AIAC Times - Volume X

February 20, 2017 | Author: Anicent Indian Astrology Classes | Category: N/A
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AIAC Times - Volume X [The nine column e-zine]...


AIAC Times [Volume 10]

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Contents Editorial ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Jupiter’s column ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Yoga Concepts by Amarnath ............................................................................................................... 8 Sun’s column .............................................................................................................................................. 10 Adhi Yoga by Sue Ann McKean ......................................................................................................... 10 The Kendra Concept ........................................................................................................................ 10 The 7th House Concept ................................................................................................................... 11 Dwi-Dwadash ................................................................................................................................... 12 Case 1 - Bill Gates ............................................................................................................................. 12 Case 2 - Martina Navratilova ......................................................................................................... 14 Moon’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Chandra Yoga by Pamela McDonough ............................................................................................ 16 House Position.................................................................................................................................. 17 Lunar Conjunctions ......................................................................................................................... 20 Venus’ column ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Parivartana Yoga by Supriya.............................................................................................................. 22 Maha Parivartana ............................................................................................................................. 22 Example Chart 1: Rabindranath Tagore ....................................................................................... 23 Example Chart 2: Swami Vivekananda ........................................................................................ 24 Example Chart 3: Male .................................................................................................................... 25 Dainya Parivarthana Yoga .............................................................................................................. 25 Example Chart 4: Father Damien ................................................................................................... 26 Example Chart 5: Bob Dylan .......................................................................................................... 27 Example Chart 6: Jiddu Krishnamurti .......................................................................................... 28 Example Chart 7: Michael Jordan .................................................................................................. 29 Kahala Parivartana........................................................................................................................... 29

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Example Chart 8: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ................................................................................. 30 Example Chart 9: Mia Farrow ........................................................................................................ 31 Example Chart 10: Oprah Winfrey ................................................................................................ 32 Mercury’s column .................................................................................................................................... 33 Yoga Interpretation by Supriya.......................................................................................................... 33 Example Chart 1: Swami Sivananda ............................................................................................. 35 Example Chart 2 ............................................................................................................................... 36 Example Chart 3: Albert Einstein .................................................................................................. 37 Mars’ column .............................................................................................................................................. 39 Mahapurusha Yoga Bhanga by Pamela McDonough..................................................................... 39 Malavya Yoga Bhanga – Judd Hirsch ........................................................................................... 40 Hamsa Yoga Bhanga – Pamela Anderson .................................................................................... 43 Bhadra Yoga Bhanga – Mother Teresa .......................................................................................... 44 Ruchaka Yoga Bhanga - Walter Mondale ..................................................................................... 45 Sasha Yoga Bhanga – Karl Marx .................................................................................................... 46 Saturn’s column .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Gochar Yogas by Amarnath ............................................................................................................... 47 Verses as In Valmiki Ramayana ..................................................................................................... 48 Commentary ..................................................................................................................................... 51 The Blunder of Adolf Hitler ........................................................................................................... 52 The Blunder of Mitt Romney .......................................................................................................... 53 The Blunder of Mahatma Gandhi .................................................................................................. 55 Rahu’s column ............................................................................................................................................ 57 Kala Sarpa Yoga by Amarnath ........................................................................................................... 57 Abraham Lincoln ............................................................................................................................. 59 Benito Mussolini............................................................................................................................... 60 Ketu’s column ............................................................................................................................................. 61

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Yoga Principles Underlying Indian Astronomy by Sowjanya Gajula .......................................... 61 Yoga Basis of the Indian Zodiac ..................................................................................................... 61 Yoga Basis of Muladhara at 240 Degrees ...................................................................................... 63 Mulabandha ...................................................................................................................................... 64 Kundalini and Kula-Devata............................................................................................................ 64 Extent of Yoga Nadis ....................................................................................................................... 65 Something about us ..................................................................................................................................... 66

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brahmany adhaya karmani sangam tyaktva karoti yah lipyate na sa papena padma-patram ivambhasa ~ Bhagwad Geeta; 5.10 Translation One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results unto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water. It has been a very fruitful year for AIAC and jyotish. Great works of jyotish have come out in the open and jyotish has reached an expanse where more and more people are benefitting from its wisdom. On Dec 21, 2012 we had winter solstice and now the Sun is in Uttarayan, showing ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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the promise that days are going to get longer and light is going to shine upon us - light of the soul, of wisdom and knowledge. In the entire light journey we are about to indulge, we should not forget a lesson we learned during Dakshinayan, one of submission to the Divine Will, one of humility and one of sacrifice. In this issue, we at AIAC would like to present to you an issue on Yogas. There are 9 amazing articles in this issue on Yogas. The subject of Yogas is a complicated subject. Our aim in this issue is not to complicate matters more; our aim is to provide to you a logical explanation and an underlying principle behind the Yogas, which is eternal, which is timeless. Jupiter’s column would give a broad perspective on Yogas and how to comprehend the Yogas in a chart. It also provides a fascinating and a never-heard-before classification of Yogas which is simple and takes into account all types of Yogas. Sun’s column gives the empirical formula behind the Adhi Yogas which is based on tides and desire. Moon’s column gives the empirical formula behind lunar combinations which is based on mutual placement of two bodies and the concept of Bhavas. Venus’ column gives the underlying principle behind Parivarta Yoga which mimics the timeshare system in United States. In most layman terms, it is the best example of mutually beneficial symbiotic scratching each other’s back kind of yoga. Mercury’s column gives the underlying principle behind studying all Yogas which is based on the principle of Tripod of Life and principle of Dispositor. Mars’ column gives the principle of Mahapurusha Yoga and the combinations that cause its breakage. The principle behind is that of Tattwa of the Rasis and not Grahas. Saturn’s column introduces the subject of Gochar Yogas by referring to an incident in Valmiki Ramayan. A particular Gochar Yoga is dealt in this article which is termed as Yoga for blunders. Another example of Gochar Yoga would be the dreaded Sade-sati of Saturn on the Tripod of Life. Rahu’s column introduces the underlying principle behind the ever mystifying Kala Sarpa Yoga and introduces the concept of Progression or Vishesha Yogas. This also explains the underlying principles in many Naadi texts. Ketu’s column talks about Yoga and Yoga Naadi and introduces the subject which connects Yoga of the body to the Yogas in the birth chart.

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This will be the last issue of the year 2012. On behalf of the complete AIAC Family, we wish you, our reader a very Happy New Year. Hope to see you in 2013! I also have an announcement to make. In January 2013 I will start my 3 month long course on Yogas. The course is over skype and will be recorded. If you are interested to enroll, please contact me by sending me a mail at [email protected] Please don’t forget to send us your feedback at [email protected] We love to hear back from you! ~ Editor AIAC Times Chicago, IL, USA

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Jupiter’s column Yoga Concepts by Amarnath In jyotish, like everything else, Yoga is to be studied from the Tripod of life. The aim of this series of articles is to address this question before we deal deeper into case analysis. The union between two entities is the called a Yoga. When such a union occurs between man and his desires, it makes him very joyful. When such a union occurs between man and his maker, it gives him moksha. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing spiritual about the word “yog”. It simply means union. In mathematics, it means addition. “Vi-yog” means a different or special kind of addition and stands for subtraction. Yog or Yoga can be of anything. A child is born because of the yoga of a man and woman. Thus yoga can cause life. A man dies because of viyoga of body and atma [soul] and this is also a special “union”. However, when yoga occurs between man and his ultimate purpose, which is nothing short of realization of the self-identification of Godhood, he becomes one with God. In such a state, the “Jeeva” becomes “Shiva”. In the world of jyotish, whenever two of more entities interact with each other, they form Yoga. Broadly classifying all types of Yogas, we can say primarily there are three categories of Yogas that can studied in a person’s life – Janma Yoga – Yogas formed at the time of birth of the native Gochar Yoga – Yogas formed by the transit planets Vishesha Yoga – Yogas formed by special methods like projections and progressions Dr. Raman has written a book called “300 Important Combinations” where he had collected and mentioned a lot of combinations of grahas from classics. Every classic has a lot of combinations, some are based on graha combinations, and some based on rasis, some on bhavas and some a mix of all of them. However, I would like to stress on some fundamental principles of the Yogas that I broadly classified mentioned above. Janma Yogas – These yogas are present only in the birth chart. Yogas can be read •

by combination of grahas

presence of grahas in a particular rasi

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presence of grahas in a particular bhava

presence of grahas in a particular rasi in a particular bhava

The last category is most complete as it gives the focus of the Yoga in the life of the native. Whenever, Bhavas are mentioned, the Lagna becomes very important. Whenever Rasis are mentioned, Kalapurusha becomes very important. Whenever, grahas are mentioned, Karakas become very important. Let me give you an example. In any chart, if Mars and Venus forms a yoga, the native is prone to love a person of the opposite gender very early in life [18-23] and would like to elope or marry the person of his/her choice. The reason for this is that Mars is the karaka for urges [3H karaka] and Venus is the karaka of sex and pleasure [7H] and thus the combination of these two enhance the yoga in a native’s life. Let me add another dimension to this yoga. Let us assume two cases - Mars and Venus in Aries versus Libra. In the former, the desire [3H] will be more than the fulfillment [7H] and in the second case the desire will be less but the provision will be more. Let us now add another dimension – Mars and Venus in the 7H versus the 8H. In the former, Venus being in karaka bhava will be stronger and Mars in 5H from karaka bhava will reach its satisfaction whereas in the 8H, it will cause dissatisfaction and breakage of bonds in order to fulfill this desire. Let me now, add the third layer – Mars, Venus in Libra in the 7H versus Mars, Venus in Libra in the 8H. The former will show fulfillment of desire [Venus stronger in terms of Bhava and rasi] and the later will show fulfillment of desire after breakage of marriage [Venus stronger in rasi but weak in Bhava]. Mars, Venus in Aries in the 7H versus Mars, Venus in Aries in the 8H. The former will show fulfillment of urges after struggle and will have a relationship based on dominance while in the latter case the relationship will be unfulfilled and disastrous to the native and the partner. Please note all of the four cases are strongly “Manglik” by definition but of diverse magnitude and potential. If during reading Yogas in charts, these fundamental principles are kept in mind, chart reading will be easy, fun and effective instead of being garbled with confused mumbo-jumbo. Gochar Yogas and Vishesha Yogas are explained clearly in Saturn and Rahu’s columns.

