Agatha Christie Destination Unknown L5

March 23, 2017 | Author: RodrigoFernandoCarizCuello | Category: N/A
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Agatha Christie (1890-1976) is know n throughout the world as the Q ueen of Crim e. H er books have sold over a billion copies in English w ith another billion in over 100 foreign languages. She is the most widely published and translated author of all time and in any language; only the Bible and Shakespeare have sold more copies. She is the author o f 80 crim e novels and short story collections, 19 plays, and six other novels. The Mousetrap, her most famous play, was first staged in 1952 in London and is still perform ed there —it is the longest-running play in history. Agatha C hristie’s first novel was published in 1920. It featured Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective w ho has becom e the most popular detective in crim e fiction since Sherlock Holmes. Collins has published Agatha Christie since 1926. This series has been especially created for readers worldw ide whose first language is not English. Each story has been shortened, and the vocabulary and gram m ar sim plified to m ake it accessible to readers w ith a good interm ediate know ledge o f the language. The follow ing features are included after the story: A List o f characters to help the reader identify w ho is who, and how they are connected to each other. Cultural notes to explain historical and other references. A Glossary o f words that some readers may not be fam iliar w ith are explained. There is also a Recording o f the story.

Agatha Christie Destination Unknown


Collins HarperCollins Publishers 77-85 Fulham Palace Road London W6 8JB Collins ® is a registered trademark of HarperCollins Publishers Limited. This Collins English Readers edition published 2012 Reprint 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 First published in Great Britain by Collins 1954 AGATHA CHRISTIE™ Destination Unknown™ Copyright © 1954 Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2012 Destination Unknown™ abridged edition Agatha Christie Limited. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-0-00-745170-8 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Cover by © HarperCollins/Agatha Christie Ltd 2008 Typeset by Aptara in India. Printed and bound in Great Britain by Clays Ltd, St Ives pic. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. HarperCollins does not warrant that or any other website mentioned in this title will be provided uninterrupted, that any website will be error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs. For full terms and conditions please refer to the site terms provided on the website.

Contents S tory


C haracter list


C ultural notes




Chapter 1 M r Jessop sat at his desk. H e was a m an w ho looked as if he lived indoors —a m an o f desks and paper —and his office was at the end of a long underground corridor. A lthough Jessop’s smooth, pale face had no expression, his eyes were tired. W alking w ith nervous energy up and dow n Jessop’s office was Colonel W harton. The Colonel had dark hair and a small moustache. ‘Reports! ’ he exclaimed loudly, ‘All we get is security reports and they’re all useless!’ Jessop looked dow n at the papers and docum ents on his desk. They all read, ‘Betterton, Thomas’. ‘R eports — not just from R om e,’ continued the Colonel, ‘but from nearly every capital city in the w orld!’ H e sat dow n abruptly. ‘W e’ve got to find Thom as B etterton,’ he insisted. ‘H e’s like all these other top scientists that have disappeared recently — we still don’t know where they are. A nd we don’t know how or why they disappear, either,’ he added. ‘Have you read the latest inform ation on B etterton from A m erica?’ Jessop nodded. ‘B etterton w orked in America before the war,’ he said. ‘His w ork was good, but ordinary. W hen the scientist D r M annheim escaped to America from Germany, Betterton worked as his assistant, and he later m arried D r M annheim ’s daughter, Elsa. After D r M annheim died, B etterton worked on his ow n, and became very famous w hen he discovered ZE Fission - one o f the most brilliant and im portant discoveries about nuclear science that’s ever been m ade.’ ‘I don’t understand ZE Fission at all,’ said C olonel W harton, ‘or anything about atom bom bs or nuclear science. All I know is that these scientists now have the pow er to destroy the w orld!’

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‘B etterton became one o f the most im portant scientists in the world,’ continued Jessop. ‘B ut his wife Elsa died soon after their marriage and B etterton decided to come to England. H e’s been w orking at the nuclear laboratory in H arw ell for the last eighteen months. Just six m onths ago he m arried again.’ ‘W hat about B etterton’s second w ife?’ asked W harton. ‘A nything o f interest? ’ Jessop shook his head. ‘W e can’t find anything,’ he said. ‘She’s the daughter of a local lawyer and worked in an office before her m arriage.’ ‘W hat do the people at Harwell say about B etterton?’ W harton asked. ‘They said that he was a pleasant m an,’ Jessop replied. ‘He worked on the practical uses o f ZE Fission - nothing new or original.’ Both men were silent for a moment, as they looked at the big pile of security reports on the desk. ‘Was Betterton thoroughly investigated before he arrived in England? ’ asked Colonel W harton. ‘Yes, o f course. Everything was satisfactory.’ ‘And B etterton’s been here eighteen m onths,’ said W harton thoughtfully. ‘Sometimes these scientists get nervous and upset because they’re always watched so carefully — for security reasons, o f course. They begin to dream o f an ideal world peace and freedom for everyone. They w ant to share their secrets and their work w ith all the world, for the good o f hum anity! T hat’s exactly the m om ent when someone can persuade them to sell their secrets and betray their country.’ ‘It w ould help if I knew m ore about B etterton,’ said Jessop, looking again at the papers on his desk. ‘N ot about his work, but about the everyday things —w hat made him laugh, the people he adm ired or what m ade him angry.’

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‘Can’t his wife tell you that? ’ asked W harton. ‘She hasn’t helped me much so far,’ said Jessop. ‘She says she doesn’t know anything about her husband’s disappearance —she says she thinks he’s been kidnapped.’ ‘W h at’s she like?’ ‘She seems like a very ordinary w om an,’ said Jessop. ‘She’s waiting to see me now. I’ll ask her the same questions again and see if she can tell me anything new.’ W harton nodded. ‘It’s the only way,’ he said. ‘Let me know if you learn anything interesting.’ H e left the room as Jessop picked up the phone and told his assistant to send in M rs Betterton. M rs Olive B etterton was a tall w om an of about twenty-seven. The first thing you noticed about her was her beautiful red hair. Because her hair was so lovely, you didn’t really notice w hat her face looked like. She had blue-green eyes and light eyelashes. ‘O h, M r Jessop,’ she said breathlessly as she sat down, ‘is there any news?’ ‘N o, I’m sorry,’ said Jessop gently. ‘T here’s no definite news. I just w anted to ask you the same questions in case you rem em ber some small detail that could help.’ ‘Yes. Yes, I understand,’ said M rs B etterton. ‘I don’t m ind. It’s better than sitting at hom e - wondering. Ask me any questions you like.’ ‘So the last tim e you saw your husband was on 23rd August, when he left to go to a conference in Paris?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘H e w ent to the first tw o days o f the conference,’ said Jessop, ‘but on the third day he told a colleague that he was going on a boat trip on the river Seine. Does that seem likely?’ ‘It is a little strange that he missed the conference,’ adm itted Mrs B etterton.’

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‘He didn’t return to his hotel that evening,’ continued Jessop, ‘and he didn’t travel to another country using his ow n passport. Do you know if he had a second passport - in another name, perhaps?’ ‘N o, no, of course not. A nd he w ouldn’t just go away w ithout telling me.’ ‘Was his health all right?’ asked Jessop. ‘Yes. He was w orking hard and sometimes felt tired, that’s all,’ said Mrs Betterton. ‘H e wasn’t w orried or unhappy about anything, if that’s w hat you mean. Som ething must have happened to him .’ She opened her handbag and took out a handkerchief. ‘It’s all so awful,’ she said, her voice shaking. ‘Som ething’s happened to Tom. H e’s been kidnapped or — or he’s dead.’ ‘N ow please, M rs B etterton — there’s no need to think that your husband is dead. We w ould have found his body by now.’ She took the handkerchief away from her eyes and stared at him , suddenly angry. ‘I know what you think,’ she said, ‘but it’s not true! Tom w ould never sell secrets or betray his country. He was a scientist —a brilliant scientist.’ ‘Yes,’ agreed Jessop, ‘he was a brilliant scientist. T hat’s why he m ight have been offered a large am ount of m oney to work in another country.’ ‘It’s not true,’ repeated Olive Betterton angrily. ‘He would have told me. He would have given me some clue. But he told me nothing. I don’t know where he is. He must have been kidnapped — or he’s dead. But I need to know, I must know. I can’t go on like this, waiting and wondering. I can’t eat or sleep. I’m sick with worry. Can’t you help me? Can’t you help me at all?’ ‘I’m very sorry, M rs B etterton,’ said Jessop gently. ‘W e’re doing our best to find out w hat’s happened to your husband. We get lots o f reports every day, but there is still no definite news.’

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‘I must know,’ she said again. ‘I can’t go on like this.’ ‘D o you love your husband, M rs B etterton?’ ‘O f course I love him . W e’ve only been m arried six m onths.’ ‘So you hadn’t argued w ith him before he disappeared?’ ‘O h, no!’ ‘And there was —I’m sorry to ask —no other w om an?’ ‘O f course not. I’ve told you. W e were only m arried in April.’ ‘I’m sorry, but we have to think o f everything,’ said Jessop. ‘I’m trying to find out what your husband was like. And you’re not helping me very m uch.’ ‘But I’ve answered all your questions.’ ‘Yes, you have,’ said Jessop, ‘but your answers are m ainly negative —I w ant som ething positive, som ething that tells me the kind o f person your husband is.’ She thought for a mom ent. ‘W ell,’ she said, ‘Tom was cheerful and good-tem pered. And clever, o f course.’ Jessop sighed. ‘D id your husband have m any friends?’ ‘He was in America for so long,’ said Mrs Betterton, ‘that he didn’t know m any people here.’ Jessop looked at a paper on his desk. ‘I have a report here,’ he said, ‘that tw o people from America visited your husband recently. The first was called W alter Griffiths.’ ‘Yes, I rem em ber him . Tom was surprised to see him , but very pleased. T hey were good friends in America. Griffiths was very anxious to tell Tom everything that had happened after he left - all the local gossip. I suppose. I didn’t listen very closely.’ ‘And the second person to visit your husband was a w om an called Carol Speeder.’ ‘O h, yes. She had know n Tom in America, and rang him up from London to ask if we could m eet for lunch. But we didn’t go in the end.’ 5

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‘You didn’t go, but your husband did.’ ‘W hat?’ Mrs B etterton stared at him . ‘So he didn’t tell you? It was on 12th August.’ Mrs Betterton looked uneasy. ‘Yes, Tom did go to London then.’ ‘D id you notice any change in your husband’s behaviour about that time? It was a week before the conference.’ N o —no, I noticed nothing,’ she said. ‘There was nothing to notice.’ The telephone on Jessop’s desk rang and he picked up the receiver. ‘T here’s a m an asking to see you, Sir,’ said his assistant. ‘A bout Thomas B etterton.’ H e spelt out a foreign nam e that Jessop wrote dow n on a piece o f paper. ‘Is he from Poland?’Jessop asked. ‘H e didn’t say, Sir. H e speaks English well.’ ‘A sk him to wait,’ Jessop said. ‘I’ll see him in a m inute.’ He put dow n the phone. ‘D o you know anybody w ith this nam e?’ Jessop asked, showing Mrs B etterton the paper. H er eyes w idened and he thought she looked frightened. ‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Yes, I do. H e w rote to me yesterday. H e’s a cousin o f Tom ’s first wife. H e has just arrived in England and w rote to say how sorry he was that Tom had disappeared. He asked if I had any news.’ ‘Did your husband ever talk about him? ’ ‘N o.’ ‘So he m ight not be any relation at all?’ ‘Well, no, I suppose not. I didn’t think o f that.’ Olive Betterton looked surprised. ‘But Tom ’s first wife was D r M annheim ’s daughter. This m an knew all about her. And w hy else w ould he w rite to m e?’

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‘I don’t know,’ adm itted Jessop. ‘I’m afraid in this job I’m always a little suspicious o f everyone.’ ‘Yes, I can understand that,’ said M rs Betterton. She pushed her red hair back from her forehead. ‘I can’t bear it m uch longer,’ she said nervously. ‘J ust sitting and waiting. I w ant to get away — go abroad for a while. Somewhere w here the newspaper reporters w on’t ring me up all the time, and people w on’t stare at me. I’ve tried to be brave, but it’s too m uch for me. M y doctor agrees. He w rote me a letter.’ She took an envelope out o f her bag and gave it to Jessop. ‘See what my doctor says.’ Jessop read the letter. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Yes, I see.’ He gave the letter back. ‘So - can I go?’ she asked nervously. ‘O h, o f course, M rs B etterton,’ Jessop replied in surprise. ‘W hy not? It’s entirely your ow n business. Just let me know how I can contact you in case there’s news. W here are you going?’ ‘Somewhere sunny —Spain or M orocco.’ ‘Very nice,’ said Jessop. ‘I’m sure it w ill be good for you.’ ‘O h, yes, thank you. T hank you very m uch.’ M rs Betterton stood up, excited and nervous, and Jessop showed her out o f the room. W hen she had gone, Jessop sat dow n at his desk. T hen he smiled, very slowly. He picked up the phone. ‘I’ll see M ajor Glydr now,’ he said.

Chapter 2 ‘M ajor Glydr?’Jessop hesitated as he said the strange name. ‘It is difficult to say, yes,’ said the visitor. ‘N ow I live in America, I think I w ill change my nam e.’ ‘Have you just arrived from Am erica?’ ‘Yes, I arrived a week ago.’ Jessop looked at his visitor. H e saw a tall m an, w ho stood very straight and stiff, aged about thirty. His fair hair was cut very short, and he spoke slowly and carefully. He seemed to be in complete control of him self and wasn’t at all nervous. ‘H ow can I help you?’ Jessop asked. ‘I came to ask if you had any news about Thom as Betterton. He is a relative o f m ine by m arriage.’ ‘I’m sorry, but I have no definite news,’ said Jessop pleasantly. ‘I am told, M ajor Glydr, that you are the nephew o f the late D r M annheim .’ ‘A h, so you know that already. Yes, my m other was D r M annheim ’s only sister. I am from Poland, but m y parents died w hen I was young and I w ent to live in G erm any w ith my uncle and his daughter, Elsa. She was like a sister to me. T hen came W orld W ar II, and m y uncle and Elsa escaped to America w hile I stayed to fight in the Polish Resistance against the Germ ans. ‘A fter the w ar I finally get to America, but alas’ —he spread out his hands — ‘my uncle, he is dead, m y cousin, too, and her husband has come to England and has m arried again. So once more I have no family. W hen I hear about the disappearance of the w ell-know n scientist Thomas Betterton, I come over to see w hat can be done.’ He paused and looked at Jessop. ‘D o you know why he disappeared? ’

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Jessop’s face had no expression. ‘W e do not,’ he replied. ‘But you suspect? ’ ‘It is possible,’ said Jessop carefully, ‘that his disappearance is connected to that o f other scientists.’ ‘D id all these scientists disappear w illingly? ’ ‘It is difficult to say,’ saidjessop. ‘Forgive me for asking, M ajor Glydr, but Thom as B etterton is related to you only by marriage. You don’t know him . W hy are you so interested? ’ ‘T hat is true. But in Poland the family is very im portant.’ He stood up and bow ed. ‘I thank you for your tim e.’ ‘I’m sorry I cannot help you,’ saidjessop. ‘But if I do have any news, w here can I contact you?’ ‘The Am erican Embassy w ill know how to find me. I thank you.’ Again M ajor Glydr bowed and then left the room. Back at his desk, Jessop picked up the phone. Ask Colonel W harton to come to my office.’ W hen W harton entered the room Jessop said, ‘Som ething is happening at last. M rs Betterton wants to go abroad.’ ‘Is she going to m eet her husband?’ ‘I hope so,’ said Jessop. ‘She showed me a letter from her doctor, advising a rest and a change of scene. O f course, it may even be true.’ ‘D o you really think so?’ ‘N o, I don’t. But she’s very good at pretending - very convincing.’ ‘D id you find out anything else?’ asked W harton. ‘J ust that B etterton didn’t tell his wife that he m et Carol Speeder for lunch,’ said Jessop. ‘She m ight be the contact. And she had a letter from M ajor Glydr, a cousin o f B etterton’s first wife. H e’s just been here himself. W e’ll keep a close eye on him .’ ‘W here is M rs B etterton going?’

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‘Spain or M orocco, she said.’ ‘They are the only tw o countries where B etterton hasn’t been seen,’ said W harton. ‘All right, w e’ll watch her very carefully. W e’ll use Janet, I think. Let’s hope we get results this tim e.’ Jessop leaned back in his chair. ‘It’s a long tim e since I had a holiday,’ he said. ‘I m ight even take a trip abroad m yself. . .’


Chapter 3 I ‘A ir France Flight 108 to Paris is now boarding.’ O n hearing this announcem ent, H ilary Craven and the rest o f the passengers walked out to the w aiting aeroplane at H eathrow A irport. ‘This is it,’ thought H ilary as she took her seat on the plane. ‘I’m finally going to escape. Away from the cold and grey, the pain and m isery, to sunshine, blue skies and a new life.’ T he plane moved gently along the runw ay, and the air hostess told the passengers to fasten their seat belts. W ith a roar o f the engines the plane took o ff and soon they were flying up in the clouds. T he roads and railways, so far below, looked small and unim portant. H ilary closed her eyes. She had escaped. She had left England, left Nigel, and left Brenda’s grave behind her. She sat back in her seat and went to sleep. II

W hen H ilary woke up, the plane was landing —but not in Paris. ‘W e are landing at Beauvais because of thick fog in Paris,’ explained the air hostess. Once they were on the ground, the passengers w alked through the cold damp mist to a rough wooden building. ‘It’s an old w ar aerodrom e.’ H ilary heard a m an say. A t least w e’re in France, so we should get som ething to drink.’ True enough, the passengers were soon given drinks while they waited. H ours passed and other planes landed. Soon the small building was full o f cold, tired people, com plaining about the delay. II

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H ilary felt like she was in a dream. She waited patiently until she was finally seated on a bus, w hich began its long slow journey through the fog towards Paris. It was m idnight w hen the passengers at last arrived at their hotel, and H ilary was so tired that she w ent straight to bed. H er plane to Casablanca in M orocco was due to leave Paris at ten-thirty the next m orning, but w hen H ilary arrived at the airport everything was in confusion. Because o f the fog, planes had been delayed all over Europe. After a long wait, H ilary was finally booked onto another flight to Casablanca. ‘The fog has caused many delays,’ explained the busy clerk at the departure desk. ‘But this plane w ill arrive in Casablanca only three hours later than your original flight. A nd what does it really matter, M adam e, which plane you take to Casablanca? ’ But on that day it did matter. W hen H ilary finally arrived at Casablanca and stepped out into the sunshine, the porter in charge o f the luggage trolley said, ‘It was lucky for you, Madame, that you were not on the earlier plane.’ ‘W hy?’ H ilary asked. ‘W hat happened?’ The man looked around uneasily, but he knew that the news could not be kept secret. ‘It was terrible,’ he said quietly. ‘The plane crashed. O nly a few people are still alive. They have been taken to hospital, badly hurt.’ Hilary’s first reaction was anger. ‘If I had been on that plane,’ she thought, ‘I would be dead now —it would all be over, at last. ..’ She went through customs and was driven to her hotel. She had arrived. She had left cold, dark London behind and now she was in a place o f life and colour and sunshine. It was just as lovely as she had im agined it would be. She had escaped. But finally, sitting in her hotel room , H ilary realized that there was no escape. Brenda was still dead, and soon Nigel would be


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m arrying his new wife. Those were the facts and they w ouldn’t change. She still felt the same despair, whatever country she was in. There was no escape from reality. H ilary had survived a long illness, and then her husband Nigel had cruelly abandoned her. She had survived because she had Brenda, her daughter. But then Brenda had becom e ill, and finally she had died . . . T hinking w ith despair about her husband and her daughter, H ilary finally adm itted that she did not w ant to live any more. She wished she had died in the plane crash. It would have been so easy. If she had been on her original flight, she w ould now be dead, and free from suffering. ‘W ell,’ thought H ilary at last, ‘I can still end it now. I just need to go to a pharmacy.’ Ill

H ilary was surprised to find that sleeping pills were hard to buy in a foreign city. The first pharm acy did not give her enough, saying that for m ore pills she needed a prescription. O n her way out she bum ped into a tall, serious young m an who said ‘Sorry’ in English. She heard him ask for a particular kind o f toothpaste as she left the shop. She visited four different pharmacies before she had enough sleeping pills. In the third pharmacy, H ilary was amused to see the serious young m an again, still asking for toothpaste. And when she w ent downstairs for dinner, H ilary noticed the young m an in the hotel dining room , reading a French newspaper. After a good meal and a glass of w ine, H ilary felt almost excited about w hat she was going to do. It was her last adventure. She w ent back to her room carrying a bottle of water, locked the


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door and took out all the sleeping pills. She just had to swallow the pills and her life would be over. T hough she was a little afraid, H ilary was also calm. She decided not to leave a note —Nigel w ould read about her death in the newspaper. H e didn’t seem im portant any more. She could do w hat she w anted, and she was ready to start her final journey. But as H ilary reached for the first sleeping pill she heard a quiet knock on the door. She frow ned and decided not to answer it. But after a while there was another knock, and H ilary watched in am azement as the key slowly turned in the lock and the door opened. In came the serious young man w ho had been trying to buy toothpaste. ‘W hat do you think you’re doing here?’ asked H ilary angrily. ‘T hat’s just w hat I was going to ask you,’ said the serious young man, looking at the pills on the table. T he situation was so strange that H ilary didn’t know what to say. In the end she asked, ‘H ow did you tu rn the key in the lock?’ ‘O h, that!’ The young m an smiled and showed her a metal instrum ent. ‘You put it in the lock and tu rn the key from the outside,’ he explained. ‘Burglars use them .’ ‘So you’re a burglar?’ said Hilary. ‘N o, no,’ said the young man. ‘M y nam e’s Jessop. I did knock, if you remember. You w ouldn’t let me in so I used this.’ ‘But why?’ Again Jessop looked at the pills on the table. ‘It’s not like going to sleep,’ he said. ‘If it works at all, it can take a long time, and can be very painful.’ H ilary forced herself to smile. ‘Do you think I was going to kill myself?’ she said. ‘T hat’s ridiculous!’


