Airbus Tech Quiz 2

January 25, 2019 | Author: Jeffrey Ford | Category: N/A
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Airbus Tech Quiz 2 A330 Specific A340-300 Specific ETOPS Limitations Miscellaneous/Operational Performance, Weight and Balance Air Conditioning - Pressurisation Autoflight - FMGS Comm Electrical Fire Protection Flight Controls Fuel Hydraulics Ice and Rain Indicating Recording System Landing Gear Navigation Oxygen APU - Pneumatics Power Plant ATA21 Air Conditioning - Pressurisation What does the pack anti-ice valve do after a pack controller dual channel failure: It controls the corresponding pack outlet temperature at 5 Degrees C +/- 4 Degrees C. It runs to the full cold position. It runs to the full hot position. 1.21.10 p10 On the ground with passengers on board: Two ground air conditioning units should be connected. It is not recommended to exceed a duration of 20 minutes without air conditioning. Ground air conditioning must be connected if APU is INOP. 3.04.21 p1 Pack flow should be selected to: LO if the APU is supplying air to the packs. HI for abnormally Hot or humid h umid conditions.

LO if less than 175 seats in economy class are occupied. Since changed ± 3.03.06 p4 How is the bulk cargo compartment temperature controlled? Depending on the temperature selected from the bulk cargo temperature selector, hot or cold air is pumped into the bulk compartment via the trim air valve or cold air valve. If the temp sensor indicates the bulk compartment is cooler than what has been selected via the overhead temp selector, then an electric heater will operate at all times on the ground or in the air. Air from the cabin passes through an electric heater which only operates when the temp sensor indicates that the compartment temperature is less than the selected temperature and the BULK cargo door is closed. 1.21.40 p3 In the event of a PACK 1 + 2 FAULT, which is correct? The FAULT light will extinguish when the respective pack is selected off. The rate of cabin altitude increase can be minimised by closing the CARGO ISOL VALVES. RAM AIR should be selected on when DIFF PR/5-1 PSI and below 10,000ft 3.02.21 p3 What will happen if, on the ground with LP Ground Air connected, all doors closed, the DITCHING pb is selected ON? Pressurization will not be possible. The outflow valves will be driven fully open. A differential pressure will build up. 1.21.20 p12 Where does the cockpit air supply come from? It is supplied with fresh air from the mixer unit. It is supplied directly from Pack 2. It is supplied from the recirculation fans. 1.21.10 p2 What condition(s) could trigger ENG 1(2) BLEED FAULT? An overheat, over- pressure or low pressure condition. A Low pressure condition coupled with a loss of the backflow protection function. Selection of the X - BLEED valve to "CLOSE". 1.36.20 p7 top

ATA22 Auto Flight / FMGS With all engines operating, and autothrust disconnected, and regardless of  thrust lever positions, alpha floor is: Available from lift-off to 100 ft RA on approach at speeds < M.53. Only available when the aircraft is above 100 ft RA and the flaps are retracted, provided de-rated takeoff thrust is not selected. Not available at speeds < M.53. 1.22.30 p88 The windshear detection function is active: At all times. Below 2,000 ft RA with the aircraft configured for landing. On landing, between 1300 ft and 50 ft RA, with at least Config 1. 1.22.40 p5 In order to access BACKUP NAV mode on the MCDU MENU, it is necessary to have the FM source select switch in position: Both on 1. Both on 2. NORM position. 4.06.10 p5 To intercept a glideslope from above: Select V/S, set FCU target altitude above the aircraft crossing altitude and descend to the glideslope. Select the FCU target altitude above the aircraft crossing altitude, and pull for OP DES to maintain thrust at idle. Select NAV and OPEN DES. Not quite correct ± FCTM 6.40.2 When are the ADF frequencies autotuned: Never. If an NDB approach has been selected, or if the TO or FROM waypoint is an NDB. At any time that a manual selection has not been made. 1.22.20 p16 During an ILS approach, when does data lock prevent selection of another ILS frequency? When established and below 1,500 ft RA. At 700 ft RA. At 400 ft RA. 3.04.91 p23

