Agilent vs Integrated Silicon

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G.R. No. 154618

April 14, 2004

AGILENT AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGIES SINGAPORE SINGAPORE (PTE) LTD., LTD., petitioner, vs. INTEGRATED SILICON TECHNOLOG PHILIPPINES CORPORATION, TEOH !IANG HONG, TEOH !IANG SENG, ANTHON CHOO, "OANNE !ATE #. DELA CR$%, "EAN !A #. DELA CR$% &' ROLANDO T. NACILLA, respondents. NATURE: NATURE: petition for review assails the Decision of the Court of Appeals, which dismissed Civil Case No. 3!3"!##"C, and annulled and set aside the $rder issued %& the Re'ional Trial Court (ACT): 1. P*i*i P*i*io' o'r r A+il A+il'* '* T-' T-'olo olo+i +i  Si'+&p Si'+&por or (/A+il (/A+il'* '*/) /) i & ori+' ori+' orpor&*io', orpor&*io', -i-, 3 i* o' &iio' &iio',, i 'o* li' *o o i' i' *- P-ilipi'. !. Responden Respondentt *nte'rated *nte'rated )ilicon Technol Technolo'& o'& +hilippines +hilippines Corporation Corporation -*nte'rat -*nte'rated ed )ilicon- )ilicon- is a private private domestic domestic corporatio corporation, n, ##/ forei'n owned, which is en'a'ed in the %usiness of manufacturin' and assem% assem%lin lin' ' electr electroni onics cs compon component ents. s. Also, Also, some some of the respondents are mem%ers of its %oard of directors and some are its former mem%ers. 3. *nte'rated *nte'rated )ilicon )ilicon and the the 0ewlett"+ac1 0ewlett"+ac1ard ard )in'apore )in'apore +te. +te. 2td., )in'apore Components $peration -0+")in'apore- entered into a "&ear 4alue Added Assem%l& )ervices A'reement -4AA)A-. -4AA)A-. 5. Under Under the terms of the the contract, contract, *nte'rate *nte'rated d )ilicon was was to locall& locall& manufa manufactu cture re and assem% assem%le le fi%er fi%er optics optics for e6port e6port to 0+" )in'ap )in'apore ore.. 0+")in 0+")in'ap 'apore ore,, for its part, part, was to consi' consi'n n raw materials to *nte'rated )ilicon7 transport machiner& to the plant of  *nte'rated )ilicon7 and pa& *nte'rated )ilicon the purchase price of  the finished products. . The 4AA)A 4AA)A had had a five"& five"&ear ear term with with a provis provision ion for annual annual renewal %& mutual written consent. $n )eptem%er 8, 888, with the consent of *nte'rated )ilicon, HPSi'+&por &i+' &ll i* ri+-* &' oli+&*io' i' *- 7AASA *o A+il'*.

9. *nte'rated *nte'rated )ilicon )ilicon filed filed a complaint complaint for -)pecific -)pecific +erforman +erformance ce and Dama'es- a'ainst A'ilent and its officers. *t alle'ed that A'ilent %reached %reached the parties parties oral a'reement a'reement to e6tend e6tend the 4AA)A. 4AA)A. *nte'r *nte'rate ated d )ilico )ilicon n thus thus pra&ed pra&ed that that defend defendant ant %e ordere ordered d to e6ecute a written e6tension of the 4AA)A for a period of five &ears7 to compl& with the e6tended 4AA)A7 and to pa& dama'es ;. )umm )ummon ons s and and a cop& cop& of the compla complain intt were were served served on Att& Att&. Ramon # da&s or more7 participatin' in the mana'ement, supervision or control of an& domestic %usiness, firm, entit&, or corporation in the +hilippines7 and an& other act or acts that impl& a continuit& of commercial dealin's or arran'ements, and contemplate to that e6tent the performance of acts or wor1s, or the e6ercise of  some of the functions normall& incident to, and in the pro'ressive prosecution of,

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