Affirmative Self-Talk

January 13, 2017 | Author: Philippe L. De Coster | Category: N/A
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Affirmative Self-Talk Research and study by Philippe L. De Coster, B.Th., D.D. Repeated positive statements help you focus your mind on your aim. They also create corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind accordingly. In this way, you program your subconscious in accordance with your will. This process is similar to the way creative visualization works. The conscious mind, the mind you think with, starts this process, and then the subconscious mind takes charge. By using this process consciously and intently, you influence your subconscious mind, and in turn, it transforms your habits, behaviour, attitude, and reactions, and even reshape your external life. You might, how long it takes to get results. Things might happen immediately, in a few hours, in a few days, or take weeks or longer. This depends on your focus, faith in your ability, strength of desire, the feelings you put into the words, and on how big or small is your goal is. It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. If you want to get positive results you have to refuse to think negative thoughts. We all hold internal conversations as we go through our days, and sometimes our nights. Psychologists as Dr. Roberto Assagioli, M.D. have identified one important type of these inner monologues as “self-talk,” in which you provide opinions and evaluations on what you’re doing as you're doing it. You can think

of self-talk as the inner voice equivalent of sports announcers commenting on a player’s successes or failures on the playing field. Consider what happens after you’ve done something embarrassing. Does your inner voice say “that was sure stupid”? How about if you haven't even done anything wrong or stupid at all, but your self-talk is just as critical? This destructive type of self-talk causes you to question yourself so constantly that you can soon become paralyzed with doubt and uncertainty. Have you ever thought that talking to yourself is something only other people do? Or, maybe something that strange guy on the street corner does? 'Normal' people don't talk to themselves, do they? The reality is that while most people don't talk out loud to themselves, we all have some sort of self-generated dialogue taking place privately in our minds. Most people take these thoughts for granted and believe that they are beyond our control, sort of like random bits of information that spontaneously pop in and out of their brains. The good news is that we actually do have a lot of control over this self-talk, and it all starts with being aware of what we are telling ourselves. The next time you are getting ready to give a speech in your public speaking class, take a minute to stop and pay attention to the conversation happening in your mind. What kind of things are being said? Are they helping you feel better and adapt to the stressful situation you're dealing with? Or, is your internal dialogue having the opposite effect, making things worse? No one really knows for sure how these conversations in our head develop, but we do know is that how we internally talk to ourselves has a significant impact (both positive and negative) in our lives. Affirmations as self-talk are simple statements, sentences that affirm something to be true. Most of our thoughts are basically affirmations: we affirm that it is sunny outside when it is, just as we affirm that I am happy when we are. We have a lot of thoughts about ourselves, about what we want, how we feel, what we can or can’t achieve in life - some scientists say that we think between 40,000-60,000 thoughts a day, and you can bet that at least half of them are in some way related to ourselves. And that’s a lot of thoughts! Now the thoughts we have and the words we use to express them, out loud or only in our minds, consciously or not, they all make a stream of affirmations which directly forms and influences our self-image. A huge concentration of negative thoughts related to, say, our ability to find a better paying job creates a belief within our mind that we’re actually unable to do it, and even worse - it 2

makes us lose the will to even try because what the heck, we won’t succeed anyway so why bother. On the other hand, the concentration of positive thoughts related to the same thing motivates us to do what it takes to get a better job because we feel not only capable, but also entitled to it. This works for every single thing that happens in your life: your professional life, your romantic life, the way you intimately feel about yourself, and the very direction your life will take - it all depends on the predominant thoughts in your mind. Because every affirmation you say to yourself, consciously or not, is both a reflection of your inner truth and the building block which makes that belief stronger. So basically it all comes to this: your beliefs form your life, and your thoughts form your beliefs. The only way to change your beliefs and your life is to change the thoughts that define your truth, and to create a different stream of your internal affirmations which will motivate you to move forward and to achieve all the things you’re now only dreaming about.

A Summary Affirmations, really, are simple. They are, “you being in conscious control of your thoughts.” They are short, powerful statements. When you say them or think them or even hear them, they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts. Now, we have been taught to think that most of these numerous thoughts are “sub-conscious” thoughts meaning that they are below our conscious awareness level. Affirmations actually make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious. Affirmations make you consciously aware of your thoughts. When you start making conscious positive thoughts, you actually become more aware of the negative thoughts that are always threatening to take over. It’s an interesting phenomenon, really. It actually proves true what your mother always warned: be careful of what you think because what you think is what you get. She was basically telling you that you create what you think about. 3

When you’re not aware of your thoughts, they tend to be negative. And not being aware of your thoughts tends to cause a nasty spiral downward. Remember that 80% figure of negative thoughts? It may get worse. So, if you’re thinking negative thoughts, you will cause yourself to think more negative thoughts. This is not going to get you out of your rut. Affirmations can change all of that! Affirmations make you conscious of your thoughts. To affirm means to say something positively. It means to declare firmly and assert something to be true. Affirmations are statements where you assert that what you want to be true is true. Here are some affirmations you can use: I am a success in all that I do I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel terrific Everything feels just so right I am a money Magnet My mind is clear focused and energized

How and Why Positive Affirmations in Self-talk Work Imagine if your entire life you were told that you’re beautiful. Your parents, your aunts, your friends, your school teachers – everyone around you helped you form a strong belief that you’re really beautiful, so your self-talk becomes no different: you simply know that it’s true, and your behaviour follows. But what if your belief system was fed with another kind of thoughts? Yes, you guessed it right. Most of us aren’t immune to self-defeating and/or negative thoughts, but at the same time we wish that it could all somehow change: that we were more selfconfident, that we had more of an entrepreneurial mind-set, that we were able to cope with the challenges in our lives more easily… 4

Well, our mind can make these changes – we simply have to feed it with different kind of thoughts, and that’s where the affirmations come in. When faced with statements that affirm something different than we currently believe is true, our subconscious has two choices: to avoid it, or to reconsider its previous beliefs. Its first reaction is usually to stay with its perceived inner truth, especially if the gap is too big, simply because it’s easier, but your job is not to give up before, first, it gets familiar with the idea that the truth might actually be something more beneficial to you, then starts accepting this more positive selfimage as quite possibly your own truth, and finally turns it into a belief, a conviction just as strong as if it has been with you your entire life. So you see, even though you might have been raised to believe that beautiful is something different than you, you can re-program that belief and completely change the way you feel about yourself and, consequently, the way others see you. And the best part is – you can do that with practically anything you’re not happy about in your life!

How Recorded Voice Affirmations Work Most people think that reciting the affirmations by themselves is the most effective way for a new, positive beliefs to take root in our minds. This can be true for some people, but the limitation of this approach is that you can’t recite them when there’s someone else in the room, or when you’re doing something else, like when you’re exercising or cooking (too many things to focus on at once). Recorded affirmations remove these limitations: you can play them whenever you want, as many times as you want – even when you sleep, and they will still have the same beneficial effect. Why? Well, first of all, all of our affirmations have been professionally recorded so that they reflect the excitement and conviction that they should inspire within you, so that you can identify yourself with them more easily. Second, even if you’re not consciously paying attention to them, they still enter your subconscious and make changes within it. You will notice that the more you listen to them, you’re feeling less of the resistance you perhaps felt when you just started, and that will be the first proof that they actually do work. Feeling much better about yourself will be the next one, followed by a strong empowering feeling that you can finally change your life the way you’ve always wanted to.


The Science of Thought Affirmative Tenses Our exercises consist of three sets of affirmations: Present tense affirmations The affirmations in this set usually begin with “I am”, “I choose” and similar statements formulated in the present tense. This set is for you if you feel that the gap between your current beliefs and the ones you want to acquire isn’t too big, so by affirming that the change has already occurred or that it is occurring right now you are only filling the missing blocks of thoughts that should fill the gap and strengthen your conviction. In other words, if you’re already feeling that the change you want to induce within yourself is possible and on its way, that you’re close to it and that you only need a consistent reminder and focusing – then you won’t go wrong with this set.

Future tense affirmations This set of affirmations is formulated to help your subconscious get accustomed to the possibility that one day in the near future, you will become the kind of person you want to become and that your life will turn the way you’d like. This set is for you if you’re right now finding it difficult to believe that what you want is something you can actually have – if your current beliefs are too far from it and if your internal resistance is too strong. If that’s the case, you should first use this set before moving on to one of the other two. It will basically plant the seeds of change within your subconscious and bridge the gap which currently exists.


Natural affirmations Natural affirmations are formulated so that they are timeless in a way. There are two cases when this set is a good choice: •When you want to affirm that you’re so firmly set in your positive belief that it’s all natural, that the change you want to induce is already reflecting on your life so that you don’t need to be actively engaged with it anymore •When you want to “trick” your mind into believing that something is just a natural behaviour (that it’s less scary than you thought, or that it’s commonly accepted, or that it’s a universal truth for example). That’s why it’s best to use this set in combination with one of the previous two, depending on the way you judge your current state and, of course, the way this set of affirmations makes you feel.

What Is the Best for Your Needs? As we have previously explained, each set has its own characteristics but the easiest way to decide which one is currently right for you is to read or listen to all of them once or a few times, and to observe how you feel: the set that resonates with you the most, the one that sounds most natural to you is the one you should go with. You can also combine two sets and listen to one after another, or in different periods of the day, if you feel that the combination would be the best choice for you. You will most probably not need to listen to all three albums during the same period, but you certainly can if you feel that you need them all.

