Airbag Controller Coding Updated 3 Apr. 2008 Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions. They are to be used at your own ris. As always! you should refer to a "actory Repair #anual for #anual for your $ehicle% #ae sure to download and install the late latest st $ersion $er sion of & '() '() before before performing this procedure and that you are using a *+, or *+,'A series /nterface. /nterface. The )uggested 'oding and #anual /nde will only wor with these professional-grade /nterfaces. 1hene$er airbags ha$e deployed and there is crash data stored! the airbag controller must be replaced. They ha$e an electro-mechanical switch that deploys the airbags! somewhat lie the hammer and trigger on a gun! it cannot be recoced and you should stay far away from any people or companies who claim to be able to reset a used airbag controller. This procedure details how to code a new Airbag )R)4 'ontroller after it has been installed in a $ehicle. ew Airbag 'ontrollers in many &15Audi $ehicles contain a )oft 'oding of all 6eros from the factory and must be coded once they ha$e been installed in the $ehicle. Any problems with airbags or igniters should be repaired before trying to install and code a new controller. These instructions apply to most &17s from the #59: ;olf5:etta5< onward and these instructions do =T apply to Audis! ecept for the '>5" A> and ?@.
Suggested Coding 1hen connected to an applicable Airbag controller with all 6eros in the )oft 'oding4 &'() can )uggest an appropriate 'oding $alue. This feature is a$ailable only when &'() is used with one of our rofessional ;rade interfaces. (isclaimerB 1e cannot guarantee that the coding which &'() may suggest will be correct! but there should be no harm in trying it. /f it7s not correct! the control module should simply refuse to accept it and the coding will remain at 00000.
/n the abo$e eample! you would enter a )oftware 'oding of 9232 then clic C(o /t%D. After you eit out of the Airbag 'ontroller then get bac into it! the )oft. 'oding field should show 9232. /f the eisting 1or)hop 'ode is all 6eros! you may need to enter a 1or)hop 'ode before the module will accept the new coding anything non-6ero lie 923E should wor for the 1or)hop 'ode.
Manual Index Entry /n cases where &'() would offer Airbag module coding suggestions but cannot determine the /nde automatically! &'() will gi$e you the ability to manually enter an /nde to get the suggested coding. To find the coding! you7ll need the complete part number for the new Airbag module! which can be found onB • • •
The in$oice5order form for the Airbag module preferred4. The bo which the new Airbag module came in. The labels on the Airbag module as shown below4B
/n the abo$e eample! note that on the upper right! it says /(+, C03D! this is =T the inde5color code% The /nde is shown immediately following the part number and consists of a slash 7574 followed by 3 characters. The last two characters are what7s needed! so if the /nde is 59>A! you would enter >A. /f the /nde was 509+! you would enter 9+. =n the label at the bottom! the part number is followed by a slash then the /nde5color code with a leading 6eroB 9'0-F0F->0E-" 509+ /n that case the /nde5color code is 09+ so the #anual /nde /nput you use is 9+! which you enter into the #anual /nde /nput field belowB
/n this eample eample! if the /nde is 9+ then &'() should gi$e you a )uggested 'oding of 92>93! which you would enter in the )oftware 'oding field. /n the abo$e eample! you would enter a )oftware 'oding of 92>93 then clic C(o /t%D. After you eit out of the Airbag 'ontroller then get bac into it! the )oft. 'oding field should show 92>93. /f the eisting 1or)hop 'ode is all 6eros! you may need to enter a 1or)hop 'ode before the module will accept the new coding - anything non-6ero lie 923E should wor for the 1or)hop 'ode.
Important Note: &1 parts departments ha$e recently been carrying and supplying to # customers the 0 /nde of Airbag controllers as a replacement for se$eral different /nde numbers. /f the $ehicle originally had a different /nde number such as 9+! then other components in the $ehicle lie crash sensors may need to be changed in order to mae the 0 /nde wor. The dealership should pro$ide information on any needed additional parts.
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