................... 28 1.6 Replacement of Blower ......................................................... ............................................................................................................... .............................................................. ........ 30 1.7 Replacement of Fluorescent Lamp and UV Lamp ...................... ........................................... .......................................... ........................................... ......................... ...31

2.   Troubleshooting ................................................ ......................................................................... .......................................... ................. 33 3.   Pr oduct Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.1 AHC (D-Series) Engineering Details ............................................................................................................. 47 3.2 AVC (D-Series) Engineering Details ............................................................................................................. 48 3.3 Technical Specification Summary Table................ .......................... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ...................... .................. ...... 49 3.3.1 AHC (D-Series) ............ .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ............. 49 3.3.2 AVC (D-Series) .............. .............................. ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ............................... ............................... ................................ ................... ... 50 3.4 Environmental And Electrical Requirements ................................................................................................. 51

 Appendix  App end ix A: Elec trical tri cal Sche mat matic ic D rawi rawing ng  App end ix B: Rep Replace lace men mentt P arts List  Appendix  Append ix C: Furt Further her Informat Information ion and Reference Materials  App end ix D : Lo g Reco R ecord rd  App end ix E : Vers V ersion ion His Histor tor y

        User and Service Manual



Warranty Terms and Conditions:


WARRANTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS Esco warrants that this equipment will perform according to the specifications for 3 years from the date of purchase.

           liability under this limited warranty shall be, at our option, to repair or replace any defective parts of the equipment, provided if proven to the satisfaction of Esco that these parts were defective at the time of being sold, and that all defective parts shall be returned, properly identified with a Return Authorization. This limited warranty covers parts only, and not transportation/ insurance charges. This limited warranty does not cover:

                   claim directly with the freight carrier.

                   nt        ¤ External causes such as accident, abuse, misuse, problems with electrical power, improper operating environ mental conditions ¤ Servicing not authorized by Esco ¤ Usage that is not in accordance with product instructions ¤ Failure to follow the product instructions ¤ Failure to perform preventive maintenance ¤ Problems caused by using accessories, parts, or components not supplied by Esco ¤ Damage by fire, floods, or acts of God ¤ Customer modifications to the product

  sumables such as filters (HEPA, ULPA, carbon, pre -filters) and fluorescent / UV bulbs Factory installed, customer specified equipment or accessories are warranted only to the extent guaranteed by the original manufacturer. The customer agrees that in relation to these products purchased through Esco, our limited

                  products. The customer shall utilize that warranty for the support of such products and in any event not look to Esco for such warranty support. Esco encourages all users to register their equipment online at or or complete the warranty registration form included with each product.


                   AM OUN T YO U PAI D FO R THE PR ODU CT THA T IS THE SUB JE CT OF A CLA IM . TH IS IS TH E MA XI MUM AM OUN T FOR WHICH ESCO IS RESPONSIBLE. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and c onstrued in accordance with the laws of Singapore a nd shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.




: Warranty Terms and Conditions :

Technical Support, Warranty Service Contacts Toll-Free USA and Canada 877-479-ESCO Singapore: +65 6542 0833 Global Email Helpdesk: [email protected]  

 Vi si t to talk to a Live Support Representative Distributors are encouraged to visit the Distributor Intranet for self-help materials. Policy updated on 30th Jan 2007 (This limited warranty policy does not apply to products purchased before 30th Jan 2007).

        User and Service Manual






1 .   P R O D U C T S C O V E R E D This manual is applicable and specific to the following Esco products.

Nominal Size Electrical 0.6 meters  

   

   

   

   

220-240V, AC, 50Hz, 1Ø  






220-240V, AC, 50Hz, 1Ø 






110-130V, AC, 60Hz, 1Ø 






110-130V, AC, 60Hz, 1Ø 






220-240V, AC, 60Hz, 1Ø  






220-240V, AC, 60Hz, 1Ø  







   An yo ne wo rk in g wi th , on or ar ou nd th is eq ui pm en t sh ou ld re ad th is ma nu al . Fa il ur e to re ad , un de rs ta nd an d

follow the instructions given in this documentation may result in damage to the unit, injury to operating personnel, and / or poor equipment performance. 


 An y in te rn al ad ju st me nt , mo di fi ca ti on or ma in te na nc e to th is eq ui pm en t mu st be un de rt ak en by qu al if ie d service personnel.


The use of any hazardous material in the cabinet must be monitored by an industrial hygienist, safety officer or some other suitably qualified individual.


Explosive or inflammable substances should never be used in the cabinet unless a qualified safety professional has evaluated the risk involved.


If chemical, radiological or other non-microbiological hazards are being used in the cabinet, additional protective measures should be taken. Besides that, the operation should be monitored by a suitably trained individual.


Before you proceed, you should thoroughly understand the installation procedures and take note of the environ mental/electrical requirements of the cabinet


In this manual, important safety related points will be marked with this symbol.


If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by this manual, the protection pr ovided by this equ ipment may be impa impaire ired. d.





: Introduction

3.  LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The disposal and / or emission of substances used in connection with this cabinet may be governed by various local regulations. Familiarization and compliance with any such regulation are the sole responsibility of the users of the               

4.  EUROPEAN UNION DIRECTIVE ON WEEE AND RoHS The European Union has issued two directives:   Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

               of recovery of such wastes (WEEE) so as to reduce the disposal of waste besides improving the environmental performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic        hence this directive refers to the            (shown alongside)  has to be pasted on all products covered by this directive, indicating that at the time of disposing of the product, product, it should not be grouped together with general unsorted municipal waste. Instead, distributors of electrical and electronic equipment should be responsible for the collection and scrapping of the products they have sold

                 is not applicable to its disposal. You may, at the time of disposing this cabinet, still contact your local Esco distributor who can arrange for collection and recycling of this cabinet for a reasonable fee.   Directive 2002/95/EC on Restriction on the use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)

With respect to the directive on RoHS, please note that this cabinet falls under category 9 (monitoring and control instruments)  and is therefore exempted from requirement to comply with the provisions of this directive.

5. SYMBOLS Information in this manual may be prefaced with the following symbols. They are provided to help you identify important operational, safety, maintenance or conformance issues.  

        User and Service Manual



Declaration of Conformity:



Declaration of Conformation In accordance to EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010

We, of

Esco Micro Pte.Ltd.  Pte.Ltd.  21 Changi South Street 1 Singapore, 486777 Tel: +65 6542 0833 Fax: +65 6542 6920

declare on our sole responsibility that the product: Category

: Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Benches


: Airstream


:AHC-2D1, AHC-3D1, AHC-4D1, AHC-5D1, AHC-6D1

in accordance with the followin following g directives: 


: The Low Voltage Directive and its amending amending directives


: The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and its amending directives

has been designed to comply with the requirement of the following Harmonized Standard: 

  Low Voltage

: EN 61010-1:2010


: EN 61326-1:2006 Class B

More                    d their contact information is available on request from Esco.

 XQ Lin Group CEO, Esco (Feb 14th, 2011)



: Declaration of Conformity


Declaration of Conformation In accordance to EN ISO/IEC 17050-1:2010

We, of

Esco Micro Pte. Ltd.  Ltd.  21 Changi South Street 1 Singapore, 486777 Tel: +65 6542 0833 Fax: +65 6542 6920

declare on our sole responsibility that the product: Category

: Vertical Laminar Flow Clean Benches


: Airstream


: AVC-2D1, AVC-3D1, AVC-4D1, AVC-5D1, AVC-6D1

in accordance with the following directives: 


: The Low Voltage Directive and its amending directives


: The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive and its amending directives

has been designed to comply with the requirement of the following Harmonized Standard: 

  Low Voltage   EMC

: EN 61010-1:2001 : EN 61326-1:2006 Class B

More information may be obta                 contact information is available on request from Esco.

