Air Law Question and Answers

March 27, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CHAPTER ONE & TWO  1) What Does Cabotage Refers To? State.. a. Domestic Air Services Within a State b. An International Air Carrier. C. A Flight Above Territorial water. d. Crop Spraying. 2) The Convesion Signed By The State Relating To Damage Caused By Foreign Aircraft To Person Property On The Ground Is? a. The Tokyo Convetion. b. The Rome Convesion. c. The warsaw. c. The Paris Convesion. 3)The Convesion Of Offences And Other Acts Commited On Board An Aeroplane is? a.The Tokyo Convesion. b.The Paris conversion. c.The Rome Convesion. d.The Chicago Convesion.

4)Which Of The Following Is An Obligation Of Being An ICAO Contracting State? a. ICAO Must Be Be Informed About All New Flight Crew Licences And Any Suspended Validity Of Such Licences. b. ICAO Must be Informed About Differnces From The Standards Detailed In Any Of The Annexes To The Chicago C Convension. onvension.   c. ICAO Must Aprove The Pricing Of Tickets On International Airline Connection. d .ICAO Must Be Informed About Changes To National Regulation. 5)Which Of The Following Annexes To The Chicago Convetion Contains The Minimum Specsifications For The Construction Of Aerodromes? a. Annex 6. B. Annex 11. c. Annex 10. d. Annex 14.  14.  6)The ICAO Annex Containing The Standard And Recommended Practice For Personal Licening Is? a. Annex 1. b.Annex 2. c.Annex 11.  11.  d.Annex 12. 7) The Aircraft Commander May, When He or She Has Resonable ground To Belive That A Person Has Commited or Is about To Commit An Offence Against Penal law On Board The Aircraft? a. Ask The person To Desimbark. b. Ask The Crew To Assist In Restraining the Person.

c. Order The Passenger

To To Assist The Crew In restraing The Person.

d. Deliver The Person To The Component Aouthority. Aouthority.   8)The International Convetion Concerning The Responsibility Of Internatinal Air Carrier (Operaters) For The Carriage Of Passenger Baggage And Freight Is The? a. Tokyo Convetion. b. Hague Convetion.  Convetion. 

c. Montereal Convetion. d. Warsaw Convetion.





9) The Rome Convetion and Its Later Amendmends Deals With? a. Offence and Other Acts Commited On Board And Aeroplane. b. Damage Cause By Foreign Aircraft To Third parties On The Ground. c. regulation Of The Transportaion or Dangerous Goods. d. Damage Cause By Any Aircraft To Third Third parties On The Ground. 10) The Warsaw Convention And Its Later Ammendmends Deals With? a. Regulation Of The Transpotaion Of Dangerous Goods. b. Operators Licence For International Schedule Operation. c. Security System At The Airport. d. Limititation Of The Operators Liability  Liability  11) The Objective Of ICAO Were Difined By? a. The Geneva Convesion of 1936. b. The Chicago Conveti Convetion on Of 1944. 1944.   c. The Warsaw Convestion Of 1929. d. The Geneva Convetion 1948. 12) The Annex Of Chicago Convetion Which Deals With Witht The Entry & Dipature Of Cargo And Other Articles On International Flight is? a. Annex 15. b. Annex 16. c. Annex 9.  9.  d. Annex 8. 13) Which freeDoms Aplicable To A flight Which Wishes To Land To A Foreign State For Technical Reasons? a. 1st Freedom. b. 3rd Freedom. c. 4th Freedom. Freedom. d. 2nd Freedom. 14) ICAO I CAO Stabilishes: a. Aeronotical Standerds Adopted By All States. b. Proposal For Aeronautical Regulation in The Form Of 18 Annexes. c. Stnderd And recommended practice Applied Without Exception By All States Which Are Signotary To The Chicago Convention In 1944. d. Standard And Recomemnd Practice For Contracting States.