The Science of Thought behind Positive Affirmations It’s pretty much a matter of common sense that positive thoughts make you feel positive and motivated while negative thoughts deprive you from drive, ambition and generally make your life much worse than it is, and then it could be. But is there some science to back up the statements that affirmations indeed make changes to your brain, your self-image and ultimately your life? Reciting these positive beliefs is much like working a muscle: the more repetitions you do, the stronger the belief becomes. Neuroscientist Richard Davidson once said: "Our brains are continuously being sculpted, whether you like it or not, wittingly or unwittingly." It’s called neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. In other words, you can relatively easily teach an old brain new tricks! Another neuroscientist, Andrew Newberg, explains it like this: "The more you focus on something — whether that's math or auto racing or football or God — 7

the more that becomes your reality, the more it becomes written into the neural connections of your brain". Here are only a few scientific studies that prove the effectiveness of affirmations in different areas of life: As I studied with Unity School of Christianity, Lee’s Summit, Missouri, USA, from 1960 (about) to 1970, on an extension course (extra muros) has ever since been proved that self-affirmation can improve willpower and self-control because of a concept known as “ego depletion”: we only have a limited amount of willpower at any time, so when we use our willpower in one task we are less likely to use it in the next task. However, with positive affirmations we can push ourselves a bit further and exercise willpower and self-control when normally we would be fatigued and tired. With consistency, affirmations can help you make significant and lasting changes to your belief system and improve virtually any area of your life. Feed your mind with healthy thoughts, and the results can only be positive. Affirmation is a positive statement of life’s reality. By the use of affirmations we claim and appropriate that which is ours as human beings. Affirmation is an act of the mind, the “yes” action of the mind; the act of affirming; the declaring of the reality of life and the human freedom. It is the mental movement that asserts confidently and persistently the reality of being in the face of all appearance to the contrary. Affirmation and denial are two movements of the mind that express power to accept or reject, to lay hold of or let go. Denial is the mental process of erasing from the brain false belief of the sense mind, for instance religion is the work of the mind of man, brainwork. Man created God and religion and became a “spot” in the brain, and religion leads us again to great misery in human society today as it is performed through the Islamic State and their fighters. Denial clears every belief in evil, that which is contrary to goodwill, freedom and happiness. The only reality is peaceful morality as taught in Atheism. Consciousness in this world of ours, as we are confronted with religious perversity as we are confronted at this time with the Islamic State and Christian fundamentalists too, is made up of a multitude of false individuals, and religious beliefs. Through denial we get rid of these shadows of reality. We cleanse the temple of the mind of these thieves and robbers of our good.

How to use affirmations People are often curious about how to make affirmations work and how to use affirmations effectively. There are many different ways for you to use your affirmations, so let's get to know what really works… It’s desirable that you be 8

in a relaxed state of mind when you use your affirmations. When you are deeply relaxed, your subconscious mind is more open to positive suggestions. This is why hypnotists always use deep relaxation techniques with their patients. How to use affirmations? Let’s now explore the most powerful methods. You can choose to use any or all of these techniques. Just choose whichever ones suit you the best. Meditation with your affirmations. For a very powerful experience, find yourself a quiet place to sit and close your eyes in readiness for meditation. Listen to some soothing meditation music and focus your attention on your affirmations. Allow them to consume your awareness. Feel them and visualize them as you repeat them mentally. Remain in this state for 20 to 30 minutes. Meditation with your affirmations is like taking a bath in positivity! In this relaxed, focussed state, your subconscious mind is open to the positive directions that your affirmations provide. You’ll be deeply relaxed and absorbed in the affirmations as they soak deeply into your mind. Sleeping and/or relaxing with your affirmations This is one of the most enjoyable and most popular ways to experience affirmations. Just lie down somewhere comfortable and let your affirmations roll around in your mind. Affirmation recordings make the whole process rather effortless - all you need to do is play your affirmations quietly as you relax and drift off to sleep. In this dreamy state of relaxation, your subconscious mind opens up to your affirmations which are then absorbed and assimilated at a deep level. Active visualisation with affirmations This third technique is quite different to the last two, but it is no less powerful. Sit or stand while you repeat your affirmations, but keep your eyes closed. As you repeat your affirmations, vividly visualize yourself experiencing them. Make a conscious effort to really feel them. Be actively involved in the experience of your affirmations, not just a passive observer. You may even choose to move your body slightly or to use your hands to gesture and play - act the scenes you imagine in your mind. This method might seem a little odd to some people, but it is extremely powerful because it engages all your senses. It can be quite an exhilarating and liberating experience! Anytime affirmations! The techniques I’ve mentioned so far are very focussed, very powerful techniques that will help you to get the most benefit from your affirmations in the shortest possible time. However, you are not limited to these techniques 9

alone. Repeated use of your affirmations is always a good thing, so you can repeat your affirmations at almost any time. Here are just a few examples: While you are walking. While you are doing housework. While you relax in the bath. How often to use affirmations There is no hard and fast rule here, but as a general rule of thumb, once per day for at least five minutes is recommended, however twice per day is preferable. Our best recommendation is that you start and finish each day by repeating your affirmations while in a relaxed state. More is better than less, and some is better than none, so even if you can’t manage 5 minutes twice per day, short sessions of just a couple of minutes will yield great rewards just so long as you repeat your affirmations every day, not just once per week. Keep using your affirmations on a consistent basis. The more you affirm something, the more your mind will accept it, and the more positive changes you will experience in your life.

How to write affirmations that really work Want to know how to write affirmations that really work? The following easy tips will help you to create affirmations that are extremely powerful and effective. There are a few important do's and don'ts when it comes to writing affirmations for yourself, so take a moment to review these step by step instructions and you'll be writing positive affirmations that are supercharged in no time at all! Let's start with the basics... Step One, and get started The simplest way to start writing affirmations is to write a series of “I am” statements that describe what you want to have or experience. "I am happy" "I am wealthy" Simple enough isn't it? Notice that we did not use the phrase “I want” in any of these affirmations. There’s an important reason for this. If you begin any affirmations with phrases like “I want” or “I need” then what you are affirming 10

to yourself is the feeling of wanting and/or needing. Instead, you should aim to affirm the feeling of already having what you desire. Close your eyes and imagine that you are already experiencing the wonderful things that you desire, and write your affirmations as an expression of “grateful having”, rather than wanting or needing. Here's just one example: "I am so happy and grateful for my wonderful new house!" You can also begin your affirmations with words such as: "I know..." "I have..." "I love..." ...or any other positive, affirmative statement. Step Two - Write your affirmations in the positive Write your affirmations in such a way that they focus on what you want, rather than what you are trying to avoid or eliminate from your life. For example, rather than writing “I am not addicted to cigarettes”, a better choice would be something like, “I am completely free from cigarettes”. In the second example, we have removed the word “addicted” and replaced it with the word “free”. Here’s another example: Rather than writing “I am getting out of debt now”, a more positive choice would be “I am wealthy and prosperous”. Notice the difference? If you're feeling uncertain about how to write affirmations in the positive, then imagine that you have already accomplished whatever it is that you wish to achieve, and then describe yourself in that positive light. If you find yourself starting an affirmation with the words “I am not...” please take pause and think about a more positive way to express yourself. Step Three – Write your affirmations in the now. When you write your affirmations, write them in the present tense. Write as though you are experiencing what you desire right now. 11

Do not use words like, "Within the next two months...". Why? Because every time you use this affirmation, you are saying that you are still up to two months away from achieving your goal! After one month of using this affirmation, you will still be saying "within two months..." Use your affirmations to create an inner experience of having what you desire right now. "I am healing" "I am a wonderful and gifted artist" Notice that these two example affirmations make no reference to dates or times? They are simple, powerful affirmations of already having. Step Four – Be yourself Use words and phrases that are typical of your own way of thinking and speaking. You are not writing affirmations for someone else’s benefit, you are writing affirmations for your own be yourself! You can be as silly or as serious or as plain or as colourful as you like...just be you! Step Five - Write your affirmations with passion and feeling! Think about how good you will feel when you achieve your goals, and how good it feels to know that positive changes are taking place. Add affirmations that describe these positive feelings of success. For example, if you have just written, “I am experiencing great success in my business”, you might like to follow it up with something like, “I am so excited to be enjoying all this wealth at last”. If you have written, “I am a creative genius and I am always discovering amazing new ideas”, you might like to add, “I feel so grateful for all the inspiration that comes to me”. If you want to know how to write affirmations that are really effective, keep this this in the front of your mind. When you describe your feelings about your affirmations, you connect with them more deeply. Your affirmations will actually have more power if you experience them on both a thinking and a feeling level. Listening to music while you recite your affirmations can be of great benefit. Music helps to engage your emotions, so that you are more able to tap into the feeling of what you wish to affirm. Try listening to some inspirational music or some relaxing music...whatever helps to get you "in the zone". 12

Step Six – Don't get caught up in the "How" If you are setting goals in your life, it's always a good idea to have an action plan. However, you should not create affirmations that describe all the details about HOW you will achieve your goals. Be as specific as you like about what you want to manifest with your affirmations, but don't try to define how these things will show up. All you need to do is put yourself in the frame of mind of already having what you want, and then let the universe figure out the most efficient and harmonious way to bring it to you. It may or may not come via the plan you had in mind! Step Seven – Affirm your current successes as well! Your affirmations don’t all have to be about things that you want or that are currently absent from your life. Consider your positive attributes and the things that are already working well for you. Think about the things you like about yourself and the things that you are already grateful for. Include some of these in your affirmations as well. So often we forget to give ourselves credit for the things that we like about ourselves, so when writing affirmations, feel free to describe some of the things that you already appreciate about yourself and your life. By doing so you will reinforce your positive feelings about who you are today, and you will be more open to accepting affirmations that describe who you would like to become. Step Eight – Feel free to write affirmations about ANYTHING! Think about what you would really like to change about yourself and your life, and be confident about affirming your truest desires. What thinking patterns or perceptions would you like to change? What circumstances would you like to improve or transform? What experiences would you like to have? What feelings would you like to enjoy? What do you want your life to be like? You can use affirmations to effect change on many different levels, so take a moment to think about not only the things that you want, but also the experiences you would like to have, and the way you would like to feel about them. You can choose to manifest whatever you want in life! 13

Step Nine – Lots of affirmations, or just a few? You know what? There are NO RULES when it comes to creating your own affirmations. Every person is unique, and every affirmation script is unique. When writing affirmations, some people like to constantly affirm just a few simple lines that are particularly significant to them. Other people prefer to create a substantial list of affirmations that describe many of the changes they would like to see in their life. Step 10- Enjoy yourself Writing affirmations for yourself can be an exciting and empowering experience. Enjoy the process and try not to get too caught up in the nitty gritty details of what you are writing. If you find yourself second guessing your affirmations or scrutinizing minor details, it’s time to take a step back and relax. If in doubt, go with what feels right to you. Making affirmations is supposed to be fun! Step 11 – Three more tips on how to write affirmations that are supercharged! If you find that some of your affirmations are a bit difficult to believe, then consider adding “I choose” to them. For example, rather than writing “I am fit and healthy”, you could write “I choose to eat well and to exercise today”. It’s a great idea to express gratitude in your affirmations. Consider starting some of your affirmations with the words, “I am so happy and grateful that...” Another excellent idea for writing affirmations that work on a deep level to transform your thinking patterns is to write about your expectations. Here’s an example: “I expect to be successful in everything I do”. This feels quite different to an affirmation of “I am successful in everything I do”. Every now and then you may find yourself writing affirmations that feels like a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Perhaps you like the sound of it but you find it a bit difficult to buy into. Writing about what you expect to happen helps to dissolve any underlying doubts you may have about your affirmations and is a powerful technique for writing successful affirmations.