 XQ Lin Group CEO, Esco (Feb 14th, 2011)

This Declaration of Conformity is only applicable for 230V AC 50Hz units

        User and Service Manual





        User and Service Manual



     Basic Product Information:


CHAPTER 1 BASIC PRODUCT INFORMATION Esco Laminar Flow Clean Benches are the premium selection for the discerning researcher, offering a combination of value, high quality construction and low operating noise levels. These laminar flow clean benches are used in applications where there is no generation of biohazardous materials and operator protection is not required. Suitable applications include mycology, food microbiology, plant and mammalian cell culture, clinical pharmacy and hospital protocols, cleanrooms, semiconductor assembly, pharmaceutical, aerospace, and medical devices industries.

1.1 QUICK VIEW 1.1.1 AHC (D-Series) 


4 5 6 7 8 9




1.   P r e - f i l t e r t r a p s l a r g e p a r t i c l e s i n t h e inflow air prior to reaching the main filter, protecting it against damage and prolonging its life 2.   B l o w e r - T h e e n e r g y e f f i c i e n t e x t e r n a l rotor motor design reduces operating costs, minimizes noise and vibration 3.   E s c o S e n t i n e l T M D e l t a m i c r o p r o c e s s o r control system supervises all cabinet functions 4.   F l u o r e s c e n t l a m p 5.   O p t i o n a l e l e c t r i c a l o u t l e t 6.   O p t i o n a l U V l i g h t 7.   O p t i o n a l I V b a r

8.   U L P A Filter utilizing an improved minipleated separation technique to maximize surface area, operates at a typical efficiency of >99.999% at 0.1 to 0.3 micron sizes 9.   T r a n s p a r e n t tempered panel enhances visibility a more comfortable work for the operator as conventional stainless painted steel sides

glass side and creates environment opposed to steel or

10.   S e r v i c e fixture Retrofit KitTM provision (2 holes on each side) 11.   S t a i n l e s s s t e e l w o r k t o p , work zone easy to clean 12.  



Optional front cover for UV protection





:      Basic Product Information

1.1.2 AVC (D-Series) 1



4 5 6 7 8 12

9 10


1.   Pre-filter traps large particles in the inflow air prior to reaching the main filter, protecting it against damage and prolonging its life 2.   Blower - The energy efficient external rotor motor design reduces operating operating costs, mini mizes noise and vibration 3.   Esco Sentinel Delta microprocessor control system supervises all cabinet functions 4.   ULPA Filter utilizing an improved minipleated separation technique to maximize surface area, operates at a typical efficiency of >99.999% at 0. 1 to 0.3 micron sizes 5.   F l u o r e s c e n t l a m p 6.   O p t i o n a l I V b a r 7.   O p t i o n a l U V l i g h t 8.   Transparent tempered glass side panel enhances visibility and creates a more comfortable work environment for the operator as opposed to conventional stainless steel or painted steel sides 9.   Service fixture Retrofit Kit provision  (2 holes on each side) 10.  O p t i o n a l f r o n t c o v e r f o r U V p r o t e c t i o n 11.  Stainless steel work top, making the work zone easy to clean 12.  Electrical outlet Retrofit Kit provision (1 for 2ft and 3ft models, 2 for 4ft and above)  

        User and Service Manual



     Basic Product Information:


1.2 AIRFLOW PATTERN 1.2.1 AHC (D-Series)

Blower Supply ULPA Filter Horizontal Laminar Flow of Clean Air

ULPA-filtered air Room air / Inflow air

Room air is taken in from the top of the clean bench through a disposable pre-filter with 85% arrestance; this serves to trap larger particles and increase the life of the main filter. 


 Air is for ced even ly acr oss the ULP A fil ter( s); the res ult is a str eam of clea n lam ina r air with in the work zon e of the   clean bench; this dilutes and flushes all airborne contaminants from the interior. 

   A n omi nal fil ter fac e v eloc it y o f 0 .45 m/s or 90 fpm ens ure s tha t t her e i s a su ffi cie nt num ber of air cha nge s w i thi n the enclosed area of the clean bench to maintain cleanliness. 

  The purified air travels across the internal work zone of the clean bench in a horizontal, unidirectional stream and leaves the main work chamber across the entire open front of the clean bench.





     Basic Product Information

1.2.1 AVC (D-Series)  (D-Series) 

Room air is taken in from the top of the clean bench through a disposable pre-filter with 85% arrestance; this serves to trap larger particles and increase the life of the main filter.


er( s); the res ult is a str eam of cle an lam ina r air with in the work zon e of the    Air is forc ed even ly acr oss the ULP A filt er(s); clean bench; this dilutes and flushes all airborne contaminants from the interior.

   A nom ina l fil ter fac e vel oci ty of 0.4 5 m/s or 90 fpm ens ure s tha t the re is a su ffi cie nt num ber of air cha nge s wit hin


the enclosed area of the clean bench to maintain cleanliness. The purified air travels across the working zone of the clean bench in a vertical, unidirectional stream and leaves the main work chamber across the entire open front of the clean bench and through Auto-PurgeTM slots at the back wall of the work zone.  Auto-PurgeTM slots are designed designed to e eliminate liminate air tturbulence urbulence and tthe he possibility of dead air corners corners in the work work zone.

        User and Service Manual



     Installation:




2.1 PRE-REQUISITES 2.1.1 Selecting the Installation Location Location impacts the nature and extent of external airflow disturbances, which may affect performance of the clean bench when it is exposed to these disturbances.

               relatively small compared to the airflow disturbances potentially caused by the opening of a door, a person walking by or for that matter being exposed to an air-conditioning outlet. All these things can therefore affect the proper functioning of a laminar flow clean bench, thereby impairing the protection offered by the clean bench. When installing the clean bench, it should be located as far away as possible from sources of airflow disturbance and in an orientation which

          disturbances. Please note that the clean bench should not be placed close to another clean bench. The following requirements should be taken into account: a.   The location should be far away from any kind of heat source (heaters, fan converters etc.)  for facilitating optimum operating conditions. b.    A c lea ra nce of 183 cm (6 ft) in fro nt of the cle an ben ch is st ron gly ad vis ed in ord er to mai nt ain pro per ai rfl ow. c.   There should be unobstructed access to the main power supply point. Case Study: Choosing the Best Installation Location

                                      recommended that so many clean benches be placed in a small room, or in close proximity to each other. 1.   LFC 1 is quite appropriately located


Laminar Flow Clean Benches


with respect to avoidance of exces-


sive air movements from surrounding areas.

Return Air Grille

2.   LFC 2 is too close to the doorway and its airflow could be influenced by the


air inlet. 3.   The airflow of LFC 3 could also be influenced by the air inlet. 4.   LFC 4 is too close to the doorway. 5.   LFC 5 is suitably located provided





 Air Inlet Inlet

that the adjacent return air grille does not influence cabinet airflow. Personnal Traffic LFC LFC






:      Installation

2.1.2 Preparing For Installation Support Requirements Esco provides a number of optional support stands:  

  Support Stand with Casters   Support Stand with Leveling Feet

op i n g S u p p o r t S t a n d w i t h C a s t e r s   T e l e s c op

  Telescoping Support Stand with Leveling Feet

  Hydraulic motorized adjustable Support Stand with Casters

Esco support stand with leveling feet is recommended for safety. It is recommended that the installation of the support stand be carried out by qualified personnel  (contact your Esco Distributor for assistance).

(ONLY IF LEVELERS ARE PRESENT)   After installation of the clean bench on the support stand, using a level placed in the centre of the work tray, adjust the legs to achieve a level work surface. First level from left to right and then from front to back.