15) The First Freedom of Air is? a. The Right To Board passengers From The States Where The Aircraft Is Registred And Fly To Any other States . b. The Right To Over Fly Without Landing. c. The Right To Land For A Technical Stop. d. The Right To Operate A Commercial Flight With Passengers On Board Between Two State. 16) The Convention Which Deals With offence Against Penal laws is? a. The Convetion Of Rome. b. The Convetion Of Madrid. c. The Convetion Of Tokyo.  Tokyo.  d. The Convetion Of Warsaw. 17) One Of The Main Objective Of ICAO IS? a. Develope Principle And Techniques For International Aviation. Aviation. b. Approve Ticket Prices Set By For International Airlines. c. Approve New Airlines Operating Turbine engine Powered Aircraft. d. Approve New Internaional Airlines.






18) Which International Convetion Established ICAO? a. Chicago.  Chicago.  b. The Hegue. c. Warsaw. d. Montreal. 19) The Standerd Contained In The Annex To The Chicago Convetion Are To Be Considered? a. Binding upon All Airlines Operating International Routes. b. Bending For Contracting States That Have No Notified ICAO About National Diffrences. Diffrences.   c. Advive And Guidance For The Aviation legistilation Within Contracting States. d. Binding For All Contracting States. 20) Which Body Of ICAO That Finalises SARPS To Be Submitted For Adoption? a. The Council. b. The Regional Air Navigation Commettee. c. The Air Navigation Commision. Commision.   D. The Assembly. 21) The Second Freedom of Air is The? a. Right To Cabotage Traffic. b. Right To Operate Commercial Passenger Flight With Passengers On Board Between Two state. c. Right To land In A Foreign For A Thecnical Stop.  Stop.  d. Right To Over Fly Foreign State Without landing. 22) Which Annex Containing Information Concerning Air Traffic Services? a. Annex 11.  11.  b. Annex 10. c. Annex 14. d. Annex 15.


1) The State Of Design Is To Ensure that A continuing Strucrural Integrity Integrit y Programme, Including Information Conserning Corrosion Control Is maintained In Respect Of Aeroplanes? a. With Maximum Maximum Cerificate Tak-Off Mass Less than 5700kg. b. With Maximum Cerificate Take-Off Mass Greater Than 5700kg.  5700kg.  c. With Maximum Certificate Take-Off Mass Equal To 5700kg. d. With Maximum Certificate Take-off Mass Not more Than 5700kg.

2) The Containing Validity Of A Certificate Certific ate Of Airworthness Of The aircraft Is Subject To The Law . Of? a. The State Of Registration. Registration.   b. The State Of Registration Or The State Of The Operater . c. The State Of The Operator. d. The State Of The Registration And The State Of Design.


1) What Cannot Be Included In An Registration Mark? a. LLL. b. RCC. c. TTT.  TTT.  d.FFF.





2) What Letter Are Prohibited Registration Mark? a. 4 Letters International Codes. b. 5 Letters International Codes. c. 4 Letter Codes Preceded By Q. d. Any Number Referring To An ICAO Document.

3) Which Of The Following is Not Allowed In A Registration Mark? a. NNN. b. XXX.  XXX.  c. RCC. d. DDD. 4) What Registration Is Diallowed Because Of Possible Confusion With Distress Agency Signals? a. RCC. b. NNN. c. XXX.  XXX.  d. ZZZ. 5) Which Of The Following is Not permitted In The Registration Mark Of An Aircraft? a. Four Letter Q Codes. b. Five Letter International Code Signals.  Signals.  c. Three Letter International Code Signals. d. Any Number Identifying An ICAO Document.

6) Concerning Aircraft Registration, No Combination Of Letters Can Be Used Which Can Be Confused With Distrees Codes, For Example? a. RCC. b. RDD. c. LLL. d.PAN. 7) Which Of The Following Registration Mark Would Not Be Premitted? a. G-PRAT b. SY-PAN  SY-PAN  c. 3T-SSS d.YT-LLL 8) Concerning Aircraft Registration Markings, No Combination Can Be Used If They Can Mistaken For? a. Codes which Are Used For Identification For ICAO Documents. n Including Letter Q

c. 3 d. 5 Letter

Letter Combination Which Are Used By International Code Of Signals. Combination Which Are Used By International Code Of Signals.  Signals. 