For non precision approaches: FPD shall be used. The approach should be manually flown, with FD OFF and HDG V/S selected on the HDG/VS-TRK/FPA changeover button. The approach must be managed, with the autopilot engaged. 3.03.19 p5 When making an approach using A/THR, if the thrust levers are moved forward of the CL detent, but below TOGA detent, and then returned to the CL detent, would A/ THR remain engaged? Providing the RA is below 100ft the A/THR will disconnect and the thrust would increase to a climb thrust level of power. If the RA is below 100ft the A/THR would disconnect when above the CL detent, however it would re-engage when the lever is replaced in the CL detent. In all circumstances the A/THR remains engaged providing the thrust lever is not placed in the IDLE detent. Scenario: The aircraft is above the glideslope, and the glideslope capture from above procedure is to be used. Which situation, presented on the graphics A, B or C, will ensure that the aircraft does not go below the glideslope?

A Either A or B Either A or C (a)

There are numerous flight guidance principles used in DES mode depending on different descent scenarios (e.g. different rates of descent for above and below profile, etc.) The 'TOO STEEP PATH' message occurs when the FM predicts that the descent path is impossible to fly in what configuration? Planned descent speed in clean configuration. Planned descent speed with half speedbrake extended. Planned descent speed with full speedbrakes extended. 4.03.30 p12 4.05.60 p8 1.22.30 p37 With all engines operating, autothrust disconnected, and regardless of thrust lever positions, when will ALPHA FLOOR be available? From lift-off to 100 ft RA on approach at speeds < M.53. When the aircraft is above 140 ft RA and the flaps are retracted, provided de-rated takeoff thrust is not selected. From lift-off to 100 ft RA on approach, even with A/THR failure. 1.22.30 p88 The vertical profile intercept point symbol indicates the position where it is predicted the aircraft will be back on the descent profile. If the aircraft is above the descent profile, what assumption is the prediction based on? That with no configuration change the descent path will be intercepted. That no configuration change is required unless specifically asked to do so by an 'EXTEND SPD BRK' msg on the ND. That the pilot will extend half speed brakes. 1.22.30 p5 There are 3 types of holding pattern available to the pilot. Which statement is correct in regards our normally used 'hold with manual termination'? If engaged, DES mode commands IDLE thrust, but will not descend below an altitude constraint farther down the flight path. VDEV on the PFD and PROG page are referenced to the altitude the a/c should be at, at the exit fix, in order to be positioned properly on the descent path. If IMM EXIT is depressed, the aircraft will always complete the full holding pattern and then exit and resumes its navigation. 1.22.30 p36 What does it mean if the MCDU message 'PLEASE WAIT' is displayed on the MCDU scratch pad? The MCDUs have gone into independent mode. Switch one MCDU off and back on again. One FMGS has failed and the pilot should select FMGS 3. A resynchronization between both FMGCs is in progress. The pilot should

not use the MCDU with this message displayed. 4.03.30 p8 On the Position Monitor page of the MCDU, the IRS 1, 2 and 3 deviations are: Deviation in nm from the Mix IRS position. Deviation in nm from the on-side FMGC position. Always the same on both MCDU 1 and 2. p83 Which statement is correct, if, while flying a fully managed non-precision approach, you receive a NAV ACCURACY DOWNGRADE message (FMA mode is in FINAL APP)? You must revert to selected guidance, and continue the approach. You can continue to fly a managed approach if raw data indicates that the guidance is satisfactory. In IMC, you must immediately initiate a missed approach. 3.03.19 p3 The FMGS is certified for Required Navigation Performance RNP/RNAV operations. When GPS Primary mode is available, the minimum RNP's for approach have been demonstrated to be? 0.3 nm (0.31 nm in some aircraft) when AP or FD are used or AP and FD OFF. 0.5 nm (0.51 nm in some aircraft) when AP or FD are used and 1.0 nm in manual control. 0.3 nm (0.31 nm in some aircraft) when AP or FD are used. 3.01.22 p1 Which of the following must the pilot check before commencing a GPS approach? GPS PRIMARY is displayed on the ND At least 1 GPS is operating Both GPS are in NAV on the GPS Monitor page QRH 3.03 The FM database may contain an altitude constraint window (2 altitudes between which the aircraft must fly passing a given waypoint). When can the pilot enter such a constraint? Can only enter such a constraint on the ground. Can only enter such a constraint during flight phase 6. Cannot enter such a constraint manually. 4.03.20 p50

