AIR Italy OM Part A Rev 6b

March 11, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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A 10.2 3 15 Apr 10


 At transit stations, the crew change will be completed as soon as the passengers have disembarked. sem ar e . The he Senior Cabin Crew will then advise when catering and and cleaning cleaning may may begin. begin. Unattended Aircraft When an aircraft is not under constant surveillance by Air Italy staff or agents and is left unattended on the ramp, all doors, hatches and windows must be closed, steps and ground equipment withdrawn. In addition, for night stops or prolonged stopovers, the doors and hatches will be sealed in accordance with Company Policy.  Air Italy Station Manageme Management nt must ensure that security precaution precautions s being taken are adequate to the situation. Such precautions may require, depending on the circumstances, the aircraft either to be continuousl continuously y guarded or the area patrolled. Stopovers & Night-Stops  At stopover and terminal stations, or in the event of delays, when it may be impractical to maintain an adequate crew presence on the aircraft, the Commander must liase with Station Staff so that the hand-over of supervision on board is clearly understood.  At normal schedule scheduled d stops, where adequate Station Technical Staff is present, the Commander's responsibility for the security of his aircraft is transferred to Air Italy Station Management or Company Representative after it has been safely positioned for unloading.  At unschedul unscheduled ed stops or at stations where it is inapprop inappropriate riate for the staff available to accept responsibility, responsibility, the Commander must take all possible precautions precautions for the security of the aircraft, if necessary, delegating crew members to guard it. Before leaving the Commander will ensure that required security inspections are completed, all doors are closed (including cargo), and stairs/loading bridges are removed. Inspectors ENACÕs Flight Inspectors, Surveyors and Cabin Safety Inspectors of the aircraft State of Registry, may board to carry out official duties. They should be asked to produce an ID document form. Commanders will normally receive advance notification of required observation duties. Access by Police The Prevention of Terrorism Act gives the police powers to search goods arriving or departing. The police may board any Air Italy aircraft anywhere in Italy to determine whether there are unaccompanied goods present requiring exercise of the police powers to search. The police may carry out such searches of stores, baggage, substances. Items may be detained for a period of time. Such items, including transport containers, may be further detained if it is considered they may be needed as evidence in criminal proceedings. Aircraft Visits by the Public Members of the public are not generally admitted to the airside of an airport for the purpose of viewing a Air Italy aircraft.  An exception may be made for a public relations or sales promotion visit authorised authorised by Air Italy Station Management in conjunction, if appropriate, with the aircraft Commander. Visitors must be accompanied at all times by a responsibl responsible e staff member.


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