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‘I know you were,’ replied Jessop. ‘I followed you to those pharmacies and saw you buy all those sleeping pills.’ His voice was friendly and casual. H ilary stopped pretending ‘You can’t stop m e,’ she said. ‘Even if you take the pills away, I can get some more. O r I could jum p off a roof, or in front o f a train.’ ‘N o,’ he agreed. ‘I can’t stop you, but tom orrow you m ight not do anything. Tom orrow you m ight feel differently.’ ‘I don’t think I w ill,’ H ilary argued. ‘M y husband, w ho I loved, left me. M y only child died painfully. I don’t have any close friends or relatives, and I don’t have any w ork or a job that I love doing. I don’t think it’s w rong to end my ow n life. So why don’t you just leave me alone?’ The young m an looked at her thoughtfully ‘So, let’s make sure I understand. You don’t want to live any longer - is that right?’ ‘Yes, that’s right.’ ‘G ood,’ said Jessop, cheerfully. ‘Instead o f sleeping pills, I’m going to suggest another way that you can die.’ ‘I don’t understand what you m ean,’ said H ilary in surprise. ‘Let me explain,’ said Jessop. ‘You may have heard that several scientists have disappeared lately?’ ‘Yes,’ said Hilary. ‘I’ve read about it in the newspapers.’ ‘W ell,’ continued Jessop, ‘we w ant to know w hat’s happened to them . W ere all these scientists - there are lots of them kidnapped, or did they go willingly? W here have they gone? W ho arranged everything and what do they want? There are so m any questions —and you can help us get some answers.’ H ilary stared at him . ‘Me? H ow ?’ ‘A scientist called Thomas B etterton disappeared from Paris just over tw o m onths ago. His wife says she has no idea where he is. I don’t think that’s true.’ IS

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H ilary leaned forward, interested in what he said, briefly forgetting her ow n problems. ‘W e watched Mrs Betterton closely,’ continued Jessop. ‘Yesterday she left England to travel to Casablanca. H er plane crashed.’ ‘I know about the plane,’ said Hilary. ‘I was supposed to be on it.’ ‘Mrs B etterton is in hospital at the m om ent,’ saidjessop, ‘but the doctor says she w on’t live for long.’ ‘I still don’t understand,’ said Hilary. ‘W hat does this have to do w ith m e?’ ‘Because you have red hair, the same as M rs B etterton,’ explained Jessop. ‘I’m suggesting that w hen Mrs B etterton dies, you take her place. You pretend to be Mrs B etterton. You try and reach her husband and find out where he is and w hat he’s doing.’ ‘But surely,’ said Hilary, ‘they would know I wasn’t really her?’ ‘W e don’t know for sure,’ said Jessop. ‘O ften these people w ork in small groups for their ow n security. If Mrs Betterton was travelling to m eet her husband, all that the people here in M orocco know is that they have to contact a certain w om an at a certain tim e and place. Mrs B etterton’s passport description is five-foot-seven, red hair, blue-green eyes —just like you. ‘W e w ill arrange things w ith the French authorities so that officially you —H ilary Craven —died in hospital a few days after the plane crash. Mrs B etterton will continue her journey. And being in a plane crash is a good cover story for you. Concussion can cause loss of memory.’ ‘It’s a crazy idea!’ H ilary exclaimed. ‘O h, yes,’ said Jessop. ‘It is crazy. It’s very difficult and dangerous, and if I’m being honest, your chances o f surviving


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aren’t high —you may well be killed. But that’s w hat you want, isn’t it? And this way w ill probably be m ore exciting than sleeping pills.’ Suddenly and unexpectedly H ilary laughed. ‘I do believe you’re right,’ she said. ‘I’ll do it. Yes, I’ll do it.’ ‘In that case,’ said Jessop, standing up w ith sudden energy, ‘there’s no tim e to lose.’


Chapter 4

I In the hospital Olive B etterton lay unconscious in bed. The doctor quietly told Jessop that she w ouldn’t live m uch longer. ‘W hat do you w ant me to say to her?’ asked Hilary. ‘Find out any inform ation you can,’ replied Jessop. ‘A ny password, sign or message - anything that m ight help. She is m ore likely to speak to you than to me.’ H ilary nodded and w ent to sit by Olive B etterton’s bed. She felt extremely sorry for the w om an w ho lay there dying. H ad she really been going to m eet the m an she loved? Tim e passed. It wasn’t until tw o hours later that Olive B etterton’s eyes opened for a m om ent, and a nurse left to find the doctor. The dying w om an looked at H ilary w ith surprise. ‘W here . . . ?’ Mrs B etterton’s voice was faint and breathless. The doctor entered the room and held Mrs B etterton’s hand. ‘You are in hospital, M adam e,’ he said. ‘There was an accident to the plane. Is there anyone you want to see in Casablanca? Any message for anyone?’ ‘N o,’ said Mrs Betterton. She looked again at Hilary. ‘W ho — who . . . ?’ ‘I came from England on a plane, too,’ said Hilary. ‘Please tell me if I can help you.’ ‘N o —nothing.’ T he dying w om an’s eyes closed again. Jessop stepped forward. ‘Can you tell me anything about your husband, Mrs B etterton?’ H er eyes opened for a m om ent. ‘N o,’ she said. Jessop quietly left the room . ‘It w on’t be long,’ the doctor said quietly to 18

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Hilary, before he too left the room . T he tw o w om en were alone. Olive B etterton moved her hand a little and tried to speak. It was obviously hard for her. ‘Tell me —tell me . . .’ H ilary knew what she was asking. ‘You are dying,’ she said clearly. ‘Please listen to me. I am going to try and reach your husband —to reach Tom. D o you have a message for him? ’ ‘Tell him —to be careful. Boris —Boris - dangerous . . .’ H er voice was faint. ‘Is there anything you know that w ill help m e?’ asked Hilary. ‘Snow,’ said Olive B etterton faintly. T hen she made an effort to speak. ‘Snow, snow, beautiful snow! You slip on a lump, and over you go! Go — go and tell him about Boris. I didn’t believe it, but perhaps it’s true . . . If it is . . .’ —she looked painfully up at H ilary —‘take care . . .’ A strange noise came from Olive B etterton’s lips. A nd then she died. II

H ilary w orked very hard for the next five days. She stayed in a private room in the hospital and m em orized all the details of Olive B etterton’s life that Jessop gave her. She learned all about Olive’s house, her relatives, her w edding day and her m arried life w ith Thom as B etterton. She knew all about Olive’s pet dog, what she liked to eat and drink and what the rooms in her house looked like. ‘Does all this really m atter?’ H ilary asked Jessop. ‘Probably not,’ he replied, ‘but you’ve got to think that you are Olive B etterton. You have to become her in every detail. And you


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haven’t got m uch time. It’s a good thing that you’re intelligent and have a good m em ory.’ H e looked at her thoughtfully. A lthough their passport descriptions were the same, H ilary Craven and Olive Betterton looked very different. You didn’t really notice O live’s face, but H ilary’s face was strong, and her eyes were alive and intelligent. H ilary was enjoying herself and was interested in w hat she was doing, but she still had questions. ‘H ow do you know that the people here w on’t know exactly what Olive B etterton looks like?’ ‘I don’t know for sure,’ adm itted Jessop. ‘It is a risk. But hopefully, all they know is that Olive B etterton was arriving on that plane. She herself isn’t a scientist —she’s not im portant. It’s only because o f the plane crash —which was real —and your red hair, that we can take this chance. All we had planned to do before was to watch Olive B etterton - that’s all.’ ‘W ill you be w atching m e?’ asked Hilary. ‘Yes, of course,’ saidjessop. ‘But I w on’t tell you how. Then you w on’t be able to tell anyone else.’ ‘D o you think I would? ’ ‘I don’t m ean on purpose,’ Jessop said. ‘But if someone surprises you, even a m om ent’s pause or a look can give you away.’ The lessons continued, and H ilary learned not just about Olive B etterton, but also what she needed to do as she w ent on her journey. Jessop asked H ilary question after question, testing her knowledge and trying to confuse her. At last he said he was satisfied. ‘You’re a quick learner,’ saidjessop. ‘A nd remember, though you may feel alone at times, you probably w on’t be. I say “probably”, but I can’t prom ise.’

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‘A nd w hat happens,’ said Hilary, ‘if I succeed —if I finally see Tom B etterton?’ Jessop looked serious. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘T hat’s the most dangerous m om ent. All I can say is that if everything has gone to plan, you should have protection. But at the beginning, I did say that your chances o f surviving w eren’t high. T hough that was before I knew you very well.’ H ilary was pleased. ‘I have another question,’ she said. ‘W hat happens if I m eet someone w ho recognizes me —H ilary Craven? ’ ‘D on’t w orry,’ said Jessop. ‘T he people you travelled w ith on the plane have flown on elsewhere. W hen you leave this hospital you’ll be w earing Olive B etterton’s clothes and your hair w ill be styled like hers. W e have a doctor w ho w ill m ake it look as if you’ve been in an accident. N o one w ill recognize you.’ ‘You think o f everything,’ said Hilary. ‘A nd what do you think about w hat Olive B etterton told me before she died? She said “Tell him ” — m eaning her husband — “tell him to be careful —Boris —dangerous ‘Boris,’ repeated Jessop. ‘Yes, that’s interesting. She must have meant M ajor Boris Glydr.’ ‘D o you know him ?’ asked Hilary. ‘W ho is he?’ ‘If he is w ho he says he is, he’s a cousin of the first Mrs B etterton.’ ‘She was frightened,’ said Hilary, frowning. ‘Tell me what he looks like, so I can recognize him .’ ‘H e’s about six feet tall and has short fair hair, light eyes and is rather stiff.’ Jessop paused. ‘I had him followed when he left my office,’ he said, ‘but he w ent straight to the American Embassy. T hen we lost him . But yes — I think that Olive Betterton was right w hen she said that Boris Glydr was dangerous.’ 21

Chapter 5 I Two m iddle-aged ladies were sitting in the small lounge o f a hotel in Casablanca. M rs Baker, short and round, w ith bluetinted hair, was w riting letters. She was an energetic wom an w ho loved to talk —a typical Am erican travelling abroad. Miss H etherington, w ho was obviously English, was knitting a shapeless-looking jum per. She was tall and thin w ith badlystyled hair and a disappointed expression. The tw o ladies had been staying at the hotel for a few days and had got to know each other. They both looked up as they saw a tall w om an w ith red hair walk past the door o f the lounge. ‘D id you see that w om an w ith red hair?’ whispered Mrs Baker. ‘They say she’s the only survivor o f that terrible plane crash last week.’ ‘I saw her arrive this afternoon,’ said Miss H etherington. ‘She came straight from hospital in an ambulance.’ ‘The hotel m anager told me she had concussion,’ continued M rs Baker. ‘I see her face was bandaged. Poor thing. I w onder if she was travelling w ith her husband?’ ‘I don’t think so,’ said Miss H etherington. ‘In the newspaper it said she was travelling alone. H er name is M rs Betterton, I believe. N ow w here have I heard that nam e before?’ II

Looking pale and ill, w ith her face bandaged, M rs Betterton had arrived at the hotel, where the m anager showed her to her 22

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room. W hen he had gone, H ilary lay dow n on the bed, thinking that Olive B etterton would need to rest. Olive B etterton’s passport now had H ilary’s photo on it and her signature was in H ilary’s handw riting. Everything was organized. But there were no letters or messages for her at the hotel reception desk, and all Olive B etterton’s tickets and travel plans were now out o f date. T he real Olive Betterton, however, had been in a plane crash. If H ilary forgot any instructions or things she had to do next, she could blame the concussion. All she could do now was to wait and see if anything happened. In the evening, H ilary w ent downstairs to the hotel dining room. People stared at her and whispered, obviously talking about the accident. After dinner H ilary sat in the lounge and picked up a magazine. She wondered if anyone would talk to her. There were one or tw o other w om en sitting in the room , and soon a small, m iddle-aged w om an w ith blue-tinted hair moved to sit near her. ‘Please excuse m e,’ the w om an said in a pleasant voice w ith an Am erican accent, ‘but are you the w om an w ho escaped from that plane crash? ’ H ilary put dow n her magazine. ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘I am.’ ‘T hat crash was terrible!’ the w om an said. ‘Can I ask, Miss —Mrs . . .’ ‘B etterton,’ said Hilary. ‘C an I ask, M rs Betterton, if you were sitting in the front or the back o f the plane?’ H ilary knew the answer to this question. ‘N ear the back,’ she said. ‘D id you hear that, Miss H etherington?’ said the wom an, turning to include another m iddle-aged lady in the conversation. ‘T hey do say the back of the plane is the safest place to be.


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I w on’t sit near the front again. Let me introduce myself,’ the w om an continued. ‘M y nam e is M rs Baker and this is Miss H etherington.’ H ilary politely said hello. ‘I’ve been travelling round M orocco,’ M rs Baker continued. ‘A re you planning to visit M arrakesh, M rs B etterton?’ ‘Yes, I am ,’ said Hilary. ‘But I need to rebook my tickets.’ ‘M arrakesh is very expensive,’ said Miss H etherington. ‘Though I have heard o f a nice hotel there —very clean and w ith good food.’ ‘W here else are you going, M rs Betterton? ’ asked Mrs Baker. ‘I would like to see Fez,’ said H ilary carefully. ‘Have you been there?’ ‘N ot yet. But I’m planning to go there soon, and so is Miss H etherington,’ said Mrs Baker. ‘I believe the old city is well w orth seeing.’ After the three w om en had talked a while longer, H ilary said she was tired and w ent upstairs to her room . H ad she achieved anything? She wasn’t sure. The tw o w om en she had just talked to seemed so norm al, such typical travellers. She would see if anything happened tomorrow. The next m orning there were still no letters or messages, so H ilary decided to go to the travel agency to rebook her tickets. After waiting in the queue, she finally reached the front desk and told the clerk her name. ‘Ah yes, M adam e B etterton,’ said the clerk. ‘W e received your telephone message and I have all your new tickets and travel plans ready for you.’ H ilary was excited. She hadn’t phoned the travel agency. This was a definite sign that Olive B etterton’s travel plans had been arranged by someone else. Outside, H ilary looked carefully at


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her new tickets, and saw that she was booked to leave for Fez the next day. Back at the hotel, H ilary didn’t see M rs Baker again, and though she did see Miss H etherington, she didn’t speak to her. And the next day H ilary left by train for Fez.


Chapter 6 The weather was perfect - sunny and clear - as H ilary looked out o f the train w indow on her way to Fez. In her carriage was a small Frenchm an w ho looked like a businessman, a nun and tw o M oroccan ladies w ith lots o f packages, w ho talked happily to each other. The Frenchman offered to light H ilary’s cigarette, and soon he was talking about M orocco and telling H ilary about some of the sights that they passed. He was an interesting and intelligent man. ‘It must be a change for you,’ he said, ‘com ing here from England - so cold, so foggy, so unpleasant.’ ‘Yes, it’s very different here,’ H ilary agreed. ‘I myself travelled from Paris three weeks ago. There too there was fog and rain, while here it is all sunshine. H ow was the weather in England w hen you left? ’ ‘Like Paris,’ said Hilary. ‘It was foggy.’ ‘A h yes, it is the foggy season. And snow —have you had snow this year? ’ ‘N o,’ said Hilary, ‘there has been no snow.’ She was amused that the Frenchm an thought the English always talked about the weather. The journey continued. The tw o M oroccan ladies got off and other travellers got on the train. It was evening w hen they arrived at Fez. H ilary stood on the station platform, confused by the noise and the shouts of all the porters w ho wanted to take her luggage. ‘Let me help you, M adam e,’ said the Frenchm an. ‘I believe you said you are staying at the Palais Jamai? It is eight kilometres from here.’ ‘It’s not in the tow n, then?’ H ilary asked. 26

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‘It is by the old tow n,’ the Frenchm an explained. ‘M e, I am staying here in the city, but the Palais Jam ai is where people go to relax. It has beautiful gardens, and from there you can go straight to the old city of Fez. I w ill arrange a taxi for you.’ ‘You’re very kind,’ said H ilary gratefully. T he Frenchm an arranged everything for her, and just before she left, he gave H ilary his card, which read Monsieur Henri Laurier. H ilary sat nervously in the taxi. Was she really going to her hotel or was this where her journey into the unknow n began? But soon she did indeed arrive at the Palais Jamai', a lovely old M oroccan palace w ith a terrace overlooking a beautiful garden, full of orange trees and scented flowers. H er room was decorated in eastern style, and was full of m odern comforts. Later Hilary enjoyed an excellent dinner and then had coffee outside on the terrace. There she noticed a very old man w ith a yellow-tinted face and a small beard. The hotel staff served him very attentively, taking away his empty plates immediately and hurrying to his table as soon as he looked up. Hilary wondered who he was, but she was too tired to think about it and went to bed early. T he next m orning H ilary sat outside in the sunshine under a red-striped umbrella. It was strange to sit in such a peaceful place, pretending to be a dead wom an. As she watched children run up and dow n the terrace, H ilary couldn’t believe that anything unusual was going to happen. T he old m an w ith the yellow face came up to the terrace from the gardens below and sat dow n at a table nearby. W hen H ilary ordered a drink, she asked the waiter, ‘W ho is that old m an over there?’ ‘That, M adam e,’ the waiter said quietly, ‘is M onsieur Aristides. H e is enorm ously rich.’ H ilary looked over at the old m an, just as he too looked up. They stared at each other for a


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m om ent until the old m an looked away. H ilary thought that M r Aristides’ eyes looked alive and intelligent. Later in the afternoon, as H ilary was resting outside, a shadow suddenly appeared on her chair. She looked up, surprised, to see M r Aristides. H e was not looking at Hilary, and when he turned round he accidentally knocked her glass off the table. A h, pardon me, M adam e,’ M r Aristides said politely. H ilary smiled and said in French that it did not m atter. M r Aristides then told the waiter to bring her another drink, before he apologized again and w ent into the restaurant. W hen the waiter brought her drink, H ilary asked him if M r Aristides was alone at the hotel. The waiter was shocked. ‘O h, no, M adam e,’ he said. ‘M onsieur Aristides is so rich that he never travels alone. H e has a personal servant, tw o secretaries and a driver.’ But w hen she w ent into the restaurant H ilary noticed that the old m an sat by himself. The afternoon passed very pleasantly. H ilary walked through the beautiful gardens, looking at the oranges and smelling the different flowers. The place was very peaceful, and H ilary wished she could stay for ever. It was strange that she had found peace at last, just w hen she was starting a dangerous adventure. But perhaps there was no danger and no adventure . . . W hen she went back inside the hotel late in the afternoon, Hilary was surprised to meet Mrs Baker in the lounge. ‘I’ve just arrived by plane,’ Mrs Baker explained. ‘Trains are so slow, and the people in them aren’t always very clean. N ow tell me what you’ve been doing, Mrs Betterton. Have you seen the old tow n yet?’ ‘N o, I’m afraid I haven’t,’ said Hilary, smiling. ‘I’ve just been sitting in the sun.’ ‘O h, yes, you’ve just come out o f hospital,’ said M rs Baker. ‘I suppose you must be tired. I never feel tired. D o you remem ber


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Miss H etherington, the Englishwom an at Casablanca? She’ll be arriving here this evening. She prefers to travel by train — or perhaps that’s all she can afford. N ow I must go and sort out my room —I didn’t like the one they first gave m e.’ Mrs Baker left, energetic as always. H ilary saw Miss H etherington in the dining room that evening, and then she and the tw o new arrivals had coffee together. Miss H etherington had discovered that a rich Swedish businessman was staying at the hotel w ith a blonde film star. ‘A nd they’re not m arried,’ she said excitedly. ‘T here’s so much of that kind o f thing abroad. T here’s a nice French family at the table by the window, though o f course French children are allowed to stay up far too late. T heir parents even let them drink wine! She sounded horrified. M eanwhile, M rs Baker was m aking plans for the next day. ‘I’ve been to the old city before,’ she said. ‘It was very interesting but I was glad I had a guide w ith me. All those tw isting streets — w ithout him I would have become very lost. O f course he took me to a friend’s house —they always do —and wanted me to buy lots o f souvenirs. I had to be quite firm .’ Miss H etherington sighed. ‘It w ould be nice to buy souvenirs, but they’re so expensive,’ she said sadly.