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Sun’s column Adhi Yoga by Sue Ann McKean A full and pure Adhi yoga is a rare and wonderful thing to have. Adhi yoga is formed from the tripod of life: Lagna, Moon and Sun. The most powerful combination is formed from the Moon primarily and Lagna next. It is not considered powerful when formed from the Sun. Let's explore a couple of powerful, pure Adhi yogas from the Moon and one case from both the Moon and the Lagna. Adhi yoga from the Moon called Chandradhi yoga is discussed in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra where Sage Parasara says: “When the 3 natural benefics are in the 8th, 6th, and 7th House from the Moon, the resultant yoga is called Adhi yoga (adhyaya 39; sutra 5). The native with this yoga will, according to the strength of the participating planets, be a king, a minister or an army Chief.” In the classic works, Kalyan Verma and Saravali, Adhi yoga is formed when there are benefics in the 6th, 8th and 7th houses from the Moon. If there are no malefic influences and not combusted, this yoga will make a person a king of kings. Other interpretations of Adhi yoga say this yoga will give an enjoyable happy life as well as fame, wealth and luxuries. It will also defeat the native's enemies who through all this will stay polite and trustworthy and have a healthy, long life. (Phaladeepika, adhyaya 6 sutra 43) The Kendra Concept Adhi yoga is based on the concept of the Moon in the Kendra to the Sun. A new Moon with the Sun is called Amavasya; when the Moon is opposite to the Sun it is a full Moon called Purnima. In the 1st and 7th houses the Moon's gravitational pull cause high tides that represent the high tide of emotion and desire in a person. Adhi in Monier-Williams Sanskrit dictionary means: above, over, besides, high and superior. Other authors translated it as “first”. But to understand this yoga one must consider the deeper meaning of adhi. It comes from the Sanskrit word adhika and means wanting something in excess. So it causes excessive desire for what one doesn't have. The Moon represents the mind and when benefic grahas are opposite, like a full Moon, the mind can see what it does not have and a tide of wants arises. Like a beggar looking into a restaurant full of people enjoying delicious looking meals. This will trigger the desire to satisfy the hunger and the mind will not settle until it obtains food. What is the food that the mind wants? In the Chandraadhi yoga it is Venus, Mercury and Jupiter – basically, this yoga will give the qualities stated above as described in the classics: an enjoyable, happy life, fame, feeds many of his relations, wealth and luxuries, defeats enemies etc.

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When the Moon is in the 1/7 axis the mind and emotions will have a strong influence on the intellect (lagna). But there is a very big difference between a New Moon represented by grahas with the Moon and Full Moon represented by grahas opposite the Moon. When grahas are with the Moon it is like the New Moon effect – the Moon nestled with those grahas feels close and content, infused with the nature of its cohabitant.

There is no more need or desire for

achievement of what the mind already has. However, when the grahas are opposite the Moon, it is like a Full Moon effect; the objects of desire represented by the benefic grahas are separate, alien, distant and intriguing. This fills the Moon with desire. Animated in this way, there is the urge to move out, to become very sociable and to connect with others. So, instead of inner contentment, the mind imagines that pleasure is to be found in the world. The “other” person becomes more important than the self and a connection is desired with the “others”. As a rule, regardless of whether there is Adhi yoga or not, whatever is opposite the Moon the mind will feel lacking those qualities or resources and therefore have an excessive desire for them. The benefics represent desirable experiences and objects that humans universally want to enjoy and easily get attached to. For example, when Venus is with the Moon the mind will be content that it is loved. If Venus is in the 7th from the Moon there will be a high tide of desire for love from others and the mind will tell itself that it has to go out and seek love or it will be left alone and unloved. The 7th House Concept The 7th house concept is based on the Sun, the giver of everything, light, energy, and resources. The Sun is the creator of all forms. When the Moon is opposite the Sun creating a Full Moon effect and a high tide of desire, it will try to mimic the Sun as the creative principle, act on that desire and start the process of manifestation through achievement. So whatever is in the 7th from the tripod, (i.e. Sun, Moon and Lagna) there will be motivation to achieve. For instance, if the Lagna lord is in the 7th house there will be the desire to achieve in a place opposite to the birth place. The 7th house is materialistic in the sense that it craves for tangible achievement. The 7th is the kamastana (symbolized by the yoni, the birthing vessel). It is the main house of desire, relationship and sex. However, there is a problem with the Adhi yoga formed from the Sun. Adhi is not as fruitful from the Sun as from the Moon or Lagna. Benefics Mercury and Venus can never be more than 28 degrees/48 degrees from the Sun so it is impossible to have a full Adhi yoga from the Sun. Also the Sun does not support the desires of the mind, preferring that humans seek satisfaction in what is real, true and changeless – the eternal soul. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Dwi-Dwadash Dwi Dwadash bhavas are the twelfth and second houses from the Kendra houses. The Adhi yoga is inclusive of the wings of the 7th house; the one behind or the 6th house and the one following it – the 8th. The 6 th house, being 12th is the loss to the 7th and 8th house is second it is what sustains the 7th. The dwi-Dwadash houses will support the person by giving rest (12 houses) and by giving food (2 houses) for the kendra being studied, in the case of Adhi yoga – the 7th house. The 7th house gives high desire for growth and achievement and in order for those desires to manifest the person needs rest or risk burning out and support from the environment. Case 1 - Bill Gates

Bill Gates is one of the wealthiest men in the world, founder of Microsoft. He has a complete, pure Adhi yoga from the Moon indicating he has formidable desires. Gates is a Gemini rising with Lagna lord and 4th lord, Mercury exalted in the 7th house from the Moon with Mars the lord of hard work and gains (6th and 11th lord from Lagna) and lords of income, assets, and luck (2nd and 9th from the Moon). Moon and Mars are creating a wealth giving ChandraMangala yoga. Mercury is creating a Bhadra Mahapurusa yoga from both Moon and Lagna. This Mercury is not merely a graha but is operating at the higher, refined tattva level receiving the blessings of Prithvi Tattva Devata, Visnu. He is a master of the Earth element (Prithvi tattva). This would

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give him business acumen and the ability to acquire and sustain a lot of wealth. For evidence of this he created a huge software empire that revolutionized communications. Gates is also known for his philanthropy. The exalted Mercury in the house of desire with energetic Mars will make him like Visnu the Sustainer to multitudes of people. Mercury is lord of his Lagna giving him a high desire for fame and recognition. Grahas in dwi-dwadash are Jupiter in the 12th from the 7th house (6th from Moon) and uccha Saturn, moolatrikona Venus and nica Sun in the 2nd. Jupiter is in the royal sign of Leo. He is a king of charity. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is the largest charitable foundation in the world. The 12th from the house of desire is also what gives him rest. In Leo, Jupiter gives incredible fame and wealth. This allowed early retirement in 2006 from the day-to-day activities of the business world allowing Mr. Gates’ more time to dedicate to philanthropy. Jupiter not only gives but also creates losses. Jupiter in the 6th from the Moon is Sakata yoga. Some astrologers say that Sakata is canceled by Adhi yoga but others say that both will manifest. If Mr. Gates life is any proof then the latter seems truer. Sakata yoga will give ups and downs in fortune and wealth. In his chart, the Sakata yoga created by Jupiter in the 6th from the Moon has given losses and expenses due to governments. In the 1998 United States v. Microsoft case, the judge ruled that Microsoft had committed monopolization and blocking competition, both in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The second from the 7th house show what sustains or feeds the desires of Bill Gates. In it are exalted Saturn, moolatrikona Venus and debilitated Sun. Exalted Saturn in the 8th house– the white collar workers and the masses of ordinary people – shows who supported Gates’ desire to create a communications revolution by purchasing millions of computers. This powerful 8th house Saturn also shows the legacy of Microsoft will be sustained well past its founder's death forever changing the culture and the lives of the masses of ordinary citizens and the ruling class alike. Moolatrikona Venus in vayu sign Libra is jala tattva level, shows the efficient flow of trade in the world of government bureaucracies and corporations. What slowed down this celestial juggernaut was the nica Sun indicating the problems governments have been for Microsoft. See – United States Microsoft antitrust case and European Union Microsoft competition case.

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Case 2 - Martina Navratilova

Like Bill Gates, Martina has a pure Adhi yoga from a Pisces Moon with Mercury in Virgo creating a powerful Bhadra Mahapurusha yoga in the 7th from both the Lagna and the Moon. She is a Pisces rising so this yoga is double strength – from the Moon giving her high desire for Mercury and from the lagna giving exalted experience in foreign land with foreigners. She has a high desire for what Mercury the 4th and 7th lord can give; money, learning, connections with others (Americans) particularly others not of her birth place (Czechoslovakia) Martina is one of the greatest American tennis players of all times. Navratilova won 18 Grand Slam singles titles, 31 major women's doubles titles (an all-time record), and 10 major mixed doubles titles. She was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2000. Martina like Gates with a nica Sun in the 2nd from the 7th and has had problems with her country of birth. Originally from Czechoslovakia, she was stripped of her citizenship when, in 1975 at the age of 18, she was told by the communist government of her homeland that she was becoming too Americanized and asked the United States for political asylum. The Sun and Venus are exchanging houses and creating Vipareeta Yoga. She becomes tremendously wealthy after initial hard work and struggle. Also like Gates, Ms. Navratilova has Jupiter in the 6th from the Moon – Sakata yoga. Does she also have ups and downs in fortune and wealth? If we observe her professional and especially ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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her personal life she had many ups and downs. She started life poor, from a broken home where her father committed suicide. She rose to be one of the all-time greats in tennis history. Her Sakata Yoga involves Venus, the 8th lord, giving her a chaotic love life which drained her energy and fortune. One example is the split in 1991 with her longtime partner Judy Nelson caused a much-publicized legal battle. (1st and 8th lords in 6th in Leo) causing loss to her financially and emotionally. As a rule Jupiter in the 12th makes a giver. As illustrated in Bill Gates’ life, Jupiter in his Adhi yoga was in the 12th making him a very charitable person. Martina also has Leo Jupiter but with VE in the 12th from her 7th house and its lord Mercury. This made her a big giver to her celebrity girlfriends and their children. A feminist in a time when feminism was a huge public issue in the West, she was a generous supporter of their causes. In addition, since Jupiter is lagna lord and Moon's dispositor, Martina enjoys fame, support and wealth from feminist causes too.