Positive Affirmations in Motivation Here are our motivation positive affirmations. Yes, it actually is possible to increase your motivation with affirmations! Our affirmations will help you to gradually re-wire your inner mind and become more motivated naturally. If you take them seriously, and if you repeat them every morning and evening (or whatever ever your pattern is, but we suggest twice a day), then you can expect to see results quite soon. Motivation is something you can control and affirmations can help you in two ways; you can use them as and when you need to, to gain a motivation boost when you are feeling low, and also, with repeated practice over a few weeks you can create a long term, lasting change within yourself – you can use these affirmations to become someone who is naturally motivated at all times, and in all areas of your life! These affirmations are the world’s most popular motivation subliminal. It will help you to naturally become more motivated from within as you listen to the simple yet powerful subliminal messages. You will become more motivated naturally at all times, you will find it easier to stay motivated, and ultimately this album will help you to transform into someone who is just naturally motivated. 15

Increase Motivation in Self-hypnosis: This increase motivation hypnosis affirmations from Natural Hypnosis is a natural solution which will tap into your subconscious mind to help you to eliminate the negative beliefs and patterns of thinking which are holding you back. Naturally, as the name suggests your limiting beliefs will be replaced with positive patterns of thinking which will super charge your motivation more than you would believe possible. How to do it? Choose from our three sets of affirmations, for whichever style is your preference: Present Tense Affirmations I am a highly motivated person I am motivated at all times I am always motivated and always get things done on time I am a naturally motivated individual and motivation comes naturally to me I am naturally motivated and energized at the beginning of every day I am highly motivated, ambitious and driven I find it easy to motivate myself and get myself in the right state of mind I am always looked up to as someone with high energy, drive, and motivation I stay motivated throughout a project no matter what I am always motivated and my positive energy motivates and lifts those around me Future Tense Affirmations I am becoming more and more motivated every single day I will find the motivation when I need it I am finding myself more motivated every day I am turning into someone who is naturally motivated Every day I become more driven, motivated and ambitious I am getting more and more driven and ambitious I will be hugely motivated and productive I will become someone who is always motivated and switched on I will become a naturally motivated, highly ambitious person I am becoming more and more motivated in all areas of my life Natural Affirmations Motivation comes naturally to me 16

Being naturally motivated is a normal part of my life Each day I am more and more motivated Every day I wake up refreshed, ready to go, and full of motivation Being motivated and driven is a natural part of who I am Being motivated and ambitious is a part of life I enjoy Firing myself up and becoming motivated comes naturally Getting myself in the right state of mind and motivated comes naturally to me Feeling motivated, energized and on fire is normal for me Motivation, energy, drive, and passion are part of my daily life

Law of Attraction Affirmations We really believe in the law of attraction, we believe that if you can master your mind, then you can control your life, and attract the life you really want to live – the people, the places, the money, the lifestyle! Use this natural self-hypnosis affirmations to energize your law of attraction powers and reprogram your mind for positivity, belief, and manifestation. Hypnotherapy is a highly effective tool for anyone that wants have the positive mindset needed to effectively use the law of attraction. If you are serious about manifesting the life you want then you should definitely check this out. Present Tense Affirmations The law of attractions works My beliefs manifest my reality I attract success into my life I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life I have the power to create my reality I attract into my life whatever I want My thoughts create my reality I believe in the law of attraction I have the power to manifest my dreams I believe deeply that I can achieve anything I desire Future Tense Affirmations The law of attraction is working I will think positively I am gaining control over my thought patterns I am manifesting my destiny Each day I believe in the law of attraction more and more I will transform my life using the law of attraction My powers of manifestation are growing 17

The law of attraction is transforming my life Each day my mind becomes more positive I am gaining control over my mind and my life Natural Affirmations I find it easy to control my thoughts Manifesting seems effortless Maintaining a positive state of mind is easy for me I steer my life in positive directions with the power of positive thinking Manifesting my dreams into reality is something I just do natural The law of attraction gives me the power to realize my dreams My life is filled with abundance Attracting success is a normal part of my life My positive mindset attracts positive circumstances I find it easy to attract into my life whatever I need

Brain Training Affirmations These are affirmations which will have a spill over effect into all areas of your life – improved concentration will help you in so many ways, as will enhancing your memory – from remembering key dates to important information at school and work, to improving your ability to learn, study and advance yourself both personally and professionally. Practicing these affirmations regularly will enable you to remember appointments, birthdays, and facts easily and automatically. If you stick to it and use them every day, you will become someone with a naturally sharp and accurate memory far above what most people possess. Hypnotic suggestions as hereunder are aimed to refresh your mind and allow information to enter it unhindered. You will then be able to retain it and recall it easily.


Present Tense Affirmations I recall information quickly I store new facts efficiently I have a great memory I am known for my great memory I have a clear mind I always remember people’s birthdays I remember appointments accurately I always remember names and faces I have a reliable memory I easily concentrate Future Tense Affirmations My memory is improving I will sharpen my memory I am improving my memory I am developing a strong memory I will always remember appointments I am strengthening my memory I will increase my focus I am starting to easily remember birthdays My memory is becoming perfect I will accurately remember things in high detail Natural Affirmations I have a perfect memory My memory is excellent My mind is clear and focused Others recognize my sharp memory Remembering events in high detail is easy Focusing comes naturally to me Remembering birthdays is easy Others rely on me to remember facts Recalling information is natural I can improve my memory as much as I want


Dreaming Affirmation Affirmations can be really, really powerful in this area. They are noted for being able to help you to remember your dreams, and are a key part of learning to lucid dream. It is important that you repeat and use these affirmations a little differently to most – mostly you will just say them during your daily life, or commonly people will stand at the mirror in the morning and evening.. well with these affirmations for dreams you should repeat them internally too, while lying in bed waiting to go to sleep. Don’t be so “strong” with your inner voice, just repeat them gently over and over so that the last thing on your mind before you go to sleep will be thoughts about remembering your dreams or that you will be dreaming soon – this is a really powerful technique and will help to enhance your dreaming dramatically. You can drastically improve your dream recall by training your mind with these free positive affirmations designed to help you remember your dreams. Dream memory tends to slip away as you wake up and regain normal consciousness, but with a bit of practice and increased awareness, remembering dreams can become second nature. We’ve created these affirmations to instill useful 20

thoughts patterns and habits that will make it much easier to remember your dreams every day, and with time you will find yourself effortlessly reflecting on and recalling your dreams in greater and greater detail. A couple of points before you begin First, you should use some of these affirmations right before going to sleep in order to ensure your mind is ready and primed for dream recall. Second, consistency is the key, especially with remembering your dreams. The more you practice and try, the easier it becomes! Present Tense Affirmations I always remember my dreams My dream recall is strong My first thought when waking up is to remember my dream My mind is focused on recalling my dreams I write my dreams down every morning I remember my dreams in high detail My mind automatically remembers my dreams I am totally aware of my dreams every night My dreams are vivid and interesting I am extremely interested in my dreams Future Tense Affirmations I will remember my dreams I will try to remember my dream as soon as I wake up I will write down my dreams first thing each morning I am remembering more and more of my dreams My dream recall ability is strengthening Each day it becomes easier to remember my dreams I will increase my dream awareness I will keep working at remembering my dreams I am developing a natural ability to remember my dreams My dream awareness is improving Natural Affirmations Recalling dreams comes naturally to me My dream memory is naturally strong I can remember my dreams in high detail Remembering my dreams is easy 21

I naturally remember my dreams as soon as I wake up Writing down my dreams helps me to remember them I love dreaming Dreaming is an important part of my life My dreams are just a natural part of my memory Remembering my dreams is just a normal part of my life

Metaphysical and Psychic Affirmations These are a few types of affirmations which excite us most – those which really open the mind and expand the threshold of human consciousness – the possibilities are endless with these affirmations, and please, please, do share your stories with your friends, they would love to hear about your experience and so would everyone else browsing on Twitter and Facebook, metaphysical stories can be so inspirational as to see what is really possible.

Psychic Powers Development Positive Affirmations These positive affirmations have been designed to help you increase your psychic powers naturally. They will fine-tune your mind for expanded awareness, subtle perceptions, and psychic energy. And ultimately, allow you to transcend the barriers of time and space with the power of your mind. You should use these affirmations on a daily basis, at least twice per day, but also 22

whenever you are trying to access a psychic state of mind. They can really help you to settle your thoughts, calm your body, and align your entire being with the forces of universal power and nature. Present Tense Affirmations I am psychic My mind is receptive to subtle energies I am tuned-in to hidden cosmic forces I am aligned with nature I am highly receptive to psychic information My psychic powers are strong My sixth sense is activated My mind is aligned with universal knowledge I am extremely intuitive My third eye is open Future Tense Affirmations I will increase my psychic powers I will open my third eye My sixth sense is growing stronger I am becoming more and more receptive to psychic information I will perceive hidden knowledge I am finding it easier to listen to my intuition I will maintain contact with universal power My psychic powers are growing stronger and stronger My awareness is expanding more and more My mind is becoming highly receptive to subtle energies Natural Affirmations I have a natural psychic ability Psychic powers are normal for me I can pick up on subtle energies I am naturally receptive to psychic information My intuition is naturally strong I have a highly developed sixth sense I can perceive things that others can’t People are amazed at my psychic abilities Universal energy and knowledge surround me I can pick up on other people’s thoughts and emotions


Meditation Yoga Techniques and Positive Affirmations One of the fundamentals of meditation is to be in a relaxed, calm, and even tranquil state of being. And the only way to achieve this is to let go of your worries, release stress, and let your internal thoughts become quiet. Our affirmations are going to help you with all of this and much more, including focus, concentration, and even dedication to your practice. You can use these affirmations right before a meditation session to help settle your mind and prepare for your session, or you can even choose one or two affirmations to use as a focus (or anchor) point during the meditation itself. Whichever you choose, we think you’ll be quite pleased with the results.


