Age of Rebellion - Forged in Battle LQ - Soldier Career.pdf

March 21, 2017 | Author: ped.exing12 | Category: N/A
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ft>r Zabraks, who are more common across the galaxy. fhe Elom1n have large, pointed ears and nearly sol1dcolored, bright eyes of a wide variety of hues Their skin color ranges from black to brighter shades of red. Their fingers have small sharp, claw-like nails. Despite long involvement 1n the Republic and the Empire. many Elomrn prefer working on therr own or with other Elomin whenever possible These xenophobic tendencies also play rnto their dealings with the Eloms However. rn spite of therr insular socretal tendencies, many individual Elomin are driven by a thirst for knowledge that takes them into the wrder galaxy.




were 1n1t1ally wary, and reluctant to accept respons1b1lrty for the oppression of the Eloms. However. after the Republic's 1ntervent1on, the Eloms never sought retr but1on agarnst the Elomrn, and eventually tensions eased between the two soc1et1es. though they largely ignored each other Most Eloms preferred their underground society to what waited beyond the surface or among the stars. Years of Imperial rule have altered that pos1t1on. especially among the younger Eloms

Society (Elomin): The Elom1n live 1n politically d1v1ded lands, with countries and c1t1es They actively part1c1pated 1n galactic society and were members of the Society (Eloms): The Eloms reside al~ost ex~lusively Republic Jong before their discovery of the Elon1 Join underground on their homeworld. Prior to drscovery 1ng the former Republic advanced Elomin technology to a very advanced space age 1n a short time The Elo by the Elomin during the days of the former Republic. min pursue patterns of logic and puzzle out the ways they were not technologically advanced. In fact. therr of the universe They are capable of reordering their mannerisms and unique socretal structures prompted thinking when presented with enough evidence. but he Elom1n to regard them 1nrtrally as non sentient. they can stubbornly hold to previous ideas and ignore and so they once frequently ensla~ed Eloms in their new drscover1es or advances until 1t 1s overwhelming mines The Republic's representatrves found other This dogged adherence to a well established order w nd forced the Elomin to formally recognize the cemented the Elamin stance after the 1nrt1al d1scov as a species with rights that they must respect. ery of the Eloms The decree recogn1z1ng the Eloms' f1QMTls are largely pacifists and usually easy sentrence forced the Elom1n to formally acknowledge I with Des ite the d1fficult1es during the the reality It has taken years of Imperial abuse for I d that the now must turn


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• Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn • Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower • Starting Experience: 90 XP • Special Abilities: Kyuzo begin the game with one

rank in Coordination. They still may not train Coordination above rank 2 during character creation. • Dense Musculature: Kyuzo are adapted for Phatrong's relatively high gravity, and can make impressive bounding leaps on most other worlds. Once pe~ round as a ~aneuver, a Kyuzo may suf fe r 3 .stra r~ t~ leap horizontally or vertically to any location w1th1n medium range.

The isolationist Shistavan ens are with sharp teeth and claws. Aero~ they are best known as hunters, or sentien t beings, and they can in a wide variety of environm ents.\ do not completely shu t out the ga1 tend to be extremely dedicated to tt communi t ies, and cul tures, even as c( other species. At its best, this tend1 to strong communities that support members among Shistava nens, but a lead to wariness of outsiders and e' Few Shi stavanens leave their home s but individual wanderers and occasio1 munities have brought th eir ways and world s in the galaxy.

Physiology: Shistavanens reserTl ble digitigrade lower limbs. 1·hey are corr by short, t hick fur thaL is c> ften browr have upright. pointed ea rs on the up~ heads, and have a fearsome visage 1 their sharp t th. Shistavanens l1 ave E senses, especia lly vi sion. hearing. ~ Sh1stavanen ga it alt rn 1 s natural ly IJ upright and on all fours nd tr1ey cari

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nu th tin ur t t n th· r ' n· h tavanens, nati e langua~e con· bark and growls. It is very difficult for ecies to replicate with any accuracy, llV'\I'

