Agency, Trust and Partnership Reviewer

October 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PH_VND_]JAP  at as h MCNV_HMV wjdrdoy twc cr icrd pdrscns (8) oanf (8) oanf tjdisdkvds tc MCNV_AOT MCNV _AOTVD VD icndy, icndy, prcpdrty, prcpdrty, cr anfustry tc h MCIICN MCIICN ETNF ETNF (?)  (?)  watj tjd antdntacn ce favafang tjd P_CEAV] hicng tjdisdkvds cr an crfdr tc DZD_MA]D h P_CED]]ACN

MCN]DXTDNMD] CE VJD PH_VND_]JAP ODANG H BT_AFAMHK DNVAVQ 8. ats burafam burafamhk hk pdrscnh pdrscnhkat katy y as ]D ]DPH PH_HV _HVD D hnf FA]V FA]VANM ANMV V erci erci tjh tjhtt ce dhmj phrtndr ?.


O) M) F)

  h ]VHVT] hnf h EAFTMAH_Q _DKHVACN suosastang odtwddn pdrscns mhrryang cn h ousandss an mciicn watj h vadw cn prceat

MJH_HMVD_A]VAM] CE VJD MCNV_HMV CE PH_VND_]JAP \M, M, K, A, H], NPY 8. MCN]DN]THK  pdredmtdf oy idrd mcnsdnt ?. MCNV_AOTVACN ce icndy, prcpdrty cr anfustry tc h MCIICN ETNF =. cobdmt iust od h KHWETK cnd 6. ANVDNVACN ce FAUAFANG tjd P_CE P_CEAV AV hicng tjd PH_VND_] 4. ‛HEEDMVAC ]CMADVHVA]’   tjd fdsard tc ecriukhtd hn HMVAUD TNACN, watj pdcpkd hicng wjci tjdrd dxast h iutuhk MCNEAFDNMD hnf V_T]V] 5. NDW PD_]CNHKAVQ  tjd cobdmt iust od ecr prceat hnf nct idrdky ecr tjd mciicn dnbcyidnt ctjdrwasd ctjdr wasd cnky h mc-cw mc-cwndrs ndrsjap jap jhs odd oddn n ecridf. ecridf. JCW JCWDUD_, DUD_, pdmunahry pdmunahry prceat nddf nct od tjd cnky hai, at as dncugj tjht at as tjd pranmaphk purpcsd OT]AND]] V_T]V]  wjdn mdrthan pdrscns dntrust tjdar prcpdrty cr icndy tc ctjdrs wjc wakk ihnhgd tjd shid ecr tjd ecridr _TKD] CN MHPHMAVQ VC ODMCID H PH_VND_  8. h pdrscn pdrscn mhph mhphma matht thtdf df tc dntdr dntdr antc mcntr mcntrhm hmtuh tuhkk rdk rdkhta htacns cns ihy odmci odmcid d h phrtndr ?.


hn TNDIH TNDIHNMAP NMAPHVDF HVDF IANC_ IANC_ MHNNC MHNNCV V odmcid odmcid h phrtndr TNKD]] TNKD]] jas phrd phrdnt nt cr guhrfahn mcnsdnts h IH__AD IH__ADF F WCIHN, WCIHN, mhnnct mcntraou mcntraoutd td mcnbughk mcnbughk eunfs hs jdr mcntraouta mcntraoutacn cn tc tjd phrtndrsjap TNKD]] sjd as pdriattdf tc fc sc oy jdr jusohnf C_ TNKD]] sjd as tjd hfianastrhtcr ce tjd mcnbughk phrtndrsjap, an wjamj tjd MCT_V iust gavd ats mcnsdnt hutjcraty


h PH_VN PH_VND_] D_]JAP JAP odang odang h bur burafa afamhk mhk pdrscn pdrscn oy atsdke atsdke mhn ecri hnctjdr hnctjdr phrtndrsjap


h MC_PC_ MC_PC_HVAC HVACN N mhnnct mhnnct odmcid odmcid h phrtndr phrtndr cn grcunf grcunfs s ce puokam pc pckamy kamy  h phrtndr sjhrds nct cnky an prceats out hksc an tjd kcssds ce tjd eari

tjd phrt phrtndr ndrsja sjap p MHN aan n GDN GDND_H D_HK2 K2 H) hmquard hmquard h hnf nf pcs pcssdss sdss p prcpd rcpdrty rty ce hk hkkk lanf lanfs s


anmu anmurr coka cokagh ghta tacn cns s oran orang g ma mavak vak hnf mraianhk mraianhk hmta hmtacns cns mhn od hfbufgdf ansckvdnt dvdn dvdn ae tjd anfavafuhk idiodrs od dhmj eanhnmahkky sckvdnt

unk unkdss dss jd as gdndrh gdndrhkky kky sudf, sudf, h ph phrtn rtndr dr jhs nc ragjt tc ihld h sdphr sdphrhtd htd hppdhrhnmd an mcurt, ae tjd phrtndrsjap odang sudf as hkrdhfy rdprdsdntdf hppdhrhnmd

KAIAVHVACN] CN HKADN PH_VND_]JAP 8) ae 50% mhpathk as nct cwndf oy Eakapancs   tjd eari mhnn mhnnct ct hmqu hmquard ard oy purm purmjhsd jhsd cr ctjdr ctjdrwasd wasd HG_AMT HG_AMTKVT_ KVT_HK HK Pjakappand khnfs ?) ecrdagn phrtndrsjap ihy ‛kdhsd’ khnfs prcvafdf tjd pdracf fcds nct dxmddf 11 ydhrs =) ecrdagn phrtndrsjap ihy od ‛IC_VGHGDD]’ ce khnf  pdracf ce 4 ydhrs, rdndwhokd ecr hnctjdr 4 ydhrs  tjdy mhnnct purmjhsd at an h ecrdmkcsurd shkd _TKD] _TKD] AN MH] MH]D D CE H] H]]CM ]CMAHV AHVACN ACN] ] NCV KHW KHWET ETKKQ KKQ C_G C_GHNA HNARD RDF F H] PH_VND_]JAP 8. at pcss pcssdssd dssds s NC NC K KDGHK DGHK PD_]CNH PD_]CNHKAVQ KAVQ  at mhnnct sud hs sumj JCWDUD_, tjd phrtndrs an tjdar anfavafuhk mhphmaty MHN ?. cnd wjc wjc dntdrs dntdrs antc h mcntrh mcntrhmt mt watj h phrt phrtndr ndrsja sjap p hs sum sumj j mhnnct mhnnct wjdn sudf khtdr cn ecr rdmcvdry ce tjd fdot, hkkdgd tjd khml ce kdghk pdrscnhkaty cn tjd phrt ce tjd eari, dvdn ae anfddf at jhf nc pdrscnhkaty  D]VCPPDK   wjdtjdr h phrtndrsjap jhs h burafamhk pdrscnhkaty cr nct fdpdnfs cn ats PD_]CNHK KHW ce tjd phrtndrsjap cr tjd khw ce tjd pkhmd wjdrd tjd phrtndrsjap whs crghnazdf

_DXTA]AVD] EC_ DZA]VDNMD CE PH_VND_]JAP \A, ME, BAY 8. ANVD ANVDNVAC NVACN N tc tc mrdht mrdhtd d h phrt phrtndrs ndrsjap jap ?. MCII MCIICN CN E ETNF TNF coth cothandf andf erci mcntr mcntraout aoutacns acns =. BCA BCANV NV ANVD_ ANVD_D]V D]V] ] an tjd tjd P_CEAV P_CEAV] ] WJHV FC NCV D]VHOKA]J H PH_VND_]JAP 8. idrd mc-c mc-cwndr wndrsjap sjap cr mc-pc mc-pcssds ssdssacn sacn  dvdn watj prceat sjhrang ?. idrd idrd sjhr sjhrang ang c cee G_C]] G_C]] rrdtu dturns rns  dvdn watj bcant cwndrsjap ce tjd prcpdrtads anvckvdf

_TKD2  tjd phrtndrsjap jhs h PD_]CNHKAVQ ]DPH_HVD hnf FA]VANMV erci tjht ce dhmj phrtndr



? 8.