Present Tense Affirmations My mind is clear and focused I am free from stress and worry My body is relaxed and calm I am at peace within myself I am detached from everything I am committed to my meditation practice I meditate deeply My mind is at ease My thoughts are quiet I am focused on the present moment Future Tense Affirmations I will let go of all worries My mind is becoming quiet and relaxed I am releasing the tension from my body I will focus my mind on the present moment My meditation practice is improving I will meditate every day I will release all stress and tension when I meditate My mind is becoming highly focused and perfectly calm I am finding it easier to detach from my thoughts Meditation is becoming easier every time I practice Natural Affirmations My mind is naturally calm and tranquil I can let go of my thoughts at will I have a peaceful mind I can detach from all concerns and worries Meditation comes naturally to me My meditation practice is an important part of my life Releasing mental tension feels nice Mental serenity is mine I am naturally gifted at meditation Meditation improves my health and well-being


Yoga Meditation Naked Meditation Naked: Anytime you get a wild urge to really connect with your inner self, try nude meditation. There is something amazing about releasing the standard boundaries that modern society places on you and really connecting with your inner self. Nude meditation allows all the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical benefits of meditation. It also brings in a certain primal connection that I feel is very important. We spend a tremendous amount of time and energy maintaining the ego. The ego, as I am using it, represents the self that we are currently embodying. An example, I am not Philip. I am a psychic entity as it were, “consciousness” as part of the body that is currently manifesting as Philip. Philip is my outward self, my ego. I have no problems with Philip, I thoroughly enjoy playing the role. But for me to feel as though Philip is all I am would be flawed. Philip is ran by his consciousness (or brain if you like), where he is able to create, build and destroy. Being nude is taking it back to the first step. Nude is how we all come into the world. All incarnations on the entire planet start out nude. There is nothing shameful about it. It is simply natural; the way things are. Nude meditation takes it all back to the first moment when you are still in direct communion with nature. There is no Armani suit to strengthen the self-esteem. There is no shoe collection showing what a fantastic sense of fashion you have. It's just you and your consciousness. Which, essentially, is where you always are but forget in the process of putting on the facade of the ego. Know yourself! Your brain (consciousness) is you and you are a psychic entity. There is no separation: your body and your brain (consciousness). Separation is totally an illusion. All the distractions, all the theories, all the messages that tell you otherwise are all constructions the ego comes up with to feel independent. These distractions are just that, distractions. Ultimately, they are all false. When it all comes down to it, you simply are. You are not your body. You are not your mind. You are not the car you drive. You are not the heart beating in your chest. You simply are. It is called the "I am" presence. It is all there is.


Yoga Naked Meditation Technique  Next time you get the chance, go somewhere where you feel free. Free from judgements, free from shame, free from being who you are like.  Take off all your clothes, you have nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of. Take off your glasses or contacts, you can see everything you need to see without them. Take off your jewellery, it has no real value. Remove from yourself all that you did not come into the world with.  Make yourself comfortable. If you can do this in nature, I recommend it.  Close your eyes and observe the breath moving in and out of your body.  Breathe in deeply through your nose. Exhale completely through your mouth. * Do this enough to feel a sense of calmness.  Listen like you have never heard anything before. All sounds are new. The world is a big, beautiful mystery. Every experience is simply an experience. There is no good, there is no bad. There is just you and the world.  Begin exploring this world with your sense of smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Feel what it feels like to exist, to simply be. Breathe. Be still. You are the world happening around you. You are all that is and ever will be.  Stay in this meditative state for five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes... However long you have set aside for the nude meditation.  Slowly allow yourself to come back from the meditative state.  Take the sensations of peace and connection to the universe with you as you travel through the rest of your day.

Telepathic Positive Affirmations Powers of telepathy depend on a few key ingredients. First, you must have total belief in yourself and the human being, your ability to tap into telepathic energy. Second, you need to bring your mind into the correct state, which is a highly focused and yet at the same time relaxed and peaceful way of thinking. And third, your awareness needs to expand beyond your own objective perceptions and link into the universal consciousness. These positive affirmations have been designed to help you achieve all of these key cognitive states. They will naturally relax and focus your mind for telepathic abilities, align your consciousness with subtle universal energies, and sharpen your awareness of hidden forces. Present Tense Affirmations I am telepathic 27

My psychic powers are active I feel other people’s emotions I sense what others are thinking My mind is focused and relaxed My awareness is fully expanded I am aligned to the universal consciousness I perceive subtle forces I am telepathically attuned to others I read people’s energies Future Tense Affirmations I will become telepathic I will open my mind My thoughts are becoming highly focused and serenely calm My telepathic powers are growing I am finding myself naturally tuned in to others thoughts Each day I am becoming more telepathic My third eye is opening I am developing a sixth sense My awareness is expanding beyond my own self I am starting to perceive what others are thinking Natural Affirmations Telepathy comes naturally to me Telepathy is real I can develop my telepathic powers I believe one-hundred percent in my telepathic abilities I can feel other people’s moods Tapping into unseen forces is easy for me My sixth sense is finely-tuned I have a highly developed intuition Telepathic powers are a normal part of my life My mind is totally open to universal energy

Creativity Positive Affirmations If you struggle with creativity, or even if you don’t and just want to open yourself up even more, then these positive affirmations will help to expand your mind, think more creatively, and ultimately become someone who is just naturally creative and visual at all times! 28

Imagine if your creativity was just always flowing effortlessly and naturally, and you never felt stumped or at a loss for new ideas. It is possible to get into a highly creative state, you just have to learn to shift the way you think and adopt the right mind-set for really tapping into your creative energy. Some of the biggest reasons that creativity doesn’t flow is because we either try to hard, don’t believe in ourselves, or can’t just let our imagination take over and do its work. These positive affirmations will help you with all of this. With consistent use they will free up your mind and instil positive thought patterns that are conductive to creativity and imagination. Present Tense Affirmations I am highly creative My imagination is always active My mind is free and open I am always open to new ideas and thoughts My creativity is boundless My imagination is free I am a naturally creative person I am highly imaginative My creativity flows effortlessly I am full of inspiration and creativity Future Tense Affirmations I will tap into my imagination I will unleash my creativity I will come up with amazing new ideas My imagination is becoming stronger and stronger My creativity is increasing Ideas are starting to flow freely from my mind I am finding it easier and easier to come up with new ideas My creativity is growing I will tap into my creative energy I am becoming highly creative Natural Affirmations Creativity comes naturally to me Using my imagination is second nature to me My mind is wired for creativity I am always tapped into my creative energy I have endless creativity 29

My imagination runs wild New ideas are always coming to me I am effortlessly creative at all times Creative ideas just flow out of my mind naturally I have a powerful imagination

Positive Affirmations for writers The following positive affirmations have been written just for you. They will help to loosen up your creative mind, smash through mental blocks, improve your focus, and even increase your dedication to writing. Writing and creativity are totally dependent on your state of mind, and if used regularly, these affirmations will be highly effective at creating a shift in your mental processes that totally frees up your thinking and makes the creative process happen much more naturally and effortlessly. Present Tense Affirmations I am a writer I am a great writer I am totally devoted to writing I am extremely creative with words Words and ideas are always flowing out of me My mind is wired for writing My writing skills are top notch I am a successful writer I write beautifully I am highly focused on my writing Future Tense Affirmations I will become a great writer I will write every day I will stay focused on my writing I am becoming extremely creative with words Others will see me as a great writer I will always be dedicated to my writing Each day I become more motivated to write I am transforming into an extremely gifted writer I am finding it easier to just sit and write endlessly The quality of my writing is steadily improving


Natural Affirmations Writing is my life I love to write I am a natural born writer I have amazing writing skills Being a writer is just a natural part of who I am I easily write whatever I can imagine I just always keep writing no matter what I can write endlessly My mind is a fountain of creativity Being a great writer is the most important thing in my life

Artist’s Positive Affirmations Real artists in whatever branch think differently, because it takes a special mindset, something beyond the ordinary, to be able to interpret life and express it in a highly creative and skilful way. These positive affirmations have been designed to help you achieve this mind-set, they will help you become an artist. More so than almost any other activity, your art is a direct reflection of your state of mind, your self-confidence, and your capacity for intuitive expression and understanding. If you use these positive affirmations regularly, they will cause a noticeable change in your artistic abilities. You will become someone who naturally feels and expresses in an artistic manner, understands the artistic significance of everyday happenings, and is totally dedicated to and focused on art.

For artists in general Present Tense Affirmations My art is beautiful I am an extremely talented artist I am focused on my art My creativity is boundless My mind is always thinking creatively I am completely dedicated to my art I am always noticing the artistic side of life I express my feelings and emotions through art I translate life into art My mind is wired for artistic expression 31

Future Tense Affirmations I will create great art I will become a brilliant artist I am starting to feel more and more creative My artistic skills are growing stronger I am becoming more dedicated to my art I am starting to see the artistic potential in everyday occurrences I am developing the mind of a true artist I will create beautiful works of art I will capture the beauty of life in my art I will creatively express the deeper meanings of life Natural Affirmations I live for art I am a natural born painter I can become a great artist I love being creative and expressing myself Being an artist is the most important thing in my life Making great art is something I just do naturally Being highly creative and artistic is just my normal everyday life My mind is constantly coming up with new ideas I eat, breathe, and live art I can touch people’s souls with the power of my art

For Artist-Photographers These positive affirmations will help you to become a photographer. They will help you to develop a natural photographers eye, expand your artistic awareness, and solidify your commitment and dedication to photography. A simple shift in your core thought processes is all it takes! This set of affirmations has been designed to wire your mind for highly creative and skilled photographic skills. You will notice that you gain an intuition for getting that perfect shot, ideas and inspiration will seem to flow naturally, and you will feel much more driven and passionate about developing your photographic talent. Present Tense Affirmations I am an excellent photographer I always take the perfect shot I express myself through my photography 32

My photographs are extremely creative I am committed to developing my photography skills I always know how to get the right shot I capture the beauty of life with my camera I take amazing pictures My photographic timing is perfect I have a sharp photographers eye Future Tense Affirmations I will become a photographer I am becoming naturally aware of great photographic opportunities The quality of my photographs is improving I will express myself through photography My photographic skills are growing I will take great photographs I will develop a knack for capturing special moments in time I will create beautiful art with my camera People are beginning to notice what a great photographer I am I will work hard to develop my photographic eye Natural Affirmations Photography comes naturally to me Photography is my life I love taking pictures I can become a great photographer I know how to get the perfect shot Small photographic details are important to me Being a great photographer is my life calling Being creative with my camera feels natural and easy I can capture the beauty of life through the lens of my camera Photography allows me to express my deepest self


One-hundred General Affirmations When you feel lonely and sad: 1. I feel the love of those who are not physically around me. 2. I take pleasure in my own solitude. 3. I am too big a gift to this world to feel self-pity. 4. I love and approve of myself. When you feel terrified (without your safety being in danger): 5. I focus on breathing and grounding myself. 6. Following my intuition and my heart keeps me safe and sound. 7. I make the right choices every time. 8. I draw from my inner strength and light. 9. I trust myself. When you feel insignificant: 10. I am a unique child of this world. 11. I have as much brightness to offer the world as the next person. 12. I matter and what I have to offer this world also matters. 13. I may be one in 7 billion but I am also one in 7 billion.