9) According To Annex 7, The Registration Mark Shall Be Letters, Numbers Or A Compination Letters And Numbers And Shall Be That Assigned By? Registering Authority.  Authority. 

a. The State Of Registery Or Common Mark b. The State Of Registery Only. c. The International Telecommunicaion Union.

10) The Common Mark Shall Be Sellected From The Series Of Symbol Included In The Ratio Call Signs Allocated? a. To ICAO By The IT ITU. U. b. To The State Of Registery By ICAO. c. To The State Of Registery By The ITU. d. To The State Of The Operators. 11) The Height Of The Markings Under The Wings Of A Heavier Than Air Aircraft Shall Be?

a. At Least 30cm. b. At Least 40cm .





c. At Least 50cm. 50cm.   d. More Than 40cm But Not More Than 50cm 12) The Height Of The Markings On The Fuselage ( Or Equivalent Surface ) And On The vertical Tail Surface Of Heavier Than Aircraft Shall Be? a. At Least 20cm. b. More Than 20cm But Not More Than 30cm. c. At Least 30cm. d. At Least 40cm.


1)  According To JAR-FCL Class Ratins Shall Be Istablished Istablished For Signal Pilot A Aeroplanes eroplanes Not Required A Type Rating Rating Includig?

a) All Touring Motor Gliders . b. All Type Single Pilots, Pilots, Single Engine Aerplanes Fitted With A Turbojet. Turbojet. c. Microlight Having Fixed Wings And Movable Aerodynamics Control Surface Acting In all Three Dimensions. d. Any Other Types Of Aeroplane if Considered Necessary. 2)  Which Of The Following Is The Privlege Of The Holder Holder Of A CPL?

a. To Act As PIC Of Any Aeroplane Engaged In Operations Other Than T han Commercial Air Transpotation. b. To Act As PIC Of Any Aircraft Certificated For Single Pilot Operation. c. To act As PIC Of Any Aircraft Cerificated For Single Pilot Operation Other Than Commercial Air Transport. d. To Act Co-pilot Of Any Aircraft Engaged In Commercial Air Transport Operation. Operation. 3)  What Age Do You Need To Be Exercise The Privilages Of A CPL License?

a. 18.  b. 21. C. 16. D. 23. 4)  When You Are Over 60 And The Holder Of An ATPL (A), How Often Are You Required To have A Medical Examination?

a. The 12 Month Reduced To 6 Months.  b. The 24 month Period Reduces To 12 1 2 Months. c. The 6 Months Period Reduced To 3 months. d. The 9 Months Period reduces To 3 Months. 5)  You Can Use simulator Hours Towards The 1500 Hours Required Re quired For An ATPL. How Are Simulators Hours Limited? a. The Maximum Of 100, Not More Than 15 In Procedural Flight Trainer. b. The Maximum Of 100, Not More Than 30 In Procedural Flight Trainer.





c. The Maximum Of 100, Not More Than 25 In Procedural Flight Trainer.   d. The Maximum Of 100, Not More Than 50 In Procedural Flight Trainer. 6)  What Is The Night Flying Hours Requirment For An ATPL( A) license? a. 75 Hours PIC.

b. 100 Hours PIC Or Co-Pilot.  c. 100 hours PIC. d. 75 Hours PIC Or CO-Pilot. 7)  Once Of The Privilages Of The Holder Of A CPL (A) Is To? a. Acts As Co-Pilot Of Aircraft In Commercial Air Transport Operation b. Acts As PIC Of Single Engine Engine Aeroplanes In Commercial Air Air Transport Operation. c. Acts As Flying Instructer.

d. Acts As PIC Of Aeroplane Involved In Operation Other Than Commercial Transptaion.  8)  Included in the Requirment For 1500 Hours, An ATPL(A) Hold Must Have?

a. 500 Hours Multipilots Operation Operation In Transport., Commuter Commuter or Equivalent Catgory A/C  b. 500 Hours Multipilot Operation And 250 Hours As PIC. c. 500 Hours Multipilot Operation Include Up to 150 Hours Flight Enginering Time. d. 500 Hours Multipilot Multipilot Operation Including 200 Hour Hourss Night Time. 9)  When Are You Required To Tell Authorites Of An Ilness ?