pdrscns pdrscns wj wjc c hrd nct phrtnd phrtndrs rs tc dhmj dhmj ctjdr h hrd rd nct ph phrtndr rtndrs s hs tc tjarf tjarf pdrscns DZMDPVACN2  PH_VND_]JAP OQ D]VCPPDK MC-CWND_] MC-CWND_]JAP JAP ce h prcpdrty prcpdrty fcds nct atsdke atsdke dsthok dsthokasj asj h phrtndrsjap phrtndrsjap,, dvdn tjcugj tjd mc-cwndrs sjhrd an tjd prceats fdravdf erci tjd anmafdnt ce bcant cwndrsjap

 cnd ce tjd mhusds ecr tjd fassckutacn ce h phrtndrsjap as ‛ hny dvdnt wjamj ihlds at unkhweuk ecr tjd ousandss ce tjd phrtndrsjap tc od mhrradf cn’  

_TKD 2 _TKD2  wjdn hn TNKHWETK PH_VND_]JAP as fassckvdf oy h bufamahk fdmrdd, tjd P_CEAV] sjhkk od MCNEA]MHVDF an EHUC_ ce tjd ]VHVD G. _.  h phrtndrsjap ihy od mcnstatutdf an hny ecri DZMDPVACN 2 PTOKAM AN]V_TIDNV DZMDPVACN2 8. AIIC AIICUHO UHOKD KD P_CPD_VQ P_CPD_VQ as mcntraout mcntraoutdf df ?. _DHK _DHK _AGJV _AGJV] ] hrd mcnt mcntrao raoutd utdf f 


]JH_ANG ]JH_ANG CE G_ G_C]] C]] _DV _DVT_N] T_N] HKCND HKCND fcds fcds nct anfamhtd anfamhtd h phrt phrtndrs ndrsjap jap wjdtjdr cr nct tjd pdrscns sjhrang tjdi jhvd h bcant cr mciicn ragjt cr antdrdst an hny prcpdrty erci wjamj tjd rdturns hrd fdravdf


tjd rdmdapt rdmdapt ce tjd sjhrd sjhrd an tjd prceats prceats as h strcng strcng prdsuipta prdsuiptavd vd dvaf dvafdnmd dnmd ce phrtndrsjap JCWDUD_, JCWDUD_, nc sumj anedrdnmd wakk od frhwn ae sumj prceats wdrd rdmdavdf an phyidnt H) hs h FDOV FDOV o oy y anst ansthkki hkkidnts dnts cr ctjdrw ctjdrwasd asd O) hs W WHGD HGD] ] ce hn hn di dipkc pkcydd ydd M) hs _DN _DNV V tc tc h khnfk khnfkcrf crf F) hs hn HN HNNT NTAVQ AVQ tc h wafcw cr rdpr rdprds dsdnt dnthta htavd vd ce h fdmdh fdmdhsd sdf f phrtndr D) hs ANVD_D]V ANVD_D]V cn h K KCHN, CHN, tj tjcugj cugj tjd tjd hicu hicunt nt ce phyidnt phyidnt vhry vhry watj tjd prceats ce tjd ousandss E) hs tjd MCN]AFD MCN]AFD_HVA _HVACN CN ecr tjd s shkd hkd ce h GC GCCF CF WAKK WAKK ce h ousan ousandss dss cr ctjdr prcpdrty cr ctjdrwasd   mrdfatcrs hrd nct phrtndrs, ecr tjdar cnky antdrdst an tjd sjhrang ce  prceats as tjd rdmdapt cr phyidnt ce tjdar mrdfats   an h phrtndrs phrtndrsjap, jap, tjd phrtndrs phrtndrs hrd suppcsdf suppcsdf tc trust hnf jhvd mcneafdnmd an hkk tjd phrtndrs

PH_VND_]JAP OQ D]VCPPDK  AE ? pdrscns nct phrtndrs rdprdsdnt tjdisdkvds tjdisdkvds hs phrtndrs tc strhngdrs, h phrtndrsjap oy dstcppdk rdsukts  WJDN ? pdrscns, wjc wjc hrd phrtndrs, an mc mcnnavhnmd nnavhnmd watj h eradnf wjc as nct h phrtndr anecri h strhngdr tjht shaf eradnf as tjdar phrtndr, h phrtndrsjap oy dstcppdk hksc rdsukt tc tjd dnf tjht tjd strhngdr sjcukf nct od prdbufamdf _TKD2 KHWETK COBDMV cr PT_PC]D  h phrtndrsjap iust jhvd KHWETK COBDMV cr PT_PC]D, hnf iust od dsthokasjdf ecr tjd mciicn odndeat cr antdrdst ce tjd phrtndrs

 at iust od watjan tjd mciidnmd ce ihn, pcssaokd hnf nct mcntrhry tc khw, icrhks, gccf mustcis, puokam crfdr cr puokam pckamy

  AE h phrtndrsjap jhs ]DUD_HK PT_PC]D], cnd ce wjamj as TNKHWETK, tjd phrtndrsjap mhn stakk vhkafky dxast sc kcng hs tjd akkdghk purpcsd mhn od sdphrht sdphrhtdf df erci tjd kdghk purpcsds


** ecr DEEDMVA DEEDMVAUAVQ UAVQ ce tjd phrtndrsjap phrtndrsjap mcntrhm mcntrhmtt anscehr anscehr hs annc anncmdnt mdnt tjarf pdrscns hrd mcnmdrndf tjd shid iust od _DGA]VD_DF ae _DHK P_CPD_VAD] hrd ANUCKUDF  h phrtndrsjap mcntrhmt as NCV MCNUD_DF oy tjd ]VHVTVD ce E_HTF]

  hn HG_ HG_DDI DDIDNV DNV VC EC_ EC_I I h ph phrtn rtndrs drsjap jap fcds nct atsdk atsdkee mrdhtd mrdhtd h

phrtndrsjap  wjdn tjdrd hrd mcnfatacns tc od eukeakkdf cr wjdn h mdrthan pdracf as tc khpsd, tjd phrtndrsjap as nct mrdhtdf takk hetdr tjd eukeakkidnt ce tjd mcnfatacns cr tjd hrravhk ce tjd tdri hnf tjas as trud dvdn ae cnd ce tjd phrtads jhs hkrdhfy hfvhnmdf jas hgrddf sjhrd ce tjd mhpathk

_TKD2 ae MHPAVHK as P=,000 cr icrd _TKD2 ae _DXTA_DF2   _DXTA_DF2 8. PTOKAM AN]V_TIDNV ?. _DMC_FDF ” ].D.M. *   EHAKT_D VC MCIPKQ ” sjhkk nct deedmt tjd kahoakaty ce tjd phrtndrsjap hnf ats idiodrs tc tjarf pdrscns **   AE _DHK P_CPD_VAD] jhvd oddn mcntraoutdf, _DGH_FKD]] ce tjd UHKTD, h puokam anstruidnt as nddfdf ecr tjd htthanidnt ce kdghk pdrscnhkaty _DXTA_DIDNV] WJD_D AIICUHOKD / _DHK P_CPD_VQ A] MCNV_AOTVDF 8. PT PTOK OKAM AM AN] AN]V_ V_TI TIDN DNV V ?. ANUDNVC_ ANUDNVC_Q Q ” sagndf sagndf hnf htth htthmjdf mjdf tc tjd P.A. *  hppkads rdghrfkdss ce tjd vhkud ce tjd rdhk prcpdrty   *  hppkads dvdn ae cnky rdhk ragjts cvdr tjd rdhk prcpdrty hrd mcntraoutdf   *  hppkads ae hsafd erci rdhk prcpdrty, mhsj cr pdrscnhk prcpdrty as mcntraoutdf  V_HN]ED_ ce khnf tc tjd phrtndrsjap iust od fuky ‛rdmcrfdf’ an tjd _CF tc ihld tjd trhnsedr deedmtavd anscehr hs tjarf pdrscns hrd mcnmdrndf

 NC nddf ecr BTFAMAHK FDM_DD tc fassckvd hn unkhweuk phrtndrsjap  UCAF HO ANAVAC




=  hny aiicvhokd prcpdr prcpdrty ty cr hn antdrdst tjdrdan ihyod hmquardf an tjd phrtndrsjap nhid  tatkd sc hmquardf mhn od mcnvdydf cnky an tjd phrtndrsjap nhid

AE tjd phrtndrsjap jhs HKADN], at MHNNCV CWN KHNF], wjdtjdr puokam cr pravhtd cr wjdtjdr hgramukturhk cr mciidrmahk mciidrmahk DZMDPV tjrcugj JD_DFAVH_Q ]TMMD]]ACN

KAIAVHVACN] CN HMXTA]AVACN 8. HG_A HG_AMTKV MTKVT_HK T_HK KHNF] KHNF] ” 80?6 JDMV JDMVH_D] H_D] ?. kdhsd kdhsd ce pu puokam okam khnfs khnfs (G_ (G_HRAN HRANG) G) ” ?000 ?000 JH JH]. ]. _TKD]

8. ?. =. 6. 4.


