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AIRBUS 320 SYSTEMS SUMMARY Instrument / Nav / Comm ECAM
The ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Aircraft Monitoring) system is made up of two primary components, two SDACs SDACs (System Data Ac!uisition Ac!uisition Concentrators) and two "#Cs ("light ("light #arning Computers)$ A loss of only one SDAC or only one "#C will not result in any loss of function$ The second computer can handle all functions alone$ The SDACs recei%e data from sensors and will send signals to & DMCs (Display Management Computer) which generate the screen image$ The SDACs also send signals to the "#C$ The "#C will generate %arious warning'caution messages$ The E'#D (Engine'#arning (Engine'#arning Display) is the display that shows normal engine readings and ECAM messages$ The SD (System Display) is directly elow the E'#D and normally shows system pages or status$ "or information on switching screens in case of failures see E"S later in this section$ ECAM uses color to indicate the importance of the indication* +ED -+A./E (AM0E+) /+EE. #1TE 034E (C5A.) (C5A.) 64+63E (MA/E.TA) (MA/E.TA)
mmediate action re!uired Awareness ut no action re!uired .ormal operation Titles and remar2s Actions to e carried out or limitations Special messages (i$e$ inhiition messages)
Note pulsing green or amer indications are approaching limits
f a "#C fails the Master Caution and Master #arning lights will indicate the failure (along with a warning from ECAM) y the upper or lower light in oth the Master Caution and #arning light eing out$ f the 78 "#C fails then the captains upper lights would e out and the "'-s lower lights would e out$ f 79 "#C fails the re%erse lights will go out$ 3oss of oth "#Cs will result in a loss of most warning capaility$ The The dual failure of the "#Cs will result in an amer caution with no aural$ ECAM system pages are controlled through the ECAM control panel$ Captains will e using the mnemonic "1ED to chec2 systems prior to departure$ " 1 E D
"4E3, alance, configuration, configuration, !uantity 15D, 1ydraulics 1ydraulics !uantity !uantity (pointers in o:es) E./, Engine oil !uantity (min$ (min$ 89$; !ts$) D--+'- fashion from upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right$ #hen an ECAM warning occurs the first pilot noting it should read the title$ Appropriate systems page will e shown on lower ECAM (SD) to help identify prolem area(s)$ 6lease note that the top displayed underlined system will control the lower SD display$ Then the 6" should call =ECAM Action>$ The The 6M should read the full line of action items$ Confirm all maor actions efore continuing to ne:t, such as thrust le%er mo%ement, engine master switch, engine fire p selection or D/ disconnect and ha%e the 6" guard good control$ +epeat response as you complete action$ As you complete the items listed in cyan (lue) (thin2 =0lue to Do>) they will e automatically cleared from the screen$ Continue until you reach the ne:t underlined item$ +ead through any o:ed item (note o:ed items indicate failure of a primary system that will cause the loss of another system or systems on the aircraft which will e listed as secondary or ?starred systems)$ #hen reaching the ne:t underlined title or the end of the procedure then proceed with clearing ECAM$ 0e sure to do A33 applicale lue action items etween underlined titles efore proceeding$ f there are too many steps to all e on the screen ECAM will put a green down arrow to indicate that there is screen =o%erflow>$ =o%erflow>$ As you complete the items and they are cleared the o%erflow items will automatically scroll up onto the screen$ f there are too many items that cant e cleared then press the C3EA+ p for the ne:t page$ .ote you may not e ale to clear clear all lue items$ n some cases ECAM will not ha%e a way to 2now that you ha%e done an item, such as =contact ATC>$ ATC>$ Some may not apply such as during Engine "ailure ECAM will gi%e a choice of damage or no damage procedures$ #hen all action items are finished for an underlined item and you are at the end or the ne:t underlined item the 6M as2s, =Clear ECAM>B 6" will reply, =Clear ECAM> if ready to continue$ 0e sure that no further cyan messages remain for any underlined item that can e eliminated efore clearing$ Some lue action items the computer cannot get feedac2 from, and these will remain on the screen$ A3#A5S A3#A5S C-."+M A. ECAM C3EA+$ The SD will automatically a utomatically display the affected underlined system if there are additional failures$ f the prolem stops while doing action items some action items may clear or change automatically$ "or e:ample, if an engine fire goes out while running ECAM you will see the ECAM E./.E "+E go away, the red "+E p on the "+E panel and the red "+E light on the engine
ECAM Procedures
4pper ECAM (E'#D) 6rimary "ailures Secondary "ailures underlined starred =ECAM Actions> Affected Systems E3EC DC 04S 8 "A43T ?E3EC
3ower ECAM (SD) 6rocedures nop Systems Status
#or2 in a =@> fashion from upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right$ #hen an ECAM warning occurs the first pilot noting it should read the title$ Appropriate systems page will e shown on lower ECAM (SD) to help identify prolem area(s)$ 6lease note that the top displayed underlined system will control the lower SD display$ Then the 6" should call =ECAM Action>$ The The 6M should read the full line of action items$ Confirm all maor actions efore continuing to ne:t, such as thrust le%er mo%ement, engine master switch, engine fire p selection or D/ disconnect and ha%e the 6" guard good control$ +epeat response as you complete action$ As you complete the items listed in cyan (lue) (thin2 =0lue to Do>) they will e automatically cleared from the screen$ Continue until you reach the ne:t underlined item$ +ead through any o:ed item (note o:ed items indicate failure of a primary system that will cause the loss of another system or systems on the aircraft which will e listed as secondary or ?starred systems)$ #hen reaching the ne:t underlined title or the end of the procedure then proceed with clearing ECAM$ 0e sure to do A33 applicale lue action items etween underlined titles efore proceeding$ f there are too many steps to all e on the screen ECAM will put a green down arrow to indicate that there is screen =o%erflow>$ =o%erflow>$ As you complete the items and they are cleared the o%erflow items will automatically scroll up onto the screen$ f there are too many items that cant e cleared then press the C3EA+ p for the ne:t page$ .ote you may not e ale to clear clear all lue items$ n some cases ECAM will not ha%e a way to 2now that you ha%e done an item, such as =contact ATC>$ ATC>$ Some may not apply such as during Engine "ailure ECAM will gi%e a choice of damage or no damage procedures$ #hen all action items are finished for an underlined item and you are at the end or the ne:t underlined item the 6M as2s, =Clear ECAM>B 6" will reply, =Clear ECAM> if ready to continue$ 0e sure that no further cyan messages remain for any underlined item that can e eliminated efore clearing$ Some lue action items the computer cannot get feedac2 from, and these will remain on the screen$ A3#A5S A3#A5S C-."+M A. ECAM C3EA+$ The SD will automatically a utomatically display the affected underlined system if there are additional failures$ f the prolem stops while doing action items some action items may clear or change automatically$ "or e:ample, if an engine fire goes out while running ECAM you will see the ECAM E./.E "+E go away, the red "+E p on the "+E panel and the red "+E light on the engine