When will a time constraint, entered in the F-PLN, be automatically deleted? Entering a holding pattern, or in the event of an engine failure. If either FMGEC fails. When an OPT STEP is inserted. 4.03.30 p11 Which of the following statements is correct in regards to the GO AROUND phase of flight? According to the FMGS, prediction are available. GA TRACK will automatically sequence to NAV provided the TO waypoint has been sequenced. In order to engage NAV mode, the HEADING knob must be pushed. 4.05.80 p4 The SRS flight guidance laws provide speed targets in SRS and includes some attitude protection. In the case of windshear, what maximum attitude does the guidance law reduce the aircraft nose-up attitude to, during takeoff? 17.5 degrees. 22.5 degrees. 30 degrees. 1.22.30 p56 There are 4 main different navigation modes to update the FM position. (In decreasing priority they are: IRS-GPS, IRS-DME/VOR, IRS-VOR/DME, IRS ONLY.) In IRS ONLY navigation mode which statement is true concerning estimated Position Error (EPE)? EPE increases continuously at 8 nm / hour for the first 21 minutes and 2 nm / hour thereafter. EPE increases at 8 nm / hour for the first 21 minutes and 2 nm / hour thereafter until a maximum predetermined maximum EPE is reached. Because of the high EPE there will never be a NAV ACCY HIGH indication on the PROGRESS Page. 1.22.20 p9 An aircraft encountering windshear (below a certain energy threshold) will generate a signal. When is this detection function active? At all times that the aircraft is configured with flaps/slats extended. At takeoff when up to 1,000 ft RA or, below 2,000 ft with the aircraft configured for landing. Lift off to 1300 ft on takeoff, and 1300 ft to 50 ft on landing, with at least Config 1 selected. 1.22.40 p5

For a circling approach, which of the following statements is correct? The secondary flight plan should be a copy of the active with the landing runway revised and this should be activated by the PNF on downwind. The secondary flight plan should have the route and approach to the alternate, and this should be activated by the PNF on downwind in case visual reference is lost. It is recommended to disengage the autopilot as soon as visual reference is established. FCTM 6.6.1 How is the failure of an ILS transmitter (after LOC and G/S Capture) initially indicated? Red LOC and G/S flags on the PFD and ND. Amber LOC and G/S flags on the PFD and ND. FD bars, LOC and G/S scales flashing, deviation indices lost. 4.05.70 p16 top ATA23 Comm In later aircraft an ATSU is installed which manages ADS, datalink communication on the DCDU (CPDLC), and the ACARS function. The ATSU transmits through various communication links, one of which is VHF3. If this fails will CPDLC (and other functions) still be available? Yes, available using VHF 2 or SATCOM. Yes, available using SATCOM or HF1 (If HF Datalink Installed). No, not available. 1.23.45 p1 1.46.10 p2 Must the pilot do anything in order to inform ATC that the aircraft is capable of Datalink Communications? ATS Facilities Notification (AFN) is necessary, however no pilot action is required. A CPDLC downlink message must be sent to each applicable ATC centre. AFN is necessary and the pilot initiates this. V2P2 3-1-6 5.3 [Ops Man Pt A] Which statement is correct concerning Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)? It must be manually armed by the crew before ATC centres can connect. It is normally armed but the crew can select it off on the CONNECTION STATUS page. It is normally armed and the crew can connect themselves to up to 4 ATC

centres. 1.46.55 p1 What message will occur in the case of a Datalink Communication loss between the aircraft and ground? A COM DATALINK STBY ECAM message is displayed. A pulsing green DATALINK STBY memo message is displayed. A steady green DATALINK STBY memo message is displayed. 1.46.20 p2 top ATA24 Electrical The No Break Power Transfer (NBPT) function: Avoids bar power interruptions on the ground only. May take up to 5 seconds for the APU GEN, with GPU connected. Is available on the ground and in flight. 1.24.10 p7 Following a DC BUS 2 FAULT, the PRIM 2 (A340) / SEC 2 (A330) FAULT light on the overhead panel is illuminated. A PRIM 2 / SEC 2 reset: Should NOT be attempted, as this light is unduly illuminated. Should be attempted after checking on the ECAM STATUS page that it is not forbidden. Should be attempted, as this is normal procedure and is called for in the ECAM procedure. 3.02.24 p18 With the APU running and external power A and B available: External Power A supplies the left side and External Power B supplies the right side. The APU supplies the left side and External Power A supplies the right side. The APU supplies the left side and External Power B supplies the right side. 1.24.10 p10 With EMER EXIT LTS set to ARM, when will the cabin emergency lighting automatically illuminate? Only when the DC ESS bus fails. Only when the normal aircraft electrical power fails. Both of the above failures will cause automatic illumination. 1.33.30 p4