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usually learn Basic. Using Basic on Uvena Prime is ned upon but grudgingly tolerated needed ommunicate with outsiders. More Sh1st~vanens learned to speak Basic since the e~tabl1shm~nt e Empire, mainly to deal with Imperial governing ials and trade partners.


in the Alliance: Like most galactic citizens,

tavanens as a group have no singular event th~t hes them to join the Rebel Alliance. Although their eworld is dominated by the Empire, the Empire s little interest in it beyond basic maintenance of erial rule. Most Shistavanens don't like the Empire, tolerate it in much the same way that they interd with the Republic and other offworlders before. idual Shistavanens find their own reasons to fight , often due to terrible personal experiences. e in the Alliance, Shistavanens gravitate toward es that mesh well with their physical skills. Many me pilots or scouts. However, those who excel at tial arts bring a ferocity and violence that often Is them assignments among the Rebellion's Spec:es Shistavanen combatants are fearsome, effec. and re sou rcefu I fighters.

• Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn • Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Starting Experience: 80 XP • Special Abilities: Shistavanen s begin the game with one rank in either Brawl or Survival . The} st 1 may not train Brawl or Survival above rank 2 during character creation. • Hunter's Instincts: When making a check for Initiative, a Shistavanen may make a Survival check instead of a Discipline or Cool check.

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· II\ and tl'l h110IL)g1call) superio1 foes. Tei - l Tr ilblazer ·s best friend. gi\ ing this Soldier \antag ?~th l t"'fens1\ el) and \\hen setting up ~ 1e to fir11sf1 ott toes befo1 e tt1e\ car1 1eact. ergned retrea' ~ tc> cunning pitfalls to carefully e er ossfi res, a T1~ai oIJ:e ca 11 e'\eCLtte co Li r1tless ent battlefield r11a r1eu\ e1~s to r1egate the ad\ ans ar1 ~ e11 er11 )' n1 ig t1 t .1 a\ e. E\ e11 i ri an unfa miIiar 011n1ent, a Trailbla:e1- can adapt qL1ickly, L~sing edge of Dt:ltt1eflelds and foes every\vl1ere to fir1d e plait opportL1r11ties and keep their enemies on back feet. A Trailblazer· fig,1ting on home turf is ) ur1beatable, caoable of eking e\ery t1n1 edge able out of tt1e er1v1ronment. e Vanguard belie\1es in hitting first and hitting est to end the figt1t qu·ck )'. Ideally, this means enemies never have a chance to strike bac~. If foes do sur. vi\1e the initial onslaught, they fin d

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l ) l'c rC't ti lr j dur n1 Ill >tt h ttl r, t)y clro1ds ir1s1de fon unregulated rcpulsorcraft light ~s s rom the advance of ene-rnv acto11es whc q an t 1l y was r 1 mr)or Ldnt than quality re Its ncrcd1b1e' range r~or and mechanized inlantry h cky al bee.· hy Ga1ven patter11 pro'ne J-10 1s in nearly any env1ronan ab11tty to operate effect vely ,-n• flen lead~ t r flL1ctuat~ons that ove~~~amdnitil~eg for years but the P 1iment ensureo Its widespread use nnon oncl t t1ons in roct1s1ng crystals cause ' ing compute1 inab l~'>ver s lackluster on board target ots to dr if l regular maintenance Alliance and ltmrted protect1~nv' to penetrate heavier armor, c n1c1ans l to replace the faulty cannons by more capable Mode~r its operator saVv it rep aced ti er thar c repairs ke~h ~(lo~g~nizatJons S\.Jcti as the Rebel Alliance have The GM rr nd @ or p hip ~ i.ll , tl nlntn lnser cDnnon reacly to f>trK off poi t 15 s1cn1f1c 1ntty le'ls Uirt c1Lt!n1ne tt 1n h v rlC. '>Oor1 s tl1cv co1no nto range ous Rep 1blic gun~h1ps that preceded it but th ct ~1gn A ractory hesh IDr om t; fron1 R t '""';JI"" 111 ll1
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