When you are nervous or afraid: 14. I trust my inner wisdom and intuition. 15. I breathe in calmness and breathe out nervousness. 16. This situation works out for my highest good. 17. Wonderful things unfold before me. When you are angry: 18. I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made. 19. I let go of my anger so I can see clearly. 20. I accept responsibility if my anger has hurt anyone. 21. I replace my anger with understanding and compassion. 22. I offer an apology to those affected by my anger. When you feel hopeless and at the end of your rope: 23. I may not understand the good in this situation but it is there. 24. I muster up more hope and courage from deep inside me. 25. I choose to find hopeful and optimistic ways to look at this. 26. I kindly ask for help and guidance if I cannot see a better way. 27. I refuse to give up because I haven’t tried all possible ways. When you feel conflicted about a decision: 28. I know my wisdom guides me to the right decision. 29. I trust myself to make the best decision for me. 30. I receive all feedback with kindness but make the final call myself. 31. I listen lovingly to this inner conflict and reflect on it until I get to peace around it. 32. I love my family even if they do not understand me completely. 33. I show my family how much I love them in all the verbal and non-verbal ways I can. 34. There is a good reason I was paired with this perfect family. 35. I choose to see my family as a gift. 36. I am a better person from the hardship that I’ve gone through with my family. When you are among friends: 37. I choose friends who approve of me and love me. 38. I surround myself with people who treat me well. 39. I take the time to show my friends that I care about them. 35

40. My friends do not judge me, nor do they influence what I do with my life. 41. I take great pleasure in my friends, even if we disagree or live different lives. When you are around strangers: 42. I am beautiful and smart and that’s how everyone sees me. 43. I take comfort in the fact that I can always leave this situation. 44. I never know what amazing incredible person I will meet next. 45. The company of strangers teaches me more about my own likes and dislikes. When you are at work: 46. I am doing work that I enjoy and find fulfilling. 47. I play a big role in my own career success. 48. I ask for and do meaningful, wonderful and rewarding work. 49. I engage in work that impacts this world positively. 50. I believe in my ability to change the world with the work that I do. When you can’t sleep: 51. Peaceful sleep awaits me in dreamland. 52. I let go of all the false stories I make up in my head. 53. I release my mind of thought until the morning. 54. I embrace the peace and quiet of the night. 55. I sleep soundly and deeply and beautifully into this night. When you don’t want to face the day: 56. This day brings me nothing but joy. 57. Today will be a gorgeous day to remember. 58. My thoughts are my reality so I think up a bright new day. 59. I fill my day with hope and face it with joy. 60. I choose to fully participate in my day. When you worry about your future: 61. I let go of worries that drain my energy. 62. I make smart, calculated plans for my future. 63. I am a money magnet and attract wealth and abundance. 64. I am in complete charge of planning for my future. 65. I trust in my own ability to provide well for my family.


When you can’t get your loved ones to support your dreams: 66. I follow my dreams no matter what. 67. I show compassion in helping my loved ones understand my dreams. 68. I ask my loved ones to support my dreams. 69. I answer questions about my dreams without getting defensive. 70. My loved ones love me even without fully grappling with my dreams. 71. I accept everyone as they are and continue on with pursuing my dream. When you come face to face with a problem: 72. I am safe and sound. All is well. 73. Everything works out for my highest good. 74. There is a great reason this is unfolding before me now. 75. I have the smarts and the ability to get through this. 76. All my problems have a solution. When you want to do more with your life but feel stuck: 77. I attempt all – not some – possible ways to get unstuck. 78. I seek a new way of thinking about this situation. 79. The answer is right before me, even if I am not seeing it yet. 80. I believe in my ability to unlock the way and set myself free. When you can’t stop comparing yourself to others: 81. I have no right to compare myself to anyone for I do not know their whole story. 82. I compare myself only to my highest self. 83. I choose to see the light that I am to this world. 84. I am happy in my own skin and in my own circumstances. 85. I see myself as a gift to my people and community and nation. When you feel you are not good enough no matter how hard you try: 86. I am more than good enough and I get better every day. 87. I give up the habit to criticize myself. 88. I adopt the mindset to praise myself. 89. I see the perfection in all my flaws and all my genius. 90. I fully approve of who I am, even as I get better. 91. I am a good person at all times of day and night.


When you want to give up: 92. I cannot give up until I have tried every conceivable way. 93. Giving up is easy and always an option so let’s delay it for another day. 94. I press on because I believe in my path. 95. It is always too early to give up on my goals. 96. I must know what awaits me at the end of this rope so I do not give up. When you recognize how powerful, gifted, talented and brilliant you really are: 97. The past has no power over me anymore 98. I embrace the rhythm and the flowing of my own heart. 99. All that I need comes to me at the right time and place in this life. 100. I am deeply fulfilled with who I am.

Sexual Confidence Affirmations About your sexual desires Sex and desire are an extremely important part of intimate relationships among adults. Many men, however, suffer from a low sex drive, which can greatly impair the quality of any romantic relationship. This can mean either that the man no longer wants to initiate sex or that he feels little or no desire to respond when his partner initiates sex.


On April 11, 1944, a doctor named T. C. Erickson addressed the Chicago Neurological Society about a patient he called Mrs. C. W. At age 43 she had started to wake up many nights feeling as if she were having sex—or as she put it to Erickson, feeling “hot all over.” As the years passed her hot spells struck more often, even in the daytime, and began to be followed by seizures that left her unable to speak. Erickson examined Mrs. C. W. when she was 54 and diagnosed her with nymphomania. He prescribed a treatment that was shockingly common at the time: He blasted her ovaries with X-rays. Despite the X-rays, Mrs. C. W.’s seizures became worse, leaving her motionless and feeling as if an egg yolk were running down her throat. Erickson began to suspect that her sexual feelings were emanating not from her ovaries but from her head. Doctors opened up her skull and discovered a slow-growing tumour pressing against her brain. After the tumour was removed and Mrs. C. W. recovered, the seizures faded. “When asked if she still had any ‘passionate spells,’” Erickson recounted, “she said, ‘No, I haven’t had any; they were terrible things.’” Mrs. C. W.’s experience was rare but not unique. In 1969 two Florida doctors wrote to the journal Neurology about a patient who experienced similar spells of passion. She would beat both hands on her chest and order her husband to satisfy her. Usually the woman would come to with no memory of what had just happened, but sometimes she would fall to the floor in a seizure. Her doctors diagnosed her with epilepsy, probably brought on by the damage done to parts of her brain by a case of syphilis. More recently, in 2004, doctors in Taiwan described a woman who complained of orgasms that swept over her when she brushed her teeth. Shame kept her silent for years, until her episodes also caused her to lose consciousness. When the doctors examined her, they diagnosed her with epilepsy as well, caused by a small patch of damaged brain tissue. Each of these stories contains a small clue about the enigmatic neuroscience of sex. A hundred years ago Sigmund Freud argued that sexual desire was the primary motivating energy in human life. Psychologists and sociologists have since mapped the vast variations in human sexuality. Today pharmaceutical companies make billions bringing new life to old sex organs. But for all the attention that these fields of research have lavished on sex, neuroscientists have lagged far behind. What little they knew came from rare cases such as Mrs. C. W.’s. The case studies do make a couple of things clear. For starters, they demonstrate that sexual pleasure is not just a simple set of reflexes in the body. After all, epileptic bursts of electricity in the brain alone can trigger everything from desire to ecstasy. The clinical examples also point to the parts of the brain that 39

may be involved in sexual experiences. In 2007 cognitive neuroscientist Stephanie Ortigue of Syracuse University and psychiatrist Francesco BianchiDemicheli of the Geneva University Psychiatric Centre reviewed the case of Mrs. C. W. and 19 other instances of spontaneous orgasms. In 80 percent of them, doctors pinpointed epilepsy in the temporal lobe. The temporal lobe is still a big piece of real estate, though. To zoom in on the regions associated with sexuality, neuroscientists needed to scan people’s brains while they were having sex-related thoughts. But using brain scans to study sex is not easy. Most brain imaging technology works the way cameras did in the 19th century: If you want a clear picture, you have to hold very still. Even then, brain scans provide meaningful information only in carefully designed experiments. If you want to find the parts of the brain that are crucial for reading, for instance, you can’t just take pictures of people’s brains as they read; the visual cortex carries out many functions other than reading. Scientists therefore have to craft experiments that allow them to compare what happens to brains during reading with what happens when people look at random strings of letters or checkerboard patterns. The same precision is required to study sex in the brain. As a result, the first imaging studies of sex in the brain have appeared only in the past few years. Serge Stoléru, a neuroscientist at Pierre and Marie Curie University in France, published one on sexual desire in 2003. He and his colleagues showed a series of pictures and films—some erotic, some ordinary— to 15 men. To record the activity in the subjects’ brains, the scientists used PET scans: They injected radioactive tracers into the volunteers and then tracked how the tracers moved in the brain. The radioactive signal accumulated in areas where neurons became active, as their energy was replenished by the surrounding blood vessels. Eight of the men were ordinary, sexually speaking. The other seven suffered from hypoactive sexual desire disorder. People with this condition rarely experience sexual desires or fantasies. Stoléru and his colleagues found clear-cut differences between the two groups. In particular, a patch of neurons near the front of the brain—a region called the medial orbitofrontal cortex—was active in the desire-impaired men but quiet in the normal ones. Among its jobs, the medial orbitofrontal cortex keeps our emotions from getting out of control. Perhaps men with hypoactive sexual desire disorder couldn’t feel desire because their brains were keeping their emotions bottled up. Unfortunately, PET scans take several minutes to capture a single image. A lot can happen in that time, especially when sex is involved. So Stoléru and other scientists have switched to a faster method, functional MRI (fMRI), which 40

monitors the flow of blood to active neurons by measuring levels of oxygen in the brain. This technique can capture an image of the working brain in just a couple of seconds and locate areas of activity down to a millimetre or so—about one-twentieth of an inch. Using fMRI, scientists have pinpointed a number of regions of the brain that kick in when people feel sexual desire. As expected, several of them are in the temporal lobe. One of those regions, the amygdala, orchestrates powerful emotions. Another, the hippocampus, manages our memories. It may become active as we associate sights and smells with past sexual experiences. But despite what Freud thought, sexual experiences are not just a matter of primal emotions and associations. The parts of the brain that light up in the fMRI scans include regions that are associated with some of our most sophisticated forms of thought. The anterior insula, for instance, is what we use to reflect on the state of our own bodies (to be aware of the sensation of butterflies in the stomach, say, or of lightness in the head). Brain regions that are associated with understanding the thoughts and intentions of other people also seem linked with sexual feelings. Even fMRI studies are not fast enough to catch the flow of activity, however. They cannot tell us which regions of the brain become active first, which later. So Ortigue and Bianchi-Demicheli are updating one of the oldest brainmonitoring technologies. For decades scientists have taped electrodes onto people’s scalps to record their brain activity and create a readout called an electroencephalogram, or EEG. In the past this approach offered a blurry picture of what was going on in the subject’s brain. An electrode on the scalp can pick up electrical activity only after it has spread beyond the skull, getting weakened and smeared along the way. But the EEG process is fast; it can capture 1,000 snapshots a second. In recent years scientists have dramatically improved the power of EEG by writing computer programs that compare recordings from multiple locations around the head and then calculate which regions of the brain are producing the signals. These programs can home in on regions just a few millimetres across, nearly as close as fMRI. Ortigue and Bianchi-Demicheli put the improved EEG to the test by placing a set of 128 electrodes on a group of healthy volunteers and showing them pictures of people in swimsuits. The subjects then had to decide whether each person they were looking at was desirable or not and press a computer key to register their vote. These EEG recordings detected activity in many of the same regions that turned up in the early fMRI studies. But Ortigue and Bianchi41