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Moon’s column Chandra Yoga by Pamela McDonough This article is influenced by R. Santhanam’s Astrological Magazine article entitled “Effects of Lunar Conjunctions”. Chandra forms one of the three critical legs of the tripod of life. The Moon Rasi represents the mind and the emotions. Surya Rasi, or the Sun denotes the Soul or Atma, and the Lagna Rasi is the physical manifestation of the body and intellect. From an astronomical perspective the Lagna represents the earth that we live on and provides the starting point of reference for the 12 houses of the zodiac. The placement of the Moon relative to the Lagna has a direct and dramatic influence on the individual. The house placement of Chandra and his conjunction with other planets will show the area of life you will be most focused upon. The excerpt below from the Manasagari Paddhati was taken from an excellent article in Saptarishi Magazine by Rajendra Rasiklal Shah, “Moon, and Mind & Kemadruma Yoga”:

The Moon as mind is directly connected to the five senses: taste, touch, sight, smell and sound. The consciousness that the mind manifests is experienced through the five senses. The mind is what creates desire for the body to act upon. The Moon’s impact on our mind can also create changes in our physical body. And the Moon is deeply connected to the nervous system. Have you ever had a dream where you were being chased or were falling from the sky in an airplane and awakened to find your heart racing and strong feelings of fear present as though the dream was real? The mind sends the information to body via the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In turn these systems directly connect to the heart, regulating the heart rate. The underlying principles of Lagna representing the intelligence related to manifesting things in the material world and the Moon signifying mind and emotions cannot be emphasized enough here.

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House Position Let’s begin with the basic understanding of Chandra’s relative placement to the Lagna, and vice versa. MOON’S







LAGNA Moon in Lagna



HOUSE Moon will create focus Moon in Lagna

Moon will create focus on








physical manifestations



with the lagna.



physical associated

lagna. 2nd from Lagna




very 12th from Moon to


individual and as an

Lagna will feed off the mind since




represents nourishment.

artha house, acquisition is a priority. 3rd from Lagna

The mind will be a 11th from Moon





source of courage and

ways to acquire wealth in


combination with the 3rd house moon.

4th from Lagna






be 10th from Moon


The intellect will be focused on career and achievement.

comforts. 5th from Lagna

Creativity and children 9th from Moon

Spirtuality and dharma will


be the main focus of the



important. 6th from Lagna







and 8th from Moon be





transform the mind. So the intellect will always create disturbances in the mind.

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7th from Lagna

Relationships will be 7th from Moon

Relationships will still be a

the main focus for the

focus for the intellect with


this placement.


others happy will be the key. 8th from Lagna




is 6th from Moon

The focus of the intellect


will be on service, health

therefore the mind will

and daily routine.

always be in state of constant



turmoil. 9th from Lagna


spiritual 5th from Moon

The intellect will want to

influences are felt here

pull the mind and emotions

along with a strong

into creativity, children and

sense of Dharma as the

the spotlight.

9th house is the highest house of dharma. 10th from Lagna




be 4th from Moon

directed toward career.

Comfort and home will be the





intellect. 11th from Lagna

Friends, older siblings 3rd from Moon




will be important as

younger siblings will be

well as finding a sense

very important.

of community. 12th from Lagna

Charitable deeds and 2nd from Moon

The lagna will feed off of the


mind to manifest its desires.




primary focus of the mind. Moksha will be also be prevalent in the personality.

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Case 1 – Paul Newman Let’s look at a chart example and how these principles appeared in the chart and life of Paul Newman:

Apart from being an award winning actor who typically was cast as the courageous male lead, Paul Newman was a race car driver and the founder of Newman’s Own food company for over 20 years. The Moon third from the Lagna signifies his source of courage for the intellect and at the same time created desire for gains as the Moon is the 11th from the Lagna. Business minded Mercury along with the spiritually inclined and philanthropic Jupiter in the Lagna created the perfect situation for his charitable contributions through Newman’s Own, giving away over $150 million as of 2003.

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Lunar Conjunctions Now let’s take the same dictum and layer on the planet(s) that are placed in the house with Chandra. PLANETS (with Moon) Sun

RESULT This conjunction occurs only during the new moon phase. The Moon is considered very weak and the Sun, representing the soul and its karmic intentions can overtake the mind.


The mind of the person will be very sensitive to aggression. Depending upon the rasi in which they are placed, this combination can create high pitta associated with the mind.


Mercury represents security, so this conjunction will give the person a sense that their security is at risk, and that they are vulnerable to being taken advantage of by other people.


There will be constant desire for knowledge and learning.

Wisdom and

spirituality is extremely important. Venus

The Moon conjoined with Venus will give a person a love of beauty and art and relationships will always be top of mind. This can also give an idealistic perspective regarding relationships.


Saturn has very heavy tamasic energy and can color the thoughts and feelings of an individual in a way that can create depression, sadness and emotional pain.


Rahu with the Moon creates a strong desire for material things to manifest, much like the Lagna. This combination can also create extreme emotions; think of the super vata/wind element of Rahu and the kapha/water nature of the moon. What do high winds do to the water? They create waves, and these “waves” can create dramatic emotional disturbances in the mind.


Ketu with the Moon gives extreme detachment from the mind. It can also create confusion and indecision for an individual. Ketu’s “headless” form contradicts the meaning of the Moon and the deep connection to mind and senses.

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Case 2- Lady Gaga Now let’s look at an example of how other planets can influence the Moon while taking into account the Moon’s relative placement to the Lagna:

This is the chart of superstar Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta). You can see that from the Lagna, her moon is placed in the 5th house of creativity and performance. She designs her own costumes and stage sets for her live shows and videos. You can see the influence of Venus with otherworldly Rahu on her mind as well it’s manifestation of her “extreme” sense of self-expression through her ever changing, unorthodox, clothing and actions. The aspect from Jupiter is a significant boost and lends some emotional support to the Moon. It is also important to remember which planets are pleasing and displeasing to the mind [Moon], and how these relationships will affect the Moon and the mind. Also the strength of the moon from Krishna Paksha to Shukla Paksha, and placement by sign will factor into this equation. Due to time and space limitations these factors will possibly be addressed in a future article.

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Venus’ column Parivartana Yoga by Supriya Parivartana Yoga occurs when there is a mutual exchange of sign lords. This creates a strong link between the two houses involved. Parivartana comes from the Sanskrit words pari and vrt meaning 'to turn around, to exchange.' If the houses involved are benefic the yoga is benefic. The involvement of an adverse house will likewise result in adverse effects. The author of Phaladeepika, Mantreshwara, gives three kinds of Parivartana yogas: Maha Yogas: These yogas indicate the interchange between lords of Kendra, Kona, 2nd and 11th houses. These can have 28 possible combinations. Dainya Yogas: Interchange between a lord of a dusthana bhava (6, 8, 12) and the lord of a kendra, kona, 2nd or 11th house. There can be 30 possible combinations of this type of yoga. Kahala Yogas: The lord of the 3rd house exchanges places with house lords other than those of the Trik houses (6, 8 and 12). There can be 8 possible combinations of this type. Another form of Dainya Yoga is when the lords of the dusthana bhavas (6, 8, 12) exchange houses with each other. It is referred to as Viparita Rajayoga. It gives rise in status and financial prosperity after failure or through the misfortune of another. For example, you get a job after someone loses that job. There may be health problems, however. When two planets have a mutual exchange of houses, it has the effect that they lose the ownership of their other houses, with the exception, of course, of the Sun and Moon who own only one house each. Let us see a few examples of each of these three main types of Parivartanas. Maha Parivartana In the Saptarishi article Previous Life Karmas via Yogas it states that a person with Maha Parivartana yoga “did not think bad of others, showed affection to everybody, and gave free medical help or aid to others.” Persons born with Mahayoga will have the beneficence of the Goddess Sri and will be adorned with expensive and beautiful clothes and ornaments. He is revered and honored by the king. He will hold a high position and will be rewarded with authority by the king, He will be blessed with sons and fully enjoy wealth and conveyances. - Mantreshwara

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Example Chart 1: Rabindranath Tagore

This is a remarkable chart with two Maha Parivartana Yogas. Mystical Pisces is rising with exalted Lagna lord Jupiter placed in the 5th house in exchange with the 5th lord Moon. Jupiter aspects the Lagna and the Moon. 2nd lord Mars interchanges with 4th lord Mercury. These planets form a Saraswati Yoga which gives eloquence, wisdom, and learning. The 5th lord Moon in Lagna gave him great beauty, with impressive eyes, knowledge, happiness, and recognition.

Tagore won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913 with his profoundly beautiful

book of verse Gitanjali. Mercury and Mars enabled him to establish the experimental school Santiniketan, meaning abode of peace. In 1921 it expanded and became a university. Professor P. S. Sastri in his article Exchange of Houses in The Astrological Magazine notes that the 7th house has the aspect of the waning Moon; and it is not the lord of the 7th in the 2nd, but the Moon in exchange that made him a widower. Tagore had five children, two of whom died in childhood. The 5th house has Mars and Saturn in the 12th and 2nd giving malefic kartari.

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Example Chart 2: Swami Vivekananda

The 2L, Saturn and the 10L, Mercury exchange houses. Swami Vivekananda, through his eloquence, brilliant intellect and spiritual presence, brought Hinduism to the West. Mercury is badhaka lord of the 7th which is also aspected by Jupiter. Instead of marriage Vivekananda directed all of his energy to the welfare of mankind, so Mercury did not act as 7th lord. Saturn's aspect on the 12th gave him very little rest as he travelled tirelessly throughout India and the world preaching and serving. However, it appears that the 3rd house was still very strong despite Saturn, its lord, being in parivartana as the lord of the 2nd house. Vivekananda was very courageous, brave, athletic, and musical and had younger siblings. After his father's death his family was plunged into poverty. He searched for work to support them and on many days went without eating so that his mother and his brothers and sisters would have something to eat. He then worked as a teacher to support them. The 6th lord Moon is with Saturn in the 10th house.