Chapter 7

I Fortunately H ilary was able to visit the old city of Fez w ithout Miss H etherington or M rs Baker, w ho had gone on a sightseeing trip by car - for w hich M rs Baker paid. W ith her guide, H ilary walked dow n through the gardens o f the hotel until they reached a big door in the wall. And through that door H ilary stepped into another world —the old city o f Fez. H ilary w andered through the narrow, tw isting streets, interested in everything she saw. She enjoyed looking around her at the busy life of the M oroccan city. T he only annoyance was her guide, w ho talked all the time, asking her to buy things. ‘You look, lady,’ he kept saying. ‘This m an have very nice things, very cheap.’ H ilary walked for w hat seemed like hours, until finally her guide said, ‘I take you to very nice house now, lady. Friends o f mine. You have tea and they show you m any nice things.’ Because she was tired, H ilary allowed herself to be taken to an attractive house outside the city walls. H ere she drank m int tea and, to be polite, bought a few small souvenirs. ‘N ow I take you for a nice drive to see very beautiful views,’ said her guide. ‘And then back to hotel. But first, this girl w ill take you to very nice ladies’ toilet.’ Smiling a little, H ilary followed the girl to the toilet, which she was pleased to find had running water. But w hen she had washed her hands H ilary found that she couldn’t open the door. W hy had she been locked in? T hen she noticed another door in the corner of the room . This door opened easily and H ilary


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walked into a small room lit by high windows. Sitting on an eastern-style chair was the little Frenchm an she had m et in the train —M onsieur H enri Laurier. II

‘G ood afternoon, M rs B etterton,’ he said. For a m om ent H ilary was too surprised to speak. So this this was it! This was w hat she had been w aiting for. She stepped forward. ‘D o you have news for me? C an you help m e?’ H e nodded. ‘O n the train, M adam e, you were rather stupid. O r perhaps you always talk about the weather.’ The weather? She stared at him . W hat had he said about the weather? Cold? Fog? Snow? Snow — that was it. Olive B etterton had talked about snow. W hat was the silly rhyme she had said? H ilary remembered. ‘Snow, snow, beautiful snow! You slip on a lump, and over you g o !’ she repeated to Laurier. ‘Exactly,’ said Laurier. ‘W hy did you not follow your instructions and say that before?’ ‘You don’t understand,’ said Hilary. ‘I was in a plane crash and I’ve been in hospital w ith concussion. It has affected my m em ory and I’ve forgotten a lot of im portant things.’ ‘Yes,’ said Laurier, ‘the plane crash was unfortunate.’ His voice was cold. ‘But are you now ready to continue your journey?’ ‘O f course I am ,’ said Hilary. ‘I must see my husband . . .’ H e smiled, but not a very pleasant smile. ‘You were questioned by the British authorities,’ he said. ‘D o you think they suspect you?’


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‘I don’t know ,’ said Hilary. ‘They seemed satisfied, but I have the feeling that I’m being followed.’ ‘W e know that,’ said Laurier, coldly. ‘W e are not stupid.’ ‘I’m sorry,’ said Hilary. ‘I’m afraid it’s me w ho is stupid.’ ‘It does not m atter if you are stupid, as long as you do as you are told —as long as you obey.’ ‘I will obey,’ said H ilary quietly. ‘Now, M adam e, I w ill give you your instructions,’ said Laurier. ‘The day after tom orrow you will fly back to Marrakesh. There you w ill receive a message telling you to go back to England.’ ‘I am going back to England? ’ ‘Please listen —I have not finished. You w ill book a seat on the plane leaving for Casablanca the next day. D o you understand?’ ‘I understand,’ said Hilary. ‘T hen please return to your guide —you have been in here long enough. But before you go, I believe that you have become friendly w ith an Am erican w om an and an Englishwoman at your hotel?’ ‘Yes - is that w rong?’ ‘N o, it fits in w ith our plans. See if one or other o f them will come w ith you to M arrakesh. Goodbye, M adam e.’ Hilary went back to her guide. ‘I have very nice car waiting,’ he said. ‘I take you now for very pleasant drive.’

‘So you’re leaving for M arrakesh tom orrow ,’ said Miss H etherington. ‘You haven’t stayed very long in Fez, have you?’ ‘N o,’ agreed Hilary, ‘but my tickets are booked now and I think it w ill be too difficult to change them again —there are so m any other people travelling.’ 32

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‘N ot English people,’ said Miss H etherington sadly. ‘They all seem to be French.’ H ilary smiled faintly. The fact that M orocco was controlled by the French did not seem to m atter to Miss H etherington. ‘There are a lot o f Germans and Swedish people here, too,’ added M rs Baker, ‘and I’m told that that little old m an over there is Greek. H e seems to be im portant —or at least the waiters think he is.’ ‘I wish you tw o would come to M arrakesh w ith m e,’ said Hilary. ‘It’s been so pleasant talking to you here, and it’s very lonely travelling by myself.’ ‘But I’ve been to M arrakesh,’ said Miss H etherington in a shocked voice. Mrs Baker, however, seemed interested. ‘T hat’s quite a good idea,’ she said. ‘I’d like to go back to M arrakesh, and I can show you around. I’ll go and see if I can arrange it.’ She stood up and hurried off w ith her usual energy. ‘T hat’s just like Americans,’ said Miss H etherington, annoyed. ‘They always rush from place to place. Sometimes I don’t think they know what country they’re in.’ She picked up her knitting and said goodbye to H ilary before going upstairs. H ilary sat alone in the hotel lounge. She was thinking about the future. N ow she was going to start her real journey, so she must be very careful and not m ake any mistakes. She must be Olive B etterton, devoted to her husband. H ilary jum ped in surprise as she saw the small, w rinkled face o f M r Aristides suddenly appear before her. He bowed politely and asked if he could sit down. After a m om ent or tw o he asked, ‘D o you like this country, M adam e?’ ‘I’ve been here only a short tim e,’ said Hilary, ‘but yes, I love it. A nd the old city o f Fez is wonderful.’ 33

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‘Yes, it is wonderful,’ he agreed. ‘There everything is dark and secret, shut in behind narrow streets and walls. D o you know what I think of, Madame, when I walk through the streets of Fez?’ ‘N o.’ ‘I think of that m ain road into London, the Great West Road. I think of the great factory buildings on each side of the road, brightly lit, so you can clearly see all the people inside as you drive along in your car. There is nothing hidden, there is nothing secret.’ ‘So you m ean,’ said Hilary, thoughtfully, ‘that you are interested in the contrast betw een them — Fez and the road in London? Because they are so different?’ M r Aristides nodded. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘But although they look so different, the same things happen in both places. There is always cruelty and there is always kindness. O ne or the other. Sometimes both.’ He continued w ithout changing his manner. ‘I have been told, M adam e, that you were in a very bad plane accident? I envy you.’ H ilary looked at him w ith astonishment. ‘Yes,’ he repeated, ‘I envy you. You have come close to death, and yet you survived. D o you feel different since then, M adam e?’ ‘O nly in a bad way,’ said Hilary. ‘I had concussion, and so I get headaches and forget things easily.’ ‘Those things w ill get better,’ said M r Aristides, w ith a wave of his hand, ‘but you —you have had an adventure o f the spirit, have you not? ’ ‘It is true,’ said H ilary slowly, thinking o f her pile o f sleeping pills. ‘I have had an adventure o f the spirit.’ ‘I have never had that experience,’ said M r Aristides in a dissatisfied voice. ‘So many other things, but not that.’ H e stood up and bowed politely. ‘Goodbye, M adam e,’ he said, and left H ilary sitting alone once again. 34

Chapter 8 ‘A ll airports are strangely alike,’ thought Hilary, as she waited for the plane to M arrakesh. ‘And why do you have to get there m uch too early?’ They had been sitting in the waiting room for nearly an hour. Mrs Baker, w ho had decided to come w ith Hilary, had been talking for the whole time. Now, thankfully, she was talking to two other travellers who were sitting near her. They were both tall young men w ith fair hair. O ne was an American w ith a big friendly smile, and the other was a rather serious-looking Norwegian, who talked slowly in careful English. The American was clearly delighted to find another traveller from his ow n country. Mrs Baker turned to Hilary. ‘M r —?’ she said. ‘I’d like you to m eet my friend, M rs B etterton.’ ‘M y nam e’s A ndrew Peters,’ said the American. ‘M y friends call me Andy.’ The other young m an stood up and bowed rather stiffly. ‘M y name is Torquil Ericsson,’ he said. ‘N ow we all know each other,’ said M rs Baker happily. Suddenly the loudspeaker gave an announcem ent in French telling them that they could now board the plane. As well as H ilary and M rs Baker, there were four other passengers - Peters, Ericsson, a tall, thin Frenchm an and a stern-looking nun. It was a clear, sunny day, good for flying, and H ilary sat back in her seat and looked at her fellow passengers. Mrs Baker was reading a magazine. N ow and then she tapped the shoulder of the fair young Am erican, Peters, w ho was sitting in front o f her. He always turned round w ith a smile, responding to Mrs Baker’s remarks w ith enthusiasm. ‘H ow friendly Americans are,’ thought Hilary. ‘N ot like the English.’ 35

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Sitting across from her was the N orw egian, Torquil Ericsson. As she looked at him , he nodded and offered her his magazine to read. H ilary thanked him and took it. In the seat behind Ericsson sat the thin Frenchm an. His legs were stretched out and he seemed to be asleep. Then H ilary looked behind her at the stern-looking nun, w ho looked back at H ilary w ith no expression on her face. She sat very still. ‘Six different people,’ thought Hilary, ‘travelling together for a few hours and then separating, never to meet again . . .’ She closed her eyes and thought again about the instructions she had been given. W hy was she going back to England? D idn’t they trust her —had she made a mistake? O r was it because she was being watched? To get hom e she would have to stop in Paris —and Tom Betterton had disappeared in Paris. Was the same thing going to happen to her? At last she grew tired o f thinking, and fell asleep. W hen she woke up the plane was flying in circles, preparing to land. H ilary looked out o f the window, but she couldn’t see an airfield below her. N or could she see any houses or a tow n —just desert. This wasn’t Marrakesh. W here were they? The plane landed w ith a bum p, in the m iddle o f nowhere. The pilot asked them all to get out. H ad som ething gone w rong w ith the plane, H ilary wondered? Outside, the w ind blew cold from the snow -topped m ountains in the distance. T he pilot asked them to wait, and soon they saw a vehicle m oving slowly towards them. It was a big car —a station w agon. ‘But why have we landed here?’ asked Hilary. ‘W hat’s the matter? D id the engine fail?’ Andy Peters smiled cheerfully. ‘I don’t think so,’ he said. ‘But I’m sure that’s w hat they’ll say.’ H ilary stared at him , puzzled.


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T he station w agon arrived and the M oroccan driver got out. Together w ith the pilot —and w ith help from Ericsson and Peters —they lifted out a large, heavy crate from the back o f the car. As they w ent to open it, M rs Baker led H ilary away. ‘D on’t watch, my dear. It’s never a nice thing to see.’ T he Frenchm an and Peters followed them. ‘A re you D r Barron?’ M rs Baker asked the Frenchman. ‘I am.’ T he Frenchm an bowed. ‘I’m pleased to m eet you,’ said M rs Baker, shaking his hand as if she was w elcom ing him to a party. ‘I don’t understand,’ said Hilary. ‘W hat’s in that crate? W hy is it better not to look? ’ Andy Peters looked at her - he had a nice face, H ilary thought. ‘There are bodies in the crate,’ Peters said. ‘The pilot told m e.’ ‘Bodies!’ She stared at him . ‘O h, they w eren’t m urdered or anything,’ he smiled. ‘T hey’re dead bodies used for medical research.’ But H ilary still stared. ‘I still don’t understand,’ she said. ‘You see, M rs Betterton, this is where the journey ends,’ explained Peters. ‘T hey’ll arrange the bodies in the plane and then set it on fire. People w ill think that another plane has crashed, w ith no survivors!’ ‘But why? ’ said Hilary. ‘D on’t you know ,’ said D r Barron, ‘where we are going?’ ‘O f course she knows,’ said M rs Baker cheerfully. ‘But I don’t think she expected it to happen quite so soon.’ H ilary said w ith surprise, ‘But you m ean — all of us?’ She looked round. ‘W e’re fellow-travellers.’ said Peters gently. The young Norwegian, Torquil Ericsson, nodded in agreement. ‘Yes, we are all fellow-travellers,’ he said w ith enthusiasm. 37

Chapter 9

I The pilot approached them. ‘You must leave now, please,’ he said. ‘We have m uch to do, and we are already late.’ H ilary stepped back and nervously put her hand up to her throat. The necklace of pearls that she was w earing broke under her fingers, and she quickly picked up the loose pearls and put them in her pocket. They all got into the station wagon, where H ilary sat between Peters and M rs Baker. ‘So —so you are in charge o f organizing us all?’ H ilary asked Mrs Baker. ‘T hat’s right,’ M rs Baker replied. ‘It’s quite natural for an American w om an to travel around a lot.’ Mrs Baker still looked the same, but H ilary thought that she acted differently — she was more efficient, and perhaps more ruthless. ‘The newspapers w ill say that you were very unlucky, dear,’ added Mrs Baker. ‘Nearly dying in one plane crash and then being killed so soon in another.’ ‘W ho are these other people?’ H ilary asked quietly. ‘They’re all scientists,’ Mrs Baker replied. ‘I don’t really understand w hat they all do, but D r Barron works w ith viruses and diseases, M r Ericsson is a brilliant physicist and M r Peters is a nuclear chemist. And Miss N eedheim , o f course, isn’t a nun. She’s a Germ an biologist. Me, I’m just the organizer — I don’t belong with the scientists.’ She laughed. ‘T hat H etherington w om an never had a chance.’ ‘Miss H etherington?’ said Hilary. ‘Was she . . . ?’


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M rs Baker nodded. ‘She was following you,’ she said. ‘But it w ould have been out of character if she had come back to M arrakesh so soon. She’ll tell someone new to follow you from M arrakesh w hen you arrive. But o f course you w on’t arrive! ’ She laughed again, just as they heard a sudden loud noise. ‘A h, look! T hat’s the plane.’ They had been driving across the desert, and w hen H ilary looked back she saw a big yellow glow behind them. T he plane had exploded and was on fire. Andy Peters laughed. ‘Six people die w hen plane to M arrakesh crashes!’ ‘It’s —it’s rather frightening,’ said H ilary quietly. ‘Travelling to an unknow n destination?’ Peters said. H e was serious now. ‘Yes, but it’s the only way. W e’re leaving the past behind and are stepping out towards the future.’ He spoke w ith sudden enthusiasm. ‘W e have to leave the old bad things behind. The new world of science w ill be clean and clear! ’ H ilary took a deep breath. ‘T hat’s the kind of thing my husband says,’ she replied carefully. ‘Your husband? ’ said Peters. ‘Is your husband Tom Betterton? ’ H ilary nodded. ‘T hat’s great,’ said Peters. ‘I’ve never m et him , but o f course I know about ZE Fission. He worked w ith D r M annheim , didn’t he? I thought he m arried M annheim ’s daughter.’ ‘I’m his second wife,’ said Hilary, her face a little red. ‘He — his —Elsa died in America.’ ‘I rem em ber now,’ said Peters. ‘H e w ent to w ork in England but he disappeared from Paris. E verything is very well organized.’ H ilary agreed w ith him . Secretly she was worried. There was no trail for anyone to follow, and all the codes and signs she 39

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had learned were now useless. She was indeed on her way to an unknow n destination, and there was nothing to show where she had gone. All there was to find was a burnt plane and six dead bodies. W ould Jessop guess that she wasn’t dead? They drove on. N ight fell and still they drove on through the desert. The ground was rough and bumpy, and they were obviously not on a m ain road. For a long tim e H ilary sat still, thoughts turning in her head, but at last she was too tired to stay awake any longer. She let her eyes close and fell into an uneasy sleep. II

The car had stopped. ‘W ake up,’ Peters said gently to Hilary. ‘W e’ve arrived somewhere.’ Everyone got out o f the station wagon, tired and stiff. It was still dark, but in front o f them they could see a house surrounded by palm trees, and H ilary could see the lights from a village in the distance. Inside the house they were greeted by tw o laughing local M oroccan wom en, who led them upstairs. T he m en went to one room , while the three wom en were taken into a small room w ith three mattresses on the floor. ‘M y body’s so stiff,’ complained M rs Baker. ‘That car was very uncom fortable on that bum py road.’ ‘Discom fort does not m atter,’ said Miss N eedheim , the nun. H er voice was harsh and confident and she spoke English well, though w ith a strong foreign accent. ‘It is weakness. W hen you are strong, nothing is too m uch to suffer.’ ‘Well, all I want now is a comfortable bed,’ said Mrs Baker, yawning. ‘A nd I’m sure that journey hasn’t helped your concussion, has it, Mrs Betterton?’ 40

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‘N o, it hasn’t,’ H ilary agreed. ‘T hey’ll bring us som ething to eat soon,’ said M rs Baker, ‘and then I’ll give you some m edicine to help your headache.’ Sure enough, the tw o local w om en soon brought them a tray o f food and some water to wash w ith. T hey stood and looked at H ilary’s European clothes, laughing and talking to each other, until M rs Baker waved them away. ‘Silly things,’ said M rs Baker, ‘I suppose all they are interested in is clothes and babies.’ ‘It is all they are fit for,’ said Miss N eedheim . ‘They are slaves, and their only use is to serve.’ ‘T hat’s very unfair,’ said Hilary, annoyed by the w om an’s attitude. ‘I only speak the truth. There are a few people w ho rule —and there are m any w ho serve.’ ‘But surely . . .’ Mrs Baker interrupted. ‘It is tim e to rest now,’ she said firmly, and after they had eaten some food and washed, the three wom en lay dow n to sleep. T hey slept late the next day, and w hen they woke up, M rs Baker gave them some M oroccan clothes to wear. She explained that they had to leave their European clothes behind. N ow that Miss N eedheim was no longer dressed as a nun, H ilary could see her properly. The G erm an wom an was about thirty-three and looked very neat. B ut her pale face and cold eyes were not attractive. She was arrogant, and acted as if H ilary and M rs Baker were not good enough to talk to her. H ilary m uch preferred the laughing local wom en. And M rs Baker —she was still talking norm ally about everyday things, but H ilary now realized that the Am erican w om an was just like an actor playing a part. She had no idea what Mrs Baker was really thinking or feeling. 41

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In the evening they carried on their journey, this time in an open touring car. Everyone was w earing M oroccan clothes: the m en in long w hite robes and the w om en w ith their faces hidden. Again, they drove all through the night, and stopped for breakfast when the sun came up. ‘H ow are you feeling, Mrs B etterton?’ asked Andy Peters. ‘I feel as if I’m in a dream ,’ said Hilary. ‘W here are w e?’ ‘I don’t know,’ he replied. ‘All I know is that w e’re in the desert. And in the desert we w on’t leave a trail behind us. Each part of our journey is separate — a plane that crashes, a station wagon and now a touring car of Moroccans, which is a com m on sight on the road.’ ‘But where are we going?’ said Hilary. ‘W e’ll find out soon,’ said D r Barron as he joined them . ‘In the W estern world we always w ant to know things now. We think about tom orrow rather than today. But life is too short. There is so m uch to achieve and there is not enough time. I need more tim e for m y w ork!’ he said w ith passion. ‘A nd I need freedom —freedom from fools who constantly interrupt me and my w ork!’ ‘You w ork w ith viruses, don’t you, D r B arron?’ Peters asked. ‘Yes, I w ork w ith diseases. And to w ork properly, I need patience, and a lot o f m oney for equipment. W ith that, I can achieve anything!’ ‘Can you achieve happiness?’ asked H ilary w ith a smile. He smiled back, suddenly hum an again. ‘A h, you are a wom an, Madame. It is w om en who ask always for happiness.’ ‘The happiness o f one person does not m atter,’ said Peters seriously. ‘There must be happiness for all people! Science should be used to help everyone, and it should be shared, not controlled by one country or another.’


