Agile Dumps

September 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Which of the following following is NOT part of the Agile Manifesto? o o o o

Individuals and interacons over processes and tools Working soware over comprehensive documentaon Customer collaboraon over contract negoaon Following a plan over responding to change

2. Which of the following following is NOT a benet of using Kanban as soware projects? o o o o

It is a transparent transparent means to depict the project progress It helps quick repriorizaon to accommodate changes for soware cycle It minimize waste by promong automaon It helps to meet the service level agreements in a realisc way

3. Roles in extreme programming (XP) are dened as o o o o

Customer, programmers, coach, Tracker Customer, Developer, tester, vendor Customer, Team, Mentor, vendor Customer, Engineer, Quality Analyst, Coach

4. When can a story be considered as DONE in an agile project? o o o o

The story authoring is completed by Business Analyst Developer has completed code and unit test on the story Tester has completed automaon automaon and manual tesng and no defects are open Story has passed acceptance criteria

5. The agile project team members are giving a demo of the soware to the stakeholders stakeholders at end of the sprint. What is this a meeng known as o o o o

Sprint Review meeng Daily Stand up meeng Sprint Retrospecve meeng Sprint planning meeng

6. For Release planning meeng, _____________ _____________ measure helps the product owner to predict compleon of user stories over a period of me o o o o

 Velocity Defect density Eect variance Capability

7. ALM (Applicaon life cycle Management Management tool in in Agile projects can be used used for o o o o

 Managing product back log Sprint planning and tracking Managing project Arfacts All the above


8. During an esmaon meeng, in case there is no agreement regarding the esmaon of a given story among the team members the following acon can be taken o o o o

The Team contacts contacts experts for guidance regarding the esmaons The scrum master acts as moderate and helps to fnding a soluon The team discusses with the product owner to get claricaons on the exact requirements Any one or more of the above opons

9. The Agile project team is doing esmaon of user stories and they tag 8 points to one parcular user story. As a developer, what will you infer from this? o o o o

It will need 8 hrs to complete the user story It would take 8 days to complete the user story It would need 8 team members to work on this user story It is the relave size with respect to other user stories

10.One of the manager from client’s end is auding the Infosys way of execung an agile project. He found that out of 4 planned Sprints in a release, the detailed plan is available only for the rst which is ongoing and high level plans are available availabl e for other three sprints. He raises the concerns around the same and quesons one of the Agile team member on why details plan for other sprint are not available available.. As a team member of this agile project, what would be your suitable response to the client manager in this situaon? o o o o

Take iniave and go head to create the detailed planned for remaining three sprints Explain him that detailed sprint plan would be done only at respecve sprint planning stage Inform Scrum master to create detailed plans for remaining three sprints in the release upfront Convince him that the same plan would be applicable for all sprints in this release

11. What so skills should be possess to avoid delays during sprint execuon o o o

 The team should be disciplined in all their acvies Plan upfront to tackle any dependencies ( internal / external) Speak out all the assumpons and impediments


12. What of the following following so skills are important important while working in agile project?    

Analycal ability Listening and quesoning Pro-acveness Delegaon

13. What are the disadvantages disadvantages if the agile team does not conduct a sprint Retrospecve Meeng? (a) Team Team would not get various prespecve of all the members regarding their insight on the project (b) Team Team would miss on the lessons learnt from the previous sprint mistakes mistakes (c) Team Team would miss the opportunity to collaborate with all the external stake holders o o o

A and B only

A and C only B and C only


14. While decomposing the user stories into tasks, which of the following is considered as good pracce by an individual to identy the right task to complete the user story? o o o o

Take inputs from the other team members Discuss with business users for every Task idened Communicate Communicat e the tasks to product owner and take sign o  Verify if these task are similar to any other similar projects

15. So skills of individuals maers in reducing the defects at the end of every sprint o

True, Tru e, so skills like arculang understanding the requirements and acceptance criteria, proacvely


idenying the risks and issues and communicang it to team etc. acilies in reducon o deects False, Defects are primarily because of either ineciency in technical competency of the team members or

misinterpretaon misinterpr etaon of requirements or any other similar cause but not related to so skills at all 16. What is relevance of Mocking and stubbing while developing the code using the test driven development approach o o o o

 For creang simulated objects and or tesng a class or method or deriving expected out put Helps programmers to maintain a comprehensive set of repeatable tests to run them t hem exhausvely Reduces the need for debugging the code Reduces the number of lines of code in funconal implementaon of the business problem

17. Which of the following is TRUE about acceptance Test driven development pracce? o

Enre team brainstorms collaboravely collaboravely ocusing on capturing requirements requirements and the acceptance criteria o the


applicaon and uses them to drive the developmen developmentt Enre team brainstorms collaboravely collaboravely focusing on capturing requirements and the acceptance criteria of the


applicaon and uses them to perform the system system and integraon tesng Enre team brainstorms collaboravely collaboravely on the t he design of the applicaon completes the code development and dues acceptance tesng based on the architectural design

18. Which of the following is a benet of implemenng Test Driven Development? o o

o o

Challenges the design at every step thus ensuring the design grows more stable Acts a safety net when programmer performs refactoring Delivers the work in a single way to avoid complexity All o the above

19. A programmer reads a requirement and understands what needs to be implemented. She adapts test driven development (TDD) approach for developing developing the code. She starts wring the tests, runs them, develops the code accordingly and makes all the tests pass. Which of the following acvies should the programmer be recommended to do once all the tests are passed? o o o o

Write code comments Measure the size of the code Reractor the code No acon

20. One of the user cases to be implemented for for the System under test (SUT) species that passing the zero as an input for an operaon should result in an error. error. Which of the following is the best opon when developing the SUT using Test driven development?



Plan or specifc type o excepon excepon to be thrown in this scenario and write and upront automated unit test that passes in zero as an input value value and checks or the specifc specifc excep excepon on type expected using the API by provided by the unit tesng ramework being use.

21. Choose the set of test inputs that would be best suited for unit tesng the code below:   Funcon WHICH _HALF_YEAR( integer month) month) Returns Returns string  (   If (( month 12)) Throw new excepon   Else if( month
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