What would occur if the MAN ON Pb on the EMER ELEC PWR panel is pressed while the green hydraulic system is pressurized? The RAT would deploy whether the aircraft is on the ground or in flight. The emergency generator starts running and connects to the electrical network whether on the ground or in flight. The emergency generator would connect the charging circuit to the bus bars if the battery voltage is less than 23.5V. 1.24.20 p10 Once the EMERG GEN is running, when and how can it be turned "OFF"? It can be manually selected off by the crew, after landing during the taxi phase. It cannot be manually selected off by the crew. It can be deselected by the crew, once normal electrical power has been restored. No direct reference ± infer from 1.24.10 p18 Which statement is true regarding the IDG Pb? It must be held for at least 3 seconds to ensure proper IDG disconnection. It contains a Fault light, which illuminates when oil temperature falls below a pre-determined value. It should not be held for more than about 3 seconds to ensure proper IDG disconnection. 1.24.20 p5 When and, by whom, does the pre flight Battery voltage check need to be performed? The PNF, if the aircraft has not been electrically supplied (i.e. Full Electrical Power Up required). The PNF, on every crew change or when transiting Hong Kong. It is not considered a crew duty as this is a maintenance procedure. 3.04.24 p2 top ATA26 Fire Protection Pushing and releasing an ENG FIRE Pb will perform numerous functions, these include: Silence the aural fire warning, closes the low and high pressure fuel valves, arms the fire extinguisher squibs, closes the hydraulic fire valve and closes the pack flow control valve. Silence the aural fire warning, closes the high pressure fuel valve, arms the fire extinguisher squibs, closes the hydraulic fire valve and closes the pack

flow control valve. Silence the aural fire warning, closes the low pressure fuel valve, arms the fire extinguisher squibs, closes the hydraulic fire valve and closes the pack flow control valve. 1.26.20 p5 In the event of smoke in the cabin: The cockpit window should not be opened unless dense smoke is in the cockpit. The cockpit window should not be opened before the RAM AIR Pb is selected OFF. Packs should be selected to LO to reduce ventilation. Barry Badenhorst said (a) If an APU fire is detected in flight: An automatic APU shutdown and agent discharge will occur. An automatic APU shutdown will occur; manual agent discharge is required. The APU Fire Pb must be pressed. (c) What operations/actions are required for smoke detected in the avionics compartment? When smoke is detected immediate actions include setting the Vent Extract pb to OVRD with or without ECAM activation, however, after the ECAM is displayed the ECAM checklist must be followed even if non avionics smoke is suspected. When air conditioning smoke is suspected the crew should set the Vent Extract pb to OVRD and may continue with the paper checklist or switch to the ECAM procedure when displayed. The Vent Extract pb should be set to OVRD once Emergency Electrical Configuration has been established. QRH 1.10 ± not well written In the event of smoke in the cabin, several actions are available. Which of  the following apply? The cockpit window should not be opened unless dense smoke persists in the cockpit and the aircraft is at FL100. The cockpit window should not be opened before the RAM AIR Pb is selected to "OFF" and the aircraft altitude is FL100. Packs should be selected to LO to reduce ventilation and decrease the cabin altitude. QRH 1.12