a. After The Period Of 21 days Of Ilness Has Elapsed. b. On The 21st Day Of The Illness. c. After a Month. d. After Medical Has Expired 10)  To optain A CPL (A), How Many Hours Of Cross C ross Country Flying Are Required? a. 15 Hours.

b. 20 Hours.  c. 25 Hours. d. 35 Hours. 11)  What Medical Is Required For Issue Of A CPL (A)? a. Class 2. b. As Require By Particular State.

c. Class 1  d. JAR Class A (as from 1 jan 2001). 12)  The Holder Of A Pilot Licence When Acting As Co-Pilot Under Supervision Of The PIC And Performing The Funcyion And And Duties Of The PIC Shall Be Entilted Credited? a. With 50% Of The Flight F light Time Towards The Total time Required For A High Grade of





licence. b. In Full, But No More Than 300Hr Towards The Total Time Required For a High Grade Of Licence.

c. The Flight Time In Full Towards The Total Time Required For A High Grade Licence. d. The Flight Time In Full Towards The Total Time Requried For A High grade Of Pilot Licence According Tom The Requirments Of The Licence Aouthority. 13)  For An ATPL (A), How Many Night Hours Are Required? a. 30. b. 75.

c. 100.  d.150. 14)  For an ATPL, How Many Cross-Country HR Are Required And how Many Of These Must Be Us PIC?

a. 200/100 b. 200/75 C. 150/75. D. 250/75. 15)  How Long Will You Have Have To Spend In A Clinic or Hospital Before You Have To InForm The Aouthorities? a. 24 Hr Or More b. Not Less Than 20 Days

c. 20 More Than 12 Hr d. 12 Days Or More 16)  When You Are Newly Quallified Flying Instructor You Have To Be Supervised By A Quallified   Flying instructor. When will The Period Of Supervision cease? a. Once You Have Passed A Compitence Check.

B. When You Have Completed 100 Hr Instruction And Send 25 Hr Instruction And Sent 25 Student Solo. C. When You Have You Completed 25 Hr instruction And Sent 100 Student Solo Solo.. D. When You Have Completed 100 Hr solo. 17)  Between What Ages Can U Exercise The Privilages Of An ATPL (A) On An Unrestricted basis? a. 21-60 b. 21-59 c. 18-59 d.18-60





18)  How Long Would A non JAA Licence Be Valid For If Validated For Use In A JAA Satate? A. Not Less Than 6 Months. b. 12 Month For The Date Of Validation.

C. 12 Mont Providing The licence Still Valid In Satete Of Issue d. Not more Than 3 Month

19)  Which of The Following Correctly Idintifies The Cross Country For A CPL(A)? a. 100 Hr PIC Or SPIC.

b. 200 Hr Cross C ross Country As PIC Including A Cross Country Flight Not less Than 540klm(300nm) in the Couse Of Which Full Stop Landing Made At 2 Different Aerodormes  c. 25 Hr Including Atleast One One Flight Of Two Hr Duaration Covering Covering Atleast 300Nm And To Include 2 Full Stop. Landing. d. 10 Hours Solo With Atleast One Flight Over 300Nm With Atleast 2 Full Stop Landing. 20)  What is The Minimum Age For A Holder Of PPL ? a. 16

b. 17  c. 18 d. 21 21)  What Is The Period Of Validity of A JAR-FCL Class 2 Medical?

C. 60 Month until Age 30, Then 12 Month M onth Until 50, then 12 Month There After 22)  A PPL(A) Or Commercial Licence Holder Before taking His / Her Instrument Raing Must Have Completed…………. Hr Cross country of which…………… Hr mus Be In an Aeroplane?  

b. 50 - 10 23)  A PPL(A) Holder Shall Demonstrate Competence For an IR(A) In A……………….. Aircraft With ………………? 

C. Multi engine

.One Engine In Operative 

24)  Of The 1500 Hr Required Experience For An ATP(A) ……………….. Hr May Be In A simulator simulator Not More Than ………………… Hr May Be In A Basic Instrument Trainer Or In A Basic Procedure

Trainer? C. 100 -


25)  Which One Of The Following Following Type Of Aircraft Requires A Type Rating?

b. Each Type Of Single Pilot Multi Engine Turbine 





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