Amrst me tbj hdrojt wmtb 0:% hdrojt sbdrj. Vmloup- Aj`Jx stdrtj` d pmloup
iutniue` cigmstmls)
de` meti tbjy”rj tbj bun.aciwe @jcmvjry; 16 “ 76% pdlodgjs bde`cj` ny lietrdltirs drj sbmppj` ari tbj bun ti amedc `jstmedtmie.
Dmr & bun ipjrdtmies
Iwej` tbjmr dmr bun, hdomeg air njttjr ipjrdtmies.
sjrvmlj pdlodgjs, pdlodgjs? pmloup `m` de` tiioiatbjh ti eit stdrt uetmc cdtjr. trulo smtjs ir buns. @jcmvjry; pdlodgjs @jcmvjry; pdlodgjs wjrj aciwe arih bun wjrj aciwe arih smtjs ir trdespirtj` bun smtjs ir ny rid` ny trulos ti trdespirtj` ny rid` amedc `jstmedtmie. ny trulos Hjhpbms, Bun me Ciumsvmccj, Pjeejssjj dmrpirt. Ojetuloy.
Hdro Hd rojt jtme meg g & sdcjs dcjs
Ei hds dsss hdroj drojttmeg meg
4:% hdrojt sbdrj. Vmloup- lustihjrs `rippj` iaa
26-466 hmccmie ie
d`vjrtmsmeg de` >,766 dlliuet jxjlutmvj. Jxprjss `jcmvjry ia pdlodgjs. Lustihjr sjrvmlj cmejs. Ivjr < nmccmie spjet ti hdtlb Aj`Jx tjlbeicigy. Pjlbeicigmldccy 4,066 rjtdmc smtjs de` ,666 `rip-iaa d`vdelj` Dutihdtj` adlmcmtmjs. Bun me nixjs ivjrsjje me Ojetuloy. gjejrdc ny
hdedgjrs Vrilurjhjet Met Metjred jredcc ipjr ipjrdt dtmmies ies
Jaajlt ia Virtjrs Amvj Airljs Pbrjdt ia ejw jetrdets; CIW Pbrjdt ia nuyjr piwjr; BMGB Pbrjdt ia sunstmtutjs; BMGB Metjesmty ia ^mvdcry; HI@J^DPJ Pbrjdt ia suppcmjr piwjr; HI@J^DPJ
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