How are aural or visual warnings cancelled with an ENG FIRE? The aural warning stops when the ENG MASTER switch is selected OFF. The ENG FIRE Pb light will extinguish when the Pb is pressed. The aural warning stops when the ENG FIRE Pb is pushed. 1.26.20 p7 During an engine fire procedure how would the crew ascertain that the fire has been extinguished? The aural warning stops when fire conditions no longer exist. The ENG FIRE pushbutton light extinguishes when fire conditions no longer exist. In any event AGENT 1 must be discharged regardless of the state of the warning. 1.26.20 p5 3.02.26 p2 Which of the following statements correctly represent the operation of the agent Squib light? The SQUIB light illuminates white when the flight crew release the ENG FIRE button. The SQUIB light illuminates white when the AGENT Pb is pressed, with or without a detected fire. The SQUIB light illuminates amber when the associated fire extinguisher bottle has lost pressure. 1.26.20 p5 Why should the Fire pb not be pushed during a Tailpipe Fire? This would disable the engine fire bottles from discharging. The fire pushbutton shuts off the engine bleed valves shutting off starter air. This would de-energize FADEC and prevent the motoring sequence. 1.36.10 p3 QRH 2.25 How can the Smoke Detection System be reset in flight? Pull FWC 1 reset button, wait 3 seconds then push it. Then perform the same action with FWC 2. Simultaneously pull SDCU 1 and 2 reset buttons wait 3 seconds, then push them. Pull SDCU 1 and SDCU 2 reset buttons, wait 1 second then push them. QRH 2.35 TR While operating an Olympus Class aircraft, what occurs if smoke is detected in the air extraction duct of the Inflight Entertainment Centre? An ECAM smoke warning is triggered and a red SMOKE light comes on in the IFEC pushbutton on the overhead panel.

The power to the IFEC is shutdown immediately. Visual and Aural warnings are provided in the cabin, the power to the IFE Centre has to be switched off at the VCC. 1.26.56 p1 top ATA27 Flight Controls The "A LOCK" message: Replaces the F symbol when a wing tip brake is applied to the flaps. Appears when speed falls below 148 kt if the flaps are up. Replaces the S symbol when the alpha/speed lock function has been activated. 1.27.50 p9 During a GA from the runway in CONF FULL, after application of TOGA, the crew would expect: Continuous Repetitive Chime, Master Warning and ECAM CONFIG FLAPS NOT IN TO CONFIG. FLAP/MCDU DISAGREE message. No warnings due flight phase inhibit. FCTM 7.20.3 "USE MAN PITCH TRIM" message is displayed on the PFD: In amber when in Direct Law. Indicates that manual pitch trim must be used to control the aircraft attitude in pitch. Indicates that the alpha floor function, Overspeed and Stall Warnings are inoperative. p5 When and where does the "A LOCK" message appear? Replaces the F symbol when a wing tip brake is applied to the flaps. Replaces the S symbol when speed falls below 148 kt if the flaps are already up. Replaces the S symbol when the alpha/speed lock function has been activated, preventing flap retracting from 1 to 0. 1.27.50 p7 When is the overspeed ECAM warning provided? At VMO. At VMO + 4 Knots.

At VMO + 6 Knots. 1.27.20 p6 When does the sidestick priority "Red Arrow" illuminate in front of a pilot? When that pilot has lost authority. When that pilot has regained authority. When the opposite sidestick is not at neutral. 1.27.40 p7 Condition shown in [deleted] graphic: After Take-Off, with trailing edge flaps at a CONF 1 + F configuration. Which is correct for the conditions/ actions stated? Correctly indicating above 200 kt, speed increasing select flaps to "Zero". Correctly indicating above 210 kt, speed increasing select flaps "UP" as soon as the flaps "F" begins retracting. Correctly indicating at 215 kt, speed increasing, trailing edge flaps will automatically retract and be confirmed on the flap indication. 1.27.50 p4 Which statement is correct if one SFCC is inoperative? Flaps and Slats operate at half normal speed. Flaps and slats both operate at normal speed. Slats operate normally, but the flaps operate at half speed. 1.27.50 p2 When does the pitch flight control laws change from flare mode to ground mode? When RA is < 50 Feet. Immediately the wheels are on the ground. 5 seconds after the ground condition has been confirmed, provided pitch attitude is < 2.5 Degrees. 1.27.20 p1 Which statement is correct in relation to the Flap Load Relief System (FLRS)? It is available in CONF 1, 2, 3 and FULL. In case of FLRS activation, an Flashing overspeed warning is provided on ECAM. The upper ECAM shows a flashing "RELIEF" message when the FLRS is activated. 1.27.50 p4 If the rudder pedals become jammed, what is the recommended procedure for directional control on landing? Use nosewheel steering handle as soon as the nosewheels touch down.

Use asymmetric reverse thrust ASAP. Use differential braking ASAP. QRH 2.02 top page1 stuff  page3 This page was last updated

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