 H) hrtamkds hrd hrd ldpt sdmrd sdmrdtt hicng tjd idi idiodrs odrs O) hny cnd ce tjd idiodrs ihy mcntrhmt an jas ‛cwn’ nhid watj tjarf pdrscns NCV h phrtndr phrtndrsjap sjap ” NCV h KDGHK KDGHK PD_] PD_]CN CN at ihy od s sudf udf oy tj tjarf arf pdrscn pdrscn un unfdr fdr tjd mciic mciicn n nhid at us usds ds at mhnnct sud hs sumj hnf mhnnct od crfanhraky od h phrty tc h mavak hmtacn ansce anscehr hr hs aanncmd nncmdnt nt tjarf tjarf phr phrtads tads h hrd rd mcnmdrn mcnmdrndf df  tjd phratads mhn od mcnsafdrdf hs idiodrs ce h phrtndrsjap hs odtwddn odtwddn tjd tjdisdkvds isdkvds cr ansceh anscehrr hs tjarf pdrscns pdrscns hrd hrd prdbufamdf prdbufamdf  cnky tjd rukds ce mc-cwndrsjap iust hppky

DEEDMV CE MD_VHAN V_HN]HMVACN] V_HN]HMVACN] 8. mcntr mcntrhmts hmts dntdrd dntdrdf f antc oy h ‛phrtndr ‛phrtndr’’ an jas cwn nhid i ihy hy od sudf upcn upcn stakk oy jai an jas anfavafuhk mhphmaty, nct watjsthnfang tjd hosdnmd ce h phrtndrsjap ?. wjdn twc cr icr icrd d anfavafuhk anfavafuhks, s, jhvan jhvang g h mciicn antd antdrdst rdsts s an h ousandss orang h mcurt hmtacn, at sjcukf od prdsuidf tjht tjdy prcsdmutd tjd shid an tjdar anfavafuhk mhphmaty hs mc-cwndrs hnf nct an odjhke ce h phrtndrsjap wjamj fcds nct dxast an kdghk mcntdipkhtacn MKH]]AEAMHVACN CE PH_VND_]JAP] PH_VND_]JAP] H) HMMC_FANG H) HMMC_FANG VC IHNND_ IHNND_ CE M_DHVACN  M_DHVACN  8. C_ C_HK HKKQ KQ m mcn cnst stat atut utdf df ?. mcns mcnstatutd tatutdf f an h P_ P_AUHV AUHVD D AN AN]V_T ]V_TIDNV IDNV =. mcns mcnstatutd tatutdf f aan n h PTOKAM PTOKAM AN]V AN]V_TID _TIDNV NV 6. _DGA _DGA]V ]VD_ D_DF DF ” ].D. ].D.M. M. O) HMMC_FANG O) HMMC_FANG VC COBDMV  COBDMV  8 . TNA UD UD _] _]HK ? . PH_ VA VA MT MTKH_ M) HMMC_FANG M) HMMC_FANG VC KAHOAKAVQ  KAHOAKAVQ  8. KAIA KAIAVD VDF F PH_VND PH_VND_] _]JA JAP P ?. GDND_H GDND_HK K PH_VN PH_VND_] D_]JAP JAP F) F) HMMC_FANG  HMMC_FANG VC KDGHKAVQ  KDGHKAVQ  8. KHWE KHWETK TK C_ KDGH KDGHK K ?. TNKH TNKHWE WETK TK C_ C_ AKKD AKKDGH GHK K D) HMMC_FANG D) HMMC_FANG VC FT_HVACN  FT_HVACN  8. ecr h ]P ]PDMAE DMAEAM AM PDACF PDACF cr E EAZDF AZDF PD_AC PD_ACF F ?. PH PH_V _VND ND_] _]JA JAP P HV WAK WAKK K E) HMMC_FANG E) HMMC_FANG VC _DP_D]DNVHVACN _DP_D]DNVHVACN VC CVJD_] 8. C_FANH C_FANH_Q _Q PH_VN PH_VND_] D_]JAP JAP



GDND_HK PH_VND_]JAP  cnd wjdrd hkk tjd phrtndrs hrd gdndrhk phrtndrs  tjdy hrd KAHOKD dvdn watj rdspdmt tc tjdar anfavafuhk prcpdrtads, hetdr tjd hssdts ce  tjd phrtndrsjap jhs oddn dxjhustdf KAIAVDF PHVND_]JAP   cnd wjdrd ht kdhst cnd phrtndr as h gdndrhk phrtndr hnf tjd ctjdrs hrd kaiatdf phrtndrs  cnd wjcsd kahoakaty as kaiatdf cnky up tc tjd dxtdnt ce jas mcntraoutacn    h phrtndrsjap wjdrd hkk tjd phrtndrs hrd kaiatdf phrtndrs mhnnct dxast hs h kaiatdf   phrtndrsjap    _DET]DF _DGA]V_HVACN    AE at mcntanucus hs sumj, at wakk od mcnsafdrdf hs h gdndrhk phrtndrsjap hnf hkk tjd phrtndrs wakk od gdndrhk phrtndrs


*TNAUD_]HK PH_VND_]JAP CE HKK P_D]DNV P_CPD_VQ  MCNV_AOTVACN ce  8. HKK tjd p prcpd rcpdrtad rtads s hmtuh hmtuhkky kky odk odkcngan cngang g tc tjd phrtnd phrtndrs rs ?. tjd P P_CEAV _CEAV] ] hmquard hmquardf f watj watj shaf shaf prc prcpdr pdrty ty  ODMCID] MCIICN P_CPD_VQ  DZMDPV hkk ETVT_D P_CPD_VQ  E_TAV] ce ETVT_D P_CPD_VQ ” ANMKTFDF AE ]VAPTKHVDF TPCN

*TNAUD_]HK PH_VND_]JAP CE P_CEAV]   mciprasds hkk tjht tjd phrtndrs ihy hmquard oy tjd ANFT]V_Q cr WC_L ce tjd phrtndrs odmcid mciicn prcpdrty rdghrfkdss ce watjan shaf prceats wdrd cothandf tjrcugj tjd usuerumt mcntraoutdf  DZMDPV    P_ARD] hnf GAEV]  P_ARD] _TKD 2 _TKD2  hrtamkds ce unavdrshk phrtndrsjap, dntdrdf watjcut spdmaeamhtacn ce ats nhturd, cnky mcnstatutd h unavdrshk phrtndrsjap ce P_CEAV] _TKD2


6   pdrscns wjc hrd prcjaoatdf erci gavang dhmj ctjdr hny fcnhtacn cr hfvhnthgd mhnnct dntdr antc unavdrshk phrtndrsjap WJC22 WJC 8. JT JT]O ]OHN HNF F hn hnf f WA WAED ED ?. tjcsd tjcsd gu guakty akty ce HF HFTKVD TKVD_Q _Q cr cr MC MCNMTO NMTOANHG ANHGD D =. tjcsd tjcsd guakty ce tjd sh shid id mraianhk mraianhk ceednsd ceednsd ae tjd ph phrtnd rtndrsjap rsjap whs whs dntdrd dntdrdf f antc an mcnsafdrhtacn ce tjd shid 


tjd phr phrtndr tndr iust iust dxdrma dxdrmasd sd fud faka fakagdnm gdnmd d an prdsd prdsdrvang rvang tj tjd d prcpdrty prcpdrty tc od mcntraoutdf odecrd jd hmtuhkky mcntraoutds tjd shid


h ph phrtn rtndr dr wjc prcia prciasds sds tc mcntra mcntraout outd d tc tjd phrtn phrtndrs drsjap jap odm odmci cids ds h prciasscry fdotcr ce tjd phrtndrsjap

_TKD] CN VJD FTVQ VC FDKAUD_ VJD E_TAV]   wjakd spcusds mhnnct dntdr antc h unavdrshk phrtndrsjap, tjdy mhn dntdr antc h phrtamukhr phrtndrsjap cr od idiodrs tjdrdce  


AE prcp prcpdrty drty jh jhs s oddn prciasd prciasdf, f, tjd eruats eruats tjdrd tjdrdce ce sjcuk sjcukf f hksc od gav gavdn dn


tjd eruats rdedrrdf tc hrd tjcsd hrasang hrasang erci tjd taid tjdy sjcukf jhvd odd oddn n fdkavdrdf, watjcut h nddf ce hny fdihnf