panel will go out and the 3A.D ASA6 will change from red to orange$ #hen ECAM is cleared the ne:t procedure will appear (additional primary failures are listed in the =stac2> on the right) or if all procedures are done done then ECAM will automatically present present the first page of the affected systems on the SD$ Affected systems (secondary failures) are listed in amer on the top right of the screen with an ?asteris2 in front of them (?"'CT3)$ After re%iewing the screen you will clear it and the ne:t system screen will e shown$ After each screen you should as2 and confirm ready to clear the screen$ Continue until all amer is cleared and only green memo messages are left$ E:ample 6M will then re%iew all affected e!uipment shown in amer on "light Control side$ #hen done 6M will as2, =Clear "light Control>B 6" will reply, =Clear "light Control> if ready to continue$ #hen all the affected system screens ha%e een cleared the status page will come up automatically$ f Status or nop Systems ta2es up more than one page on ECAM there will e a green down arrow to indicate to =scroll> to the ne:t page$ n this case you will clear ECAM to scroll to the rest of the procedure$ After using clear to see additional Status or .-6 Systems pages you can press the STS 2ey to see the first Status or .-6 Systems page again$ Status page will contain items such as procedures, limits, etc$ 6M will then read all status items line y line$ #hen done the 6M will as2 =Clear Status>B The 6" will reply, =Clear Status> if ready to finish$ f 6" needs to stop ECAM say =1old ECAM>, when ready to continue say =Continue ECAM>$ 6ilot %eriage during ECAM is Challenge, +esponse, +esponse$ "or e:ample PM: Green Engine 1 Pump, OFF, (pus o!! Green Engine 1 p"# OFF
#hen operating controls that must e confirmed (thrust le%er mo%ement, engine master switch, engine fire p selection or D/ disconnect) the 6M must allow the 6" to confirm the action and guard the good controls$ eriage in this case will e li2e this 6M Thrust le%er 8, dle, (6" will guard thrust le%er 9 with hand) 6" Confirmed (6M will ring thrust le%er 8 to idle), 6M dle Additional information on ECAM warnings may e otained from the 6ilots 1andoo2, Chapter 98 if time permits$ A red 3A.D ASA6 suggests landing at nearest suitale airport (more se%ere)$ An amer 3A.D ASA6 suggests the pilot should consider the seriousness of the situation and suitaility of the airport efore landing (less se%ere)$ 3anding Distance 6rocedure * f the procedure directs you to do the landing distance procedure (3D/ DST 6+-C) then you will loo2 in the +1 under Miscellaneous for 3anding Configuration, Approach Speed, and 3anding Distance Corrections for "ailures (for the model aircraft)$ Current +1 pages are A&8 * ;F, A&9F * ;8, A&98 * ;9 "ind the appropriate e!uipment failure(s) in the tale and note the actual flap le%er position for landing$ 6lease note that the actual flap and'or slat positions may not match the flap le%er
position depending on what procedures you are accomplishing$ .ow note any speed increment to e added$ "inally note any landing distance multiplier$ f there are multiple failures and you need to apply more than one e!uipment failure you may need to adust your multiplier$ f the multipliers all ha%e asteris2s ust ta2e the highest multiplier$ f any of the multipliers dont ha%e asteris2s then multiply the multipliers together and use the resulting numer as the total multiplier$ nstructions are shown on +1 pg$ ;&$ .ow find the performance section for the model you are in (i$e$ for A&8 use A&8 6erformance) and find the 3A.D./ DSTA.CE #T1-4T A4T-0+AGE * C-."/4+AT-. "433 tale$ A3#A5S use the Config "ull tale, e%en if landing with less for the procedure$ "ind the applicale distance$ Apply any needed corrections$ 6lease note that this is a reference distance only, if you ha%e autora2e a%ailale you should use itH 4se the multiplier from the earlier tale and multiply it y the corrected reference distance and this will e the minimum distance runway needed for this procedure$ "inally, ta2e the speed increment from ao%e and add it to 3S and add any wind correction (see +1 pg$ ;;, ;I or ;J for tales) and put the resulting A66 in the MCD4 6E+" A66+ page under the 3SG ;3$ #hen using speed increments A3#A5S 4SE S6EED SE3ECT on approach$ Do not use managed speed when speed increments ha%e een applied$ 4se the A66 set in the 6E+" A66+ to remind you what speed to select when on approach$ f time permits Chapter 98 e:panded procedures will assist in finding the distance multipliers and speed increments$ .ote f ECAM directs to recycle "laps'Slats * speed select elow 9FF 2ts$ and select flaps 9 ECAM action should not e ta2en (e:cept to cancel audio warning through the MASTE+ #A+. light) until K K
The flight path is stailized and The aircraft is higher than 8,FFF A"E
.ote There are times that ECAM may direct the pilot to do a procedure that is not what you should do$ E:amples are if an ECAM directs to turn off the last a%ailale source of hydraulic power (no power to flight controls is a ad thing in any circumstance) or opening the fuel s$ 6"D when in 3S and "'-s .D when on +ose 3S$ .umer 9 3S will e displayed on "'-s 6"D when on 3S and Capts$ 6"D when on +ose 3S .ote the 3S ST05 .A will display onside tuning on the 6"D and offside tuning on the .D$ This allows comparison of the signals during approach$ .ote f the ST05 .A is eing used during the electrical emergency configuration only +M6 8 has power$ RADNAV Nav, manual tuning: Select the RADNAV key on the MCD! "nter the V#R ident on $S% &R or &$ and the cour'e on $S% (R or ($! Select V#R Ro'e for the ND! To manually tune an )$S u'e the 'ame techni*ue +y utting the )$S ident on $S% -$ and )$S cour'e on .$ then 'elect )$S Ro'e for the ND! /re'' the $S + to 'ee DM" on /0D!
Note: 1hen R#S" V#R i' 'elected 1ith a V#R manually tuned the CA/T ND 1ill 'ho1 V#R& and 02# ND 1ill 'ho1 V#R(! 3o1ever, 1hen R#S" $S i' 'elected 1ith an )$S manually 'elected the CA/T ND 1ill 'ho1 )$S( and the 02# ND 1ill 'ho1 )$S&!