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Example Chart 3: Male

The 5th lord Sun and 9th lord Jupiter exchange houses. Jupiter is conjunct Lagna lord Mars and the 4th lord Moon is conjunct the Sun in the 9th house. Moreover, there are benefic planets in the 2nd and 12th houses from the Sun forming Ubhayachari Yoga, thereby adding strength to the 9th house. The native is a talented artist and musician who is a friend to all. He refuses to hear anything negative spoken about others and has a very forgiving and generous nature with a tendency to sacrifice himself and overwork, sometimes to the detriment of his health. His father is a very accomplished artist. Dainya Parivarthana Yoga The person with Dainya Yoga at birth will be a fool, will revile others and indulge in sinful deeds. He is always in trouble from his enemies. He will speak harshly and will not have a stable mind. He will encounter obstacles in all his ventures. - Mantreshwara

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Example Chart 4: Father Damien

Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai, was born Jozef De Veuster on January 3, 1840 in Belgium. He was a Roman Catholic priest and won recognition for his ministry to people with leprosy who had been placed under a government-sanctioned medical quarantine on the island of Molokai in Hawaii. After sixteen years caring for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of those in the leper colony he eventually contracted and died of the disease. He was canonized a saint by the Catholic Church. In Father Damien's chart the 8th lord Mars is exalted in Capricorn, the 10th house, in exchange wtih Saturn who is placed in the 8th house in Scorpio. The 1st and 11th houses are not involved in the exchange. Saturn is the lord of the 10th, karmasthana, which signifies profession, fame, honors, and activities that bring benefit to society. The 8th house is called Ayursthana and represents life force, longevity and chronic disease. His major life's work was to serve those suffering from the chronic disease of leprosy. The exchange of these two natural malefics, Mars and Saturn, enabled the dignified expression of their energies to be fully expressed. Saturn gave him the desire to serve, but also separated him from the rest of society. Mars channeled his energies in accomplishing monumental work, caring for the needs of the leper colony, building homes, schools, and organizing farms on Molokai. However, the Dainya Yoga brought disease and death to him at the age of 49. Saturn is conjunct 2nd and 7th maraka lord Venus. Fame and honor was bestowed on Fr. Damiaen after his death when he was canonized as a saint. There are similarities between this chart and the previous one, Chart 3. Both have Aries Lagna with the Sun and Moon in the 9th and Mercury in the 8th house. In Fr. Damien's chart the ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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emphasis is placed on the 8th and 10th houses, while in Chart 3 the focus is on the 5th and 9th houses. Example Chart 5: Bob Dylan

The 6th lord Mars is placed in the 4th house in Aquarius in exchange with 4th lord Saturn who is debilitated in the 6th house, forming Dainya Parivartana Yoga. This exchange of two malefics involving these houses is a factor in vehicle accidents.

Dylan was involved in a serious

motorcycle accident in 1966 and did not tour again for 8 years. He is famous as a singersongwriter and a musician, incorporating political, cultural and literary influences. Venus in the 7th in Taurus creates a Malavaya Mahapurusha Yoga; it is conjunct 5th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Sun which is a Raja Yoga, adding strength to the Malavaya Yoga. With Mars involved in the 6th house parivartana with the 4th house, the Lagna would have been made weak. However, the planets in the 7th aspecting the Lagna give considerable strength. He still tours around the world giving performances.

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Example Chart 6: Jiddu Krishnamurti

In Krishnamurti's chart there is an exchange between the 5th lord Venus and the 6th lord Mercury. Mercury's loss of influence over the 9th house, and the aspect of the badhaka Mars from the 6th on the 9th, separated him from his father at an early age. Lagna lord retrograde Saturn is exalted in the 10th house in Libra, aspected by exalted Sun. Venus has its focus on the exchange involving its lordship of the 5th house so has little influence on the 10th house. Jupiter, the 3L and 12L, aspects the 10H. On 8/02/1929, Krishnamurti rebelled, breaking with the Theosophical Society and publicly renouncing all claims about his quasi-divinity. In front of an audience of 3,000, he announced his belief that "truth is a pathless land," and rejected study of the occult, acceptance of authority and religious ceremony as ways to spiritual growth. Annie was by now aged and senile and never realized that her dream of cultivating the Matreya had been denied. - Wikipedia

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Example Chart 7: Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan has Aries Lagna with an exchange between the 4th lord Moon and the 8th lord Mars. Both are debilitated but the exchange of houses gives Neecha Bhanga, cancelling the debilitation of both. It brings an element of humility to the Mars nature. Saturn aspects Mars from its own 10th house giving discipline and focus. His biography on the National Basketball Association (NBA) website states, "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. Phaladeepika (VII-31): Even a single planet, though in depression, is capable of making the native a king’s equal, provided he be with brilliant rays, retrograde in motion and occupy an auspicious house (other than a Dustana). Two or more such planets make the native a king. Kahala Parivartana The native with Kahala Yoga will occasionally be haughty and sometimes sweet in his speech. There will be occasions when he will be very prosperous and then will be driven to poverty, unhappiness and misery. - Mantreshwara

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Example Chart 8: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

The 3rd lord Moon is in Kahala Parivartana with the 8th lord retrograde exalted Jupiter. Moreover, the Moon and Jupiter are in a 3/8 house relationship forming Shakata Yoga. 5 planets in the 8th house form Sanyasa Yoga. The focus on the 8th house highlights the intrigue, deviation from social norms, unexpected fall and chronic illness that were features of his life. In his later life he called himself Osho. Hugh B. Urban noted that Osho appeared to fit with Max Weber’s classical image of the charismatic figure, being held to possess "an extraordinary supernatural power or 'grace', which was essentially irrational and affective". Osho corresponded to Weber's pure charismatic type in rejecting all rational laws and institutions and claiming to subvert all hierarchical authority, though Urban notes that the promise of absolute freedom inherent in this resulted in bureaucratic organisation and institutional control within larger communes.- Urban, Hugh B. (1996), "Zorba The Buddha: Capitalism, Charisma and the Cult of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh", Religion 26 (2): Pages 161–182. - Wikipedia

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Example Chart 9: Mia Farrow

In Mia Farrow's chart the 3rd lord Mercury is in Kahala Parivartana with the 10th lord Saturn. Exalted Lagna lord Mars and 5th lord Sun join Mercury in the 10th house. Mercury and Saturn are in 6/ 8 relationship. Though Mercury is not present as lord of the 6th house, Virgo, the 12th lord is located there. Venus is exalted in the 12th House (2L and 7L). Mia was afflicted with polio at the age of 9 in Venus dasa. She was confined to an isolation ward in the hospital. She recovered and went on to be a famous actress, model, and is known for her extensive humanitarian work. She was named one of Time Magazine's most influential people in the world in 2008.

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Example Chart 10: Oprah Winfrey

The 3rd lord Venus is in Kahala Parivartana with the 6th lord Saturn who is exalted in the 3rd house. Saturn and Venus are in 4/10 relationship. Venus is combust Lagna lord Sun. She overcame many obstacles and painful experiences in her childhood. The 6th house lord being exalted shows its growing influence as an upachaya house enabling her to have amazing success.

Saturn represents the masses and those who suffer.

She is known for her

compassionate way of communicating in her role as talk show host. She has been ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was for a time the world's only black billionaire. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world. – Wikipedia

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Mercury’s column Yoga Interpretation by Supriya It has been said that one swallow does not a summer make. In the same way a single instance of something in a chart does not necessarily indicate a trend. Rajayogas and Avayogas operate in different ways in a chart so there is no reason that Kemadruma yoga should be so powerful as to overpower other Rajayogas. Before making any judgment of a chart on the basis of yogas, both good and bad, their inherent strength should be determined in the chart as a whole. Yogas have the potential of changing the entire character of a horoscope. R. Santhanam states in his article “Interpretation of Yogas” in The Astrological Magazine for Rajayogas to manifest in a chart several factors must be taken into account. Among these are: 1.

Lagna and its lord should be strong.


Lagna should be aspected or occupied by at least one planet, preferably a benefic for the

ascendant. 3.

The Rasi dispositor of the yoga-causing planet should be dignified.


Such planets' periods should occur in life.


Kendras or angles should be occupied by benefics and be devoid of malefic influence.


The influence of planets aspecting or in association with them must be assessed.


Study the Navamsa placement of the planets involved in the yoga, and other vargas

where indicated. Yoga-causing planet should have occupied more benefic vargas and be strong in shadbalas. Planets can give results only if they have enough strength in the chart. 8.

Planets in their own signs, mulatrikona sign, or exaltation sign tend to give significant

results, while planets in the sign of debilitation, combustion, or exact bhava sandhi will not be capable of giving the full results of the yoga. 9.

Yogas should occur in auspicious houses.


Such planets should have residential and directional strength.


In Ashtakavarga there should be more auspicious bindus in their radical position.


The 10th house or midheaven should be well-connected in the chart.

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For yogas involving conjunction of planets the orb should be considered. For example a

planet in the first degree of Aries cannot be considered to be conjunct with a planet in 26 degrees of the same sign. Types of Yogas: •

Yogas caused by the relationship of planets only

Yogas involving planets and houses

Yogas involving planets and signs

Yogas involving planets, signs, and houses

The analysis of yoga must be integrated with the dasa period to determine the fructification of the yoga. Retrograde planets are considered strong, but depending on the yoga, give inconsistent or unexpected results in the yogas in which they are involved. Budha Aditya Yoga - It can be said that this is a very common yoga as the Sun and Mercury are never more than 28 degrees apart. For this yoga to be strong it should occur in Aries, Gemini, Leo or Virgo. In Aries the Sun is exalted, in Leo it is in its own house or mulatrikona. In Gemini and Virgo, Mercury is strong for the same reasons. When Jupiter and Moon are in 6/8 position from each other they will form both Shakata Yoga and Adhi Yoga (this will be strong or weak depending on other planets joining the Adhi Yoga, house position etc.) Shakata Yoga results in adverse circumstances and fluctuating fortunes. Adhi Yoga, on the other hand, gives prosperity, elevation of status, health and good fortune. The Moon is the planet whose position is taken in regard to Jupiter for Shakata Yoga. For Adhi Yoga, Jupiter is the planet referred to from the Moon. How do we judge the results? The Moon's period will give the results of the Shakata Yoga and Jupiter's will give the results of Adhi Yoga. Kemadruma Yoga is often seen in charts. It forms when there are no planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon.

Rahu and Ketu are not considered for this yoga because they are only

mathematical points. The result of this yoga is misery, humiliation, financial loss, ill-health, and failure. There are many factors which can modify Kemadruma Yoga. Some of these factors are: •

If angles from the Lagna are occupied Kemadruma gets cancelled. This results in the

benefic Kalpadruma Yoga. •

If angles from the Moon are occupied.

All planets are aspecting the Moon.

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The Moon or Venus occupying a kendra, is aspected by Jupiter.

The Moon is associated with a benefic planet or located between two benefics aspected

by Jupiter. •

The Moon is in its sign of exaltation or in a friendly house in the Navamsa aspected by

Jupiter. Example Chart 1: Swami Sivananda

Lagna Lord Moon is in parivartana with debilitated 10th lord Mars. The Kemadruma Yoga of the Moon is lessened because there are planets in kendra from Lagna and Chandra Lagna. Jupiter in 7th from Moon forms Gajakesari Yoga as well as Adhi Yoga with Venus in the 3rd. With three malefics in the Lagna, Mars, Saturn and Rahu, it may appear that this condition would not favor a saintly life like Sivananda's. They aspect the 10th from Chandra lagna along with Ketu. In Ketu bhukti of Rahu dasa he took sanyas and renounced the world. In the bhava chart Saturn goes to the 12th house giving philosophical insight.

