Air Vortex Spinning Prof.Dr.S.Kathirrvelu Professor-(Text.Tech) EiTEX, BDU " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
Vortex Spinning &ortex s'ii techolo* +as itrouce * #urata #achier* t. a'a i 100. This techolo* is est ex'laie as a evelo'2et of air-3et s'ii, 2a4i use of air 3ets for *ar t+isti. The 2ai features of #urata vortex s'ii (#&S) are %ilit* to 'rouce *ar at 400 m/min. +hich is al2ost 20 times greater than ring spinning fra2e 'rouctio . 1. o+ 2aiteace 2aiteace costs, costs, a full* auto2ate 'ieci 'ieci s*ste2 a eli2iatio of rovi fra2e. . The *ar a the faric 'ro'erties 'ro'erties of #&S *ar *ar are clai2e clai2e * the 2aufacturer 2aufacturer to e co2'arale to those of ri s'u *ar. " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
&$6TEX *ar is 2ae * the 7&$6TEX s'ii 2achie7 of #urata #achier* (#U6%TE8). The &$6TEX s'ii 2achie s'is *ars i a ui9ue +a* usi a air vortex +hich +as evelo'e a is 2aufacture ol* * #urata " #S (T#) T$S %&S
Principle of operation
The basic principle of operation is shown in Figurs 1 and 1 and 2. The sliver is fed to 4-over-4 (or a four-pair) drafting unit. unit. As the fibers come out of the front rollers, they are sucked into the spiralshaped opening of the air jet nozzle. nozzle. The nozzle provides a swirling air current which twists the fibres . A guide needle within the nozzle controls the movement of the fibres towards a hollow spindle. After the fibers have passed through the nozzle, they twine over the hollow spindle. The leading ends of the fiber bundle are drawn into the hollow spindle by the fibers of the preceding portion of the fiber bundle being twisted into a spun yarn. The finished yarn is then wound onto a package. " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
Figure 1 : Feed material Passage Through the machine
" #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
edges due to $hirling !orce o! the %et air stream " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
The rafti uit is alsoa
i2'ortat ele2et i %ir-3et s'ii. &igh dra!ts have to
'erfor2e, good
+ith e'enness =er
of the
excellent orientation of the =ers, at ver* hih 'rouctio s'ees. Both
have e9ui''e the " #S (T#) T$S %&S
%s a co2'ariso +ith the aove-escrie +ra''i 2echais2 +ith tae2 3ets, it is useful to cosier the e@ectiveess of +ra''i +ith ol* oe 3et. " this situatio, the At+isti actio of the 3et is ot ulli=e, a the core is therefore At+iste. The ee =ers +ill, as escrie aove, +ra' the core +ith a Airectioal helix. Bei that the core t+isti is o+ i the sa2e irectio as the +ra''i actio, so2e ee =er 2a* eco2e cauht a t+iste ito the core, there* reuci the u2er of the2 availale to +ra' the core. " #S (T#) T$S %&S
$e a''roach to icreasi the u2er of ee =ers is to icrease the leth of the s'ii triale so that the t+ist isertio 'oit is farther fro2 the i' lie of the frot rollers. This results i ee =ers havi to travel farther to+ar the t+ist isertio 'oit at the a'ex of the s'ii triale.
e2ostrate i covetioal ri s'ii * 'artiall* restricti the t+ist >o+ to+ar the i' lie of the frot rafti The result is a " #S (T#) T$rollers. S %&S 0
" #S (T#) T$S %&S
?iure o+ 2a* " #S (T#) T$S %&S
sii=cat =re loss uri the *ar for2atio. This is relate relate to the 'role2 of variatios i *ar 9ualit* +hich are ot etectale * covetioal eveess testers a so2eti2es ol* ieti=e * +ea4 'oits i the =ishe faric. The 'ath follo+e * the =re i the currets create * the air 3ets 'la* a crucial role i *ar 9ualit*. #ost structural efects are cause * the e>ectio of =res i the air 3et " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S 1
Both eliver* s'ee a *ar cout are sii=cat factors
icrease i eliver* s'ee results i eterioratio of *ar
eFciec* of the air 3et strea2 at hiher eliver* s'ees ecause there is less ti2e for the +ra''er =res to +ra' arou the 'arallel core 'ro'erl*. This 'articularl* a@ects =er *ars a 2eas that vortex s'ii is est suite for coarser raes of *ar. Gole 'ressure also has a sii=cat e@ect o *ar 'ro'erties. " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
The structure of vorte !arn co"pared to other !arns Vortex yarn has a two-part structure a core surrounded by wrapper fibres. The number of wrapper fibres compared to the fibre core is higher compared to the air !et spinning. "uring yarn formation, formation, the leading ends of the fibres are directed towards the yarn core and the trailing ends wrap around the core fibres. #uch a structure provides the necessary fibre orientation and, at the same time, the re$uired yarn strength. " #Sc (T#)-T$S-%&S
This 'articular structure of the %ir-vorte %ir-vortex x s'u *ars i>ueces the *ar 'ro'erties, of course. These 'ro'erties are 2ail* eter2ie * 'ara2etersH 1. the 'er 'ercetae cetae of +ra'' +ra''i i =ers =ersII . the t+ist t+ist level level of of the +ra''i +ra''i =ers. =ers. The 'ercetae of +ra''i =ers ca e i>uece * the s'ii raft a * the istace (?i. 5;), a it is also a fuctio of the *ar cout. " #S (T#) T$S %&S
Spinning no((le The s'ii ole is asicall* the *ar for2atio for2atio ele2et, i.e. the heart of the %ir-3et s'ii 'rocess. 8o2'resse air at u' to !.< #'a eters the actual s'ii cha2er throuh : s2all ores, thus creati a ver* stro air vortex (see ?i. 5
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