Communications (61 (61 8&$;) Comms are monitored y ECAM for =stuc2 mi2e>$ mi2e>$ All +M6s will tune any radio$ AC6s may e switched in case of failure using Audio Switching panel on o%erhead$ Tune, Tal2, 3isten * +M6 and AC6 #hen you come to a railroad crossing you should Stop, 3oo2, 3isten ut when using the Airus +M6 and AC6 you should Tune, Tal2, 3isten$ The Airus has a %ery fle:ile setup for tuning radios ut it ta2es a little getting used to$ "irst of all any +M6 (+adio Management 6anel) can tune any radio in the aircraft$ This means that if you lose two +M6s you can still tune any radio with the third +M6$ #hile this redundancy is great you ha%e to e ale to 2eep trac2 of it allH "urther the AC6 (Audio Control 6anel) allows the pilot to transmit or listen on any radio or interphone$ Again there are three installed$ The pilots will ha%e their own +M6 and AC6 on the center pedestal on their side with the third =standy> on the o%erhead$ o%erhead$ "or the pilots pilots the +M6 is mounted ao%e ao%e the AC6$ AC6$ "ortunately "ortunately Airus helped us out a little it y lining up all the functions for each radio in a =stac2>$ The tale elow is greatly simplified to show you the =stac2> for each radio and includes controls on oth the + M6 and AC6$ 1" 8 Tune Tal2 3isten
1" 9 Tune Tal2 3isten
1" & Tune Tal2 3isten
#hen using the +M6 or AC6 you must realize that e%ery control is independent$ "or e:ample you can tune on 1" 9 while listening on 1" 8 while transmitting on 1" &$ -n the +M6 a green triangle light will indicate which radio is eing tuned and on the AC6 a triple ar green light will indicate which radio is set to transmit$ -n the +M6 only one radio may e tuned at a time, selecting 1" 8 for tuning will deselect the prior selection$ The AC6 transmit is the same way, only one radio may e selected for transmit from that AC6 at one time$ -n the AC6 the pilot will select =up> or =out> the radios or interphones to listen to$ 5ou may select as many as you wish and set independent %olume control on each$ 6lease note that you must select out a radio to listen to e%en if you ha%e pressed to tune or tal2 on it, the audio is .-T automatically selected when you use the +M6$ .ote ACA+S is set on +M6 & (standy on o%erhead) and 1" & cannot e set to use any other radio$ 4S Airways A&8'&9F ECAM 3anding Distance 6rocedures #hen during an ECAM procedure you are gi%en 3D/ DST 6+-C$A6635 6+-C$A6635 -r A66+ S6EED+E" you may use the following tale to complete the 3anding Distance 6rocedures$ Note complete instructions on +1 page ;&
A&8 * go to +1 page ;F A&9F * go to +1 page ;8 A&98 * go to +1 page ;9 "ind failure(s) in tale .ote the corresponding "3A6S 3EE+ 6-ST-., A66+ S6D .C+EME.T and 3D/ DST multiplier factor$ factor$ .ote "or multiple failures K Multiply landing distance factors from tale together unless all ha%e asteris2 (?), if all ha%e asteris2 (?) then only use highest factor$ K -nly S./3E or 6+MA+5 failures should e comined$ K All SEC-.DA+5 failures are ta2en into account$ K 4se lowest 3D/ C-."/$ 4se highest A66+ S6D .C+EME.T for A66 $ .ote complete instructions on +1 page ;& "ind +1 0lue 6erformance Ta Ta for aircraft model "ind 3A.D./ DSTA.CE #T1-4T A4T-0+AGE, C-."/ "433 tale on ne:t page A&8 * go to +1 page A&8 6erfL& A&9F * go to +1 page A&9F 6erfL& A&98 * go to +1 page A&98 6erfL& Apply corrections from tale elow distance tale .ote A3#A5S A3#A5S use C-."/ "433 tale regardless what position the flaps le%er or flaps will e$ Determine reference landing distance from tale$ Ta2e Ta2e resulting landing distance factor and multiply y reference landing distance from 3A.D./ DSTA.CE #T1-4T A4T-0+AGE, C-."/ "433 tale$ +esulting answer is minimum runway distance re!uired for procedure Ta2e Ta2e resulting A66+ S6D .C+EME.T from ao%e and go to A&8 * go to +1 page ;; A&9F * go to +1 page ;I A&98 * go to +1 page ;J 4se the lower A0.-+MA3'EME+/E.C5 C-."/4+AT-. (failure) tale$ "ind /ross #eight at top of tale$ .ote the corresponding +E" for the weight$ Add the Approach Speed ncrement from ao%e to the +E"$ .ow add any wind corrections as directed y tale$ +esulting speed is the A66 and should e inserted on MCD4 6E+" A66+ page$
Ice %ain Protection 'ing Anti)ice
#ing antiLice heats the three outer wing slat panels on each wing$ #ing AL is a%ailale for singleLengine (if Engine "ire p not pushed) y using pac2 off and crossleed open as per 61 98 After E./ 8(9) S14T D-#.$ #ing AL %al%es close automatically K K K
-n touchdown 3ea2 detected Electrical power lost
#ing AL is not permitted on ground or ao%e TAT 8FP C (61 9$I$9) A64 leed is .-T permitted for #ing antiLice$ a ntiLice$ (61 9$8R$) .ote #ing AL test opens %al%es for &F sec$ on ground$ n normal use select #ing AntiLce (61 &a$9) K K
-n after thrust reduction on ta2eLoff -ff at "A" "A" during approach
Engine Anti)ice
Engine AL ducting is independent of wing AL$ Engine AL %al%es %al%es will open automatically on loss of electrical power$ power$ They close with air pressure a%ailale$ Engine limits are automatically reset when Engine AL selected and continuous ignition is automatically turned on for that engine as well$ Pro"e and Mast *eat / 'indo+ *eat / %ain %emova
All heat is turned on at low power on ground after the first engine start$ n flight all heat automatically goes to 1igh$ Can turn on manually on ground efore engine start y pressing p to -.$ Deselect to Auto after second engine start$ .ote when on ground a windshield (or window) heat fault may e gi%en due to heating y the sun$ Cool the coc2pit (or stow shades) and reset the #1C circuit rea2er$ rea2er$
All normal electrical power shifts automatically e:cept the E:ternal 6ower which must ha%e the E y fuel pressure from the fuel pumps in the main wing tan2s and the et pumps transfer fuel from the Center tan2 to the respecti%e wing tan2$ The A&98 wing tan2s do not ha%e an outer and inner tan2 and there are no transfer %al%es to latch open$ All the wing fuel is in one wing tan2 and total wing fuel remains the same as the A&8'&9F$ 6lease understand that the pumps in the wing must e running in order to power the center tan2 et pumps and transfer fuel$ The center tan2s pump ps ha%e een replaced on the A&98 with transfer %al%e ps$ Essentially these C.T TG 3 (+) protections$ /reen e!uals signs =X> .ormal 3aw 6rotections (thin2 of as =A&9F mode>) 0an2 5aw 6itch 3ow Speed 1igh Speed 3oad +oll rate Turn 3oad "actor .onL .onL Clean'"laps 8 proportional Coordination Q proportional o%errideale o%errideale 9$;/'L8$F/ to side stic2 5aw to stic2 A-A nose up deflection Dampening deflection protection command "laps IJP Ma: Ma: &FP Y 6rot pre%ents E:tended (at R;P nose up 3ow energy o%erspeed at 9$F/'LF$F/ autopilot Ma: 8;P warn$ mo'Mmo disconnect) nose down Y "loor Y Ma: Aternate 4a+