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Example Chart 2

This is the chart of a young woman who lost her mother at a young age due to a car accident. Moon, karaka for the mother, is in the 8th house. There are no planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon signifying Kemadruma Yoga. However, there are 3 planets in the same house as the Moon, and it is exalted in the Navamsa. The Kemadruma Yoga according to some authorities is cancelled. Dr. Charak says that: the cancellation of an adverse yoga first considers the existence of yoga and then its cancellation. Thus some effects of such yoga do manifest before they are cancelled. In the example chart the Moon is in the house of unexpected, loss, and death. The Moon is also the 9th lord and her father has also died recently. Though the Kemadruma yoga is 'cancelled' it was still a contributing factor to her loss.

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Example Chart 3: Albert Einstein

In Albert Einstein's chart Gemini rises with lord Mercury debilitated in the 10th house. It is conjunct exalted 5th and 12th lord Venus, the Sun and Saturn. Venus forms Malavya Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. This yoga confers fame, learning, wealth, musical abilities, and love of pleasure. When considering the Mahapurusha Yogas, Mansagari states that the Sun and or the Moon joining them reduces the good effects, if not denying them altogether. In this case one could say that this does not hold true. There are four planets in the 10th forming Pravraja Yoga, yoga for renunciation. The Sun, karaka for the Soul, has digbala in the 10th and elevates Venus in service of a higher purpose, making him a great humanitarian and incorruptible in the service of truth. (Raman). Gajakesari Yoga occurs when Jupiter is in an angle to the Moon. One born in this yoga will be splendorous, wealthy, and intelligent, endowed with many laudable virtues and will please the king. According to Mansagari when Jupiter is in the 4th from the Moon it is less favorable relative to the mother and comforts at home. Kumara Swameeyam, a Tamil classic, states that the Moon should be waxing for this yoga to be effective. In Einstein's chart the Moon is waning and is debilitated in the 6th. Einstein throughout his life lived in seven countries. Jupiter as the 10th lord is in Maha Parivartana Yoga with Saturn the 9th lord, and also forms a Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga. This gives him professional success and a strong sense of dharma. However, Jupiter is hemmed between malefics Sun, Rahu and Mars. B. V. Raman said that Einstein was a sane man in a mad world, a scientist as well as saint. Kemadruma Yoga, a yoga causing misery, failure, and humiliation, is present as there are no planets in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon. This does not seem to have been a strong factor in ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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light of the other powerful yogas in his chart. In fact it was in Moon dasa, Mars Bhukti that Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics. Buddhi-Chaturya Yoga is formed by the 5th lord Venus in the 10th house, a Kendra, with the 5th house being aspected by Jupiter. This is yoga for intellectual brilliance and professional success.

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Mars’ column Mahapurusha Yoga Bhanga by Pamela McDonough How many times have you studied a chart that had what appeared to be a strong Pancha Mahapurusha yoga, and asked yourself: Why isn’t this person in a position of leadership, more financially successful, etc...? Almost 42% of all people born will have a Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga in their chart. This is due to the length of time for planets transiting their own and exaltation signs. Transit times combined with number of hours each rising sign occurs each day creates many potential opportunities for a Pancha Mahapurusha yoga. This article is not intended to address the positive effects of the Mahapurusha yogas. My objective is to shine light specifically on the Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas and how they can become null and void. First let’s define the Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas: •

Ruchaka Yoga: Mars exalted in Capricorn and in own signs Aries and Scorpio.

Bhadra Yoga: Mercury exalted in Virgo and in own sign Gemini.

Hamsa Yoga: Jupiter exalted in Cancer and in own signs Sagittarius and Pisces.

Malvya Yoga: Venus exalted in Pisces and in own signs Taurus and Libra.

Shasha Yoga: Saturn exalted in Libra and in own signs Capricorn and Aquarius.

These planetary placements must appear in an angular house to create the yoga (1, 4 7 or 10). I would like to present material from the Devakeralam (Chandra Kali Nadi) and Kerala-Nadi texts as interpreted by Sri Chandulal S. Patel and Mr. Subramanium Shastry. These texts will help decipher the mystery of the Pancha Mahapurusha yoga; why an apparently strong Pancha Mahapurusha yoga at first glance may not bear fruit (Yoga Bhanga). From the Chandrakala-Nadi VOL II Part 1 page 5 Verse 27: jīve śaniyute dṛṣṭe māḻavīyoġa bhaṅgavān | bhṛguruccaphalaṁ vyarthaṁ gṛhaccidreṇa karśitaḥ || In the nativity, if Jupiter is associated with or aspected by Saturn, Malavya yoga is nullified (bhanga). The good results of Venus are not experienced and the native is troubled by blemish.

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Kerala-nadi (University of Mysore++++++++) page 7 adds some additional information and one more important guideline for the yoga bhanga: In the nativity, if Jupiter is associated with or aspected by Saturn and/or Venus is associated with Ketu, the yoga is nullified. Malavya Yoga Bhanga – Judd Hirsch

Judd Hirsch (born March 15, 1935) is an American actor most known for playing Alex Rieger on the television comedy series Taxi, John Lacey on the NBC series Dear John, and Alan Eppes on the CBS series Numb3rs. Hirsch was married to his first wife from 1956 to 1958. He married Bonni Sue Chalkin in 1992 and divorced her in 2003. Venus exalted in Pisces but Saturn aspects Jupiter by the 10th aspect. One of the significations of Malavya Mahapurusha Yoga is a happy long married life. That seems to be challenged and cancelled in this case. Now you might ask yourself this question: Why would drishti from Saturn onto Jupiter create a cancellation of an apparently strong (exalted Venus in Pisces) Malavya Yoga? Subrmanium Shastry’s article in Saptarishi magazine sets forth a credible argument explaining Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga bhanga that Sri Patel alludes to in his article (Yoga-Bhanga or Cancellation of Yogas) in the Astrological Magazine. The theory is as follows: The exaltation sign of Venus is Pisces, which is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter as exaltation lord for Venus becomes debilitated when placed in Saturn’s sign, ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Capricorn. So the lord of Venus’s exaltation sign (Jupiter) aspected by the debilitation sign lord of Jupiter (Saturn), creates the Yoga Bhanga. Mr. Shastry applies this theory from the Malavya Yoga to the remaining Pancha Mahapurusha yogas. The following planets would then create Yoga Bhanga for each one of the Mahapurusha yogas, specifically for Yogas created by planets in their exaltation: YOGA













Mars exalted in Capricorn BHADRA YOGA








Venus exalted in Pisces SASHA YOGA


Jupiter exalted in Cancer MALAVYA YOGA


Mercury exalted in Virgo HAMSA YOGA




Saturn exalted in Libra

VE ME CONJUNCT (Ve cannot aspect Me except in the divisional charts).

What are some other ways that Pancha Mahapursha yogas could be cancelled? Let’s continue with the example of Malavya Yoga and Venus exalted in Pisces. If Pisces lord Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, then Yoga Bhanga also occurs. The strength of the dispositor of the planet creating the yoga is absolutely critical for any yoga to bear fruit. Jupiter in Capricorn is very weak and cannot support the Venus in Pisces.

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Think of the two planets as if together they create a table. In this case Venus (the Malavya yoga forming planet) is the tabletop and is made of solid oak and is very sturdy. But the legs of the table represented by Jupiter (the house lord and dispositor of Venus) are wobbling and made out of very soft and unstable material. The ability for this table to bear weight, like the ability of the yoga to bear fruit, is extremely weak. One very important note is that the Pancha Mahapurusha yogas are tattwa yogas; they enhance the element of the sign that they are placed. The sign that the yoga occurs in, and planet that owns the house, and their condition by placement and aspect (and therefore tattwa) from other planets are extremely significant. The disruption of the element or tattwa of the planet creating the yoga is what causes the cancellation or weakened condition. The table below shows which element(s) are going to be strengthened by sign in a Pancha Mahapurusha yoga: RASI/SIGN



Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Saturn Jupiter

Fire Water Air Water Fire Earth Water Water Fire Earth Air Water


& Earth

& Air & Fire

*Please note Jupiter’s element is Akash, but he takes on the element of the sign placement when placed in Sagittarius and Pisces. Certain planets aspecting each other, and/or residing in rasis with planets which create the Pancha Mahapurusha yogas can cause serious damage to the endurance of the yoga, and create Bhanga. YOGA





Moon, Venus, Saturn


Moon, Venus, Saturn

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Venus, Jupiter **


Venus, Jupiter **


Venus, Saturn


Saturn, Mercury


Mars, Mercury


Mars, Mercury


Jupiter, Mars


Jupiter, Mars

** Please note that Venus and Mercury can never be more than 28 degrees apart. So many of the Malavya and Bhadra yogas that occur are cancelled as a result. Let’s take a look at some additional examples of Mahapurusha Yoga Bhanga: Hamsa Yoga Bhanga – Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson is a former showgirl, actress and Playboy “Playmate of the Month”. Her Hamsa Yoga Bhanga can be seen in her chart from the Chandra Lagna. Moon as dispositor of ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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4th house Jupiter is aspected by Mars, the combination that cancels the Hamsa yoga. The definition of Hamsa yoga (Jataka Marthandam): The person shall be learned in various arts or sciences, happy, hale and healthy; he leads a decent and pious life. He does good deeds and earns punyas (virtues). He is praised by all and the rulers (king) of the land. His conduct and character are good. Bhadra Yoga Bhanga – Mother Teresa

Mother Theresa’s Bhadra yoga for affluence, wealth and success in business in her 10th house of career was cancelled by Jupiter. Jupiter has a very strong spiritual element that is not consistent with the more materialistic sign of Virgo with exalted Mercury.

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Ruchaka Yoga Bhanga - Walter Mondale

Mr. Mondale’s Ruchaka Mahapurusha yoga is cancelled by all three planets in the tenth house with Mars; Saturn, Venus and Ketu. Walter Mondale spent only three years in the Army, of which much of the time was spent guarding Fort Knox. His Hamsa Mahapurusha yoga from the Moon however is not cancelled and his success as an attorney, writer and politician was supported by this Hamsa yoga.