Demicheli were able, for the first time, to observe when different regions of the brain became active, combining the readings into an extraordinary movie: On average, Ortigue and Bianchi-Demicheli’s subjects needed about 0.4 second to become aware of whether a person looked desirable or not and press a button. But in that 0.4 second, a lot happened in their brains. Some parts became active, then quiet, then active again. Other parts went through a different series of changes. Intriguingly, the pattern of neural action seen in the experiment does not follow an orderly progression from the vision-processing centres to the centres of emotion and finally to the lofty regions of self-awareness. In fact, the “higher” regions of the brain start responding and passing judgment remarkably early. Ortigue and Bianchi-Demicheli found a clear difference in the activity in people’s brains depending on whether they regarded the people in the photos as desirable or undesirable; that decision emerged less than 0.2 second after a picture was viewed. Ortigue and Bianchi-Demicheli suspect that several different parts of the brain are analysing the information coming in from the eyes and influencing the final response. In some cases the flow of information goes from the bottom up, as signals from the visual cortex and the emotional centres move to the higher regions of the brain. But the influence also goes from the top down. The higher regions may be priming the visual cortex to be more sensitive to certain kinds of information—in essence, instructing the eyes on what kind of person looks sexually desirable. The brain regions that handle self-awareness and understanding others may also be telling the emotional centres what to feel. All this happens in about half a blink of an eye, with many of the details of how it unfolds still quite obscure. Causes of Low Sex Drives There are a variety of things that can affect a man’s sex drive. One of the most common causes of a decrease in sex drive is simply aging. There are essentially three factors that drive sex drive down as we age: a decrease in testosterone, psychological changes associated with aging, and physical changes associated with aging. Pain Pain caused by the onset of arthritis, muscle soreness, or other sources can make sex unenjoyable and thus decrease a man’s desire. 42

Fatigue Fatigue or tiredness can impair sexual desire. Fatigue can be triggered by any number of factors including: physical exertion, medication, or psychological problems (like stress and depression). Surgery Men who undergo surgery may refrain from sexual intimacy because of a fear of pain or impotence or because they view themselves as sexually unattractive. Prostatectomy (removal of all or part of the prostrate) for example may not affect a man’s physical ability to be intimate but also may cause the loss of his ability to control the bladder. Thus men who experience incontinence may be fearful of losing bladder control during sexual intercourse. Alcohol and Drugs The use of alcohol and drugs (legal and illegal) can adversely affect a man’s sex drive. Alcohol for example, can cause erection problems and increase the amount of time necessary to achieve orgasm. Also, certain blood pressure, antidepressants, and diabetes regulating medications are well known to decrease men’s sex drive. Psychological Problems and Stress A low sex drive can be a product of a man’s poor emotional health. This can be caused by a number of things including: job related stress; marital or relationship problems; sexuality issues; traumatic sexual experiences (such as molestation or rape); an unwilling sexual partner (your sexual partner no longer desires sex and therefore you intern start to lose your desire as well); boredom; or possibly a belief that you are or have become physically unattractive (it’s not just women who worry about their appearance as they age - thus the new booming market for male cosmetics). Low Testosterone A decrease in testosterone production often occurs in men as they age. One of the symptoms of this decrease in the body’s testosterone levels is a decline sex drive. Along with a decrease in sex drive men with low testosterone may also experience angst, lack of concentration, and possibly hot flashes (funny enough, symptoms that are generally associated with Women going through menopause).


So what are some treatments for low sex drive? Psychological Counselling Those who suffer from low sex drive because of psychological factors may benefit greatly from therapy or counselling. For some opening up the lines of communication and addressing the emotional burdens of a relationship is all that is necessary to rekindling their sexual desires. Herbal Supplements There are many herbal supplements touted to boost sex drive and enhance men's sexual performance, but many simply don't deliver. There is, however, an allnatural supplement that backs its claims with scientific research and clinical studies: an extract of Tribulus terrestris and Ginkgo biloba called Libilov for Men. In these studies, Libilov was proven to be effective in increasing sex drive in almost 9 out of 10 men without any unwanted side effects. Find out more about this supplement for sex drive and sexual performance in health stores, and doctor’s advice.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy A severe decrease in testosterone can cause of a host of problems in men ranging from: hair loss, reduction in muscle mass; bones become more brittle and prone to breakage; and the testes may shrink. These types of severe testosterone shortages, however, are often found in younger men and are due to genetic factors, abnormalities in the testes, or problems like tumours in the pituitary or hypothalamus glands. The AIDS virus can also affect these glands and impair the production of testosterone. For men who suffer from severe testosterone problems testosterone replacement therapy may be an option. A physician may prescribe a pill, injection, patch, or a gel to help introduce testosterone into the body. Testosterone replacement therapy, however, has its drawbacks. Long term use can cause breast enlargement and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Lifestyle Changes Having a healthy life style (one that is free from drug and alcohol abuse, includes exercise, and healthy eating habits) is key to a man’s ability to maintain his sexual health.


Maintaining a Healthy Relationship With Your Sexual Partner Maintaining a healthy relationship with your sexual partner is essential to having a fulfilling sex life. This means that it is imperative that you keep the lines of communications open with one another. The simple act of talking can often alleviate a great deal of fear associated with things like: your sexual desirability; sexual performance problems; and medical conditions that may cause you to be comfortable about sex (such as being afraid of losing bladder control during intercourse). Also, being open and honest could help prevent sexual boredom from setting into the relationship. Non sexual intimacy with a partner (for example, spending a romantic evening together) , as well, can help encourage and foster sexual intimacy. Affirmations we already know are positively expressing in words, thoughts and beliefs what we honestly want and who we wish to be in our lives. Repeating affirmations over and over allows the subconscious mind to accept what we affirm as fact. Our behaviour will follow accordingly. Through affirmations we are able to think ourselves more positive, improve personal self-love, become healthier, stronger, more patient, kinder, more compassionate, more wealthier … the list is endless as we have quoted above.

Present Tense Positive Affirmations I am sexually confident I am ready to attract partner of my dreams I am open to new sexual experiences I know what my body thrills I am a proficient lover I am sexually attractive person I have a great sex-appeal I am full of sexual energy I know what I love I have unlimited sexual power I love pleasuring my partner I like to experiment in sex I love sex and enjoy it I attract into my life a suitable sexual partner I attract into my life partner of the same sex predilections

“I AM” Positive Affirmations I am a very attractive person 45

I am happy with all my sexual experiences I am a sex magnet I am filled with sexual power I am an attractive person with a very strong sexual desire I am feeling erotically inspired I am blessed with healthy sex I am full of erotic energy I am satisfied with my erection I am happy with my sexual partner I am determined to enjoy sex I am grateful for my sexual life

Affirmations for strait men Women love me Women want to be with me I am a women magnet I drive women wild I am strong and powerful I trust my instincts I offer a lot of value to women Women appreciate me Beautiful women love me

Affirmations for strait women Men love me I am a men magnet I drive men wild I am strong and powerful I trust my instincts I offer a lot of value to men Men appreciate me Beautiful men love me I attract into my life wonderful and attractive man

Increase sex drives with positive affirmations Here are your positive affirmations to help you increase your sex drive. They will work to enhance your libido and unleash your sexual desire by tapping into the power of your mind. If you take them seriously and use them on 46

a daily basis they will empower you to totally rewire your deepest beliefs and thought patterns surrounding sex. Imagine a life where you always looked forward to embracing your partner, tearing their clothes off, and experiencing intense sexual pleasure. No longer will you have to psyche yourself up, you will just naturally feel excited and ready for sex all the time. Sex will become much more enjoyable, relaxed, exciting, and fun – all thanks to the power of your mind to unleash your sexual energy! You can take control of your sex drive, just choose your favourite affirmations from the list below and dedicate yourself to reciting them for a few minutes each day, and in a short time you will experience a life changing transformation.

Present Tense Affirmations          

I am a sexually charged person I crave intense sexual pleasure I am in the mood to ravage my partner I am a sexual being I am an amazing lover I am full of sexual energy My mind and body are primed for sex I am a highly sexual person My body is tingling with sexual desire My sex drive is powerful and strong

Future Tense Affirmations          

My sex drive is increasing I am beginning to feel sexually charged My body is feeling more sexual every day My sex life is improving I am having sex more and more I will have powerful sexual experiences I will fantasize about my partner and build sexual tension I am becoming more excited about having sex I am developing a powerful sex drive I am starting to need sex all the time


Natural Affirmations          

My sex drive is naturally strong Sex is an important part of my life Sexual desire is burning inside me I just always want sex I have the kind of sex life that others could only dream of Thinking about sex and getting excited is normal My sex life is out of this world I have an intense sex drive My body is wired for sexual pleasure I enjoy thinking about sex

Some other affirmations                      

I enjoy sex I get easily excited about sex I look forward to sex I have a high sex drive I love sex I am a highly sexual person I enjoy learning new things about sex I love pleasing my partner I need sex frequently I want sex Sex is fun I enjoy trying new sexual experiences I enjoy experimenting sexually I get aroused easily I am confident sexually I am comfortable with sex I am comfortable with my sexuality I am a fantastic lover I am passionate I enjoy sex frequently I need sex frequently I enjoy an active sex life


Male Orgasm positive affirmations These positive affirmations have been specially written to help men achieve more powerful, fulfilling, and intense orgasms. Whether you just want to take your sexual experiences to the next level or you are having more serious problems with erections or ejaculation, these affirmations will be a massive help to improving your sex life. With repeated and dedicated use, they will help to reprogram your mind and remove any mental blockages which may be interfering with your sexual enjoyment and performance. An often overlooked factor, especially by men, is the sexual power of the mind. If you can get your core thoughts and beliefs in alignment with your sexual needs and desires, then nothing can stop you from being your naturally sexual and masculine self. Apply these affirmations to your life and you will unlock your sexual confidence, power, and desire. Start now and retake control of your sex life!