"light control will re%ert to alternate law after multiple failures of redundant systems$ Autotrim still a%ailale$ =Soft> protections$ .o protection in roll, roll goes to direct$ 6itch goes to direct for landing when landing gear e:tended (no =flare mode>)$ t is possile to e in Alternate law without speed Staility and'or 5aw Dampening$ Aircraft can stall$ Amer = Alternate 3aw 6rotections (thin2 of as =J&JL&FF mode>) 0an2 5aw 6itch 3ow Speed 1igh Speed 3oad +oll Direct 5aw 3oad "actor 3ow speed 1igh Speed Clean'"laps 8 .o Dampening proportional staility Staility 9$;/'L8$F/ protections to stic2 -%errideale -%errideale deflection nose down nose up "laps .o flare command to command to E:tended mode, goes to pre%ent stall pre%ent 9$F/'LF$F/ direct for Stall #arning o%erspeed landing $irect 4a+
3owest le%el of flight control law$ 6roportional mo%ement etween sidestic2 deflection and flight control deflection$ .o autotrimming$ .o protections$ -%erspeed and Stall warnings a%ailale$ The default mode on the ground in all cases (thin2 aout it, if you are on the ground you cannot ha%e a / load or roll rate)$ This mode is most li2e a regular airplane (=DCL mode>)$ Amer =4SE MA.
6TC1 T+M> A"norma 4a+
This is entered y the aircraft eing in an e:treme unusual attitude (aout doule normal limits)$ #hen ac2 to normal attitude aircraft is in Alternate 3aw e:cept does not go to direct law on landing and no pitch protections$ Computer re%erts to Anormal when it sees the aircraft in unusual attitude ecause computer logic says aircraft should not ha%e een allowed y normal law protections into this attitude in the first place, therefore computer sees something is wrong$ Mecanica 3acup
6itch through horizontal sta trim, 3ateral through rudders, Differential power$ 0oth sta and rudder use cales going to controller and re!uire hydraulic power$ 0ottom line here, %ery little =manual re%ersion> and if no hydraulic power you are a lawn dart$ +ed =MA. 6TC1 T+M -.35> "lyLyLwire, no feedac2 e:cept for rudder and horizontal sta trim Two E3ACs * Ele%ator, aileron and stailizer control Three SECs * Spoiler and standy ele%ator and stailizer control Two "ACs * Electrical rudder control (other warning functions also pro%ided) "CDCs ("light Control Data Concentrators) process information from E3ACs and SECs and send data to the ES and C"DS$ 6itch * Controlled y ele%ators and horizontal sta$ Electrically controlled y E3AC or SEC and hydraulically actuated$ Ele%ator * Each ele%ator has two hydraulic power sources and two actuators (one acti%e and one in damping mode)$ Ele%ator priorities (.ote unless re!uired y /round School instructor would not memorize which hydraulic system supplies which flight control, add it for reference only) E3AC 9 Z E3AC 8 Z SEC 9 Z SEC 8 3eft Ele%ator * 0lue and /reen hyd$
+ight Ele%ator * 5ellow and 0lue hyd$
1orizontal Stailizer * Electrically controlled y one of three motors or mechanically controlled y the pitch trim wheels (through cale) and hydraulically powered y green or yellow hydraulic$ After touchdown the sta trim is reset automatically to zero$ 1orizontal Sta$ 6riorities E3AC 9 Z E3AC 8 Z SEC 9 Z SEC 8 (same as ele%ators) /reen and 5ellow hyd$, & electric motors +oll Control * pro%ided y ailerons and spoilers$ Electrically controlled y E3AC (ailerons) or SEC (spoilers) and hydraulically actuated$ Ailerons * Each aileron is powered y /reen and 0lue hyd$ and has two actuators (one acti%e and the other damping)$ The ailerons droop ;P when the flaps are e:tended$ f oth E3ACs fail then droop is deacti%ated and the ailerons streamline and only spoilers are used for roll control$
Aileron priorities E3AC 8 Z E3AC 9 /reen and 0lue hyd$ Spoilers * "i%e spoilers are installed on each wing$ "rom the wing root to wing tip they are numered 8 through ;$ All are used as ground spoilers$ .umers 9 through ; (the R outoard spoilers) pro%ide roll control$ The middle three (9 * R) pro%ide inLflight speed ra2es$ f a SEC fails the spoiler(s) it controls is automatically retracted (if e:tended) and that spoiler(s) deacti%ated$ There is no re%ersion to other computers$ Spoiler priorities Spoilers 8 Q 9 L SEC &, 5ellow and /reen Spoilers & Q R L SEC 8, 5ellow and 0lue Spoiler ; L SEC 9, /reen &peed"raes and Ground &poiers
/reen S6D 0+G memo on ECAM when speedra2es e:tended$ "lashes amer when thrust is applied with speedra2e e:tended$ Speedra2e e:tension inhiited when (SA"ELT) S L SEC 8 Q & fail A L Angle of Attac2 protection acti%e (Y prot) or A361A "3--+ acti%e " L "laps at "433 setting (also config & A&98) E L Ele%ator (3 or +) fails (spoilers & and R only) TLT-/A on thrust le%ers (-G, really ao%e MCT ut you etter e in the T-/A detent if you are ao%e MCTH) f speedra2es out when inhiited they will automatically retract$ Must restow speedra2e handle for 8F seconds to regain$ Do not use speedra2es elow 8FFF A"E$ f one speedra2e on one wing fails the corresponding one on the other wing will e inhiited for symmetry$ /round Spoilers are armed y raising the Speed 0ra2e 3e%er$ The speed ra2e le%er does not mo%e with auto e:tension$ /round Spoilers e:tend automatically 6artial E:tension * -n landing * +e%erse selected on at least one engine with other a t or near idle *and* one main landing gear strut compressed "ull E:tension * -n landing or on ta2eoff ao%e J9 2ts$ (reected ta2eoff) * 0oth thrust le%ers at idle (spoilers armed) *or* +e%erse thrust selected on at least one engine with other at idle (spoilers not armed) and oth mains compressed$ +udder * +udder controls yaw$ "AC 8 Q 9 pro%ide electric control through trim motors and hydraulically actuated$ Mechanically controlled y rudder pedals if "ACs fail$ +udder deflection is