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Sasha Yoga Bhanga – Karl Marx

Jupiter, the planet debilitated in Saturn’s sign Capricorn aspects Mars, the planet who is exalted in Saturn’s sign Capricorn. This combination cancels the yoga. The Malavya yoga in his 4th bhava is also spoiled due to the conjunction of Mercury with Venus. He lived in poverty most of his life Finally, how can the Yoga bhanga affect the life of a person? According to my Jyotish Guru, Amarnath - “it will be like a very hungry person in front of a buffet - but they are tied to a post in front of it and cannot reach the food”. This is a very challenging result indeed! Depending on the Bhava chart this desire can be lessened significantly if the Yoga planet changes houses, no longer sitting in an angle. Due to space limitations I would like to note that there are other important factors affecting these yogas that are not being addressed here. One empirical formula that must be studied along with these dictums for ALL yogas is the strength of the Lagna, Sun and Moon. These must be studied carefully.

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Saturn’s column Gochar Yogas by Amarnath Ramayan always fascinated me. Mahabharata is said to have appeal to more people due to the complexity of its plot and hence touches upon all the shades of the mind – the 16 distinct phases of the Moon also called as a the Solah Kala. However, Ramayana is the story of the Sun, the soul and hence I love it deeply. Its spiritual quotient is immense, its appeal more deep. There has been many articles and books published on jyotish in the Itihas, viz Ramayana and Mahabharata. The verses I will bring forth may be already known to you but the commentary of these verses will be perhaps distinct as they are my personal interpretation and thoughts on this subject. In the Ayoyandha Kanda we are introduced to the episode of which leads to the exile of Rama, the prince. In Chapter 4 of this Kanda we get a glimpse of the deep love of Dasharatha for Rama in a discourse between Dasaratha and his son Rama. What strike out are some very deep jyotish dictums and remedial measures given out by Rsi Valmiki through the discourse of Maharaja Dasharatha.

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Verses as In Valmiki Ramayana

avaṣṭabdhaṃ ca me rāma nakṣatraṃ dāruṇairgrahaiḥ | āvedayanti daivajñāvḥ sūryāṅgārakarāhubhiḥ || 2-4-18 Word Meaning avashhTabdham = are encroaching; me = my; raama = oh! Rama; nakshatram = natal star; daaruNaiH = fearful; grahaiH = planets; aavedayanti = are informing (that); daivajnaaH = astrologers; suurya-angaaraka-raahubhiH = like the Sun; Mars and Rahu; Translation "Oh, Rama! Astrologers are informing me that fearful planets like Sun, Mars and Rahu are encroaching my birth star."

prāyeṇa hi nimittānāmīdṛśānāṃ samudbhave | rājā hi mṛtyumāpnoti ghoraṃ vāpadamṛcchati || 2-4-19 Word Meaning praayeNa hi = generally; nimittaanaam = signs; iidRishaanaam = such; samudbhave = whenever produced (then); raajaa = king; mRityum = death; aapnoti = will get; ghoram = fearful; vaa = or; aapadam = accident; Richchhati = will get; Translation "Whenever such inauspicious signs are produced, the king generally will get either death or a fearful accident."

tadyāvadeva me ceto na vimuñcati rāghava | tāvadevābhiṣiñcasva calā hi prāṇināṃ matiḥ || 2-4-20 Word Meaning tat = that is why; yaavadeva = while; me = my; chetaH = mind; na vimuNchati = does not leave (or change); raaghava = O Rama!;

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taavadeva = before then; abhishhiNchasva = get anointed to crown; chalaahi = Is it not unstable; praaniNaam = of human beings; matiH = the mind; Translation "Oh, Rama! Hence, before my mind gets changed, get you anointed to the crown. Are not the minds of men unstable?"

adya candrobhyupagataḥ puṣyātpūrvaṃ punarvasū | śvaḥ puṣyayogaṃ niyataṃ vakṣyante daivacintakāḥ || 2-4-21 Word Meaning adya = today; chandraH = the moon; abhyupagataH = is getting; pushhyaat = the star of pushyami; puurvam = earlier to; punarvasuu = the star of punarvasu; svaH = tomorrow; pushhyayogam = when the moon joins pushyami star; niyatam = can be fixed (for coronation ceremony); vakshyante = inform that; daivachintakaaH = astrologers; Translation "Today, the moon is entering the constellation known as Punarvasu which comes before Pushyami star. The astrologers inform that the coronation ceremony can be fixed for tomorrow, when the moon joins Pushyami star."

tataḥ puṣye.abhiṣiñcasva manastvarayatīva mām | śvastvāhamabhiṣekṣyāmi yauvarājye paraṃtapa || 2-4-22 Word Meaning tataH = hence; pushhye = on pushyami star; abhishhiNchasva = get anointed for the crown; manaH = my mind; tvarayatiiva = is hastening; maam = me; svaH = tomorrow; tvaa = you; aham = I; abhishhekshyaami = shall anoint; yauva raajye = for princely kingdom; paraMtapa = oh! Annihilator of enemies; Translation "Hence, get anointed for the crown on the day of Pushyami star. My mind is urging me as it were to expedite things. O, annihilator of the enemies! I shall anoint you for the princely kingdom tomorrow."

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tasmāttvayādaprabhṛti niśeyaṃ niyatātmanā | saha vadhvopavastavyā darbhaprastaraśāyinā || 2-4-23 Word Meaning tasmaat = That is why; tvayaa = by you; adyaprabhRiti = from now onwards; nishaa = night; iyam = this; niyataatmanaa = with self control; saha vadhvaa = with the daughter in law; upavastavyaa = can be fasted; darbhaprastara shaayinaa = slept on a mat of Kusha grass. Translation "That is why, with self-control, you along with your wife should observe fast for this night from now onwards, and sleep on a couch made of Kusha grass."

suhṛdaścāpramattāstvāṃ rakṣantvadya samantataḥ | bhavanti bahuvighnāni kāryāṇyevaṃvidhāni hi || 2-4-24 Word Meaning suhRidashcha = your friends also; apramathaaH = vigilantly; tvaam = you; rakshantu = let guard; adya = today; samantataH = from all directions. bhavanti hi = are having; bahu vighnaani = many obstacles; kaaryaaNi = functions; evam vidhaani = such type of. Translation "Generally, there are many obstacles for such type of functions. Hence, your friends should guard you vigilantly from all directions."

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Commentary The above verses have always been looked at as discourses of a concerned father as a king to coronate his son to the throne. However, some have also looked at it from a complete jyotish perspective and spoken about transits but some have also asked a rather simple question – In a time like Treta Yuga where there were renowned scholars, pundits, acharyas and Gurus guiding the daily affairs of the state, why was a coronation day and time [muhurta] selected which ended up giving Shri Ramachandra 14 years of exile in forest? Some very deep philosophies are discussed in this verses related to karma, jyotish and remedial measures in jyotish. •

Transit of malefic planets on janma nakshtra triggers negative events.

Taking hasty decisions at those times, makes matter worse

Transit Moon on the janma nakshtra is not good and makes someone susceptible to false allegations

Austerities are necessary before rewards are given to anyone

Whenever a good karma is about to happen, bad karma will always manifest to create obstacles to it

Maharaja Dasharatha taking this hasty decision [agitated Agni – Mars, Sun by extreme desire Rahu] was the cause of the untimely exile of Shri Ramachandra. By secretly announcing the hasty coronation of Shri Rama, Dasharatha was not trying to prevent the repercussions of the evil transit but acting to its tunes to cause its fulfillment. The astrologers did not advise Dasharatha on the coronation of Shri Ram, they advised him on the bad transit. When after hearing this, Dasharatha panicked and insisted on the earliest date for the coronation, the astrologers selected the sampat Tara of Shri Ramachandra, Pushyami since Rama was born with Moon in Punarvasu. It is ironic that Dasharatha asked Sri Rama and Sita Devi to live humbly for the night and be on fasting till the coronation occurred. In fact, he also asks Rama to ensure that he be guarded and protected by trusted friends. These exact words come to play not only for that night but the night of the next 14 years in the life of Sri Rama, Sita Devi and their trusted protector Lakshmana. Austerities are necessary if something large is to be achieved. This is the essence of life. The one night of austerity may not have been enough for Shri Rama to expend his karma to become the role model of a king for epochs to come. He had to spend every night of 14 years on mats of kusha grass. In fact even when Sita Devi was abducted by Ravana and kept in the Garden of

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Ashoka or Ashok Vatika, She slept on Kusha grass. This is another indication that when people go through bad transits, particularly of Rahu, they need to keep control over their speech. Their speech can turn into curses, even though, they did not mean them. In short, the coronation ceremony kind of takes a time halt from this event until Sri Rama comes back after 14 years of exile. The Blunder of Adolf Hitler Germany was dependent on imported oil; a confrontation with Britain over the Czechoslovakian dispute could curtail Germany's oil supplies. Hitler called off Fall Grün, originally planned for 1 October 1938. On 29 September Hitler, Neville Chamberlain, Édouard Daladier, and Benito Mussolini attended a oneday conference in Munich that led to the Munich Agreement, which handed over the Sudetenland districts to Germany. Chamberlain was satisfied with the Munich conference, calling the outcome "peace for our time", while Hitler was angered about the missed opportunity for war in 1938; he expressed his disappointment in a speech on 9 October in Saarbrücken. In Hitler's view, the British-brokered peace, although favorable to the ostensible German demands, was a diplomatic defeat which spurred his intent of limiting British power to pave the way for the eastern expansion of Germany. As a result of the summit, Hitler was selected Time magazine's Man of the Year for 1938. In late 1938 and early 1939, the continuing economic crisis caused by rearmament forced Hitler to make major defence cuts. In his "Export or die" speech of 30 January 1939, he called for an economic offensive to increase German foreign exchange holdings to pay for raw materials such as high-grade iron needed for military weapons. On 15 March 1939, in violation of the Munich accord and possibly as a result of the deepening economic crisis requiring additional assets, Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to invade Prague, and from Prague Castle proclaimed Bohemia and Moravia a German protectorate. It was this decision that finally led to the downfall of Hitler. Blunders in life don’t happen on one fine day, it is a gradual buildup of stress and bad decisions which leads to negative karma that finally results in one’s downfall in every direction. Rahu creates extreme desire; it is the graha of unfulfilled desires and creates a storm of emotions in the intellect, mind and soul based on where the transit occurs in the Tripod of Life [Lagna, Moon, and Sun]. Mars and Sun bring in practicality and the hit of reality. They form the Agni Tattwa graha giving form and thus challenging the notions in the mind. Mars brings in structure, Sun