        User and Service Manual



     Installation:


7 Electrical Requirements The clean bench should be connected to its own dedicated power outlet(s). The power rating for each model is shown in section 3.3 Technical Specification Summary Table in Product Specification Section. Ensure that the outlet is rated accordingly. Ensure that the power source has proper grounding to connect to the power cord grounding in the clean bench. The power cable is located on the right hand side of the clean bench and the cord is 2.5m long. When preparing the installation site try to ensure the outlet is located to the right of the clean bench for ease of access. Service Line Requirements  Al l s er vic e lin es sh ou ld be in st al led by a su it ab ly qu al if ied an d cer ti fi ed eng in eer , in ac cor da nc e w it h al l a pp li ca bl e local, state and government regulations. Service line attachments should be equipped with an emergency shut off valve that can be accessed quickly and with ease, should the need arise.  You sho uld che ck wit h y our loc al ser vic e i nst all er as to whe the r t her e i s a n eed to ins tal l p res sur e r egu la tor s t o r edu ce the line pressure.  Yo ur cle an be nch ca n ac com mod at e ser vic e fi xtu res on th e lef t or ri gh t ha nd sid e of the cle an ben ch. Ma ke al low an ce for the positioning of service lines when planning the installation site to ensure ease of access to emergency shut off valves. 2.1.3 Optional Retrofit Kits


Full instructions for optional retrofit kits are included with the kit. Please refer to the manual that accompanies the kit for installation instruc tions. The following is a list of retrofit kits available for this unit, you may also want to vis it for  for more information.  




:      Installation  

2.2 CONNECTING THE CLEAN BENCH 2.2.1 Connecting the Electrical Supply Connect the supplied electrical cord to the input on the top of the clean bench. Make sure the cable connector is seated firmly in the socket. 2.2.2 Connecting the Service Fixture(s) If you have purchased service fixtures for your clean bench these will either have been factory installed or provided in a package located inside the work tray when you unpacked the clean bench. If the fixtures have been provided for site installation there will be ful l instructions provided with them. Please refer to the instructions provided to install your retrofit kits. Connecting the clean bench to service lines must be performed by a suitably qualified and certified engineer, i n accordance with all applicable local, state and government regulations. Where applicable, each connection should be tested and certified by the installations engineer. Connections to service lines may be subject to the provision of pressure regulators and should always have an emergency shut off valve installed within easy reach of the clean bench operator. 2.2.3 Preliminary Cleaning Wipe the interior and exterior of the clean bench with water or a mild household detergent.

2.3 PERFORMANCE VALIDATION / CERTIFICATIO CERTIFICATION N  Aft er ha vin g ins tal led the cle an ben ch but bef ore sta rti ng to us e it, cle an ben ch per for man ce mus t be val ida ted and certified to factory standards. It is recommended that this validation and certification be performed only by a qualified technician who is familiar with the methods and procedures for certifying laminar flow clean benches.

2.3.1 Disclaimer The performance and safety of all Esco cabinets are rigorously evaluated at our factory. Regular field certification is important to ensure factory standards are maintained.


North America


NS F (   Esco ( )


I A F C A - m e m b e r c e r t i f y i n g c o m p a n y ( w w w . i a f c a . c o m / l i s t v i e w ))  

UK, China , India, Middle East/North Africa, Malaysia, Singapore 


Esco offers field certification services directly. Contact the local Esco office.

Other Countries 


Contact Esco or local distributor

          User and Service Manual



     Operating Your Clean Bench:



Fan/Up Button

Light/Down Light/Down Button

Socke Socket/Se t/Sett Button

UV/Exit UV/E xit Button Butto n

1. Fan/Up Button Turns on and off the fan in normal condition. 

  Fan LED illuminates when fan is on.

  Fan cannot be turned on when UV is on.

  Fan hour meter is provided to monitor the working hours of fan/filter (Refer to Section 3.6 Menu Options for more

information) 

   Ai rf lo w ve lo ci ty is di sp la ye d an d mo ni to re d if sy st em is pr op er ly ca li br at ed an d fa n is on .

Serves as UP button in MENU mode or D IAGNOSTIC MESSAGE mode. 2. Light/Down Button Turns on the light in normal condition. 

  Light LED illuminates when light is on.

  Light cannot be turned on when UV is on.

Serves as DOWN button in MENU mode or DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE mode. 3. Socket/Set Button Turns on/off the electrical socket (retrofit kit) in normal condition. Serves as SET button in MENU mode or DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE mode.





:       Operating Your Clean Bench :

4. UV/Exit Button Turns on/off the UV lamp in normal condition. 

  UV LED illuminates when UV is on.

  UV can only be turned on when both fan and light are off.

Please install front cover (retrofit kit) if you want to use this feature. Since the front cover is capable of filtering UV rays, users are protected from the harmful UV rays. Serve as EXIT button in MENU mode or DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE mode. Note: The use

of UV lamp voids cULus listing. Eyes and skin should not be exposed to direct UV light.



UV light should not be relied upon as the sole decontaminating agent.


Check the UV interlock regulary for correct operation.

5 .  M u t e B u t t o n Turns on/off audible alarm. 6 .   Mute + Light/Down (Secret Key Combination) To access MENU mode from normal condition, or exit MENU mode to normal condition. MUTE and LIGHT/DOWN buttons need to be pressed concurrently. 7 .   Mute + Socket/Set (Secret Key Combination) To access DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE mode from normal condition, or exit DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGE mode to normal condition. MUTE and SOCKET/SET buttons need to be pressed concurrently.

3.2 STARTING THE CLEAN BENCH 3.2.1 Prepare a written checklist of materials/apparatus necessary for immediate usage. 3.2.2 Turn off the UV light (if it is being used) as soon as you enter the work location. 3.2.3 Wash hands thoroughly using germicidal soap. Wear gloves for hand protection. Gloves should be pulled over the knitted wrists of the gown instead of wearing them inside. Double gloving may be necessary for higher risk work. 3.2.4 Put on a clean laboratory coat with long-sleeves. A solid front-back closing lab gown provides better protection to personal clothing than a traditional lab coat. If a higher degree of risk is involved then you should consider using a disposable gown. 3.2.5 Adjust the seating position for optimal operator comfort. It is recommended to use a height adjustable stool. Refer to section 3.4 on ergonomics for further information. 3.2.6 Thoroughly surface-decontaminate the work surface, side walls and back wall using 70% ethanol (or some other disinfectant depending on materials used in the clean bench). Surface-decontaminate the UV lamp and electrical outlets as well. Do not use any disinfectant containing chlorine-based substances as this may cause corrosion of the stainless steel surfaces. 3.2.7 Minimize room activity (personnel movements, closing and opening of doors, etc.) since these external airflow

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     Operating Your Clean Bench:



3.3 WORKING IN THE CLEAN BENCH 3.3.1 Allow only essential items in the work zone. Items/instruments should not be placed between the filter and any area where the clean environment is needed. New items introduced into the work zone should be placed downstream of items already in the work zone for several minutes to allow contaminants to flush off. 3.3.2 Work in the clean bench in a slow and controlled manner. While putting items inside / removing items from the work zone, move your hands in and out of the work zone opening slowly and in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the work zone opening. Rapid movement of arms in a sweeping motion may disrupt the air barrier, thereby allowing contaminants to enter the clean bench. 3.3.3 Exercise particular care when placing equipment within the work space. Where possible, instruments should be placed on perforated platforms to allow air movement under as well as around the object.

                  movement within the work zone to a minimum. 3.3.5 Do not use Bunsen burner and aerosol-generating instruments whenever possible as they interfere with airflow.

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  Discontinue work process if possible

  Turn the blower off

  Inspect spill. If contents of spill are potentially harmful, wear appropriate PPE (gloves, gowns.etc)

contamination ion   Remove debris from spill and wipe up spills carefully to prevent further contaminat

  Broken containers and contaminated cleaning materials should be disposed of in appropriate disposal containers.   Wipe surfaces clean by applying appropriate disinfecting solution to clean bench surface. Most surface disinfectants

require a specific contact time, depending on the microbiological agents used within the clean bench. After the specified contact time, wipe the excess disinfectant. 

  Leave the unit running for 5-30 minutes before continuing work to allow the system to purge itself.

