AI Lab 1
October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Artificial Intelligence CSL 411
Lab Journal
Fatima Saeed Khan 01-134182-015 BSCS 6A
Department of Computer Science
Lab # 1: Introduction to Python
To be able to install python. Introduction to python IDLE and learning to code in python
Tools Used: IDLE (Python 3.4 GUI Python)
Submission Date: 3/4/21
Signatures of Lab Engineer:
Task # 1:
Open IDLE and run the following program. Try different integer values for separate runs of the program. Play around with the indentation of the program lines of code and run it again. See what happens.. Make a note of what changes you made and how it made the program behave. Also note any happens errors, as well as the changes you need to make to remove the errors. x = input("Please enter an integer: ") if x < 0:
x = 0
print('Negative changed to zero')
elif x == 0:
elif x == 1:
x = int(input("Please enter an integer: ")) #typecasting if x < 0: x=0 print('Negative changed to zero') elif x == 0: print('Zero') elif x == 1: print('Single') else: print('More')
Because Python takes input as a string, we cannot use comparison operators on it. Hence, we need to typecast the input.
Task # 2: 1.
Write a simple unit calculator program. Follow the steps below: a. Declare and define a function named Menu which displays a list of cho choices ices for user such as meter to kilometer, kilometer to meter, centimeter to meter, & centimeter ce ntimeter to millimeter. It takes the choice from user as an input and return. b. c. d.
Define and declare separate function for each choice. In the main body ofathe program call respective function depending on user’s choice. Program should not terminate till user chooses option to “Quit”.
def Menu (): print("Choose Type of Conversion:\n1. Meters to Kilometers\n2. Kilometers\n2. Kilometers to Meteres\n3. Centimeters to Meters\n4. Centimeters to Milimeters\n5. Quit") choice = str(input()) return choice; def mtokm(v): return float(v)/1000 def kmtom(v): return float(v)*1000 def cmtom(v): return float(v)/100 def cmtomm(v): return float(v)*10 while 1: x=Menu()
if x == '1': val = int(input("Enter Value: ")) print (mtokm(val), "KM") elif x == '2': val = int(input("Enter Value: ")) print (kmtom(val), "Meters") elif x == '3': val = int(input("Enter Value: ")) print (cmtom(val), "Meters") elif x == '4': val = int(input("Enter Value: ")) print (cmtomm(val), "Millimeters") elif x == '5': break Result/Output: Main Menu:
Sample Output:
A separate function is created using def just just for displaying the main menu to the user and taking their choice from it. Then, different functions for each type of conversions are defined with their respective formulas. Finally, in the main function, we used a while loop to infinitely display the main menu after
each conversion until the user decides to quit. Since the input is taken as a string by default, it should b bee ensured that typecasting to string is done for each value entered by the user to achieve the correct output. Task # 3:
1. Create Create a class name basic_cal basic_calcc with follow following ing attribut attributes es and methods methods;; Two integers (values are passed with instance creation) Different methods such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication Create another class inherited from basic_calc named s_calc which should have the following additional methods; Factorial, x_power_y,log, ln etc 2. Modify Modify the classe classess created created in in the above above task task under under as follows: follows: Create a module name having the class name basic_calc with all the attributes attributes and methods defined before. Now import the module in your program and do the inheritance step defined before i.e. Create another class inherited from basic_calc named s_calc which should have the following additional methods; Factorial, x_power_y, log, ln etc
Procedure/Program: 1.
import math class basic_calc: def __innit__(self, int1, int2) :
self.x = int1 self.y = int2 def add(self) : return self.x + self.y def subtract(self) : return self.x - self.y def multiply(self) : return self.x * self.y def divide(self) : return self.x / self.y
class s_calc(basic_calc):
def fact(self): return (math.factorial(x), math.factorial(y)) def power(self): return pow(self.x, self.y) def log(self): return (math.log(self.x), math.log(self.y)) def ln(self): return (math.log(self.x), math.log(self.y)) 2. - Creating ba
Importing Module
import math import basic class s_calc(basic.basic_calc): def fact(self): return (math.factorial(self.x)) (math.factorial(self.x)) def power(self): return pow(self.x, self.y) def log(self): return (math.log(self.x), math.log(self.y)) def ln(self): return (math.log(self.x), math.log(self.y)) def Menu():
print("ENTER CHOICE\n1. Addition\n2. Subtraction\n3. Multiplication\n4. Division\5. Finding Factorial\n6. Power\n7. Logarithm\n8. Natural Log (ln)\n8. Exit") choice = str(input()) return choice while 1: ch=Menu() if ch == '1': x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Sum = ",obj.add(),"\n") elif ch == '2': x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Difference = ",obj.subtract(),"\n") elif ch == '3': x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Product = ",obj.multiply(),"\n") elif option == '4': x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Quotient = ",obj.divide(),"\n") elif option == '5': x = int(input("Value")) y=int(0) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Factorial = ",obj.fact(),"\n") elif option == '6': x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Power = ",obj.power(),"\n") elif option == '7':
x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Log = ",obj.log(),"\n") elif option == '8': x = int(input("First Value")) y = int(input("Second Value")) obj = s_calc(x,y) print("Ln = ",obj.ln(),"\n") elif option == '9': break
To create a new module we have simply created a new python file, named it and saved it. Then we entered our basic operations code cod e into it. In order to import it into our main file we used import keyword. We defined the other types of calculation into the main file by using inheritance from the basic class.
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