normally limited according to airspeed ut during dual "AC failure full rudder deflection is a%ailale when the slats e:tend$ +udder trim is a utomatic ut can e done manually using electric +4D T+M switch$ A rudder trim +ESET p will reset the rudder to F trim (not a%ailale during autopilot operation)$ E3ACs sends signals to "ACs and "ACs compute yaw damper and turn coordinations$ .o feedac2 (rudder pedal mo%ement) during yaw damper corrections or turn coordination$ "AC * thin2 of a southern Dragnet, =ust the "ACs yall> 5 * 5aw functions, normal and alternate yaw A * Angle of Attac2 (flight en%elope protection L AoA, 1igh and 3ow speed limits) # * #indshear 3 * 3ow Energy warning (speed, speed) Y 6rot * Alpha 6rotection, Angle of attac2 protection speed, top of amer tiger stripe A * Angle of Attac2 instead of 3oad "actor (gs) S * Speedra2es retract A * Autopilot disconnects 6 * 6itch trim inhiited "laps The flap handle has a =trigger> that must e s!ueezed to allow the flaps to mo%e out of detent with al2s at 8 and & to pre%ent =o%ershoot>$ The flaps will only pro%ide the configurations that are allowed for each detent, there is no =in etween the detents> positioning$ The flap handle controls oth flaps and slats$ Controlled y two Slat "lap Control Computers (S"CCs)$ 0oth flaps and slats are powered y two hydraulic systems, flaps y green and yellow and slats y green and lue$ f any hydraulic system fails lea%ing only one hydraulic system powering either slats or flaps the single powered control will e:tend and retract at half speed$ f only one S"CC is functional the flaps and slats will operate at half speed$ The flaps ha%e ; selected positions F, 8, 9, & and "433$ Ta2eoff is allowed with 8, 9 or & 3anding is allowed with & or "433 .ote when landing with "laps & the 3D/ "3A6 & p on the /6#S o%erhead panel should e selected -. to pre%ent /6#S flap warnings when landing and also C-."/ & selected in 6E+" A66+ for proper approach numers$ The flap position numers are ust that, position numers, they do not correspond to degrees of flaps (or slats) and in fact each model (the A&8, A&9F and A&98) has slightly different flap deflection schedules for certain flap le%er positions$ "or e:ample, "laps "433 for the A&8 is RFP, A&9F is &;P and the A&98 is 9;P$ The A&98 also has additional slots uilt into the flaps to pro%ide additional lift at slower speeds$ 6rocedures remain the same for all models e:cept for higher flap speeds on the A&98$ The flap =indicator> is in the E'#D and shows the amount of e:tension for oth slats and flaps, with three positions for the slats and four positions for the flaps$
"laps F (zero) is flaps =46> with all trailing and leading edge flap de%ices fully stowed$ "laps 8 is a =hyrid> with two separate configurations for the same "laps 8 handle position$ 1owe%er, from a pilot standpoint the difference is transparent as the flap handle is treated the same$ "laps 8 position will pro%ide flaps 8" for ta2eoff and anytime you are retracting flaps from a higher setting (9, & or "433)$ Any other time "laps 8 will pro%ide "laps 8 (how aout thatB)$ -G, so what is the difference etween "laps 8 and "laps 8"B /lad you as2ed, simply this, the trailing edge flaps$ The trailing edge flaps ma2e up the " as "laps 8 is slats only in the initial position$ During "laps 8" the slats and flaps will e:tend to initial positions$ .ow that ha%e you completely confused, here is the short story K K
"laps 8 on ground e:tending for ta2eoff * "laps 8" (slats and flaps) "laps 8 after ta2eoff during initial flap retraction from "laps 9 or & * "laps 8" (slats and flaps)
"laps 8 for landing e:tending from "laps F * "laps 8 (slats only)
"laps 8 for /o Around retracting from 9, & or "433 * "laps 8" (slats and flaps)
As you can see the only time "laps 8 gi%es you "laps 8 (slats only) is on e:tension for landing, the rest of the time "laps 8 is "laps 8" (slats and flaps)$ The E'#D will show either "laps 8 or "laps 8" depending on configuration$ "laps 9, & and "433 all ha%e oth slats and flaps e:tended to some degree$ "laps ha%e o%erspeed protection at flap setting 8" so that at 98F GAS the flaps will automatically retract to "laps 8 (slats only)$ 6lease note on the A&98 it is possile at high gross ta2eoff weights that " speed will e:ceed the flap speed for 8"$ n this case the flaps will automatically retract and the pilot will select flaps F at S speed which will retract the remaining slats$ Slats ha%e an alpha loc2 function that inhiits them from retracting from position 8 to F when at a high angle of attac2 or low airspeed$ There are R #ingtip 0ra2es (#T0) that will loc2 the flaps or slats in case of asymmetry, o%erspeed, runaway or uncommanded mo%ement$ #T0s cannot e released inLflight$ f flaps are loc2ed out, slats can operate and %isa %ersa$ &idestics
6erhaps one of the most distincti%e and noticeale differences in the Airus &9F series from other airliners is the sidestic2$ Most fol2s get comfortale with the sidestic2 within minutes$ 1owe%er, the computerized flight controls that the sidestic2 acti%ate re!uire some new features .o feedac2 (feel) is gi%en$ Sidestic2 is spring loaded to neutral$ System algeraically sums the signals from oth stic2s if oth are operated at the same time (dual input)$ 1owe%er, the total input is no more than the ma: input from a single stic2$ A red Ta2eo%er p in the sidestic2 (also ser%ing as autopilot disconnect) allows one pilot to o%erride the other or to disale a damaged sidestic2$ f priority is ta2en an audio =6+-+T5 3E"T (or +/1T)> is sounded$
A red arrow light will illuminate in front of the pilot who has een deacti%ated when one pilot has ta2en priority o%er the other$ A green CA6T or "'- light will illuminate in front of the pilot with priority if the other sidestic2 is out of neutral$ 3ast pilot to press Ta2eo%er p has priority$ 6ressing Ta2eo%er p for RF secs$ will latch the priority condition (pilot does not ha%e to continue to press Ta2eo%er p)$ 1owe%er, a deacti%ated sidestic2 can e reacti%ated y momentarily pressing the Ta2eo%er p on either sidestic2$ /reen CA6T and "'- sidestic2 priority lights will flash during dual input and an audio =D4A3 .64T> will e sounded$ The Ta2eo%er p and dual input warning system are commonly misunderstood$ A green light in front of you means dual input or you ha%e ust ta2en priority in a dual input situation and a red arrow means your sidestic2 has een deacti%ated$ These are two different things$ Dual input is almost always unintentional and unwanted$ The ta2eo%er priority may e something that needs to e done if a sidestic2 has gone ad or some other prolem has occurred$ 1owe%er, if 5-4+ sidestic2 is ad the -T1E+ pilot must latch it out with their Ta2eo%er p$ Sidestic2 =loc2s> in place when on autopilot$ 6ilot action on sidestic2 (or trim wheel) at any time will disconnect the autopilot$