3.4 WORKING ERGONOMICS On most occasions, you would most likely be operating the clean bench in sitting rather than standing posture. There are some obvious advantages of the sitting posture: 3.4.1 The physiological energy cost and fatigue involved in sitting ar e relatively less 3.4.2 Sitting posture provides the body with a stable support However, sitting position has some drawbacks too: 

  The working area available is fairly limited

  There is a potential risk of being constrained in the same posture for a long time

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Therefore you should pay careful attention to the following guidelines in order to achieve comfortable and healthy working conditions: Always ensure that your legs have enough legroom. Keep the lower back comfortably supported by your chair. Adjust the chair or use a pillow behind your back whenever necessary.

                     thighs. You should keep varying your sitting position throughout the day at regular intervals so that you are never in the same posture for too long. Observe the following precautions with respect to your eyes: 

Periodically look away from the work area and focus at a distant point.   Give your eyes frequent breaks. Periodically

  Keep your glasses clean. Arrange the items/apparatus frequently used in your work in such a way that you can minimize the physical strain involved in handling them. Exercise regularly 3.4 3.4.3 .3

Ergonomics accessor ies availab le with Esco include:

   A r m r e s t p a d d i n g

  Lab chair


Please contact your local distributor or Esco for more information.

3.5 CLEANING AND SHUTTING DOWN THE CLEAN BENCH 3.5.1 As far as possible, it is recommended that the clean bench be operated continuously in order to achieve optimal containment and cleanliness. The clean bench will then remain in its initially clean condition. If, for any reasons, the unit is turned off, the face of the protective screen in clean benches should be cleaned- preferably with a small brush. 3.5.2 Surface-decontaminate all the items/apparatus using 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) before removing them from the clean bench. 100% IPA is not recommended because it will evaporate too fast before having sufficient contact time. It is recommended that the fan be left ON during this period. 3.5.3 Thoroughly wipe the work surface, side walls, inner back wall using water and some mild antibacterial detergent.  Any disi nfec tant cont ain ing chl orin e-b ased subs tanc es may cor rode the stee l used in the clea n benc h. So if such disinfectant is used, the residue must be immediately wiped off by using cloth and non-corroding disinfectant, such as 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA). 3.5.4 Wipe off the detergent using water. Make sure that there are no traces of detergent left. 3.5.5 Wipe the work surface, side walls and back wall again with 70% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) or any other disinfecting agents listed on the next page. 3.5.6 To clean the optional transparent front cover for UV protection, use a damp s oft cloth with a mild soap or mild inorganic acids/bases.  

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     Operating Your Clean Bench: 



3.5.7 Leave the blower on for 3 minutes in order to purge air borne contamination from the work zone. 3.5.8 Set the UV timer to 60 minutes or as the lab protocol dictates to decontaminate the interior of the clean bench. Install front cover (retrofit kits). It is not recommended to leave the UV lamp ON overnight as it may shorten the

                     lamp should be replaced once a y ear in order to maintain its effectiveness. Note:

The use of UV lamp in clean benches is not recommended because of several reasons. Firstly, UV lamp poses personal safety issues; exposure to UV radiation can cause erythema of skin and eye damage. Some UV lamps also contain mercury and breaking the lamp can result in undesirable exposure to this toxic compound. Secondly, UV causes performance degradation of the clean bench. UV lamp causes turbulence which disrupts the laminar/unidirectional nature of the air stream, which is critical to maintaining proper cabinet product/cross contamination performance. Lastly, UV lamp is

ineffective on modern clean benches. UV lamps are ineffective as long as any surface contamination (dust particles etc.) is  presentt a  presen as sU UV V has limited limited penetrating penetrating powe power. r. Also, not all surface surfaces s in the clean ben bench ch are e exposed xposed to UV radiation. 3.5.9 Remove the laboratory coat and gloves and thoroughly wash your hands using germicidal soap. Disinfecting Agents 

  For stainless steel surfaces, all common disinfecting agents except chlorine-based ones are suitable.

  For powder coated surfaces, all common disinfecting agents are suitable. However, the clean bench has been

specifically evaluated for use with the following: 

 

  1N hydrochloric acid   1N sodium hydroxide   1% quaternary ammonium compound

  5% formaldehyde   5,000 ppm hypochlorite

  2% iodophor

  5% phenol

  70% ethyl alcohol

  Depending on the contaminant involved at the time of operating the clean bench, there are various other types of

disinfecting agents that may be used. Table on the next page outlines the effectiveness of various disinfecting agents against the different types of contaminants.



     Operating Your Clean Bench

Chlorine Dioxide





Quaternary Ammonium Compounds



Peroxide/ Peracetic acid/ Acetic acid





High Level



Interm Intermediate ediate

Low Level




1:5:1/1001000 ppm






Contact time (min.)









Stability > 1 week (1) 






Parameters for use:



Bacterial Endospores





Naked Viruses





+/- (2) (2)

+/- (2) (2)

+/- (2) (2)









 Vegetative Bacteria









Enveloped Viruses























Inactivated by Organics Residual







Flammable Skin Irritant







Eye Irritant








Respiratory Irritant






















Use in BSCs:

Routine Surface Decon Biohazardous Spill

(1) (2)



Protected from light and air Results vary depending on the virus

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+ +




     Operating Your Clean Bench:



3.6 MENU OPTIONS Please refer to the following diagram for complete reference to all MENU options available. Press FAN/UP or LIGHT/ DOWN button to move through the MENU options. Use SOCKET/SET or UV/EXIT button to confirm or cancel the current selection.  

3.6.1 CALB Press SOCKET/SET button to enter the CALIBRATION (CALB) menu. Use FAN/UP or LIGHT/DOWN button to move through the available options: SET TEMPERATURE CONSTANT (CONS), ZERO AIRFLOW SENSOR (ZERO), and CALIBRATE  AIRF LOW S ENSO R (S NSR) . Once calibration is properly performed, airflow velocity will be displayed when fan is on, and airflow alarm will be triggered if it drops below pre-defined fail point. If calibration has not been performed or done wrongly, airflow               3.6.2 UV Press SOCKET/SET button to enter the UV TIMER (UV) menu. UV timer allows control system to switch off the UV light automatically after a fixed period. By default UV timer is set to 0, and UV must be manually switched off after switching on. UV timer can be set between 0 to 99 minutes. 3.6.3 RST Press SOCKET/SET button to enter RESET HOUR METER (RST) menu. Fan hour meter or UV hour meter is reset back to 0 by choosing FAN HOUR METER (FAN) or UV HOUR METER (UV) respectively.




:      Operating Your Clean Bench

3.6.4. PRE PURGE Press SOCKET/SET button to enter PRE PURGE TIMER (PRE PRGE) menu. Pre purge time allows system (fan and airflow sensor) to be stabilized before user has full access to the clean bench. By default, pre purge timer is set to 3 minutes, and can be set between 0 to 15 minutes.

DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES DIAGNOSTIC MESSAGES shows important operating parameters of the product. Press FAN/UP or LIGHT/DOWN bu tton to move through the different messages. Use SOCKET/SET or UV/EXIT button to confirm or cancel the current selection. 

   VE R: th e s of tw a r e ve rs io n of th e p r od uc t.

  FAN HR: the working hours of fan.

  UV ON HR: the working hours of UV.

   AD C FA N : th e AD C va lu e of cu rr en t ai rf lo w se ns or ou tp ut .

   AD C ZE RO : th e AD C ZE RO po in t, wh ic h co rr es po nd s to ze ro ai rf lo w.

   AD C FA IL : th e AD C FA IL po in t, wh ic h co rr es po nd s to ai rf lo w fa il po in t.

   AD C OP T: th e AD C OP TI MU M po in t, wh ic h co rr es p on ds to ai r fl ow op ti m um po in t.

 

   AD C TP TR : th e AD C va lu e of te mp er a tu r e se ns or ou tp u t.   DEGC TPTR: the temperature in Celsius Degree.