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‘Yes!’ said Ericsson, who had just joined them , ‘you are right. But the scientists must be the masters —they are the only people who m atter. They must control and rule the slaves.’ H ilary walked a little way away from the group, and after a few m inutes, Peters followed her. ‘You look a bit scared,’ he said w ith a laugh. ‘I think I am ,’ said Hilary. ‘O f course I’m not a scientist, and I’m not very clever like the rest of you. I’m only a wom an, looking for happiness.’ ‘A nd w hat’s w rong w ith that?’ said Peters. T hen he asked, in a lower voice, ‘W hy exactly are you here? D o you love your husband so much? O r do you share his views?’ H ilary avoided giving a direct answer. ‘Have you noticed that all our fellow-travellers have very different views?’ Peters thought for a mom ent. ‘I do believe you’re right,’ he said. ‘D r Barron is only interested in his w ork,’ said Hilary, ‘while Helga N eedheim talks about slaves, and so does Torquil Ericsson —they are like mad scientists in a film !’ ‘A nd I believe in freedom for all,’ said Peters. ‘You’re a loving wife, and M rs Baker —well, I think she’s just doing this for the money.’ ‘She seems so ordinary,’ said Hilary, ‘and yet she’s m ixed up in all this.’ She shivered suddenly. ‘A re you cold?’ asked Peters. ‘Let’s move around for a bit.’ As they walked up and down, Peters suddenly picked up som ething from the ground. ‘Is this yours?’ he said. ‘O h, yes,’ H ilary replied. ‘It’s a pearl from my necklace. I broke it the other day —it seems a long tim e ago now.’ She took the pearl from Peters. 43

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‘N ot real pearls, I hope.’ ‘N o, o f course not,’ smiled Hilary. Peters offered her a cigarette. As she took one, H ilary said, ‘W hat a strange cigarette case. It’s very heavy.’ ‘It’s made o f lead, that’s why,’ Peters explained. ‘It’s a war souvenir —m ade from a bom b that tried to blow me up. But let’s not talk about the w ar —let’s talk about tom orrow .’ ‘But w hat can we talk about?’ asked Hilary. ‘N obody’s told me anything. Are we . . . ?’ Peters interrupted her. ‘You don’t need to know. You just need to do what you’re told and go where you’re told. You need to obey.’ W ith sudden passion H ilary said, ‘A nd do you like being given orders and told w hat to do?’ ‘If it is necessary, yes,’ he replied. ‘And it is necessary. We must have a new world, a peaceful world — a world w ith order and discipline!’ ‘Is that possible?’ ‘A nything’s better than the mess we live in —don’t you agree?’ H ilary was tired and lonely. She w anted to say, ‘W hat’s so w rong w ith the world we live in? Surely it’s better to have a world w here there is kindness and independence — even if it is a mess — rather than an ordered world w ith no pity or understanding or sympathy! ’ But she stopped herself in time. ‘You’re right,’ she said. ‘I’m just tired. I’ll do w hat I’m told. I w ill obey.’ Andy Peters smiled. ‘T hat’s better,’ he said.


Chapter 10 As their journey continued, H ilary felt that she was living in a dream, as if she really was becom ing Olive Betterton. Every day she becam e more and m ore serious and intense, like her companions. All five were so different, but slowly H ilary became a little frightened o f all of them. T hey were all so determ ined and focused on one thing — they all had one thing that they believed in passionately, above all else. D r B arron cared only about his w ork. H e was desperate for know ledge, to find things out. But he never asked him self why. It was the process o f discovery that interested him . He told H ilary once that he had found a virus w ith the pow er to destroy a w hole country, but he was interested in how it w ould destroy —he did not seem to th in k about the people the virus w ould kill. She didn’t like Helga N eedheim at all, because the wom an was so very arrogant. H ilary liked Peters but sometimes he frightened her by the almost fanatical way he talked. She said to him once, ‘You don’t want to create a new world, do you? You just w ant to destroy the old one. T here’s hate in you. I can feel it.’ Torquil Ericsson was more o f a puzzle. H e liked to dream o f how he w anted the world to be. ‘W e must take over the world,’ he said gently, ‘so we —the people w ith brains —can rule. That is all that m atters.’ T hey are all mad, H ilary thought, but in different ways. T hen she looked at Mrs Baker. She wasn’t interested in ruling the world. She didn’t seem to believe in anything at all - except perhaps money. At the end o f the third day o f travelling, they arrived at a small tow n and slept in a local hotel for the night. Very early the next 45

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m orning they were given European clothes to wear and drove to an airfield. There they boarded a small plane and flew for hours. H ilary looked out o f the w indow and saw m ountains through the clouds, but she had no idea where they were. In the early afternoon, the plane landed on flat ground surrounded by m ountains. They had arrived at a private airfield where there were tw o big cars waiting for them. ‘This is w here the journey ends,’ said M rs Baker cheerfully. ‘The cars w ill be ready soon.’ H ilary stared at her. ‘But we haven’t crossed the sea,’ she said in surprise. ‘Did you expect to?’ Mrs Baker seemed amused. ‘But where are we —w hat part o f the world, I mean? ’ ‘O h, that’s no secret now. This is a lonely place in the H igh Atlas m ountains. W e’re still in M orocco.’ M rs Baker looked at her watch. ‘W ell, goodbye, everyone,’ she said. ‘This is where I leave you.’ A re you going back to M arrakesh?’ asked Hilary. ‘N o,’ said M rs Baker, ‘I can’t do that. I’m supposed to have died in a plane crash. I’m going to organize people somewhere else now.’ ‘But what if someone recognizes you?’ H ilary asked. ‘They w on’t,’ said M rs Baker. ‘I have a new passport now. M y sister, Mrs Baker, died in a plane crash - we look very alike. And no one I m et knows me that well,’ she added. ‘To them I’m just another travelling Am erican.’ ‘It’s strange,’ H ilary said, ‘that even after travelling w ith you for so long I don’t know you very well. I don’t even know which part of America you’re from .’ ‘That doesn’t m atter,’ said Mrs Baker. ‘I can never go back there.’ For a m om ent her face looked angry and spiteful. Then


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she said cheerfully, ‘Goodbye, M rs Betterton. I hope you see your husband soon.’ H ilary watched as M rs Baker said goodbye to the others before going back to the plane. H ilary shivered. M rs Baker was her last link w ith the outside world. Peters, standing near her, seemed to know what she was thinking. ‘This is the place o f no return,’ he said quietly. ‘D o you w ant to go back, M adam e?’ asked D r Barron. ‘Back to the world you have left?’ ‘Could I go if I wanted to?’ asked Hilary. ‘I don’t know ,’ said Peters. ‘Shall I ask Mrs Baker before she leaves?’ ‘O f course not,’ said H ilary sharply. ‘This is no place for w om en w ho are weak,’ said Helga N eedheim scornfully. ‘She is not weak,’ said D r Barron softly. ‘She asks herself questions as any intelligent w om an w ould do.’ But Helga N eedheim ignored the Frenchm an, while Ericsson asked, ‘W hen you have reached freedom, how can you think of going back? ’ ‘But if you can’t go back, or choose to go back,’ argued Hilary, ‘then it is not freedom !’ They were interrupted by one o f the drivers telling them that the cars were ready. H ilary sat in the front next to the driver, and talked to him in French as they drove along. ‘H ow long w ill it take us?’ she asked. ‘To get to the hospital? About tw o hours, M adame.’ H ilary was surprised at the driver’s words. ‘Tell me about the hospital,’ she said. A h, M adam e, it is a wonderful place,’ the driver said w ith enthusiasm. ‘It has all the most m odern equipment and many doctors com e to visit and are very impressed by the new 47

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treatments. Before, such people had to live completely separate and were left to die, but now they have a chance o f a cure.’ ‘It seems a lonely place to have a hospital,’ said Hilary. ‘Ah, M adam e, but it has to be lonely —the authorities insist,’ said the driver. ‘See, over there,’ he pointed. ‘T hat is where we are going.’ In the distance H ilary saw a low range o f m ountains, and at the bottom o f one o f the m ountains was a long white building. ‘It is a w onderful place,’ said the driver again. ‘So m uch money has been spent. O u r patron is one o f the richest m en in the world, and here he has done so m uch to help hum an suffering.’ At last the car stopped outside some huge iron gates. ‘You must walk from here, M adam e,’ explained the driver. As the travellers got out of the car, the big gates opened and a tall, darkskinned m an w earing long white robes bowed and asked them to enter. As they walked through the gates they saw a large courtyard w ith a tall w ire fence, where people were w alking up and down. As these people turned to look at the new arrivals, H ilary gasped in horror. ‘But they’re lepers!’ she exclaimed. ‘Lepers!’


Chapter 11 The huge iron gates closed firm ly behind the travellers. To H ilary this felt like the end — there was no way out. N ow she was alone, and soon she would be discovered . . . She had know n all day that this m om ent would come. Jessop had said that if she got this far, she would have protection, but if she was supposed to rely on Miss H etherington, that plan had failed. And w hat, thought Hilary, could Miss H etherington have done to help her now? N ow that she was close to discovery and death, H ilary realized that she no longer w anted to die. She was enjoying life again. She could think o f Nigel and Brenda w ith sadness and pity, not cold lifeless despair. ‘I’m alive again at last,’ thought Hilary. ‘But now I’m trapped —like a rat in a trap. Can I find a way out?’ She had often thought about w hat w ould happen w hen she m et Tom Betterton. He would say, ‘T hat’s not my wife —’ and everyone w ould know she was a spy. So what could she do? Perhaps she could speak first? She could say, ‘W ho are you? You’re not m y husband!’ If she pretended well enough, would they believe her? If they did believe her, it would be bad for B etterton. But if he was a traitor w ho had sold his country’s secrets, didn’t he deserve it? This was the only thing she could think of that was w orth trying. H ilary had been thinking all this as she walked along. She felt a little faint but tried hard to focus on w hat was happening. They were being welcom ed by a big handsome m an, who spoke a few words to everyone in their ow n language. To Hilary, he said, ‘Ah, M rs Betterton, welcome, after your long and difficult journey. Your husband is waiting for you, very 49

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excited.’ H e smiled, though H ilary noticed that his eyes stayed cold. ‘You must be longing to see him .’ H ilary suddenly felt faint again, and Andy Peters put out an arm and steadied her as she swayed. ‘Perhaps you don’t know,’ he said, ‘that M rs B etterton was in a plane crash and has concussion. T he journey has been hard for her —she should lie dow n.’ Hilary thought how kind he was, and she held on to his arm for support. She wanted to faint, to lie dow n —anything to delay the m om ent of discovery! But Betterton would come to see her — any husband would —and he would realize that she was not his wife. T hen suddenly H ilary’s courage returned. She stood up straight and lifted her head. She w ould be brave. She would say to Betterton, ‘I’m sorry, but your wife is dead. I prom ised to reach you and give you her final message. I agree w ith your views and I w ant to help.’ It wasn’t a very convincing story - and it didn’t explain things like her fake passport. ‘But sometimes,’ thought Hilary, ‘if you tell lies w ith enough confidence, people do believe you. I have to try.’ ‘O h, no. I must see Tom,’ she said. ‘I must see him n o w —please.’ ‘O f course, M rs B etterton,’ said the big man. ‘I’ll take you to him now. Please follow me.’ As she walked away, H ilary looked over her shoulder. Andy Peters was w atching her, and his face looked puzzled and unhappy. ‘H e has realized som ething is w rong,’ she thought, ‘but he doesn’t know w hat it is.’ H ilary shivered. She m ight never see him again. The big m an was talking cheerfully. ‘This way, M rs Betterton. O u r buildings are rather confusing at first. There are so m any white corridors that all look the same.’


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‘It’s all a little strange - and rather frightening,’ said Hilary. ‘The lepers . . .’ ‘Yes, yes, o f course. They do upset our new arrivals. But you’ll get used to them. By the way, my name is Van Heidem — D r Paul Van Heidem . W e’re nearly there now.’ Nearly there — nearly there . . . They w ent dow n another white corridor and Van Heidem finally stopped at a door, knocked and opened it. ‘Ah, B etterton,’ he said. ‘H ere’s your wife — at last!’ H ilary walked in bravely, holding her head up. A very good-looking man w ith fair hair stood by the window. H ilary was surprised —this m an did not look like the photograph of Tom Betterton. She decided to take a risk. She stepped forward, and then back. ‘But — that isn’t Tom ,’ she said. ‘T hat isn’t my husband . . .’ She thought she sounded convincing. A nd then Tom B etterton laughed. ‘It must be good,’ he said to Van Heidem , ‘if even my ow n wife doesn’t recognize m e!’ H e quickly walked over to H ilary and held her tightly in his arms. ‘Olive, darling, it’s really me —Tom —even if my face has changed a little.’ T hen H ilary heard him whisper, ‘Be careful. Danger.’ B etterton looked at her face before holding her again. ‘Darling, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you,’ he continued. ‘But you’re here at last!’ H ilary felt his fingers pressing hard into her back, as if giving her a warning. ‘I still can’t believe you’re here,’ he said, w ith an excited little laugh. ‘But you know it’s me now, don’t you?’ H ilary didn’t understand it —couldn’t understand it. But she gratefully tried to play her part. ‘Tom !’ she said, ‘O h, Tom —but what . . .’


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‘I’ve had plastic surgery.’ he explained, ‘to change my face.’ He kissed her lightly. ‘It’s been so long,’ said Hilary, ‘and I —’ she swayed a little. ‘I —please, can I sit dow n?’ ‘O f course, darling,’ said Betterton, getting her a chair. ‘You’ve had such a bad tim e —and that plane crash! —I’m so glad you’re all right!’ ‘So they knew about the plane crash,’ thought Hilary. ‘T hat m eans they m ust be in com m unication w ith the outside w orld.’ ‘The concussion has affected my m em ory,’ she said. ‘I forget things and get confused. And then w hen I finally see you, you look like a total stranger! It’s a bit m uch for m e.’ ‘You just need to rest for a while, darling,’ said Betterton. Van Heidem moved towards the door. ‘I w ill leave you alone now,’ he said. ‘Perhaps later, Betterton, you w ill bring your wife to the R egistry?’ H e w ent out and shut the door. Imm ediately B etterton dropped on his knees in front of H ilary and rested his face on her shoulder. ‘Darling, darling,’ he said out loud. Then H ilary heard him whisper, ‘Keep going. They m ight be listening.’ H ilary could feel his fear and uneasiness. She looked at him and saw a goodlooking m an o f about thirty, w ho was badly frightened. He looked as if he was close to a nervous collapse. N ow that the im m ediate danger was over, H ilary began to enjoy playing her part. She must be Olive B etterton —act and feel just as Olive would. And the situation was so unreal she didn’t feel as if she was H ilary Craven any more. She rem em bered the details she had learned w ith Jessop. ‘It seems such a long tim e since we lived at our house, Firbank,’ she said. ‘W hiskers — do you rem em ber m y cat, W hiskers? She


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had kittens just after you w ent away. It’s strange that there are so many silly little things you don’t even know about.’ ‘I know, said Betterton. ‘T hat was the old life. Here w e’ll begin a new life.’ ‘And it’s all right here? You’re happy?’ H ilary was sure a loving wife w ould ask this. ‘It’s w onderful.’ Tom Betterton lifted his head. His unhappy frightened eyes looked out o f a smiling, confident face. ‘The w orking conditions are perfect. T here’s everything you could ever w ant here.’ ‘And is it really a leper colony? ’ ‘O h, yes. T he doctors here are researching the disease. But it’s just a disguise, a cover.’ ‘I see.’ H ilary looked round. ‘Is this our apartm ent?’ ‘Yes. Sitting room , bathroom and bedroom —I’ll show you.’ H ilary walked through the apartm ent. Everything was o f good quality and very comfortable. There was a lot of space in the cupboards. ‘I don’t know what I’ll put in here,’ she said w ith a laugh. ‘I didn’t bring anything w ith me.’ ‘D on’t w orry,’ said Tom. ‘You can get anything you want here. T here’s no need to go outside ever again.’ H e said the words lightly, but H ilary heard the despair in his voice. N o need to go outside ever again. They were in a cage —trapped! A nd were they being spied on, too? Was someone listening and w atching them now? Tom B etterton thought so, but was he right? O r was he in such a nervous state that he was im agining things? Was this w hat happened to you w hen you lived in a cage? ‘W ould you like to lie down —to rest? ’ Tom asked. ‘N o —’ H ilary hesitated. ‘N o, I don’t think so.’ 53

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‘T hen perhaps you had better come w ith me to the Registry.’ ‘W hat’s the Registry? ’ ‘It’s where they record everything about you - health, blood pressure, likes, dislikes - everything. It’s very well organized here.’ ‘I knew it would be,’ said Hilary. She tried to speak w ith real enthusiasm. Tom B etterton kissed her again. ‘Keep going,’ he whispered. O ut loud he said, ‘A nd now, let’s go to the Registry.’