AE tjd ph phrtnd rtndrr as an OHF EHAVJ, EHAVJ, jd aas s kahokd kahokd nct cnky ecr ecr tjd erua eruats ts hmtuh hmtuhkky kky prcfumdf, OTV hksc ecr tjcsd tjht mcukf jhvd oddn prcfumdf AE ICND ICNDQ Q JH] ODD ODDN N P_CIA] P_CIA]DF, DF, ANV ANVD_D] D_D]V V hnf FHI FHIHGD] HGD] erci erci tjd tai taid d jd sjcukf jhvd mcipkadf watj jas cokaghtacn sjcukf od gavdn

  h unavd unavdrshk rshk phrtn phrtndrsj drsjap ap as vartuhkk vartuhkky y h fcnhtacn tc dhmj ctjdr ce tjd phrtndrs phrtndrs prcpdrtads cr ht kdhst tjdar usuerumt 

6. PH_VAMTKH_ PH_VND_]JAP   h phrtamukhr phrtndrsjap jh jhs s ecr ats COBDMV2 8. FDV FDVD_NI D_NIANHV ANHVD D VJ VJANG] ANG] ” tjdar tjdar us usd d cr erua eruats ts ?. ]PDM ]PDMAE AEAM AM TNF TNFD_ D_VH VHLA LANG NG =. DZ DZD_M D_MA]D A]D ce ce h P_CED]] P_CED]]ACN ACN cr UCMH UCMHVAC VACN N COKAGHVACN] CE VJD PH_VND_] _TKD22 _TKD  h PH_VND_]JAP ODGAN] erci tjd icidnt ce tjd DZDMTVACN ce tjd MCNV_HMV *   dvdn ae mcntraout mcntraoutacns acns jhvd nct ydt oddn ihfd tjd eari hkrdhfy hkrdhfy dxasts, ecr phrtndrsjap as h mcnsdnsuhk mcntrhmt FT_HVACN CE PH_VND_]JAP  TNKAIAVDF *  IHQ OD HG_DDF TPCN 8. DZP DZP_D] _D]]K ]KQ Q ” fdeana fdeanatd td pdra pdracf cf ?. AIPK AIPKADFKQ ADFKQ ” upcn hmja hmjadvdi dvdidnt dnt ce ats ats purpcs purpcsd d PH_VND_]JAP HV WAKK   h phrtndrsjap wjdrdan wjdrdan ats mcntanudf dxastdnmd rdhkky rdhkky fdpdnfs upcn tjd wakk ce tjd phrtndrs cr dvdn cn tjd wakk ce hny ce tjdi ? LANF]2 8. wjdn tjdrd as nc tdri, tdri, dxp dxprdss rdss cr ai aipkad pkadf f ?. wjdn at as mc mcntan ntanudf udf oy tjd jhoatuh jhoatuhkk ihnhgdrs ihnhgdrs hktjcug hktjcugj j tjd pdra pdracf cf jhs dnfdf cr tjd purpcsd jhs oddn hmmcipkasjdf = AIPC_VHNV FTVAD] CE DUD_Q PH_VND_ \M, F-E, WY 8. futy ttc c MCNV_AOT MCNV_AOTVD VD wjht wjht jhf jhf oddn oddn prciasd prciasdf f ?. futy tc FD FDKAUD KAUD_ _ tjd E_TAV] E_TAV] ce wjht wjht sjcukf j jhvd hvd oddn oddn fdk fdkavdr avdrdf df =. fu futy ty tc tc W WH_ H__H _HNV NV _ATKD] CN VJD FTVQ VC MCNV_AOTVD 8. tjd mcnt mcntraou raoutacn tacn iust iust od ihfd ht tjd taid taid tjd phr phrtndr tndrsjap sjap as dntdrd dntdrdf f antc TNKD]] h faeedrdnt pdracf as stapukhtdf ?.

nc fdi fdihnf hnf as nddf nddfdf df tc put put tjd ph phrtnd rtndrr an fdehukt fdehukt


NC FDI FDIHNF HNF aas s nddfdf nddfdf tc p put ut tjd phrtnd phrtndrr an fd fdehukt ehukt


at as FDKAU FDKAUD_Q, D_Q, hmtuhk hmtuhk cr mcns mcnstrumt trumtavd avd tjh tjhtt V_HN] V_HN]ED_] ED_] CWND_] CWND_]JAP JAP

_TKD] CN VJD FTVQ VC WH__HNV 8. tjd whrrhnty whrrhnty an mhsd mhsd ce dvamta dvamtacn cn rded rdedrs rs tc spdma spdmaeam eam hnf fd fdtdri tdrianhtd anhtd tj tjangs angs hkrdhfy mcntraoutdf ?.

tjdrd tjdrd as DUAMV DUAMVACN ACN wjdndvd wjdndvdrr oy h eanhk bbufgi ufgidnt dnt ohsdf ohsdf cn h ragjt ragjt prac pracrr tc tjd shkd cr hn hmt aiputhokd tc tjd phrtndr, tjd phrtndrsjap as fdpravdf ce  tjd wjckd cr h phrt ce tjd t jang purmjhsdf

_TKD WJDN MCNV_AOTVACN MCN]A]V] CE GCCF]  HPP_HA]HK ce UHKTD as nddfdf tc fdtdriand jcw iumj whs mcntraoutdf JCW HPP_HA]HK IHFD  8. hs P_D] P_D]M_A M_AOD ODF F an ttjd jd M MCNV CNV_H _HMV MV ?. an fdehukt, fdehukt, oy DZ DZPD_V PD_V] ] mjcsdn mjcsdn oy tjd phr phrtndrs tndrs,, hnf ht MT__DNV MT__DNV P P_AMD] _AMD]   * ndmdssaty ce tjd ANUDNVC_Q ” HPP_HA]HK _TKD cn _A]L ce KC]]   hetd hetdrr gccf gccfs s jhvd oddn mcntraoutdf mcntraoutdf,, tjd phrtndr phrtndrsjap sjap odhrs tjd rasl ce  suosdqudnt mjhngds an tjd vhkud _TKD2  h phrtndr wjc jhs unfdrthldn tc mcntraoutd h sui ce icndy hnf ehaks tc fc sc odmcids h fdotcr ecr tjd antdrdst hnf fhihgds erci tjd taid jd sjcukf jhvd mcipkadf watj jas cokaghtacn MHPAVHKA]V PH_VND_   cnd wjc ET_NA]JD] MHPAVHK   * NCV DZDIPVDF erci KC]]D] *  jd mhn dngh dnghgd gd an ctjdr ousan ousandss dss P_CUAFD P_CUAFDF F tjdrd as nc mcipdtat mcipdtatacn acn odtwddn tjd phrtndrsjap phrtndrsjap hnf jas ousandss   * sjhrd an tjd prceats hmmcrfang tc hgrddidnts


4 ANFT]V_AHK PH_VND_   cnd wjc ET_NA]JD] ANFT]V_Q cr KHOC_   *  jd as DZDIPVDF erci KC]]D] hs odtwddn tjd phrtndr OTV kahokd tc strhngdrs watjcut prdbufamd tc rdaioursdidnt erci tjd mhpathkast phrtndr   *  jd MHNNCV dnghgd an hny ctjdr OT]AND] OT]AND]] ] WAVJCTV WAVJCTV tjd dxprdss dxprdss MCN]DNV ce tjd ctjdr phrtndrs, CVJD_WA]D 8. jd mhn mhn od DZ DZMKT MKTFDF FDF erci erci ttjd jd eari eari

  * at as pdriassaokd tc mcntraoutd TNDXTHK ]JH_D] AE tjdrd as h stapukhtacn tc tjas deedmt

- pkus fhihgds C_ tjd ODND ODNDEAV EAV] ] jd cothans cothans erci tjd ctjd ctjdrr ousan ousandssd dssds s MHN OD HUHAKDF HUHAKDF ce oy tjd ctjdr phrtndrs pkus fhihgds  wjdtjdr cr nct tjdrd as MCIPDVAVACN * an mciputang hkwhys kccl ecr -----  NDV P_CEAV] ----- NDV KC]]D] ?.


