A_institutional Songs (2 Columns)

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IF THE LORD DOES NOT BUILD [4/4] (Dan Schutte, SJ) ) SJ) ) Based on Ps. 27 & Jer. 9

GREAT MAN OF GOD [4/4] (Tune: For all the Saints)

Bb G7 Cm7 Cm7 ) Cm7/Bb If the Lord does not build a house F/A F7/A Bb Then in !ain do the builders labor Bb 8b Cm Cm/Bb

F Dm Bb C F Great man of God, Champagnat shone with zeal, C Am F G7 C tro!e thr"# his life his $aster to re!eal%   F Am Bb Gm C &ith him for g"ide ma' we o#er sin pre!ail( F Bb F Dm ) Bb Gm C7 F *raise *raise be to +es"s and to -is $other.

And in !ain does the "at#h$an stand his %uard

F/A ) F7/A Gs"s4/D ) G If the Lord is not is hel& Cm ) F/A Bb If the Lord is not is hel&'

F Dm Bb C F For $ar'#s on, this son of 'ons# soil, C Am F G7 C Ga!e "p the the world, for 'o"th to pra' and toil, F Am Bb Gm C  0o  0o lead to God, God, and atan#s atan#s power to foil( F Bb F Dm ) Bb Gm C7 F *raise *raise be to +es"s and to -is $other.

8b Cm7 Bb  G7 1f o"r hearts want to boast, Cm ) Cm7/Bb et them boast in the ord, Fm Bbm C ) Bbm 1n the ord who is ind and mer5if"l, Gm C ) C7 ) F ) F7 &ho forgi!es o"r sin

F Dm Bb C F 1n2amed with lo!e of $ar', 3First eso"r5e6( C Am F G7 C i!ing in God &ho ga!e his life its for5e% F Am Bb Gm C  0o  0o 5rib and 5ross 5ross he e!er had re5o"r5e( re5o"r5e( F Bb F Dm ) Bb Gm C7 F *raise *raise be to +es"s and to -is $other.

8b Cm7 Bb  G7 &ho are we to 5ompare Cm ) Cm7/Bb &ith the ord who is God9 Fm Bbm C ) Bbm &hat are we that the ord sho"ld 5are, Gm C ) C7 ) F ) F7 :r that God sho"ld be mo!ed9

F Dm Bb C F 3Be of one heart,6 he "rged in life and death, C Am F G7 C 3Be h"mble, 5haste% obe' with e!#r' breath( F Am Bb Gm C 3&or for Christ, b"t thr"# -is $other Blest(6 F Bb F Dm ) Bb Gm C7 F *raise *raise be to +es"s and to -is $other.

 Institutional Songs Songs

8b Cm7 Bb  G7 *"t not 'o"r faith in man, Cm ) Cm7/Bb &hose life m"st fade lie the ;elds9 Fm Bbm C ) Bbm From the earth he is born and to earth ret"rns Gm C ) C7 ) F ) F7 *"t 'o" tr"st in the ord(


MARIST BROTHERS H(MN TO MAR(  (Bro. Zephiriny & Bro M. Jubin, MS)

NDDU H(MN) A Life of Than*s%i!in% (!orberto ". #aberoy & Joe$ar D. Su$a%ino)

C 8m F C 8!er fore!er, we will sing to $ar' G Dm G C Dm D G7 &ho in her lo!e, bids "s 5ome to her shrine C 8m F C 8!er fore!er, $other highl' blessed, F Am D7 Ds"s D7  G ist# to o"r praise, whi5h sings th' name s"b lime C C7 F C F C &aing at morn# we#ll 5all to thee o"r $other C F C G7  0h' name shall lead o"r spirit all the da' C 8m F And when night#s angel soft shall 5lose o"r e'elids F G C G G7 C 8#en then o"r homage to thee we will pa'(

Intro) +, D, D, B-.F/0 E$,+, G.B, A-, D,D?( G D/A C G :h, see the belo!ed of @otre Dame,  C D G adiant with 5harisms of aint $ar5ellin( C D G B7/F 8m pirit;lled 'o"ng hearts and minds of !ision, C G/B A7 D  D7 $olded in ser!i5e, lo!e and 5ompassion. G D/A C G :h, see the belo!ed of @otre Dame,  C D G adiant with 5harisms of aint $ar5ellin( C D G B7/F 8m pirit;lled 'o"ng hearts and minds of !ision, C G/B D G C/G  G $olded in ser!i5e, lo!e and 5ompasssion.

C 8m F C 8!er fore!er, this o"r glor' shall be, G Dm G C Dm D G7  0o lead a life that is hid and "nnown% C 8m F C 8!er fore!er, we will honor $ar', F Am D7 Ds"s D7  G $aing her rare h"milit' o"r own% C C7 F C F C ho"ld we be s5orn#d as +es"s was before C F C G7 owl' and mee, abiding in -is lo!e, C 8m F $a' we for -im and for o"r tender $other, F G C G G7 C p"rn pride and see onl' things from abo!e(

( G B7 C G/D Gra5io"sl' we do etend o"r hand C D G  0hat "sti5e and pea5e reign in o"r land. C D G B7/F 8m Eealo"sl' we do sear5h for bliss and wisdom,   C G D Gs"s4  G For goodness and tr"th, bea"t' and freedom( ( D G &e#re @otre Dameans, heralds of hope( D G et o"r light shine on the mo"ntain top. C D G B7 8m &e are sons and da"ghters of aint $ar5ellin A D7 G tri!ing to mae o"r life a 0hansgi!ing

8!er fore!er, !irt"e dear to $ar' il' so lo!el', as white as the snow% 8!er fore!er, on o"r
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