Chapter 12 The R egistry was m anaged by a strict-looking Swiss wom an, w ho wore glasses and had an unattractive hair style. ‘A h,’ she said w hen they arrived, ‘you’ve brought M rs B etterton.’ As H ilary sat down, the w om an took out a lot o f forms and started to write. Tom B etterton said awkwardly, ‘I’ll leave you, Olive,’ and shut the door behind him . ‘N ow then,’ said the w om an seriously, ‘Tell me your full name, please. Age. W here you were born. Parent’s names. Any serious illnesses. Hobbies. List of any jobs held. Degrees from any university. W hat you like to eat and drink.’ The questions w ent on and on. H ilary answered almost w ithout thinking, glad that she was so well prepared about Olive’s life. W hen they finally finished, H ilary was given a thorough medical exam ination. A nd then she saw D r Rubec, a tall, sadlooking Swiss m an o f about forty, for intelligence and personality tests. H ilary was nervous about the tests, but they seemed to be routine. W hen they were over, D r R ubec said, ‘Please do not think I am being rude, M adame, w hen I say that it is a pleasure to deal w ith someone w ho is not a genius.’ H ilary laughed. ‘O h, I’m certainly not a genius,’ she said. ‘You are fortunate,’ said D r Rubec. ‘It w ill make your life here much easier. I mostly see very sensitive intellectual people here — but they are not always emotionally stable. R eal scientists are not cool and calm, like they are in books. You would not believe the arguments and the jealousies that I have to deal w ith here!’ N ext H ilary was taken to the dress departm ent, which was run by M ademoiselle La Roche. The Frenchwom an was not w hat H ilary was expecting —she used to work in a famous Paris 55

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fashion house w here rich wom en bought their clothes, and was interested in purely fem inine things. ‘I am delighted to m eet you, M adam e,’ she said to Hilary. ‘I’m sure you are tired after your journey, so perhaps today you should just select a few essential items.’ ‘I’d like that,’ said Hilary. ‘All I ow n now is a toothbrush.’ Mademoiselle La Roche laughed and took Hilary into a large room with many cupboards filled with clothes o f every different size and style. There were also endless underclothes, shoes, makeup and toiletries. Hilary chose a few things from the huge selection, and one of the assistants was told to take everything to her apartment. ‘It will be a pleasure to help you choose some m ore clothes later, when you are m ore rested,’ said Mademoiselle La Roche. ‘You are not like scientific ladies — they do not care what they wear or what they look like! Ah, here is Miss Jennson.’ A thin girl w ith dark hair and glasses had entered the dress departm ent. After she had introduced herself, Miss Jennson said, ‘If you’ve finished here now, Mrs B etterton, I w ill take you back to D r Van Heidem . H e is the D eputy D irector, in charge o f m anaging the U n it.’ H ilary followed Miss Jennson to Van Heidem ’s office. ‘So, Mrs B etterton,’ said Van Heidem , w hen H ilary arrived. ‘I’m sure you are glad to see your husband again. I hope you’ll be very happy here.’ ‘T hank you.’ H ilary sat down. ‘D o you want to ask me any questions?’ the doctor said. H ilary laughed. ‘I have so many questions to ask that I don’t know where to begin.’ ‘O h, I understand,’ he said. ‘But my advice is not to ask anything. Just take some time to adapt and see w hat happens. T hat’s the best thing to do.’


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‘But I know so little,’ said Hilary. ‘It’s all so —so unexpected.’ ‘Yes,’ Van Heidem laughed. ‘O u r desert hom e is quite a surprise to most people. W e don’t tell anyone about it before they get here. But we do our best to m ake everyone comfortable. And if there’s anything you need —any particular books or music, for example —just ask.’ After a pause, he continued, ‘It usually takes people a few weeks to get used to living here — especially wives. Sometimes wives take tim e to m ake new friends.’ ‘And do we stay here? O r do we move on to somewhere else?’ Van H eidem became rather vague. ‘There are possibilities,’ he said. ‘It depends on your husband. But let’s not talk about that now.’ ‘Can I go out at all?’ asked Hilary. ‘I mean, go outside the gates?’ ‘I am often asked that question,’ said Van Heidem. His voice was kind. ‘But our U nit is a world in itself — it has everything you need. A nd outside there is only desert.’ He smiled. ‘A fter a while, M rs Betterton, you w on’t w ant to go out. You w on’t w ant to go back to the bad old world you have left behind.’


Chapter 13 H ilary was back in her apartment. T he clothes she had chosen had arrived and she put them away in the wardrobe. ‘I w ent to see the D eputy D irector,’ H ilary told Betterton. ‘Yes, he manages the U nit,’ said Betterton. ‘But it’s the D irector w ho’s really in charge.’ They spoke carefully, in case someone was listening. ‘W e don’t see the D irector very often, though he sometimes gives a speech. H e’s very inspiring.’ He looked at his watch. ‘We should go dow n to dinner now, if you’re ready.’ H e spoke as though they were staying in a hotel. H ilary was w earing a grey-green dress that she had chosen earlier, which looked very attractive w ith her red hair. They w ent dow n the stairs and along several corridors until they reached a large dining room . Miss Jennson showed them to their table, where Andy Peters and Ericsson were already sitting. H ilary introduced her ‘husband’ to the tw o men. They sat down, and were soon joined by another couple, w ho Betterton introduced as D r Simon M urchison and his wife Bianca. ‘Simon and I work together,’ he explained. Simon M urchison was a thin, pale young m an, and his wife Bianca had dark hair and came from Italy. ‘Tom orrow,’ she said to Hilary, ‘I will show you around. Are you a scientist, too?’ ‘I’m afraid not,’ said Hilary. ‘I used to w ork as a secretary.’ ‘Then perhaps you can help me organize some events here,’ suggested Bianca. H ilary was quick to agree to this plan. T hen Andy Peters said, ‘I feel like a new boy at school. I’ll be glad to start work.’ ‘It’s a wonderful place to work,’ said Simon M urchison w ith enthusiasm. ‘N o interruptions and everything you need.' ‘W hat exactly are you w orking on?’ asked Andy Peters. 58

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All the m en started talking about scientific things that H ilary didn’t understand. She spoke for a while to Bianca M urchison, who told her about some of the social activities. ‘You can play card games, and there is a cinema and sometimes dancing. And there is tennis and squash.’ ‘I don’t really w ant to do anything else tonight,’ said Hilary, yawning. ‘I just want to go to bed.’ ‘Yes, dear,’ said Tom B etterton. ‘You need a good night’s rest after your tiring journey. But do come up to the roof garden for a while —the air is w onderful at night.’ They w ent up in a lift operated by a tall dark-skinned m an w earing w hite robes. To H ilary’s surprise, the roof garden was beautiful —like a fairy story from the book, Arabian Nights. There was the sound of water, tall palm trees and lots o f green plants. It must have cost a lot o f m oney to create such a beautiful green garden in the desert. H ilary and B etterton walked around the garden, and gradually all the other people who had been enjoying the night air went back inside. T he air was cold and H ilary could see the stars as they sat down, alone at last. ‘N ow tell m e,’ said B etterton in a low, nervous voice. ‘W ho are you?’ H ilary looked at him . Before she answered she had a question of her own. ‘W hy did you say I was your w ife?’ ‘I don’t know —I was stupid. I thought perhaps you had come to get me out of here.’ ‘So you w ant to get out o f here?’ ‘O f course I do! D o you need to ask?’ ‘D id you know you were com ing here?’ asked Hilary. ‘I didn’t know I was com ing to Africa, but I knew w hat I was doing, and came willingly —I wasn’t kidnapped. I believed 59

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in sharing inform ation w ith other scientists — and I believed in peace and freedom for everyone.’ Tom B etterton laughed bitterly. ‘But there’s no freedom here,’ he said. ‘I’m always watched and spied on . . . or am I? Perhaps I’m im agining things. W hy should they bother? I can’t leave or get away —it’s like a prison!’ ‘So it isn’t how you im agined it?’ H ilary asked. ‘It is in some ways. The w orking conditions are perfect and there’s everything you need. But you’re still in prison.’ ‘I know,’ agreed Hilary. ‘It was horrible w hen the gates closed behind us today.’ ‘So now answer m y question,’ said Betterton. ‘W hy are you here, pretending to be Olive? W here is O live?’ ‘Olive —’ H ilary stopped, trying to think o f the right words. ‘W hat’s happened to her? W hat are you trying to say?’ ‘I’m sorry, so sorry,’ said Hilary, looking at his nervous face, ‘but your wife is dead. She was in a plane crash and died two days later.’ Betterton stared straight ahead o f him . H e didn’t show any emotion. ‘So O live’s dead? I see . . .’ There was a long silence. Then he turned to her. ‘So Olive’s dead,’ he said again. ‘But why are you here?’ H ilary was ready for this question. B etterton thought she had come to help him escape, but that wasn’t true. She was a spy, here to get inform ation — and now she, too, was a prisoner. But she wasn’t going to tell him that —he was too nervous and frightened to keep a secret. ‘I was at the hospital w ith your wife w hen she died. She wanted to tell you something, so I said I w ould try to reach you.’ As B etterton frowned, H ilary hurried on before he could realize how weak her story was. 60

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‘I agree w ith your ideas,’ she said, ‘I, too, w ant peace and freedom . A nd w ith m y red hair — well, it seem ed w orth trying.’ ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Your hair’s exactly like Olive’s.’ A n d your wife was so desperate to tell you som ething — to tell you to be careful —very careful —that you were in danger — from someone called Boris.’ ‘Boris? Boris Glydr?’ ‘Yes, do you know him? ’ ‘I’ve never m et him ,’ said B etterton, ‘H e’s my first w ife’s cousin. H ad Olive seen him? W hat did he say to her?’ ‘I don’t know. T hat’s all she said. A nd —oh yes —she said that she couldn’t believe it.’ ‘Believe w hat?’ ‘I don’t know,’ said Hilary. ‘You see —she was dying . . .’ A n expression o f pain crossed B etterton’s face. ‘I know you say she’s dead, but at the m om ent I can’t really believe it. But what did she mean, about Boris? H ow can he be dangerous to me here?' ‘I don’t know ,’ H ilary said again. There was silence for a mom ent. ‘O h well, it doesn’t m atter,’ said Betterton. ‘W e can’t escape.’ ‘O h yes, we can,’ said Hilary. ‘W e’ll find a way.’ H e stared at her. ‘You have no idea how hard it would be.’ ‘T here’s always a way,’ said H ilary confidently. ‘W e just need tim e and a good plan.’ ‘T im e?’ he said. ‘I don’t have time. I can’t work properly here. I can’t think. T hey w ant new and original w ork —and I just can’t do it. It’s driving me mad. I’m no use to them like this —they’ll kill m e.’ ‘O h, no !’ 61

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‘Yes, they will. T he only thing that’s saved me is that I’ve had lots o f plastic surgery, and I needed tim e to recover. But that’s finished now.’ ‘But why did you have plastic surgery at all?’ ‘For my ow n safety,’ said Betterton. ‘T he police are looking for me —they w ant to arrest me.’ ‘You m ean,’ said Hilary, ‘because you sold secrets?’ H e w ouldn’t look at her. ‘I didn’t sell anything. I gave them what they w anted. I w anted to share all my scientific knowledge. D on’t you understand? ’ H ilary thought that she did understand. Andy Peters and Torquil Ericsson w ould do the same. They would betray their country because they believed that sharing their knowledge w ould create a better world. Betterton looked round him nervously. ‘Everyone’s gone,’ he said. ‘W e should go back dow n.’ H ilary stood up. ’I’ve just arrived,’ she said. ‘T hey’ll understand that we w ant to be alone.’ ‘W e’ll have to go on pretending,’ B etterton said awkwardly. ‘That you’re my wife, I m ean.’ He stopped, embarrassed. H ilary looked at Tom standing in front o f her. ‘H ow handsome he is,’ thought Hilary. ‘But I’m not at all attracted to him .’ ‘D on’t worry,’ she said cheerfully. ‘T he most im portant thing is to get out o f here.’


Chapter 14 In a hotel room in M arrakesh, Jessop was talking to Miss H etherington. This wom an looked the same as the Miss H etherington that H ilary had know n, but she behaved very differently. N ow she was confident and positive, and seemed m uch younger. T he third person in the room was a dark-haired, solid-looking Frenchm an called Leblanc. Janet H etherington was telling Jessop about the people that H ilary —as Olive B etterton —had talked to when they were in Fez. ‘There was M rs Baker, who I had already m et at Casablanca,’ she said. ‘I still can’t decide about her. She was friendly w ith Olive B etterton, but Americans travelling abroad often are friendly. A nd she was on the plane, too.’ ‘Yes, what do you think about this plane crash, Leblanc?’ said Jessop, turning towards the Frenchman. ‘W e don’t know why the plane crashed,’ the Frenchm an replied, ‘but everyone on board was killed.’ ‘W hat do you know about the pilot?’ asked Jessop. ‘O nly that he was young and was a good pilot,’ said Leblanc. ‘A nd badly paid.’ H e paused. ‘But there were seven bodies. They were badly burned and couldn’t be identified —but there were still seven bodies.’ Jessop turned back to Janet H etherington. ‘D id Mrs B etterton speak to anyone else?’ ‘She did talk to one o f the waiters —and M r Aristides,’ she replied. ‘A h,’ said Leblanc, ‘M r Aristides, one o f the richest men in the world. And what does he do w ith all that money? H e shuts him self away in a castle in Spain and collects, so they say, Chinese p ottery’ ‘M rs B etterton also visited the old tow n o f Fez w ith one o f the guides,’ said Miss H etherington. ‘Someone may have contacted her then.’ 63

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‘A nd she suddenly decided to go to M arrakesh,’ said Jessop thoughtfully ‘N ot suddenly,’ said Miss H etherington. ‘H er tickets were already booked.’ ‘I m ean M rs Baker, not Mrs B etterton,’ explained Jessop. ‘Mrs Baker suddenly decided to go to M arrakesh. And surely it’s strange that Olive B etterton was involved in tw o plane crashes?’ He paused. ‘H ere’s another idea - perhaps the crash was faked.’ Leblanc looked interested. ‘It could be done, yes,’ he said. ‘They could land the plane and set it on fire. But the bodies — there were still seven badly burned bodies on that plane.’ ‘I know,’ said Jessop, ‘that’s the problem. A nd there’s no trail to follow.’ ‘I have people searching the area where the plane crashed,’ said Leblanc. ‘It’s a very lonely place. The plane was off its course —flying in the w rong direction.’ ‘I’m sure that’s im portant,’ Jessop said. ‘Let’s look at the passenger list again.’ T he Frenchm an gave the list to Jessop and they both exam ined it carefully. ‘M rs Baker, American. Mrs Betterton, English. Torquil Ericsson, N orw egian. I’ve heard his nam e before,’ said Jessop, frowning. ‘I’m sure he’s a scientist of some sort.’ ‘Then there is a nun, Sister M arie,’ said Leblanc. A n d A ndrew Peters, American, and D r Barron, an expert on diseases.’ ‘That all fits in w ith w hat w e’re looking for,’ said Jessop. The telephone on the table rang and Leblanc answered it. A h, yes,’ he said. ‘Send them in.’ He turned to Jessop. ‘M y men have found som ething!’ he said w ith excitement. A few m oments later tw o men entered the room —a Frenchm an and a local M oroccan man. ‘I told the local people that there was 64

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a reward if they found anything,’ the first m an said to Leblanc. ‘A nd this m an has found som ething im portant.’ The M oroccan took a small object from underneath his w hite robes. It was a large pearl. Jessop took the pearl and looked at it closely w ith a m agnifying glass. ‘Yes! The m ark is there,’ he said w ith excitement. ‘G ood girl —she did it!’ Leblanc was questioning the M oroccan in Arabic. He turned to Jessop. ‘This pearl was found nearly half a m ile from the burning plane.’ ‘T hat means,’ said Jessop, ‘that Olive B etterton survived the plane crash, and though seven burnt bodies were found, one of them was definitely not hers.’ ‘I w ill tell m y m en to search a bigger area now,’ said Leblanc. A nd this m an here w ill get a big reward. W hen the other local people hear about it, they will look very carefully for these pearls. I just hope,’ he added thoughtfully, ‘that her fellow-travellers didn’t realize w hat she was doing.’ ‘W hy should they?’ asked Jessop. ‘Olive Betterton has broken her necklace and a few pearls fell out of her pocket. It isn’t suspicious.’ Leblanc looked at the passenger list again. ‘Mrs Baker, American. M rs Betterton, English. Torquil Ericsson, N orw egian — a scientist. W e know nothing about him . There is a nun, Sister Marie —a good disguise, perhaps, and Andrew Peters, a nuclear chemist, also American. Last there is D r Barron —a famous doctor, I believe. All these people have been cleverly brought together to travel in that plane —which is later found on fire w ith seven dead bodies inside. It is amazing! I wonder how they did it?’ ‘I don’t know ,’ said Jessop, ‘but putting the bodies there was very convincing. B ut now — because o f the pearl — we 65

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know that six or seven people in that plane have started a new journey.’ ‘W e should move to a hotel nearer where the plane crashed,’ said Leblanc, ‘in case other evidence is found nearby.’ O ver the next few days Jessop and Leblanc worked very hard, calculating how far a car could travel from w here the plane crashed in each direction, and where it w ould stop. There were lots of false trails, but at last they got results. W e have found som ething,’ Leblanc told Jessop. ‘A pearl was found in a local m an’s house. He was paid a great deal of money not to tell anyone that six people stayed the night there. And children in a local village nearby have found tw o more pearls. So now we know which direction they w ent in.’ ‘T hat’s good news,’ said Jessop. ‘There is m ore, my friend,’ said Leblanc. ‘A local m an saw a car driving in the night. As it passed he saw the sign of the hand o f Fatima on one side. It shone in the dark. It was a good idea o f yours, to put lum inous paint on a glove - it only shows up at night.’ ‘It works well,’ said Jessop, ‘but it’s dangerous, because the people in the car can see it, too.’ ‘It cannot be seen in daylight, said Leblanc. ‘And the hand of Fatima is a popular religious sign — it is painted on many different vehicles.’ ‘T hat’s true,’ agreed Jessop, ‘but we must still be careful. If they did notice it, it could be a false trail.’ The next m orning Leblanc excitedly brought in some new evidence — three pearls arranged in a triangle, stuck together with chewing gum . ‘Three pearls in a triangle,’ said Jessop. ‘T hat’s our sign to say that the next part o f the journey was by plane.’


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‘You’re right,’ said Leblanc. ‘This was found on an old army airfield, in a very lonely place. It is not used any more, but there were signs that a plane landed and left there not long ago.’ ‘A nother plane,’ said Jessop slowly. ‘So now there is no trail and we don’t know where they’ve gone. Again they have left for an unknow n destination.’


Chapter 15 ‘I can’t believe,’ thought Hilary, ‘that I’ve been here ten days!’ The most frightening thing was how quickly and easily she had adapted to life in the U nit. After only a week she had begun to accept her way o f life as natural. It was a strange life, where nothing was real - like living in a dream. Perhaps she would always feel like she was living in a dream . . . perhaps she would never wake up. It was interesting, thought Hilary, to see how her fellowtravellers reacted to life in the U nit. She didn’t m eet Helga N eedheim very often, but the G erm an w om an seemed happy and satisfied. D r Barron, w ho H ilary sometimes talked to, was impressed w ith the w orking conditions and loved his w ork — although he adm itted that he had not expected to live in a prison. ‘But I was paid a large am ount of m oney before I came here,’ he added. ‘A nd w hen all this comes to an end, I w ill be able to spend it.’ ‘W hen all this comes to an end?’ H ilary repeated. ‘W hy should that happen?’ ‘M y dear,’ said D r Barron, ‘nothing is perm anent. In time, the U nit w ill break up and fall apart. W hat happens here is too strange, too unreal. It w ill not last. But until that happens, I am happy to w ork here.’ Torquil Ericsson also seemed to be quite happy living in the Unit. H ilary didn’t understand him . H e seemed to live in a world o f his own, a world that didn’t really exist. O nly he could see this ideal world where the scientists ruled and controlled everything - it existed only in his ow n head. Andy Peters was easier for H ilary to understand. Like her, Peters hated living in the Unit.

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‘I had no idea w hat it would really be like,’ he told Hilary. ‘I have to get out o f here.’ ‘It w on’t be easy,’ said H ilary quietly. They were w alking together on the roof garden. ‘N o,’ said Peters, ‘it w on’t be easy, but it’s not impossible. N othing’s impossible.’ ‘I like to hear you say that,’ said Hilary. ‘I hate it here, but I’m m ore afraid that I’ll get used to it.’ ‘Yes,’ Peters said thoughtfully. ‘I’ve wondered about that. W hat does your husband think? H e’s been here a while now.’ ‘Tom? I — oh, I don’t know. It’s so difficult. I —’ H ilary was silent. For ten days she had lived w ith —and shared a bedroom w ith — a m an w ho was a complete stranger to her. She didn’t understand Tom Betterton. He didn’t seem to be upset by his real wife’s death. All he could think about was getting away from the Unit. Again and again he said, ‘I must get away from here. I must, I must.’ But the way he said this was very different to the way Peters said it. Peters was a young, angry m an, confident that he would be able to escape. Tom B etterton sounded like a man w ho was about to collapse, a m an w ho was almost crazy. Perhaps, H ilary thought suddenly, this was what she and Peters would be like in six m onths’ time. She wished she could talk to Andy Peters about this. She wished she could say, ‘Tom B etterton isn’t my husband. I know nothing about him and I don’t know w hat to do or say to help him .’ Instead she chose her words carefully. ‘Tom seems like a stranger to me now. H e doesn’t — tell me things. Sometimes I think being shut up in here is driving him mad. H ow can we get out o f here?’