Auto Figt &-stem
"irst, a little general autoflight theoryH The Airus has three =layers> or le%els control if you wish to call it that$ The first or lowest le%el is manual control$ This would e the pilot controlling through the sidestic2 and the thrust le%ers$ 4eve 1 ) 5Manua6
6ilot "light Controls
n this case the pilot is controlling any flight control mo%ement y use of the sidestic2, which sends its signals through the appropriate computers to the hydraulic actuators and finally the flight control itself$ The pilot can command any flight control mo%ement that stays within "light Control .ormal 3aw$ The same holds true for thrust$ The pilot can manually control the thrust le%ers to command any thrust le%el that stays within the normal engine operating parameters$ This is hand flying as you ha%e always done$ Do not confuse the flight control computers (i$e$ E3AC, SEC and "AC) with the flight management guidance computers ("M/C)$ 3e%el 9 * =Manual with "light Director> 6ilot "light Director "light Controls
n this e:ample the pilot maintains manual control of the flight control ut is eing guided y the flight director$ The flight director ("'D) may e getting its cues from the "M/C or from the settings on the "C4$ The ne:t le%el of control is autoflight$ This is when the autopilot and autothrust are engaged$ n this case the pilot is controlling the aircraft through the settings on the "C4 for the autopilot and the thrust le%ers$ The pilot is telling the autopilot and autothrust directly what is wanted$ "or e:ample, if a heading of F is re!uired the pilot ust sets a heading of F in the "C4 and the autopilot holds that heading$ f the pilot wants a clim of 8FFF fpm then the pilot sets 8FFF fpm in the "C4$ 4eve . ) 5Auto!igt6
6ilot "light Director Autopilot "light Controls
Autothrust Thrust
This le%el is asically the same as any other aircraft you ha%e flown with autopilot and autothrust$ The autopilot and autothrust are controlling through the same flight control system that the pilot uses when hand flying$ The final and most sophisticated le%el is computer guided$ n this case the pilot enters the desired settings in the "M/C and the computer calculates the proper flight path and trac2$ The "M/C then commands the autopilot and autothrust to properly maintain the computed trac2 and path$ f the pilot wishes to ma2e changes or re%isions to the flight plan then it is done to the "M/C which then recalculates the needed information$ "or e:ample, if the pilot wishes to change the flight plan route to go direct to a new fi:, the new fi: is typed into the MCD4 and entered into the D+ page$ The "M/C now computes the new course and commands the autopilot to turn to the new heading$ 4eve 7 ) 5Computer Guided6
6ilot "light Director "M/C Autopilot "light Controls
Autothrust Thrust
Each higher le%el uses all the pre%ious le%els$ n other words computer guided flight is also using the autoflight and manual le%els$ The pilot can always =drop down> from one le%el to a lower le%el y disengaging the appropriate e!uipment$ "or e:ample, the pilot may e climing under computer control in Managed Clim$ 0y selecting a %ertical speed of 8;FF fpm on the "C4 the pilot has now put the %ertical path in autopilot control$ The "M/C is not controlling the clim rate$ f the pilot then disengages the autopilot the aircraft is now under manual control and the pilot is now manually controlling the clim rate$ Two things that should e pointed out$ 5ou can ha%e %arious le%els of control at one time$ "or e:ample, the trac2 may e computer guided y the "M/C while the %ertical path is under autopilot control$ Another e:ample is when the pilot is hand flying ut using autothrust (which is %ery common)$ n this case the flight controls are in manual ut the thrust is in autoflight$ The other thing to point out is that when hand flying the pilot may use the "light Director so that while the aircraft is under manual control the pilot is still getting autoflight or computer guided assistance$ Autopiot
There are two autopilots installed$ .ormally you will only use one autopilot at a time (Capt$ using A'6 8 and "'- using A'6 9)$ 1owe%er, for e%ery 3S approach you will engage oth autopilots (e:cept, of course, when the second is inop$)$ The autopilot can e controlled either directly from the "C4 ("light Control 4nit) or through the MCD4 and the "M/C$ n oth cases you must monitor engagement status on the "MA$ The "C4 has four places to ma2e inputs, Speed, 1eading'.A, Altitude and Altitude 1old'ertical Speed$ n each case the 2no for the selection can e pressed or pulled$ 6ressing the 2no will tell the autopilot to use the "M/C for guidance$ 6ulling the 2no will tell the autopilot to use a pilot selected %alue$ #hen the autopilot is engaged (push) on the "M/C for a setting a white dot will appear on the 3CD readout for that setting$ f the autopilot is selected (pull) to a pilot set %alue the pilot %alue will appear in the 3CD readout$ Always confirm settings on the "MA at the top of the 6"D$ Speed 6ull to select to GAS or Mach y pilot, dial to needed speed$ 6ress to engage in speed mode in "M/C 1eading 6ilot can dial to set desired heading then pull to select 1D/ mode$ 6ressing 1D/ 2no will engage .A and allow autopilot to trac2 "M/C route$ Altitude alue set y pilot, pulling will allow open clim'descent (full power clim, idle descent), pressing will engage to allow managed clim'descent on "M/C Altitude 1old'ertical Speed 6ressing 2no will engage an immediate le%el off$ 6ulling 2no will select %ertical speed mode$ Dial 2no to select amount of clim or descent in hundreds of feet per minute$ iMa2e your flight instructor happyH 4se .oun'er when commanding changes on the "C4 ("light Control 4nit) (6-1 8N$8$&)$ "or E:ample
=Speed Select 8JF> * pilot selects new speed of 8JF =Speed Engage> * speed controlled y "M/C, 2nown as managed speed$ =1eading Select> * selects heading to pre%iously dialed or current heading =1eading Select 9NF> * pilot selects new heading of 9NF$ =.a% Engage> * trac2 controlled y "M/C route Autopilot "light Directors Speed 1eading'.a% -pen'Managed Clim (Descent) ertical Speed