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challenges the ethics. This situation affects the Tripod of Life [natal positions of Lagna, Moon and Sun]. Around August end 1938, Rahu entered the Lagna Rasi of Hitler. Sun entered Libra around October 1938 and in December 1938 Mars entered Libra and passed over his natal Lagna. This triple transit – Rahu, Sun and Mars over his natal Lagna pushed him to make calls which finally resulted in his defeat and death. The Blunder of Mitt Romney Many political analysts have claimed that the “47% comment” made by Mitt Romney was a key turning point in the Presidential election of 2012. On September 17, excerpts from a video recorded on hidden camera were published by Mother Jones showing Romney speaking at a private $50,000-a-plate fundraiser held at hedge fund manager Marc Leder's mansion in Boca Raton. In the video, recorded May 17, Romney responded to a question about his campaign strategy, saying: There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That's an entitlement. The government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. And I mean the president starts off with 48, 49...he starts off with a huge number. These are people who pay no income tax. Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax. So our message of low taxes doesn't connect. So he'll be out there talking about tax cuts for the rich. ... My job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives. What I have to do is convince the 5–10% in the center that are independents, that are thoughtful, that look at voting one way or the other depending upon in some cases emotion, whether they like the guy or not. —Mitt Romney at the private fundraiser of May 17, 2012 In a press conference convened the night of the video's publication, Romney told reporters that while his "off the cuff" remarks could have been more eloquently stated, he had been conveying an important message: that his proposals to lower taxes would not be as persuasive to those who are not paying taxes or who rely on government services. "The president believes in what I’ve described as a government-centered society, where government plays a larger and larger role, provides for more and more of the needs of individuals. And I happen to believe instead in

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a free enterprise, free individual society where people pursuing their dreams are able to employ one another, build enterprises, and build the strongest economy in the world." Several weeks later, Romney commented, "I was completely wrong." Around June 2011, Rahu entered the Janma Rasi of Mitt Romney. Rahu was in Scorpio the whole time during the election process and left Scorpio only on Dec 22 2012. On June 2, 2011, Romney formally announced the start of his campaign. Speaking on a farm in Stratham, New Hampshire, he focused on the economy and criticized President Obama's handling of it. He said, "In the campaign to come, the American ideals of economic freedom and opportunity need a clear and unapologetic defense, and I intend to make it – because I have lived it." Sun entered Scorpio and touched Rahu first in November-December 2011. Sun, Rahu would have and should have resulted in a stir of events over his natal Moon. Sun always goes for reality checks. Romney continued to seek support from a wary Republican electorate; at this point in the race, his poll numbers were relatively flat and at a historically low level for a Republican frontrunner. After the charges of flip-flopping that marked his 2008 campaign began to accumulate again, Romney declared in November 2011: "I've been as consistent as human beings can be." In the final month before voting began, Newt Gingrich experienced a significant surge – taking a solid lead in national polls and most of the early caucus and primary states – before settling back into parity or worse with Romney following a barrage of negative ads from Restore Our Future, a pro-Romney Super PAC. In April-May 2012, Mars from Leo had a strong 4th aspect on the Rahu and natal Moon in Scoprio. Finally, in September 2012, Mars entered Scopio almost exactly at a point when the “47% comment” video surfaced on the internet. Mars and Rahu continued to pass over the natal Moon and Romney kept feeling the pressure of this transit. This yoga makes people do blunders and in Scorpio it would make someone’s secrets come out in the public. What ensued after this was a series of attacks on Mitt on everything “hidden” in his life – from the pranks he did as a teenager, his tax returns and his comments in private. The result was that he was accused of changing his stance so many times and loss of trust of the American people on his as a Presidential Candidate. The transit Mars, Rahu yoga over his natal Moon, made him lose the Presidential race. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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The Blunder of Mahatma Gandhi Suppression of the 1942 Quit India movement had a huge impact on the minds of the Indians. This gave birth to the idea that Gandhi was too weak to take on the battle of independence and radical and fundamentalist movements became stronger. It was this act of desperation that indirectly resulted in the death of Gandhi at the hands of Nathruam Godse. One of the achievements of the Quit India movement was to keep the Congress party united through all the trials and tribulations that followed. The British, already alarmed by the advance of the Japanese army to the India-Burma border, responded by imprisoning Gandhi. All the members of the Party's Working Committee (national leadership) were imprisoned as well. Due to the arrest of major leaders, a young and till then relatively unknown Aruna Asaf Ali presided over the AICC session on August 9 and hoisted the flag; later the Congress party was banned. These actions only created sympathy for the cause among the population. Despite lack of direct leadership, large protests and demonstrations were held all over the country. Workers remained absent en masse and strikes were called. Not all demonstrations were peaceful, at some places bombs exploded, government buildings were set on fire, electricity was cut and transport and communication lines were severed. The British swiftly responded with mass detentions. Over 100,000 arrests were made, mass fines were levied and demonstrators were subjected to public flogging. Hundreds of resisters and innocent people were killed in police and army shootings. Many national leaders went underground and continued their struggle by broadcasting messages over clandestine radio stations, distributing pamphlets and establishing parallel governments. The British sense of crisis was strong enough that a battleship was specifically set aside to take Gandhi and the Congress leaders out of India, possibly to South Africa or Yemen but ultimately did not take that step out of fear of intensifying the revolt. The Congress leadership was cut off from the rest of the world for over three years. Gandhi's wife Kasturbai Gandhi and his personal secretary Mahadev Desai died in months and Gandhi's health was failing, despite this Gandhi went on a 21-day fast and maintained his resolve to continuous resistance. Although the British released Gandhi on account of his health in 1944, Gandhi kept up the resistance, demanding the release of the Congress leadership. By early 1944, India was mostly peaceful again, while the Congress leadership was still incarcerated. A sense that the movement had failed depressed many nationalists, while Jinnah and the Muslim League, as well as Congress opponents like the Communists sought to gain political mileage, criticizing Gandhi and the Congress Party. In March 1943, Rahu entered Cancer, the natal Moon sign of Gandhi. In July August 1943, Sun also entered Cancer. This was a time of turmoil for him, because his dreams [Rahu] were being ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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shattered by reality [Sun]. Finally in April-May 1944, Mars entered Cancer with Rahu over his natal Moon. This was when Congress and Gandhi lost his ground and gave birth to alternate political parties and gave birth to the idea that Gandhi was a perhaps a road block to the path of Independence of India. Purely because of lack of time and space, I am unable to provide more case studies that I had almost ready. Please do study the Monica Lewinsky case of President Bill Clinton and some other political cases to understand the power of this yoga. Sade Sati is another example of Gochar Yoga. Sade Sati of Saturn is a concept which is valid for all other grahas as well. Perhaps at a later point, I will write about in detail.

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Rahu’s column Kala Sarpa Yoga by Amarnath Kalasarpa Yoga or Kala Sarpa Yoga or KSY in short is one of the most popular yogas discussed in the jyotish community. This yoga is formed when all the planets are hemmed between the lunar nodes. It is mentioned by most jyotishis that such a native will not enjoy mental peace in spite of having respect, money, power and prosperity and suffer in some area of his life. Some jyotishis have also defined the results of various types of Kala Sarpa Yogas based on the Bhavas they are formed in the chart. However, I have till date not seen in the history of jyotish, anyone going into the underlying principle of Kala Sarpa Yoga [KSY] which is much bigger than KSY and gets to the root of numerous Naadi principles. The underlying principle behind this is the progression of the grahas on natal positions. This is also the underlying principle behind transits on Bhrigu Bindu. In the case of KSY, we also have an additional concept of Hora.

The points of eclipses are the lunar nodes. The two lunar nodes are always 180 degrees apart and divide the cosmic sky in two spheres – Rahu’s sphere and Ketu’s sphere. This is not an alien concept to jyotish. The usual sphere divisions are on the lines of equinoxes and solstices. Uttarayan is the sphere of time between Winter Solstice and Summer solstice and Dakshinayan is the reverse. The nodal spheres are called the sphere of Kala or Time. This is because the measurement of time from the ancient times to today is done on Earth with reference to the luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. The nodes eclipse the luminaries and thereby have power over the luminaries.

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This makes them symbolic of Kala as Time. This indicates the fact that continuity of time is beyond the presence of luminaries – the Sun and the Moon. Sarpa is always associated with the nodes and specially Rahu. The reason for this association is the uniqueness in the movement of a snake. This is also the movement of Time or Kala and this has been explained in one of the earlier editions of the Times. There is much more to this but you being an intelligent reader will find this much information more than sufficient. The principle is extremely simple, while progressing through the birth chart, which natal points would Rahu pass through and which natal points would Ketu pass through. The natal points that Rahu would pass through would cause desire and dissatisfaction and those that Ketu pass through would cause mistakes and detachment. This theory is universal and valid for every chart, irrespective of the fact if the chart has KSY or not. What makes KSY unique is that one among Rahu or Ketu passes over every natal point of the horoscope giving just one sided effect to the life of the native, making the native feel trapped in life. This type of Yoga is called Vishesha Yoga or Progressive Yoga and used extensively in Naadi Jyotish to make startling predictions. Gaha Malika Yoga is an example of Vishesha Yoga. A whole book of 300 pages can be written on this and permutation and combination of this Yoga but for now, let me end it here.

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Abraham Lincoln

The axis on the nodes determines the two spheres of life – desire and detachment. From 15 degrees of Aries to 15 degrees of Libra is the sphere of Ketu. This is where Lincoln will make mistakes and this is where he will be ready to give up for a greater good. From 15 degrees of Libra to 15 degrees of Aries is the sphere of Rahu where he will have unfilled desires and hope. We see the spheres where Lincoln will be ready to give up and be detached as 2H, 1H, 12H, 11H, and 10H. We see the spheres where he will have immense attachment as 8H, 7H, 6H, 5H and 4H. This KSY in the case of Lincoln will make him a warrior for a cause and almost like a saint on a mission since Ketu will pass over each and every natal point in his chart. The details of this progression are beyond the scope of this article and a very secret Naadi technique which I will not reveal in written form. However, the intelligent among you might pursue a search for this technique. With this technique death and disasters can be precisely pinpointed. However, what is clear in this chart is the fact that all Grahas fall on the path of Ketu which is located in Aries and gives the tendency to fight for a strong cause. The lord of Aries, Mars is in Libra with Rahu showing that the mission of life for which the native will sacrifice everything will be for equality of the have nots and the aliens [in other words the slaves who were considered outsiders].