MHPAVHKA]V ” ANFT]V_AHKA]V PH_VND_   cnd wjc mcntraoutds OCVJ MHPAVHK hnf ANFT]V_Q GDND_HK PH_VND_   cnd wjc as kahokd ‛odycnf’ tjd dxtdnt ce jas mcntraoutacn


* an tjd hosdnmd ce prcce, tjd sjhrds hrd prdsuidf tc od dquhk

MCNFAVACN MCNFA VACN] ] odecrd odecrd h mhpathka mhpathkast st phrtndr phrtndr as cokagdf cokagdf tc sdkk jas sjhrds sjhrds / antdrdst tc tjd ctjdr phrtndrs phrtndrs  \AK, _M, NHY 8.

ae tjdr tjdrd d as AIIAN AIIANDNV DNV KC KC]] ]] ce tjd O OT]AN T]AND]] D]] ce tjd phrtnd phrtndrsjap rsjap




tjdrd tjdrd as nc hgrddi hgrddidnt dnt tc tc tjd mcntr mcntrhry hry


*_TKD ae IHNHGANG PH_VND_ MCKKDMV] H M_DFAV _DXTA]AVD]2 8. dxa dxastd stdnmd nmd ce ht kdh kdhst st ? fdots fdots ------- PH_VND_]JAP   ---- PH_VND_

KAIAVDF PH_VND_   cnd wjc as kahokd ‛cnky’ tc tjd dxtdnt ce jas mcntraoutacn

?. =.

*** hn anfustrahk phrtndr  mhn   mhn cnky od h gdndrhk phrtndr, ndvdr h kaiatdf phrtndr

* tjd sui tjus mckkdmtdf sjhkk od hppkadf tc tjd twc mrdfats an prcpcrtacn tc tjdar hicunts

IHNHGANG PH_VND_   cnd wjc ihnhgds hmtavdky tjd earis heehars ]AKDNV PH_VND_    cnd wjc fcds nct phrtamaphtd phrtamaphtd an tjd ihnhgdi ihnhgdidnt, dnt, tjcugj jd sjhrds an tjd P_CEAV] cr KC]]D] 

KAXTAFHVANG PH_VND_   cnd wjc wanfs up cr kaquafhtds tjd heehars ce tjd eari hetdr at jhs oddn fassckvdf C]VDN]AOKD PH_VND_   cnd wjcsd mcnndmtacn watj tjd eari as puokam hnf cpdn ]DM_DV PH_VND_   cnd wjcsd mcnndmtacn watj tjd eari as mcnmdhkdf cr ldpt sdmrdt FC_IHNV PH_VND_   cnd wjc as octj h sdmrdt (jaffdn) hnf sakdnt (nct ihnhgang) phrtndr phrtndr NCIANHK PH_VND_    cnd wjc as nct rdhkky h phrtndr OTV wjc ihy odmcid kahokd hs sumj anscehr hs tjarf pdrscns hrd mcnmdrndf

oc octj tj s suis uis hrd fd fdihn ihnfho fhokd kd tjd mc mckkdm kkdmtang tang phrtnd phrtndrr as tjd ihnhg ihnhgang ang phrtndr phrtndr

_TKD2 * wjdrd h phrtndr rdmdavds jas sjhrd an tjd phrtndrsjap mrdfat  MCNFAVACN]22 MCNFAVACN] 8. h phrtndr phrtndr jhs rdmda rdmdavdf vdf jas sj sjhrd hrd an tj tjd d phrt phrtndrs ndrsjap jap mrd mrdfat fat ” an wjckd wjckd cr an phrt ?. tjd ctjdr ctjdr ph phrtnd rtndrs rs jhvd jhvd nct mc mckkdm kkdmtdf tdf tjdar tjdar phrt phrt ce tjd mrdf mrdfat at =. tjd fdo fdotcr tcr suos suosdqud dqudntky ntky odmc odmcids ids AN]C AN]CKUDN KUDNV V _TKD2 - tjd phrtndr sjhkk od cokagdf tc orang tc tjd phrtndrsjap _TKD2 mhpathk wjht jd rdmdavdf dvdn tjcugj jd ihy jhvd gavdn rdmdapt ecr jas sjhrd cnky * FCD] NCV HPPKQ wjdn fdot whs mckkdmtdf hetdr fassckutacn ce tjd phrtndrsjap _TKD 2 _TKD2 *  dvdry dvdry phrt phrtndr ndr as rdspcnsa rdspcnsaokd okd tc tjd phrtndr phrtndrsjap sjap ecr fhih fhihgds gds sueedrdf sueedrdf oy at tjrcugj jas ehukt   * jd mhnnct mcipdnshtd tjdi watj tjd prceats hnf odndeats, wjamj jd ihy jhvd dhrndf ecr tjd phrtndrsjap oy jas anfustry   * tjd mcurts ihy dquathoky kdssdn jas rdspcnsaoakaty

_TKD2  phrtndrs sjhkk MCNV_AOTVD DXTHK ]JH_D] tc tjd mhpathk ce tjd phrtndrsjap ‛_D] PD_AV FCIANC’


5 *_TKD] CN WJC ODH_] VJD _A]L CE KC]] 8.

ae ]PDM ]PDMAEAM AEAM hnf F FDVD_I DVD_IANHV ANHVD D VJANG VJANG] ] NCV ETN ETNGAOK GAOKD D wjcsd T T]TE_ ]TE_TMV TMV as dnbcydf oy h eari   tjd PH_VND_ wjc CWN] at odhrs tjd kcss ecr cwndrsjap whs ndvdr   trhnsedrrdf tc tjd eari ?.  

ET ETNG NGAOK AOKD D cr FDVD_A FDVD_AC_H C_HOKD OKD  EA_I odhrs tjd kcss ecr at as dvafdnt cwndrsjap whs trhnsedrrdf



MCNV_A MCNV_AOTV OTVDF DF unfd unfdrr HPP_H HPP_HA]H A]HK K  EA_I odhrs tjd kcss odmhusd tjas jhs tjd deedmt ce hn aipkadf shkd

VJ VJANG ANG] ] MCNV MCNV_AO _AOTVD TVDF F tc od od ]C ]CKF KF EA_I odhrs tjd kcss ecr dvafdntky tjd eari whs antdnfdf tc od tjd cwndr

_TKD cn _D]PCN]AOAKAVQ ce tjd EA_I 8.

tc _DETNF hicunts faso fasoursdf ursdf cn odjhke ce tjd eari pkus kdghk kdghk antdrd antdrdst st erci tjd taid dxpdnsds wjdrd ihfd


tc HN]W HN]WD_ D_ tc dhmj phrtndr phrtndr ecr COKAGHV COKAGHVACN] ACN] jd ihy ihy jhvd dntdrdf dntdrdf antc antc an gccf gccf ehatj ehatj an tjd ant antdrd drdst st ce tjd phrtndr phrtndrsja sjap, p, hs wdkk hs tjd ras rasls ls an mcnsdqudnmd ce ats ihnhgdidnt ihnhgdidnt

*  _DETNF iust od ihfd dvdn an mhsd ce ehakurd ce tjd dntdrprasd dntdrdf antc, prcvafdf tjd phrtndr as nct ht ehukt * HICTNV FA]OT_]DF ” fcds nct rdedr tc tjd C_AGANHK MHPAVHK *JCW P_CEAV] H_D FA]V_AOTVDF 8. hmmcrf hmmcrfang ang tc HG_ HG_DDI DDIDN DNV V ?. AE NC NCND, ND, h hmmcrf mmcrfang ang tc hicunt hicunt ce MCNV_ MCNV_AOTV AOTVACN ACN *JCW 8. ?. =.

KC]]D] hrd FA]V_AOTVDF hmmc hmmcrfang rfang tc HG_DD HG_DDIDNV IDNV hs tc tc kcssds kcssds AE NCN NCND, D, hmmc hmmcrfan rfang g tc hgrddi hgrddidnt dnt hs tc P_CEAV] P_CEAV] AE NC NCND, ND, h hmmcrf mmcrfang ang tc hicunt hicunt ce MCNV_ MCNV_AOTV AOTVACN ACN

*  hn ANFT]V_AHK ANFT]V_AHK PH_VND_ PH_VND_ sjhk sjhkkk rdmd rdmdavd avd h BT]V hnf DXTAVHOKD DXTAVHOKD sjhrd sjhrd an tjd prceats *_TKD cn ANFT]V_AHK PH_VND_]‑ KAHOAKAVAD] - ihy od jdkf kahokd oy tjarf pdrscns OTV jd ihy rdmcvdr wjht jd jhs phaf erci tjd ctjdr mhpathkast phrtndrs *_TKD cn FD]A FD]AGNHV GNHVACN ACN oy VJA_ VJA_F F PD_]CN PD_]CN ce ]JH_D] ]JH_D] an P_CE P_CEAV] AV] hnf KC]]D] * tjarf pdrscn as NCV h PH_VND_ -PH_VND_  -- hppcantdf tc cnky fastraoutd sjhrds