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     Maintaining Your Clean Bench:



CHAPTER 4 MAINTAINING YOUR CLEAN BENCH Proper and timely maintenance is crucial for trouble free functioning of any device and your Esco clean bench is no exception to this rule. We strongly recommend that you follow the maintenance schedule suggested hereunder in order to obtain optimal performance from your Esco clean bench.

1 .   Surface decontaminate the work zone

Thoroughly wipe the work surface, side walls, inner back walls and all other surfaces in the interior of the clean bench using a disinfectant appropriate for the work being conducted in your lab. If using a commercial preparation, it is helpful to follow up your wipe with a 70% ethanol rinse. Ethanol can help the disinfectant to evaporate cleanly. Do not use any disinfectant containing chlorine-based substances as it may corrode the steel used in the clean

               out for the UV lights and electrical outlet as well. While cleaning the interior of the clean bench, make sure that no part of your body except your hands go inside the clean bench. Please refer to the user section for details of appropriate disinfecting agents. 2 .   Clean the exterior surfaces of the cabinet Using a damp cloth, clean the exterior surfaces of the clean bench, particularly the front and top of the clean bench in order to remove the dust a ccumulated there. 3 .   Check all service fixtures ( w h e r e p r e s e n t )  for proper operation Observe local, state and national regulations as to when you need to get your service lines and fixtures certified. 4 .   Replace pre-filter Replace the disposable pre-filter quarterly. Note: Before changing pre-filters ensure that they power cord is detached from the main power supply inlet. 5 .   Inspect the cabinet for any physical abnormalities or malfunction Check both fluorescent tubes (and UV light if present) to ensure that they are functioning properly and replace the bulbs if necessary. 6 .   Clean up stainless steel surfaces with MEK For removing stubborn stains or spots on the stainless steel surfaces, make use of MEK (Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone). In such cases, make sure that you wash the steel surface immediately afterwards with clean water and some liquid detergent. Use a polyurethane cloth or sponge for washing. Regularly cleaning the stainless steel surface can help you retain the attractive factory finish.





:       Maintaining Your Clean Bench

7.   Re-certification  Al l cl ea n be nc he s mu st be re -c er ti fi ed an nu al ly by a ce rt if ie d en gi ne er . Th e en gi ne er wi ll te st do wn fl ow an d inflow velocities, air flow patterns, the filter and perform a cabinet leak test to ensure that the cabinet is working properly. 8.   Change UV lamp  (where present) To remove the old lamp, turn the tube 90 degrees and slide it out from the bracket. To insert the new lamp, slide it in to the socket and when fully inserted, turn the bulb 90 degrees to lock into position. Surface decontamination should be performed after changing the UV bulb. 9.   C h a n g e t h e f l u o r e s c e n t l a m p s 

  Before changing the fluorescent bulbs, ensure that the clean bench is powered down and disconnected from the

electrical supply. 

  Locate the bulbs.

  Remove the power clips at the ends of the bulbs by gently pulling whilst holding the bulb steady.

  Remove the bulbs from the mounting clips and replace with new ones.

  Replace the power clips on the ends of the new bulbs and ensure they are firmly seated.

  Reconnect the clean bench to the electrical supply and test the bulbs for proper operation.

LOG RECORD It is good practice (and in some cases regulatory requirement) to maintain a log of all maintenance work carried out on your clean bench. Esco has an example Maintenance Log available for download from the resources section of our website, .

        User and Service Manual





     Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel:



CHAPTER 1 RE-CERTIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE BY SERVICE PERSONNEL Esco products generally provide years of trouble-free operation however like all equipment they require maintenance and service. Maintenance and service should be carried out by trained personnel. Esco offers training courses to equip service providers with the latest skills, information and tools to successfully maintain and service Esco products. For more information on the nearest training course, please contact Esco. Service providers should familiarize themselves with the basic operating principles of products before working on them. Suitable references include information in the User Section of this Manual or brochures which may be downloaded from the Esco web site. Laminar Flow Clean Benches generally require require:: - Re-certification, when: a.  The clean bench is re-located b .   Clean bench performance is suspected c .    A f t er f i l te r o r b l ow e r r ep l a c e m e n t d .    A t l e a s t o n c e a y e a r During recertification: a.                  relevant international standards b.   Filters are scan-tested to ensure they do not leak c.   O p e r a t o r c o m f o r t t e s t s m a y b e p e r f o r m e d d.   If airflow velocities are found to be off setpoint, adjus tments are made as part of the cer tification process before final values are recorded. - Airflow alarm calibration, when: a .   The cause of the airflow alarm cannot be determined b .   Re-certification indicates the displayed airflow deviates by >0.02m/s (4fpm)  from actual measured velocities.

(Only for products with airflow velocity displays) - Filter replacement, when: a.   The filters are clogged and the fan(s) are already adjusted to maxi mum setting b.   Filter leaks which cannot be repaired are found during scan-testing - Fan replacement (typically rare)  if failure occurs. - Routine maintenance also includes: a.   Fluorescent lamp(s) replacement - typically once every 2 years. b.   UV lamp replacement - typically once every 1 year.





:      Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel


1.2 AIRFLOW ADJUSTMENT The speed controller is located in the electrical panel which is accessed by firs t removing the pre -filter and then   removing the 4 screws on the wire mesh at the top of the clean bench. 


Plug the multimeter probes to the Motor Voltage Sampling Port. Use the multimeter to take the motor voltage with corresponding air velocity reading.


Plug the multimeter probes to the Motor Voltage Sampling Port. Use th e multimeter to take the motor voltage with corresponding air velocity reading.  


 Adjus t the airf low by adju sting the speed contr oller . For AHC -230 V, AHC-   -  -     -115V  n benches, use a screwdriver provided to adjust the speed controller. For AVC-   -      115V  -              -     use the shaft provided to adjust the speed controller.

          User and Service Manual


     Re-Certificatio Re-Certification n and Maintenance By Service Personnel:



1.3 UNIT RE-CERTIFICATION Steps to perform certification: 1. Perform the Natural Aerosol Challenge Filter Leak Scan  (PAO Equivalent) Using the particle counter, slowly move the probe over the entire surface of the filter (including areas surrounding the gasket).  in the instantaneous particle count (which could represent a possible filter leak).     in Perform the test with the cabinet sited in a norma l room environment.

 Accepta  Acce ptance nce Crit Criteria eria:: N No o fi filte lterr le leaks aks shou should ld be detect detected ed Testing was performed: a. In accordance with the requirements of the standards: 


IEST-RP-          


           

b. In accordance with the following IEST (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology) contamination control documents: IEST-RP-            -RP-CC021.1                        -RP-         




      Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel

2 .  Perform Perform Airflow Velocity and Uniformity Test The units below are in (mm/inches):

Plane is 15 cm(5.9 inches) in front of filter face on AHC/AVC and 15 cm(5.9 inches) in front of diffuser for LHC/LVC/  AHS/IVF  Ave ra ge Ve loc it y Maximu m Deviat ion  Acceptance  Accepta nce Criteria Criteria

: _____________m/s (fpm) : ______ _________ ______ ___ % : Avera Average ge filter filter face velocity of 0.40  0.50 m/s (80-100 fpm), with no single value

deviating more than 20% from the calculated average average.. Testing was performed in accordance with the following IEST (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology) contamination control document: IEST-RP-      -      Section 6.1

          User and Service Manual



     Re-Certificatio Re-Certification n and Maintenance By Service Personnel:



3. Perform Particle Count / Product Protection Test The test procedure was evaluated in accordance with IEST (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology) contamination control documents: IEST-RP-          Section 6.6 and IEST-G-  echnical Guide for Counting Airborne Particles for Classification and Monitoring of        With the as-built cleanliness requirements of the following standards: 

 


                 09E


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  The units below are in (mm/inches) : 

Plane is 30 cm (11.8 inches) in front of the filter for AHC/LHC/AHS and on the work surface for AVC/LVC/IVF  Averag e Count : ____ ____ _____ _____ ___ Part icl e c ount er typ e: 0 .1 m icr on / 0.5 mic ron





:      Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel










1500/59.1 1500/ 59.1


Distance from walls (mm/in)






Distance apart (mm/in)






 Approximately  Approxim ately Width ((mm/in) mm/in)

Left to Right * LF = Laminar Flow

 Acceptance  Accepta nce criteria criteria :               3 of space               3 of space

4. You are recommended to perform the following optional tests as well: a .   Operator comfort tests: light and noise level b.   E l e c t r i c a l s a f e t y t e s t c.   U V i n t e n s i t y t e s t Esco conducts training courses on the validation and certification of laminar flow clean benches. If you are interested you are most welcome to contact Esco or your nearest Esco distributor .


