5 worst cities in world in terms of air pollution (Beijing, Mexico City, hanghai, !ehran " Calcutta# Air $uality is deteriorating det eriorating rapidly in in de%eloping deteriorating countries (de%eloping countries ha%e older cars# &n henyang, China, residents see sunlight only a few wee's each year
Air Pollution Around the World
5 worst cities in world in terms of air pollution (Beijing, Mexico City, hanghai, !ehran " Calcutta# Air $uality is deteriorating det eriorating rapidly in in de%eloping deteriorating countries (de%eloping countries ha%e older cars# &n henyang, China, residents see sunlight only a few wee's each year
Case)&n)Point Air Pollution in Beijing and Mexico City
Beijing (left# Mexico City (a*o%e#
Atmosphere as a +esource
Atmospheric Composition
-. /01203
4-. -2153
Ar. 2163 C4-. 21273
8cosystem ser%ices
Bloc's 9: radiation Moderates the climate +edistri*utes water in the hydrologic cycle
4utdoor Air Pollution Air Pollution -
presence of chemicals in the atmosphere *y natural e%ents or human acti%ities in concentrations concentrations high high enough to *e harmful Primary Air Pollutant ioxide
ources of Primary Air Pollutants
Primary Air Pollutants ;1 Car*on Monoxide
from incomplete com*ustion of organic materials
single largest source is the automo*ile
*inds to hemoglo*in in *lood and ma'es the hemoglo*in less a*le to carry oxygen most dangerous in enclosed spaces
-1 itrogen oxides
consist of 4 and 4- (( lumped as 4x#
automo*ile exhaust is primary source1
4x is a precursor to acid rain and photochemical smog (*oth secondary pollutants#
itrous oxide -4 is a greenhouse gas, emitted from animal wastes and *urning of fossil fuel
61 ulfur dioxide
Burning coal is primary anthropogenic source
:olcanoes and hot springs are natural sources (Mt t
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