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‘W e’ve got to plan it very carefully, Olive,’ Peters said. ‘If there’s a way in, there’s a way out. W e’ll need to be clever and pretend to play a part —perhaps pay someone w ho works here to help —but we can do it. W e w ill get out.’ ‘I’m sure you w ill,’ said Hilary, ‘but w hat about m e?’ ‘Well, it’s different for you.’ Peters sounded embarrassed. For a m om ent H ilary wondered w hat he m eant, and then she realized that he was talking about Tom B etterton. She had come here to be w ith the m an she loved - and she had got what she wanted.


Chapter 16 I ‘G ood evening, M rs B etterton,’ said Miss Jennson, her eyes shining w ith excitem ent behind her glasses. ‘There w ill be a m eeting tonight. The D irector him self is going to speak to us. H e’s a w onderful m an!’ ‘T hat’s good,’ said Andy Peters, as Miss Jennson moved away. ‘I’ve been waiting to see this D irector.’ ‘Tom said the D irector is very inspiring,’ said Hilary. ‘But I don’t really know w hat he m eant.’ ‘I’m sure he can’t be that w onderful,’ said Peters w ith a smile. ‘O h, I’m so glad you’re here,’ said Hilary. ‘You’re so nice and ordinary. I’m sorry,’ she said as Peters looked amused, ‘that sounded rude.’ ‘So you like ordinary people?’ Peters said. ‘N ot someone w ho’s a genius?’ ‘Yes,’ said Hilary. ‘And you —you’ve changed since you came here. You don’t seem so bitter any m ore —you don’t hate.’ But im m ediately his face looked grim . ‘T hat’s not true,’ he said. ‘I can still hate. There are some things that should be hated.’ II

The m eeting took place after dinner in the large lecture room . H ilary sat next to Tom Betterton. From the way Miss Jennson had spoken about him , H ilary was disappointed w hen the D irector stepped up on the platform in front o f them. H e looked like a boring English businessman, heavy and middle-aged. 71

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‘First, I w ould like to welcome our new colleagues,’ began the Director, before saying a few words about each o f the new arrivals in French, G erm an and English. After that he w ent on to speak of the aims and beliefs o f the U nit. T hough she tried, afterwards H ilary couldn’t really remem ber the D irector’s exact words — or perhaps the words themselves were just ordinary. But listening to the D irector speak those words was a very different experience. He spoke very simply, about Youth and about Power —how the future w ould be shaped by the young scientists, and how together they w ould create a N ew W orld. ‘Here in this U nit we are gathering the most intelligent young brains from all over the world,’ the D irector said. ‘In time, we will have the scientific knowledge and pow er to destroy the world. W hen that day comes, we w ill be in charge o f world affairs —we w ill control the whole w orld!’ It was not the words themselves, but the pow er o f the speaker that affected the listening audience so intensely. W hen H ilary left the lecture room , in a state o f high em otion, she could see that the other people around her felt the same - inspired and uplifted. She felt almost drunk w ith the intense emotions that the D irector’s words had produced. T hen she felt a hand on her arm. ‘Com e up to the roof garden,’ said Andy Peters. ‘W e need some air.’ They w ent up in the lift w ithout speaking and stepped out am ong the palm trees under the stars. Peters breathed in deeply. ‘Yes, that’s better.’ H e shook H ilary’s arm. ‘Com e on, Olive,’ he said. ‘You don’t really believe all that. W e’ve heard it all before.’ ‘But it w ould be wonderful,’ said H ilary w ith enthusiasm. ‘It would be a wonderful w orld!’


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‘T hink about it properly,’ said Peters sharply. ‘Youth and brains — w hat does it really mean? H ere that means Helga N eedheim , ruthless and arrogant, and Torquil Ericsson, an im practical dreamer. O r D r Barron, w ho w ould sell his grandm other to get m oney for his work. A nd your ow n husband, a m an too frightened and nervous to w ork at all. And these people are going to rule the world? D on’t m ake me laugh! It’s all total nonsense!’ H ilary sat down. ‘I do believe you’re right,’ she said at last. ‘But it was a wonderful idea. H ow does the D irector make everyone feel like that? ’ ‘I don’t know how he does it,’ said Peters, ‘but I’m glad you’re back to norm al now.’ Then suddenly his m anner changed. ‘I suppose I shouldn’t have brought you straight up here. W hat will your husband say? ’ ‘H e probably w on’t even notice,’ said Hilary. ‘I’m sorry, Olive. It must be hard for you to see him like this.’ ‘W e must get out of here,’ said H ilary passionately. ‘W e must! ’ ‘W e w ill,’ Peters said. ‘I’ve m ade some progress. There are lots o f people here w ho aren’t happy. I’ll get you out, Olive.’ ‘A nd Tom, too?’ Peters’s face darkened. ‘Listen, Olive, it’s best if Tom stays here. H e’ll be —safer here than in the outside world.’ ‘Safer? I don’t know what you m ean,’ said Hilary. ‘D o you think he’s going m ad?’ ‘N o,’ said Peters slowly. ‘But a cage can be a safe place.’ Suddenly H ilary rem em bered that Tom had said that the police were looking for him . But being in a real prison would still be better than staying here. ‘Tom must come, too,’ she insisted. ‘A ll right, but I’ve w arned you,’ said Peters bitterly. ‘I wish I knew w hy you care so m uch for that m an.’ 73

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H ilary stared at him . She said nothing, but she wanted to say, ‘I don’t care for him . H e means nothing to m e.’ She wanted to say, ‘The m an I care about is you . . Ill

‘Have you been enjoying yourself w ith your Am erican friend?’ Tom B etterton said as H ilary entered their bedroom . He looked at her closely, as if seeing her for the first time. ‘You’re a goodlooking w om an, Olive,’ he said. From the beginning H ilary had insisted that he should always call her by his w ife’s name. ‘O nce I would have noticed that. I’m a norm al m an —or I used to be.’ H ilary sat dow n beside him . ‘W hat is the m atter w ith you, Tom ?’ ‘I’ve told you. I can’t think,’ he said. ‘I can’t w ork.’ ‘The others don’t seem to feel the same as you,’ said Hilary. ‘It would help if you had a real friend here.’ ‘I’ve seen a lot of Torquil Ericsson lately,’ said Tom. ‘H e’s a brilliant m an.’ ‘H e’s a strange m an,’ said Hilary. ‘I think he’s frightening.’ ‘Frightening? Torquil? H e’s actually very gentle —and like a child in some ways.’ ‘Tom,’ said Hilary, ‘don’t get too friendly w ith Torquil Ericsson.’ ‘W hy not?’ H e stared at her. ‘I don’t know,’ H ilary said. ‘It’s just a feeling I have.’


Chapter 1 7 I

‘They must have left Africa,’ said Leblanc. ‘I’m not so sure,’ said Jessop. ‘O nly a small plane could have used that army airfield. It w ould need to refuel before it crossed the sea.’ ‘But I tell you, my friend,’ said Leblanc, ‘we have searched everywhere. Even if your agent has used the spray . . .’ ‘If m y agent has used the spray,’ said Jessop, ‘we w ill know eventually. W e just haven’t found the right plane yet.’ He paused. ‘I w onder - perhaps instead of flying N orth, they flew back again —and flew South.’ ‘But w here w ould they go?’ asked Leblanc. ‘There are only the H igh Atlas m ountains - and after that, the desert . . .’ II

‘You promise? You promise that I w ill be able to go to A m erica?’ ‘Yes, I promise, M oham m ed. If we get out o f here, you’ll be on your way. Tell me, why do you w ant to go to America? ’ ‘This country is not m odern - I do not wish to stay here all my life. T he brother of my wife has gone to America, so I have family there.’ Peters looked thoughtfully at the dignified, dark-skinned face. M oham m ed in his white robes was an impressive sight. ‘O f course, if we are found o u t. . .’ M oham m ed smiled, showing his beautiful white teeth. ‘T hen it is death - for me certainly, though perhaps not for you.’ 75

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‘D o you know what you have to do?’ Peters asked. ‘I must take you up to the roof garden after dark. Also, I must put some clothing in your room —such as I and the other servants wear. Later —there will be other things.’ ‘T hat’s right. I had better go now — somebody may notice w e’re staying a long tim e in the lift.’ Ill

There was dancing that evening. Andy Peters was dancing w ith Miss Jennson. He held her close to him and whispered in her ear. He w inked at H ilary as he passed. H ilary tried not to smile, and looked away. T hen she frowned as she saw Tom B etterton talking to Torquil Ericsson. ‘Olive, w ill you dance w ith m e?’ asked Simon M urchison. ‘Yes, of course, Simon,’ said Hilary, though she could see he was a bad dancer. ‘I like your dress, Olive,’ M urchison said as they danced. ‘They really do give you everything you need here. I know it can take tim e to get used to it, but after a while . . .’ ‘You m ean people can get used to anything?’ ‘Well, some people adjust better than others,’ said M urchison. ‘Tom doesn’t seem very happy, though. Is he here? O h yes, I see him —he’s talking to Torquil. T hey’re very friendly now.’ T he dance ended and H ilary danced next w ith A ndy Peters. ‘I managed to get some inform ation from Miss Jennson,’ he told her. ‘T here’s a group of im portant people visiting here tom orrow.’ ‘A ndy —do you think there m ight be a chance . . .’ 76

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‘N o, I don’t,’ said Peters, ‘but w e’ll get to know what happens —the routine. And then next tim e . . . I’ll talk sweetly to Miss Jennson and see what else I can find out.’ ‘W hat do the visitors know about this place?’ ‘A bout us —the U nit, I m ean —nothing at all. T hey’re here to see the leper colony and the hospital. This place has been built into the m ountain, so you can’t see how big it really is. A nd our area is shut off from the m ain building.’ ‘O u r life here —it’s still so unreal.’ ‘I know,’ agreed Peters. ‘I can’t get used to not seeing any children about. A nd now you’re here, you must be glad that you don’t have children —they certainly w ouldn’t like to be indoors all the tim e!’ He felt H ilary’s body suddenly grow tense. ‘I’m sorry —have I said the w rong thing?’ He took her to sit down. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said again. ‘It’s not your fault,’ said Hilary. ‘I did have a child —and she died —that’s all.’ ‘You had a child?’ Peters stared, surprised. ‘I thought you’d only been m arried to B etterton for six m onths?’ H ilary’s face reddened. ‘Yes, o f course,’ she said, ‘but I was — m arried before.’ ‘O h, I see. I didn’t know that. It’s strange to think that I don’t really know anything about you.’ ‘A nd I don’t know anything about you,’ said Hilary, glad to change the subject. ‘Tell me about your family.’ ‘I was brought up in a very scientific household,’ said Peters. ‘N o one ever thought o f anything but science. B ut I wasn’t the clever one —that was the girl in the family. She was brilliant — a genius. She could have been as famous as M arie C urie.’


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‘She —w hat happened to her?’ ‘She was killed,’ he said abruptly. ‘She must have been killed in the war,’ thought Hilary. ‘You cared about her?’ she asked gently. ‘M ore than I have ever cared about anybody.’ Peters shook his head quickly. ‘Let’s not talk about that.’ It was his tu rn to change the subject. ‘Look at Ericsson,’ he said. ‘H e’s so formal —he looks as if he’s made of w ood.’ ‘It’s because he’s so tall and thin.’ ‘H e’s not that tall. H e’s actually about the same height as me — five foot eleven or six foot.’ ‘H e looks taller,’ said Hilary. ‘H eight can be deceptive.’ ‘Yes,’ agreed Peters. ‘It’s like descriptions on passports. Ericsson’s passport probably says: H eight six foot, fair hair, blue eyes, nose m edium . From that description you still w ouldn’t know w hat Torquil really looked like. W hat’s the matter? ’ ‘N othing.’ H ilary was staring across the room at Ericsson. T hat was exactly how Jessop had described Boris Glydr! Was that why she had always felt nervous o f Torquil Ericsson? Turning abruptly to Peters she said, ‘I suppose he is Ericsson? H e couldn’t be someone else?’ Peters looked at her in astonishment. ‘I don’t think so. Ericsson is quite a w ell-know n scientist. A nd w ho else could he be? It’s not very likely.’ ‘N o,’ said Hilary. ‘N o, of course it isn’t likely.’ O f course Ericsson was not Boris Glydr. But w hy had Olive Betterton wanted to w arn Tom about Boris? Was it because she knew that Boris Glydr was on his way to the Unit? W hat if he was really Torquil Ericsson? Just then the D eputy D irector stepped forw ard to make an announcem ent. 78

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‘Friends and colleagues,’ said D r Van Heidem , ‘tom orrow you are asked to rem ain in the Em ergency Area for tw entyfour hours. Please m eet at eleven a.m. I am sorry for the inconvenience.’ ‘I must go and dance again w ith Miss Jennson,’ said Peters as the music re-started. ‘I’ll see if I can find out any m ore inform ation.’ H e moved away, leaving H ilary w ith her thoughts. Torquil Ericsson? Boris Glydr? IV

At eleven the next m orning, everyone m et in the large lecture room , where a careful check was m ade to ensure they were all there. T hen they w ent on a long w alk through endless tw isting white corridors. H ilary knew that Peters had a small compass hidden in his hand, and was calculating where they were going. ‘It doesn’t help now,’ he whispered, ‘but it m ight help in the future.’ At the end o f one corridor they all stopped in front of a door while it was opened. Peters took out his cigarette case. ‘N o smoking, please,’ said Van Heidem sharply. ‘You have been told that already.’ ‘Sorry, Sir.’ Peters paused w ith the cigarette case in his hand. T hen they all w ent forward again — ‘just like sheep,’ thought Hilary. ‘T he w om en w ill sleep in the room on the right,’ said Miss Jennson. ‘T he m en w ill have the room on the left.’ T he room where all the w om en were going to sleep looked rather like a hospital. It had beds all dow n each side o f the room , separated by plastic curtains. There was also a bathroom , and 79

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the living room , w hich was shared w ith the men, was through a door at the end. Two films were shown during the day in the shared living room to help pass the time. In the evening, Peters sat next to Miss Jennson, while H ilary played cards w ith D r Barron, and Simon and Bianca M urchison. She enjoyed the game, and it was half past eleven w hen they finished. ‘It’s quite late now,’ said Hilary. ‘I suppose the visitors have gone hom e?’ All day she had felt helpless, know ing that nearby there were people from the outside, but w ith no way of asking them for help. ‘I don’t really know ,’ said Sim on M urchison. ‘Sometimes they stay the night, but they w ill be gone by lunchtim e tom orrow .’ ‘Is that w hen we go back to our apartm ents?’ H ilary asked. ‘Yes,’ said Bianca M urchison. ‘Everything here is so well arranged.’ She and H ilary got up and said good night. But just as H ilary was entering the w om en’s bedroom , she felt a soft touch on her arm. She turned sharply to find one o f the tall, dark-skinned servants. ‘Madame, you are to come,’ he said in French. ‘Come? C om e w here?’ ‘Please follow m e.’ She hesitated for a m om ent, then followed the m an doubtfully through a door and along many white corridors. She had no idea where they were going. At the end o f one corridor the m an pressed a button on the wall and a small lift appeared. They got in. ‘W here are you taking m e?’ H ilary asked. ‘To the Master, Madame. It is a great honour.’ 80

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The lift stopped, and they walked dow n yet another corridor until they reached a door. W hen she walked through it, H ilary found herself inside a luxurious room , filled w ith comfortable sofas and beautiful rugs. She stared in astonishment. Sitting on a sofa was a little old m an w ith a yellow -tinted face —M r Aristides.

Chapter 18 ‘Please sit down, dear M adam e,’ said M r Aristides. In a dream, H ilary sat down opposite the old man, who laughed at her surprise. ‘So, you did not expect to see me here?’ he said. ‘No, indeed,’ said Hilary. ‘I never thought —’ but already her surprise was beginning to fade. W hen she saw M r Aristides, the dream world in w hich she had been living for the last few weeks fell apart and broke. The U nit had seemed so unreal, because it ivas unreal. It was all a show —it had never been w hat it pretended to be. ‘I understand now,’ said Hilary. ‘This - is all yours, isn’t it?’ ‘Yes, M adam e.’ ‘A nd the D irector?’ ‘He is very good,’ said M r Aristides. ‘I pay him very well. He used to run religious m eetings.’ He thoughtfully smoked his cigarette. ‘A s you know, Madame, I am one o f the richest m en in the world. I wanted to use my wealth to help humanity. T he hospital I have built here is researching a cure for leprosy. Even in these m odern times people have a fear o f leprosy, and w ill not come near a leper colony. It makes a very useful disguise.’ ‘So that’s why this place is a leper colony,’ said Hilary. ‘Yes. W e are also researching cancer and other diseases - wellknow n doctors and other im portant people often come here to see and adm ire our work. But the secret part of the hospital cannot be seen, even from a plane. A nd o f course, I would never be suspected.’ H e smiled. ‘N o one w ould suspect me o f anything, because I am so very rich.’ ‘But why?’ asked Hilary. ‘I don’t understand why.’ 82

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‘I am a businessman,’ said M r Aristides simply. ‘I am also a collector. In the past I have collected paintings, sculptures and Chinese pottery. N ow I collect brains —I am slowly collecting all the intelligent young scientists in the world and bringing them here. O ne day every country w ill realize that all their scientists are old. All the young brains — the doctors, the chemists, the physicists, the surgeons - are all here. So, if they w ant a scientist, they w ill have to come and buy them from m e!’ ‘You m ean . . .’ H ilary stared at him . ‘You m ean that all this is just for money? ’ ‘O f course,’ nodded M r Aristides. ‘O therw ise, it w ould not make sense, w ould it? ’ H ilary sighed deeply. ‘N o,’ she said slowly. ‘It w ouldn’t make sense.’ She paused. ‘But how do you get all these people to come here?’ ‘I buy them , M adame, just as I buy anything else. I buy them w ith m oney or w ith ideas and beliefs. If they have broken the law, I buy them by offering safety.’ ‘T hat explains,’ said H ilary thoughtfully, ‘why everyone here is so different.’ As I thought, M adame, you are intelligent. I had you brought to Fez so I could take a look at you. I was pleased that you were com ing here,’ continued M r Aristides. ‘These scientists, they are not interesting to talk to. T heir wives, too, are often dull. Indeed, wives are only allowed here if their husbands can’t w ork properly w ithout them .’ He paused. ‘This seemed to be the case w ith your husband. Tom B etterton is a genius, but his w ork here has been very disappointing.’ ‘But doesn’t that happen all the tim e?’ asked Hilary. ‘These people are in prison. H ow can they w ork properly if they aren’t free?’ 83

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‘They are like birds in a cage,’ said M r Aristides. ‘Eventually they w ill forget they were ever free. T hen they w ill all obey.’ ‘But if you sell scientists for money,’ argued Hilary, ‘surely once they go back to the real world they can refuse to work for their new employer? T hey’ll be free again — free to do exactly what they w ant.’ ‘Yes, that is true,’ said the old man. ‘But we are w orking on different ways to make people behave. W e have been experim enting w ith a brain operation that w ill make people happy and content —but w ithout any desire to be free.’ ‘You’ve been experim enting?’ cried Hilary. ‘O n hum an beings?’ ‘W e experim ent on people who did not obey,’ said M r Aristides. ‘Such people have their uses.’ H ilary stared at him . She felt a deep horror of this smiling, yellow-faced little m an w ho talked so casually about hum an life. He seemed so reasonable and so businesslike, which only made the horror worse. ‘You talk of freedom, M adam e,’ the old m an continued, ‘and I know you are talking about your husband. I am disappointed in Tom Betterton. A nd his work has not im proved since you arrived.’ ‘So let him go,’ said Hilary. ‘H e w on’t tell anyone about this place, I prom ise.’ ‘Perhaps,’ said M r Aristides thoughtfully, ‘he w ould not talk if you stayed behind, as a hostage. W ould you do that, M adam e?’ H ilary stared past him into the shadows. W ould she stay here so that Tom B etterton could go free? But M r Aristides didn’t know that she wasn’t B etterton’s wife, that the w om an he really loved was dead. She lifted her head. ‘Yes, I w ould stay here,’ she said.