*  tjd fdsagnh fdsagnhtac tacn n ce sjh sjhrds rds oy tjarf tjarf pdrscn pdrscns s ihy od AIPTGN AIPTGNDF, DF, AE at as IHNAED]VKQ ANDXTAVHOKD *  tjd fdsagnhtac fdsagnhtacn n ce sjhrds oy tjarf pdrs pdrscns cns MHNNCV od AIPTGND AIPTGNDF F DUDN AE IHNAED]VKQ ANDXTAVHOKD AE2 8. tjd hgg hggradv radvdf df phr phrtndr tndr jhs jhs hkrdh hkrdhfy fy ODGT ODGTN N tc DZDMTV DZDMTVD D tjd fdmas fdmasacn acn ?. tjd hggr hggradvd advdf f phrtndr phrtndr jhs nct AIPTG AIPTGNDF NDF tjd fas fastraou traoutacn tacn watjan watjan = icntjs jd jhf lncwkdfgd *_TKD AE HPPCANVIDNV CVJD_ VJHN an tjd H_VAMKD] ce PH_VND_]JAP 8. pcwd pcwdrr tc hmt ihy o od d _DUCL _DUCLDF DF ht HNQ V VAID AID wat watj j cr watjcut watjcut bust mhu mhusd sd  _DICUHK sjcukf od fcnd oy tjd mcntrckkang antdrdst ?. DZVD DZVDNV NV ce PCWD PCWD_ _  hs kcng hs jd rdihans ihnhgdr, jd mhn pdrecri hkk hmts ce hfianastrhtacn OTV ” ae ctjdrs cppcsd hnf jd pdrsasts, jd mhn od rdicvdf *_TKD WJDN tjdrd hrd ? cr IC_D IHNHGD_] MCNFAVACN]2 8. ? cr cr icrd icrd phr phrtndr tndrs s hrd hrd i ihnhg hnhgdrs drs ?. tjdrd tjdrd as nc sp spdmaea dmaeamhta mhtacn cn ce rd rdspdm spdmtavd tavd futad futads s =. tjdrd tjdrd as nc st stapukh apukhtacn tacn rdquar rdquarang ang TN TNHNAI HNAIAVQ AVQ ]PDMAEAM _TKD]2 _TKD]2 8. dhmj i ihy hy sdp sdphrhtd hrhtdky ky dxd dxdmutd mutd hk hkkk hmts ce hf hfiana ianastrht strhtacn acn  TNKAIAVDF PCWD_ tc HFIANA]VD_   ?.    

AE h hny ny ce tjd ihnhg ihnhgdr drs s CP CPPC] PC]D D  IHBC_AVQ _TKD  AN MH]D CE H VAD   - pdrscns cwnang mcntrckkang antdrdst prdvhak prcvafdf tjdy hrd hksc ihnhgdrs 

* ragjt tc cppcsd as nct gavdn tc NCN-IHNHGD_] *  CPPC]AVACN sjcukf od fcnd ODEC_D tjd hmts prcfumd kdghk deedmts anscehr hs tjarf pdrscns hrd mcnmdrndf _TKD WJDN TNHNAIAVQ as _DXTA_DF 8. tjd MCN MCNMT__ MT__DNMD DNMD ce hkk sjhkk sjhkk od ndmd ndmdsshr sshry y ecr tjd vhkafaty vhkafaty ce tjd hmt hmts s ?.

tjd HO]DN HO]DNMD MD cr FA]HOAKA FA]HOAKAVQ VQ ce HNQCND HNQCND ce tjdi MHN MHNNCV NCV OD HKK HKKDGD DGDF F TNKD]] tjdrd as aiiandnt fhngdr ce grhvd cr arrdphrhokd anbury tc tjd phrtndrsjap

_TKD CN FTVQ ce VJA_F PD_]CN]  tjarf pdrscns hrd nct rdquardf tc anquard hs tc wjdtjdr cr nct h phrtndr watj wjci jd trhnshmts jhs tjd mcnsdnt ce hkk tjd ihnhgdrs *_TKD] tc od cosdrvdf wjdn tjd ihnndr ce ihnhgdidnt jhs nct oddn hgrddf upcn2 8. hkk ttjd jd phrtndr phrtndrs s hrd mcnsa mcnsafdrd fdrdf f HGDNV] HGDNV]  wjhtdvdr hny cnd ce tjdi ihy fc hkcnd sjhkk nct oanf tjd phrtndrsjap


7 ?.

AE tjd hmts ce cnd hr hrd d cppcsdf cppcsdf oy tjd rds rdst, t, tjd ihb ihbcraty craty sjhkk sjhkk prdv prdvhak hak


wjdn h phr phrtndr tndr hm hmts ts an jas CWN NHID, NHID, jd fcd fcds s nct oanf tjd ph phrtnd rtndrsja rsjap p


hutjc hutjcraty raty tc oan oanf f tjd eari fcds fcds nct hppky hppky ae scidocfy scidocfy dksd dksd jhs oddn ga gavdn vdn hutjcraty tc ihnhgd an tjd hrtamkds ce crghnazhtacn cr tjrcugj scid ctjdr idhns


HKV HKVD_H D_HVAC VACN] N] _DXTA_ _DXTA_D D TNHNAIA TNHNAIAVQ VQ - AIICUHOKD phrtndrsjap prcpdrty - OTV ae tjd rdeushk tc mcnsdnt oy tjd ctjdrs as prdbufamahk tc tjd antdrdst ce  tjd phrtndrsjap - MCT_V] ANVD_UDNVACN ihy od scugjt

P_CPD_VQ _AGJV] CE PH_VND_] \P, A, IY 8. ragj ragjts ts an s spdma pdmaeam eam PH_VND PH_VND_]JA _]JAP P P_CPD_VAD P_CPD_VAD] ] ?. ANV ANVD_D D_D]V ]V] ] an tjd PH_V PH_VND_ ND_]JA ]JAP P =. ragj ragjtt tc P PH_V H_VAMAPH AMAPHVD VD an an tjd IHN IHNHGDI HGDIDNV DNV _TKD 2 _TKD2 * h phrtndr as MC-CWND_ watj jas phrtndrs ce ]PDMAEAM PH_VND_]JAP P_CPD_VQ * _AGJV] ce h PH_VND_ an ]PDMAEAM PH_VND_]JAP P_CPD_VQ 8.

jd jhs dquhk ra ragjts gjts watj jas phrtndrs phrtndrs tc PC]]D]] PC]]D]] tjd prcpdrty OTV cnky ecr PH_VND_]JAP PT_PC]D]  jd ihy pcssdss sumj prcpdrty ecr ctjdr purpcsds P_CUAFDF tjd ctjdr phrtndrs dxprdssky cr aipkadfky gavds tjdar MCN]DNV


jd MHNN MHNNCV CV H] H]]AG ]AGN N jas ragjt ragjt tc tj tjd d prc prcpd pdrty rty phrtndrs hssagn tjdar ragjts an tjd shid prcpdrty


jas rag ragjt jt tc tjd prcp prcpdrty drty as NCV ] ]TOBD TOBDMV MV tc HVVHMJID HVVHMJIDNV NV cr DZDM DZDMTVAC TVACN, N, DZMDPV cn h mkhai hghanst phrtndrsjap


jas rag ragjt jt tc tjd prcpdr prcpdrty ty as NCV ]T ]TOBDM OBDMV V tc KDGH KDGHK K ]TPPC_V ]TPPC_V

_TKD] cn H]]CMAHVD ce PH_VND_  8. dvdr dvdry y phrtnd phrtndrr ihy hsscmaht hsscmahtd d hnctjd hnctjdrr pdrscn pdrscn watj jai an jas sjhrd sjhrd ?.

ecr h p phrtnd hrtndrr tc jh jhvd vd hn hsscm hsscmahtd ahtd an jas sjhrd sjhrd  mcnsdnt ce hkk tjd ctjdr phrtndrs as NCV _DXTA_DF


ecr ttjd jd h hsscma sscmahtd htd tc od odmcid mcid h phrtnd phrtndrr  HKK IT]V MCN]DNV

DZMDPV DZMDPV aaee hkk tj tjd d ctjd ctjdrr

* ae tjdrd as PH_VND_]JAP FDOV, tjd spdmaeam prcpdrty mhn od htthmjdf _TKD] cn PH_VND_]JAP OCCL] 8. ldpt h htt tjd pran pranmaph maphkk pkhmd pkhmd ce ousa ousandss ndss ce tjd tjd phrtndrs phrtndrsjap jap ?.

ht hny rdhscnh rdhscnhokd okd jcur, jcur, dvdry dvdry phrtndr phrtndr sjhk sjhkkk jhvd jhvd hmmds hmmdss s tc hnf ihy anspdmt hnf mcpy hny ce tjdi

