Agile Transformation Health Check

November 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Improvement Acons

1. Responsive Enterprise The transformaon has a compelling why A transformaon requires a burning plaorm or a big opportunity that is dened, communicated and recognized by people. People are not willing to change withouth a serious reason. That reason can be either negave or posive

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Awesome is dened People are not unwilling to c hange, although, they know in what direcon they are moving. Therefore, what the transformaon is aiming for need to be dened and intesively communicated



There is a roadmap for agility The Agile journey will take a while, denitely. denitely. So there need to be a roadmap to set expectaons. The roadmap shows what can be expected along the way and wat stages of agility there are

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The Agility Ladder is used as maturity model mod el Is the agilty ladder used as the maturity model for the organizaon and is the ladder recognized by people as the way to go?



2. Change Management Ready, Willing and Able to Change? An Agile Transformaon is an organizaonal change with big impact. Scope becomes bigger along the way, way, and the change goes deep into peoples mindset , atude, values and beliefs. So ask yourself, yourself, how ready, willing and able to change am i, and is my environment

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There is a leading coalion and a formal governance for the transformaon transformaon An Agile Transformaon needs requires leadership. A group of people willing to take the challenges and make things happen. Without that mindset and withouth a formal governance structure, the change for success and sustaining change is low

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Sponsorship is at right level From Experience we have leared that sponsorship must be 2 levels above the change area. Sponsorship at the right level reduces the change that your iniaves are killed from unexpected forces

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From Agility ladder, IT, Business, Governance and Culture are adressed Transformons Transformons is a way more than introducing scrum as working proces, other elements need to be addressed like, Business, Governance and Culture, or proces, people and technology

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3. Transformaon Planning There is a plan for the transformaon transformaon Agile does not kill planning by embracing changes. Your transformaon transformaon needs a plan that covers at least 3 months to detect deviaons and show progress every quarter



Stakeholders are idened Since the scope and impact of an Agile Transformaon Transformaon is oen overlooked, you need a stakeholder map to reduce the chance of mis sing important players



There formal approval is communicated to the organizaon The sense of urgency and the priority for your inives seriously increase with a formal approavel. Preferably the company's CEO is speaking about it at internal and external events, is blogging about it or does other things to underscore the importance

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Current situaon is described (picture before) Picture aer is planned You need to show progress, therefore you must be able to present achievements in 3 months me. When the current situaon is described, you can easily present the changes later on



4. Transformaon Execuon The transformaon transformaon has an owner An organizaonal change need ownership, in case of an Agile Transformaon, Transformaon, a li ne manager needs to ll in the role of P O of the transformaon



Transion team delivers 'Done' Increments One of the hardest things is to deliver c hange incremental and iterave, anyway a transforma transformaon on team must deliver 'done' increments at the end of every change iteraon



Show successes early and oen to enre organizaon Selling the succes is key in an organizaonal change, your are not selling enough as long as you don't hear you are over communicang



Progress is transparent via Leading and Lagging KPI's Selling the success is mostly done via story telling. Apart from success stories you need numbers, data to show progress in terms of output and outcome



5. Agile Teams Team Coaching approach There is an approach for t raining and coaching teams, in waves, to ma ke clear what we expect from each role, including the role of the coach and readiness of the teams



Maturity model for Teams Teams need to know what we expect from them, therefore a maturity models gives guidance in the pracces they need to follow to grow and become high performance. A maturity model is turned into acon via quarterly assessments (seles) and an improvement backlog

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KPI's for Teams Where the maturity model shows the pracces a team has in place, on top of that, a mature team is eager to measure and improve in terms of output (KPI's) also



6. Educaon Educaon plans for crical roles are dened Being a good scrum master, product product owner or manager is on one hand a natural skill, and also requires an educaon plan, created and executed to help people growing the required skills, develop a toolbox and understand what's expected from them in a changing organizaon

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SM's PO's and Management are trained/skil trained/skilled led Basic topic here is do we see the right behaviour from scrum masters, product owners and management. We focus on these 3 roles since they are key, key, they make the transformaon happen, or not



There is a structure in place for connous learning Educaon is not completed aer a 2 day trainig course. In a changing environement, people need to work on theirs skillset connously, therefore plaorms plaorms like guilds, commmunies of pracse and intervision or coaching circles need to be in place

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7. Scaling Transformaon seeks to minimize dependencies While working on scaling issues and implemenng scaling pracces, the main focus is to reduce dependencies. Make it easier t o deliver an E2E integrated product early and oen



Automaon to validate your working product (integrated (integrated dependencies Aer reducon of dependencies, automaon is the second strategy to deal with dependencies. Introducon of Connous Integraon, Build, test and deployment automaon helps to detect dependency issues early and oen

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Scaling approach selected to solve scaling issues Aer reducing dependencies and automaon of



8. Governance Governance is subject of change The introducon of agility requires changes in the formal structures. policies, procedures and structures will not sustain and couse a lot ofWorking fricon Agile withing exisng



Governance is opmized, incremental and iterave Upfront design of a new governance model that answers all the quesons won't work. Therefore the governance model need incremental and iterave changes while experimenng with agile pracces



Governance promotes agility The rst step is to allow a gile way of working with dedicated teams, in short cycles, next step is a governance that enforces projects to work Agile



9. Culture Agile is explained as the values and principles from the manifesto Where scrum gives guidance on what to do, Agile is recognized as values, beliefs and behaviour coming from the agile manifesto. The manifesto and the principles are acvely used in discussions and decision making

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Desired culture is dened, progress is monitored Culture tends to be invisible. At the other hand, expected behaviour can be menoned, described, highlighted to make culture visible



People are proud

Employees are proud on their company, job, role, team, product, new way of working etc



Culture is regulary discussed Conversaons are the best way to adress cultural issues. Therefore in a transformaon, culture and related aspects should be on the table early and oen



10. Leadership Turn the ship arround The Leadershipstyle needs to chang from managing the content to context. From m aking decisions to create condions for selforganizaons. From reacng to events and escalaons to help people and teams to be successfull

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Willing to take the pain An Agile Transformaon makes makes a lot o f issues transparent in a painfull way. way. The Leadership team must understand this will happen, and be willing to really take this pain and not cover the real issues with hoixes or workarounds

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Managerss have a rythm in their agenda Manager Is the paradigm shi visible in management agenda's, less operaonal stu and incident handling, more structural recurring meengs to improve people, teams a nd organizaons




Agile Transformaon Health Check 1. Responsive Ent

1. Responsive Enterprise


2. Change Management


3. Transformaon Planning


4. Transformaon Execuon


5. Agile Teams


10. Leadership

3.0 2.0

9. Culture

1.0 0.0

8. Governance

6. Educaon


7. Scaling


8. Governance


9. Culture


10. Leadership


7. Scaling 6. Educao




erprise 2. Change Management

3. Transform Transformaon aon Pla nning Column B 4. Transformaon Execuon

5. Agile Teams  

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