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‘You are brave, Madame, and loyal and loving,’ said the old m an. ‘These are good qualities. W e w ill talk about this another tim e.’ ‘O h no, no !’ said H ilary suddenly, hiding her face in her hands. ‘I can’t bear it here!’ ‘You must not m ind so much, M adam e.’ The old m an’s voice was soothing. ‘You are horrified by m y plans, but w hen you have thought about them , you w ill gradually come to accept them .’ ‘N ever!’ cried Hilary. ‘N ever!’ ‘A h,’ said M r Aristides, ‘you speak w ith the passion that w om en w ith red hair so often have. You have beautiful red hair - as did my second wife. I have enjoyed talking to you. W hen I visit here next time, we w ill talk again.’ ‘Please let me leave this place,’ said H ilary desperately. ‘Please! ’ M r Aristides shook his head. ‘I can’t do that,’ he said gently. ‘You w ould tell everyone about my plans.’ ‘I w on’t,’ said Hilary. ‘I prom ise I w on’t say a word. But I must get out o f this prison!’ ‘I don’t believe that you w ould keep my secret,’ said M r Aristides. ‘A nd you came here willingly, to be w ith your husband. Here you have everything you need to live a pleasant life.’ H e got up and touched H ilary gently on the shoulder. ‘In a year or tw o, the red-haired bird w ill be happy in her cage,’ he said. ‘T hough perhaps not as interesting . . .’


Chapter 19 I H ilary awoke suddenly the next night and sat up, listening. ‘Tom, do you hear that?’ ‘Yes. It’s a plane, flying low. It happens now and then.’ ‘I wondered . . .’ She did not finish her sentence. H ilary lay awake, thinking about her strange interview w ith M r Aristides. She had not told Tom about it. T he old m an liked her. Could she som ehow use that to escape? II

‘A message, at last,’ said Leblanc w ith excitement. ‘O ne of our pilots has been flying over the H igh Atlas m ountains, and he saw a signal being flashed in Morse code.’ He showed Jessop the message. C- O- G-L-E-P-R- O -S-I-E -S-L ‘We can ignore the C O G and SL,’ he said, crossing these letters out. .‘T hey’re our codes. This is the real message.’ LEPROSIE Leblanc looked at it doubtfully. ‘W hat can that m ean?’ ‘Leprosy?’ said Jessop. ‘A re there any leper colonies in that area?’ Leblanc looked at a large map on the wall. ‘Here,’ he pointed, ‘is where the pilot was flying. Let me think.’ H e paused for a few moments. ‘Yes, I believe there is an im portant medical

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research hospital somewhere in this area. They are researching and treating leprosy there. But surely that can’t be the place we want? It has an excellent reputation —the President of M orocco him self supports it.’ A clever idea, then,’ said Jessop. ‘N o one w ill expect that a respectable hospital is hiding the w orld’s leading scientists. And only doctors are interested in a leper colony —no one else w ill w ant to visit it. W ho owns and pays for the hospital?’ Leblanc left the room and came back a few m inutes later w ith an official-looking book in his hand. ‘T he m oney comes from a group o f wealthy people,’ he said, ‘but most of the m oney is supplied by charities run by M r Aristides.’ ‘So, the hospital is paid for by M r Aristides,’ said Jessop thoughtfully. ‘A nd he was in Fez at the same tim e as Olive B etterton.’ ‘But, my friend, this is unbelievable!’ exclaimed Leblanc. ‘A ristides is so rich, so powerful! He is involved in everything — banks, factories, weapons, transport —everything! He sits in his castle in Spain and controls governm ents!’ ‘T hen it isn’t really so surprising that Aristides is involved,’ said Jessop calmly. As you say, Leblanc, he is a m an o f enormous pow er and influence. W e were stupid not to think of him before. The question is,’ he added, ‘w hat are we going to do about it?’ ‘It w on’t be easy,’ said Leblanc , calm ing down. ‘A nd if we are w rong — I don’t dare think o f it! Even if we are right, we still have to prove that we are right. And if we investigate, we could be told to stop —by some powerful and im portant people. No, my friend, it w on’t be easy . . .’ He paused. ‘But we w ill do it.’


Chapter 20 Several expensive cars arrived in front o f the hospital’s huge iron gates. Inside were a French M inister, the Am erican ambassador, a retired top British judge and a journalist w ho worked for a very famous newspaper. Leblanc and Jessop were also inside one of the cars. ‘I hope,’ said the French M inister nervously, ‘that we don’t actually meet the lepers.’ ‘N o, no,’ said the ambassador. ‘I’m told w e’ll be quite safe. And I believe the medical treatm ent of lepers here is very advanced.’ The huge gates opened, and the visitors w ere greeted by the D eputy D irector, D r Van H eidem . ‘W elcom e, welcom e, m y friends,’ he said. ‘As prom ised, M r Aristides him self has arrived from Spain, and he is w aiting for you inside. Please follow m e.’ M r Aristides greeted his visitors in a large comfortable lounge, where they were served drinks by the dark-skinned servants dressed in w hite robes. ‘This is a w onderful place,’ said the French M inister, looking round. ‘Yes, I am very proud of my hospital,’ said M r Aristides. ‘It is my final gift to hum anity. N o expense has been spared.’ ‘A nd w e’re doing very im portant w ork here,’ added Van Heidem w ith enthusiasm. ‘W e are getting very good results in our treatm ent of leprosy and other diseases.’ A delicious meal was served to the visitors, w ho were hungry after their long journey to the hospital. They were given fine wines to drink and were feeling very contented w hen they began their tour of the hospital.

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The tour took tw o hours, and was very thorough. The visitors were impressed w ith the expensive medical equipment, the well-qualified staff and the endless w hite corridors. Some people asked detailed questions about living conditions and the people w ho worked there, w hich Van H eidem answered easily. Jessop and Leblanc walked behind the others. ‘W e haven’t found anything yet,’ whispered Leblanc, his voice w orried. ‘It has taken me weeks to arrange this visit. If we are w rong about this, we w ill lose our jobs!’ ‘It’s not over yet,’ said Jessop. ‘O u r friends are here, I’m sure of it. It’s not really surprising that they are hard to find.’ ‘But we need evidence!’ said Leblanc. ‘If there is no evidence, nothing w ill be done. The French M inister, the Am erican ambassador — they don’t believe us. T hey say that Aristides is above suspicion.’ ‘Keep calm, Leblanc,’ replied his colleague. ‘I do have some evidence that our friends are here. I’m carrying a very small m achine that has detected signs of radioactivity —just as we planned. All these corridors are m eant to confuse us, but there is part o f the building that we have not seen.’ ‘But you know it is there because you have detected signs of radioactivity?’ ‘Exactly,’ said Jessop. ’It is just the same as when we found the pearls and the paint on the door o f the car. This time we can’t actually see anything, but the signs are there.’ ‘But is that enough, my friend?’ asked Leblanc. ‘Is that enough evidence to convince people w ho do not w ant to believe?’ ‘Perhaps this evidence w on’t convince all of them ,’ said Jessop, ‘but I hope it w ill convince some o f them. T here’s the journalist — he w ould love to have such a big story for his newspaper. A nd there’s the m an w ho used to be the top judge in

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Britain. He may be old, but he is still a m an o f great intelligence — and he w on’t ignore evidence.’ W hen the tour was over the visitors were served m ore drinks in the lounge. T he French M inister congratulated M r Aristides on establishing such a fine hospital. A nd now,’ he said, ‘it is time for us to leave. W e have seen everything ,’ —he paused — ‘and we are very impressed w ith the work you are doing here.’ Into the silence a voice suddenly spoke. ‘I w ould like to ask a question, if I may,’ said Jessop. ‘O f course,’ said D r Van Heidem. ‘W hat w ould you like to know? ’ ‘W e’ve m et a lot o f people who w ork here,’ said Jessop, ‘but there’s one person —a friend of m ine —w ho I haven’t seen.’ ‘A friend o f yours?’ D r Van Heidem said politely, surprised. ‘Well, tw o friends actually,’ said Jessop, ‘Tom and Olive Betterton. I believe they’re both here. Can I talk to them before I go?’

D r Van H eidem ’s reactions were perfect. His eyes opened in wide and polite surprise. He frow ned in a puzzled way. ‘B etterton —B etterton —no, I’m afraid we have no one o f that nam e here.’ ‘T here’s an American, too,’ said Jessop. ‘A ndrew Peters, a nuclear chemist, I believe.’ He turned to the American ambassador. ‘A m I right, Sir?’ The ambassador looked at Jessop and took a long tim e to answer. ‘Yes, you’re right,’ he said at last. ‘I w ould like to see Andrew Peters.’ Van Heidem still looked confused. Jessop looked quickly at M r Aristides. The old m an’s face showed nothing. ‘You know the name o f Thomas Betterton, don’t you?’Jessop asked Van Heidem. 90

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Just for a second Van Heidem hesitated. H e started to turn his head towards M r Aristides, but stopped him self in time. ‘Thom as B etterton,’ he said. ‘W hy, yes, I think . . .’ ‘He disappeared six m onths ago,’ said the journalist. ‘It was front-page news all over the world. T he police have been looking for B etterton everywhere. And you say he’s here?’ ‘N o !’ said Van Heidem sharply. ‘You are mistaken. B etterton is not here. You have seen everything there is to see.’ ‘N ot everything,’ said Jessop quietly. ‘W e haven’t seen a young m an called Torquil Ericsson, or D r Barron.’ ‘A h!’ said Van Heidem. ‘I understand now. You are talking about the people who were killed here in M orocco —in a plane crash. It was very sad.’ ‘So, I am wrong?’ said Jessop. ‘You say these people are not here?’ ‘But how can they be, my dear Sir, since they were all killed in this plane crash? All their bodies were found, I believe.’ ‘The bodies,’ said Jessop slowly and clearly, ‘were too burned to be identified.’ There was a m ovem ent behind him . ‘So the bodies o f these people could not be properly identified?’ asked the retired British judge, Lord Alverstoke. ‘N o, m y lord,’ said Jessop, ‘and I have evidence that at least one person —M rs B etterton —survived the plane crash.’ ‘Evidence? W hat evidence, M rjessop?’ said Lord Alverstoke. ‘M rs B etterton was w earing a necklace o f pearls when she left Fez,’ explained Jessop. ‘O ne o f these pearls was found half a m ile from where the plane crashed.’ ‘H ow do you know that this pearl came from M rs B etterton’s necklace?’ ‘Because my colleague, M onsieur Leblanc, and I m arked all the pearls,’ said Jessop. ‘W e believed that Mrs Betterton was 91

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going to jo in her husband, Tom B etterton, w ho is wanted by the police. M ore pearls were found, and we also found a mark on a car, carrying six people, which was m ade by one o f the passengers w ith lum inous paint.’ ‘Very interesting,’ said Lord Alverstoke. ‘Very interesting indeed.’ ‘A nd where was this car last seen? ’ asked M r Aristides, com ing to life. ‘A t an old army airfield, Sir.’ Jessop told them the exact location. ‘That is hundreds o f miles from here,’ said M r Aristides. ‘Even if you are right, and the plane crash was faked, why do you think these people are here?’ ‘O ne o f our pilots saw a signal,’ said Jessop, ‘saying that these people were at a leper colony.’ ‘It is an interesting idea,’ said M r Aristides. ‘But you are wrong, quite wrong. These people are not here.’ He spoke w ith calm authority. ‘But you are welcome to search for them .’ ‘I’d like to do that,’ said Jessop. ‘W e’ll start our search in the fourth corridor from the second laboratory, turning to the left at the end.’ D r Van Heidem made a sudden surprised movement, and a glass crashed to the floor. Jessop smiled. ‘It is an interesting idea,’ M r Aristides said again, gently. He looked at his watch. ‘But you will excuse me, gentlemen, if I suggest that you should leave now. You have a long drive back to the airport.’ Both Leblanc and Jessop realized that this was an im portant m om ent. M r Aristides was using his strong personality, daring them to accuse him openly. The M inister just wanted to leave w ithout doing anything, and though the others w eren’t sure, 92

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they hesitated to act against someone so rich and powerful as M r Aristides. And Jessop and Leblanc couldn’t act w ithout the support o f someone in authority, someone im portant. ‘I do not think,’ said a cold, clear voice into the silence, ‘that we should leave just yet.’ It was Lord Alverstoke. ‘There appear to be questions that need to be answered.’ ‘But this is ridiculous,’ said M r Aristides. ‘There is no evidence, no proof at all that these people are here.’ ‘Yes, there is.’ D r Van Heidem turned round in surprise, and everyone stared at the M oroccan servant who had stepped forward. H e was a tall m an w ith a dark face and was wearing white robes —but he had spoken w ith a strong Am erican accent. ‘A ndrew Peters, Torquil Ericsson, Tom and Olive B etterton and D r Barron are all here.’ The m an took a step towards the Am erican ambassador. ‘I know it’s rather hard to recognize me at the m om ent, Sir,’ he said, ‘but I am A ndrew Peters.’ M r Aristides made a faint, angry noise before sitting back in his chair. There was no expression on his face. ‘There are m any scientists hidden away here,’ said Peters. ‘T here’s a whole secret area that you haven’t seen.’ ‘Goodness m e!’ exclaimed the Am erican ambassador. He looked closely at the m an in front o f him . ‘Even now, Peters, I can hardly recognize you w ith that dark colouring on your face. W h at’s your official FBI number? ’ ‘81347128, Sir.’ ‘A nd your initials?’ asked the Ambassador. ‘B.A.P.G., Sir.’ The ambassador nodded. ‘That is correct,’ he said. ‘A nd you say, Peters, that there are many scientists living here? ’ ‘Yes, Sir. Some are here willingly, and some are not.’ ‘In that case,’ said the M inister, stepping forward, ‘there must be a thorough investigation.’ 93

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‘J ust a m om ent, please.’ M r Aristides raised a hand. ‘It would seem that I have been very w rong to trust the people in charge here.’ He looked coldly at D r Van Heidem . ‘I do not know exactly w hat you have been doing here, Van Heidem , but I obviously know nothing about it - nothing at all.’ There was authority in M r Aristides’ voice. ‘If you have been keeping scientists here,’ he continued, ‘it is now over. And I’m sure I do not need to tell you, gentlem en,’ - he turned to the visitors - ‘that if anything has happened here that is against the law, it is nothing to do w ith me.’ ‘Because o f the wealth, power and influence o f the famous M r Aristides, he w ould not be arrested,’ thought Jessop. But he had been defeated, and his plan had failed. The M inister turned to Van Heidem . ‘I repeat,’ he said, ‘that there must be a thorough investigation.’ Van Heidem ’s face was pale. ‘Com e this way,’ he said. ‘I will show you everything.’


Chapter 21 ‘I feel like I’ve woken up from a nightm are,’ sighed Hilary, stretching her arms above her head. They had arrived that m orning at a hotel in Tangier, and were now sitting outside on the terrace. ‘Yes, it was a nightm are,’ agreed Tom Betterton, ‘but it’s over now.’ Jessop came along the terrace and sat dow n beside them. ‘W here’s Andy Peters?’ asked Hilary. ‘H e’ll be here soon,’ said Jessop. ‘H e has som ething to do first.’ ‘So Peters was one o f your agents,’ said Hilary. ‘H e put lum inous paint on that car and used his lead cigarette case to leave behind signs of radioactivity. I had no idea w hat he was doing.’ ‘N o,’ said Jessop, ‘you were both very good at keeping secrets. A nd Peters isn’t really one o f my agents —he works for America.’ ‘So that’s w hat you m eant w hen you said I would have protection if I reached Tom. You m eant Andy Peters.’ Jessop nodded. ‘A nd I hope you’re not disappointed,’ he said, ‘that in the end you didn’t die.’ H ilary shook her head in disbelief. ‘N ow I can’t believe that I ever w anted to end my life,’ she said. ‘I’ve been Olive B etterton so long that it’s confusing to be H ilary Craven again.’ ‘A h,’ said Jessop, standing up. ‘T here’s my friend, Leblanc. I m ust go and speak to him .’ He walked along the terrace, leaving Tom and H ilary alone. ‘W ill you do one m ore thing for m e?’ asked Betterton quickly. ‘Yes, o f course. W hat is it?’ H ilary asked. ‘W alk along the terrace w ith me, and then say that I’ve gone up to my room .’ 95

Agatha Christie

‘W hy? W hat are you . . . ? ’ ‘I’m leaving now,’ he said, ‘while I still can. If I stay here, I’ll be arrested.’ H ilary looked at him w ith surprise — she had forgotten B etterton’s problems. ‘But where w ill you go?’ ‘A nyw here,’ he said. ‘I’ve got m oney hidden away under a different nam e.’ ‘So you did take m oney?’ ‘O f course I took money.’ ‘But they’ll find you eventually.’ ‘I don’t think so. D on’t you realize that my face is different after the plastic surgery? They have an old description o f me. I’ll be safe.’ H ilary looked at him doubtfully. ‘Isn’t it better to be arrested?’ she said. ‘You w on’t stay in prison for long. But if you go now, you’ll be hunted for the rest of your life.’ ‘You don’t understand,’ he said. ‘You don’t understand at all. Com e on, let’s go.’ H ilary walked w ith him slowly along the terrace. She didn’t know w hat to do or what to say. Despite everything they’d shared, Tom B etterton was still a stranger to her. They arrived at a door to the road. ‘I’ll go out here,’ said Betterton. ‘Goodbye.’ ‘Good luck,’ said H ilary slowly. But as B etterton opened the door, tw o m en stood there, blocking his way. ‘Thom as Betterton, you are under arrest,’ said the first m an, a police official. The second m an moved behind Betterton to block his escape. Betterton laughed. ‘There’s only one problem ,’ he said. ‘I’m not Thom as Betterton. I’ve been calling myself Thomas Betterton but I’m not really him . I m et B etterton in Paris and 96

Destination U nknow n

took his place. Ask this lady if you don’t believe me.’ He pointed to Hilary. ‘She pretended to be m y wife.’ H ilary nodded. ‘But because I’m not Tom B etterton,’ he continued, ‘I didn’t know what his wife looked like. I thought she was Olive B etterton.’ ‘So that’s why you pretended to know me! ’ exclaimed Hilary. B etterton laughed again. ‘I’m not Tom B etterton,’ he repeated. ‘Look at any photo o f him and you’ll see I’m telling the truth.’ T he second m an stepped forward. It was Andy Peters, and w hen he spoke his voice was cold and hard. ‘I know you don’t look like your photo any m ore,’ he said. ‘But you are Tom B etterton —and I can prove it.’ H e held B etterton’s arm firm ly and took off the m an’s jacket. ‘If you are Tom B etterton, you have a scar in the shape o f a Z in the bend o f your right elbow.’ As he spoke, he ripped the shirtsleeve upwards. ‘There it is,’ Peters said, pointing. ‘There are tw o laboratory assistants in America who w ill swear that that scar belongs to Tom B etterton. I know about it because Elsa w rote and told m e.’ ‘Elsa?’ B etterton stared at him . H e began to shake nervously. ‘Elsa? W hat about Elsa? ’ ‘She is the reason you are being arrested,’ replied Peters. ‘You are under arrest for m urder,’ the police official said. ‘The m urder of your first wife, Elsa B etterton.’