Present Tense Affirmations  I am a sexual man  I am sexually powerful  My body is sexually charged 49

      

I have powerful orgasms I am always ready to have sex I am always hard during sex I can maintain my erection and have multiple orgasms I always look forward to sex I am sexually confident I always reach climax

Future Tense Affirmations       

I will have a powerful orgasm I will stay hard after ejaculating I will maintain my erection for as long as I want My sex drive is increasing My masculine sexuality is becoming more powerful Having powerful orgasms is becoming easier and easier I am transforming into a powerful sexual male who is always ready for sex  I will focus on connecting emotionally with my partner to heighten our sexual pleasure  I am starting to enjoy sex more than ever  My orgasms are becoming powerful

Natural Affirmations          

Masculine sexuality is my natural birth right I have an intense sexual energy within me My orgasms are naturally powerful Staying hard for long periods of time is something I just do natural My body is naturally wired for sexual pleasure Being open to new sexual experiences is important to me Feeling deeply connected to my partner turns me on Ejaculation is the most natural thing in the world I enjoy having multiple orgasms A fulfilling sex life is a priority in my life

Enjoying Oral Sex Positive Affirmations If you are someone who has struggled to enjoy giving their partner oral pleasure, or maybe you even find it difficult to just relax and enjoy having oral sex performed on you, then these affirmations will really help you out. They will reprogram your deepest perceptions about oral sex and shift your sexual attitude 50

into a much more relaxed, pleasurable, and open state. Think about how exciting it would be to actually crave giving and receiving oral sex, to enjoy the taste of your partners body, and to experience immense sexual pleasure and ulfilment from it. This is totally possible, and all it takes is a subtle yet powerful shift in your mind. Use these affirmations on a daily basis and you will experience this shift for yourself. You will find your attitude towards oral sex changing a little bit each and every day, and before you know it you will become the kind of person who has a natural appreciation for the enjoyment of giving and receiving oral sex.

Present Tense Affirmations          

I am open to the enjoyment oral sex I accept my partner’s body and enjoy its taste I like to please my partner in whatever way I can I am confident in my body I am always excited to give oral sex My body is tingling with the anticipation of receiving oral sex I am skilled at giving oral sex I am sexually adventurous I always give great oral sex I am turned on at the thought of receiving oral sex

Future Tense Affirmations          

I will enjoy giving oral sex I will relax and accept the pleasure of receiving oral sex Oral sex is bringing my partner and I closer together I am starting to enjoy the taste of my partner’s body I will perform oral sex with enthusiasm and enjoyment Oral sex is turning me on more and more I will master the skill of giving great oral sex I am finding myself turned on by the thought of oral sex I am transforming into a sexually adventurous and open person My partner is starting to notice my new found enjoyment of oral sex

Natural Affirmations  I naturally enjoy oral sex  Oral sex is natural and normal  I love the taste of my partner’s body 51

      

It turns me on to bring pleasure to my partner Oral sex helps me to feel close to my partner I am bonding with my partner through oral sex Oral sex is a normal and enjoyable part of my life It’s important to me that I learn to enjoy oral sex Sexually pleasing my partner is a priority in my life I naturally relax and let go when receiving oral sex

Increase Sex Drive Affirmations Here are some positive affirmations to help you increase your sex drive. They will work to enhance your libido and unleash your sexual desire by tapping into the power of your mind. If you take them seriously and use them on a daily basis they will empower you to totally rewire your deepest beliefs and thought patterns surrounding sex. Imagine a life where you always looked forward to embracing your partner, tearing their clothes off, and experiencing intense sexual pleasure. No longer will you have to psyche yourself up, you will just naturally feel excited and ready for sex all the time. Sex will become much more enjoyable, relaxed, exciting, and fun – all thanks to the power of your mind to unleash your sexual energy! You can take control of your sex drive, just choose your favourite affirmations from the list below and dedicate yourself to reciting them for a few minutes each day, and in a short time you will experience a life changing transformation.

Present Tense Affirmations          

I am a sexually charged person I crave intense sexual pleasure I am in the mood to ravage my partner I am a sexual being I am an amazing lover I am full of sexual energy My mind and body are primed for sex I am a highly sexual person My body is tingling with sexual desire My sex drive is powerful and strong

Future tense Affirmations  My sex drive is increasing 52

        

I am beginning to feel sexually charged My body is feeling more sexual every day My sex life is improving I am having sex more and more I will have powerful sexual experiences I will fantasize about my partner and build sexual tension I am becoming more excited about having sex I am developing a powerful sex drive I am starting to need sex all the time

Natural Affirmations          

My sex drive is naturally strong Sex is an important part of my life Sexual desire is burning inside me I just always want sex I have the kind of sex life that others could only dream of My sex life is out of this world Thinking about sex and getting excited is normal I have an intense sex drive My body is wired for sexual pleasure I enjoy thinking about sex

Healing or Impotence Cure with Affirmations How would you like to correct your erectile dysfunction naturally by using the power of your mind? As amazing as that sounds, it is truly possible, and these positive affirmations have been designed to help you retake control of your sex life and have powerful long lasting erections. Many people often overlook the power of the mind-body connection to influence the health and vitality of the physical body, but you should know that positive thought patterns can help you to rewire your mental habits and subconscious beliefs to actually influence the biological processes of your body. By regularly conditioning your mind with these affirmations you will encourage your body to send blood flow to your penis, strengthen the tissue and muscle in the pelvis, and naturally increase your sex drive. Here they are, choose a few that really resonate with you. As silly as it sounds you may actually feel a slight tingling or warmth in your penis when you read some of these. This is a great sign, this means they are your ‘go to’ affirmations that will be the most effective for you.


Present tense Affirmations          

I am a sexually confident man My penis is strong and hard My body directs blood flow to my penis My penis has excellent circulation My erections are long lasting My partner is turned on by my hardness I am free from worry and stress I am revitalizing my penile tissue with the power of my mind I always achieve erection My penis is healthy

Future tense Affirmations          

I will cure my impotence I will relax and enjoy the sensation of becoming erect I will have a strong erection I am strengthening my pelvic muscles My penile tissue is becoming stronger and healthier The circulation in my penis is steadily improving Each day it becomes easier to have an erection My penis is becoming stronger and healthier I will live a healthy lifestyle to support my sexual functions My partner will be turned on by my natural virility

Natural Affirmations          

My penis is sexually powerful I always look forward to sex I am teeming with virility My mind is clear and free from stress during sex My erections are naturally strong I can achieve erections effortlessly I can easily let go and just enjoy sex I have natural confidence in my sexual abilities I enjoy the sensation of having an erection Erections are a natural and normal part of my life


Feeling good naked affirmations Being comfortable naked doesn’t necessarily depend on having a perfect physique. Rather, it starts with having a healthy and accepting attitude towards your body and nakedness in general. These positive affirmations will help you to develop this positive mind-set and become someone who naturally and effortlessly feels good naked. Imagine being totally in the moment when sharing your body with your partner, without worrying or being distracted by any awkward feelings. Or how about being the kind of person who is completely comfortable sunbathing at a nude beach, and doesn’t even think twice about something like taking a communal shower at the gym. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have that kind of carefree confidence? These positive affirmations will help you to overcome deeply held insecurities and negative beliefs about your body. They will train your mind to see nakedness as totally natural and normal, and you will have the secure confidence in your body that allows you to just relax and enjoy life. We believe that your body – regardless of age, shape, or size – is a beautiful gift to be celebrated and enjoyed, and we think that after reading these affirmations, you will too!

Present Tense Affirmations          

I feel good naked My body is beautiful just the way it is I confidently share my body with my partner I am comfortable being naked around others My lover enjoys my naked body I am confident in my naked body My body is a beautiful gift of nature I am at ease with my nakedness My body is attractive I am totally relaxed when naked around others

Future Tense Affirmations       

I will feel good about my naked body I am starting to enjoy being nude with my partner I will develop confidence in my naked body Being nude is starting to feel more natural and normal I am finding it easier to just relax and share my body with my partner My confidence in my body is improving I am noticing that I feel more relaxed and at ease when naked 55

 Each day I feel better and better about my naked body  I will feel secure when naked  I am developing a deep acceptance of my naked body

Natural Affirmations          

Being naked is the most natural thing in the world I enjoy being naked I have an attractive body I love sharing my body with my partner I completely accept and love my body Feeling good naked comes naturally to me I am the kind of person who is totally at ease in the nude Being naked around other people is easy for me I have full confidence in my naked body My partner loves and appreciates my naked body

Supplement Meditation for a Mind Blowing Sex Amazing sex may seem like an unlikely benefit of meditation, but let's just say that mindfulness may do much more for you than Viagra in the bedroom. For too long, meditation has been associated with religion, asceticism and monks, which is why it has taken us this long to get around to exploring its effects on sex. 56

It was a student at the School for esoteric Studies who inspired this article. He came to me many, many years ago, after a full year of twice-a-day meditation and said, "You joked once before about meditation making my sex better, but what's happening for me is crazy. I need answers." Animalistic, raw and mind-blowing were the most memorable adjectives he then used to describe his new found sexual prowess. He continued, "It feels crass to say, but my sex life has been stunning. 'Meditation' and 'primal sex' aren't an expected fit, but now I'm a believer." He told me that since the first week of taking a course in meditation in relation to sexuality, he noticed not only that he was able to last much longer during intercourse, but also told me that he felt more control over his orgasms, had way more energy, and more of a sex drive as a result. So why does meditation make you better for sex? Well, let's consider context first. Many of us are stressed out, whether from work, our relationships, money, and a whole host of other reasons, circumstantial and otherwise. Stress increases cortisol and adrenaline levels, and these increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline decrease sexual desire and performance (among other negative effects). Well, I am sure you've heard that meditation is an incredibly powerful stressreducing tool. Therefore, it stands to reason that meditation can increase sexual desire and performance by reducing cortisol and adrenaline levels. Now that that's under our belt, let's look at the top five ways meditation can improve your sex life: 1. Meditation gives you deep rest, which means more energy for sex. "Not tonight honey, I'm tired!" How many times have you felt like fatigue been your excuse for not wanting to have sex? You're not alone: exhaustion is one of the most common reasons couples don't have as much sex as they would like. According to a recent study by the National Sleep Foundation, about one in every four married or cohabitating Americans claim they're so sleep-deprived that they're often too tired to have sex. When you meditate you give your body rest that is deeper than sleep which helps you feel more awake afterward. This jolt of energy may be just what you need after work to energize you for adult playtime. 2. Meditation decreases stress, which means better orgasms for man and women. Increased cortisol levels can prevent female orgasm and cause erectile dysfunction. According to a recent study, women whose cortisol levels exceed a 57