Note: Calibration Note:  Calibration is only necessary when the air velocity display is inaccurate or faulty alarm setpoints need to be corrected. The purpose of calibrating the controller is to let the controller record particular output voltages from the airflow sensor and correspond them to fail and nominal points of air velocity. Once the calibration has been completed, the control will be able to show the air velocity whenever the fan is in operation. All Esco cabinets are factory-tested and calibrated before being shipped.

Sensor Constant   Temperature Sensor Activation Note: This Note:  This step needs to be performed only if the sensor is changed Every sensor manufactured by Esco has a s pecific Sensor Constant written on the sensor sticker. This sensor constant is used for temperature compensation performed by the temperature sensor. 


Press MUTE and LIGHT /


Use the FAN / and LIGHT / calibration menu.


Use the FAN / and LIGHT /                constant value.





buttons concurrently to access the menu.  V

             


The default sensor constant is 0. Use the FAN /


and LIGHT / button to adjust the sensor constant in increment  V

                      


Record sensor constant.

          User and Service Manual


     Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel:   27


Warming Up the Speed Control Turn on the fan button. Wait f or 10 minutes to allow the speed control to warm up. Calibrating the Airflow Fail Set Point  0.36 m/s (71 fpm) 


Press MUTE and LIGHT /


       and LIGHT /                              -up time


buttons concurrently to access the menu.  A


is 3 minutes. 



              Adj ust the spe ed con tro l a nd mea sur e w ith met er suc h t ha t t he ai rfl ow v elo cit y i s 0 .36 m/s (7 1 f pm) , a s s how n o n the LCD.


Once the velocity is achieved press SOCKET / SET. The microprocessor takes 3 minutes for the sensor to stabilize and then record the sensor output voltage. A beep will be sounded at the e nd of the 3 minutes.

Calibrating the Airflow Nominal Set Point  0.45 to 0.50 m/s (89 to 98 fpm) 


                                       the blower speed control to get inflow velocity of 0.45 m/s(89 fpm), as shown on the LCD



Once the velocity is achieved press SOCKET / SET. The microprocessor takes 3 minutes to record the sensor output voltage. A beep will be sounded after the 3 minutes.

                   and repeat the calibration procedure.


Press UV / EXIT button to exit to the menu. Press MUTE and LIGHT / setup menu.


buttons concurrently to exit from the

Final Checking 


Press MUTE and SOCKET / SET buttons concurrently to exit from menu.


Lower the speed control setting to the Airflow Fail Point voltage. Check if the displayed airflow velocity is 0.36 m/s (71 fpm) and the alarm is not activated.


Increase the speed control voltage back to the Nominal Set Point. The airflow velocity shown on LCD should be the nominal airflow setpoint.


                    to black cable (Port F_GND) on the main board. Sensor VDC output : ___________ ____ Volt


: 28

:      Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel  

1.5 REPLACEMENT OF FILTER   1.5.1 AHC (D-SERIES)  (D-SERIES)  Filter Replacement Instructions 1. Remove the back cover, which are held in position by phillip pan head screws. 2. Remove the nuts located on the 2 sides (top and bottom) of the vertical clamping.

Supply Filter Removal  Removal   3. Remove all the vertical clampings along with the u -plates, then carefully remove the supply filter. 4. Replace new filter by reversing the above steps. 1.5.2 AVC (D-SERIES)  (D-SERIES)  Filter replacement instructions  instructions  1. Remove the perspex cover, which are held in position by screws M4 in front and thumb screws at the back. 2. Remove the sensor box, which are held in position by screws M4.

Supply Filter Removal  Removal  3. Removal all the filter clampings by releasing the bolts M8. Take off the supply filter carefully. 4. Replace new filter by reversing the above steps.

        User and Service Manual



     Re-Certificatio Re-Certification n and Maintenance By Service Personnel:

Note: The



following applies for both Horizontal and Vertical Laminar Flow Clean Benches.

The nuts that are used to clamp the filter have to be tightened until 50% compressed with alternating pattern after the new filter is installed. The nuts must be equally tightened to give uniform compression. This is to prevent overcompression on one side of the filter that can cause filter leakage. The nut tightening pattern is shown below:




Personnel :      Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel :


Blower Replacement Instruction 1.   Pre-filter and mesh must be removed first before proceeding to the blower replacement instruction. Disconnect electrical connections as necessary to free blower. 2.   Remove the nuts, which clamp the blower. Pull out and lift up the blower carefully. 3.   Replace new blower by reversing the above steps.

1.6.2 AVC (D SERIES)

Blower Replacement 1.   Mesh and mesh separator must be removed first before proceeding to the blower replacement instruction. Disconnect electrical connections as necessary to free blower. 2.   Remove the screws as shown and lift up the blower from the supply plenum.


3.   The blower is secured to the mounting plate, which is held by the 4 aluminum profiles. First remove the mounting plate from the 4 profiles, and then remove the blower from the mounting plate. Disconnect electrical connections as necessary to free blower. 4.   Re-install blower by reversing the above steps.

Laminar Flow Clean Benches     User and Service Manual


     Re-Certificatio Re-Certification n and Maintenance By Service Personnel:



1.7 REPLACEMENT OF FLUORESCENT LAMP AND UV LAMP 1.7.1 Replacement of Fluorescent Lamp 

  Before changing the fluorescent bulbs, ensure tha t the clean bench is powered down and disconnected from the electrical supply. 


Locate the bulbs.


Remove the power clips at the ends of the bulbs by gently pulling whilst holding the bulb steady.


Remove the bulbs from the mounting clips and replace with new ones.


Replace the power clips on the ends of the new bulbs and ensure they are firmly seated.


Reconnect the clean bench to the electrical supply and test the bulbs for proper operation.

1.7.2 Replacement of UV Lamp 


Disconnect the electrical connections.


Take out the old UV lamp by rotating 90o counter -clockwise and pull downward.


Install the new UV lamp by pushing it upward and rotate 90o clockwise.



Service Section Chapter 1 • Re-Certification and Maintenance By Service Personnel:

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual




Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting Troubleshooting::



CHAPTER 2 TROUBLESHOOTING This section helps you troubleshoot some of the common problems you might face while operating this clean bench. Should you have any queries left unanswered here, please feel free to contact Esco. Problem

Possible Cause Power Failure

Corrective Action • Check if there is power at the wall/buildi wall/building ng socket. • You can use voltmeter or test pen to check power on the wall building socket.

Cabinet does not start (display, fan, buttons, light, UV, and socket are all inoperative)   inoperative)

Power cord is not

• Check whether power cord has been connected properly into

connected properly

wall/building socket and also into the unit. Some clean bench

or faulty

has two power cords; one for the main cabinet, while the other for the auxiliary function - such as electrical socket. In this case, both power cords must be connected into wall/building socket. • Check whether the power cord is giving power, measure the AC voltage between the live and the neutral terminal of the cord by using voltmeter. See Drawing 1-2 and 1-3 below. • If the voltage is NOT within +/-2% of the wall socket voltage, replace the cord. • If the voltage is within +/-2% of the wall socket voltage, please proceed to next step.





: Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting

Circuit breaker has tripped

• If there is power on wall socket and cord, check whether circuit breaker has tripped. See Drawing 1-4 below. • Circuit breaker is located on top part of cabinet near the cabinet power inlet. Note: If circuit breaker has tripped, do not reset the breaker. Unplug the cabinet from the wall outlet and check all electrical components and wiring connections. If everything okay, then reset the breaker by pushing it down.  down.  • Does the cabinet operate correctly after resetting the circuit breaker? If not proceed to next step.

Cabinet does not start (display, fan, buttons, light, UV, and socket are all inoperative   inoperative

Improper connection

• Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel wiring inside. • Switch on the unit and carefully measure AC voltage between LIVE and NEUTRAL terminal block inside electrical box. See Drawing 1-5. • The voltage should be 230V, AC +/- 10% or 115V, AC +/- 10%. • If the voltage is out of the range, check cable connection at Connector A pin 1, 2 and 3 for any loose or bad wiring. See Drawing 1-6 and refer to Table 1.1

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual



Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting Troubleshooting::  35

Fan is Off

function   Blower doesn’t function

Faulty motor speed controller

• Switch “ON” the fan by pressing fan button at control panel. Refer to drawing 2-1 below.

• Switch “OFF” the fan. Unplug the cabinet power cord from the wall outlet. • Locate the motor speed controller on the electrical panel. See Drawing 22 to Drawing 2-7. • Add a jumper wire between the 2 cables going to speed control. • Plug the cabinet power cord into the wall outlet. Switch “ON” the fan. • If the fan operates properly, you can conclude that the speed controller is defective and need to be replaced with a new one. • If the fan does not operate, the problem is not with the speed control. Proceed to the next step.




Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting

Blower doesn’t function   function

Faulty capacito capacitorr

• Unplug the cabinet power cord from the wall outlet. • Find the capacitor inside electrical panel. Disconnect two cables of capacitor. See Drawing 2-8. Warning: The capacitor may still have some electrical charges if the cabinet was on prior doing this checking. Wait for 1-2 minutes and check the capacitor voltage using a voltmeter to ensure the capacitor were discharged (voltage less than 5V, AC) prior disconnecting the capacitor. capacitor.   • Using a capacitance meter or a multimeter set to capacitance measurement, record the value between the two capacitor cables. • Correct values are shown in Table 2.1 below. If the value is out of given ranges, replace the capacitor. • If the capacitance is within the given ranges proceed to next step.

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual



Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting Troubleshooting:: 

Blower doesn’t function   function

Faulty relay


• Unplug the cabinet power cord from the wall outlet. • Check relay K1 located on electrical wiring panel. Check if the cables connected to the relay are tight. See Drawing 2-9 and 2-10 below. • Visually inspect the relay for excessive burnt contacts or flask marks on the inside, if it has the clear relay case. • Check Common-Normally_Open and Common-Normally_Closed connection of the relay with multimeter set at continuity tester. Common-Normally_Open connection doesn’t have continuity while Common-Normally_Clo Common-N ormally_Closed sed has continuity.





: Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting

 Auto-thermal cut Auto-thermal off Blower doesn’t function   function

• Check the Fan for overheating. The motor has a auto-thermal cut off that is built-in. • Wait 60 minutes with the FAN turned off and then try to restart. • If the FAN restarts determine why there is excessive heat in the cabinet. • If the FAN does not restart proceed to the next step.

 Airflow is not at nominal velocity  velocity 

Motor failure

• Check whether the motor can rotate properly and not loosened. • Check for physical damage. If present, instruction on how to replace the blower is available in this manual under Service Section.

External air interference

• Ensure that there is no external sources of airflow disturbance like air conditioner vent, window or incidences of door opening or people walking fast near the cabinet. • Ensure that there is no air disturbance or obstruction on top of the prefilter of the cabinet. • If there is no external air blockage/interference, proceed to next step.

Low building supply voltage

• Remove the pre-filter and cover on top of the cabinet and locate electrical panel. • Locate motor voltage sampling port. See Drawing 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3. • Using voltmeter, measure AC voltage at the motor voltage sampling port as described in the re-certification section of this manual. This is to measure the blower’s supply voltage. • For new cabinet, if the motor voltage is lower than the Nominal Voltage value recorded in factory test report, adjust the speed control to get output voltage to blower as specified in the Test Report – Test Conditions Documentation Sheet. • For cabinet that has been used for more than 1 year, refer to last motor Nominal Voltage from last certification report or if not available, measure the actual airflow on cabinet and increase motor voltage accordingly to achieve nominal airflow velocity. • If motor voltage is same as last Nominal Voltage, proceed to next step.

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual



Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting :  39

Filter loaded or wrong speed control setting

actual airflow is voltage okay. until airflow is at nominal point. • Adjust the blower • If the blower is already operating at maximum voltage and the airflow is still lower than nominal point, it may be due to filter being loaded. Please change the filter. Note: The cabinet must be certified at least annually. • If the blower is already operating at maximum voltage and the airflow is still low due to filter loaded, it’s time to change the filter. Instruction on how to replace the filter is available in this manual under Service Section. • If filter is not loaded, proceed to next step.

 Airflow is not at nominal velocity  velocity 

Fluctuating  Voltage

Excessive fan noise  noise 

• Switch “ON” the blower fan. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate Motor Voltage Sampling Port. • Plug in the voltmeter to the Motor Voltage Sampling Port. • Measure the actual airflow velocity using anemometer . If actual airflow is not okay, please adjust motor speed controller accordingly until

• Measure and check voltage stability of the wall/building supply. • If the building supply voltage fluctuates more than the stated tolerance (+/- 2%), connect the cabinet to a voltage stabilizer. • If the building supply voltage fluctuation is below +/-2%, proceed to next step.

Motor failure

• Check the blower. If blower is not running when switched on, refer to  ‘blower doesn’t doesn’t function’ problem.


• Plug the cabinet power cord to the wall outlet and lift-up the top prefilter. Open cover to access the electrical panel. • Locate the speed controller inside electrical panel. • Increase the motor speed by 5 – 10 V, AC. Check whether the noise is already gone. If the noise is gone, measure the actual airflow velocity. If the velocity is still in the acceptable range, keep it. If velocity is out of acceptable range and noise still persists, proceed to the next step.

Loose motor or impeller wheel mounting

• Refer to above Blower doesn’t function--> Faulty Capacitor section, to check the capacitor, and replace if necessary. • Open the blower access panel (see drawing 4-1 and 4-2) and check if the blower mounting bolts have been fully tightened. • Also check whether the motor can rotate properly and not loosened. • If blower is physically damaged, replace it. Instruction on how to replace the blower is available in this manual under Service Section.



: Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting

Fluorescent Light always OFF   OFF

Faulty fluorescent lamp tube

• Fluorescent tube is located at top part of the work zone for AHC-D while for the AVC-D it is located inside the blue panel. Open the fluorescent lamp cover/diffuser to access the fluorescent tubes for AHC-D. For AVC-D, remove front glass cover. See Drawing 5-1 and 5-2. • Replace the faulty fluorescent tubes.

Faulty Fluorescent Ballast

• Plug the cabinet power cord to the wall outlet and switch “ON” the fluorescent lights. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate the fluorescent ballast and connector C inside. • Check AC voltage at ballast input (between connector I pin 12 and Neutral terminal block). • It should be 230V, AC +/- 10% or 115V, AC +/- 10%. • Switch “OFF” the fluorescent lights and unplug the cabinet power cord from the wall outlet. • Disconnect male connector C on electrical panel and plug again the cabinet power cord to the wall outlet. • Switch “ON” the fluorescent lights then check AC voltage at ballast output (between female connector C pin 1 and 2), it should be around 450600V, AC. • Replace ballast if output voltage is much lower than this range. If voltage at ballast output is okay, proceed to next step.