Chapter 22 ‘I’m so sorry, Olive,’ said Andy Peters. ‘You must believe that. Because o f you, I w ould have given B etterton another chance. I w arned you that he would be safer if he stayed in the U nit - even though I’ve come halfway across the world to make him pay for what he did to Elsa.’ ‘I don’t understand,’ said Hilary. ‘W ho are you?’ ‘I thought you knew,’ said Peters. ‘M y real nam e is Boris Andrei Pavlov Glydr —I’m Elsa’s cousin, from Poland. I w ent to university in Am erica and became an Am erican citizen called A ndrew Peters. W hen the w ar began, I w ent back to Europe and helped Elsa and my uncle escape from Germany. Elsa —I’ve told you about Elsa. She was a brilliant scientist. It was Elsa who really discovered ZE Fission. Tom B etterton was w orking as an assistant to my uncle, D r M annheim , and he m arried Elsa on purpose because he realized how im portant her w ork was. W hen Elsa discovered ZE Fission, he poisoned her.’ ‘O h, no, no.’ ‘N o one suspected him then,’ said Peters. ‘B etterton pretended to be heartbroken by Elsa’s death, and worked very hard. T hen he announced that he had discovered ZE Fission. H e got what he wanted — fame and im portance. T hen he came to England and worked at Harwell. ‘I was uneasy about the last letter I had received from Elsa. H er illness and later her death seemed very mysterious. W hen I finally got back to America I started asking questions, and I had medical tests done on her body, which proved that Elsa was poisoned. One o f Betterton’s friends, W alter Griffiths, heard about this, and must have told B etterton when he visited him in England. Betterton became nervous, and when he was approached by Aristides’

Destination U nknow n

agent —a wom an called Carol Speeder —he decided to disappear, rather than be arrested for murder. He asked for plastic surgery to change his face. He was never a brilliant scientist —that’s why he couldn’t w ork properly at the U nit.’ ‘So you followed him ?’ asked Hilary. ‘Yes. I was so determ ined to find B etterton that I followed him to the U nit. O ne o f my scientist friends had also been approached by Carol Speeder. W hen I came to England I pretended that I was disappointed w ith my life, and that I wanted to share my scientific knowledge - and soon she approached me, too.’ His face looked grim. ‘Elsa was an im portant scientist and a beautiful and gentle wom an. She was killed by the m an she loved and trusted, w ho then took credit for her brilliant work.’ ‘I see now,’ said Hilary, ‘I understand.’ ‘I w rote to you w hen I got to England,’ said Peters, ‘using my Polish name. I told you the facts.’ H e looked at her. ‘I suppose you didn’t believe me. You never answered. T hen I w ent to the British Secret Service. I didn’t trust anyone, but eventually Jessop and I m ade a plan together.’ H e paused. ‘A nd now it’s over. B etterton w ill be taken back to America where he w ill go on trial for Elsa’s m urder.’ H e stared dow n over the sunlit gardens towards the sea. ‘A nd in the U nit,’ he said slowly, ‘I m et you, Olive, and fell in love w ith you. But I’m the m an responsible for sending your husband to prison — and perhaps death. I know you’ll never forgive me for that. But I wanted to tell you everything myself before I go.’ H e stood up. ‘W ait!’ said Hilary, stretching out her hand. ‘Wait. T here’s som ething you don’t know. I’m not B etterton’s wife. Olive B etterton died in the plane crash, and Jessop asked me to take her place.’ 99

Agatha Christie

Peters stared at her in astonishment. ‘You’re not Olive Betterton? ’ ‘N o.’ ‘I don’t believe it!’ he said, sitting dow n heavily. ‘Olive, my darling.’ ‘D on’t call me Olive. M y nam e’s Hilary. H ilary Craven.’ ‘Hilary? I’ll have to get used to that.’ H e put his hand over hers. At the other end of the terrace, Jessop and Leblanc were talking. ‘I’m afraid,’ said the Frenchm an, ‘that we w ill not be able to arrest Aristides.’ ‘N o,’ said Jessop, looking over Leblanc’s shoulder. ‘H e’s too rich and powerful. But he’s lost a lot o f money, and he’s old —he can’t live forever.’ ‘W hat are you looking at, my friend?’ ‘Those tw o,’ said Jessop. ‘I sent H ilary Craven on a journey to an unknow n destination. But it seems that her journey’s end is the usual one after all. As Shakespeare says, “Journeys end in lovers m eeting.’”


C h a ra c ter

l is t

Mr jessop: works for the British Secret Service Colonel Wharton: works for the British Secret Service Thomas (Tom) Betterton: a famous British scientist who discovered ZE Fission. He was first married to Elsa and is now married to Olive. Dr Mannheim: the father of Elsa, Thomas Betterton’s first wife, and uncle of Boris Glydr Olive Betterton: the new, second wife of the scientist, Thomas Betterton Walter Griffiths: an American friend of Thomas Betterton Carol Speeder: an American friend of Thomas Betterton Major Boris Glydr: from Poland, the cousin of Thomas Betterton’s first wife, Elsa Hilary Craven: a woman travelling to Casablanca, Morocco (her daughter Brenda has recently died, and her husband Nigel has left her) Mrs Baker: a middle-aged American woman travelling in Morocco Miss Hetherington: a middle-aged Englishwoman travelling in Morocco Henri Laurier: a Frenchman working in Morocco Mr Aristides: an old man from Greece, one of the richest men in the world Andrew (Andy) Peters: an American scientist Torquil Ericsson: a Norwegian scientist Dr Barron: a French scientist

Character list

Helga Needheim: a German scientist Dr Van Heidem: the Deputy Director who manages the Unit Dr Rubec: a Swiss doctor who works at the Unit Miss Jennson: a woman who works for the Director at the Unit Mademoiselle La Roche: in charge of the dress department at the Unit Dr Simon Murchison: a scientist who works with Tom Betterton. He is married to Bianca Bianca Murchison: Italian wife of Simon Murchison Monsieur Leblanc: works for the French Secret Service, and is a colleague of Jessop The Director: the man in charge of the Unit Mohammed: a Moroccan who works at the Unit French Minister: an important man in the French government American ambassador: an important man representing America in Morocco Journalist: a man who writes for a famous newspaper Lord Alverstoke: a retired top British judge

C u ltu ra l

no tes

World War II (1939 to 1945) The war which Jessop refers to at the beginning of the book is the Second World War. The war began with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany on September 1, 1939. Great Britain, which had treaties with Poland, declared war on Germany when it refused to withdraw from Poland. Nuclear fission Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller parts, producing a massive amount of energy compared to that in a similar mass of chemical fuel such as gasoline. At the time of the story it was seen as a big advance, as it is a sustainable energy source. We now know that the products of this reaction are very radioactive and remain so for a significant amount of time. This gives rise to concerns over nuclear waste, as well as the potential to create nuclear weapons which can have devastating effects. Harwell This was the main centre for atomic energy research and development in the United Kingdom from the 1940s to the 1990s. Oxfordshire was chosen as a site for this because it was remote, had a good water supply and had good transport links. It was also close to a university with a nuclear physics laboratory. The laboratory was located on an airfield so that the aircraft hangars could contain the nuclear reactors. The laboratory was used to continue the research in nuclear fission both for military purposes and for generating energy. Morocco under French rule Morocco remained independent until 1912. However, in the late 19thand early 20thcenturies, the country became weak and unstable. This resulted in intervention by Europe to protect the European investments which were threatened by the unrest. Europe also demanded economic privileges


Cultural notes

within the country. France established a protectorate over Morocco, which means that the country was protected by France against other countries. Although Morocco retained its autonomy as a ‘state’ under international law, it was controlled by the French government until 1956. Leprosy Leprosy is a disease caused by bacteria (present in the nose and throat) which can cause damage to the skin, nerves, limbs and eyes. A person who has leprosy is called a leper. The disease was feared because it causes visible disfigurement and disability, and it was incurable and believed to be highly contagious. Therefore in the past, leper colonies were formed to create a place where people who had the disease could live together but isolated from the rest of society. These were quite widespread. Some colonies were located in remote locations to ensure quarantine. They were often run by monks or nuns. Leprosy still exists today, but we now know that it is not transmitted as easily as people used to think. Leprosy colonies still exist in some regions around the world. Hand of Fatima This is a sign depicting the open right hand. It represents blessings, power and strength and is believed to protect against evil. The name celebrates the daughter of the prophet Muhammed in the Islamic religion, although it also exists in other cultures with a different name, such as the hand of Mary in Christianity and the hand of Miriam in Jewish tradition. Marie Curie: radioactivity Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist, famous for her research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize for her work. Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 and then went on to receive another Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. She is one


Cultural notes

of only two people who have been awarded a Nobel Prize in two different fields. Sadly, because of her work on radioactive materials, she developed cancer and died in 1934. The Cold War This story was written in 1954, some years after the beginning of the Cold War, which was a time of great tension between the USSR and USA. The Cold War (1946-1991) was the continuing state of political conflict, military tension and economic competition between the USSR and its allies, and the USA and its allies. The military forces never had a major battle but they competed to develop nuclear weapons, and in the race to put the first people into space. They also provided extensive aid to vulnerable states in order to gain support. Because the way of life in the USSR and the USA was so different, they saw each other as enemies and used spies to discover important information about each other. This led to a lot of suspicion between the two countries. The Cold War had times of relative calm, and times of high tension. It ended in 1991 when the USSR collapsed, leaving the USA as the dominant military power. Polish Resistance The Polish Resistance movement in World War II was the largest resistance movement in the part of Europe which was occupied by the Nazis. It covered both the German and Soviet zones of occupation. It was an important part of the anti-fascist movement in Europe, and played an important part in disrupting German supply lines to the Eastern front. It also provided military intelligence to Britain, and was responsible for saving the lives of many Jewish people affected by the Holocaust. Creating a ‘better world’ Because of the Cold War and the tension between the large countries of the world at this time, scientific work in this period was closely checked


Cultural notes

by governments - both from the scientist’s own country, and also by spies from other countries. This is why the scientists, particularly Dr Barron, want to work somewhere away from society, where their work can be independent and secret. Fellow-travellers It is possible that Agatha Christie had a negative meaning attached to this phrase. In the 1950s it was used as a term to refer to a person who sympathized with the beliefs of an organization, or cooperated in its activities, but without having formal membership in that group. In the early days of the Soviet Union, it was used without a negative meaning to describe writers and artists who shared the aims of the Russian Revolution but who didn’t join the Communist party. When the phrase became fashionable in America in the 1940s and 1950s, it had taken on a negative meaning - for a person who held Communist beliefs even if they weren’t fully part of the Communist party.






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lo ssa ry

Key n = noun v = verb phr v = phrasal verb adj = adjective adv = adverb excl = exclamation exp = expression abandon (v) to leave a person for ever, and to cause them great sadness by leaving abruptly (adv) doing something in a sudden or unpleasant manner accuse (v) to tell someone that you believe they did something wrong or dishonest adapt (v) to change your ideas or behaviour in order to live in a new situation adjust (v) to change the way you think or behave in order to get used to a new situation aerodrome (n) an enclosed area where small aeroplanes can land and take off agent (n) someone who works for the police or government arrest (v) when the police take someone to a police station because they believe they may have committed a crime



arrogant (adj) behaving in a proud and unpleasant way, because you think you are more important than other people bandage (v) to cover in long, thin, strips of cloth used to cover cuts and injuries bend (n) the angle which is made in a long, straight object when it is folded betray (v) to give information to an enemy, putting your country or friends at risk bitter (adj); bitterly (adv) feeling angry because you are disappointed about something, or think something is unfair block (v) to get in someone’s way and prevent them from going past you blood pressure (n) a person’s blood pressure is a measurement of the force at which blood is pumped around their body by the heart bow (v) to bend your body towards someone to show respect or to greet them breathlessly (adv) if you do something breathlessly, you have difficulty in breathing properly, for example, because you have been running or because you are afraid or excited bump into (v) to accidentally hit something while you are moving burglar (n) a thief who enters a house or other building using force



by marriage (exp) if a person is related to another person by marriage, it means that the relations of the married couple are now part of the same extended family because of the marriage carriage (n) one of the separate sections of a train in which passengers sit change of scene (exp) going to a different place, usually so that you can have a rest from a difficult situation charity (n) an organization which raises money to help people who are ill or otherwise disadvantaged code (n) a system of replacing words in a message with other words or symbols so that nobody can understand it unless they know the system collapse (n) a state of collapse is when a person becomes so stressed, anxious, or frightened that they are ill and cannot behave normally Colonel (n) a senior army officer colony (n) a place where a particular group of people live together, because they share something - here it is leprosy, but it can also refer to an artists’ colony, for example compass (n) an instrument with a dial and a magnetic needle that you use for finding the direction of north, south, east and west



concussion (n) feeling sick and confused after hitting your head hard, as in a serious accident convincing (adj) being able to make you believe that a story or thing is true cover story (n) something you invent about yourself in order to hide your secret activities, and explain why you are doing certain things crate (n) a large box used for transporting or storing things cure (n) a medicine or other treatment that makes an ill person better by getting rid of their disease deceptive (adj) making you believe something which is not true defeat (v) to beat someone in a game or contest, or in a war degree (n) a qualification that you get after completing a course of study at a university desert (n) a large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water, rain, trees or plants despair (n) the feeling of hopelessness; that everything is wrong and nothing will improve destination (n) the place you are travelling to


devoted (adj) caring for or loving something or someone very much discipline (n) the practice of having rules of behaviour and making people follow these rules because they will be punished if they don’t elbow (n) the part of your arm where the upper and lower halves of the arm are joined; the place where it bends envy (v) to wish you could have the same thing or quality that someone else has evidence (n) something you see, experience, read or are told, that makes you believe something is true or really happened experiment (v) to try out new things, especially to try out new scientific tests on someone or something, when you don’t know what the results will be eyelash (n) the hairs which grow on the edges of your eyelids fake (adj) something which has been made to look as if it is genuine when it isn’t fame (n) something you achieve by your work or talents, when lots of people know who you are and think you are very special and important fanatical (adj) a disapproving term to describe someone whose ideas or behaviour are too extreme


FBI (n) the Federal Bureau of Investigation - the American organization which protects the country against terrorism and other major crimes fellow (adj) being in the same situation as another person, sharing an experience fellow-travellers (n) (see Cultural notes) fission (n) the splitting of the nuclei (the central part) of atoms of uranium or plutonium to produce a large amount of energy or cause a large explosion (see Cultural notes) frown (v) to move your eyebrows together because you are annoyed, worried, or thinking genius (n) a person who has great ability, skill or intelligence glow (n) a light which shines constantly but not very brightly good-tempered (adj) being naturally friendly and not easily getting angry gossip (n) informal conversation, often about other people’s private affairs grave (n) the place where a dead person is buried


grim (adj) serious and worried handkerchief (n) a small piece of material that you can use for blowing your nose, or for wiping your eyes harsh (adj) unkind, cruel and without any sympathy hostage (n) someone who is kept as a prisoner by a person or organization, and who may be in danger if other people don’t do what that person or organization wants humanity (n) all the people in the world impressed (adj) admiring something and thinking it is good, special or important independence(n) the freedom to live as you want and think what you want to think indoors (adv) inside a building inspiring (adj) giving other people new ideas and enthusiasm intense (adj) very focussed and powerful, and extreme judge (n) the person in a court of law who decides about the law, for example, and how criminals should be punished



kidnap (v) to take someone away illegally and by force, and usually to hold them prisoner in order to demand something from their family, employer, or government knit (v) to make something from wool using two long needles knitting (n) an item made of wool, such as a piece of clothing, which is being knitted laboratory (n) a building or room where scientific experiments and research are performed lead (n) a soft, grey, heavy metal that can protect against radioactivity leper (n) a person who has the disease leprosy leprosy (n) a disease which damages the nerves, eyes and skin, causing physical damage and disability link (n) a connection with another thing, place or person longing (n) a strong desire for someone or something loyal (adj) a term to describe someone who you can trust and who supports you luminous (adj) shining or glowing in the dark



lump (n) a small, solid piece of a particular object; here it means a bump or hard area of snow mattress (n) the comfortable part of a bed which you sleep on mess (n) something that is very untidy Minister (n) an important member of a government; also a person, lower in rank than an ambassador, who represents their government in a foreign country misery (n) great and extreme unhappiness Morse code (n) a code used for sending messages, in which each letter of the alphabet can be represented by short and long sounds or flashes of light, or written down as dots or dashes nuclear science (n) the scientific study of nuclear energy, the energy which is created when the nuclei of atoms are split or combined nun (n) a female member of a religious community obey (v) to follow an order or command and to do as you are told out o f character (exp) unlike someone’s usual behaviour or personality password (n) a secret word or phrase that a person must know in order to be allowed to enter a secret place, or use something such as a computer



patron (n) a rich person who supports and gives money to an organization or group, and who uses their fame and importance to get publicity for the group pearl (n) a hard, round object which is white or cream; it grows inside the shell of an oyster and is used for jewellery plastic surgery (n) an operation to change, repair or improve a person’s appearance pottery (n) objects made from clay prescription (n) a form or letter which a doctor gives you, saying which medicine you need to have radioactivity (n) powerful and often harmful rays of energy recover (v) to become well again refuel (v) to put more petrol into a plane or other vehicle so it can continue its journey Registry (n) a place where all the official records of a place or people are kept Resistance (n) in a war situation, people within a country who oppose and try to attack the enemy, but who aren’t in the official army, are called the Resistance



reward (n) something you are given, for example money or a prize, because you have done something good or found something useful or lost rip (v) to tear something in a quick and strong way robe (n) a long, loose piece of clothing runway (n) a long strip of ground with a hard, flat surface where aeroplanes take off and land at an airport ruthless (adj) being very harsh and cruel, and doing anything to get what you want scar (n) a mark on the skin which is left after a cut or burn has healed scented (adj) having a pleasant smell, for example from flowers or perfume scornfully (adv) in a way that shows you don’t respect or value another person, and think that what they say is silly and worthless slave (n) someone who is the property of another person and who has to work for that person, earning very little or no money sleeping pill (n) a small, round tablet of medicine which helps a person fall asleep


speech (n) a formal talk or lecture which a person gives to an audience spiteful (adj) being nasty and unkind spy (n) a person who tries to find out secret information about other countries or organizations; if you are ‘being spied on’ it means that people are watching and recording what you do and say stable (adj) balanced, calm and unlikely to change station wagon (n) a car with a long body, a door at the back, and a lot of space behind the back seats, also known as an estate car, useful for carrying lots of luggage stern (adj) very serious and strict stiff (adj) about the body: not moving as easily as normal; about a person: very formal, very correct in manner suffering (n) a serious pain in the body or the mind survive (v) to experience a dangerous situation and live survivor (n) someone who does not die in a dangerous situation suspicious (adj) something about a person which makes you think that they are involved in a crime or a dishonest activity



sway (v) to move slowly from one side to the other, often because you are ill or shocked swear (v) to promise that you are telling the truth about something take credit for (exp) to let other people think that you are responsible for doing something good or important, when it was actually done by someone else tinted (adj) having a small amount of a particular colour touring (adj) travelling around and seeing sights; here it is used to describe an opentopped vehicle which people can use to go sightseeing and see different places trail (n) a series of marks or other signs left by someone or something as they move along; a path or rough road traitor (n) someone who secretly helps the enemy and puts their country in danger trapped (adj) unable to escape from a place or situation trial (n) a formal meeting in a court of law where a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime unconscious (adj) being in a state similar to sleep, as a result of a shock, accident, or injury



uneasily (adv) in a way that shows worry and concern because something is wrong unit (n) a group of people who live and work together, used in this story to refer to the research centre in the desert uplifted (adj) feeling a lot better and happier because of something you have seen or heard virus (n) a microscopic organism that can cause disease wink (v) to look toward someone and close one eye very briefly, usually as a signal that something is a joke or a secret willingly (adv) doing something because you are happy to do it and have no objection to it wrinkled (adj) having lots of the lines which form on a person’s face as they grow old youth (n) the part of a society which is young and inexperienced



T h e A g a t h a C h r is t ie S e r ie s The Mysterious Affair at Styles The Man in the Brown Suit The Murder of Roger Ackroyd The Murder at the Vicarage Peril at End House Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? Death in the Clouds Appointment with Death N o rM? The Moving Finger Sparkling Cyanide Crooked House They Came to Baghdad They Do It With Mirrors A Pocket Full of Rye After the Funeral Destination Unknown Hickory Dickory Dock 4.50 From Paddington Cat Among the Pigeons

Visit for language activities and teacher’s notes based on this story.



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