=Autopilot -ff> or =Autopilot 8 (9)> "light Directors -ff or "light Directors -n =Speed Select> or =Speed Engage> =1eading Select> or =.a% Engage> =-pen Clim (Descent) Select> or =Clim (Descent) Engage> =ertical Speed 6lus (Minus)> or =Altitude 1old>
Select is always 2no pulled to you (pilot is =ta2ing> the control of the autopilot)$ #hen using select if you are changing the amount from what is in the window then say amount after saying select$
Engage (1old) is always 2no pushed away from you (pilot is =gi%ing> control of autopilot to "M/C)$
Memor- and Non)memor- autopiot imits
After Ta2eoff (if S+S indicated) Enroute .onLprecision approach CAT 8 3S Approach (no autoland) Autoland After a manual goLaround
8FF A/3 ;FF A/3 (&98 FF) MDA RF elow DA (4) Touchdown 8FF A/3
Autothrust The ig picture on Airus autothrustV During ground operations handle the thrust le%ers as on a =normal> aircraft$ At ta2eoff push the thrust le%ers up to ;FU on .8 until oth engines stailize, then push the thrust le%ers up to "3 will only hold a heading for R; seconds (who 2nows whyH) The scratchpad is the ottom line of the MCD4 and is where you will enter data$ After you type info into the scratchpad you will then select it up into the "M/C y using the 3SG (3ine Select Geys) on either side of the MCD4$ .ote that you cannot select data from the "M/C into the scratchpad$ 5ou will also get %arious warnings in the scratchpad and they can e cleared y pressing the C3+ 2ey in the ottom right hand corner of the 2eys$ A+6-+T Gey The A+6-+T 2ey simply allows the pilot !uic2 access to any airport that is entered into the flight plan$ This would include the departure airport, arri%al airport and the alternate airport$ 6ress this 2ey and the display will place the ne:t a%ailale airport in the "M/C flight plan on the first (top) line in the MCD4$ This ust gi%es the pilot a fast way to =scroll> the flight plan display to the ne:t airport$ .E of the flight plan with which you can later play =what if> scenarios with if you should so choose or to enter possile route changes (such as different than filed arri%als) to !uic2ly acti%ate as an acti%e flight plan if needed$ .ote f Secondary is different from Acti%e flight plan you must e on 1eading to acti%ate$ f Secondary has een copied then 6E+" will e a%ailale as a prompt on SEC page$ This 6E+" will allow you to enter the performance data for the secondary flight plan After engine 'tart:
"uel 6red After engine start you will use the "uel 6red 2ey to enter #Q0$ Enter the actual gross weight (+AM6 weight) and C/ from the #Q0 printout on /# ' C/ on 3SG &3$ 5ou will not ha%e to enter the fuel as the "M/C reads it on its own$ E:ample 8&&$I'9R$N 0efore engine start lea%e the "M/C on the "4E3 6+ED page and you will ha%e the proper page ready for use$ f you recei%e the #eight and 0alance message efore engine start you may type the weight and C/ in the scratchpad for entry after engine start if you wish$ 6E+" 6ress the 6E+" 2ey and you will now e on the 6E+" TAGE-"" page$ Enter 8, 9 and + speeds on their 3SGs$ Enter "3E< temp if needed$ Enter T1+ +ED'ACC (thrust reduction'accelerate) and E./ -4T ACC altitudes from #Q0 printouts$ Enter the flaps setting and sta trim settings in units of 46 or D. on the "3A6S'T1S 3SG (e:ample 8'F$;D. or 9'8$F46)$ f using an intersection departure enter the distance from the end of the runway to the intersection on the T- S1"T 3SG$ .ow type the =F> (or clean) speed in the scratchpad$ Select .E after ta2eoff instead of 9;F$ #hen ta2ing off from an intersection you should enter the amount of distance the intersection is from the end of the runway$ "or e:ample, in 6T it is common to use runway 9N3 intersection 6$ "rom the T6S pages you can determine the distance a%ailale for ta2eoff (or ust as2 /round ControlH)$ Sutract that from the full runway length and you ha%e the intersection 8;FF from the end of the runway$ Enter 8;FF on the T- S1"T 3SG$ f approach data (6E+" A66+) is not entered within aout 8NF nm of destination then MCD4 will gi%e error message saying so$ So go ahead and get approach data loaded, the electrons are freeH i Airus /otcha f not within 9FF nm of destination then aircraft will not initiate descent in 6E+" DESCE.T mode$ Descent will e made in 6E+" C+4SE mode as a =cruise descent>$ During descent in cruise mode the "M/C will not =see> crossing restrictions in the flight plan$
i Airus /otcha The aircraft will not initiate descent automatically from cruise altitude when reaching a descent point (2nown as T'D or Top of Descent)$ The pilot must set in new altitude and then push the A3T 2no to enter Managed Descent$ i Airus /otcha The pilot cannot change the Descent data once the "M/C is in Descent 6hase$ f you wish to ma2e a change to the "M/C descent speed once you are in Descent 6hase, enter a new cruise altitude elow your current altitude into the 6+-/ page$ This will cause the "M/C to re%ert ac2 to Cruise 6hase and allow you to enter a new descent speed in the 6E+" DES page$ The "M/C may plan a much slower speed for descent in Descent 6hase than in Cruise 6hase$ f the aircraft egins a descent and enters the Descent 6hase when you wish to ma2e a faster cruise descent you can enter a new cruise altitude on the 6+-/ page elow your current altitude$ The "M/C will now re%ert ac2 to Cruise 6hase until crossing the new altitude$ 0e aware, howe%er, that the "M/C does not =see> crossing restrictions when descending in Cruise 6hase and will only descend at a set %ertical speed$ i Airus /otcha Managed Clim'Descent is not a%ailale on heading$ 5ou must e on .A to use Managed Clim'Descent$ i Airus /otcha #hen the aircraft is in 1D/ mode and the pilot enters direct to a waypoint the autopilot will automatically engage .A with no other action on the pilots part$ n other words, the autopilot will change modes automatically from 1D/ to .A when a D+ is entered in the "M/C$ The point here is to e sure of where the waypoint is when you enter D+ as the airplane will automatically turn to the new waypoint as soon as it computes the new course$ D+ will always turn the shortest distance to the point$ f the aircraft egins to go the wrong place or turn the wrong direction (for e:ample turn left instead of an assigned right turn) use 1D/ mode until you can correct the prolem$ i Airus /otcha #A+../ Do not use 46DATE AT on the 6+-/ pageH The 4pdate At feature (61 8J$I$RR) will shift the "M/C to the new position$ This will destroy the accuracy of your "M/C$ .ote does not affect +4s$ i Airus /otcha Changing the arri%al or runway after putting in crossing restrictions will delete pilot entered crossing restrictions and you will ha%e to reLenter them$