certain amount can become physically incapable of orgasm. Think about it: do you feel aroused when you are stressed out? Probably not. There is a reason why almost every civilization since the beginning of time has some sort of mating ritual before sex. Things like a nice dinner, champagne, oysters and music can help set the mood and relax you for sex. The more relaxed you are going into the act itself the more likely you are to enjoy it and therefore climax. Men are not off the hook. According to Dr. Nelson E. Bennett, MD, an erectile dysfunction expert at the Lahey Clinic, "Stress, fear, anxiety, worry, and frustration cause your body to release adrenaline which constricts your blood vessels, and that is bad for getting a good erection." Meditation moves you out of fight or flight and into stay and play. Within a few days of starting a meditation practice adrenaline and cortisol levels drop. Your brain will start producing more dopamine and serotonin which are bliss chemicals. This bliss chemistry in the brain helps to increase your sexual appetite and increase the intensity of orgasm. 3. Meditation makes you more present, and less distracted. Most of us have an over developed left-brain. The left brain's job is to review the past and rehearse the future. This can keep us trapped in a past/ future thought cycle and rob us of the ability to be fully present in the right now, which is the only time an orgasm can happen. The right brain is in charge of present moment awareness and this is the part of the brain that meditation takes to the gym. The longer we meditate, the more brain cohesion and neuroplasticity we create which balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain. So the result of this is more attention, awareness and computing power for the task at hand. And depending on what you and your partner(s) are into it may take quite a few hands. Nobody likes a distracted lover. 4. Meditation helps you stop looking to your partner to complete you. "You complete me" are probably the most damaging words to come out. No one can complete you. No partner, job, degree or number of zeros in your bank account can complete you. Your happiness exists in one place and that is inside of you and it exists in one time and that is right now. If you do not have a meditation practice or a means by which to access that happiness, then you tend to look externally for fulfilment. If you are looking to your partner to "fill you up" spiritually or physically then you will always be disappointed as nothing external has the capacity to give you access to your 58

bliss. Happiness is an inside job. If you are 80% fulfilled then the relationship will be a place to deliver that fulfilment, not somewhere to get the missing 20%. 5. Meditation might make your partner think you are psychic. If you haven't heard about mirror neurons yet, get ready. Scientists say that mirror neurons are going to do for psychology what DNA did for biology. Think of mirror neurons like tiny boomerangs emitted from your brain that go and dance with your lover's mirror neurons and then report back. Mirror neurons allow you to "intuit" what your partner is feeling. They are why you cringe if you watch someone getting hurt. Mirror neurons are one of the reasons porn is a billion dollar industry. Simply watching someone else being pleasured can create pleasure in your brain. Well, get this: meditation increases mirror neuron functioning. This fact, coupled with the fact that you'll be more relaxed and present, will probably mean you'll be a far more intuitive and generous partner. So before you reach for the little blue Viagra pill why not resolve to learn a meditation practice? I recommend finding a technique that was made for people with busy minds and lives instead of a style made for monks. (I also recommend getting real training from a teacher you respect before you decide if you like meditation or not). With the right technique (and the right teacher), it really can be easy — and oh so fun.

A Sexual Meditation Technique Sexual meditation is a way to heighten awareness of the body to increase pleasure during sex. Regular sexual meditation, either alone or with your partner, can increased feelings of intimacy and pleasure during sex. Preparation Talk to your partner about meditation. Meditation can be a healthy way to better your sex life. Have a discussion with your partner about why you want to try sexual meditation.  Discuss the benefits of sexual meditation. Good sex requires that you are fully aware of your body. This allows you to better experience sensation. Meditation teaches you to practice mindfulness and awareness, resulting in you experiencing more pleasurable sex.  Couples who engage in sexual meditation often feel closer to one another. Engaging in meditation can allow you to become more aware of your partner's body, enhancing sexual activity.  Prepare to clear your mind. Once you've decided to engage in sexual meditation, you need to prepare to clear your mind. Select a quiet place, free from distractions. Dim the lights in your bedroom or living room and 59

remove any electronic devices, such as phones, televisions, and laptops. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature. If it's too cold or too hot, this might be distracting.  Pre-meditate. Once you prepare to clear your mind, you need to engage in pre-meditation. This is a ritual that allows you and your partner to begin to turn your awareness inward. You and your partner should each close your eyes. Then, try to maintain awareness of your surroundings. Pay attention to your body, your breath, and try to block out other thoughts and simply focus on the present moment. When you feel ready to meditate, tap your partner's knee. If he or she does not open his or her eyes, take this a signal that your partner is not ready to begin meditation. If your partner taps you knee before you're ready, keep your eyes closed as well. Engaging in Meditation  Get in the right position. Once you and your partner are done premeditating, you need to get in the right position for the process. You can either lie down or sit up with your legs in the lotus position, depending on your preference. Ideally, you should take your clothes off before sexual meditation.  Keep your spine straight, whether you are sitting or lying down, with your arms by your sides. Rest your arms loosely in your lap if you meditate in a seated position. Keep your chin up and your head aligned with your spine if you are seated.  Focus on your space and breathing. As you begin the meditation, focus on your space and breathing. Take deep, soothing breaths and pay attention to air entering and leaving your body. Try to be aware of yourself and how you feel. Take stock of how the air feels around your body, how all your different body parts feel from your hands to your feet.  Visualize your body. As the meditation starts, visualize your own body. Think about how your body looks inside and out. Try to visualize your body's internal energy. Use your imagination. Visualize different colors of sexual desire. That is, imagine your sentiments in abstract shapes, colors, and sounds. Let your imagination run wild.  Focus on your partner . Once you're done visualizing yourself, shift focus to your partner. Try to think about him or her.


Feel around your body. Take stock of your breathing and your partner's breaths. Face your partner and look into his or her eyes. Glance at the movements of his of her body. Try to communicate with your partner via expression. Try to use your face, hands, and eyes to show your partner what you are feeling. Watch your partner's expression. Try to see what he or she is feeling as well. Try to be as aware of your own body and the sensations you're feeling as possible. The goal of sexual meditation is heightened awareness, which can lead to increased sexual arousal.  Move into sexual intercourse. After about twenty minutes of sexual meditation, transition into sexual intercourse . If intercourse is more enjoyable after sexual meditation, talk to your partner about regularly engaging in sexual meditation.  Try Taoist sexual meditation. Once you've tried basic sexual meditation, try to move on to more complex forms. Taoist sexual meditation is a form of meditation that focuses on you and your partner merging desires. You start Taoist meditation by holding your partner and trying to merge your breathing. That is, match the pace of your inhaling and exhaling. Keep going until you breathe as one. Pulsing is another form of Taoist sexual meditation. Gently open and close your partner's hand or massage the wrist in a smooth, gentle rhythm. This helps your partner relax and increases a sense of togetherness. Fully engaging in Taoist sexual meditation requires time and dedication. You'll need to familiarize yourself with the eight principles of Taoism and practice mindfulness and meditation on your own regularly. If you're interested in Taoism or Taoist meditation, talk to your partner about taking classes on the subject together. With professional guidance, you can learn how to embrace Taoism as a couple and engage in Taoist sexual meditation.  Learn about tantric sex. Tantric sex is a form of meditative sex where you use meditation to enhance your senses during intercourse. Sex becomes a form of meditation. A variety of meditative yoga practices can help you engage in tantric sex. If this is something you or your partner is interested in, try checking out a book on tantric sex from a library or taking a course on the subject together.


About the Moderator: Philippe L. De Coster, B.Th., D.D. joined Sundial House, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK team in 1971: Michael Eastcott and Nancy Magor. He represented together with Tilla Grenier (Brussels) the two French sections of the Meditation Group for the New Age, and Creative Meditation Group, also called the French Section. When Tilla Grenier died the two groups moved to Ghent, and was assisted by François Geldof for the distribution of the booklets of both groups. In 1970 De Coster was awarded with a certificate of Unity School of Christianity, Lee’s Summit, Missouri for his knowledge, the course being of 62

a metaphysical character covering the fundamental principles of the teachings of Unity and their applications in redeeming the mind and healing the body. As the studies were “extra muros” it lasted almost ten years. We may desire and will, but we shall do so vainly if we imagine or fear ourselves to be unable. Our imagination and our thought must tend in the same direction as our desire and will. Hypnosis has also uncovered much about the nature, capacity and depth of the unconscious in recent years, but this is not for the average seeker to pursue. We may need help occasionally in handling problems arising from the unconscious, but it remains our responsibility, our charge, and not to be handed over the dominance of others. The “I” should always remain the conscious director of its components parts



Contents Affirmative Self-talk A Summary How and why positive affirmations in self-talk work How recorded voice affirmations work The Science of Thought affirmative tenses (Present, Future, Natural) How to use affirmations Meditation with your affirmations Sleeping and/or relaxing with your affirmations Active visualisation with affirmations/ Anytime affirmations How often to use affirmations How to write affirmations that really work Step One, and get started Step Two – Write your affirmations in the positive Step Three – Write you affirmations in the now Step Four – Be yourself Step Five – Write your affirmations with passion and feeling Step Six – Don’t get caught up in the “How” Step Seven – Affirm your current successes as well! Step Eight – Feel free to write affirmations about anything Step Nine – Lots of affirmations, or just a few? Step Ten – Enjoy yourself Step Eleven – Three more tips on how to write affirmations that are supercharged? Positive Affirmations in Motivation and how to do it? Present tense affirmations; Future tense affirmations; Natural affirmations Law of Attraction affirmations Brain training affirmations Dreaming affirmations Metaphysical and psychic affirmations Psychic powers development positive affirmations Meditation yoga techniques and positive affirmations Yoga meditation naked, and Yoga naked meditation technique Telepathic positive affirmations Creativity positive affirmations Positive affirmations for writers Artist’s positive affirmations For artist-photographers One-hundred general affirmations Sexual confidence affirmations: About your sexual desires 65

1 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 22 24 26 27 28 30 32 32 34 38

Causes of low sex drives; pain; fatigue; surgery Alcohol and drugs; Psychological problems and stress; Low testosterone So what are some treatments for low sex drive? Psychological counselling. Herbal supplements Testosterone replacement therapy; Lifestyle changes Maintaining a healthy relationship with your sexual partner, and affirmations in sexuality, and for strait men and women Increase sex drives with positive affirmations Male orgasm positive affirmations Enjoying oral sex positive affirmations Increase sex drive affirmations Healing or impotence cure with affirmations Feeling good naked affirmations Supplement: Meditation for a mind blowing sex (five steps) A sexual meditation technique About the moderator of Science of Thought Group Contents

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