FTVQ ce PH_VND_] VC GAUD ANEC_IHVACN   gc gccf cf ehatj ehatj nct cnky rdq rdquar uards ds tjh tjhtt h phrtnd phrtndrr sjc sjcukf ukf nct ih ihld ld hny EHK] EHK]D D MCNMDHKIDNV,, OTV jd sjcukf hosthan erci hkk mcnmdhkidnt MCNMDHKIDNV

FTVQ tc HMMCTNV \O, P, T-PY T-P Y  dvdry phrtndr iust hmmcunt tc tjd phrtndrsjap 8. hny od odnde ndeat at hmquar hmquardf df ?. hny pr prcea ceats ts rd rdmda mdavd vdf f =. hny usd usd ce phrt phrtndr ndrsja sjap p prcpd prcpdrty rty

_AGJV VC FDIHNF h EC_IHK HMMCTNV  hny phrtndr sjhkk jhvd tjd ragjt ragjt tc h ecrihk hmmcunt hs tc phrtndrsjap phrtndrsjap heehars 8. ae wrcn wrcngeukk geukky y dxmku dxmkufdf fdf erci erci phr phrtndrs tndrsjap jap OT]AND]] OT]AND]] ?. ae wrcng wrcngeukky eukky dxmkufd dxmkufdf f erci phrtn phrtndrsj drsjap ap P_CPD P_CPD_VQ _VQ oy jas mc-ph mc-phrtnd rtndrs rs =. ae tjd rragjt agjt d dxasts xasts u unfdr nfdr tjd tjd tdris tdris ce hgrdd hgrddidnt idnt 6. ae tjd ctjdr phr phrtndr tndr rdmdavd rdmdavds s ctjdr odndeats, odndeats, prc prceats eats cr usds phrtndr phrtndrsjap sjap prcpdrty 4. wjdn wjdndvdr dvdr ctj ctjdr dr marmuisth marmuisthnmds nmds rd rdnfdr nfdr at bu bust st hnf rdh rdhscnho scnhokd kd * tjd ragjt tc fdihnf hn hmmcuntang dxasts hs kcng hs tjd phrtndrsjap dxasts * prdsmraptacn odgans tc run cnky upcn tjd fassckutacn ce tjd phrtndrsjap wjdn tjd eanhk hmmcuntang as fcnd

_TKD2 * h PH_VND_] ANVD_D]V an tjd phrtndrsjap as jas ]JH_D ce tjd P_CEAV] hnf ]T_PKT] AV MHN OD 2 \H, H, K]Y 8. H]]AGNDF ?. HVVHMJDF =. od suob suobdmt dmt ttc c KDGH KDGHK K ]TPP ]TPPC_V C_V *D *DEE EEDM DMV] V] ce MC MCNU NUDQ DQHN HNMD MD oy PH PH_V _VND ND_ _ ce ja jas s ANVD ANVD_D _D]V ]V PH_VND_]JAP 8. AE jd mcnvdy mcnvdys s jas W WJCK JCKD D ANVD_D ANVD_D]V ]V H) phrtndrs phrtndrsjap jap ihy stakk rdihan rdihan O) phrtndrs phrtndrsjap jap ihy od fass fassckvdf ckvdf   * idrd mcnvdyhnmd fcds nct fassckvd tjd phrtndrsjap ?.


tj tjd d

tjd H] H]]AGN ]AGNDD DD fcds nc nctt ndmds ndmdsshra shraky ky odmcid odmcid h ph phrtndr rtndr  tjd H]]AGNC_ as stakk tjd phrtndr, watj h ragjt tc fdihnf hmmcuntang hnf sdttkdidnt 


tjd H] H]]AGNDD ]AGNDD M MHNNCV HNNCV antdredrd an tjd IHNHGDIDN IHNHGDIDNV V cr HFIANA]V_ HFIANA]V_HVACN HVACN ce tjd eari   tjd   tjd H]]AGNDD MHNNCV hksc FDIHNF  FDIHNF  \A, H, AY H) AN ANEC EC_I _IHV HVAC ACN N O) HMMC HMMCTN TNV VAN ANG G M) AN]PDMVAC AN]PDMVACN N ce ce phrtnd phrtndrsja rsjap p o occls ccls


: *** wjakd h phrtndrs ANVD_D]V an tjd eari ihy od MJH_GDF cr KDUADF upcn, jas ANVD_D]V an h spdmaeam eari P_CPD_VQ MHNNCV od htthmjdf.


_AGJV] ce tjd H]]AGNDD 8. tc gdt wjhtd wjhtdvdr vdr prce prceats ats tjd hssagncr hssagncr-phr -phrtndr tndr wcu wcukf kf jhvd coth cothandf andf

** wjakd hn ANFT]V_AHK PH_VND_ as dxdiptdf oy khw erci KC]]D] hs odtwddn tjd phrtndrs, phrtndrs, jd as NCV DZDIPV DZDIPVDF DF erci kahoak kahoakaty aty anscehr hs tjar tjarf f pdrs pdrscns cns hrd mcnmdrndf  jd ihy rdmcvdr wjht jd jhs phaf erci tjd MHPAVHKA]V phrtndrs  


tc hvhak jaisdke ce tjd usuhk rdidfads an mhsd ce erhuf an tjd ihnhgdidnt ihnhgdidnt


tc hsl ec ecrr HNN HNNTKID TKIDNV NV ce tjd tjd mcntrhmt mcntrhmt ce ce hssa hssagnid gnidnt nt AE2 H) jd whs anfumdf tc dntdr antc at tjrcugj hny ce tjd vamds ce mcnsdnt C_ O) jd jaisdke whs anmhphmathtdf anmhphmathtdf tc gavd mcnsdnt


tc fdih fdihnf nf hn hmmc hmmcuntang untang OTV OTV cnky ae tjd phrtnd phrtndrsja rsjap p as fassckvdf fassckvdf


* unfdr tjd khw tjd kahoakaty ce tjd phrtndrs as suosafahry hnf bcant NCV pranmaphk hnf sckafhry *_TKD cn KAHOAKAVQ ce h PH_VND_ wjc jhs WAVJF_HWN 8. h phrtnd phrtndrr wjc watjfrhws watjfrhws as nct kahokd kahokd ecr kahoakatad kahoakatads s mcntrhmtdf mcntrhmtdf het hetdr dr jd jhs watjfrhwn ?.

ae ja jas s antd antdrdst rdst jhs n nct ct ydt oddn oddn phaf jai  jas ragjt tc tjd shid as tjht ce h idrd mrdfatcr

P_DED_DNVAHK _AGJV] ce PH_VND_]JAP M_DFAVC_] * phrtndrsjap mrdfatcrs hrd dntatkdf tc P_AC_AVQ cvdr phrtndrsjap hssdts, anmkufang tjd phrtndrs antdrdst an tjd prceats

** h stapukhtacn dxdiptang kahoakaty tc tjarf pdrscns as UCAF

** ]DPH_HVD cr ANFAUAFTHK mrdfatcrs mrdfatcrs jhvd P_DED_DNMD an sdphrhtd cr anfavafuhk prcpdrtads

*  hny phrtndr ihy dntdr antc h sdph sdphrhtd rhtd cokaghtacn cokaghtacn tc pdrecri pdrecri h phrt phrtndrsj ndrsjap ap mcntrhmt

* wjdn tjd MJH_GANG C_FD_ as hppkadf ecr hnf grhntdf, tjd mcurt ihy hppcant h rdmdavdr ce tjd phrtndrs sjhrd an tjd prceats     tjd rdmdavdr hppcantdf as dntatkdf tc hny rdkade ndmdsshry tc mcnsdrvd tjd phrtndrsjap hssdts ecr phrtndrsjap purpcsds   * antdrdst mjhrgdf ihy od rdfddidf ht hny taid odecrd ecrdmkcsurd

_TKD2 * dvdry phrtndr as hn ‛hgdnt’ ce tjd phrtndrsjap ecr tjd purpcsd ce ats ousandss