Connection Problem

Warning: Before checking connection, be sure disconnect main plug from Warning: wall socket. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate the fluorescent ballast and connector C inside. • Check for any loose or bad connection between relay board, fluorescent ballast and female connector C. • See drawing 5-3 to locate terminal J 16 on relay board, check tightness of 2 cables connected to J 16. • For connector J and I, disconnect the male side from electrical box, then check male and female side for any bad connectio connection. n. • Check for any loose or bad connection between light switch to fluorescent lamp ballast. Use fingers to pull and check cable tightness. • Check also connection on the lamp holder and fix connections tightly. See Drawing 5-1 and 5-2. • Plug the cabinet to the main supply then switch “ON” the fluorescent light by pressing the fluorescent light switch at the front control panel. See Drawing 2-1 for reference. • If all connections are okay but still the light doesn’t function, proceed to next step.

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual


  Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting Troubleshooting::



Faulty relay

• Unplug the cabinet from the main supply.

or fuse

• Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate the relay board on the T series board.

Fluorescent Light always OFF  OFF 

• Check relay LS2 and fuse F3 on the relay board. See drawing 5-4 below. Check if fuse F3 is okay with a continuity tester. If not, then replace fuse F3 with new one. • On terminal J 16, check the NO to Common and NC to Common circuits by checking continuity. • If the NO to Common and NC to Common contacts are not correct, replace the T series board.

UV Light always OFF  OFF 

Faulty UV lamp

• Replace the faulty UV lamp. Note: Typical UV light life is 8000 hours.

Faulty UV ballast

Warning: Before turning the UV lamp on, make sure that the front glass cover is well fitted to the cabinet. Also ensure that you are protected. Wear anti UV goggles and appropriate anti-UV suit before switching on the UV lamp.  lamp.  • Plug the cabinet power cord to the wall outlet and switch “ON” the UV lights. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate the UV ballast and connector B inside. • Check AC voltage at ballast input (between connector I pin 11 and Neutral terminal block). • It should be 230V, AC +/- 10% or 115V, AC +/- 10%. • Switch “OFF” the UV lights and unplug the cabinet power cord from the wall outlet. • Disconnect male connector B on electrical panel and plug again the cabinet power cord to the wall outlet. • Switch “ON” the UV light then check AC voltage at ballast output (between female connector B pin 11 and 10), it should be around 450-600V, AC. • Replace ballast if output voltage is much lower than this range. If not, proceed to next step




: Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting

Connection Problem UV Light always OFF  OFF 

Warning: Before checking connection, be sure disconnect main plug from wall socket. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate the UV ballast and connector B inside. • Check for any loose or bad connection between UV ballast and female connector B. • See drawing 6-1 to locate terminal J 18 on relay board, check tightness of 2 cables connected to J 18. • For connector J and I, disconnect the male side from electrical box, then check male and female side for any bad connection. • Check for any loose or bad connection between UV switch to UV ballast. Use fingers to pull and check cable tightness. • Check also connection on the UV lamp holder. If all connections are okay, proceed to next step. If not, fix connections.

Faulty relay or fuse

• Unplug the cabinet from the main supply. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. Locate the relay board on the T series board. • Check relay LS4 and fuse F5 on the relay board. See drawing 6-2 below. Check if fuse F5 is okay with a continuity tester. If not, then replace fuse F5 with new one. • On terminal J18, check the NO to Common and NC to Common circuits by checking continuity. • If the NO to Common and NC to Common contacts are not correct, replace the T series board.

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual



Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting Troubleshooting::  43

Connection Problem UV Light always OFF  OFF 

Warning: Before checking connection, be sure to disconnect main plug first. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. • Check for any loose or bad connection between relay board and female connector B. • See drawing 7-3 to locate terminal J 17 on relay board, check tightness of 2 cables connected to J 17. • For connector B, disconnect the male side from electrical box, then check male and female side for any bad connection. • Check also connection on electrical socket, it is located inside the workzone (see drawing 7-1 and 7-2 below). • Check also connection at the back of the socket. Fix and tighten all connections. Plug the cabinet to the main supply and switch on the socket. Using a multimeter/voltmeter, check the voltage at the socket. The voltage should be 230V, AC +/-10% or 115V, AC +/- 10%. If voltage reading is not okay, proceed to next step.

Faulty relay or fuse Electrical Socket always OFF   OFF

• Unplug the cabinet from the main supply. • Lift-up the top pre-filter and open cover to access the electrical panel. • Check LS3 relay and fuse F4 on the relay board. See drawing 7-3 below. • If fuse F4 is blown, replace with a new one. • On terminal J17, check the NO to Common and NC to Common circuits by checking continuity. • If the NO to Common and NC to Common contacts are not correct, replace the T series board. • If the NO to Common and NC to Common contacts are correct, proceed to the next step.



: Service Section Chapter 2 • Troubleshooting

Electrical Socket always OFF  OFF 

Contaminated samples   samples

Secondary supply is not connected (model AHC-6D2 only)

• There are 2 power inlets on top of the unit for the AHC-6D2 model. • One of them, nearer to the middle of the cabinet is for electrical socket. • Connect power cable (115V, AC) to this power inlet. • If the electrical socket is still not functioning, proceed to the next step.

Faulty electrical socket

• Socket is located inside the work zone. See drawing 7-4. • Check electrical socket connection. Refer to drawing 7-5 below. • If connection is correct but socket has no output when switched on, replace it with a new one.

External air interference

• Ensure that there are no external sources of airflow disturbance like air conditioner vent, window or incidences of door opening or people walking fast near the cabinet. • If there is no external air interference, proceed proceed to next step.

Low airflow

• Adjust the speed control to get the optimum airflow as stated in the test report.

Leaking filter

• Change the filter. • Re-certify the cabinet after the new filter has been installed.

Contaminated lab   lab

Leaking filter

• Filter is located at the back of the unit. • Patch the leaking filter with 3M DP-100 glue. • The patched area should not exceed 4% of the total filter area. • Then check the filter for leakage again. • If the filter is still leaking, change the exhaust filter. • Re-certify the cabinet after the new filter has been installed.

Error 1 Display in LCD 

Watchdog detecting some hardware or stuck program (inside microcontroller).   microcontroller).

• Reset mainboard. • If still Error 1 display after resetting, change the T-series mainboard with a new one.

Laminar Flow Clean Benches, Horizontal and Vertical • User and Service Manual



     Troubleshooting :





        User and Service Manual



     Product Specification:


1.  2. 

Pre-filter Blower


Fluorescent lamp


Standard UV light Retrofit Kit provision


Standard IV bar Retrofit Kit provision


Service fixture Retrofit Kit provision (2 holes on each side)

7.  8. 

Optional front cover ULPA filter


T e m p e r ed ed g l a s s s i d e p a n e l s


Esco Sentinel Delta microprocessor control system

11.  12. 

Standard electrical outlet Retrofit Kit provision Stainless steel work top






:      Product Specification :

3.2   AVC (D-SER IES) ENGINEE RING DETAIL S 730 / 1035 / 1340 / 1645 / 1950 mm (29.2" / 40.7" / 52.8" / 64.8" / 76.8")



   )    "    4  .    0    5    (

  m   m    0    8    2   m    1   m  .



(26" / 38" / 50" / 62" / 74")

1.  2. 

Pre-filter Fan


ULPA filter

4.  5. 

Fluorescent lamp Standard IV bar Retrofit Kit provision


Standard UV light Retrofit Kit provision

7.  8. 

Tempered glass side Panels Service fixture Retrofit Kit provision  (2 holes on each side)

700 mm (28") 764 mm (30.1")

9.  Optional front cover 1 0 .   Esco Sentinel Delta microprocessor control system 1 1 .   Electrical outlet Retrofit Kit provision  (1 for 2ft and 3ft models, 2 for 4ft and above) 1 2 .   Stainless steel work top with front curved edge

          User and Service Manual


     Product Specification:








  :      Product Specification 

 AVC (D-Ser ies)

* Additional voltages may be available; contact Esco for ordering information. ** Clean bench only; excludes optional stand. Note: AVC-_D2 conforms conforms tto o UL 61010-1 sound pressure pressure level limit mit which is
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