To enter a new waypoint you ha%e se%eral options$ -f course, you can always ust type in the name if you 2now it, in this case 04+3S intersection on the S1.E arri%al into C3T$ f you do not rememer the format for creating a new waypoint ust type 1E36 and press a 3SG ust as you would enter a waypoint$ 5ou will then e shown the three formats for new waypoints to e entered$ 3AT'3-./ (latitude ' longitude)
E:ample &;;8$;.'FN8;N$ (dot, slash, dot)
6'0'D (6lace ' 0earing ' Distance)
E:ample C3T'&8R'IR (slash, slash)
6L0'6L0 (6lace * 0earing ' 6lace * 0earing)
E:ample C3T*&8R'1M*8J8 (dash, slash, dash)
.ote waypoint =slewing> or uptrac2'downtrac2 on the course using a or * is .-T a%ailale$ 4se a 6'0'D on the course if possile$ .ote n the flight plan on the MCD4 a 6'0'D is shown as a 60D$ The pilot created waypoints will e numered so the first 60D is shown as 60DF8 and the second as 60DF9 and so on$ The 6L0'6L 0 waypoints are shown as 60< so they appear as 60 if you understand what triggers the phase change$ K K K
Ta:i to Ta2eoff * "le: (if "3E< loaded in "M/C) or T-/A thrust le%er detent selection Ta2eoff to Clim * +eaching the acceleration altitude loaded in the "M/C during initialization on 6E+" page$ Clim to Cruise * +eaching planned cruise altitude listed on 6E+" page$
Cruise to Descent * Start of descent from current cruise altitude (within 9FF nm of destination)$
Descent to Approach * Acti%ate and Confirm Approach on 6E+" DES page$ This will dri%e managed speed to approach speed$
.ote f the ECAM ta2eoff memo hasnt yet come up on the screen during ta:i ust press the T$-$ C-."/ test utton on the ECAM control panel$ This will force the ta:i phase and the ECAM ta2eoff memo screen to come up$ .ote f descent is initiated efore 9FF nm from destination then descent will e made in C+4SE DESCE.T at 8FFF fpm and will not honor any descent crossing restrictions$ The "M/C will prompt for a new cruise altitude as a warning$ I(aginar$ Centerline
5ou may ha%e had an imaginary friend in your childhood$ didnt$ #e wont tal2 aout yours$ 1owe%er, the Airus does ha%e imaginary e:tended centerlines that you can use$ f you ha%e een %ectored off course and are cleared to oin a radial ut dont ha%e the na% segment a%ailale you may e ale to oin it with no reprogramming at all$ n this e:ample you are on an arri%al and %ectored off course$ Then you are cleared to reoin the radial for the arri%al$ 1owe%er, the current na% segment has already een cleared$ As long as the ne:t segment is the same radial the "M/C will still oin the =imaginary> e:tended centerline of the ne:t na% segment$ This will also wor2 in the case of eing %ectored for final approach$ f you are %ectored to oin outside the defined na% segment the "M/C will still oin the e:tended centerline$ ust press .A engage and as long as the present heading will cross the e:tended centerline it will oin at the point of crossing$ The display will not show a na% line ut it will show miles left or right of course until on the actual na% segment$ Auto Clear
dont ha%e any technical info on this one so ust call it auto clear$ #hen on heading if you go past a waypoint there is some "M/C logic that says you wont use that waypoint and it will automatically clear it$ This happens most often on close %ectors for approach near the approach course on downwind$
-ne area that gi%es many new Airus pilots prolems is ma2ing changes to the "M/C flight plan once under way$ There are se%eral %ery common ways to enter reroutes into the "M/C, depending on the nature of the reroute$ Direct 6ress the D+ 2ey and type in the fi: (-+ or intersection)$ 6ress the 3SG 83 2ey to enter the fi:$ The "M/C will automatically enter a TL6 (turning point) to create a "+-M waypoint and the fi: that is entered will ecome the T- waypoint$ Direct then as filed 4se the ao%e method or press the D+ 2ey and then find the cleared fi: in the flight plan$ 6ress the 3SG ne:t to the desired waypoint and it will ecome the T- waypoint$ 4sing either method all waypoints efore the fi: are now cleared and the remainder of the flight plan will e a%ailale as filed$ .ote if you are on heading when D+ is used the mode will change to Managed .A automatically (in other words, when you go direct in heading mode the aircraft will automatically engage .A and go to the direct fi:)$ 1eading to intercept then as filed Select the cleared intercept heading on the 1D/ selector on the "C4$ Then you must determine if the segment you ha%e een cleared to oin e:ists in your flight plan$ f it does you only ha%e to clear any waypoints that are ahead of the segment until you ha%e the proper fi: as the T- waypoint$ 4se the C3+ 2ey to clear any unwanted waypoints then engage .A$ f the needed segment is not a%ailale you must uild it$ As ao%e first select the intercept heading$ Then type in the fi: that will ecome the "+-M$ +ememer, in this case you ha%e to create a .A leg (segment) that does not currently e:ist in the "M/C$ After typing the new "+-M select it to the 3SG 93 2ey and it will ecome the T-$ .ow enter the T- fi: on the ne:t line if it does not already e:ist$ This creates the new leg segment$ .ow clear the TL6 (turning point) on 83 (clearing the TL6 allows each fi: to mo%e to its proper T- and "+-M position)$ Then engage Managed .A$ 5ou can now add any other needed fi:es until on the original route$ Then clear any remaining discontinuities$ -ffset To parallel your current course use a lateral re%ision at the "+-M waypoint$ Type in the amount of distance (up to ;F nm) to the side you wish to parallel the current course and right or left of course$ "or e:ample for 9F miles left of course type 9F3 and for &; miles right of course type &;+$ .ow select the amount into the -""SET prompt on 3SG 93$ 5ou can see the anticipated new offset course on the .D$ f you wish to adust it press E+ASE and type in the new amount$ -nce satisfied with the new course press .SE+T$ Aircraft will ta2e a R;P cut to the new course$ To resume the original course access the same -""SET prompt and clear or go D+ECT to a fi: on the original flight plan$
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