*  HEVD_ EC_DMKC]T_D tjd antdrdst ihy stakk od rdfddidf rdfddidf oy (watjcut mhusang fassckutacn)  fassckutacn)  8. watj sdphrhtd prcpdrty , oy hny cnd cr icrd ce tjd phrtndrs C_ ?. watj phrtndrsjap watj phrtndrsjap prcpdrty , oy hny cnd cr icrd phrtndrs watj tjd mcnsdnt ce hkk tjd phrtndrs wjcsd antdrdsts hrd nct sc mjhrgdf cr sckf * mcnsdnt ce tjd fdkanqudnt phrtndr nct nddfdf _TKD2  dvdry phrtndrsjap sjhkk cpdrhtd unfdr h EA_I NHID   *  tjd eari nhid ihy cr ihy nct anmkufd tjd nhid ce cnd cr icrd ce tjd phrtndrs ** ]V_HNGD_] wjc anmkufd tjdar nhids an tjd eari hrd kahokd hs phrtndrs odmhusd ce D]VCPPDK, OTV fc NCV jhvd tjd _AGJV] ce phrtndrs ** AE h KAIAVDF PH_VND_ anmkufds jas nhid an tjd eari nhid, jd jhs cokaghtacns OTV nct tjd ragjts ce h gdndrhk phrtndr _TKD cn KAHOAKAVQ ecr MCNV_HMVTHK MCNV_HMVTHK COKAGHVACN] *  hkk phrtnd phrtndrs, rs, anmkufan anmkufang g anfu anfustra strahk hk cnds, cnds, sjhkk sjhkk od kahokd prc-rhth prc-rhth watj hkk tjdar prcpdrty hnf hetdr hkk tjd phrtndrsjap hssdts jhvd oddn dxjhustdf * NCV HPPKAMHOKD ecr VC_V] cr M_AID] ----- KC]]

G._.-   tjd hmt ce dvdry phrtndr ecr hpphrdntky mhrryang cn an tjd T]THK WHQ tjd G._.ousandss ce tjd phrtndrsjap ce wjamj jd as idiodr oanfs tjd phrtndrsjap DZMDPV2 8. ae jd jhs NC HTVJC_AVQ hnf ?. tjd pdrscn watj wjci jd whs fdhkang watj JH] LNCWKDFGD ce tjd ehmt tjht jd jhs nc sumj hutjcraty _TKD2  hn hmt ce h phrtndr wjamj as nct hpphrdntky ecr tjd mhrryang cn ce ousandss ce tjd phrtndrsjap an tjd usuhk why fcds nct oanf tjd phrtndrsjap TNKD]] hutjcrazdf oy tjd ctjdr phrtndrs * h phrtndrsjap as h MCNVH_MV ce ITVTHK HGDNMQ, dhmj phrtndr hmtang hs h pranmaphk cn jas cwn odjhke hnf hs hn hgdnt ecr jas mc-phrtndrs cr tjd eari _DXTA]AVD] cn WJDN mhn h phrtndr OANF tjd phrtndrsjap _DXTA]AVD] 8. dxpr dxprdssk dssky y cr aipk aipkadfk adfky y HTVJC HTVJC_ARDF _ARDF ?. wjdn j jd d hmts an OD ODJHK JHKE E HNF AN V VJD JD NHI NHID D ce tjd phr phrtndrs tndrsjap jap AN]VHNMD] ce AIPKADF HTVJC_ARH HTVJC_ARHVACN VACN 8. wjdn tjd c ctjdr tjdr ph phrtnd rtndrs rs FC NCV COBDMV COBDMV,, hktjcu hktjcugj gj tjdy jhvd jhvd lncw lncwkdfg kdfgd d ce tjd hmt ?. wjdn tj tjd d hmt as ecr ‛‛hpph hpphrdnt rdntky ky mhrryang mhrryang cn aan n tjd usuh usuhkk why tjd ousand ousandss ss ce tjd phrtndrsjap   * tjas as oanfang cn tjd eari dvdn ae tjd phrtndr whs nct rdhkky hutjcrazdf P_CUAFDF tjht tjd tjarf phrty as an GCCF EHAVJ


1 _TKD cn TNT]THK HMV]  cnd cr icrd out kdss tjhn hkk tjd phrtndrs JHUD NC HTVJC_AVQ VC2 VC2 \HP, FG, HA, MB, DM, ]H, _MY 8. H] H]]AG ]AGN N tjd PH_V PH_VND_ ND_] ] P_CPD_ P_CPD_VQ VQ ?. FA FA]P ]PC] C]D D ce G GCC CCFW FWAK AKK K =. fc hny ctj ctjdr dr hmt wj wjamj amj wcu wcukf kf ihld aatt aipcssaok aipcssaokd d tc mhrry mhrry cn tjd crfanhry crfanhry ousandss ce tjd phrtndrsjap 6. MCNE MCNED] D]] ] h bu bufg fgid idnt nt 4. 5. 7.


*_TKD cn HFIA]]ACN cr _DP_D]DNVHVACN IHFD oy h PH_VND_    hn hfiassacn hfiassacn oy h phrt phrtndr ndr as hn hfia hfiassacn ssacn hghanst hghanst tjd phrtndrsap, phrtndrsap,unfdr unfdr tjd eckkcwang mcnfatacns2 mcnfatacns2 8. tjd hf hfiass iassacns acns iust iust mcn mcnmdrn mdrn p phrtnd hrtndrsjap rsjap heehars heehars ?. iust od watjan watjan tjd smcpd smcpd ce ja jas s hut hutjcra jcraty ty _D]V_AMVACN] CN VJD _TKD2 8. hfia hfiassac ssacns ns ihfd ODE ODEC_D C_D FA]]CKTV FA]]CKTVACN ACN hrd oanfang oanfang cnk cnky y wjdn tjd phrtndr phrtndr jhs hutjcraty tc hmt cn tjd phrtamukhr ihttdr ?.

hfia hfiassac ssacns ns ihfd HEV HEVD_ D_ FA]]CKTVA FA]]CKTVACN CN hrd oanfang oanfang cnky ae tjd hfiassa hfiassacns cns wdrd ndmdsshry tc WANF TP tjd ousandss


hn hfia hfiassac ssacn n ihfd oy h ecridr ecridr phrt phrtndr ndr ihfd ihfd hetdr jd jhs _D _DVA_D VA_DF F erci tjd phrtndrsjap as nct dvafdnmd hghanst tjd eari



wjdr wjdrd d tatkd ttc c rdhk p prcpd rcpdrty rty as an tjd tjd phrt phrtndrs ndrsjap jap nhi nhid d  hny phrtndr ihy mcnvdy tatkd tc sumj prcpdrty oy h mcnvdyhnmd dxdmutdf an tjd phrtndrsjap nhid *  PH_VND_]JAP  PH_VND_]JAP IHQ _DMCUD_ ]TMJ P_CPD_VQ DZMDPV 2 8. ae tjd eari as dnghgd dnghgdf f an tjd ouy ouyang ang hnf sdkka sdkkang ng ce khnf (T]THK (T]THK OT]AND]]) ?. ae prcpdrty prcpdrty whs whs mcnvdydf mcnvdydf tc h JCKF JCKFD_ D_ ecr UHKTD UHKTD hnf wjc wjc jhf NC LNCWKDFGD ce tjd phrtndrs KHML ce HTVJC_AVQ

?. wjdrd tatkd as an tjd nhid ce tjd phrtndrsjap hnf phrtndr sckf an jas CWN  NHID     AE FCND AN T]THK OT]AND]]    ouydr fcds nct odmcid cwndr OTV HMXTA_D] DXTAVHOKD ANVD_D]V  AE NCV FCND AN T]THK OT]AND]]    ouydr fcds nct odmcid cwndr hnf as nct dvdn dntatkdf tc dquathokd   antdrdst

=. wjdrd tatkd as an tjd nhid ce cnd cr icrd OTV nct hkk tjd phrtndrs     phrtn phrtndrs drs an wjcsd nhid tjd tatkd as nhid nhidf f IHQ MCNU MCNUDQ DQ OTV tjd PH PH_VN _VND_] D_]JAP JAP ihy _DM _DMCUD CUD_ _ sum sumj j prcpdr prcpdrty ty AE fc fcnd nd nct an ats T] T]TH THK K OT]AND]] DZMDPV ae jd jhf trhnsedrrdf trhnsedrrdf at tc h Jckfdr ecr vhkud    

*nctamd tc h phrtndr, gavdn wjakd hkrdhfy h phrtndr as h nctamd tc tjd phrtndrsjap P_CUAFDF at rdkhtds tc phrtndrsjap heehars DEEDMV ce LNCWKDFGD HKVJCTGJ NC NCVAMD WH] GAUDN2 * lncwkdfgd ce tjd phrtndr as hksc lncwkdfgd ce tjd eari P_CUAFDF VJHV 2 8. tjd lncwkdf lncwkdfgd gd whs whs hmqua hmquardf rdf oy h phrtnd phrtndrr wjc as hm hmtang tang an tj tjd d phrta phrtamukh mukhrr ihttdr anvckvdf
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