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Benito Mussolini

Mussolini has an identical nodal axis as Lincoln’s except that all Grahas are in the path from Rahu to Ketu instead of Ketu to Rahu [in case of Lincoln]. Rahu’s sphere has all grahas except the Lagna. Rahu is in Libra showing the dominant presence of society and socialist behavior for all spheres of life. Desire to create a completely socialist Italy and finally a world was the underlying desire of Mussolini. With Rahu being the key graha in Mussolini’s chart, everything in his life was based on wish fulfillment, dreams and unfulfilled desire. If one goes over his life pattern, the notion of Rahu is dominant in Mussolini’s chart. Interested readers are encouraged to use this principle not only in charts with KSY but also in regular charts.

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Ketu’s column Yoga Principles Underlying Indian Astronomy by Sowjanya Gajula This article is strongly influenced by an article written by Shri K Chandrahari in the Astrological magazine. Yoga Basis of the Indian Zodiac In India, the Zodiac (mathematical abstraction of the ecliptic as a circle of 360 degrees and 21600') is known by different names as Kalachakra, Rasi chakra, Jyotish chakra etc. and explanations are available for each name. Looking at the astronomical works, we can see in Surya siddhantaTime is the destroyer of the worlds; another is the computed intervals. The latter is gross and minute or conceivable and inconceivable. Time in units of prana is real and experienced and those like Truti are imaginary. Six pranas make a Vinadi, sixty of which is a Nadi. Here we see the most fundamental Hindu concept of Time based on the duration of breath, namely, Prana, during which the earth and celestial sphere were imagined to revolve through one minute of arc and thus the wheel of time was abstracted into 21600 minutes of arc or Prana. It is said in Gitika 6 of Aryabhateeyam or the earth rotates one minute of arc in one breath of a man, of course of a Yogi. It is apparent from the above that we have the conception of a human being of 21600 Pranas, a day or 360 Pranas in 1 Nadi or 900 Pranas in one hour — being in tune with the Sidereal rotation of earth. From sunrise to sunrise, Hindus observed the day and breath exercise or 'pranayama' was a routine matter in the lives of ancient people as may be understood from ancient literature. To further understand the interrelationship as well as mutual sharing of concepts, we need to have a peep into some works on Yoga that deal with breathing patterns. Sivasvarodaya is perhaps the only work that is available now in print and in that we find •

Breath moves in the fashion of 'Hamsa' (Hathyogapradipika, Verse 1.10)

21600 respirations find a description in the verses of Hathayogapradipika. Ha'kara is famous as the Sun and 'Sa'kara is the Moon. Hakara is exhalation and Sakara is inhalation and thus the breathing is famous as Hamsa. All human beings chant the ‘Hamsah’ Mantra 21600 times a day and it is this phenomenon that inspired the Tantrikas to divide the path of the Sun and the Moon into 21600 kalas. It cannot be otherwise — the design made on the sky had an earthly experience as its basis. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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It’s well known that the Hamsa strides over the nadis ida(Moon) and Pingala (sun) we can find in sivasvrodaya:

Ida and pingala also are known as Chandra and Surya Nadis and the same is described as aligned along the route of Prana. •

In Verses 48-52, we can find an explanation as to Sa being breathing-in and shakti and Ha means breathing-out and Siva respectively controlled by the Moon and the Sun. This is an explicit correlation between the pattern of breathing and the Sun and Moon.

In Verse 62, it says, on the first day of the bright fortnight Ida is more active while for the first day of the dark fortnight, the Pingala is more active. They remain powerful as described especially for the first three days of each fortnight.

In Verse 63, the daily breathing pattern of the fortnights is described. Svara of Moon in light fortnight and Sun in dark fortnight covers the 60 Nadis of the day alternately for 2.5 Nadis. Yogis should keenly understand the onset of light and dark fortnights by the occurrence of the Svara of the Moon and the Sun respectively.

Here we see find an ideal pattern of breathing described in relation to the luni-solar phenomena and as explained in the succeeding verses, the aim of Pranayama is to achieve control over the process and the desired pattern — one who has control over the two Nadis Ida and Pingala is a Yogi. We can also see the unit of Hora or hour here — 2.5 Nadis — the alternate intervals of thg Sun and the Moon over day and night. Kalahora too derives its existence from the same and is the basis of weekdays. The Zodiac divisions of the name `Hora' — half of each sign owned by the Sun and Moon is an adaptation of this pattern of Nadis. •

The interrelationship of the breaths and the external luni-solar cycles is clearly stated in Verses 67-68. The Sun is in control of the Surya-svara and Moon is linked to the Chandra-svara. One who knows the maintenance of this rhythm can conquer the world in no time. Rising of the Sun in Chandra-svara and setting in Surya-svara keeps one in the best of qualities and the opposite is to be avoided.

The rationale of the weekdays is explained as: On the days of the Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, especially in the bright fortnight and on the days of the Sun, Mars and Saturn especially on the dark fortnight, the left and right Nadis are auspicious for undertaking all works.

The year beginning and the solstices are also included. On the morning of Chaitrasukla Pratipada and the Daksinayana and Uttarayana, the adept Yogi must observe the flow of Panchabhutas to understand the nature of time ahead.

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We thus find a description of the various elements of the luni-solar calendar in relation to the breathing phenomenon of the human body. Extreme importance attached to astronomy in the ancient civilizations and Hindu way of life now allows better comprehension. Ida, Pingala and Susumna were known throughout the ancient world as is evident from the legend of Aesculapius, son of Apollo. Yoga Basis of Muladhara at 240 Degrees Only Yoga Sastra is able to explain the rationale of a Sidereal Fixed Zodiac and its reference point at 240degrees. The basic axioms of Yoga relevant to the context are: •

Yogasikhopanisad describes the human body or the Pindanda as Sivalayam or the temple of Siva and identifies the seat of divinity as Muladharam in verses 1.138 and 5.5. In the jivarupam or Jivapurusha the abode of Siva is the triangular shaped Muladharam placed between the anus and the genitals.

Uttaragita says and presents a description of the body in terms of various geographical locations. It places the seven Patalas below Muladharam and the seven upper worlds above. Jiva is said to be in the form of a coiled serpent like earth's equator around the genitals, which mark the earth. Tanta terminology takes Lanka as Muladharam where Kundalini, the consort of Siva, resides. Kamakhya giri is genitals while Varanasi (between the eyebrows Varuna and Asi) and Kurukshetram represents the bhru chakra.

It is apparent that the places were named after the development of Tantra and these names and the great rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati named after the Nadis Ida, Pingala, Susumna are a pointer towards the great antiquity of Tantrik conceptions. In this context, it is interesting to note the following comments of Arthur Avalon. The three are also known as Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati after the names of the three sacred rivers of India. The Muladhara is the meeting place of the three rivers and hence is called Yukta-triveni . Arthur Avalon certainly had insight. The Nadis were all not named after the rivers and on the contrary the rivers and places of India named after the Tantrik conceptions as evident from the missing Triveni of Prayag. We have become foolish enough to look for Triveni and the ‘underground’ Saraswati at Prayag as we have forgotten Tantrik origin of the way of life. Related to Ganga and Yamuna is the Matsya one of the five ‘ma’ karas of Tantra_ The two fishes of Ganga and Yamuna biting each other's tails represent the breathing process and are the symbolism of Meena Rasi or the Zodiacal sign Pisces. Original Trivenis are at Muladharam and Ajnachakra (Yukta and Mukta) and are the confluence of the three Nadis mentioned above. Further Arthur Avalon has quoted Yamala to express the geometry of these three most Nadis: On its (i.e. Meru’s) left and right are lda and Pingala. These two go straight up, alternating from

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left to right and right to left and having thus gone round all the Lotuses. These auspicious ones proceed to the nostrils. Pranayama is a popular breathing exercise involving exhalation, inhalation and retention of breath. In Pranayama the equilibrium of Prana and Apana achieved through breath control via exhalation, inhalation and holding of the breath. In the Gita we find - Of the debts in Pranayama a few sacrifice Prana in Apana and others Apana in Prana for regulating Prana and Apana. The need for regulating Prana and Apana is evident in: Mind and the Vayus (most importantly Prana and Apana) are analogous to a mix of milk and water in flow — wherever the Vayu is mind attends to it and where the mind is Vayu will be there. Also we can find in Yogasikhopanisad (1.59 - 60 and 1.56) that the control of the mind is possible only through the control of Prana and Prana is controlled by equalizing the polarity of the Sun and Moon existing in the body. It is apparent from the above that the aim of Yoga was mind control that was possible only through the control of Prana with help of various practices like Mulabandha. Mulabandha There is no doubt that by practicing Mulabandha, Prana/Apana and Nada/Bindu get united and Yogasiddhi is attained. Pressing the perineum/vagina with the heel and contracting the rectum, make Apana rise upwards in successive steps. Kundalini and Kula-Devata The influence of Yoga and Tantra on the Indian tradition is evident from the analogy between Kundalini and Kuladevata. Muladharam represented the Kulam, the abode of the Yogis Near the Svayambhulinga is the golden region called Kula where Dviranda and Devi Dakini are found. At the center of that lotus is the Yoni where Kundalini resides and above which circles the lustrous Kamabtjam. The wise who always contemplate on this Muladhara obtain Darduri Siddhi (frog jump) and further There (at the Muladharam) is, Kundalini, the supreme deity of coiled three and a half rounds situated at the mouth of Susumna. She is creation in form and always creative. She is the deity of speech who is beyond speech and greeted by other gods. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Extent of Yoga Nadis Above this (Ajnachakra) at the base of the palate is the 1000 petalled lotus, which holds the root of the Susumna and the orifice. From the base of the palate to Muladhara and the genitals extends Susumna downwards and all Nadis stand linked to it. These Nadis are the source of "tattvas" and lead one to the path of Brahma. In these verses we find the significance of Muladharam beyond any doubt and also the extent of the Nadi system that enabled man to become God through the path of Yoga. Jyotisha served to provide the time indications that led to synchronicity of the microcosm with macrocosm — the geometry of the bio-cosmic energy field and use of time element to tap it. All these descriptions of Tantrik anatomy point towards the importance Muladharam had in the practice and realization of Yogashakti. It is quite likely that with not only the terminology being synonymous between Yoga and Jyotisha [Surya, Chandra, Nadi, Yoga, Bhukti, Bhoga, Kala, Preceptors Siva and Shakti, Jyoti, Kundalini, Jiva, Bhuja, Bhujanga (Rahu and Sikhi) but also the conceptions share a parallelism and correlation.

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AIAC Team Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Chicago, IL December 27, 2012 14:00 hrs CST

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